Maybe Android will really compete now? - G1 General

I had always felt Android was a little held back because the CEO of Google was on the board of directors of Apple but not anymore....
I wonder if this means Android will get more features that may had been held back?

DynaMight said:
I had always felt Android was a little held back because the CEO of Google was on the board of directors of Apple but not anymore....
I wonder if this means Android will get more features that may had been held back?
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I'm not a director at Google or Apple, but I think I can safely say that it wasn't a case of shared directorate members causing the Android team at Google to leave features out. In other words, it wasn't like Eric Schmidt one day showed up at the Android building and told the engineers there to leave a bunch of features out because Apple said so. The rumors that multitouch was omitted due to Apple's insistence are probably just that-- rumor.

jashsu said:
I'm not a director at Google or Apple, but I think I can safely say that it wasn't a case of shared directorate members causing the Android team at Google to leave features out. In other words, it wasn't like Eric Schmidt one day showed up at the Android building and told the engineers there to leave a bunch of features out because Apple said so. The rumors that multitouch was omitted due to Apple's insistence are probably just that-- rumor.
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Multi-touch was officially added BEFORE he resigned from Apple's Board.
I think there was just too much conflict of interest for him to be effective as a board member.

Android still has a long way to go really before it can really compete at the sharp end. Its maturing at a rapid rate though thanks to its open source nature but to many that can be a double edged blade...
Enterprise users want total security and useability. Only recently we've had VPNs but the data going in/out of the G1 isn't encrypted as far as I'm aware unlike say on the BlackBerry I believe. We now have Exchange support but I don't know how robust it really is since I don't have an exchange server to test it on.
As for the multi-touch stuff, it is rumour but then I've read that somehow Apple won the patent for it, which is as ridiculous as Sega winning the patent for "alternate views in a 3D space".
Things are developing fast though considering Android's conception and hopefully in a year or two it will be mature enough on all levels.
EDIT: Just announced that Android has been ported for MIPS devices! You do have to register though. At the moment it is for private users only but soon it will be made public. Why is this good? Because Android could be used in multimedia set-top boxes, VoIP hardware products, and GPS devices.
However after reading up on ARM, they are set to compete in the "smartbook" range pretty soon which should be interesting. ARM is very good in terms of energy efficiency but then not many native apps are compiled with ARM support Vs say x86 with Intel's ATOM... I'm going off on a tangent ^_^;;

Android now also runs on the new Zii EGG and it seems pretty nice.

NeoBlade said:
As for the multi-touch stuff, it is rumour but then I've read that somehow Apple won the patent for it, which is as ridiculous as Sega winning the patent for "alternate views in a 3D space".
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Ok, the patent they won related to multitouch has very specific gestures patented. They haven't patented the hardware, the concept, the idea at all. Just specific gestures, and as this informative article describes, a competitor would have to violate ALL of the parts of their claims in order to infringe on their patent.

I'm trying to figure out, the Zii Egg is just a handheld computer right? Nothing else really?

Rayman0625 said:
I'm trying to figure out, the Zii Egg is just a handheld computer right? Nothing else really?
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It's a PMP. It's similar to the iPod Touch, PMP plus apps, wifi, etc.

Ahhhhh! Thank you, that's what I was thinking it was. I might pick one up but I really enjoy zunes for music needs and with the Zune HD coming out.

vr24 said:
Multi-touch was officially added BEFORE he resigned from Apple's Board.
I think there was just too much conflict of interest for him to be effective as a board member.
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really? if it was officially added, why doesn't anyone have it yet? or anyone have it working yet?

Apparently multi-touch was added into the Donut branch update.

interesting. I've had multitouch working on my browser and gallery for months now.

kusotare said:
interesting. I've had multitouch working on my browser and gallery for months now.
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your phone is all hacked out though...
but feel free to post a video showing

Rayman0625 said:
Apparently multi-touch was added into the Donut branch update.
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Google is going to disable though. They said they will not officially support multi-touch yet.

Oh, yes, all hacked out. Rooted with a custom rom. WHOA. Wait, what? A custom theme too? OH GOD! A recovery image that allows me to nandroid backup? HOLY CRAP! Apps to SD? STOP THE PRESSES!
Time to complete that whole transformation on a brand new stock G1: 24 minutes...including download time. By the way, did you know that almost every single one of the custom roms on this forum opens up MT? So its not just me, theres hundreds of us that have it.
Oh, and seeing as MT is already available for root users, something tells me they're not just going to randomly pull it unless its causing serious problems.

kusotare said:
interesting. I've had multitouch working on my browser and gallery for months now.
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How did you get MT in gallery? Does it com with the ROM youre using? Can it be ported to other ROMs?
I've had MT in browser sometime ago but disabled it since I found out I wasnLt using it (too slow to reflow text) but gallery is another thing, I see it much more usefull to have MT.

