Got my phone stolen. - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

just felt like sharing.
I got my phone stolen on the train!
I as talking on the phone when my friend call, and the perp just snatches it from my hand!
I have the remote protect program installed on my phone and I still didn't get any txt yet.
I hope I get the txt soon.
I also have google latitude installed. but I think it only updates when the app is running right?
I don't really care about the phone. but i just want these perps caught!
My phone is very unique, cuz i used putty to mod the D-pad.
I wonder if they will sell it on ebay or something.
or maybe just toss it.

what country?
I doubt they would sell on eBay, ppl who snatch phones would not have a pc even lol. seriously.

It happened in NYC, USA
they were a bunch of teenagers.
so who knows...

I really hate criminals like these guys.. I used to be a care free kid until that day i got mugged... I was just walking listening to music, and without knowing, I walk into a group of black kids who shove me to the floor and steal my ipod and cellphone. Iam really cautious now whenever i go out. Like if i ever see some thugs coming my way i'll take the long way just to avoid them. And i rarely take out my ipod/cellphone when iam out alone.
Anyways, hope those dicks get caught. You did call the cops right? They usually dont do anything, but when enough crime reports occur they'll do something.

Yea, i called the cops and filed a report.
thats the only way I can get them if i do get the txt.
If i don't, then getting that txt won't do anything.
I got mugged more than once before. and I'm also careful.
but sometimes, **** just happens anyway.
Still no sms from the preps sim yet. so they prob just using it as some PDA or they hard reset it.
I gotta change all my email passwords now.
Im kinda pissed i didn't get the txt from remote protect. I want to hard reset my phone remotely. I got photos of family and my address(if they read my emails) in there.
the detectives said they prob have them on cam, so I'll be going in to tomorrow check it.
I don't want the phone back, I just want those bastards caught!

Well that's good to hear. Yeah, i feel the same way you do, stuff can be easily replaced but knowing those little ****s are still out there just makes me pissed. Hey, tell us if they ever catch them okay?

Man, that sucks! Personally, I would like to get my hands on people like that!
My problem is, if something like that happened to me, someone would be going to jail/hospital. It might be me, but they wouldn't forget about trying to take whatever it was, at least one of them would be hurting.
I probably shouldn't be that way, but it goes right through me. Thieves are the lowest scum possible.

Well not the lowest scum, i can think of waay worse.
I mean professional lifters are 'theives', muggers are standover violent thugs!

Well not the lowest scum, i can think of waay worse.
I mean professional lifters are 'theives', muggers are standover violent thugs!

normally well where I'm at when you get your phone stolen you report it to the cops
and give them the imei nr
which they then put on the block list of all the phone companies in the country and other countries they have arrangements with
and the phone can't be used with any sim card

Really sad my friend, sorry.... any message yet?

Cops says theres nothing they can do about it.
the phone can't be found
I was thinking of getting another 8525, but I think i'll wait till the Fuze gets cheaper.
I think i'll go for the Dash as a temp for now.

can't you give the imei no. to cops to blacklist the phone? I mean this is the whole reason imei's exist!

yes it did, but it's not going to do anything.
I still prob won't get my phone back. lol

Aww, it really sucks to hear that. Cops usually dont help much when it comes to crime like these. Anyways atleast you can finally upgrade from the 8525.


