connecting Wifi using WPA-PSK - Touch Cruise ROM Development

Hi guys, I just got myself an Orbit2 but cannot seem to get connected to my home router using WPA-PSK TKIP. It doesnt seem to work no matter what ROM or RADIO ROM I use.
Is there a bug or something or a fix for this ?

No problem, no matter of radio rom.
I connected Orbit2 both with WPA-PSK and even WPA2-AES.

there must be something wrong with my device somewhere - I had my laptop, Orbit and Orbit 2 lined up beside each other and tested connecting. Both laptop and Orbit connected fine but Orbit 2 just kept cycling through connecting>unavailable.

I have now disabled authentication ,still nothing.............

ok so Ive had it showing connected for a few seconds then cycling through connecting>unavailable.
also had it showing connected after I enetered manual IP address, but it wont browse/udate anything.
WTF ??

fubofo said:
ok so Ive had it showing connected for a few seconds then cycling through connecting>unavailable.
also had it showing connected after I enetered manual IP address, but it wont browse/udate anything.
WTF ??
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Maybe your router DHCP setting is off or u setup some MAC filtering?

OK got it sorted. Apparently this device doesnt like a setting called 'Wifi MultiMedia' found on my Sitecom WL-153. Disabled it and its working OK now.
[search tags] = sitecom, wl-153, wifi not connecting, wifi not working, wmm


