Trouble getting wifi and gprs connections to behave - Touch Cruise 2 General

I've got a Touch Cruise 09, having upgraded from the original Touch Cruise. With that old phone, I had it configured (somehow) to use a Wifi connection as default, but if there was no current wifi connection it would initiate a data connection to my cell provider. That way, when at home or work I could manually connect to a wifi AP then browse the net, download email, etc over that connection, but when I was out and about it would start a data connection.
But with this new Touch Cruise, I can't get it to use wifi for syncing email. Even if I have a wifi connection, it initiates a gprs data connection. (This works, but it costs me). It does however behave like the old phone for browsing the net using Opera.
So basically, how do you assign what connections different programs use? The whole My Work and Internet concepts have always confused me on WM/WinCE devices, but I suspect its something to do with that.
BTW, I'm using MS Windows Live to do the email syncing... I've got a hotmail email address. But I can't find anywhere in the Win Live setup to specify the connection.
Anyway, thanks for any help!

Is it that you do not want to use your data connection at all? Because if that is the case you can use a program called "NoData". On my phone I just use my WiFi connection and no GPRS or any other kind of data connection (I am a cheap ass user).

Nope, I want to use wifi for when I'm at home, and cell phone data fro when I'm out and about.
At the moment it ALWAYS initiates a cell data connection, even if I'm at home and have a working wifi connection open.
My old phone used the wifi if it was there, or would then start a data connection. The new one doesn't.


GPRS Question

GPRS is new territory for me. I'm planning to apply for a GPRS acct with my telco
I'm afraid that once I've configured the settings for internet via GPRS from my telco, it will always use GPRS whenever I want to connect to the internet.
How do I switch back to normal mode when I'm at home and accessing the internet thru ActiveSync?
On my EXTENDED_ROM, there is a file called vodafone.CAB which will configure my phone with Vodafone settings (I'm with Vodafone). Whenever I run that file (after a hard reset), I cannot access the internet via ActiveSync. Everytime I run PIE, it always defaults to GPRS.
I don't know how to switch to use internet via activesync once I'm on the GPRS plan and then switch back to GPRS when I'm not at home.
If you are concerned about it using GPRS once you are connected to ActiveSync you could always switch to flight mode. Not ideal, I admit, if you use your phone alot and don't like it being turned off.
I had two profiles on mine, one GPRS and one dial up. Even when I set the default to the dial up (CSD) it still tried to use GPRS. Fault with my pocket PC only? maybe. What was strange was that even after I deleted the GPRS profile and soft reset it still was using GPRS! I had to hard reset in the end.
So, I would backup your pocket PC before installing the GPRS profiles.
If you have a large bandwidth then it probably won't matter to you but if not I would definately install a bandwidth monitor as you may also find that some apps you install may also try to periodically get internet access.
The problem with Windows Mobile 2003 is that you can't seem to tell it to ask you first. Microsoft seem to think that you either want GPRS on permanently or don't use it at all. I am sure there are a lot of people out there who just want to use it from time to time. If an app wants internet it just goes and gets it!
Having said that, even with CSD, it will still dial out when it wants. To get around that problem I created 2 profiles, one of which doesn't have a userid and password. I set the default profile to the one without userid. That way if something tries to get internet access it first asks the user to enter their userid and password - in effect it safeguards against a rogue dial out.
I personally don't use GPRS as I found out that my CSD access will use my free minutes. Since I hardly use my phone for voice calls I may as well make use of the free minutes for internet access.
Ok did some searching around ppcsg, apparently you can turn off GRPS by pressing the RED button (the disconnect talk button) and holding it for a few seconds.
Or use this tool
Question is whether once the GPRS is turned off, will internet access be automatically be directed to the ActiveSync connection (assuming I'm connected via ActiveSync)
To use internet via AS you should configure 'my work network' correctly under the 'connections' settings. The 'my isp' connection is meant for dial-up & gprs access to the internet.
Sadly can't tell how to do it in detail as my magician is my wireless modem & at work the connection isn't allowed. Maybe the help files are of any use in this.
Cheers, M
yes, mine, just automatically uses my internet connection thro' my PC with AS, but as soon as I disconnect from my PC, my Qtek switches over to GPRS.. which is pretty cool.
dood, care to share how you achieve this?
I suppose the question is, if you are connected to a PC which is on the internet, why would you want internet access on the Magician anyway? Why not just use Thunderbird or other web browser?
Outlook will sync the inbox for e-mail when connected via activesync...
The joy of surfing the net while watching TV lying on the bed..can't really do that wth a laptop..too heavy

Using only Wifi

How do you select what network connection to use? 99% of the time I only ever want the phone to connect to the internet over Wifi (or bluetooth/cable connection to the computer) and not using Cingular's network. There is the occasional time that I would like to enable that but most of the time I want to only use the Wifi. Where can I set so it doesn't connect to Cingular accidentally (say if I'm out of Wifi range or hit the wrong button) so i don't get large data charges?
In connexion option set default internet connexion as "my work network" and privat network default as "my work network" as well.
So lemme just confirm something - unless I configure server settings on the a HTC TyTN (using stock rom) on the Cingular network - it will not be able to use Cingulars network right? The only time I will be able to access the internet with the phone is over wifi, bluetooth connection (or USB) with an internet enabled computer. Otherwise the internet will not function and I will not be charged data charges correct?
I don't really ever find myself using the internet on a phone when I'm away from home so I can't justify the expense of the data service but I work on a few websites that I'd like to look good on a cellphone so that's my main reason for wanting internet access on it - so while I'm at work I can log into the wifi system and test the site while I'm tweaking the code.
Am I correct in assuming that I shouldn't be charged under this situation?
Hi, I'm on Vodafone and I made the changes fun_key posted without noting down the original settings. Please can someone tell me what the default settings are for internet connection and private network connection. Thanks