Found a G1

Found a G1 the other day and left it on for the owner to call em to get the phone back. Lost phones before, I know how annoying it was, but the owner hasnt called in 2 days so im assuming they dont want it.
That said, they will more than likely call and block this phone, if they do, is there any way I can get it working again?
Thanks for your help.
swap sim cards
I dont think Tmobile blocks stolen phones from the network. (I didn't check to see if you were in the US or not)
I've lost a phone in the past and asked if Tmob could block the phone from their network and they say its not possible.
If you want to be more proactive, open up gmail and send yourself an email, then you'll have the owner's address and then send him an email. Hopefully he'll give you a small reward for your trouble and kindness.
I don't understand why you couldn't more proactively look through his/her contacts and call 'Home' or 'Mom' or 'Dad' etc??
sblmnl said:
I don't understand why you couldn't more proactively look through his/her contacts and call 'Home' or 'Mom' or 'Dad' etc??
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No offense but I am going to ask this question, How old are you? and Do you have something listed as Mom or Dad?
LOL I am not trying to say anything bad I just never heard of anyone over the age of 30 having Mommy in their phone LOL I am only 22 and have it as their full names, but I do have ICE for them as well.
sblmnl said:
I don't understand why you couldn't more proactively look through his/her contacts and call 'Home' or 'Mom' or 'Dad' etc??
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Yea he could of done that.. but to me I would keep it.. finder keeper
i would keep it but tats just me either look for home in the contacts.. Or email him.. Thats the best u can doo
neoobs said:
No offense but I am going to ask this question, How old are you? and Do you have something listed as Mom or Dad?
LOL I am not trying to say anything bad I just never heard of anyone over the age of 30 having Mommy in their phone LOL I am only 22 and have it as their full names, but I do have ICE for them as well.
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1. I'm 21
2. There's a lot of people that wouldn't necessarily use 'Mommy', but many definitely use Mom or Dad
3. There was no age mentioned here, just trying to help
sblmnl said:
1. I'm 21
2. There's a lot of people that wouldn't necessarily use 'Mommy', but many definitely use Mom or Dad
3. There was no age mentioned here, just trying to help
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I was just saying that I haven't met many with mom or dad in their phone listed as mom or dad.
Either way have you thought of calling 611?
I agree. I have no "mom", "dad", "sister", "home" etc. In my phone book. Closest thing I have is "aunt ----" haha. It is easy to text anyone from the inbox and say "hey I found this phone how do I contact the owner?" -simple isn't it?
I am 31, and have 'Mum' in my phone...
I have Mom and Dad in my phone and I'm 28. Never really seen a reason to change it. When I talk to them I call them Mom and Dad so thats how they are listed in my phone book.
As for the lost phone you could have easily taken it into a T-mobile store or called T-mobile customer care. Sounds like you wanted to keep the phone and to make yourself feel better you waited a whole 2 days. Loosing your phone sucks I would try and be more proactive about finding the owner.
Most lost phones never reach there owner and i would say if the sim is still active the owner hasnt reported it to tmob. if it has been disabled then i would say they will have most likely have claimed on there insurance so i would give it another 2 days (4 in total) look through the contacts and see if you an find anything that relates to a family member and call them to find the owner.
by this time you should have spoken to the owner and with any luck he will haev an insurance replacement and say you can have the phone for £25 or so ( the insurance excess) or at least if i lost my phone and had a replacement via insurance and then was told someone had found it i would try and make a deal with them.
I don't have mom and dad listed as I call them but by their proper names.
Closest I have are aunt and uncle so and so.
My phone is also locked with contact info displayed that doesn't include the cell in question. Now if only I could get a Google Voice acct.
neoobs said:
No offense but I am going to ask this question, How old are you? and Do you have something listed as Mom or Dad?
LOL I am not trying to say anything bad I just never heard of anyone over the age of 30 having Mommy in their phone LOL I am only 22 and have it as their full names, but I do have ICE for them as well.
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I am 32 and have Mom and Dad listings in my phone, I also have my grandparents listed as (get this) Grandparents.
Because... get this, they are my mom, dad, and grandparents. My dad is not Daniel to me, even though that is his name, he is my dad.
Hope to see the outcome, LOL, wanted to see the person reaction when he had his phone returned to him. Please update us, thank you
Can I have my phone back now?
A whole two days is a lot more than what thousands of other people would have done. I could go to a t mobile store after I work all week, like I have nothing better to do, but for what? the guy behind the counter to say yes sir, il get this right back to him, and put it in his pocket?
IMO the guy had 2 days to ring me, he didnt, he dosnt want the phone so my question was, am I going to be able to use it normally or is it as good as a brick?
I think you should be able to use it, however, if it is as good as a brick let me know I may buy it off of you for a small price. I need a development phone that isn't my primary device.
Wow. There is a good amount of flimsy moral rationalization going on in this thread.

