Voicemail Notification - G1 General

I have a standard G1, non rooted, cupcake version.
Tonight since I retrieved my voicemail the icon hasn't disappeared from the notification bar, I tried clearing notifications and rebooted the phone, it's still there. I have no voicemails but the icon is still there.
Any ideas?

it will go away, sometimes mine stay there for a whole day before it just decides to go away. call your voicemail a few times to make sure and maybe the phone will get the hint. other than that you can't do anything about it

Weird, hasn't happened to me before.
Funny cos I have been calling the VM to 'remind' it.
Thanks man, hopefully it'll go bye bye on it's own.

This happened to me, it finally went away when I called myself from another number and left a voicemail and then deleted it.

Yeah, your best best is to call your VM, play around in the menu's for a while, and it should go away.
You can also try going into the "Call Options" menu and erase the number for your VM (write it down first!), let it sit for a minute or so, and then put the number back in again.
I get anomolies in the VM system quite frequently, and it normally occurs when I delete a VM and then hang up too quickly (in the US, before it says "Press 1 to undo"). I let it return to the main menu in the VM inbox first now and normally the VM icon goes away as soon as I hang up.


Faulty Voicemail Notification

Yes I'm a newbie to this forum so be nice.
Has anybody had problems with their new voicemail notification staying on after you've gone over and deleted your new messages? I've done a soft reset like 5 times and deleted every message from my voicemail and my today screen still says I have voicemail and the notification sounds when I start it up. I'm thinking this doesn't have anything to do with the phone itself but rather Sprint (??) I had a PPC6701 previously and the Fusic and I had problems with this as well...
Just wondering if this has happened to anybody else and if you know why or how to fix it..
My Faulty Voicemail is a little different
No matter how many vmail messages I have, my Mogul only indicates that I have 1 message. Over and over again, I'm told I've got one, and only one, voicemail. Very annoying that this expensive little device can't give an accurate tally of the messages. You'd think they'd have solved that by now. I mean, it's 2007. Sheesh.
yeah, i have the same thing, sometimes after deleting a messege it says i still have one, then ill get another voice mail and it will still say 1 (annoying since i neverknow if the 1 messege is real or fake)
ill usually call myself and leave a messege, then delete it and it goes away (until the next time i get a voice mail and its back)
notoriousfcp said:
No matter how many vmail messages I have, my Mogul only indicates that I have 1 message. Over and over again, I'm told I've got one, and only one, voicemail. Very annoying that this expensive little device can't give an accurate tally of the messages. You'd think they'd have solved that by now. I mean, it's 2007. Sheesh.
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I've read that the issue is a limitation of the Sprint network.
That is due to limitations of CDMA, or so I've heard.
I also have issues with the voicemail indicator not "leaving" after a message is deleted...the only fix I've found is to leave myself a message (normally by calling from another phone) and delete that normally....MOST of the time that works.
whaut said:
That is due to limitations of CDMA, or so I've heard.
I also have issues with the voicemail indicator not "leaving" after a message is deleted...the only fix I've found is to leave myself a message (normally by calling from another phone) and delete that normally....MOST of the time that works.
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I havent had that issue at all, it may just be the signal in your area. As far as having multiple voicemails with notification of one, yes that is a staple of sprint's service. however on the nextel side, this does not occur. One thing i have noticed with my mogul, is that the notification will pop up when i get an additional message i just often ignore it, the best thing to do is just clear the vmail indication so the next new message you get, you know its new. that is all.
Here is another way:
-> Settings
-> Phone
-> Services Tab
-> Voicemail (from menu)
->Get Settings
->Clear button
I have had a similar and ongoing problem with my Alltel Voice Mail. It started, possibly by coincidence, on August 1st when they took over Midwest Wireless. At that time I had a PPC6700 and my wife had an LG4400. They had us try switching to the new PPC6800's and still, on either phone if you used the automatic playback option - whereby when you call in the messages will play automatically, when you hit 5 to delete - it should delete the message indicator on your phone screen. Ours will not.
In my many discussions with Alltel they would reset our voice mail which meant that you had to go in and re-record your messages, etc.. When that was done it puts all your Voicemail items to the default settings and in that mode you have to dial 1 to play your messages. If you leave it in that mode it will delete the voice mail indicator.
If you switch it back to automatic playback mode, it will not delete the indicator.
I have spent probably hours on the phone with Alltel and their techs to no avail. Even after I tracked the problem down to the Automatic Playback mode.
Not sure if this is a similar problem but it would be nice if the carriers would (could) fix their own network?
jhendrickson said:
Here is another way:
-> Settings
-> Phone
-> Services Tab
-> Voicemail (from menu)
->Get Settings
->Clear button
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That would work if those options were in WM5...so far they're only showing up in WM6 (to my knowledge). I just checked my sampson WM5 phone settings, and that option isn't there....but I do remember it in at least one of the WM6 builds I've run.
whaut said:
That would work if those options were in WM5...so far they're only showing up in WM6 (to my knowledge). I just checked my sampson WM5 phone settings, and that option isn't there....but I do remember it in at least one of the WM6 builds I've run.
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I assumed everyone was running WM6 since that's what comes on the Titan and this is in the Titan forum. Nobody had mentioned running WM5 anywhere.
I can confirm that this option is in the stock rom as well as DCD's.
That option is not available on my PPC6800 from Alltel either.

