Switching off GPRS - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Hi is there anyway of switching GPRS Off wuithout turning the phone off?
I want to be ablt to use wireless at home however it constantly switches to GPRS - driving me mad. I have a 1gb allowance on my GPRS but i use that for my pushmail for office mails.
I would like to be able to surf at home usig WIFI, when doing this is there a setting (not connection manager) that can turn GPRS off when i am using WIFI?

If you set your WiFi connection as connected to the Internet instead of Work, and in the network adapters setting (settings, connections, network cards, network adapters tab) set that your network card connects to the internet, once you establish an internet connection with WiFi, it should kick your GPRS connection off. On my phone GPRS still tries to connect once in a while for some reason, but never does, since the WiFi internet connection just keeps kicking it off.

abc123MDA said:
Hi is there anyway of switching GPRS Off wuithout turning the phone off?
I want to be ablt to use wireless at home however it constantly switches to GPRS - driving me mad. I have a 1gb allowance on my GPRS but i use that for my pushmail for office mails.
I would like to be able to surf at home usig WIFI, when doing this is there a setting (not connection manager) that can turn GPRS off when i am using WIFI?
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rassah's method is more professional than mine and better perhaps. I'm lazy so I just go to connections button below on/off button and then tap off the GPRS via button that looks like a PDA with two arrows. If GPRS tries to reconnect there should be a popup if you have wifi on that allows you to cancel it's reconnection. This does not disable the phone.

thanks - i will try this - do you know if this will affect the dirct push mail?

Just thought this may help, found it on Modaco.. Works a treat, just toggles gprs data on and off... Very easy and works
Not sure how OK it is to post links to other forums but as it is free software I guess I should be OK...

superb application - especially usefull when roaming

Just what I needed, going overseas next month, I don't want to use any data while there.


GPRS or WiFi priority

Got my Jasjar today and very happy with it. I am in and out of a LOT of Wifi zones daily so was wondering if there is a way, when WiFi and GPRS are both on and im in a WiFi area all net connections use WiFi not GPRS/3G if both are active.
I did a test and it seemed my messenger program was still using the GPRS connection when on the WiFi Network.
I need to get a proper answer - but I have discovered this.
I walked home from work the other day on MSN using 3G.
I arrived home, and the unit picked up my WiFi signal and connected.
I then dropped the phone (radio) link using the control panel.
The MSN connection remained active, and I remained on WiFi even when bringing up the phone radio again. WiFi was definately being used in this instance.
I wasn't able to tell whether or not this would work WITHOUT turning the phone part off and back on again.
Yeah that is whats happening here. I put on GPRS monnitor and set it to watch the GPRS connection only and hit my WiFi spot, even when wifi was connected it was still using the GPRS to send/recieve internet data. If I then turn off GPRS the it carrys on as if nothing had happened on Wifi.
With the cost of mobile Data these days it really should always default to a connected WiFi connection if its available and not the GPRS/3G connection.
I suppose a utility that disconnected GPRS when a WiFi connection becomes active would effectively do this as once you are out of the WiFi spot GPRS would be initiated to make connection.