1. It's on my rom.
2. Yes.
3. You'd have to ask the developer.


Nexus, W7 Phones, and Irony

Does anyone find it ironic that nearly all HTC phones that are launching as part of the W7 campaign are essentially N1's loaded with w7.
All first gen snapdragons, they all share the N1 styling/materials.
Hopefully we can dual boot w7 due to the similarities. =D
I don't think they are but, I need to see a side by side. I thought most of the new w7 phones had better specs then the n1. But, of we have the best community of any phone out. That is why Google needs to make another dev phone it don't need to be called nexus two......
Check out engadget's front page, mozart,shobert,surround, trophy
Not terribly impressed with the W7 OS. From a UI standpoint, I could see the home screen getting very cluttered and I'm not sure if they have any sort of folder management system either to alleviate that. The multitouch zoom and kinetic scrolling in IE looked fluid but not having text reflow hurts. The Bing app was nice, as was the XBOX Live integration which is cool if you're into that but everything else was very meh. Didn't look awful like previous versions of WinMo but nothing that blew me away either. Still well behind Android and iOS even.
WP7 seems very solid in terms of how it is being handled. I love this quote:
All Windows 7 phones will get updates at same time. Carriers don't get to block. (IOW, this ain't Android)
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I wish Google had the balls to do that.
Paul22000 said:
I wish Google had the balls to do that.
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Kind of reminds me of my favorite writer online: MG Seigler of TechCrunch
He really is the voice of the people and calls out Google for folding to the carrier demands like a guy with no confidence that gets walked all over by the hot girl (the carriers) that dont care about anyone else but herself
Here is a great article by MG Seigler on Andy Rubin making excuses for Google folding to whatever the carriers demand so that they can stay in bed with the enemy carriers:
Google really needs to grow a pair and take control of Android. A carrier holding out an OS update just so they can force up to purchase a new phone might be the norm but that doesn't mean its right or should be tolerated by Google
Google, by definition, can't control android, do you poeple not understand that?
JCopernicus said:
Google, by definition, can't control android, do you poeple not understand that?
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Damn straight.
JCopernicus said:
Google, by definition, can't control android, do you poeple not understand that?
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That's weird I wonder why I even got heated in my post above
I mean hell... thats the whole reason why I got the Nexus One! to not have to deal with carrier games anymore
You meant to say that they cant control android but wield a mighty big stick with gapps didnt you? I tried cm without gapps, pretty much cuts the nuts right off the little android leaving it ineffectual.
in-ef-fec-tu-al adjective 1 Weak. 2 Without satisfactory or decisive effect. 3 Powerless, impotent. 4 Insufficent to produce the desired result.
MS does something right for once in the smartphone arena. Can't we just give credit when it's due?
Text reflow? As far as I know even in CM I have to double tap the browser page to get it to reflow.
The UI looks sweet as hell and not having to worry about carrier tied updates?
I really didn't like the W7 UI, no place for wallpapers and that it's a very negative thing for me
It had a very nice style IMO. I doubt I'll move from my N1, but it's definitely gonna be an interesting game here on out.
ap3604 said:
Kind of reminds me of my favorite writer online: MG Seigler of TechCrunch
He really is the voice of the people and calls out Google for folding to the carrier demands like a guy with no confidence that gets walked all over by the hot girl (the carriers) that dont care about anyone else but herself
Here is a great article by MG Seigler on Andy Rubin making excuses for Google folding to whatever the carriers demand so that they can stay in bed with the enemy carriers:
Google really needs to grow a pair and take control of Android. A carrier holding out an OS update just so they can force up to purchase a new phone might be the norm but that doesn't mean its right or should be tolerated by Google
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So do you think you can just build AOSP and dump the result on any phone? No, it has to be tailored per-phone.. What changes there are between phones I wouldn't know, not a rom cook, but I suspect the complexity/time needed ranges from trivial to impossible (HW limitations).
So therefore, Google is not going to build, test, and deploy a build for every Android phone ever made. The carriers have NO INCENTIVE to support older phones.. They have gotten better about this, but they still have no reason to do it honestly, it's not like other industries where hardware sales lose money (printers, game systems, many others) and therefore they need to stretch the users experience with the hardware to the max. Phone sales net the carriers extended contracts and money.
JCopernicus said:
Google, by definition, can't control android, do you poeple not understand that?
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Actually they can, very easily:
Carrier/Manufacturer: Hey Google, we're going to release a phone with Android 1.5, replace your search with Bing, add some crap-ware, and remove a bunch of useful Android features!
Google: Oh really? Too bad your Android phone won't have Gmail, Google Maps, Google Talk, YouTube, Google Syncing, OR the Android Market!
Carrier/Manufacturer: Hmm...​
Paul22000 said:
Actually they can, very easily:
Carrier/Manufacturer: Hey Google, we're going to release a phone with Android 1.5, replace your search with Bing, add some crap-ware, and remove a bunch of useful Android features!
Google: Oh really? Too bad your Android phone won't have Gmail, Google Maps, Google Talk, YouTube, Google Syncing, OR the Android Market!
Carrier/Manufacturer: Hmm...​
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Verizon doesn't seem to care. This does work though it's how android took off. However, not having gapps is more detremental to Google than carriers. At this point in the game android can survive without native Google applications.
khaytsus said:
So do you think you can just build AOSP and dump the result on any phone? No, it has to be tailored per-phone.. What changes there are between phones I wouldn't know, not a rom cook, but I suspect the complexity/time needed ranges from trivial to impossible (HW limitations).
So therefore, Google is not going to build, test, and deploy a build for every Android phone ever made. The carriers have NO INCENTIVE to support older phones.. They have gotten better about this, but they still have no reason to do it honestly, it's not like other industries where hardware sales lose money (printers, game systems, many others) and therefore they need to stretch the users experience with the hardware to the max. Phone sales net the carriers extended contracts and money.
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So basically you're justifying carriers holding off hardware updates so that people can dump their 6 month old phone for a new one just to get from 2.1 to 2.2?
That's BS and you know it.
Android gets a new version every other month, and if they do this and leave older users in the dark with carriers blocking updates, Android is NEVER going to be real competition to iOS.
Hardware is just another BS excuse. 2.2 runs fine on even the HTC Dream.
mynameisjon said:
Android gets a new version every other month, and if they do this and leave older users in the dark with carriers blocking updates, Android is NEVER going to be real competition to iOS.
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Android sold more units in Q2 2010 than iOS, so surely its already real competition?
Is just me or is one of the biggest faults with android the various phone form factors that make it impossible to standardize any accessories? Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want to be locked into a single phone running android but it seems the phone manufacturers could maybe design their phones so they have common ports for accessories. I guess we are lucky we at least got a desktop and car dock. Even cars are coming with iphone, ipad docks, you'll never see an android dock.
JCopernicus said:
Google, by definition, can't control android, do you poeple not understand that?
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Google, from a business perspective, doesn't need to control android.
its not its number one priority. yes it could try to twist the carrier's arms, and yes most would fold, but even if only 1 of the big 4 refuses to fold and stops carrying android devices google losses.
google doesnt make money off of android. it makes money off of ads. it just wants you to watch the ads through its portals. you might say they lose that when carriers choose bing over google, but really most of the ads (in apps, around the web) are controlled by google because google owns the online ad market. in fact, they will make money off of the spread of windows 7 phones as well. they entered the mobile business just to make sure neither apple nor microsoft could cut them out of the mobile internet user base and therefore limit the number of users viewing their ads.
btw we are in the nexus one section of xda, which by definition means you cant complain about waiting for updates and carrier and manufacturer crippling. (ha! see what i did there?)