HELP - new HD2 voicemail status icon stuck

Hopefully one of you guys may be able to help.
I've just upgraded to a HD2 from my old Diamond. It seems ever since I've had this handset (3days now) there's a status icon always showing that I have a voicemail but when I check I have none and neither do I have any messages in the 'voicemail inbox'.
Tmobile have re-created the voicemail box which cured it for a few hours only for it to come back!!!
Tmobile are suggesting that my SIM card is too old and needs replacing. Before I go and do that has anybody here had a similar problem and maybe found a solution?
did you get this sorted? im having the same issue
Voicemail stuck
It seems (I think) that if I leave myself a message and then go into voicemail, clear it but stay on the line until the voicemail icon disappears then its cleared but only till the next time I reset the phone and then its back! Best I've got so far...and haven't got the SIM replaced yet but I think that seems doubtful anyway!!
It seems it may be a 'feature' of the ROM I have (1.43) but I'm a little loathed to update the ROM as its tied to Tmobile. What ROM are you?
I have exactly the same issue with an Unlocked Toshiba TG01 (originally on Orange) running Windows Mobile 6.5, on T-Mobile UK.
It's rather annoying
Give your service provider ( t-mobile, orange, o2 ect) a call and there can reset your voice mail box.
There will leave you a message and then you hear it and delete it and restart the device and the icon disappears
Hope that works
I have this problem now - I had a voicemail from my old provider and didn't pick it up.
Now got a new provider and the voicemail icon is stuck. I can't get a reset though as my current provider doesn't even offer voicemail!!
Any ideas?
Same Issue
I've got an AT&T HTC Pure and I use YouMail.com.
I have no saved messages, no current messages. I've tried adding a message and deleting it and stil the phone says I have 1 new voicemail.
I have even hard-reset the device and no change. Oh, yeah, I also tried changing the voicemail info. back top AT&T. Still says 1.
Very frustrating.
I have a different problem.
Whenever I get a voicemail I cannot access it by calling my number.
Help please.
Who is you network service provider
Try this:
For the longest time my HTC Touch Pro has told me I've got a voicemail, but it's wrong. I don't. It somehow got out of sync. The phone has a way to reset the voicemail indicator, but it's buried pretty well. How to reset the voicemail indicator of your Windows Mobile 6.1 device:
1. Hit the "Phone" button like you would to place a call.
2. Instead of dialing the number, tap "Menu".
3. Tap "Options".
4. Navigate to the "Services" tab.
5. Choose "Voicemail" from the list box.
6. Click "Get Settings..."
7. Hit the "Clear" button.
8. Press "ok" to close the window.
Your main screen should reflect this action immediately, and should not indicate that you have a voicemail!
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Thank you for the instructions, however, my HTC 8925/WM6.1 does not seem to have any sort of "Clear" button, it just shows two textboxes, one with the SMSC number and the other with my VMB number.. The only options are to change/clear those text fields or click the "OK" box..
If anyone else has had the same issue, here are some workarounds:
HKLM\Software\OEM\PhoneSetting\HiddenDeleteVM = 0
(DWORD, enables the "clear" button if it's not visible)
You can also go in and manually set the count:
HKCU\System\State\Messages\vmail\Line1\Unread\Count = 0
(DWORD, set it to 0 to clear the VM indicator once and for all)
Hope this helps!
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DrQuincy said:
Try this:
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doesnt work !!
I had this same problem for a long time. I solved it by taking my SIM card out of my HD2 and putting it in another TMOUS phone. I found that I evidently had stored a voicemail on my SIM card, so I erased it. I had also been getting the infamous "129" text message that popped up on an almost daily basis. So, while I had my SIM card in the non-HD2 phone, I also looked for text messages, found one, and erased it. I then called TMOUS customer service, and they took me through a procedure they have for eliminating the "phantom" new voicemail messages. After my procedure and their procedure, problem solved! I no longer get New Voicemail prompts when none in fact exist, and I no longer get the "129" text messages.
Asquared said:
I had this same problem for a long time. I solved it by taking my SIM card out of my HD2 and putting it in another TMOUS phone. I found that I evidently had stored a voicemail on my SIM card, so I erased it. I had also been getting the infamous "129" text message that popped up on an almost daily basis. So, while I had my SIM card in the non-HD2 phone, I also looked for text messages, found one, and erased it. I then called TMOUS customer service, and they took me through a procedure they have for eliminating the "phantom" new voicemail messages. After my procedure and their procedure, problem solved! I no longer get New Voicemail prompts when none in fact exist, and I no longer get the "129" text messages.
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i dont think voicemail are stored on sim cards !! are they ???
backlashsid said:
i dont think voicemail are stored on sim cards !! are they ???
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I didn't think so either, but I gave it a try. I think the problem for me MAY have originated from my initial use of Visual Voicemail. I had no problem with either the "phantom" New Voicemail alert or the 129 text message when I initially started using my HD2. These problems arose for me after activating Visual Voicemail. Maybe it's that application which initially stored the vmail on the SIM (leading to a continuing New Voicemail alert when I thought I'd erased or saved all incoming voicemails), and the text message was the (Visual Voicemail) system's way of trying to let me know that I still had a voicemail message on the SIM??? Whatever may be the case, the method that I described in my post has worked fine for me. No more new vmail alerts when none in fact exist, and no more 129 text messages

