Bootup Speed/Time - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

is there any TWEAK or APP or ANYTHING to make the bootup time FASTER?
tried removing the startup animation but that doesnt work.


Problem - weather animation displayed only once!

Yesterday I flashed my Leo with a custom ROM. Everything works great except that the weather animation (on the Home tab) displays only once. Any idea how to loop it? Maybe a specific key in the registry? Any help will be appreciated as this is the last thing I need to do to be complete
Unless I misunderstood your original question (sorry in advance if I did!):
I'm pretty sure to conserve battery life the weather animation only happens once, if you press the windows button to access the menu, then back to the home screen it then restarts the weather animation for one cycle, as does coming out of the lock screen.
I'm not sure if there is a registry edit that allows it to go on loop, I would be interested in this as well actually.
Exactly - it would be really great to loop this animation.

Slow Boot-up Time (pls help)

I dont know what is the cause, but now my phone boot up time has increased quite a lot. It took about 40sec before I see the lock screen (like previously) but the difference now is I dont see the (live) wallpaper. It just a black screen. It takes another 30-40 secs before I see the phone signal bar. Then wallpaper comes on and it takes another 1.5 minutes before widgets fully loaded up. If I opened Application, I see the spinning bar and sometimes it takes quite a while before the app icons are displayed
Before this, the phone boots up in about 1 min with all widgets loaded.
I have checked what apps has started with ATK but there seems to be no difference than before. All the homescreen widgets are the same. The only things I have done is install quite a few games/apps to the phone. I have tried to uninstall all these stuff but the phone is still slow to boot.
Anyone can help? I am on the stock rom (jf4).
Did you put a lot of Music or Pictures on the Phone? Because every restart it searches for new media, which increases the startup time.

Animator duration scale?

Anyone know what "Animator duration scale" in the Developer options settings is?
I'd like to know, too
Seems even google doesn't know since I haven't found the information despite googling for some time.
Since transition and window animations are covered by the other options I can only assume it affects widget animations or something.
clankfu said:
Anyone know what "Animator duration scale" in the Developer options settings is?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This animation is when you press the app tray button.
However, you may change this option and notice it has no effect! Fine, call me a liar. Seriously though...
The reason it will *appear* to have no effect is because the launcher will need to be restarted.
Just set it to .5 or off if you want your app tray to pop up MUCH faster.
I assume this has no effect on custom launchers.
bunklung said:
This animation is when you press the app tray button.
However, you may change this option and notice it has no effect! Fine, call me a liar. Seriously though...
The reason it will *appear* to have no effect is because the launcher will need to be restarted.
Just set it to .5 or off if you want your app tray to pop up MUCH faster.
I assume this has no effect on custom launchers.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I was looking for this too, and did not find any answer, so I tried to set Animator duration scale to 10x and result is that this is let's say in app animation. In camera app it's animation of hiding settings buttons etc.
Truth is that an app has to be restarted to take effect. Just press recent apps and swype application , you're testing on away.
You can try it or watch video on YT
hope this helps.
It changes the speed of certain apps animation and some system animation. Keeping it off or lower will increase the speed of animation.

Disable the on-boot animation (and sound)

Anyone has a good guide on how to get rid of the irritating and awful boot animation or at least disable the sound ?
You can disable the boot sound from Settings>Sound>Power up sound.
As mentioned by Kufat, you can disable the boot sound in settings. If you're rooted you can change the boot animation to something else altogether.
On all my previous Moto devices (all very rooted, of course) I simply disabled the bootanimation by changing the extension of the zip to "". You can try that. Notice that just renaming it somehow didn't always worked in everyone of them. Good thing is the stock bootanimation gets automatically replaced by an "Android" item with black background that lurks somewhere. You can also replace it with another one by means of naming the replacement "" while keeping the stock BA with extension edited. Do not delete it; keep it right there just in case you want to go back to stock any day.
Sent from my Z2 Play using XDA Labs
In addition to silencing it as mentioned you can speed it up from the developer option so it's not as bad. Check the Open hidden settings to speed up the UI in thelink - -

Problem with animation on lockscreen

I think after last update (August) the animation effect for "Dialer" app when launching from lockscreen is missing.
It is normal ? I think I had this animation before earlier. Can someone check this ?
On the right "Camera" animation effect and on the left "Dialer" without animation effect.
I had the update and animation works well both camera and phone. you should better do a factory reset.