XDAIIi wi-fi problem

Hi all. I looked at several wi-fi posts on here, but couldn't find anything related to my problem.
I'm beginning to suspect that it's because of something stupid I'm doing, cos it really should be working...
Anyhoo ...I have a wireless router at home, and it's serving 3 PCs with DHCP IP addresses, and an internet connection. I have no issues with it.
What I'm trying to do now is get my shiny new XDAIIi to connect, so that I can have the damn thing on the internet. So far, no luck.
Now, I have got the XDA to detect my SSID. It detects all the settings, and tells me it's connected. I even have a signal strength bar on it which reads about 50%.
However, when I set it to pick up a DHCP address it stubbornly refuses, remaining with a "I can't see a DHCP server" 169.x.x.x address.
I've tried reserving an address on the router and allocating it to the MAC address of the XDA, and manually setting the XDA to have that IP address, entering my router as the gateway, and even entering 2 valid DNS server IPs from my ISP into the name server entries. Still nothing. It says it's connected with the IP address I allocated, but I have no net connection, and I can't ping that address from any of my PCs.
All the while the status screen on the router tells me that the device, with it's MAC address, is connected to the router fine.
Surely this has to be something simple. I have set up all the clients and router for my network, and the settings on the XDA are pertty much the same, and really SHOULD be working.
I'm kinda at my wits end.
So basically any suggestions or advice, or anyone with similar experiences please get in touch, cos I'm struggling to see what I've done wrong, and it's giving me an ulcer.
Many thanks in advance.
3COM WAP (3CRWE454G72) - XDA IIi WIFI Problems
Hi Jess,
I very much share your frustration.
I have a 3COM WAP (3CRWE454G72) which has served me well. I have a few machines at home working from it. At work we have 20+ machines working from the same model (older firmware).
My specs are as follow:
3C number 3CRWE454G72
Software version 1.03.07A
Boot loader version 1.00.00
Wireless version V1.0.2.1
Hardware version R01A
Don't have the office one's specs here at the moment ...
At work I can get an IP address (there's a windows DHCP server) .. AND I can ping google and traceroute to google. BUT, XDA IIi doesn't seem "know" that it's connected (e.g. network settings shows the WAP as available, but not connected). SKYPE even works!! But nothing else, no IE, no Terminal Services Client, no Avant Go, no network ActiveSync. They all say that the is no network card configured (but with vxUTIL, vxIPCONFIG, etc). I can see ALL the IP details from the DHCP server.
At home it's worse. I can't even get it to connect to the WAP (either with WEP 128, WEP 64 or encryption turned off). As I'm not even getting an IP address at home from the WAP's DHCP server, I've built a new DHCP server on my one linux box and it works for all my machines ... now I can actually trace requests from devices for IP's ... and the XDA IIi never requests an IP address. Which tells me that it's not even getting through the first stages of connecting with the WAP (again tried WEP, NO WEP).
To make things worse. I have been able to connect to some open WAP's in the neighbourhood ... everything functioning normal.
I'm losing the will to live here also ... ;-)
the plot thickens...
Hi Wolfie.
Well, at this end I seem to have more news.
By removing all WEP encryption and removing the MAC address access restriction I had enabled, I got the XDAIIi online, and all was working.
I then enabled the security a step at a time, and at each step updated the configuration on the handheld, and it still all worked. I was so pleased.
However this morning I have come to put the thing online again, and once again it refuses to pick up a DHCP address.
I tried my process again, and this time it wont work.
It definitely seems that it's the encryption that's stopping it, but I can't get it working this morning.
When I disabled everything I managed to get it online, but then re-enabling the security killed it and I can't get it to come online again.
Oh well, I will try again later. Fussy thing. Anyone ever manage to solve this ??
have u tried soft reseting the device and retrying, sometimes that cures these hiccups
Jess, thanks for the reply. There's hope. ;-)
I have tried your approach yesterday. However, to no avail. At home I completely opened my WAP, e.g. any MAC, no WEP/WPA, etc. But still nothing. When I look at my log files on the WAP. I can see plenty of entries coming from my XDA IIi ...