(129) text every reboot

never had this happen before anyone else ever have it happen
happened to me when i first got my hd2, heres what i did.
1.) call my hd2.
2.) leave a msg on voicemail
3.) on the hd2, call voicemail and delete it.
4.) profit. u should stop getting msgs from 129.
caffeinejunky said:
happened to me when i first got my hd2, heres what i did.
1.) call my hd2.
2.) leave a msg on voicemail
3.) on the hd2, call voicemail and delete it.
4.) profit. u should stop getting msgs from 129.
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thanks i've been getting this as well. will try this out.
Me too! I will try it out!
Wait, are you supposed to call your HD2 from another phone or just call your voicemail direct from your own HD2?
caffeinejunky said:
happened to me when i first got my hd2, heres what i did.
1.) call my hd2.
2.) leave a msg on voicemail
3.) on the hd2, call voicemail and delete it.
4.) profit. u should stop getting msgs from 129.
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Thanks for the tip, will try it.
before I installed a custom ROM, I would get a new voicemail icon and a txt from 129 upon every reboot.
after I installed the custom ROM, it stopped.
(129) text message every reboot
I believe this message has to do with Visual Voicemail. When I first got my HD2 and received voicemails, I didn't get this message. A few days later, I tried to activate Visual Voicemail. Couldn't get it to work. After that, everytime someone has left me a voicemail, sometime later I'd get a 129 text message with a time stamp of the same date and time I'd been left a voicemail. The 129 message reappears as long as you have ANY voicemails either in your inbox or even saved. You can clear them out, but the 129 message gets sent again when new voicemails are left.
I'd be willing to bet that the person that flashed a custom ROM didn't have Visual Voicemail in that custom ROM, and that's why, in their case, the problem went away.
no custom roms
running stock 2.13 and haven't used visual voice mail cause it lagged or i read about it lagging. i did accidentally open it and it said i needed a data plan to use it ?! hahah so i didnt work anyway, will try calling my phone i guess.
the txt message s from Microsoft My Phone program updating you data and it send you text letting you know it has updated you information
hcoria said:
the txt message s from Microsoft My Phone program updating you data and it send you text letting you know it has updated you information
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...No, it's from the T-Mobile USA voicemail system. Everytime I get a voicemail, I get a "hidden" 129 message, which I find only when I go into Message Tab > All Messages. In fact, it usually appears as a message saved on the SIM card, hence it can't be a MyPhone message because a regular MyPhone message would always save to phone memory.
I haven't gotten this to stop, but since I'm a frequent flasher, I guess my results could be different from someone who doesn't flash (I would probably need to do this for each flash). There's actually another supposed "fix" that involves going to my.t-mobile.com and going to some setting in the account that says something like "Don't give me updates for...voicemail, MMS, etc."
Yes, the 129 text message is from T-Mobile Visual Voicemail. To turn the service on/off, you need to contact T-Mobile Customer Service. (meaning, if you DID use it at one time, you need to call them to turn it off in order to get the texts to stop )

