XDAIIi wi-fi problem - Networking

Hi all. I looked at several wi-fi posts on here, but couldn't find anything related to my problem.
I'm beginning to suspect that it's because of something stupid I'm doing, cos it really should be working...
Anyhoo ...I have a wireless router at home, and it's serving 3 PCs with DHCP IP addresses, and an internet connection. I have no issues with it.
What I'm trying to do now is get my shiny new XDAIIi to connect, so that I can have the damn thing on the internet. So far, no luck.
Now, I have got the XDA to detect my SSID. It detects all the settings, and tells me it's connected. I even have a signal strength bar on it which reads about 50%.
However, when I set it to pick up a DHCP address it stubbornly refuses, remaining with a "I can't see a DHCP server" 169.x.x.x address.
I've tried reserving an address on the router and allocating it to the MAC address of the XDA, and manually setting the XDA to have that IP address, entering my router as the gateway, and even entering 2 valid DNS server IPs from my ISP into the name server entries. Still nothing. It says it's connected with the IP address I allocated, but I have no net connection, and I can't ping that address from any of my PCs.
All the while the status screen on the router tells me that the device, with it's MAC address, is connected to the router fine.
Surely this has to be something simple. I have set up all the clients and router for my network, and the settings on the XDA are pertty much the same, and really SHOULD be working.
I'm kinda at my wits end.
So basically any suggestions or advice, or anyone with similar experiences please get in touch, cos I'm struggling to see what I've done wrong, and it's giving me an ulcer.
Many thanks in advance.

3COM WAP (3CRWE454G72) - XDA IIi WIFI Problems
Hi Jess,
I very much share your frustration.
I have a 3COM WAP (3CRWE454G72) which has served me well. I have a few machines at home working from it. At work we have 20+ machines working from the same model (older firmware).
My specs are as follow:
3C number 3CRWE454G72
Software version 1.03.07A
Boot loader version 1.00.00
Wireless version V1.0.2.1
Hardware version R01A
Don't have the office one's specs here at the moment ...
At work I can get an IP address (there's a windows DHCP server) .. AND I can ping google and traceroute to google. BUT, XDA IIi doesn't seem "know" that it's connected (e.g. network settings shows the WAP as available, but not connected). SKYPE even works!! But nothing else, no IE, no Terminal Services Client, no Avant Go, no network ActiveSync. They all say that the is no network card configured (but with vxUTIL, vxIPCONFIG, etc). I can see ALL the IP details from the DHCP server.
At home it's worse. I can't even get it to connect to the WAP (either with WEP 128, WEP 64 or encryption turned off). As I'm not even getting an IP address at home from the WAP's DHCP server, I've built a new DHCP server on my one linux box and it works for all my machines ... now I can actually trace requests from devices for IP's ... and the XDA IIi never requests an IP address. Which tells me that it's not even getting through the first stages of connecting with the WAP (again tried WEP, NO WEP).
To make things worse. I have been able to connect to some open WAP's in the neighbourhood ... everything functioning normal.
I'm losing the will to live here also ... ;-)

the plot thickens...
Hi Wolfie.
Well, at this end I seem to have more news.
By removing all WEP encryption and removing the MAC address access restriction I had enabled, I got the XDAIIi online, and all was working.
I then enabled the security a step at a time, and at each step updated the configuration on the handheld, and it still all worked. I was so pleased.
However this morning I have come to put the thing online again, and once again it refuses to pick up a DHCP address.
I tried my process again, and this time it wont work.
It definitely seems that it's the encryption that's stopping it, but I can't get it working this morning.
When I disabled everything I managed to get it online, but then re-enabling the security killed it and I can't get it to come online again.
Oh well, I will try again later. Fussy thing. Anyone ever manage to solve this ??

have u tried soft reseting the device and retrying, sometimes that cures these hiccups

Jess, thanks for the reply. There's hope. ;-)
I have tried your approach yesterday. However, to no avail. At home I completely opened my WAP, e.g. any MAC, no WEP/WPA, etc. But still nothing. When I look at my log files on the WAP. I can see plenty of entries coming from my XDA IIi ...
04 min(s) 41 sec(s) after system power on : Wireless MAC address 00:09:2D:14:C9:F2 has connected with the device
04 min(s) 43 sec(s) after system power on : Wireless MAC address 00:09:2D:14:C9:F2 has connected with the device
04 min(s) 45 sec(s) after system power on : Wireless MAC address 00:09:2D:14:C9:F2 has connected with the device
04 min(s) 46 sec(s) after system power on : Wireless MAC address 00:09:2D:14:C9:F2 has connected with the device
04 min(s) 48 sec(s) after system power on : Wireless MAC address 00:09:2D:14:C9:F2 has connected with the device
04 min(s) 50 sec(s) after system power on : Wireless MAC address 00:09:2D:14:C9:F2 has connected with the device
... and it just goes on and on and on .... while trying to connect.
At the same time in all connections attemps, I don't get a single entry in my DHCP servers log saying that my XDA II attempted to connect.
Jim: I've tried hard resets, soft resets, O2 Active installed, Corporate mode, pretty much everything my single brain-cell can come up with. ;-)
The thing is definitely a little fiddly indeed ...
The search goes on ...
... anybody out there got their XDA IIi working with WIFI using DHCP and WEP or WPA?