Luckiest Android User Ever

So I was helping a customer today (I'm a Tmo Employee) with their rate plans and then started talking to him about some phones. Well he pulls out a Nexus One out of one of the stock N1 pouches and told me he FOUND this (who the hell finds free stuff like this?!) and wanted to check if it was a Tmo or ATT version because his internet wasn't working. I verified it was a Tmo version and it wasn't working for him because he had the Blackberry internet on his plan. When I asked if he wanted to change it he was like oh no I like my Blackberry. Then here is how the next part went.
Guy: Do you know anybody that would want to buy this?
Me: As a matter of fact, I'll be glad to take it.
Guy: How about $200?
Me: How about I go to the ATM next door RIGHT NOW!
So now I'm the owner of another N1 so this one goes to my GF. Buuuuuut the best part is, it isn't just the normal one. This one has the picture of the Android waving a flag on the back with no HTC branding. Hmmmmmmm...
Just had to share this. Was too excited about it not to! lol
Just bought your self a brand new stolen ('found' is an alternative word for stolen) N1 Concrats! It's the best device with Android!
so let me translate for you.
This guy steals an N1 and brings it in to your store and asks if you'll pay him $200 for it and you say yes.
Got it...
You sound like a goddamned thief to me.
could easily track down the original owner in minutes...
but my question is, why is there an android flag and no htc branding? Is it a special phone?
Alclub said:
could easily track down the original owner in minutes...
but my question is, why is there an android flag and no htc branding? Is it a special phone?
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...Search and you shall receive...
Alclub said:
could easily track down the original owner in minutes...
but my question is, why is there an android flag and no htc branding? Is it a special phone?
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I'm thinking it could be a Beta phone or something? Looks like one of the ones that Google employees were given and were not supposed to "sell" BUT I have heard of some that have been "lost" from employees and were bought from people. But the phone had no SIM card and looked wiped when I got it. Was at the stock 2.1 home screen.
The guy didn't "look" like he stole it. Nice guy, wife, 2 young kids. I'm pretty sure the guy found it somewhere.
Grats on buying stolen goods. Not the smartest thing to brag about, either.
Or possibly you've just met a Google worker that was quietly getting rid of his phone
i would have bought it too shiiiiit lol
The guy said the other guy found it. How the hell are you guys jumping to the conclusion that it's stolen?
The word "found" is similar to the word "stolen"?
So when my car stereo was missing out of my car one day, someone just found it and it actually wasn't stolen? Maybe this, I found 20 bucks on the street once but I must've stolen it right?
BTW, congrats on getting a awesome deal. Ignore the haters and you and your girlfriend enjoy the phone.
Damn you are really LUCKY android user. 200$ it's nothing for that phone
'The word "found" is similar to the word "stolen"?'
Maybe i said it wrong but i meant in this sentence it's an other word for found... And i'm not a hater just know how people are, they don't come in and say "i just stole the phone want to buy for 200 bucks?" That would be stupid! it's pretty clear it's stolen but i wouldn't care about it I'm Happy for the new owner and wished one day someone comes to me for a cheap good as new phone for 1/3 of the origional price (i got my hero for 150 bucks @ releaseday, found by someone i know )
Grats on capitalising on someone elses misfortune.
I'd gladly buy your phone if it was found/stolen rather than try and track you down. (/not. it's very easy to track down the owner of a lost phone for which i have done multiple times).
Did you keep the guys contacts & messages on their or just go and delete them? so as not to spark your conscience. How about when you were deleting the owners google login details to put your own in its place? did that make you feel all light and giddy too?
You work for T-Mobile, someone brings in a T-Mobile version of the N1 and you buy it rather than trying to find the owner on your internal system?
Morally bankrupt
If I worked in your store and someone brought in a "found" phone, then (a) it wouldn't have left the store again, and (b) I would NEVER, EVER, have offered to buy it. Totally reprehensible.
If you find something it doesn't automatically become yours. You're no better than a common thief. In fact, you're worse, because you knowingly paid money for it.
I'd expect the manager to back me up on (a) and help track the original owner down. I can assure you that if you worked for me and I found out about this, you'd be out of the door so quick you'd wonder what happened.
bumskins said:
Grats on capitalising on someone elses misfortune.
I'd gladly buy your phone if it was found/stolen rather than try and track you down. (/not. it's very easy to track down the owner of a lost phone for which i have done multiple times).
Did you keep the guys contacts & messages on their or just go and delete them? so as not to spark your conscience. How about when you were deleting the owners google login details to put your own in its place? did that make you feel all light and giddy too?
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There was no SIM card in the phone. No contacts. Nothing at all. To me it looked like it was wiped which I'm sure the dude didn't do cause he had no clue how to use this phone or his phone which I might add.
ScaredyCat said:
You work for T-Mobile, someone brings in a T-Mobile version of the N1 and you buy it rather than trying to find the owner on your internal system?
Morally bankrupt
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No way to track down people from IMEI's :-/
I'll give OP the benefit of the doubt based on his story of how the events went down.
People lose phones all the time... that's why applications like WaveSecure exist. Without having any such application on the phone, it gets to be rather difficult to find the owner - especially if all data has been wiped from the device. Without a SIM card, there's not really anything to tie the device to its previous owner.
It is kinda sketch, but I don't think the OP is in the wrong here.
I give it a week before its IMEI blocked

A Story Of Revenge:

I was waiting for the Evo, ever since it was announced. I got it on my lunch break during work (Which turned out to be 2 hours because of the sprint servers). I loved it.
I was playing basketball when someone must have taken it out of my bag (I think it was right on top and possibly visible). I realized it probably 15-20 minutes after it was gone. I confronted the group of people and told them that I just wanted my phone back. Didn't care if they stole it, I wouldn't report it, just wanted it back. They all denied it.
I went home, more pissed than I've been in a while. I called sprint and told them my story. They said unless I had insurance (Which I'm getting in the future BTW), I was SOL. I told them to cancel my service, and I'll go back to t-mobile.
A day went by, and I started checking Craigslist to see if anything popped up. Well something did pop up. I called the people, and asked if they had the box and everything. They said they just got the actual phone for a gift. I contemplated arranging a meet up with my friend and them, and have some bats and golf clubs with me, but I decided I didn't wanna get arrested, or sued, or leave myself legally liable in any way. So I went to the police station.
I met this very friendly and nice cop outside and told him my story. He must have liked me, because he took me in, reported my item as stolen, and then I explained about the craigslist ad.
He took a look and agreed it was fishy. I told him if I could just get my hands on the phone and check the serial numbers, I could see if it was my phone or not. So, he grabbed his friend and they both took on the case (A sting operation for a phone!).
Well 12 hours went by and I was sweating because I didn't know when it was going down, or if the guys had sold the phone to someone else. Well my friends all called the phone number listed and asked if it was still available. They said that someone was looking at the phone right now. That was it, if it wasn't the cops, then I'd never get my phone back.
Well sure enough an hour later, I get a call from the cop, and he said they got my phone back. Told me never to go back to that court again. I'll have to testify, but I get my phone back in a few days.
I am probably one of the luckiest Evo Owners ever! Now just gotta get my phone reactivated... Hope there won't be too much of a problem there.
Good story bro.
Show up to court and testify. Don't let the POS get away with it. If he gets away with it, it will teach him that stealing doesn't carry consequences.
I wouldn't post this online. Just sayin.
ok am not a good reader hehe so hmm who sstole your phone? scare the crap out of them for stealing!
Damn, talk about luck. The phone gods are looking down upon you dude. Nice. Testify and teach them to never steal again. Unfortunately once a thief, always a thief as the saying goes. I would take the cops advice and never go back to that BB court again. Congrats though.
nice! good police do exist
In the future you should install WaveSecure It'll let you track your phone and remotely wipe it among other things.
Awesome story!
Sad thing is you wont be able to play ball on that court again. =(
P_Dub_S said:
In the future you should install WaveSecure It'll let you track your phone and remotely wipe it among other things.
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I have MobileDefence. What is WaveSecure like?
Cool that you got the phone back man.
To all those who say "Too bad you can't go back to that court again", why would the OP want to anyway? Obviously the type of crowd there is trouble. I wouldn't go play there again if my stuff was robbed and I never recovered it. I wouldn't be able to play having to check my stuff every two minutes knowing what happened the last time. Just sayin'.
P.S. -This is coming from a guy with a main source of exercise from Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft.
Awesome, exactly the same happened to me with my hero, december last year. Except it happened during my gym class at school, my father found it on a local auction site, and then left with a friend to confront the guys.The IMEI matched, ofcourse, and i got my phone back. Sad thing is that the douche who stole it, was a guy in my class, and even worse is the fact that he and his companion got of with a warning. Had to see him every single day for half a year.
I bring only the bare minimum when I go to the courts. Keys, ID and a bottle of water. A lack of cash ensures that I don't spend it splurging on impulse food after playing and that I head straight home. Lawl.
AcIdC0R3 said:
I have MobileDefence. What is WaveSecure like?
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I've used both, mobile defense's web interface seems to be slightly nicer, but not much difference, they have almost identical feature sets. The only real difference is that mobile defense SMS for turning on tracking originate from the US. And Wave Secure SMS originates from Asia (can't remember the country) the reason this makes a difference is that wave secure costs you 20 cents every time you use it to do anything. I would stick with mobile defense. If you have wave secure all setup it's probably not worth switching either unless you track your phone or alarm/lock it often.
I am not sure if Android offers a tracking app. I use one on my TP2 and I don't care what they do with the phone because it will provide me with the exact location to share with the cops if necessary.
One SMS with my code and my phone lets me know it's location.
hunterintustin said:
I am not sure if Android offers a tracking app. I use one on my TP2 and I don't care what they do with the phone because it will provide me with the exact location to share with the cops if necessary.
One SMS with my code and my phone lets me know it's location.
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Did you read the thread? The posts right above yours mentions mobile defense which does exactly that.
Awesome that the OP got his phone back
I've use Mobile Defense since the day I got my myTouch with only one problem. They send a text from an e-mail that has mobiledefense in the name! Like, come on, don't be THAT obvious! You should get it from a real number saying like "hey baby" or something. A phone tracking app is invaluable to anyone who owns a phone like this, though.
As for OP, you are bigger man than I. Of course, I have a family riddled with crime (blood and in-laws) so the whole "beat the hell out of you" thing is pretty much drilled in at this point.
Thanks for sharing your story. Glad you got your phone back.
I actually flew to LA just after I got the phone (canceled online pre-order and stood in line so I can have it for the weekend). Went to play basketball with my brothers, and was worried about my phone being stolen, maybe I can blame losing that game on that...
I usually leave my stuff behind the basket pole, no chance of someone getting near my things without me seeing them, and the pole protects it from someone stepping on it.
I had my very first cell phone stollen. I was a senior in highschool and got a pretty decent job and wanted a phone. I got that nokia that everybody had 8 years ago (the one with the flashlight on top). I went to the pool for swim practice and came back and my phone was gone! I called it from my buddy's phone and the DB answered and said, sorry dude! Next time bring a lock! And hung up... I called ATT and reported it. They said because it was a cheap POS phone, there really wan't much they could do, but the guy gave me a discount on the same phone (I think I paid like $40 or something) so it was all good in the end.
I guess some people just need phones more than others! Teach this guy a lesson. Don't back down and maybe he'll think twice before he tries and steals someone else's $500 investment
Glad you were successful!
p.s. The first time I read the story, I thought the "court" the cops told you to stay away from was a "Court of Law" and not a basketball court. I was like, dang, cops don't want you to come back to the court (of law)? That's messed up!