[Guide] Getting ride of the Phantom Voice Mail Icon (NOT THE TEXT MESSAGE ISSUE)

Thanks to a suggestion made by a follow XDA Member (Can't remember his name sorry!!)
Actually you can fix the Voice Mail Icon issue!!! The one that shows up in the top left corner, NOT the text mail issue.
Takes an OLD sprint phone and some time.
First, put your EVO back to a STOCK ROOTED ROM.
Get your old phone out of the junk drawer (HAS TO BE A NON ANDROID PHONE) and call Sprint. Have the OLD phone switched back onto your account (thus removing your EVO from your account).
Once the OLD phone is activated follow all the steps to activate your voice mail account.
Call your phone from a land line phone and leave yourself a message, then call your voice mail on your old phone and delete it. MAKE SURE THERE ARE NO OTHER MESSAGES IN YOUR YOUR VOICE MAIL ACCOUNT.
Now you can call Sprint back and reset up your EVO. Once your EVO is all set up your EVO will reprovision your VM account. Follow all the instructions to get your VM account setup again. This would be a good time to update all the radios, PRI and PRL and make sure you update your profile.
No go back into recovery and wipe all and either NAN Droid back to your old ROM or start fresh. If you Nandroid back to a ROM with the VM Icon on it, don't worry it will clear off.
Use Google Voice if you can from this point forward. I have flashed many AOSP ROMs since going through all these steps and I no longer have to STARE at the stupid VM Icon.
Bump this back up for those that might not have seen this fix. Takes some time to get it all done but I keep seeing post on how to get rid of the Voicemail Icon.
This process works perfectly.
Thanks, I'm tempted to try, but such a pain in the ass.
What I do for the perfect rom...
indagroove said:
Thanks, I'm tempted to try, but such a pain in the ass.
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Yes it is but I am soooo glad that damn ICON is gone it was worth the time and effort. I have flashed back and forth between Sense and AOSP ROMs several times in the last few weeks and I have NOT had the voice Mail ICON sense.
Fixed!!!!!!!!! Posted my update on page 2 of this thread.
Thank you for posting this and explaining the issue in the unofficial CM7 thread. I was getting sick of people saying "use Google Voice" when they have no idea what they are talking about.
I have an old Samsung phone...may try this.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Worked like a charm. THANK YOU!!!!
Just did this...about to flash CM6. *fingers crossed*
BTW, you don't have to call....you can just use the Sprint chat.
Vivix729 said:
Just did this...about to flash CM6. *fingers crossed*
BTW, you don't have to call....you can just use the Sprint chat.
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Yea!!! Glad it worked for you.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
God I hope somebody finds another way to clear it.
This took me about a good 45 minutes, but the process was simple and the results were as described. I no longer have to see that pesky and annoying voicemail icon. A+ guide
p0rkguy said:
God I hope somebody finds another way to clear it.
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Unfortunately there us no other way. The problem lies with the voice mail that was trapped in your que... so to speak before you went to an Android phone.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I just tried this on my Sprint Hero and it worked like a charm. I have three small things to add:
1. You actually don't even have to call Sprint or chat. All you have to go is log onto mysprint.sprint.com, on the main page scroll down to your device, and select "Activate a new phone" from the "Manage my device" pulldown.
2. If you get a "Data Call Failure: Error Code 67" message when you first reactivate your Hero/Evo, just update your Profile and everything should be fine. You may need wifi to do this.
2. I would recommend that once you switch back to your Hero/Evo, flash a new rom rather than nandroiding back to one with the voicemail issue. I chose to try a nandroid first, and the issue was still present (although this may have been because I had GV messages in my inbox, not sure on this). However, as soon as I booted up a clean copy of AOSP, the notification was gone.
I have been searching for a fix for this issue for months. Thank you so much for posting this!
Hey, this is great. I hate talking to sprint, and that was the only thing stopping me. Will try this tonight. Thanks!
zwizzle said:
I just tried this on my Sprint Hero and it worked like a charm. I have three small things to add:
1. You actually don't even have to call Sprint or chat. All you have to go is log onto mysprint.sprint.com, on the main page scroll down to your device, and select "Activate a new phone" from the "Manage my device" pulldown.