04 min(s) 41 sec(s) after system power on : Wireless MAC address 00:09:2D:14:C9:F2 has connected with the device
04 min(s) 43 sec(s) after system power on : Wireless MAC address 00:09:2D:14:C9:F2 has connected with the device
04 min(s) 45 sec(s) after system power on : Wireless MAC address 00:09:2D:14:C9:F2 has connected with the device
04 min(s) 46 sec(s) after system power on : Wireless MAC address 00:09:2D:14:C9:F2 has connected with the device
04 min(s) 48 sec(s) after system power on : Wireless MAC address 00:09:2D:14:C9:F2 has connected with the device
04 min(s) 50 sec(s) after system power on : Wireless MAC address 00:09:2D:14:C9:F2 has connected with the device
... and it just goes on and on and on .... while trying to connect.
At the same time in all connections attemps, I don't get a single entry in my DHCP servers log saying that my XDA II attempted to connect.
Jim: I've tried hard resets, soft resets, O2 Active installed, Corporate mode, pretty much everything my single brain-cell can come up with. ;-)
The thing is definitely a little fiddly indeed ...
The search goes on ...
... anybody out there got their XDA IIi working with WIFI using DHCP and WEP or WPA?
Did you ever get this working?
I have a shiny new XDAIIi and have been trying to get connected via my Cisco Aironet 1200 WAP. The device happily detects my network, accepts the WEP key fine (complains if I enter the wrong key so I know it's communicating) but refuses to pick up an IP address. The Wireless LAN Manager just sits there "Scanning network..."
I firmly belive I'm just missing something but...........
Any help gratefully received :?
I got my QTek 2020i today and for the life of me I can't get it to connect to the internet using my wifi connection @ home
I also have a 3COM router 3CRWE754G72-A and I have my home pc connected to this and also occassionally my work PC - both with no probs.
I can get the qtek to connect and I get a 50% signal strength and I can view an IP address and everything looks good but I can't seem to setup a "Connection" as required by IE?
This is what I get:
"Cannot connect with current connection settings. To change your connection settings, tap Settins"
I tap settings and I get this:
Add a new modem connection
Add a new modem connection
Add a new VPN server connection
Set up my proxy server
I've gone into each of these and had a "play" but I still can't get the bloody thing to work :evil:
Can someone PLEASE help as this is starting to drive me mad! - I'm not giving up easily...I've been trying to get this to work for a good 4 hours now and I can't find anything in the manual or on the web that helps...this post was the closest I could fine >>> hence the bump!
have you try to configure the network cards in the connection setting and set the internet using the tiacxwln Compatible Wireless Ethernet?
guoper said:
have you try to configure the network cards in the connection setting and set the internet using the tiacxwln Compatible Wireless Ethernet?
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Okay, I can get the connection to read "connected" via the Wireless Lan Manager and I can get an IP address - which is totally different to all the other PC's that use my wifi connection - they're all 192.168.1.x whereas this is very different? - the address that I get isn't even the same as the IP Address of my router - I have a static IP address so I know this isn't changing???
Also, when I view the network card page I see the following:
Configure Wireless Networks
Add New...
3Com Available
I can click on this and view the settings for it or I can hold-click and get the option of connecting. If I do this, it just says "connecting"; it never actually says "connected"?
Anyone know where I can get a walkthrough for this?
3 Com Routers
Hi, DotN
I put a 3Com router in my local pub.
I have no problem connecting to it and solving the usual pub talk problems with it.
If you are getting a connection but your IP address starts with 169.254 then I would say you have a WEP problem. The software only appears to check for incorrectly formatted WEP keys, so either turn it off or make sure you enter the correct key. When selecting connect to a router the message sticks on connecting, come out of the screen and go back in after about 30 secs. Check you ip address. I have had some issues with GRPS trying to connect, but they seem to go away after a couple of hides.
I have to say that I am not over the moon with my XDA2i, but the wifi part has worked pretty well for me.
Re: 3 Com Routers
MacPad said:
Hi, DotN
I put a 3Com router in my local pub.