I've had a hell of a time trying to get this damn phone activated. It shows it's charged, but all it says during hands-free activation is "contacting network", and never finishes. Tried updating the profile, but naturally, that takes data to work, so that certainly wasn't successful. Talked to tech support, and they had me try resetting the phone, didn't help. I've left it plugged in for 2 more hours, still didn't activate. I do not want to call tech support again, they talk to me like I'm an idiot and it annoys the crap out of me.
tatonka_hero said:
I've had a hell of a time trying to get this damn phone activated. It shows it's charged, but all it says during hands-free activation is "contacting network", and never finishes. Tried updating the profile, but naturally, that takes data to work, so that certainly wasn't successful. Talked to tech support, and they had me try resetting the phone, didn't help. I've left it plugged in for 2 more hours, still didn't activate. I do not want to call tech support again, they talk to me like I'm an idiot and it annoys the crap out of me.
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try using chat?
riggsandroid said:
try using chat?
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it's employee care, so I don't know if there is a chat. Not to mention it's probably blocked at work. Odd things are blocked here. Like is blocked, but XDA isn't (which I'm grateful for)
I had the same problem when I was at radioshack. They bad to call tech and get a dialing code to reset some settings. Just call and say you got disconnected from tech and you want to go back. If you don't say that they will try to fix it themselves.
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
adamr240 said:
I had the same problem when I was at radioshack. They bad to call tech and get a dialing code to reset some settings. Just call and say you got disconnected from tech and you want to go back. If you don't say that they will try to fix it themselves.
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
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I called them back and got in touch with a guy that actually seemed like he knew what he was doing. Had me go into a menu using ##986# I think, and had me change the two numbers in there. That fixed it. Now I get to play!
tatonka_hero said:
I called them back and got in touch with a guy that actually seemed like he knew what he was doing. Had me go into a menu using ##986# I think, and had me change the two numbers in there. That fixed it. Now I get to play!
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hey at least you didnt end up like me, my 1st shift arrived with a DOA radio lol
I've noticed that if I am patient and pleasant with the people on the phone, usually they are reasonable when we have a conversation. Not getting mad or yelling or name calling isn't good. I try to keep the conversation kinda professional and relaxed and most of the time they are the same way back to me. Maybe some reps can confirm this? I've heard many say that if you are cool with them, they might go the extra mile with you. If you are a **** or ***** on the phone, they won't want to help you even though it is their job. Understand what it is like to be in their position and treat/speak with them like you want to be treated. Common sense stuff.
They deal with difficult and rude customers all day. They probably like it a lot when someone is civil with them. Duh!
You get more with sugar than vinegar.
herbthehammer said:
I've noticed that if I am patient and pleasant with the people on the phone, usually they are reasonable when we have a conversation. Not getting mad or yelling or name calling isn't good. I try to keep the conversation kinda professional and relaxed and most of the time they are the same way back to me. Maybe some reps can confirm this? I've heard many say that if you are cool with them, they might go the extra mile with you. If you are a **** or ***** on the phone, they won't want to help you even though it is their job. Understand what it is like to be in their position and treat/speak with them like you want to be treated. Common sense stuff.
They deal with difficult and rude customers all day. They probably like it a lot when someone is civil with them. Duh!
You get more with sugar than vinegar.
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I can confirm being a former call center rep myself for another company (still with them hence the lack of naming, just moved up the ladder), we are a lot more inclined to go the extra mile and ensure everything you need to taken care of if you give us the same respect we try our best to give you
XmentalX said:
I can confirm being a former call center rep myself for another company (still with them hence the lack of naming, just moved up the ladder), we are a lot more inclined to go the extra mile and ensure everything you need to taken care of if you give us the same respect we try our best to give you
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Oh I was very nice and polite, but if I had to go through a third tech support person, then I was going to get a bit angry with them. Luckily, the second guy knew what he was doing and my Shift is great. Battery's dead, mostly because I was downloading updates in an area with no service (I hope that's the reason anyway, always was with my Hero)
Another thought is that even though it's very annoying when dealing with people that seem clueless, they can't help it if someone poorly trained them or told them to troubleshoot by reading a script in a book they might have in front of them. I bet many are just like many other people out there. They need a job and it's not their fault if their employer did a ****ty job training them. I've had quite a few jobs where IF the employer DID train, it would be the absolute minimum and then they throw you to the wolves. Sink or swim. You figure it out along the way, if you can. The idiots expect maximum results with minimum efforts. And again, I digress.
Activating mine was a major pain. I spoke with 3 reps and 1 supervisor before someone thought to ask me if I had turned off my old phone first. Turns out that was the problem.

