changing the dialer buttons. - G1 General

Since the calculator has some nifty looking buttons, I was wondering if there was a way to mod the dialer buttons to use the calculator buttons instead?

try open home or some other home screen replacement. some of them have themes that change the buttons on the dialer. Or check out the themes section of the forums. Some of those themes modify the dialer buttons look.

I would rather not install one of the home alternative, they eat up too much memory and slow the phone way down. I wonder if its just some xml hacking, ill check it out in a bit


Replacement application for contacts list

I saw slither's cube demo and he had a sweet scrolling contact list.
I'm not huge on the built in contact list. I don't like much of ANYTHING about Windows Mobile that would REQUIRE me to use the stylus. That includes those little alphabetical buttons up top.
I have the sweet kaiser home app.. that sweet grey touch theme. The badass communications manager.
I'm not really happy with the "touch" themed dialer.. I understand that you can't move / size the dialing buttons, that's ok. I'm just using the stock dialer at the moment.
What I really want is some suggestions for contact list replacement. I don't want anything insanely over the top like slither's cube. I just want practical. Currently the contacts manager (or whatever it's called) is the least cool part of my setup.
I missed this thread:

Cube customization - plain cube no buttons ?

Does any one have all parts of cube animation like the one I've attached but without any buttons on it ? It would be easy to change it's layout - exchange all the buttons and stuff.
have you assigned any programs to the buttons?
(programs, accessories, sclpf, cube settings)

App Development Request for XDA'ers - *Scrollable StartMenu/App Selector*

I dont know if such a thing has been created yet
Im looking for a simple application thats also customizable which is basically like icontact or tene's pocketcm that allows for start menu like app selection.
An application that takes all the entries in the start menu folder including settings and puts it into an Android style selection app that is very finger freindly.
i'll be willing to donate for such an app.
Try MortButtons!
ehh.. im looking for a layout style like icontact and android's app menu selection screen
You can make your own skin! the only thing is, that you can't have that scrolling effect! But you can scroll one page with finger gestures!
can you post some screen or link, so we can see how it should look like!?
Throttle launcher may be the way to go.

Home Touch Button mods?

Is there any way to customize the home touch buttons? I've seen some different ones in various ROM's, but I wondered if there was an independent mod I could flash, or even an app that would offer a variety of themes.
I use the Substratum app. Only use it for the home keys or it will cause problems. Download the Softkeyz stater pack and look at the examples in the play store to see what you like. You will only see the names of the diff styles in the substratum app, not the icons.

change softkey icons

Is there a way to change the softkey icons? I don't want to switch the order, that's in the settings and there are instructions on numerous sites for that. I'd like to change the look of the buttons themselves. Any theme I've installed has the same buttons so I suspect it's either more in-depth or not possible?
jedix` said:
Is there a way to change the softkey icons? I don't want to switch the order, that's in the settings and there are instructions on numerous sites for that. I'd like to change the look of the buttons themselves. Any theme I've installed has the same buttons so I suspect it's either more in-depth or not possible?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'd like to as well but I imagine I'd have to have root which won't be happening for my Verizon version. I'd love to have a non-root way, though.