Did you ever get this working?
I have a shiny new XDAIIi and have been trying to get connected via my Cisco Aironet 1200 WAP. The device happily detects my network, accepts the WEP key fine (complains if I enter the wrong key so I know it's communicating) but refuses to pick up an IP address. The Wireless LAN Manager just sits there "Scanning network..."
I firmly belive I'm just missing something but...........
Any help gratefully received :?

I got my QTek 2020i today and for the life of me I can't get it to connect to the internet using my wifi connection @ home
I also have a 3COM router 3CRWE754G72-A and I have my home pc connected to this and also occassionally my work PC - both with no probs.
I can get the qtek to connect and I get a 50% signal strength and I can view an IP address and everything looks good but I can't seem to setup a "Connection" as required by IE?
This is what I get:
"Cannot connect with current connection settings. To change your connection settings, tap Settins"
I tap settings and I get this:
Add a new modem connection
Add a new modem connection
Add a new VPN server connection
Set up my proxy server
I've gone into each of these and had a "play" but I still can't get the bloody thing to work :evil:
Can someone PLEASE help as this is starting to drive me mad! - I'm not giving up easily...I've been trying to get this to work for a good 4 hours now and I can't find anything in the manual or on the web that helps...this post was the closest I could fine >>> hence the bump!

have you try to configure the network cards in the connection setting and set the internet using the tiacxwln Compatible Wireless Ethernet?

guoper said:
have you try to configure the network cards in the connection setting and set the internet using the tiacxwln Compatible Wireless Ethernet?
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Okay, I can get the connection to read "connected" via the Wireless Lan Manager and I can get an IP address - which is totally different to all the other PC's that use my wifi connection - they're all 192.168.1.x whereas this is very different? - the address that I get isn't even the same as the IP Address of my router - I have a static IP address so I know this isn't changing???
Also, when I view the network card page I see the following:
Configure Wireless Networks
Add New...
3Com Available
I can click on this and view the settings for it or I can hold-click and get the option of connecting. If I do this, it just says "connecting"; it never actually says "connected"?
Anyone know where I can get a walkthrough for this?

3 Com Routers
Hi, DotN
I put a 3Com router in my local pub.
I have no problem connecting to it and solving the usual pub talk problems with it.
If you are getting a connection but your IP address starts with 169.254 then I would say you have a WEP problem. The software only appears to check for incorrectly formatted WEP keys, so either turn it off or make sure you enter the correct key. When selecting connect to a router the message sticks on connecting, come out of the screen and go back in after about 30 secs. Check you ip address. I have had some issues with GRPS trying to connect, but they seem to go away after a couple of hides.
I have to say that I am not over the moon with my XDA2i, but the wifi part has worked pretty well for me.

Re: 3 Com Routers
MacPad said:
Hi, DotN
I put a 3Com router in my local pub.
I have no problem connecting to it and solving the usual pub talk problems with it.
If you are getting a connection but your IP address starts with 169.254 then I would say you have a WEP problem. The software only appears to check for incorrectly formatted WEP keys, so either turn it off or make sure you enter the correct key. When selecting connect to a router the message sticks on connecting, come out of the screen and go back in after about 30 secs. Check you ip address. I have had some issues with GRPS trying to connect, but they seem to go away after a couple of hides.
I have to say that I am not over the moon with my XDA2i, but the wifi part has worked pretty well for me.
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Hi Paddy
Thanks for the info. You're bang on with the IP Address!...169.254.x.x
So what encryption can I use?
I've deffinately got the correct password but it's obviously not working

Hi again
Okay, I've just checked the encryption and I'm using WPA-PSK authentication with TKIP encryption.
Is this what you had?