2. If you get a "Data Call Failure: Error Code 67" message when you first reactivate your Hero/Evo, just update your Profile and everything should be fine. You may need wifi to do this.
2. I would recommend that once you switch back to your Hero/Evo, flash a new rom rather than nandroiding back to one with the voicemail issue. I chose to try a nandroid first, and the issue was still present (although this may have been because I had GV messages in my inbox, not sure on this). However, as soon as I booted up a clean copy of AOSP, the notification was gone.
I have been searching for a fix for this issue for months. Thank you so much for posting this!
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Just did this and it took less than 30 minutes. Trying to actually start a chat with them took a bit of time for me though.
Nandroid back into MIUI and it disappeared a minute later.
p0rkguy said:
Just did this and it took less than 30 minutes. Trying to actually start a chat with them took a bit of time for me though.
Nandroid back into MIUI and it disappeared a minute later.
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Same here. It helped that I had a land-line, and 2 sprint phones (EVO and my old dumb-phone)
I think I got lucky yesterday though. The night before I got up to level 3 tech and all they did was re-provision my voicemail account and that didn't fix it. Re-provisioning the voicemail does nothing, so you can tell them that if they want to try that first... it is a waste of time.
I got a level 1 guy yesterday and luckily, he had seen this problem before and was so easy to work with.
One thing he mentioned that may help people... when he sent me a voicemail on my old phone to delete, he marked the voicemail as URGENT. Not sure why that may help, but it worked for me.
I can use MIUI now without any New Voicemail (2) notifications!!!!!!!!!! I never thought I would see the day. Big thanks to the original poster.
Not sure, but I think you would be able to re-provision using EPST. Back in the Hero days when we lost data we would dial ##data# and enter MSL and reset the data. The phone would reboot and all was good! I wonder if something like this would work for voicemail. I have not experienced this problem, just trying to help.
zwizzle said:
1. You actually don't even have to call Sprint or chat. All you have to go is log onto mysprint.sprint.com, on the main page scroll down to your device, and select "Activate a new phone" from the "Manage my device" pulldown.
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This is true, however....for some reason when I tried to do this, it gave me an error message and I still had to contact Sprint. I guess it depends on the phone you are switching to. So YMMV.
Jetdr said:
Thanks to a suggestion made by a follow XDA Member (Can't remember his name sorry!!)
Actually you can fix the Voice Mail Icon issue!!! The one that shows up in the top left corner, NOT the text mail issue.
Takes an OLD sprint phone and some time.
First, put your EVO back to a STOCK ROOTED ROM.
Get your old phone out of the junk drawer (HAS TO BE A NON ANDROID PHONE) and call Sprint. Have the OLD phone switched back onto your account (thus removing your EVO from your account).
Once the OLD phone is activated follow all the steps to activate your voice mail account.
Call your phone from a land line phone and leave yourself a message, then call your voice mail on your old phone and delete it. MAKE SURE THERE ARE NO OTHER MESSAGES IN YOUR YOUR VOICE MAIL ACCOUNT.
Now you can call Sprint back and reset up your EVO. Once your EVO is all set up your EVO will reprovision your VM account. Follow all the instructions to get your VM account setup again. This would be a good time to update all the radios, PRI and PRL and make sure you update your profile.
No go back into recovery and wipe all and either NAN Droid back to your old ROM or start fresh. If you Nandroid back to a ROM with the VM Icon on it, don't worry it will clear off.
Use Google Voice if you can from this point forward. I have flashed many AOSP ROMs since going through all these steps and I no longer have to STARE at the stupid VM Icon.
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i hate it when people caps type... but this needed some yelling out of my system! thx

The Voicemail Icon kept popping up last night.

I just set up my voicemail 2 days ago, a message was left yesterday, I have PF Voicemail and regular vm, what's the purpose of the PF vm? could that be why that icon would not go away? should i just remove it?
also, i noticed no matter what i do, that amazon mp3 app wont' go away.
how can i really remove some of these apps and also how can i make sure different apps won't keep popping up or showing that they are running in the back ground...

