program inactive when turning off screen - Touch HD General

Dear all,
I've encountered the following:
I'm a twitter addict and set my client to update the timeline every 5 minutes, but it doesn't (several clients tested) while it's running in the background of WM 6.1. I think it has to do with shutting down the screen, which makes programs temp inactive. Could this be a reasonable explaination? This would explain why my tweets are not updated. It's impossible to leave the screen on, ofcourse, because this would drain the battery. How can I solve this issue (turn off the screen, but keep program active)?

You might try installing Schaps Advanced Config and play with the power management settings. Most of them should be enabled. You might see if disabling some of them may fix the issue. I disabled PPTP to allow my HD to stay connected to my server while screen off.


[PROBLEM] WiFi turns on by itself

I have strange problem lately ... WiFi turns on by itself. When I manually turn it off ... after sometime (may be 30 minutes or hour, sometimes less) when I look at my HD I see that it started looking for WiFi Not only annoying message with list of WiFi access points pops up, but this also drain battery.
I did not install any WiFi or connectivity relates application lately. Also I did not accidentally press WiFi button to turn it on
This is driving me crazy !!! Need help
See if ActiveSync is also "on".
If so then the issue is probably ActiveSync trying to to a scheduled sync operation.
You can turn this off by setting up a dummy activesync account and then turning off the activesync scheduler.
Thanks for quick response. Nothing changed in my ActiveSync settings. ActiveSync scheduler says "Manually". I do not have dummy AS account, but never had problems with AS. I sync only when plugging HD into USB. Any ideas ?
Start the TASK MANAGER and go to "PROCESSES" post your running processes here... maybe there is a virus
Koffein Schluck said:
Start the TASK MANAGER and go to "PROCESSES" post your running processes here... maybe there is a virus
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Come on ... April 1st is over

Push Email and Touch HD

Im in a dilemma right now. I absolutely love my touch hd so far but am at a crossroads. I need reliable push mail from my gmail account to my mobile... but so far reliability doesnt seem possible. Would appreciate any sort of guidance.
Im trying to have my gmail send all my mail to my thd device as quickly as possible. I cant afford to wait for it to arrive with a lag of say 10 minutes. It has to be as instantaneous as possible.
The problem with THD i find is that when the display is turned off, the data connection is also turned off. So the next sync only occurs when i turn on the display. When display is turned off... no emails. Ive tried tweakHD in an attempt to keep data connections always turned on, but no luck. Im not sure i set it right though.
Can reliable push mail be achieved on my thd? Should i move over to a blackberry device? (considering blackberry storm) Any help would be appreciated.
Iangohye, the answer is yes...I had this issue for a long time before solved. The long and short of it is, at least for me, it was a power management problem. I needed my exchange mail, but as soon as I put the phone in standby, it would disconnect the data connection, and would not reconnect until I turned the screen back on. What would happen is, while in standby, my data connection would connect and then something would cause it to immediately disconnect. Some power saving feature. Try this first:
1) Go to programs->phone->menu->options. At the bottom of the screen you will see tabs. Tick the "data" tab and see if the box "disable data connections when device enters sleep mode" is checked. This was unchecked for me so clearly not the issue. Some people, for whatever reason, do not have this option. If you do, and it is not checked then see the next step below, if it is checked, uncheck it and see if that solves it for you.
2) To check whether there is a power saving feature within your power management causing the disconnect in standby go to settings->personal->sounds and notifications. Set a sound for data connection established and data connection disconnect. Set your mail to sync in an interval such as 5 minutes. Put your phone in stadnby (screen off). Once the screen is off, you should hear the data disconnect sound. After five minutes you should hear the data connection established sound and then immediately hear the data disconnect sound. If this is the case.....
3) Install Schaps Advaced Config. Tap his "Power Management" option. In the drop down options, disable all of the power management options and set "AC resuming from suspend" and battery resuming from suspend to 60. Soft reset. Establish a data connections, and put the phone in standby. If your data connection stays on, go through each of the power management options in adavanced config and enable or disable each until you find which one is responsible for leaving your data connection active. The reality is, there are only a couple of options there that cause it, but for the sake of confusion, I would go through them all. Also, for your purposes, I'm not sure whether setting AC and Battery resuming from suspend to 60 is necessary, but I do it anyway.
This is what solved it for me and I hope the same for you.
Hi Sean3
thanks for the help, ive done everything you told me to and it seems like its working as i hoped it would so far.
lol saved me the trouble of switching phones
Blackberry works great.