3 Com Routers
Are you using a password or 13 Hex pairs, I use the pairs. Try either turning wep of completely or entering 26 1s. Remove your setting for your ap in Configure Wireless Networks screen then reconnect.
Let me know what happens

Re: 3 Com Routers
MacPad said:
Are you using a password or 13 Hex pairs, I use the pairs. Try either turning wep of completely or entering 26 1s. Remove your setting for your ap in Configure Wireless Networks screen then reconnect.
Let me know what happens
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Okay, I've basically removed all security from my wifi setup. I live in the middle of nowhere so it's not a problem - although once I get the wifi working I'll try and get the security going again.
I still can't get a connection
...stop the press!
Okay, I had a thought...maybe I can't connect because of the speed?
the router is a 11g but supports 11b (which is what the QTek 2020i/XDA IIuses) - sure enough, I had the 11g only option selected - DOH!
removed that and I've managed to connect without security.
I assume this was my problem all along...will now stick the security back on and try again
Thanks again Paddy

Update: I've now managed to get the wifi working with WPA-SPK authentication using TKIP encryption
all along it was simply a case of me having the speed on the router set above what the PDA was capable of! I'd set this ages ago when I first setup my wlan and had forgotten about it cause everything I use is 11g
Cheers again

DotN said:
Update: I've now managed to get the wifi working with WPA-SPK authentication using TKIP encryption
all along it was simply a case of me having the speed on the router set above what the PDA was capable of! I'd set this ages ago when I first setup my wlan and had forgotten about it cause everything I use is 11g
Cheers again
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Doh!...nope, not working again...back to the 169.254.x.x problem.
It's obviously to do with the encryption this time. I'll try some other variations - at least I know that it can work :roll:

No hard feeling, glad you found the problem

pretty much same prob!
i can get an ip, have to check what it is, it tells me its connected on the scanning network page but on the other bit it tells me its available or connecting but never connects!
i've turned wep off and still no joy!
its really starting to drive me mad!
please please someone help

Take a read back through the last lot of posts between myself and MacPad - I think you'll find the answer there.
For me, I had to totally disable my security and everything else - I could then connect. Once I'd done that, I managed to use WEP with a 26 digit key - start by using something like "0" 26 times...make sure u count as u type them zero's in though as if u get it wrong it won't work!
apart from that, not sure what to say. If you're getting the 164.x.x.x ip address though then as MacPad said, it's to do with the security.
I would mention that the XDAIIi/Qtek 2020ii use 11mbps wifi (b) and not 54mbps (g) so make sure u've got ya router configured to allow both types of connection...this eventually turned out to be my main problem - doh!

ok now im home ive re-read and done the things mentioned. with a completely unsecure connection i can get a connecation, but the moment i use any kind of encryption (im using wep 64bit, but tried 128bit as well) no matter what key i use i get a split second of connection then its gone!
firewall is not on either.
any ideas??
thank for the suggestions guys im finally progressing


Wireless Problem

Done a search on various site but still no joy.
Just got a o2 XDA Mini S yesterday.But I cannot get it to connect to my wireless network at home.Its an open network, with a laptop,3 PC's,2 xbox's accessing it various times of day.All connect no problem.
My xda says my network is available,but cannot connect to it. Do I need to put in IP addresses in manually ? On the network cards section, it the SDIO WLAN wireless adapter that is used ?
Have tried allsorts,
First Question,
Is your WiFi router set to DHCP mode. If so then check that your device is also set to DHCP mode. If not change router to DHCP check that all your other devices are set to DHCP then you should automatically be allocated an IP address. A useful utility is WiFi Companion.
This scans for available networks and allows you to connect. it will also show you the IP address you have been assigned.
You could assign an IP address manually but this will have to be changed every time you walk on to another network. DHCP is better.
Thanks for the info DW, it is my router,popped round a mates last night and it connected to his network ok.
Will check what you said and the firewall
not sure by what you mean exactly by open network.
but are you using MAC address filtering?
when I got the Sony Laptop, I was so eager to get it all setup etc, that I forgot bout the filtering, it would see the network, but refused to connect.
I'm having the same problem. My Exec can see the network but not connect. I investigated it a bit more and for some reason it keeps trying to use the same IP address as my laptop. It also cannot connect to the net to update Avant Go when it's syncing (via my laptop).
I've tried connecting with all other devices switched off, to avoid the IP address conflict, but still cannot connect to the internet.
I'm pretty much stumped.
Setting the Wireless power setting for best performance was the trump for me.
On my Vario - Settings - Connections - Wireless LAN - Power Mode
Thanks for the suggestion. I gave it a try but unfortunately it didn't help.
If my laptop is switched off my Exec can connect to my D-Link router, but I cannot access any internet resources. I presume that somewhere in the settings is the solution but I can't find it.
For some reasons setting wireless "best performance" wortked for me too. Wizard (QTEK 9100 - gray market I guess as QTEK did not register on their site for me). I will still try Opera too.
Kind regards,
same thing happened to my qtek. it detected the network but could not connect and sometimes when it got connected, i still couldn't surf the net. is there anything in the settings that i'm missing? i also tried to enter the IP address manually but no luck either.
My O2 XDA Mini arrived yesterday. It sees my wireless network (as well as two others in my neighborhood) but cannot/will not connect. I've tried everything I've read above - which confirms I'm on the right trail, but...
The D-Link DI-624 wireless router is in DCHP mode. I've dropped all security for connection trials. I've put the MAC address of the XDA in the router, just in case. I cannot find the IP address of the Mini (how do you do that?), but have tried with and without allowing the router to assign it a random and an assigned IP address. My router does NOT have the default (198.162, etc, etc IP address.) so I've been careful not to blindly follow standard instructions. Of course, I have tried with specific IP addresses, default gateway (router), etc, etc.
One clue is that after trying for a long time to connect to the networks it finds, I got one error message from the XDA saying it could not be assigned an IP address from the network(s). Good clue - wish I know what it means.
There are only limited settings to check on the XDA, so I'm wondering if I'm missing something on the router. Any ideas? Many thanks.

