problem entering a site - Dash 3G, Snap General

I just bought my htc snap from starhub a singapore telco. Im really happy with it but i can't managed to view starhub gee page everytime i enter the gee site it will open a login site of ufinity accessright 4.5 ... I am hoping if there any singaporean who has a solution for it =\

did you try to ask starhub about it?
i might get it soon but i still waiting for starhub's reply on my inquiries first...

waiting for their technician to call me back. they say will contact back within 24hrs...


Anyone Unlocked An XDA II Yet?

Please, xda-developers, please, we need to unlock our XDA II ; 'til that I just can use it as a PDA
Thank's a lot, guys, if you have time ...
o2 charged me £15 for the unlock it within 48 hours
What number at O2 did you call to unlock the phone and what excuse did you you use?
just plain customer services from my handset ..and just asked for it to be unlocked..i just said that i wanted to use a foreign sim card when abroad
xda 2 Unlock code, i have one
I have an unlock code for XDA 2, please e-mail me and I can send it to someone to see if it works. Completeley free as I don't know if it will work. :?
Unlock codes will be unique to each Xda II IMEI.
So, I very much doubt your code will work in any Xda.
I'd imagine the Xda II will be much harder to unlock than Xda I
Xda 2 Unlock
You are more than welcome to try if you wish.
No master code? Ah well, such is life.
XDA II unlock
phonefreak said:
just plain customer services from my handset ..and just asked for it to be unlocked..i just said that i wanted to use a foreign sim card when abroad
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Can you also use other UK SIMs, e.g., Vodaphone?
Could you also send the telephone number you called?
Many thanks
Unlock codes
O2 customer services are so inconsistent keep phoning everyone. I phoned three times first time I was told it could not be done, second time the woman said she would put the request in for me and it would cost me £15.00 and that she would phone me back. As she didn't phone back I phoned the next day to complain and got passed to a supervisor who told me that O2 were no longer issuing codes for the XDA II as they wanted it to be for O2 only and that this had come from the board of directors!! He add though, that if I paid my contract out which he said would be £400.00 plus the £15.00 they would consider it. I am on pay as you go so I could not do this and wouldn't anyway. I accepted this and thought I would wait for the developers here to sort it out, within 5 minutes of me putting the phone down the lady I spoke to the day before from O2 rang back and said " I have the code I requested yesterday would you like it?" Naturally I said yes, She then gave it to me asked me if she could help me with anything else, which I replied no, and she put the phone down. The best part about this is that she forgot to charge me £15.00 for the code, She hasn't taken it from my C/Card or my payg balance, BONUS!!!!! 8)
So everyone, Just Keep trying O2 Customer Services on 08702410202 and press Zero until you go through to a Human Being.
unlockin the xda 2 drama's!!
Im so sad!
jus been on phone to o2 so many times today but they jus wont unlock it!
even after saying that its against offtel regs they said its their own make so they dont hav to unlock it....
so if any1 knos of a independant shop who will help or of any1 who has a code - plz help me!!
You won't believe this!!
My Brother got an XDA II which he gave to me to get unlocked, I had no luck with normal O2 customer services. However, his contract is a corporate contract, So I used his details and after hanging around on the phone for about an hour I went through to a personal Corporate advisor who will now be e-mailing me the code in two or three days. It was so easy!!!! no questions asked. They said they would charge the acount, which is fine by me!!
The moral to this story is - if you know anyone who has a corperate acount with O2, ask them very nicely if you can use their details.
You will need - The mobile number, The company name, The company address, the O2 contact person (if possible, if not just say you don't know), The name of your mate and the IMEI number also the e-mail address of your mate with company.
Good Luck and keep trying!!
Maybe at some point we can provide some help
No promises, but we do not have locked devices ourselves. So if you could go to with your locked device and send me some info...
Thanks a lot xda-devs , we are crossing fingers !!!
I went to the thread to see if I can help, but it appears to be chinese to me ... I have not Linux, but if I can help in any way, let me know by PM... :wink:
any news yet...
hi..noob here...
this seems a hot topic... are we any nearer to unlocking the XDAII...
must be someone, somewhere...
I've worked on unlocking software before.. Is there any info on exactly how the locking in this phone works? I was quite surprised to see AT commands can do it. Have they left some high level unlocking commands or are you accessing the flash/eeprom through those commands?
If the former i guess there is a checksum or some kinda signing algo? or is it even eaiser than that hehe
If the later, i guess you need to map the rom and eeprom before you can do it.
And erm.. couldnt we just upload the rom from a iMate Phone Edition (from Carrier Devices), which is the unlocked version of the XDA II (O2 rebadged it for their network)
Hmm having thought about that, the rom probably checks weather a lock is present. The only way that would work is if the iMate doesnt bother with any lock checks at all, rather than just comes unlocked.
Thats probably unlikey :-(
dumb question
O2 have just sms'd me the code. How do I enter it?
Re: dumb question
ashby said:
O2 have just sms'd me the code. How do I enter it?
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You just have to insert a different SIM card (not O2) and the xda2 wiill ask for the code ...
Happy you are !!! can you tell us how you have proceed to get the code, please ?