Blackberry 4g Tablet Dual Core!

Sorry if it is off topic but a 4g blackberry tablet with a dual core processor what do you guys think
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BlackBerry? That's unexpected.
aph said:
BlackBerry? That's unexpected.
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It's been known for a while now. Well, except Sprint officially carrying it. But um, who'd want a RIM product? iOS, Android, and WP7 are going to have the most support by both developers and community.
Award Tour said:
It's been known for a while now. Well, except Sprint officially carrying it. But um, who'd want a RIM product? iOS, Android, and WP7 are going to have the most support by both developers and community.
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Yeah, I did some research and it was supposed to be WiFi only and/or allow tethering to an existing BB phone to power the tablet.
Smart of them to change their minds, they would not be able to compete without data. 4G can't hurt.
idk it is a blackberry and running their os. could be drama in the long end, but if the hardware is in there for 4g, that makes me believe that you could set it up as a phone with a dialer... could be a combo of old school meets new school.
a Blackberry tablet ...
... who was the fool at Sprint who green-lighted backing this hot mess? RIMs target audience and the typical tablets target audience aren't even close to the same focus groups ... a square peg/round hole failure. Has RIM ever competed in the home user space? Apple at least has worked in that arena, Google clouds absolutely everything, RIM does ... well ... email.
I predict failure here.
looks nice probably be nice for corporate email? I just do not want a tablet tied to contract and do not want some just no name tablet.
From what I hear there's no built in support for calendar or email - those features won't work unless tethered to a blackberry. The os is actually supposed to be pretty impressive though.
Sent from my blah blah blah blah
The tablet looks well built..i hate blackberry os, but i would consider rocking this. I signed up for alerts.
Justin.G11 said:
a Blackberry tablet ...
... who was the fool at Sprint who green-lighted backing this hot mess? RIMs target audience and the typical tablets target audience aren't even close to the same focus groups ... a square peg/round hole failure. Has RIM ever competed in the home user space? Apple at least has worked in that arena, Google clouds absolutely everything, RIM does ... well ... email.
I predict failure here.
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To answer that question I'd have to say yes! I love that there is this huge envisioning by the tech world that BB is only used by businesses.
BB may not do nearly as much marketing and focus on non-business users, but I can say that 35-45% of my friends have a BB as their PERSONAL phone. Not because all of the "business" advantage, but because BB makes attractive, ergonomic, simple to use phones and people do buy them. Not to mention brand recognition, how many people do you know that wouldn't know what "blackberry" is?
Now ask that same person about "android" or "WP7"...
The re-written BB OS is actually pretty sleek looking IMO, so I wouldn't say it's a completely horrible idea for Sprint to take this on. Plus many of the businesses would certainly fall into the potential for stocking these up given their employees are all robots equipped with BBs...
Just because it's not Google/Apple/Microsoft doesn't mean it won't be a success or that it's a "hot mess".
Les we forget that RIM was top of the mobile world for a long time.
mattykinsx said:
Just because it's not Google/Apple/Microsoft doesn't mean it won't be a success or that it's a "hot mess".
Les we forget that RIM was top of the mobile world for a long time.
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RIM is a sinking ship. Of all the OS', BBOS is destined to have the least support from developers. Their SDK is also based on AIR/Flash, a dying platform if I ever seen one.
Award Tour said:
RIM is a sinking ship. Of all the OS', BBOS is destined to have the least support from developers. Their SDK is also based on AIR/Flash, a dying platform if I ever seen one.
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I think with a nice breath of fresh air they can be a competitor again.
Having the user base, even though it is dwindling, definitely puts them in a good position still.
I think it's really silly to count anyone out at this point in any mobile business, ESPECIALLY tablets.
Per example, Android was practically NOTHING last year...
mattykinsx said:
Per example, Android was practically NOTHING last year...
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The difference is that Android was a startup that was growing from nothing. RIM is a dinosaur that is dying and making mistakes by frantically looking for solutions.
Award Tour said:
The difference is that Android was a startup that was growing from nothing. RIM is a dinosaur that is dying and making mistakes by frantically looking for solutions.
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I can come up with 100 logical reasons why Android shouldn't be where it's at right now.
I think this tablet could help revive BB.
And I certainly don't think it's silly for Sprint to carry it.
With the lack of Sprint news from CES I was very surprised by this move.. Of all the tablets with that mobile focus mentioned a few months ago the PlayBook was the one I was most excited about. Unfortunately I doubt it will be a star by the time it releases as I've already seen a number of tablets from CES that would mop the floor with the PlayBook.
It'll be 4-6 months before we make another mover forward with a new halo handset IMO.
I would buy one of the blackberry tablets before I bought a crummy apple tablet... Apple is a joke and there os is even more of joke... But android on the other hand is far superior to any other tablet out there. If the android tablets didnt exist I would definitley buy a blackberry tablet though.
Award Tour said:
The difference is that Android was a startup that was growing from nothing. RIM is a dinosaur that is dying and making mistakes by frantically looking for solutions.
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Apple was a dying dinosaur before Steve Jobs came back and then they came up with new computer designs and took off with the ibook, ipod, etc.