I have no problem connecting to it and solving the usual pub talk problems with it.
If you are getting a connection but your IP address starts with 169.254 then I would say you have a WEP problem. The software only appears to check for incorrectly formatted WEP keys, so either turn it off or make sure you enter the correct key. When selecting connect to a router the message sticks on connecting, come out of the screen and go back in after about 30 secs. Check you ip address. I have had some issues with GRPS trying to connect, but they seem to go away after a couple of hides.
I have to say that I am not over the moon with my XDA2i, but the wifi part has worked pretty well for me.
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Hi Paddy
Thanks for the info. You're bang on with the IP Address!...169.254.x.x
So what encryption can I use?
I've deffinately got the correct password but it's obviously not working
Hi again
Okay, I've just checked the encryption and I'm using WPA-PSK authentication with TKIP encryption.
Is this what you had?
3 Com Routers
Are you using a password or 13 Hex pairs, I use the pairs. Try either turning wep of completely or entering 26 1s. Remove your setting for your ap in Configure Wireless Networks screen then reconnect.
Let me know what happens
Re: 3 Com Routers
MacPad said:
Are you using a password or 13 Hex pairs, I use the pairs. Try either turning wep of completely or entering 26 1s. Remove your setting for your ap in Configure Wireless Networks screen then reconnect.
Let me know what happens
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Okay, I've basically removed all security from my wifi setup. I live in the middle of nowhere so it's not a problem - although once I get the wifi working I'll try and get the security going again.
I still can't get a connection
...stop the press!
Okay, I had a thought...maybe I can't connect because of the speed?
the router is a 11g but supports 11b (which is what the QTek 2020i/XDA IIuses) - sure enough, I had the 11g only option selected - DOH!
removed that and I've managed to connect without security.
I assume this was my problem all along...will now stick the security back on and try again
Thanks again Paddy
Update: I've now managed to get the wifi working with WPA-SPK authentication using TKIP encryption
all along it was simply a case of me having the speed on the router set above what the PDA was capable of! I'd set this ages ago when I first setup my wlan and had forgotten about it cause everything I use is 11g
Cheers again
DotN said:
Update: I've now managed to get the wifi working with WPA-SPK authentication using TKIP encryption
all along it was simply a case of me having the speed on the router set above what the PDA was capable of! I'd set this ages ago when I first setup my wlan and had forgotten about it cause everything I use is 11g
Cheers again
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Doh!...nope, not working again...back to the 169.254.x.x problem.
It's obviously to do with the encryption this time. I'll try some other variations - at least I know that it can work :roll:
No hard feeling, glad you found the problem
pretty much same prob!
i can get an ip, have to check what it is, it tells me its connected on the scanning network page but on the other bit it tells me its available or connecting but never connects!
i've turned wep off and still no joy!
its really starting to drive me mad!
please please someone help
Take a read back through the last lot of posts between myself and MacPad - I think you'll find the answer there.
For me, I had to totally disable my security and everything else - I could then connect. Once I'd done that, I managed to use WEP with a 26 digit key - start by using something like "0" 26 times...make sure u count as u type them zero's in though as if u get it wrong it won't work!
apart from that, not sure what to say. If you're getting the 164.x.x.x ip address though then as MacPad said, it's to do with the security.
I would mention that the XDAIIi/Qtek 2020ii use 11mbps wifi (b) and not 54mbps (g) so make sure u've got ya router configured to allow both types of connection...this eventually turned out to be my main problem - doh!
ok now im home ive re-read and done the things mentioned. with a completely unsecure connection i can get a connecation, but the moment i use any kind of encryption (im using wep 64bit, but tried 128bit as well) no matter what key i use i get a split second of connection then its gone!
firewall is not on either.
any ideas??
thank for the suggestions guys im finally progressing