need a valid IMEI # for O2 XDA

need to regiter at and download the software upgrade. can someon ehelp as my device's IMEI is considered invalid for some reason
O2 Technical Support, Asia Pacific Region have been no help
I have a O2 XDA which I am using in Melbourne, Australia but had purchased from Uk and had it unlatched before coming to Australia
I have been trying in vain to register the unit at and it considers the IMEI number as invalid.
Can you please give me an IMEI number thats good for registering cause all I want is to be able to download the software upgrade
I am suffering the same problem as you too. I just purchased my Brand-New O2 XDA2 Asia. But the IMEI printed on the back of the device (uncovered after by removing the battery pack) is NO Good for registering. By pressing "*#06#" directly on the phone dialer, the displayed IMEI is STILL NO GOOD for registering into "". The displayed IMEI is 17 digits. I googled it on the web about IMEI and the results came back it as should be an Uniquely defined 15 digits. After I tried with the whole 17 digits or just the 1st 15 digits for their own web registering, ALL FAILED. Many tries from asking help from that Officially Authorized(they claimed that authorized by O2-Singapore) Retailer where I had purchased my XDA2 from. No good answer back after all. They even told me that they had never given it a try to register into "" at all, because they didn't have an XDA2 device to do that. Wow, what a BIG supprised me! They sold it many but they just didn't have a device for registering test.
What a DAM* SH*T service they are!!!
What a DAM* SH*T service they are!!!
What a DAM* SH*T service they are!!!
Hi Guys,
This is a story we commonly hear over at the MTekk forums. It seems that the most common solution is to e-mail them with your problem, purchase details and IMEI on...
helpdesk-asia<at> or
contactusasia<at> or
...and they will add your IMEI to the database, which seems to be rather incomplete. Don't expect immediate turn-around on your request either, they can be a little slow.
knazar said:
I have a O2 XDA which I am using in Melbourne, Australia but had purchased from Uk and had it unlatched before coming to Australia
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As it's a UK XDA Can you not just use the upgrade available for the UK version at ?

new o2 update look

anybody been o2 site, new look and I think new updates. But I cannot download them???
hmm dun think its an update. i just went to the site and didnt see any new new ROMs.
On the applications page it makes a direct reference to push emails... This is only in the latest rom's so they must be planning a release soon surely? Otherwise why mention it?
The very last phrase say:
The upgraded software for Microsoft Windows Mobile® allowing push email is coming soon.
(complitly scroll down, you'll see it)
what the heck is push e-mail anyway?
What other updates do you recon we can expect from O2?
jamfitz86 said:
what the heck is push e-mail anyway?
What other updates do you recon we can expect from O2?
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push email makes pocket outlook work in a similar manner to blackberry devices, where email is "delivered" to your pda.
Aside from that we'll probably get nothing more than is already available in the latest rom's from other suppliers, though we can always hope for stereo bluetooth
i was hoping for the Wifi being fixed so its not like a 56k modem.
Oh well.....
web page lovely. still no ******g Rom update. o2 are slack.
Customer service is crap.
IT people at o2 know nothing.
No a2dp in next rom.
10 times more expensive on unlimted data than Tmobile. 75quid vs 7.50. no wonder they can afford such a swanky new web site.
o2 are ***k. I'm off to tmobile in 34 days and counting.
34 day and counting
Good luck CRJL, still got 15 months left on mine contract. sign up to 02 and flipping T-mobile came out with web and walk. oh well i just keep paying.
Unlucky, I've not had many problems that cant be fixed by browsing on here, but i'm not using the mobile-internet stuff at all and are getting it on o2 employee cash cause of my girlfriend, but they do hold back on Rom and Radio updates to the general public and the product itself still feels like its beta hardware with so many of them failing, thought I was due a 3rd one there for a bit but the bug went away.
Guys, just to let you know (unless you've figured this out/posted it above and I did not spot it):
Go to the Software upgrade page of any device:
And then add 'download' to access the Updates:
Such a sly... no IMEI needed
Hope that helps
Looks like they have spotted this one.... it doesn't work any more, or maybe the pages are offline right now.
They seem to be doing a lot of work on the web site just recently ... I wonder why :?: :lol:
so has anyone managed to download then? and can you post them here?
Looks like they've put a check on the download page to see if you've actually done the IMEI check.
I've just gone through the check myself, and there's no check (as of yet) on the actual download link
(edit add - it's still an ancent ROM mind you)
Now the index page for the site is showing a 403: You are not authorized to view this page message. Hmmmmm.... *strokes* beard.
Just what is wrong with providing your IMEI? AFAIK it's just to make sure you're not trying to get the Exec ROM for the wrong device. O2 already know you've got an Exec - it says so on your account - and they know your device's IMEI.
As for ROM upgrades - use the latest QTek or IMate ROM. The QTek works well for me.
It's a PITA (albeit a minor one) to go through settings, open up the info screen, and type it in.
It's also a phone number check, so if you've got an Exec on a different network you can't get the updated rom. Or if you've got an MDA Pro etc then you can't get it as well.
Only 3 people on this entire thread are not on O2.
And you've wasted more time moaning about the O2 website than it would take to find your IMEI. Which is literally 5 taps of your stylus.
Besides which, the O2 ROM is crap, and the next O2 ROM will probably be just as crap, so there's probably not a great deal of point waiting for the next O2 ROM anyway, or using an O2 ROM on a device that isn't connected to O2. Unless you actually use O2 Active in which case you're doomed to use the current O2 ROM until O2 finally get an AKU2 ROM out. Which could be months away. FWIW you could probably copy the O2 customization crap out of the original ExtROM and install it over the top of a QTek/IMate ROM which would give you what you want from your device without having to wait for O2 or go through the hideously complex process of tapping your screen in 5 places and reading a number.
Like with any modern day phone you can just dial *#06# to find out your imei
Yeah but then you have to press 8 buttons: Phone, Fn, *, #, 0, 6, Fn, #
(or 1 button & 5 screen taps - technically the System Info is still the more 'efficient')