i mate k-jam WIFI problem?

the WIFI state is connected. but when I try to open a webpage, eg,www.google.com, it shows error: the page cannot be found. Check the name and try again. anyone knows that? how can I fix it?
Someone can help me?!
Where are you using the wifi? Is it your home network or work/hotspot?
Go to settings then the connections tab then tap the "wireless lan" icon. Tell us what you see on that screen, then click the advanced tab and tell us what is there too. Finally click "menu" then "network cards" and tell us what is there (should be a list of available networks).
The only problem I have with my wireless is that i need to have a very strong signal to be able to receive my IP address via DHCP. Once it has it then it's OK and i can wander about but I get no address when the signal is weak ( less than 50%).
Check that you have set the connection type to "internet" - I suspect this problem occurs because you have it set to "work".
I am having the same problem , my signal is nearly 100%, the phone is set to internet, Belkin 54g,, authentication is 'open', WEP, the key was entered manually (26 digits ), do i use 802.1 access ?
mode is infrastructure, tx rate is auto, channel 11,, the mac and ip address is correct,, what is enroll ?
I have tried everything and it is obviously connected so why will it not load pages ?
Had the same problem myself with my XDA IIs. Only solution I could find was to turn disable the firewall on my router. No idea why that worked, and cant find a way to turn the firewall on without causing the problem again, but it did work!
got smilar problem here, some times even when i connected and browsed web say 2 mins. ago suddenly connection can not be established i have tried it with belkin 54g linksys and 3com routers all same couldnt find any solution and accepted it as it is
gadget_uk said:
Where are you using the wifi? Is it your home network or work/hotspot?
Go to settings then the connections tab then tap the "wireless lan" icon. Tell us what you see on that screen, then click the advanced tab and tell us what is there too. Finally click "menu" then "network cards" and tell us what is there (should be a list of available networks).
The only problem I have with my wireless is that i need to have a very strong signal to be able to receive my IP address via DHCP. Once it has it then it's OK and i can wander about but I get no address when the signal is weak ( less than 50%).
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hello All and Gadget
Bought the XDA mini S from 02 yesterday and havent really been playing with it except installing programs, removing the 02 files and finding my way round the phone.
Anyway, having problem with getting WIFI, can anyone help?
At home, I use Wanadoo broadbrand wireless 'livebox' and here are the following details on the Mini S:
Wireless Lan> main tab> SSID - blank, mode - infrastruture, BSSID -blank, Tx rate - auto, channel - 0
Advanced tab > status, not connected to network, MAC - 00-09-2D-8D-66-BF, IP -
network cards tab> wireless tab - wanadoo - 2D9E available
network adaptors> network card connects to 'The internet'
Thanks in advance
Might be a stupid question but.....
Have you got any security on your wireless router? if so have you permitted the MAC code of your device to connect and obtain an IP address from your router?
an2ony said:
Might be a stupid question but.....
Have you got any security on your wireless router? if so have you permitted the MAC code of your device to connect and obtain an IP address from your router?
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Thanks for the prompt reply. Another stupid question is how do I find out if I have security on my wireless router and if i have security, how can i permit the mac code to do its stuff.
Thanks again.
Check out:
Have you set up a WEP security key to prevent unauthorised access to your ADSL Connection? if not then you should; I think the 'LiveBox' has a default key which you have to enter to connect and obtain an IP address.
Not being familiar with this router, I cannot tell you exactly but I would expect you to have to permit a new MAC code under the 'associated devices' menu.
Sorry for being Vague.
Hope this helps. :roll:
an2ony said:
Check out:
Have you set up a WEP security key to prevent unauthorised access to your ADSL Connection? if not then you should; I think the 'LiveBox' has a default key which you have to enter to connect and obtain an IP address.
Not being familiar with this router, I cannot tell you exactly but I would expect you to have to permit a new MAC code under the 'associated devices' menu.
Sorry for being Vague.
Hope this helps. :roll:
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First of all, thanks for the link. I am able to see all the details (technical) of my livebox on the wanadoo configuration page.
There is a WEP key set and having tried to enter as much info on the relevant places on the mini s, no luck.