Switching off GPRS

Hi is there anyway of switching GPRS Off wuithout turning the phone off?
I want to be ablt to use wireless at home however it constantly switches to GPRS - driving me mad. I have a 1gb allowance on my GPRS but i use that for my pushmail for office mails.
I would like to be able to surf at home usig WIFI, when doing this is there a setting (not connection manager) that can turn GPRS off when i am using WIFI?
If you set your WiFi connection as connected to the Internet instead of Work, and in the network adapters setting (settings, connections, network cards, network adapters tab) set that your network card connects to the internet, once you establish an internet connection with WiFi, it should kick your GPRS connection off. On my phone GPRS still tries to connect once in a while for some reason, but never does, since the WiFi internet connection just keeps kicking it off.
abc123MDA said:
Hi is there anyway of switching GPRS Off wuithout turning the phone off?
I want to be ablt to use wireless at home however it constantly switches to GPRS - driving me mad. I have a 1gb allowance on my GPRS but i use that for my pushmail for office mails.
I would like to be able to surf at home usig WIFI, when doing this is there a setting (not connection manager) that can turn GPRS off when i am using WIFI?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
rassah's method is more professional than mine and better perhaps. I'm lazy so I just go to connections button below on/off button and then tap off the GPRS via button that looks like a PDA with two arrows. If GPRS tries to reconnect there should be a popup if you have wifi on that allows you to cancel it's reconnection. This does not disable the phone.
thanks - i will try this - do you know if this will affect the dirct push mail?
Just thought this may help, found it on Modaco.. Works a treat, just toggles gprs data on and off... Very easy and works
Not sure how OK it is to post links to other forums but as it is free software I guess I should be OK...
superb application - especially usefull when roaming
Just what I needed, going overseas next month, I don't want to use any data while there.

Convince Windows Live to use WiFi

Hi all,
maybe someone has a solution that does not involve totally disabling GPRS...
Every other app (TwitToday, Active Sync, Pocket IE, Outlook, GPS update, etc pp) prefers the WiFi connection over existing GPRS/EDGE connection, except Windows Live Sync/Messenger: Both of them constantly ignore the WLAN and instead open a GPRS/EDGE connection...
How do I force it (or, if easier, the whole OS) to only use GPRS then when no Wifi is available?
I achieved this by making everything use Work uses GPRS when no WiFi is available only.
On the subject (not wishing to hijack the thread though) I have a similar issue. All apps work fine through wireless, however Windows Live (Messenger etc) launches and connects to GPRS/HSDPA/EDGE when a wifi connection is not present, but then errors with a "no connection" message. All other apps work fine in GPRS/EDGE/HSDPA mode but this...ideas?
Doesn't work
When I say in the Connections control panel that all apps should use something other than E-Plus Web (either My ISP or My Work Network), then MSN whines about connectivity problem.
When I leave it at work network and disconnect wifi, I get system error with all internet using apps - it "can't connect with the current settings".
So, I have to leave the "connect to the internet using..." to Eplus Web... then, all apps, including Pocket IE use WLAN if available, but only MSN still connects GPRS :/
Any idea? Why does f***ing MSN not offer what connection to choose, if it can't obey the system settings?

Disallow mobile connections

is there any possibility to disallow your win mo device (touch hd) connecting to the mobile internet even if you for example click on "send/receive" in mail? The only way to stop this that I found out is switching off phone in com manager...
I use wm 6.5 by miri.
By the way my mail program even wants to connect to mobile internet if I've wifi switched on - and mobile internet is quite expensive for me...
Do a search for "NoData", this will install a wee utlility that will enable you to disable your GPRS connection, thus leaving the phone on but no data.
I solved this by setting that only "my" network group of connections was allowed to connect to the internet and in that group I put all my WiFi access points and hotspots.
Everytime I flash my rom though, my phone is quick to waste a couple of € by autoconnecting before I finish setting everything up.
I solved this by setting that only "my" network group of connections was allowed to connect to the internet and in that group I put all my WiFi access points and hotspots.
Everytime I flash my rom though, my phone is quick to waste a couple of € by autoconnecting before I finish setting everything up.
Nodata won't fonction on my device (Rhodium), it crashes when I start it.
Any idea why?
I've got CF 3.5 installed on my device.
In any case, I travel a lot and I have no use for data on the cellphone network so I haven't set it up at all.
I'm assuming my phone won't find which server to use on it's own right?
Why don't you just remove the internet connection settings if you NEVER want to connect?
Oh wait -- you just said you do not have it set up at all. Now I am confused. Does your phone still establish a connection DESPITE the fact that you do not have it set up (no apn etc)?