Horrible Experience. Warning ranting, cussing included

What would have been an excellent day for me has turned me into a ball of negative energy. I read reports here that Sprint stores were letting the Nexus S go early. Boy was I ready. Since there are only two stores I can drive to, I called the nearest one, an hour away. I ask the rep twice, If I make the trip, can I land a Nexus S today. Was told twice, sir we have the phone and yes we will sell it to you. I can't tell you how excited I was to hop in the car and take off like a bat outta hell. I pushed the S2000 to 100+ over the overpasses flying by cars thinking, get outta my way I'm getting the Nexus S *****es. I pull up hop out the car, don't even remember pulling the key from the ignition right? Well I get inside first thing on the agenda is to sit down and "play/test" the phone out a bit. Explore the gingerbread OS, determine if I REALLY want to drop 200 after just getting the Epic full price. They hand me the phone no hesitation let me play. Didn't take but 5 minutes, decided, sure let me blow my upgrade, I want the Nexus S from a development standpoint. To have pure google, and to have seemless rom options in the future cause I know the major devs will support it. Also to help me understand the lower levels of pure android to help bring that to the Epic which I plan on continuing to work on. Hell I was planning on keeping both phones. The woman goes to get me the new phone, box, etc... Manager approaches, ask what's going on. What's going on is I'm about to leave another satisfied customer. NOT. Manager says he "just received word via e-mail" he can't sell it. I explained I called ahead and drove from out of town to get it. He tells me "that's not far to drive come back sunday". You ************. I left the store before I opened my mouth because that usually ends in my vent cut short by police who then have to take the rest of my vent, which ends up in a trip to the local jail until I calm my temper down. It's really hard to raise it but when I'm heated, it's hours before it falls. Needless to say I been on the phone with the owner of the store who is very considerate, considering I'm not polite at this minute. She is taking my rant telling me it's deserved (despite the fact she's at home obviously dealing with family and life). We work out a deal that is NOT me getting the device.
So what's the point of this all? beside me ranting? I hope one thing comes of this thread. Whomever is responsible for my waisted drive, (its not the lady on the phone when I called, she put me on hold while going into the back to ask permission, the guy who gave her permission points his finger at the district manager who had "just sent the email" that I found was lie, the store owner tells me they got the do not sell e-mail 4 hours before I even called). So whoever is truely to blame, and I'm sure I know and looked you in the eyes. Eat a bag of dicks, and enjoy the trouble your now in.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not at all mad at the fact that they couldn't sell the phone early, I expected that from the first call. I'm pissed at the fact I drove down there and back for NOTHING. Does he/she not understand, we are in the middle of a recession, in Louisiana where there are NO jobs left in my town since the oil field was tanked by the spill. I'm busting ass for just over minimum wage till the work returns, and I attempt to drop 200, plus burn a tank of gass to get this device, and get strung along? ****ers.
Alright Rant Over, I'm ordering from Google, and I'll get over it, but the Houma Park Ave. store will never see me again after buying the Moment and Epic last year, then first thing this year headed to go get the Nexus. Thats 1010.00 in phones in 13 months.
Failure all around... I despise incompetent employees who find it fun to screw customers around.
Hope you have a good radar detector... they (EDIT: they? Who's they? The guy who did it.) should be paying for your gas.
I would say anger management and a new hobby might solve this problem. I'd say "not to sound like a jerk" if I hadn't already, but you need to stop worrying about keeping up with the jones' about phones. They're going to come and go and have their advantages and disadvantages, but freaking out, making a choice to drive a long distance on a longshot that you clearly were sceptical about and then getting nearly irate over the fact that a retail manager got overridden on selling you it while you lolly-gagged on getting the thing you drove over an hour for sounds ridiculous and makes me wonder where your priorities are. (Pardon the atrocious grammar) If you got there and it didn't blow your mind were you going to come here and type a long rant about how Samsung wasted your time making you drive an hour to make a phone you weren't impressed with? Keep working hard, yes, but stop loudly blaming others because you aren;t satisfied and stop getting so worked up that you land yourself at the police station, that's just acting like a child.
k0nane said:
Failure all around... I despise incompetent employees who find it fun to screw customers around.
