Hi folks,
As I don't have WiFi yet, I'd like to know why I can't update my Touch Pro 2 via ActiveSync to the internet. I've tried everything. I'd like to update all kind of apps., QuickGPS, Weather, SPB etc.
In ActiveSync I've tried the different connection settings and still no go.
has anyone experienced this problem?
So, problem is no connection to the internet via ActiveSync on the Touch Pro 2.
Kind regards
hello people
i´ve got a problem with my Activ Sync...
If i want to connect my wizard with my Notebook nothing happend.
i don´t know what´s the problem, because at the beginning there are no problems, but after a hard-reset there´s no connection.
Sorry about my english, it isn`t very good (i´am german ! But I hope someone helps me ...
Here are some informations about my system: Win XP with Active Sync 4.1 and a VPA compact 2 :?: :? [/b]
I have had similar issues with ActiveSync before, and usually what you will end up doing is reinstalling the ActiveSync version that you have on both your laptop and your Wizard. Are you getting any messages at all when you dock your device? Does ActiveSync display a message saying "Trying to connect" or "Looking for device"?
the problem was a hub. i had a hub between the wizard and the laptop. without the hub the connection is possible and the problem isn´t there.
but on my desktop, (no hub between desktop and wizard) there´s the problem still existing. the desktop try to connect and search a connection, but... there isn´t any connection...
Troubleshooting ActiveSync is a pain, isn't it? OK, I have a couple of things you can try...hopefully one of them will work...
1. If you have a firewall running (and yes, believe it or not Windows firewall can even be an issue), it needs to be configured to allow ActiveSync applications to work. For that, you'll need to consult the software provider's manual or their web site. Most of them have already identified this as a problem.
2. If you have partnered to this desktop before, make sure that the partnership names haven't changed. In other words your laptop is calling your wizard by the same name as your desktop.
3. Are you running a home network? I think I saw this in another post here, that VPN clients can be an issue because the computer is viewing your mobile hookup as a network connection. Uninstalling the clients can sometimes provide the cure.
I hope that this helps.
please ensure you have XP Service Pack 2 on both machines.
I have done as best a search as I can of this forum but I have not found an answer to my problem.
I have an O2 MDA mini S and until recently all was well and I had no problems at all using Internet Explorer to connect to the internet through my WLAN. However, last week I had to do a hard reset and rebuild the machine. Since then Internet Explorer will not connect through the WLAN and gives the following message. “Cannot connect. Ensure your phone is turned on and correctly configured…..” WLAN is working fine, AvantGo updates over it as does SBSH Pocket Weather. PIE will connect via GPRS but when at home why pay O2 good money! I have tried various things in the connections, network cards and Wireless LAN folders. This is becoming very frustrating and if anyone out there can offer help or advice I thank you in advance and will be most grateful!!!
Hi all,
I set up my Trinity to also check my hotmail account. Ofcourse, when I do this outside the confines of my home Wifi network, the P3600 automatically connects to hotmail via my UMTS connection.
When I'm on the road I don't mind this, but when I'm at the office, where there is no wifi, I would like to use the connection my PC has to the internet. I was thinking about using BT for this but don't know if this is possible at all...
Anyone with suggestions?
I don't think this is possible via Activesync, but if possible I would like to avoid the use of it anyway...
Thx for any suggestions!
if connected to activesync one is connected to the network of the pc with activesync
unless steps have been made on the pc, pda or office network to block it
i surf with bluetooth connection to activesync all the time
Likewise i use the USB active sync connection to connect to the internet on my Trinity, and Alpine as well. The only restriction, as mentioned, is that if the PC has limited access rights then so does the PDA.
Hey thanks Rudegar & deedee, I didn't know this actually
So simple and obvious, but I never tried it out
Guess I'll have to install Activesync on the [email protected] too then....
Hi All,
I'm trying to Sync my 3600i through the wifi in my house into my laptop. I've managed to connect to the internet on the 3600i through wifi, but I can't seem to find the wifi connection option in ActiveSync. Can anyone give me a step-by-step? Thank you!
some people mentioned that ms removed the option from activesync
The internet on Touch HD does not work over Activesync bluetooth connection. There is no problem over Activesync USB connection.
I use Windows 7. Tried to disable windows-firewall and COMODO-firewall, no result. I also tried to reinstall bluetooth stack (toshiba), no result as well.
It synchronizes with my laptop, but i can't reach Microsoft Exchange server because no internet is found on the device.
There was no such problem before i made hard-reset on the device.
Does anyone know how i can fix it?
Thank you!
settings->connections->connections->advanced-Select network
choose my network or whatever it's called on your setup rather then my isp
or whatever it's called on your setup then it use bluetooth activesync to access network
Thank you! But it did not worked...