Is it odd?

Out of all the the companies that have announced Honeycomb tablets, not one of them have laid a finger on Android 3.0? Is Google not allowing this? Or are they simply not familiar enough with 3.0 to make any dramatical changes? I don't think it is us consumers forcing them to do this, as it is very clear Motorola and Samsung will skin their devices as they please... but this struck me as odd that they aren't making any changes to the software to differentiate their tablets from the others.
Does Google want to make sure that their tablets get updated as soon as possible? Or do the manufactures believe that Android 3.0 doesn't need to be altered whatsoever and that stock Android is fine?
I know none of you may have a definite answer but I am very curious. I do know that this isn't a bad thing as people actually prefer stock Android... it just somewhat shocks me that these companies aren't trying to alter these tablets to their liking. All the tablets are essentially the same with a different shell. If this is the case, Google could have just released one Honeycomb tablet on all carriers with a decent price. Of course the answer to this will be "choice", but if ONE (and only one) Honeycomb tablet with a low enough price was announced.. that had USB ports, SD Cards slots, etc. -- we wouldn't have to look elsewhere.
The xoom will get an update for motoblur at a later date.
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Sirchuk said:
The xoom will get an update for motoblur at a later date.
Sent from my EVO using XDA App
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A Motorola employee said that, but then Motorola itself dismissed that as false.
It was a big race to get the first tablet out the door. It's going to take months to do a 3.0 as they need to re-do it from the group up.
Then perhaps manufacturers have finally come to the realization that google got it right and chose not to sink the money into software development and are sticking to the hardware.
Sent from my EVO using XDA App
If you watch the engadget interview with Matias Duarte, they ask him about his thoughts on manufactures laying hands on Honeycomb. He simply smiles and seems like he doesn't want no one changing up the UI. I mean he is the designer for Honeycomb and I doubt anyone would want their masterpiece being murdered by Motorblur and touchwiz! I think honeycomb looks amazing personally. I also think Google wants these tablets to succeed; therefore, leaving them in charge of updating the software, not manufactures like Samsung who never really update their devices.
Unfortunately we still have to rely on the manufacturer to do the updates I think.
Tico.ASandoval14 said:
If you watch the engadget interview with Matias Duarte, they ask him about his thoughts on manufactures laying hands on Honeycomb. He simply smiles and seems like he doesn't want no one changing up the UI. I mean he is the designer for Honeycomb and I doubt anyone would want their masterpiece being murdered by Motorblur and touchwiz! I think honeycomb looks amazing personally. I also think Google wants these tablets to succeed; therefore, leaving them in charge of updating the software, not manufactures like Samsung who never really update their devices.
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Tico.ASandoval14 said:
If you watch the engadget interview with Matias Duarte, they ask him about his thoughts on manufactures laying hands on Honeycomb. He simply smiles and seems like he doesn't want no one changing up the UI. I mean he is the designer for Honeycomb and I doubt anyone would want their masterpiece being murdered by Motorblur and touchwiz! I think honeycomb looks amazing personally. I also think Google wants these tablets to succeed; therefore, leaving them in charge of updating the software, not manufactures like Samsung who never really update their devices.
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Not to mention that Goog wants fast to market adoption of apps and the potential behind a store ala Apple.
Allowing third parties to muck around with what users can do has been the whole basis of the 'fragmentation' argument.
If Google uses its power in this case they do have a good chance to steal thunder from Apple, but only if they don't allow for the software and devices to get wildly out of sync as they are now.
And that really only pisses off the consumer, not the manufacturer folk - these hardware makers should be beholden to Google, not the consumer to the manufacturer.
Google needs to put the line in the sand so to speak and take ownership of the app side of the game with regards to the platform.. and as much as it pains me to say so, they need to start enforcing some rules about things.. within reason to their current scope/intention - a few friggin standards/rules would not hurt the platform at all.