Connection preference settings

I have had a search to see if this has been covered before but maybe I am using the wrong query.
I have an O2 Exec with the latest O2 Rom, and now when I do an email send and receive, the GPRS connection stays up. Whereas I could have sworn in the earlier ROM it disconnected after the send/receive.
I spoke to O2 and they assured me that it is supposed to do that, and since I only get charged for actaul data transfer, I can sit connected to GPRS all day for free (is this correct).
Now, my main question is. Say GPRS is up and connected, and I turn on WIFI or plug into my PC using the charger/sync cable and then do a send and receive. Will the Exec use these free connections or still route data over the GPRS?
I did a test and it looked as though when I did this, the GPRS connection was shut down, as after a send/receive and then disable WIFI, the connection setting showed a large U and not the connected icon.
I am now sitting with a GPRS connection active, email is set to manual and I have Pocket Weather set to 'Auto update on connection' and 'Auto update on Active Sync', but 'Use connection manager' is disabled as is 'Force a connect when not available'.
Should this mean that no data is used at all and that I can sit connected at no cost.
Sorry for the long rambling post, but I am a complete newbie to all this GPRS pda thing.
related question - how to stop gprs connecting automatically
My wifi router at home is dodgy and sometimes the signal drops - this means my exec switches over automatically to GPRS (I'm not in a 3G area) and starts whacking up a big data bill before I realise. Is there anyway of getting it to ask me if I want to connect to GPRS - rather than it just telling me thats what its doing? Can't turn the phone off cos I still need to receive calls.
I did think of just scarmbling my connection settings, but now I've upgraded to the latest O2 rom the connections settings page does not show any existing connections! (I also can't get TomTom to run at all now but I guess I'll work through that one :-( )
I believe this is what you are looking for. Y
ou can set which connections programs use for thier internet access in Settings -> Connections -> Connections -> Advanced, Select Networks.
Choosing My Work Network or My ISP should stop programs sucking up your money.
Thanks PReDiToR I've tried that but it then gives me a 'cannot connect' popup instead of using the wifi - it seems as if there has to be an accessible gprs connection for it to ignore before it will try wifi :-o
What does everyone else do? Maybe you're all rich or the company pays for your data?
Any luck yet with the GPRS / WiFi issue?? I have got the sam
webbyfoot said:
Thanks PReDiToR I've tried that but it then gives me a 'cannot connect' popup instead of using the wifi - it seems as if there has to be an accessible gprs connection for it to ignore before it will try wifi :-o
What does everyone else do? Maybe you're all rich or the company pays for your data?
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Any luck yet with the GPRS / WiFi issue?? I have got the same problem
EDIT: Hey I've just read what I've written below and its exavctly what Preditor suggested - funny didn't work when I tried ........ I guess it was because I was trying 'My ISP' without gprs settings - which complained - whereas 'My Work Network' without gprs settings allows the wifi to connect ... :?
I've now got a workaround for this - means going through the menus every time I DO want GPRS data - but thats rare till I get a better contract which will have to wait till my 12 months with O2 is up in November.. web'n'walk sounds good - unlimited gprs :-o - (could T-Mobile really tell when I was using my XDa as a modem for my laptop - which is forbidden in the terms of this contarct - and when I was just usng data for its own programs - which is allowed ??)
Anyway what I do is settings>connections>advanced>Select Networks> choose My Work Network for programs connecting to the internet. I have no gprs settings in My Work Network but it connects to wifi no problem.
So when I forget and I'm out of wifi range I get an error that it can't connect, so change the setting back to 'MY ISP' and GPRS kicks in.
A Today Screen shortcut to the Network Management screen would help - but I'm almost always using wifi so I haven't bothered.