The mini s does recognise the 'livebox' and connects to it then drops off. However, it doesnt pick up any info from the 'box' to complete the relevant wireless tabs on the mini s.
Dont know how I'm going to resolve this but thanks for your help so far.
Shame not to utilise the Mini S with my current wireless broadband connnection.
Hi All
Thanks for the advice so far and after so many attempts I am still unable to configure the mini s to use the wireless connection at home.
Need a huge favour. Would anyone give up a few minutes of their time to go through the configuration on the phone with me.
Please PM me your contact number and when it is convienent for me to call you back.
Much appreciated.
Hi Andy,
the settings depend to some extent on whether you have an access point (router) or shared connection.
You need to know the network name SSID, (and whether it's hidden)
Whether (as previously stated) you have MAC address control enabled in your router
Whether you have DHCP enabled (for automatic IP address from router)
Whether you need to log on (enroll) to password protected shares.
In the mini-S wifi>Menu>Network Cards>Network Adapters tab you should set your network card to connect to The Internet and check that the adapter (SDIO WLAN etc.) is set to use auto IP (if you have DHCP) or pick your own IP address if you have a fixed range.
If you have Zone Alarm or another firewall (I surely hope so :wink make sure that the (mini-S) IP address is in the trusted zone
Lastly; if you seem to be connected but you can't get any web pages - just a page not found error, try killing bloody ActiveSync on the mini-S, sometimes when I'm browsing I suddenly can't access pages and that's what the problem turns out to be - when you stop active sync running in the background it all starts to work again.
This is assuming you have a router not a shared connection which may be slightly different.
Oh....and read the threads about 802.11b and g, if your router only allows 11g the mini-S doesn't connect (I'd find the threads and point you to them but I gotta get back to work soz)
HTH (feel free to contradict or put me straight guys
:lol: )
cozzykim said:
Hi Andy,
the settings depend to some extent on whether you have an access point (router) or shared connection.
You need to know the network name SSID, (and whether it's hidden)
Whether (as previously stated) you have MAC address control enabled in your router
Whether you have DHCP enabled (for automatic IP address from router)
Whether you need to log on (enroll) to password protected shares.
In the mini-S wifi>Menu>Network Cards>Network Adapters tab you should set your network card to connect to The Internet and check that the adapter (SDIO WLAN etc.) is set to use auto IP (if you have DHCP) or pick your own IP address if you have a fixed range.
If you have Zone Alarm or another firewall (I surely hope so :wink make sure that the (mini-S) IP address is in the trusted zone
Lastly; if you seem to be connected but you can't get any web pages - just a page not found error, try killing bloody ActiveSync on the mini-S, sometimes when I'm browsing I suddenly can't access pages and that's what the problem turns out to be - when you stop active sync running in the background it all starts to work again.
This is assuming you have a router not a shared connection which may be slightly different.
Oh....and read the threads about 802.11b and g, if your router only allows 11g the mini-S doesn't connect (I'd find the threads and point you to them but I gotta get back to work soz)
HTH (feel free to contradict or put me straight guys
:lol: )
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ello mate
I gotta agree with the activesync thing. I had the same problem as of 2 mins ago just tried exiting active sync and would ya believe it my wi fi now works. So i gotta say cheers mate!
tatata said:
the WIFI state is connected. but when I try to open a webpage, eg,www.google.com, it shows error: the page cannot be found. Check the name and try again. anyone knows that? how can I fix it?
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I had the same problem with my Linksys WRT54G before. I upgraded the firmware (dowloaded from Linksys website) of my WRT54G and the problem solved.
New to the board (Just got my Cingular 8125) Having the same problem.
I get an IP addressfrom my router, it shows I am connected on my network settings, but still can't pull up any pages. It has never worked since I got it (only 3 days though) Someone please help us.
If >Connection Manager>Settings>WiFi Settings shows you have an IP address and are connected (Advanced :Status) then check your firewall settings and try stopping ActiveSync, always seems to do the trick for me
Also check out this post, could this be your problem?
@ cozzykim
I have shut down my zone alarm and don't have firewall enabled on my linksys WRV54G. ActivesSync is also closed. Still no luck
I will try to update my ROM it is not far fetched that cingular Jerry rigged the WiFi. I hope ther is a class action suit coming soon.
Thanks for your help.[/quote]