Screen lock -> internet hangs

When i lock the screen (s2u or default mode) with the button on top, the internet also seem to hang. My phone is configured to download my mails every 15 minutes, but it does not work until i unlock the screen. Anyone knows how to solve this problem? Using the default ROM.
This is common. For many, their HD comes with certain power management features enabled. In short, your HD likely disconnects from the internet when you put your phone into standby as an attempt to conserve battery power, which is why your email doesn't check until you wake the phone up and it reconnects. I believe this is your issue. If your handy with a registry editor try this: HKLM\Comm\PPTP1\Parms\DisablePowerManagement DWORD=1. Then exit the registry and softreset.
Or you can install Schapps Advanced Config and disable PPTP under his "Power Management" drop down.
Hope this helps
I've checked that setting, but it's already on 1. I think i already disabled it a while ago, when i tried to fix this issue.
Might be a stupid question on my part, but in phone settings do you have a data tab? For one reason or another, some do some don't. You may already be aware of this so please bare with me if you do, but there is a box in that tab that gives you the option to disconnect data in standby. At least there was for me on the default rom.
Another thought is to install Schapps Advanced Config, and under power management, instead of disabeling only PPTP, disable all of them and see if your data connection remains active in standby. If it does, then you can go back and enable each one until you find the culprit. It may also be helpful to assign a sound to "data connection established" and "data connection disconnected" under settings "Sounds and Notification" so at least you can hear a sound when your data disconnects in standby and also count how many seconds it takes to do that. There is also a timeout setting in the power management for battery power and AC. You might want to see if those help. In the past I set both to 60.
Also HD tweak has a setting that allows you to keep your data connection on "always". If it stays on doing that then at least we know it wasn't a power management issue.
Last thought: is there perhaps some software or a lock program you have installed that might be causing this?
I'm out of ideas. It seems like something simple that I'm not thinking of. If I do, I'll post it.
Always on mode does not solve it, will try the other program. Thanks for the help!
edit: nothing seems to solve it. I guess i will try to update to WM 6.5 custom rom, what is the most used version? (i'm new to custom roms)
rensariens said:
Always on mode does not solve it, will try the other program. Thanks for the help!
edit: nothing seems to solve it. I guess i will try to update to WM 6.5 custom rom, what is the most used version? (i'm new to custom roms)
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Most used wm6.5 roms would be Miri's and Duttys