unable to connect to WLAN

I do have problem to connect the device (o2 xda mini S) to WLAN. It recognizes the network, asks for the WPA-PSK key and then attempts to connect - but fails.
If I configure the device with a static IP this IP shows up during the
connection process after a while but the device isn't connected anyway.
If I use DHCP I get no IP ever.
I also tried a very simple 8 alphanum character key.
What may be wrong here?
I hope you get an answer soon, because I have the same problem. Enter the key, then no connect. I also tried it with security turned off on the router, no connect. This thing connected every time before 2.26 ROM update.
bump - having the same issue
Hope there's a reply; having the same issue but I think it's router specific too. I am on Dlink DI-614+ and a friend of mine who has DI-524 (i think) has no problem connecting reconnecting.
if you figure out a way to get it to work, please PM me... I have not figured out this problem yet.
I might try to disable all of my router settings (WEP).. but that would only mess my already configured other devices up.
Stupid question, but is it a B/G router or is it configured to only do one of them ?
Well, I got it to work by disabling encryption and leaving the AP all open...
So, apparently the software has some WPA-PSK-related bugs
Same thing with 2.24a Mr.Clean. Open AP works fine, and any encryption messes the whole thing up. The connection is done, it even gets the IP - and continues to blink arrows and no data comes through.
Windows Mobile only knows TKIP but as I was using AES and wanted to continue using AES on the other machines I configured the router to provide "TKIP and AES". Well, this didn't work but TKIP only actually works now.
I've been having the same problems, could connect to unsecured networks, no problems. The thing would just refuse to connect to my home WLAN (Belkin 54G set to B/G), secured with WPA-PSK and TKIP data encryption. However, just updated the router's firmware from the Belkin website, and BINGO!!!! It found the router, I entered the key and immediately connected, fast too. Just try updating the firmware of your router!
I agree on the router upgrades. And some routers are just crap, sorry to say. I've had bad luck with Belkins and Netgears. Linksys and D-Link typically give me much less problems. You also need to make sure that you installed the registry settings to enable G networks on you device (of course)
I have a Sonicwall using WPA-PSK with no problems.
I personally like molski's tweaks to make the necessary registry settings on my device ...
Hope I was of some help.