Has all the hype died already ?

Not seeing anything for the past week or so when it comes to development, kernel updates, custom themes....etc. Has development halted already? Would be satisfied even with a debloated, optimized stock Honeycomb ROM. The Thunderbolt had its first ROM 2 days after launch and it was opened up before it was even released...what gives, a so called open tablet and nothing. Anything to give me faith again that I don't own a 800.00 bookend would be appreciated.
Then I was thinking about the Nexus One.....Maybe this Xoom is the Nexus One of the Tablet market & will be the developmental Tablet that everyone does everything on.....I'm just so confused at this point I don't know what to do
Honeycomb source hasn't been released = No custom ROMs
ksc6000 said:
Honeycomb source hasn't been released = No custom ROMs
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Not even able to remove bloat & optimize what we have?
mrksbrd said:
Not even able to remove bloat & optimize what we have?
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I'm sure bloatware could be removed, but optimizing I think would require our Devs to actually have the source code to optimize
mrksbrd said:
Not seeing anything for the past week or so when it comes to development, kernel updates, custom themes....etc. Has development halted already? Would be satisfied even with a debloated, optimized stock Honeycomb ROM. The Thunderbolt had its first ROM 2 days after launch and it was opened up before it was even released...what gives, a so called open tablet and nothing. Anything to give me faith again that I don't own a 800.00 bookend would be appreciated.
Then I was thinking about the Nexus One.....Maybe this Xoom is the Nexus One of the Tablet market & will be the developmental Tablet that everyone does everything on.....I'm just so confused at this point I don't know what to do
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I am confused by your post. What is bloated on the Xoom? It pretty much is a stock OS. You can root it, boost it to 1.5GHz, hook USB flash to it. What features are you exactly looking for?
Its an enjoyable browsing experience, the flash works pretty well, its great for reading ebooks and pdfs, you can listen to your music, watch videos, stream tv, connect to your desktop and have full access to your windows apps(or mac). Look at all your pictures, and if you take advantage of googles cloud, you can store them there and synch it with your phone and tablet without having to store them directly on your devices. It has a great RSS reader, N64 / SNES apps and hook a Wii controller up and have a console like experience, video chat, heck you can hook it up to a HD widescreen and it maintains the perfect aspect ratio and looks great, organize view and reply to emails, explore a really feature filled Map application with a great navigation features. You can even rant about Xoom features from your XDA App . Maybe you dont' agree, which is perfectly cool. Personal opinions are great and should always be respected. But I really am enjoying my Xoom, this is my first tablet, so maybe I am missing something that should be there.
All done with my xoom:
I will say, that I have had some fun with my xoom, but with any toy the xoom in my house has joined my other obsolete toys on my closet shelf. It was a interesting tablet computer I just haven't found much use for my xoom other than playing converted movies. I will just leave it in the box on the shelf, and someday someone will buy it from me at one of my wife's garage sales.
sleeplessninja said:
I am confused by your post. What is bloated on the Xoom? It pretty much is a stock OS. You can root it, boost it to 1.5GHz, hook USB flash to it. What features are you exactly looking for?
Its an enjoyable browsing experience, the flash works pretty well, its great for reading ebooks and pdfs, you can listen to your music, watch videos, stream tv, connect to your desktop and have full access to your windows apps(or mac). Look at all your pictures, and if you take advantage of googles cloud, you can store them there and synch it with your phone and tablet without having to store them directly on your devices. It has a great RSS reader, N64 / SNES apps and hook a Wii controller up and have a console like experience, video chat, heck you can hook it up to a HD widescreen and it maintains the perfect aspect ratio and looks great, organize view and reply to emails, explore a really feature filled Map application with a great navigation features. You can even rant about Xoom features from your XDA App . Maybe you dont' agree, which is perfectly cool. Personal opinions are great and should always be respected. But I really am enjoying my Xoom, this is my first tablet, so maybe I am missing something that should be there.
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I agree with this. There's really nothing missing right now. Nor is there much bloat to remove. Dungeon Defenders? Sure, you could root and remove it, but it's a nice way to show off what the tablet can do.
Down the line, when Moto stops providing proper updates or something, a ROM might be warranted. But with the likelihood of this getting pure stock Android for at least a year to come, means there's really no need for a ROM right now.
goldsworthy said:
I will say, that I have had some fun with my xoom, but with any toy the xoom in my house has joined my other obsolete toys on my closet shelf. It was a interesting tablet computer I just haven't found much use for my xoom other than playing converted movies. I will just leave it in the box on the shelf, and someday someone will buy it from me at one of my wife's garage sales.