unable to connect to WLAN

I do have problem to connect the device (o2 xda mini S) to WLAN. It recognizes the network, asks for the WPA-PSK key and then attempts to connect - but fails.
If I configure the device with a static IP this IP shows up during the
connection process after a while but the device isn't connected anyway.
If I use DHCP I get no IP ever.
I also tried a very simple 8 alphanum character key.
What may be wrong here?
I hope you get an answer soon, because I have the same problem. Enter the key, then no connect. I also tried it with security turned off on the router, no connect. This thing connected every time before 2.26 ROM update.
bump - having the same issue
Hope there's a reply; having the same issue but I think it's router specific too. I am on Dlink DI-614+ and a friend of mine who has DI-524 (i think) has no problem connecting reconnecting.
if you figure out a way to get it to work, please PM me... I have not figured out this problem yet.
I might try to disable all of my router settings (WEP).. but that would only mess my already configured other devices up.
Stupid question, but is it a B/G router or is it configured to only do one of them ?
Well, I got it to work by disabling encryption and leaving the AP all open...
So, apparently the software has some WPA-PSK-related bugs
Same thing with 2.24a Mr.Clean. Open AP works fine, and any encryption messes the whole thing up. The connection is done, it even gets the IP - and continues to blink arrows and no data comes through.
Windows Mobile only knows TKIP but as I was using AES and wanted to continue using AES on the other machines I configured the router to provide "TKIP and AES". Well, this didn't work but TKIP only actually works now.
I've been having the same problems, could connect to unsecured networks, no problems. The thing would just refuse to connect to my home WLAN (Belkin 54G set to B/G), secured with WPA-PSK and TKIP data encryption. However, just updated the router's firmware from the Belkin website, and BINGO!!!! It found the router, I entered the key and immediately connected, fast too. Just try updating the firmware of your router!
I agree on the router upgrades. And some routers are just crap, sorry to say. I've had bad luck with Belkins and Netgears. Linksys and D-Link typically give me much less problems. You also need to make sure that you installed the registry settings to enable G networks on you device (of course)
I have a Sonicwall using WPA-PSK with no problems.
I personally like molski's tweaks to make the necessary registry settings on my device ... http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=58438
Hope I was of some help.