HTC Touch WiFi Problem

Hi All,
I too have a strange WiFi issue. Here goes:
My phone is able to connect to free WiFi stations and the WiFi station at my parent's place. When I try to connect at home, it connects but I am unable to browse.
I previously used WEP encryption and have also tried removing all encryption...but no luck.
Here are my current router settings:
Band 2.4 GHz B+G
Mode AP
Channel 9
Authentication Open
Preamble type Long
Broadcast SSID Disable
Encryption None
Use 802.1x Authentication Disabled
Phone Details
HTC Touch
Browser Netfront/IE
My laptops, DS Lite, Wii can connect and work with the router...
Any help will be highly appreciated
Check that you don't have MAC ADDRESS FILTERING at the router. It may be hidden under Filter settings, like my D-Link is. This may sound trivial, but more than once I forgot about the MAC filtering.
If that doesn't help you, then just to narrow it down, at my home I use WEP and disable SSID broadcast also, and my Touch can connect fine, and fast.
Scratch the last post! I had the same problem with my TOUCH..Just put the power level to the max (i.e. go Start -> Settings -> Connections -> Wireless LAN -> Power Mode -> and slide all the way LEFT to Best Performance) and all hail ..your problem solved
I also use a Touch. I put the slider all the way to the right (Best Battery) and I connect fine. You people must have a big house, or a crap router?
HTC Touch wireless lan connection problems
Im having the same problem. No MAC filtering & no encryption on ADSL router.
HTC touch can connect to the router at But it does not connect to any other web page.
Message shown is: "Page cannot be found. Check the name and try again."
Any other tips.
Thanks in advance.
dbmayur said:
Hi All,
I too have a strange WiFi issue. Here goes:
My phone is able to connect to free WiFi stations and the WiFi station at my parent's place. When I try to connect at home, it connects but I am unable to browse.
I previously used WEP encryption and have also tried removing all encryption...but no luck.
Here are my current router settings:
Band 2.4 GHz B+G
Mode AP
Channel 9
Authentication Open
Preamble type Long
Broadcast SSID Disable
Encryption None
Use 802.1x Authentication Disabled
Phone Details
HTC Touch
Browser Netfront/IE
My laptops, DS Lite, Wii can connect and work with the router...
Any help will be highly appreciated
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hencre said:
Im having the same problem. No MAC filtering & no encryption on ADSL router.
HTC touch can connect to the router at But it does not connect to any other web page.
Message shown is: "Page cannot be found. Check the name and try again."
Any other tips.
Thanks in advance.
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Same problem I am having now. I can connect now wifi, but get same error.
Wifi Problem!
Hi guys,
I've got a problem and I'm hoping you can help me out..
I've got a HTC TOUCH and when I got it the Wifi connection was working just fine.. I could connect to any WIFI network and Browse the internet.
After a month or two, my phone wouldn't connect to my home wifi network anymore. And neither would it connect to any other wifi networks (I tried!)..
I've been all over the internet trying to figure out what could have happened and if someone else was having these problems to.
I just can't find the answer and I feel like I already tried everything I could think of..
Hope some of you knows what to do..
I'd suggest looking at the Touch forum... I've got no experience of Touch devices, but it may be a Radio ROM issue...
kinda same issue I am facing ! donno
but finds LINKSYS routers in a jiffy :O
are Wireless Access Point and.. Wireless routers different
they both emit diff. signals ?
I have the same issue with a TYTN II, can connect to the wireless, but can't open any web pages.
problem with htc & WPA-PSK passkey 25 characters
My htc tilt connects almost everywhere, but i have a problem with wpa-psk at work. The password is from 25 characters, I read some articles what WM cannot handle such length. Maybe it's possible to edit somehow the registry?
I have the same problem guys, what can we do to find a solution i tried everthing i could, and i even tested it out with my 2 wireless routers, and at public places it connects (at home it doesnt connect though).
shirreer said:
Scratch the last post! I had the same problem with my TOUCH..Just put the power level to the max (i.e. go Start -> Settings -> Connections -> Wireless LAN -> Power Mode -> and slide all the way LEFT to Best Performance) and all hail ..your problem solved
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Thanks a lot!
I had exactly the topic problem with manilla rom on my kaiser, could not use wifi any more. But with just sliding the meter to 'Best Performance' as suggested, wifi it once again works like a charm.
HTC Touch wifi solve
I had the same problem with my htc in WEP it dosen't browse, I changed the router to a better wifi protection like WPA-PSK, connected and worked fine, for some reason it only work's fine for a couple of minutes, I readed this post to put the sidebar in best performance and now everything works fine. An advice don't use WEP it's not secure at all. maybe you fine this interesting and helpful.
I'm running into a problem were I can connect to an AP at work and surf the net fine but when I disassociate I cant connect to it again for a whole day. The AP must be saving some info and therefore will wait for the DHCP lease time to finish before allowing the touch to re-connect. I tried my laptop and was able to connect 3-4 times and never have a problem so it is isolated to the touch and windows mobile 6.1. To find some more info out I was able to clone the mac of the touch and use it as the laptops wifi cards mac. It connected fine on 3 consecutive tries.
Maybe windows mobile is missing some commands when disassociating from an AP and as a result leaving info out in nowhere land confusing the router.
Thanks for any help!
ok, here's me joining the club... dunno what happened... working one day, getting crap the next.
exact same problem as everyone else...connects to the wireless network, then when you try to surf, page cannot be found...
Exact same problem here.
In the beginning everything fine. Connecting to my home WiFi and using the internet without problems (weather, stocks, opera, email, google maps, even skype voip).
Then, last month, all programs are unable to find anything on the internet, although the device reports it is connected to my (unchanged) home WiFi.
All these programs work fine when the device is connected to the internet through activesync (usb cable).
Also this whole time I have been using my home WiFi with a laptop from both Vista and Ubuntu, with no problems, so I guess it's not the router.
Also have read in other fora about these wifi working - wifi not working "cycles" other people have had, with various WM devices. And various tricks like shutting wifi off and immediately on again.
I even hard reseted the device. Problem still there.
Connected once only
Connected once only for a few minutes to my home router dir 310 D-Link, worked fine and fast. After that I closed the connection. Next day I tried to connect but my HTC Touch 3G doesn't see the router. I see any other routers, but I do not see mine. I connected to some friends routers with WEP and WPA encription just to be sure the phone working. During this I didn't changed the router or the phone settings. It is very strange. The problem maybe comes from the router.
I'm having the same issues with my HD2. Looking all over the place and seems to be a common fault, but thus far with no cure, I tried the power save mode
From new it worked like a dream, but then one day it would connect to AP's but act as if not connected. I flashed my ROM with the VERY impressive Merlion Leo v 2.66 and it all started working again. Then yesterday, it stopped again. I don't want to reflash, so I'm working hard to find a cure, and will report as soon as I find one.
I've found a cure (for mine at least), not sure if it will work for everyone, and haven't managed to test it at any other AP's except for my home Router, but all I did was set the network card properties (Broadcom 802.11 DHD Network Adapter) to 'Use server-assigned IP address' instead of 'Use specific IP address'. I'm not sure why this worked as there was no IP address conflicts because there were no other devices connected to my router when I had problems, but it works for me, hopefully permanently
Good luck.
Try this. Its work perfect for me!