At home, GPRS vs. Wi-Fi

Apologies, and I know this is a stupid question, but when at home with my htc tound pro, with WiFi on, and connected, why do I need the phone on too for the WiFi to work,...?
Also, when both are on and working, which system is used, i.e., the SIM card connection or the WiFi connection,...?
WiFi I pay a flat monthly rate for unlimited data, with the SIM card I am on a fixed amount of data transfer per month,...
Thanks for listening,
You may be using an application that is not Wifi aware. So, it demands a GPRS/EDGE/3G connection. So - in effect - it's not actually using the Wifi connection.
If you can use the application with Wifi on, and phone off - it's Wifi aware. (Meaning it can utilize Wifi).
If you can't use the application without the phone being on - it's not Wifi aware or has not been configured to use the Wifi.
What application are you having issues with?
thanks for getting back to me,... WM Professional 6.1 and the Internet Explorer program when going on to the web,... i'm just wondering which systems does the phone use when both are functioning,... am i using the gprs from my SIM card or am I using the wi-fi in my home,...? and why do i need the phone turned on to use the wi-fi in my home,...?
thanks again,...
you can see if it's using gprs on the icon for signal str if it's showing animations
it's using gprs
otherwise it's using wifi
if you set
settings-connections-connection-advanced-select network to my homenetwork
it dont use gprs
did you set the gprs settings to your gsm provider?
i would prefer wifi over gprs/3g anyday unless if your home internet is extremely slow ( <300kbps). the battery life would be almost equal so why not a faster connection?
Rudegar said:
you can see if it's using gprs on the icon for signal str if it's showing animations
it's using gprs
otherwise it's using wifi
if you set
settings-connections-connection-advanced-select network to my homenetwork
it dont use gprs
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I'd like to understand how WM decides which network to use when it has a choice e.g. HSDPA and WiFi. I've looked at the settings mentioned above and I currently have Internet using Contract Internet (HSDPA) and Work using WiFi as the WiFi networks I connect to are firewalled and privately addressed.
What settings should I have to ensure that when I have the choice of WiFi and HSDPA (at home) I use WiFi, and when out and about I use HSDPA?
Everytime an application wants to connect to the net:
- If wifi is connected and GSM isn't, it uses Wifi
- If wifi isn't connected, it tries connecting to GSM and will use that.
- If both are connected - we don't really know what happens.
When you're at home, check that GSM is not connected (no little E, G, 3G or H on the signal bar icon, disconnect it if connected), turn on wifi, wait until the arrows have stopped moving on the Wifi icons, and now you can launch the program that wants to connect to the net, and it will use wifi.
If at this point you get a popup about the phone connecting to GSM data again, then there's a connectivity problem on your Wifi and the device can't reach the net through it.
You might want to install Modaco Nodata, it allows you do disable automatic connection to GSM so that you can be sure it doesn't connect when you don't want it to.
mine never use gprs when it have wifi
I have a Touch HD and I can make things work fine by manually turning off the data connection then turning on WiFi in the comm manager when I'm at home or vice versa when I'm out and about.
I would have thought win mobile 6.1 would have been a mature enough OS to allow this to be configured automatically. This and Opera are my only outstanding issues with the HD.
Strange. I can easily shut my phone off, enable wifi & browse fine.

The WIFI without the GPRS (3g)

I need some help about my htc hd.
I want to ensure that, then i connected to internet via WIFI, my GPRS (3g) is not connected.
How can i disable the 3g GPRS connection, and enable WIFI only
Thanks a lot!!!
No Data will allow you to stop data connection.
so now if i closed my Orange network, the WIFI should work?
It is still doesnt work, do you have any idea how to configure it?
ygrunin said:
so now if i closed my Orange network, the WIFI should work?
It is still doesnt work, do you have any idea how to configure it?
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Course it will there seperate
All you do is block Orange connection when you want and unblock when needed
This program doesn't help me , because even i close it the GPRS still work.
But than i take the SIM from the phone, or turn off the phone feature, the internet connection is unavailable.
I think that all problem that was in some topics about the WIFI speed , is because of they used the GPRS internet and not the WIFI.
So , there some more complexive problem with internet WIFI in HTC HD.
Just try to take out the SIM and than surf in internet with WIFI? There is no way!!!!!
the connection icons on the top of the screen clearly show which data connection is active
the manual describe the meaning of all the top screen icons
settings->connections->connections->advanced-select network
pick my home network or whatever the non isp connection is named on your phone
and all data connections when there is no wifi or activesync connections to get free network from will fail with an error == you will never get a grps connection again
before you turn it back to my isp or what it's named on your device

wifi instead of 3G gprs

When i'm home i've connected my HD2 to wifi. When i'm using programs who use a dataconnection (f.i. opera) how do i make sure these programs use wifi first if available and use 3G GPRS when there's no wifi connection available?
Simple, make sure that data connection is off when you are at home, turn wifi on, login to your router at home and you can be sure that all apps are going to use wifi instead of data connection over 3G.
When your data connection over 3G is off and you start any app which requires (let me call this) `data transfer` - your data connection over 3G will turn itself on (3G has higher priority than Wifi and has been set-up as default).
From other point of view - when you turn on any data connection (over WiFi or 3G) and than lets say Opera, Opera will work under this particular connection. Example : You turned data connection over 3G on, than Opera, than Wifi. Turn 3G off and try to do any action with Opera (ex. link click, whatever which requires transfer of data) you will see data connection over 3G turning itself on again (even if there is Wifi still available).
Thanks for yor answer. Is it possible to change the priorities with a registry adjustment?
You only need MoDaCo NoData.
You can easily turn off every data connection with it. WiFi stays on tho.
I always use that tool when i dont want data conn to be on.