My MDA touch finds my new belkin n router but wont connect to it

Hi all
Ive just brough a new belkin wireless n router set it up as you should connected my laptop my brothers laptop my desktop my ipod touch but my MDA touch will not connect to it. My touch connects to my other trendnet router fine and all other AP i have tryed. what is really bugging me is that when i try and connect to my new belkin it wont let me connect to any other routers so i have to delete the belkin router from my device and soft reset
i am starting to think it could be a faulty router or mda
Same boat....
I have the same issue with my HTC Kaiser, can see a host of AP/Wireless Routers via the Wi-Fi card but fails to connect to my Belkin F5D8631-4 v3 N1 Wireless Modem Router, a real pain in the arse considering the price I paid for the router, everything else connects, PC's, PS3, 360, DS Lite, PSP the lot....all bar the Kaiser.
Anyone managed to find a solution to this issue and sitting on it
Before you ask, no security enabled, only using the MAC address filtering to do the job of keeping unwanted off my network, even with this turned off the Kaiser see the network, flags it up as available but will not connect....
Any help gratefully received
I bought a sitecom mimo XR router, I have got the same problem with a Qtek 9090.
The solution I found is, dont activate dhcp on your device but manually add the ip adresses of your router and device, set the dns server ip-adress to the ip-adress of your device.
Worked for me.
royaldutch51 said:
I bought a sitecom mimo XR router, I have got the same problem with a Qtek 9090.
The solution I found is, dont activate dhcp on your device but manually add the ip adresses of your router and device, set the dns server ip-adress to the ip-adress of your device.
Worked for me.
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Thanks for the feedback/comments
I have done (I think) correctly and its still not playing ball, just to confirm the actual detail:
Router Set Up:
DHCP Activated ? (it is currently)
All WEP/WPA turned off
MAC address filtering turned on and the MAC adress for the hand set network card (found by
on to Com Manager, Settings, Wireless Lan, Advanced Tab) is on the list on accepted MAC address on the MAC filter
Handset Settings
Wireless Network Adapter settings (on Configure Network Adapters page)
IEEE 802.11b/g Compatible Wi-Fi
User Specific IP address (not an address allocated by DHCP)
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway (IP address of the Router)
Primary DNS (IP address of the Router)
I get the same sort of problem occasionaly with my universal. The only thing that sorts it out is deleting any reference to the connection then removing the battery. This seems to flush out the system & then it finds it a new connection & connects straight away, worth a try if nothing else works.
JohnWB said:
I get the same sort of problem occasionaly with my universal. The only thing that sorts it out is deleting any reference to the connection then removing the battery. This seems to flush out the system & then it finds it a new connection & connects straight away, worth a try if nothing else works.
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Thanks John,
I did try this, and it didn't make a difference.
You know when you get that feeling you are going to have to admit defeat....
Any solutions so far
Does anyone has a solution so far?
What version of Windows mobile are you running?
This post in the Shift forum
mentions a beta firmware on Belkins UK site which solves the problem.
hi, i'm using a mda vario 3 with an older Belkin router and it works fine. I have the dhcp server turned off with all the ip's set manually. the ieee 802.1 auth thingy is not selected. other than that my settings are similar to those posted above. Although i have wep security set up. (Nintendo ds's only do wep)
Corrykid said:
What version of Windows mobile are you running?
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I run Windows Mobile 6.1
When I ran Windows Mobile 6.0, I did not have contact with my Sitecom WL-173 router either.
tembares said:
Does anyone has a solution so far?
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I have found the solution.
Just upgrade the radio to
Then it works.
wifi problem
just upgraded my MDA to wm6.1 and i encountered a problem regarding with my wifi connection.
having my old wm5, i dont have any problem connecting to my wireless router(d link) but when i upgraded my wizard to wm6.1, at first it will connect for about 20sec then the connection will drop and i cant connect anymore. but my wizard detects my router but it just on the screen that it is unavailable even though it shows a very strong signal.
i've tried to hard reset it and it doesn't work. i just wondering if there's a configuration i should do with the setting of my wifi? or is there an application that i can download here? and also i lost the voice tag program of my phone when i upgraded it to wm6.1, where cant i download an application for it?
thank you in advance!!! ([email protected])
Customer Call Details Nov 13 2008 04:37
I have an HTC Touch that can connect to other hotspots, but not to my home Belkin router. Sometimes, if there is another connection available, it can see the router, and says that it is Available, but cannot connect; other times it won't even see it. I have checked for firmware updates, but I have the latest. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Belkin Response Nov 14 2008 22:18
Hi Lilburd,
Thank you for contacting Belkin Technical Support.
We understand that the HTC Touch does not connect to the router. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
Please follow the steps given below to update the firmware and configure the router:
We recommend that you update the firmware from a computer that is connected to the router with an ethernet cable.
Please download the latest firmware on the router from the link given below. Download the file "3.01.29":
and save it to the computer.
- To update the firmware, log on to the router`s web interface by typing in in the address bar of the browser. The computer should be
connected to the router with an ethernet cable.
Note: If you have changed your Router’s IP address, use that IP address.
- By default, the password is blank. Click the "Submit" button.
- Click on "Firmware Upgrade" under the option "Utilities".
- Click on “Browse” and select the bin file that you have downloaded.
- Click on “update” and follow the wizard.
- After updating the firmware, restore the router to factory defaults by clicking on "Restore Factory Defaults" under "Utilities".
- Reconfigure the router.
Please follow the steps given below for configuring the router:
- Connect the computer to the "LAN" port on the router and connect the modem to the Internet/"WAN" port, using Ethernet cables.
- Take a paper clip, insert the paper clip in the reset hole of the router and hold it for 15 seconds.
- The power light will flash and then come back "ON" solid, indicating that the router is being restored to factory defaults.
- The corresponding lights on the front of the router should be lit up.
- On the computer, check if you have an IP address in the range of 192.168.2.x.
- If not, specify a static IP address, gateway and "DNS" address by following the steps given in the link-
- Log on to the router web interface by typing in, in the address bar of your browser.
- By default, the password is blank.
- Click on "Connection Type" in the left hand column under "Internet WAN" heading.
If the connection type is Dynamic (cable):
- Choose "Dynamic" and then click on "Next".
- Type in your “Host Name”, if your Internet Service Provider has provided it. Else, leave it blank.
- Click on "Change WAN MAC Address".
- Click on the button "Clone".
- Click on "Apply Changes".
If the connection type is PPPOE (DSL):
- Choose "PPPOE" and click on "Next".
- Enter the user name and password given by your Internet Service Provider.
- Save the settings.
- Click on the "Home" link at the top of the screen.
Internet Status should show "Connected" on the top right hand corner of the web page.
If the problem persists, please get back to us with the following information:
1. Type of connection provided by your ISP (Is it PPPOE, Dynamic or static).
2. Name of the Internet service provider (ISP).
3. Version number of the router. You would find the version number on the bottom of the device. It would be a number in a series of thousands with a prefix “ver.”.
4. If the internet connection is stable on the computers using the router?
5. If the HTC Touch detects and connects to other networks in the neighborhood?
Lilburd, if you need further assistance please feel free to write back to us and we will be happy to assist you.
Belkin Technical Support.
This was the response I got from Belkin after emailing them. It worked like a charm
Registry option
Not Sure about this one, but if you use SK Tools, or find the registry values yourself, there is an option to activate on the Touch, the 801 g networks compatibility, for some reason they are compatible but the option comes 'off' by default.
THANK YOU - Wizard 9100 now connecting to belkin N1
thank you - I had the same problem as original post - I updated using the pre release belkin firmware and it works now.
I was pretty sure that it was an incompatibility issue between HTC and Belkin.
Thanks a lot for this patch, you saved my (wifi) life ^^
This update also worked with my Kaiser! I was pulling my hair out trying to get it to connect. Thanks a lot!