HTC Touch HD to WiFi Secured - doesn't connect

Hi, I have HTC Touch HD New. I have home wireless secured router DHCP with (WPA2 Mixed) with paraphrase While trying to connect I ran through wizard to connect to my wireless no luck. Then gave static IP , changed WPA2 to WPA/TKP, changed channel from 5 to 11 no response, stopped Firewall, anything what can be done with router did… connection. The HD sees the network, but refuse to connect. Although, I am able to connect to an unsecured networks. All other media that connected to my wireless network works fine. Also I have noticed that wile running wizard the: "Use IEE8021x network access control" is checked and gray so I am unable to uncheck it. Maybe here is the problem.. no clue. Appreciate any suggestion.
I can confirm I have the same problem.
Not only with Touch HD but also with HTC Rapheal.
If I find a solution I will let you know.
I had this problem too. In the wizard you have to specify it as a 'worknetwork', not 'internet'. The 'internet' option is for public (secured) networks like on a café. Then again, maybe you did this already. I have a WEP encryption.
You might also want to check, if your HD connects at all by turning off encryption in your WLAN router.
If your HD connects fine, then check in Advanced Config under the "Network" section, if you have WPA authentication enabled. My ROM had this disabled. After I enabled this option and made a soft-reset, my HD could connect to my WPA2(AES) secured network.
If everything else fails, you might try this free supplicant:
Please, report back if and how you resolved the problem !
None of the sugestions here (post #3, #4 and #5) solved my problem.
It's still not possible to connect to a secured network.
Tried without MAC filtering and vissible network but no joy.
I use WPA-PSK with a network key.
Unsecured it connects fine.
spasovxda said:
If everything else fails, you might try this free supplicant:
Please, report back if and how you resolved the problem !
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I had the same problem with my Linksys Wrt54g Router using WPA-PSK, no matter what I tried it just would not connect. Without encryption or WEP encryption it worked just fine. Did set Wifi to performance oriented on the HD since that seems to have helped others but still no success.....
Here's the rub: I had installed Schaps Advanced Config tool before and had enabled WPA authentication under network. In a last attempt I set WPA Auth. to disabled, did a soft reset.....activated Wifi, entered my (27 character) passphrase HD connects to my router using WPA-PSK and MAC-filtering without a that might be worth checking as well...
i hav no problem conneting my blackstone to my linksys wrt610 router using wpa2-aes. maybe you hav ur mac adres filtering turned on
just my 2 cents
Ditto post #8..
I have just connected for the first time to my work network, WPA-PSK(AES) and it connected fine without any problems.
Switched on CM, waited for the phone to list the networks, selected the one I needed and then choose "work" for connection and entered our passphrase. Sync'd up without a hitch.
Just to put this out there - do not connect your phone to the pc when trying to go wifi. It is disabled when activsync is... active.
Thanks for the help.
Yes MAC filter is enabled but I've added the adress of HD to the list so it should work.
Today I've changed the channel in my Zyxel router to channel 11 and ques what....
Channel 11 I choose because that's what the Touch HD chooses in WLan settings.
Maybe this helps for other people as well.
A small update to mention.
I have two devices here, Touch Pro and Touch HD.
They both connect fine now.
Also the Touch Pro seems to pick channel 11 as default channel !
I would love to see someone confirms this because it was a real bugger to me.
Edit 2;
With MAC filter enabled both devices won't connect.
Weird thing is, both devices have the same MAC adres !
playboy4u2nv said:
i hav no problem conneting my blackstone to my linksys wrt610 router using wpa2-aes. maybe you hav ur mac adres filtering turned on
just my 2 cents
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Laurentius26 said:
...Weird thing is, both devices have the same MAC adres !
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Are you sure you're seeing it correctly??? MAC addresses are unique, just as telephone numbers are unique to the phone system. Same concept. No two wifi devices are supposed to have the same mac address...
I was having the same issue: not being able to connect my HD to my wireless network. Very frustrating... Then I remembered I use a controlled Access List, on my wireless router, based on MAC addresses. Once I put my HD's MAC in the list, I was able to connect.
I made a mistake.
I connected both devices to the desktop with Active sync to find out MAC.
If I give the command 'IPCONFIG /ALL' both WM devices have the same physical adress,
but after I succesfull made a wifi connection (without MAC filter) with both devices,
I noticed that the MAC adresses are different on both devices in the router config window.
I've added both adresses to MAC filter and enable.
Now everything is up and running !
JesseW said:
Are you sure you're seeing it correctly??? MAC addresses are unique, just as telephone numbers are unique to the phone system. Same concept. No two wifi devices are supposed to have the same mac address...
I was having the same issue: not being able to connect my HD to my wireless network. Very frustrating... Then I remembered I use a controlled Access List, on my wireless router, based on MAC addresses. Once I put my HD's MAC in the list, I was able to connect.
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Laurentius26 said:
Channel 11 I choose because that's what the Touch HD chooses in WLan settings.
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Can this be changed on the Touch HD? I don't seem to be able to change it. And channel 11 is a bit oversubscribed where I am...
razorblader said:
I had the same problem with my Linksys Wrt54g Router using WPA-PSK, no matter what I tried it just would not connect. Without encryption or WEP encryption it worked just fine. Did set Wifi to performance oriented on the HD since that seems to have helped others but still no success.....
Here's the rub: I had installed Schaps Advanced Config tool before and had enabled WPA authentication under network. In a last attempt I set WPA Auth. to disabled, did a soft reset.....activated Wifi, entered my (27 character) passphrase HD connects to my router using WPA-PSK and MAC-filtering without a that might be worth checking as well...
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i had the same problem. my hd use to connect fine with my wireless ruter untill yesterday. everything i tryed failed until i red this solution. i've done what razorblader suggested and guess what. it works flawless.
thank you!
it seems that the problem occurs after instaling advanced config 3.3, wich i did yesterday. for some reason it seems it mess the wifi settings.
thanks again!
i still have another problem, wich i have it since i bought the hd
i connect my laptop to my wifi router and it works great. i connect my hd to my wifi router and it works (again) great
but if i connect my hd to my laptop via usb and activesync, my laptop lose wifi connection. i reconnect it, keeps connection for few seconds and it loose it again.
any advice?
thank you!
Had the same problem, Advanced Config WPA disabled works like a charm, if you enable it it actually disables it...
I connect to a Linksys broadband router with Mac filtering and WEP with no problems. Too lazy to try WPA2 because I'll have to reconfigure 3 PC's and two wireless printers. If I do try WPA(2), I post here.
I have WPA2-PSK with mac filtering and ssid broadcasting disabled. And I never had any problems, my router is linksys wag200 if it matters. Maybe you just do something wrong?
Wi-Fi and Active Sync
noris08 said:
i still have another problem, wich i have it since i bought the hd
i connect my laptop to my wifi router and it works great. i connect my hd to my wifi router and it works (again) great
but if i connect my hd to my laptop via usb and activesync, my laptop lose wifi connection. i reconnect it, keeps connection for few seconds and it loose it again.
any advice?
thank you!
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Note: This may be in a slightly different place in ActiveSync on XP.
I have Windows Mobile Device Center on Vista and I had the same trouble until I went to Mobile Device Settings > Connection Settings > check "Allow data connections on device when connected to PC"
(see attachment)
Just noticed you said laptop loses wi-fi.... I assumed HD loses wi-fi. My bad.
This may or may not help some of you, but I found out (the hard way) that the WLAN pre-shared key "passphrase" may only be 12 bytes long. Any more and it will not work.