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Not sure how a tablet doesn't make it into your daily routine. It's the first thing I grab in the morning now (after it wakes me up, of course)
I don't know, the way this was marketed it should have bells, whistles, screaming sirens and the ability to control [email protected] least that is what I grabbed out of all the ads, commercials I have saw. I wanted something that came outta the hole like the OG Droid. I know it's still in its baby's footsteps but my main thing is it not taking full availability of this monster Tegra 2. According to the specs of this chip the Xoom is only using 1/16 of its capability. And the other thing I would like is for it to be snappy and responsive....AAAAAHHHHH maybe I'm asking too much, I am just at a crossroad right now & need re-alignment.
mrksbrd said:
I don't know, the way this was marketed it should have bells, whistles, screaming sirens and the ability to control [email protected] least that is what I grabbed out of all the ads, commercials I have saw. I wanted something that came outta the hole like the OG Droid. I know it's still in its baby's footsteps but my main thing is it not taking full availability of this monster Tegra 2. According to the specs of this chip the Xoom is only using 1/16 of its capability. And the other thing I would like is for it to be snappy and responsive....AAAAAHHHHH maybe I'm asking too much, I am just at a crossroad right now & need re-alignment.
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HEY! the xoom also makes for a nice calculator if nothing else!.
mrksbrd said:
Not seeing anything for the past week or so when it comes to development, kernel updates, custom themes....etc. Has development halted already? Would be satisfied even with a debloated, optimized stock Honeycomb ROM. The Thunderbolt had its first ROM 2 days after launch and it was opened up before it was even released...what gives, a so called open tablet and nothing. Anything to give me faith again that I don't own a 800.00 bookend would be appreciated.
Then I was thinking about the Nexus One.....Maybe this Xoom is the Nexus One of the Tablet market & will be the developmental Tablet that everyone does everything on.....I'm just so confused at this point I don't know what to do
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You should already be satisfied then because there is no bloat on here which makes it a pure google experience device and once source is released i expect it to be the nexus one of tablets
PaulG1488 said:
You should already be satisfied then because there is no bloat on here which makes it a pure google experience device and once source is released i expect it to be the nexus one of tablets
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"once source is released ?" you meen IF SOURCE IS RELEASED they may never do so!. I still dont have a SD card slot that workes in my xoom.
Its a stock google device. Bloat? Cordy and dungeon defenders? Rename apk to bak in root explorer and they're gone. It'll be ROMmed eventually but right now just enjoy pure honeycomb minus lame blur skin.
Source will be released once more tabs are out. Lame ass tabs are hacked and OSs thrown on them that shouldn't be. Google is protecting their prized OS from being hacked onto a 7"gtab or nook.
I don't think it has to do with the loss of enthusiasm but the lack of the source as stated by other posters. Maybe spirits have been dampened by Google's decision to delay the release of the source code but once it's release there will be a fresh breeze of ROMs.
Poll options suck
can't vote as none of the poll options support my thoughts.
"Everything I dreamed of"
funnycreature said:
I don't think it has to do with the loss of enthusiasm but the lack of the source as stated by other posters. Maybe spirits have been dampened by Google's decision to delay the release of the source code but once it's release there will be a fresh breeze of ROMs.
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I think this says it best. People are disappointed that source isn't being released soon but it definitely doesn't it won't be. They have released source for each one so far doesn't make sense that they would stop now
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
Above I started a thread entitled: "Is Motorola Ditching Android." If anyone bothers to read the linked article, it presents a possible motivation for not releasing the source code:
The hardware companies are starting to talk about breaking away from Google. HP has purchased palm and is releasing its own tablet. Now Motorola is rumored to be considering the same thing. The Blackberry Playbook Tablet is now up for pre-order on Best Buy.
The Holy Grail in this business is to own BOTH the OS and the hardware. Know any other company who has done this? Begins with an A... named after a fruit....
Perhaps Google is reconsidering just how open-source it wants to be.
We can't have a deodexed or optimized rom until the smali utilities are updated, which requires honey comb source to drop.
Sent from my Samsung-SPH-D700 using XDA App
Digital Man said:
Above I started a thread entitled: "Is Motorola Ditching Android." If anyone bothers to read the linked article, it presents a possible motivation for not releasing the source code:
The hardware companies are starting to talk about breaking away from Google. HP has purchased palm and is releasing its own tablet. Now Motorola is rumored to be considering the same thing. The Blackberry Playbook Tablet is now up for pre-order on Best Buy.