[Q] Wi-fi doesn't turn off

The problem is that Background Data and Sync ignore the wi-fi policy meaning that the settings to disable wi-fi don't actually disable wi-fi, they just block applications from using wi-fi. The OS can still use it and it still drains power.
That basically means you can never disable wi-fi unless you go in and change multiple settings. The wi-fi policy when the screen is off is useless. Any toggle wi-fi widget you put on the page don't work.
Manually refreshing gmail shows 'no connection' - browser wont connect. But the OS can still get your email and download attachments. Relegating any wi-fi policy to a 'user stop function', not a 'data stop function'.
I have a toggle wi-fi widget on my home screen. I have wi-fi toggled off (also shows as off in settings) I *just* saw the widget flick on for a second, then flick back off. That's the Background data/ sync kicking in right there and that's my whole point.
Another point - if you have disabled wi-fi then turn it back on, it should be looking for the router and getting an IP address. It doesn't do that. When you turn it back on all it does is enable applications to connect. Meaning, when you disable it (via settings>disable wi-fi or disable wi-fi policy) all it does is make the software think you're not connected. It doesn't actually disconnect from the router.
It still shows in your routers wireless list (which it shouldn't if it's disconnected) and ping test will fail because it will refuse any incoming/outgoing requests that aren't from the OS (background data / sync)
If you wait for the background data/sync to connect, you can then ping your tablet and it will work. A security issue as far as I'm concerned.
UPDATE | May 05
An update. I can confirm that the wi-fi will never turn off for me. I have toggled it off and put it in airplane mode and I will still get email notifications.
Under battery power it even still shows wi-fi as taking 4% even though by all settings it is off.
The gmail application shows 'no connection'. If i refresh it, nothing happens. If i turn the screen off, eventually it will sync/connect and I will get email - even though I also have the wi-fi set to off when the screen is off.
So to sum-up - wi-fi never turns off. Ever.
You can help by testing!
Disable wi-fi
Set the policy for wi-fi to disable when screen is off
Go to home screen
Turn off the screen
From another location, send yourself an email
Wait for notification on your tablet or wait for about 5 minutes
Turn on your tablet, email should be waiting for you.
UPDATE | 12:15pm
On the phone with acer support and they confirmed this is the case. They started to explain about Background data and Sync and I stopped them right there. This isn't a settings issue, this is an OS/Hardware issue.
Going to the next tier.
UPDATE | 12:30pm
Everything is confirmed with tier 2 and for what it's worth, it'll be pushed further down the chain and looked into.
I had to clarify with them that the issue was with the OS/Hardware and it's not software. If the wi-fi is disabled and I can go into gmail and it show 'no connection' and i hit refresh and it wont get email, then open the browser and it tells me I'm not connected, then the software thinks the wi-fi is off.
The problem is that the wi-fi isn't off as far as the OS is concerned. It is still draining power and Background data/ Sync are still able to connect (and/or override your settings). This shouldn't be the case. The wi-fi setting should superseed all other settings. If i set the wi-fi to off, it should be off for everything and not be draining power. To me this means that the disable wi-fi setting doesn't actually disable the wi-fi, it just locks out software from using it... which is *not* disabling it.
Same issue here, have to get a widget to turn of the wifi. How can they oversee such simple things?
Also sometimes the power button just randomly lights up when its in sleep mode, it's a small light but very anoying if it's dark in the room (e.a on your bed stand).
Okay - Good to hear it's not just me then. But not so good in general.
If you're reading this thread, try it out. Set the wi-fi to disabled when the screen is off then email yourself from another computer and wait for the notification on your tablet. Or get a friend to email you a minute or so after you've turned your screen off (with wi-fi disabled on screen off)
You can reset the policy after.
If you get the notification then your wifi didn't disable while the screen is off like the setting is supposed to do.
mine is NOT giving me issues, but I have found that it can take up to 10 minutes for the wifi to go off. I just used ping to test it. In some cases it took a while but did turn off. My battery doesn't really go down at all when in standby with wifi off when screen off.
sgdossey said:
mine is NOT giving me issues, but I have found that it can take up to 10 minutes for the wifi to go off.
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Updated OP
gammaRascal said:
I've set the wi-fi to disable itself when the screen goes off but unless I disable sync and background data, the wi-fi still stays on when the screen is off and I can hear my email/IM notifications still.
Anyone else have this issue?
I mean, I think it's an issue. If you set the policy to disable wi-fi when the screen is off in the OS it should override any apps - I shouldn't THEN have to go and disable sync and background data as well otherwise whats the point?
UPDATE | May 05
An update. I can confirm that the wi-fi will never turn off for me. I have toggled it off and put it in airplane mode and I will still get email notifications.
Under battery power it even still shows wi-fi as taking 4% even though by all settings it is off.
The gmail application shows 'no connection'. If i refresh it, nothing happens. If i turn the screen off, eventually it will sync/connect and I will get email - even though I also have the wi-fi set to off when when the screen is off.
So to sum-up - wi-fi never turns off. Ever.
You can help by testing!
Disable wi-fi
Set the policy for wi-fi to disable when screen is off
Go to home screen
Turn off the screen
From another location, send yourself an email
Wait for notification on your tablet or wait for about 5 minutes
Turn on your tablet, email should be waiting for you.
UPDATE | 12:15pm
On the phone with acer support and they confirmed this is the case. They started to explain about Background data and Sync and I stopped them right there. This isn't a settings issue, this is an OS/Hardware issue.
Going to the next tier.
UPDATE | 12:30pm
Everything is confirmed with tier 2 and for what it's worth, it'll be pushed further down the chain and looked into.
I had to clarify with them that the issue was with the OS/Hardware and it's not software. If the wi-fi is disabled and I can go into gmail and it show 'no connection' and i hit refresh and it wont get email, then open the browser and it tells me I'm not connected, then the software thinks the wi-fi is off.
The problem is that the wi-fi isn't off as far as the OS is concerned. It is still draining power and Background data/ Sync are still able to connect. This shouldn't be the case. The wi-fi setting should superseed all other settings. If i set the wi-fi to off, it should be off for everything and not be draining power. To me this means that the disable wi-fi setting doesn't actually disable the wi-fi, it just locks out software from using it... which is *not* disabling it.
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Hi, I just ran these tests and unfortunately I can't reproduce your results.
When I disable wifi, I don't have any data connection.
As for wifi sleep, I don't know if it's a bug or intentional but it seems to put wifi into an extremely low power mode, but not necessarily disable it or turn it off when using the sleep policy.
As someone mentioned somewhere in this thread, it looks like wifi has some sort of 'cooldown' period until it turns the chip and process off completely.
I have used Wifi sleep and played Pandora and had Pandora play for hours until it finally disconnected.
The problem is that Background Data and Sync ignore the wi-fi policy meaning that the settings to disable wi-fi don't actually disable wi-fi, they just block applications from using wi-fi. The OS can still use it and it still drains power.
That basically means you can never disable wi-fi unless you go in and change multiple settings. The wi-fi policy when the screen is off is useless. Any toggle wi-fi widget you put on the page don't work.
Manually refreshing gmail shows 'no connection' - browser wont connect. But the OS can still get your email and download attachments. Relegating any wi-fi policy to a 'user stop function', not a 'data stop function'.
I have a toggle wi-fi widget on my home screen. I have wi-fi toggled off (also shows as off in settings) I *just* saw the widget flick on for a second, then flick back off. That's the Background data/ sync kicking in right there and that's my whole point.
Another point - if you have disabled wi-fi then turn it back on, it should be looking for the router and getting an IP address. It doesn't do that. When you turn it back on all it does is enable applications to connect. Meaning, when you disable it (via settings>disable wi-fi or disable wi-fi policy) all it does is make the software think you're not connected. It doesn't actually disconnect from the router.
It still shows in your routers wireless list (which it shouldn't if it's disconnected) and ping test will fail because it will refuse any incoming/outgoing requests that aren't from the OS (background data / sync)
If you wait for the background data/sync to connect, you can then ping your tablet and it will work. A security issue as far as I'm concerned.

