Cube customization - plain cube no buttons ? - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Does any one have all parts of cube animation like the one I've attached but without any buttons on it ? It would be easy to change it's layout - exchange all the buttons and stuff.

have you assigned any programs to the buttons?
(programs, accessories, sclpf, cube settings)


Cube changing

I changed the icons of my cubes with new icons (made by Spunks3..... Thanks, you're the best), but how can i now change (and make) the cube changing with my new icons. When i slide over my cube to go to the other cube i see the older icons. I want to change them with my new icons.
Is this possible to do and can someone tell me how that i can do this?

changing the dialer buttons.

Since the calculator has some nifty looking buttons, I was wondering if there was a way to mod the dialer buttons to use the calculator buttons instead?
try open home or some other home screen replacement. some of them have themes that change the buttons on the dialer. Or check out the themes section of the forums. Some of those themes modify the dialer buttons look.
I would rather not install one of the home alternative, they eat up too much memory and slow the phone way down. I wonder if its just some xml hacking, ill check it out in a bit

WM 6.5: Customizing Buttons?

i just saw a few (cooked) roms with winmobile 6.5 which seem to have customized (standard)buttons in the applications - not the normal rectangular, flat and grey ones, but e.g. 3d glass style. i mean those typical winmobile buttons, for example the ones when you go into settings->today ("beam", "delete"...)
how is this possible? how can i customize buttons?
thanks for your answers, hints and tips

Win 6.5.3 - 6.5.5 : how to customize the start menubar ?

I'm looking for infos about how to customize the bottom start bar, so far i have only found how to disable the start et ok softkeys :
I'd like to know how to :
- skin the buttons (for example, change them from rounded to squared)
- relocate the start menu on top (classical 6.5 location)
- skin the menu, increase or decrease the bar thickness...
any infos & links are welcome !
+1 but also for 6.5 and below.
The persistent task and menu bar is one of the things I hate most about WinMo. In portrait orientation they can be tolerable but in landscape they take up a significant chunk of the vertical screen space. This almost nullifies the advantage of having a high resolution display.
It would be great if there was a way to make them smaller, or even hide them completely. There are not nearly enough full screen apps to make up for this deficiency.
go here and download the oem. it is a very good base for starters. It has everything you need to skin a 6.5.x theme

[Q] [q] Bypass android home screen widget grid?

One thing I like about cookie mods is that one can arrange the Widgets/shortcuts anywhere on the screen, is there any way to disable the snap grid on android? I already use adequate launcher and have set columns and rows, but would like to be able to arrange icons as I would wish, without system limitations.