The Holy Grail in this business is to own BOTH the OS and the hardware. Know any other company who has done this? Begins with an A... named after a fruit....
Perhaps Google is reconsidering just how open-source it wants to be.
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Take off your aluminum hat for a moment.
I hope you understand that the "holy grail" as you put it is a bit more complicated than you think. For those of us who and know ****. We refer to thing like that with a really fancy phrase called "vertical integration". Also, remember Apple is a vertical integration monster, owning the hardware, OS, AND * drum-roll* distribution channels. They've built their company up like this. Motorola is still a long way from having this sort of capability. They don't even own all their hardware. The article you posted contains statements taken out of context. Complaints like those are hardly rare and mostly amount to nothing.
I can promise you google will release the source code for Honeycomb. It is no surprise that they are withholding a product that was specifically designed for and still incomplete on the xoom. If they put out the source code small companies as well as every **** and jane could peddle incredibly ****ty software with google branding with a side pile of bricks large enough to build a bridge to russia. They rushed the release because of the Ipad 2. **** works OK. Give them some time to make 3.0 play nice with pretty much everything else, and if that includes phones, it might take awhile. Be patient.
Digital Man said:
Above I started a thread entitled: "Is Motorola Ditching Android." If anyone bothers to read the linked article, it presents a possible motivation for not releasing the source code:
The hardware companies are starting to talk about breaking away from Google. HP has purchased palm and is releasing its own tablet. Now Motorola is rumored to be considering the same thing. The Blackberry Playbook Tablet is now up for pre-order on Best Buy.
The Holy Grail in this business is to own BOTH the OS and the hardware. Know any other company who has done this? Begins with an A... named after a fruit....
Perhaps Google is reconsidering just how open-source it wants to be.
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All of this is not entirely true. The Holy Grail in business doesn't always mean you have to do hardware and OS. One pure example of where it didn't work out as planned is Nokia. Grant it there is more involved that just this, but it just serves as an example.
Mobile is a very complex platform that involves many, many factors. In fact one of Apples biggest moves in our decade was to switch from making their own in house processors(their own hardware) and to go with x86 Intel Chips (someone elses hardware). Yes apple puts the hardware together, but its not just their own hardware. Even for the iphone and ipad, do you know who makes the CPU/GPU for Apple phones? They partnered with a company called Samsung, who also makes android phones.
Motorola isn't rumored to be making their own OS, they are, but the kind of OS they are looking to build is much different from the android or apple. From what I have read in the technology articles they are building a web based phones, which is still very much an untapped market and will most likely be different than a smartphone experience. Motorola has done a solid job with the android platform so far. I love my droid, the droid X is great, the Atrix is a smart idea, and the Xoom is a solid device(all my personal opinion) , I think motorola is one of the best android devices out there right now and it makes sense for them to explore new territory, like they did with the Atrix. Honestly the other companies like HP need to find a way to compete in a sea of android devices especially with great manufactures like HTC and Motorola, i think its smart that they choose to differentiate themselves.(again my opinion)
There is no right way to do a business. Whether you choose to focus in do good in one thing, or create an empire that does many amazing things, every business has their way to what they do. I am not dissing apple, android, microsoft, nokia, you or anyone. But please you cannot break down these very complex companies with thousands of employees, dozens of divisions across the world into simple black and white answers.
_RTFM_ said:
Take off your aluminum hat for a moment.
I hope you understand that the "holy grail" as you put it is a bit more complicated than you think. For those of us who and know ****. We refer to thing like that with a really fancy phrase called "vertical integration". Also, remember Apple is a vertical integration monster, owning the hardware, OS, AND * drum-roll* distribution channels. They've built their company up like this. Motorola is still a long way from having this sort of capability. They don't even own all their hardware. The article you posted contains statements taken out of context. Complaints like those are hardly rare and mostly amount to nothing.
I can promise you google will release the source code for Honeycomb. It is no surprise that they are withholding a product that was specifically designed for and still incomplete on the xoom. If they put out the source code small companies as well as every **** and jane could peddle incredibly ****ty software with google branding with a side pile of bricks large enough to build a bridge to russia. They rushed the release because of the Ipad 2. **** works OK. Give them some time to make 3.0 play nice with pretty much everything else, and if that includes phones, it might take awhile. Be patient.
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Thank you what I mostly feel as well.