Please post or backup Original WM5 Dutch HTC Rom (no carrier)

Please post where you like (rapidshare,...), this dutch rom was installed on my device and now i need it to return to basics.
HTC should give people a backupcd, like when you buy a pc, you get oem Windows. I don't understand why i cannot find it online anywhere, they throw roms to your head at the carriers O2, T-Mobile,....
And totally no support, even no download when registered on HTC site
I think I have more support from XDA forum users than from the company i paid the HTC for... cannot wait till September for WM6 dutch (if not delayed as usual). 1 month without GSM & GPS is impossible.
i bricked mine the first time.
brought it back to the phone shop with the massage "it is broke"
they have repaired without any questions
no such service from your provider?
Slow repair service
Yes, i bricked it also first, rom number was original on startup screen, now it's the 3.7.0000. Received it repaired also without questions, but took 6 weeks, by then the WM6 dutch should be out
Marcus_de_zwarte said:
i bricked mine the first time.
brought it back to the phone shop with the massage "it is broke"
they have repaired without any questions
no such service from your provider?
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Hello need help i pay for it!

Hello I Have bought Spv m 3100 on ebay and i got problems with phone i cant
call when i try to call its saying dialing... and dont connect me anywhere i try to change roms radio roms but didnt help. I got card in o2 i put orginal orange rom and i put orange card i get 1 text i was happy after i try to call my friend i can but after when i finish conversation i can dial again. I got network.
Anyone can help me i can pay for help. Please.
rosol88 said:
Hello I Have bought Spv m 3100 on ebay and i got problems with phone i cant
call when i try to call its saying dialing... and dont connect me anywhere i try to change roms radio roms but didnt help. I got card in o2 i put orginal orange rom and i put orange card i get 1 text i was happy after i try to call my friend i can but after when i finish conversation i can dial again. I got network.
Anyone can help me i can pay for help. Please.
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have u do setup connection setting?
start > setting > connection > connection ur operator...
hope its help...
no when i trun on the phone is no gsm.
please help
Your phone is blocked by the operator. Whoever sold you had it on contract and has either stopped paying the bill or has reported the phone lost or stolen. Orange sims will work for a very short time when they are first put into the hermes until the network picks up it is blocked. If you want proof just put the orange sim in a phone that works fine and make a couple of calls and then take it out and put it in the hermes and power it up and you will get a signal and it will work for a while then it will switch off again.
I would contact ebay and report him and if you paid by paypal i would contact them too. Well unless he stated that the phone was blocked already, in which case you havent got a leg to stand on.
If you are in the uk you can check if the imei is blocked by dialing this number, just follow the prompts and enter the imei when it asks, the number is 07956125820. Its a tmobile number for checking imei's out
When i bought this phone was difrent rom i change it for oragne now. i will make a movie whats problems i got with phone and i will put links on youtube in here i think u know what you doing. so if u got time help me.
Don't change anything.... Reread scousemartin's post, he already told you whats wrong. If you play around with it you aren't gonna get anywhere and its just gonna be a headache if you bought it off ebay. As its been modified by you, the seller will say YOU caused the problem so its NOT HIS/HER fault and you will be out of pocket with a useless phone.....
Hey i tryied to call this number but i got signal but no boady anwser. I will go to oragne or carphonewarehouse.
that number works, try calling it on a phone that isnt the one thats blocked
going to orange or the car phone warehouse wont be of any use as they are going to say exactly what i have told you, you have been ripped off by somebody on ebay. Why dont you just contact ebay and tell them they have sold you a phone thats been blocked in fact if it was me, i would post there ebay username all over the net