WIFI Not Connecting Anymore... :(

Lately my HTC Desire HD's wifi has not been working without reason.
Nothing has been changed, settings, etc...
It will not even connect to my home wifi at all, even though the reception is 5/5.
I connect wifi, then when I try to connect to my network, it says connecting, then it says obtaining ip address for a while, then goes back to disconnected.
It's when it get's to the ip address, it does not want to obtain one, why??
How can I fix/solve this problem?
Thanks in advance.
kanej2006 said:
Lately my HTC Desire HD's wifi has not been working without reason.
Nothing has been changed, settings, etc...
It will not even connect to my home wifi at all, even though the reception is 5/5.
I connect wifi, then when I try to connect to my network, it says connecting, then it says obtaining ip address for a while, then goes back to disconnected.
It's when it get's to the ip address, it does not want to obtain one, why??
How can I fix/solve this problem?
Thanks in advance.
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Try entering a static IP address and see if you have internet connection after (if) it's connected to your wifi network.
Was this fixed or do you still need help?
erezak said:
Was this fixed or do you still need help?
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Unfortunately it is still not working properly. It used to connect as normal to my house wifi but does not anymore, it does not want to get an ip address.
This is strange as we have a computer as well as 3 other laptops all of which have no problems with connecting.
What would you recommend?