Wifi but no Internet

Since I bought the HD2 before 2 month and after 2 Rom upgrade I still have the same Wifi problem. I can connect to my home network and the Router can see the HD2 but I can not connect to the Internet through the Wifi. All other computers and PS3 connect just fine. Ip adress seems also ok.
Please help ?
I did have the same problem a while back, and it occured after I used the wifi router. Have you ever used that, even just to try it?
No I never tried the Wifi Router even once and changed rom twice.
quincy67 said:
No I never tried the Wifi Router even once and changed rom twice.
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Probably not the same issue then. For some reason I had it trying to give me a static IP address that my router wouldn't allow (I've got MAC forwarding on my router to make sure that nothing other than the 4 things I have can connect to it).
When you connect to the wifi, can you open the router admin on your HD2?
Thanks for your help. No I cannot access the router from the HD2, could it be a proxy issue. I am not using a proxy for the internet
quincy67 said:
Thanks for your help. No I cannot access the router from the HD2, could it be a proxy issue. I am not using a proxy for the internet
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No worries mate - I hope I can help!
It's not a proxy issue, if you're not using a proxy server. Could you try this and let me know how you get on?
Start your wifi connection
Go to all settings, connection, wifi, wireless networks, network adapters tab
Select the Broadcom DHD adapter
It should be set to use a server assigned IP address, not a static one. It probably is, but it's worth checking.
When I open Wifi settings I can only open advanced no wireless networks or network adapter tab. How do I get there ?
quincy67 said:
When I open Wifi settings I can only open advanced no wireless networks or network adapter tab. How do I get there ?
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After you've started wifi, go to the settings tab, menu and all settings. Then carry on the instructions in the last post.
Found the all settings, the DHD adapter is set to server assigned. Any other ideas ?
Well i think we have the same problem.. If you try to connect your wireless, do you get the failure after pressing get IP: Cannot obtain serverassigned IP....
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=627654 my thread was this..
I found out that if i you go under WIFI>ADVANCED>press on the NETWORKCARD under the field "SSID"> then go to the networkcard>Broadcom 802.11 DHD network adapter>remove the pin in use serverassigned, and write a static ip: example: IP:
That helped for me, though i cannot use that fix because my college wont accept the static IP. so it works for like 2 mins and then it disconnect. hehe.
Heh - that would be pretty much my next suggestion.
Try a static IP address and see if that works. It's not a long-term solution, but it would determine whether it's your phone or the router that's having the problem.
Last time I set a static IP address, I liked it and left it like that, but I found (after a couple of days with no internet access) that it tries to assign the same IP address when you use your data connection for internet access. Your service provider is very unlikely to allow you to use the same IP address, so you probably can't connect.
Like I said, it's a test to see if you can connect - not a solution.
Do you know what IP addresses your router will allow you to use? Do you have a specified range of addresses, for example?
I have this exact same problem. I can connect to wifi networks at home, office, etc... But no network access. It connects to the AP's, gives me an IP Address, but I can't ping anything!
This thing gets more and more frustrating daily.
skwizod said:
I have this exact same problem. I can connect to wifi networks at home, office, etc... But no network access. It connects to the AP's, gives me an IP Address, but I can't ping anything!
This thing gets more and more frustrating daily.
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It also happened to me. Turns out it was the router I was using. I bought a new one earlier today and problem solved!
I got a d-link dgl-4300 router, and had problem getting a IP adr. from it. When I gave my HD2 a static IP it worked, but very slow. After I changed from DHD network adapter to NE 2000 compatible ethernet driver it get IP from router and I can browse internet through wifi fast. Maybe it can help u 2.
regards Xes.