[Q] Blank green screen on resume from lid down?

Hi, I have Windows 8 Pro 64 bit on a Toshiba Portege R830 (Core i5) laptop.
My problem is that if I lock the screen and shut the laptop lid and leave it for a while, when I reopen the lid the screen is all green but otherwise completely blank apart from the mouse pointer (which does respond to the mouse/touchpad ok), and there's no way to unlock the screen to get the system working again that I can find. I have to long-press the hard power button to force a power off, then re-boot from cold. Everything works after that until the next time!
I do have a screen saver enabled (Electric Sheep), but after a few restarts the screensaver is disabled too. Also I have the power profile set up to do nothing on shutting the lid (i.e. no standby or power down) when plugged in to the power.
Does anyone have ideas how to resolve this? I figure that whatever's disabling the screensaver is also causing this behaviour, but I could be wrong too.
Has this problem recently bugged you or was It present since when you installed windows 8?
I'd say it's been on and off since Windows 8 was installed (RTM Box version, clean install -i.e disk-reformat). When I re-enable the screensaver it seems to behave for a while, but then when the problem reoccurs, the screensaver also seems to gets disabled (which I never do myself).
Sounds like hibernate or standby isn't working on your system. Check for a firmware update. Try disabling hibernate. You'd also lose fast boot, since it's tied to hib.
Hibernate disable: Win-X, run Command Prompt Admin. Enter powercfg /h off
Check available sleep states: powercfg /a
Also, try powercfg /energy for an energy diagnostic.
Portege R830 BIOS version 3.90_160 - 2012-09-12
* EC/KBC V1.60: Improved standby stability.
* EC/KBC V1.60: Modified the power supply error detection method.
>I have the power profile set up to do nothing on shutting the lid
Lid-close action is separate from inactivity. System will still go into standby or hib unless specifically disabled.
I have a laptop pretty similar to yours. I have the portege r835-p56x
I have had this problem but did you check event viewer. I know that some if the drivers will cause certain problems.
The only problem i have is if I leave my computer for awhile, it locks itself and I don't even have it set on that setting.
To add extra info about my setup in regard to your problem, I don't have the screen saver enabled but I have hibernate enabled.
Sent From My YP-G1 running ParanoidAndroid beta 2
goldflame09 said:
I have a laptop pretty similar to yours. I have the portege r835-p56x
I have had this problem but did you check event viewer. I know that some if the drivers will cause certain problems.
The only problem i have is if I leave my computer for awhile, it locks itself and I don't even have it set on that setting.
To add extra info about my setup in regard to your problem, I don't have the screen saver enabled but I have hibernate enabled.
Sent From My YP-G1 running ParanoidAndroid beta 2
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There are two things you can do with the lock screen - you can prevent it from appearing on startup with a group policy change and you can prevent it from locking the system automatically after 1 min (this is the windows default)
To prevent the lock screen from appearing at startup:
press Windows+R (the Run command) and type GPEDIT.MSC
navigate to Computer Configuraton\Control Panel\Personalization
Look at the setting for "Do not display the lock screen" and set it to your preference. It takes effect on the next reboot.
To prevent the Lock Screen from locking the screen after 1 minute of inactivity there's a hidden power setting for the Display you can change in the registry. See this post on the Windows Eightforums:
I found a simpler way. Might not work for you, but, my little sister had the problem. So we looked on every website we could find. I finally gave up, then had the idea to restart the computer using the restart button instead of force shut down. Guess what. It worked...