Microsoft invests in Cyanogenmod

wow, who wants to speculate:
Interesting to say the least haha
Sent from my A0001 using XDA Free mobile app
All I can say whatever M$ Touches goes to sheeeeet....we all know that...
Is not clear to me: the opening line talks about a "hot startup" and the author refers to Cyanogen; isn't Cyanogen Inc. Actually?
probiewankenobi said:
Is not clear to me: the opening line talks about a "hot startup" and the author refers to Cyanogen; isn't Cyanogen Inc. Actually?
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Yeah they are talking about the company Cyanogen, Inc.
probiewankenobi said:
Is not clear to me: the opening line talks about a "hot startup" and the author refers to Cyanogen; isn't Cyanogen Inc. Actually?
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potato potaaaato how many cyanogenmod do you want?
Sent from my A0001 using XDA Free mobile app
very interesting.... thanks!
Cyanogen thinks they can take on Mother Google and open their own App store eco-system.
Even tho CM is big, I doubt they would be successful in this venture, I mean Samsung tried it their Tizen and it isnt doing so hot...
While I agree Google has very strict rules on their eco-system but trying to attempt a new OS while in a fierce battle with iOS and Android, im not sure how well it will do...
gd6noob said:
Cyanogen thinks they can take on Mother Google and open their own App store eco-system.
Even tho CM is big, I doubt they would be successful in this venture, I mean Samsung tried it their Tizen and it isnt doing so hot...
While I agree Google has very strict rules on their eco-system but trying to attempt a new OS while in a fierce battle with iOS and Android, im not sure how well it will do...
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How about CyanogenMod partnered with Microsoft? I guarantee that CyanogenMod announcing their hostilities toward Android/Google a few days before Microsoft announcing investment in them is not a random sequence of events.
Also funny that you say Tizen isn't doing so well. Didn't Samsung just start selling their first Tizen units? I know they were slow getting it out the door, but some reports say they sold 50,000 units in just ten days. Even so, comparing Tizen to iOS, Android or Windows phone is an apples to oranges comparison in many significant respects. Tizen competes in only one segment of Android's broad portfolio, the very low end. Apple isn't there at all and Microsoft barely is.
$50,000 units in ten days isnt a lot for a major player in the smartphone industry... Samsung isnt some unknown chinese manufacture... If samsung fails to meet demands and cuts Tizen, there will be a lot of angry people thus forcing Sansung to keep dumping money... this is a tough question for anyone to answer for its future... Same can be said with Cyanogen, if (and its a big IF) it doesnt pan out for their own version of android can come crawling back using Googles eco-system, would seriously hurt cyanogen...
Microsoft... sure, probably had a big part in convincing Cyanogen to branch off but you know what... whatever MS dips there fingers into, doesnt pan out at all.. lol... Their Windows Phone 7, bombed... Windows Phone 8, little better... Nokia venture, Bombed... Maybe thats why MS wanted to part with CM... who knows....
gd6noob said:
$50,000 units in ten days isnt a lot for a major player in the smartphone industry...
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Compared to what?
Honestly, I think CM have gotten too big for their boots, they're having major delusions of grandeur. Sure, they're the biggest player in the modifying/development community. But in the real world where they're competing against the multi-billion dollar companies, they're just very small fish in a very big pond.
It's understandable that they want to make money off their work, who wouldn't? But their idea of having their own app store is just not going to work. The demand simply isn't there, nobody except the modding community actually knows who CM are. They really need to come back down to earth and concentrate on ensuring their builds are stable instead of pumping themselves up into something they simply aren't.
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timmaaa said:
Honestly, I think CM have gotten too big for their boots, they're having major delusions of grandeur. Sure, they're the biggest player in the modifying/development community. But in the real world where they're competing against the multi-billion dollar companies, they're just very small fish in a very big pond.
It's understandable that they want to make money off their work, who wouldn't? But their idea of having their own app store is just not going to work. The demand simply isn't there, nobody except the modding community actually knows who CM are. They really need to come back down to earth and concentrate on ensuring their builds are stable instead of pumping themselves up into something they simply aren't.
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To be honest this is exactly what everyone says when there is a settled order, and usually when the object of reference has no momemtum or buyin what happens. But not what happens when the reference meets the criteria that Cyanogenmod meets and exceeds.
Just speculating though
they are showing multibillion dollars is not what it takes by free (remember when microsoft and googe started, they were "free" )
Maybe this could be a 2 way street. Microsoft could help CM to take Google down a notch or two and in return CM could help develop a compatibility layer in windows phone to use android apps.
Could just be my pipe dreams.
aj44mc said:
Maybe this could be a 2 way street. Microsoft could help CM to take Google down a notch or two and in return CM could help develop a compatibility layer in windows phone to use android apps.
Could just be my pipe dreams.
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Yeah just dreams lol
timmaaa said:
Honestly, I think CM have gotten too big for their boots, they're having major delusions of grandeur. Sure, they're the biggest player in the modifying/development community. But in the real world where they're competing against the multi-billion dollar companies, they're just very small fish in a very big pond.
It's understandable that they want to make money off their work, who wouldn't? But their idea of having their own app store is just not going to work. The demand simply isn't there, nobody except the modding community actually knows who CM are. They really need to come back down to earth and concentrate on ensuring their builds are stable instead of pumping themselves up into something they simply aren't.
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The issue is that cm is used by a big part of android. People prefer it over stock. Not only they fix bugs as they take it to the next level. Would like to see the plans they have.
jgcaap said:
The issue is that cm is used by a big part of android. People prefer it over stock. Not only they fix bugs as they take it to the next level. Would like to see the plans they have.
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It isn't used by a lot of people though, it's used by a fair proportion of people who modify their phones, but they (modders) only make up a very small percentage of smartphone consumers. The vast majority of average consumers have absolutely no idea who CM are, and probably never will.
CM fix some bugs, but CM also create some bugs. I'm interested to see what plans they have too, but they're seriously overstating their exposure and popularity, that's a big mistake, I predict that their plan to have their own app market is going to fail spectacularly.
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No way I see CM's app store idea working out. If they start development on windows OS apps for Microsoft's app store that's a different story though. Microsoft mobile phones app store is atrocious and if somehow CM is able to bridge windows OS with Google apps, that would be something (like how blackberry OS has the android ability where android apps can be side loaded and run)
I can see a way it works out, if its better, safer, cheaper for developers to use. There are many that find Googles monopoly position appaling as they take a chunk out of the margins.
anyway fun this discussion leaned more towards an app store then the next gen OS to compete with android and apple os
Sent from my A0001 using XDA Free mobile app
bachera said:
wow, who wants to speculate:
Interesting to say the least haha
Sent from my A0001 using XDA Free mobile app
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I hope this is just cheap marketing for microsoft. Wasnt android meant to be open? Microsoft and open software does not compute. Android and google can hardly be considered as open either as they require all manufacturers to play their game and I thought that was what cyanogenmod was about once. Maybe no longer.