Hope you have a good radar detector... they (EDIT: they? Who's they? The guy who did it.) should be paying for your gas.
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Valentine 1 Ofcourse I'm covered hwy 90 is a speed trap from texas to mississippi
dreamsforgotten said:
Valentine 1 Ofcourse I'm covered hwy 90 is a speed trap from texas to mississippi
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Right on... I'm a Passport 8500 X50 user at the moment, but I'm going to go V1 in the near future, I think. Will go hardware with a mirror mount, should be sweet. And watch out for TXHP next time you're in Texas (esp. on 20)... Those bastards are snipers with their rear-facing instant-on.
Sounds like you got your priorities straight.
The Root said:
I would say anger management and a new hobby might solve this problem. I'd say "not to sound like a jerk" if I hadn't already, but you need to stop worrying about keeping up with the jones' about phones. They're going to come and go and have their advantages and disadvantages, but freaking out, making a choice to drive a long distance on a longshot that you clearly were sceptical about and then getting nearly irate over the fact that a retail manager got overridden on selling you it while you lolly-gagged on getting the thing you drove over an hour for sounds ridiculous and makes me wonder where your priorities are. (Pardon the atrocious grammar) If you got there and it didn't blow your mind were you going to come here and type a long rant about how Samsung wasted your time making you drive an hour to make a phone you weren't impressed with? Keep working hard, yes, but stop loudly blaming others because you aren;t satisfied and stop getting so worked up that you land yourself at the police station, that's just acting like a child.
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You don't come off as a jerk, I'm just venting here so that's expected that people like you would wonder what's wrong with me. My priorities are where they need to be I own all my possession, don't pay bills sept insurance and phone. I save and splurge on what I want. Driving an hour isn't rediculous when you live in a ghost town in the middle of nowhere and I was making 3 times the money when I got the Moment and Epic. Second part, I wouldn't complain about the S because one thing I do is diligent research on electronics before I buy. I'm still getting it because I want it already knowing I'm downgrading from the Epic seeing as the the S can't record in 720p, lacks a front facing camera, and doesn't even have a stock movie player. Oh forgot you can't unmount the SD and pop in another one. I knew what I was headed there for but I do expect a company be it a retail store or anyone to keep true to their word. That kinda was the point of calling ahead of time....twice. About the police you'd just have to live here to understand, getting in a verbal confrontation with a business owner is a reason to arrest alone, disturbing the peace. I closed my mouth and exited the store, so no childish acts there, I came here to vent instead . But by all means, your entitled to your opinions the matter not to me so I'm not hating on you for your post, **** I expect worse here shortly .
dreamsforgotten said:
Second part, I wouldn't complain about the S because one thing I do is diligent research on electronics before I buy. I'm still getting it because I want it already knowing I'm downgrading from the Epic seeing as the the S can't record in 720p, lacks a front facing camera, and doesn't even have a stock movie player. .
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The S definitely has a front facing camera
living in NY this happens to me all the time. been sent from store to store on wild goose chases. i expect to be treated like crap when i have to step into a brick and mortar store these days
k0nane said:
Right on... I'm a Passport 8500 X50 user at the moment, but I'm going to go V1 in the near future, I think. Will go hardware with a mirror mount, should be sweet. And watch out for TXHP next time you're in Texas (esp. on 20)... Those bastards are snipers with their rear-facing instant-on.
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So does LA State Troopers! I know the feeling. I passed on the passport because the only cigarette lighter port is on the side of the driver seat, didn't want that wire hanging across the car, its hardwired into the battery.
063_XOBX said:
The S definitely has a front facing camera
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no ****, misinformed. It don't affect me either way on that tho, because I don't use the one on the Epic. The no 720p hurts because I love the video quality but I still will have an Epic to record on!
dreamsforgotten said:
You don't come off as a jerk, I'm just venting here so that's expected that people like you would wonder what's wrong with me. My priorities are where they need to be I own all my possession, don't pay bills sept insurance and phone. I save and splurge on what I want. Driving an hour isn't rediculous when you live in a ghost town in the middle of nowhere and I was making 3 times the money when I got the Moment and Epic. Second part, I wouldn't complain about the S because one thing I do is diligent research on electronics before I buy. I'm still getting it because I want it already knowing I'm downgrading from the Epic seeing as the the S can't record in 720p, lacks a front facing camera, and doesn't even have a stock movie player. Oh forgot you can't unmount the SD and pop in another one. I knew what I was headed there for but I do expect a company be it a retail store or anyone to keep true to their word. That kinda was the point of calling ahead of time....twice. About the police you'd just have to live here to understand, getting in a verbal confrontation with a business owner is a reason to arrest alone, disturbing the peace. I closed my mouth and exited the store, so no childish acts there, I came here to vent instead . But by all means, your entitled to your opinions the matter not to me so I'm not hating on you for your post, **** I expect worse here shortly .
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No worries. Was just wondering and your answers all make sense. Points of view and descriptions of regionalism can easily bring things into perspective when high-tuned emotions are no longer driving thought. I still don't trust corporate America if I had 2 phone calls and a signed contract unless I had a million in the bank for legal fees to back my opinion up.
dreamsforgotten said:
So does LA State Troopers!
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I'd be more worried about laser with them boys.
First, S2000 is a cute little car. Where you driving with the top off? It would probably cool down your temperature afterward.
Second, I would have pissed all over the store, and take a crap on the table inside manager office (if he/she has one).
Third, I would take off running out the store with the phone.
The Root said:
No worries. Was just wondering and your answers all make sense. Points of view and descriptions of regionalism can easily bring things into perspective when high-tuned emotions are no longer driving thought. I still don't trust corporate America if I had 2 phone calls and a signed contract unless I had a million in the bank for legal fees to back my opinion up.
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As far as my hobbies, since the decline of the economy, which I don't even much feel but others around me lost everything, android is keeping me sane until I'm allowed to personally feel productive again. I've been into hacking and tweaking the phone and it really give me that since of accomplishment, that's why I'm gadget jumping. I don't plan on stopping development for the Epic to move to the S, I'm planning on adding more options to what IS my hobby. I don't even plan on buying another device after this one. I said plenty times before, when the development phone from Google is supported on Sprint, I'll gladly jump on it. Until now I could only sit back and watch T-moble get the glory. I bought the Epic cause the original S was close but I never expected us to get one. It was like christmas for me.
ccnd8 said:
First, S2000 is a cute little car. Where you driving with the top off? It would probably cool down your temperature afterward.
Second, I would have pissed all over the store, and take a crap on the table inside manager office (if he/she has one).
Third, I would take off running out the store with the phone.
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LMFAO, much needed smile there! Top down both ways, it's hot as hell in Louisiana right now. Perfect weather before the rain season spoils it.
Must be a requirement
Most of the 3rd party stores have suck ass employees.
They are as clueless as Inspector gadget.
If i really need an answer ,or something done right i go to a" sprint corp store" point blank.
Ok if any 3rd party employees read this, dont take it personal but its true.
humdrum2009 said:
Most of the 3rd party stores have suck ass employees.
They are as clueless as Inspector gadget.
If i really need an answer ,or something done right i go to a" sprint corp store" point blank.
Ok if any 3rd party employees read this, dont take it personal but its true.
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I have to disagree. I realized ever since I've bought a cellphone it has always been from Best Buy and I've always been satisfied with sale, service, and warrantee/guarantees.
humdrum2009 said:
Most of the 3rd party stores have suck ass employees.
They are as clueless as Inspector gadget.
If i really need an answer ,or something done right i go to a" sprint corp store" point blank.
Ok if any 3rd party employees read this, dont take it personal but its true.
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Corporate stores follow the rules strict. The only chance of getting it was a retail store since they "sort of" govern themselves. Awell, 3 more days
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
Yay, Louisiana's a ****hole. The one thing you can rely on here is that someone will **** something up and then act like it's your fault.
I can't wait to leave this place.

