APP crash on HERO??? - G1 General

i developed an app ("my days") and it works in the emulator also on my g1 and for quit a lot of users.
now i got a mail from a "HTC HERO" User and he say the app crash from the beginning. (an earlier version worked for him... the new version include widgets and mass of new features, so i dont know where to start searching)
So what could be the prob, whats the different. It makes me quit unhappy, i thought android is compatible to all android devices.
Any ideas?

HTC Hero is not a released phone yet, and tell him to not complain about using unreleased alpha code on his phone.

I do apologize, it was not my intent for this to seem as "complaining", it was only something that occurred and I was wondering if anybody else had run across this issue.
I fully understand that this is a pre build.
But how is anything ever going to get solved if issues are not brought forward.

yes.. it looks he used a alpha version or so.. thanks for your reply... i just thought to come crazy.
he answered:
so I found out what the issue is and I do appoligise that this was my issue. I ran a program that takes and converts the apk's stored on the apps folder to odex files and the issue is that when I did the update it replaced the apk file but left the odex file and that must have caused the conflict. I removed the odex file and the apk file then reinstalled the v.8 version and all is good.
I do appoligize, I should have done some more research on my end.
so finaly it looks he knows a bit about android rooted phones (maybe more than me so may you tell me in short what does this odex stuff is?

odex = optimized dexopt-wrapper, it's supposed to make the phone/apps run faster, especially on appstosd.

ok thanks... even i guess for a simple coder like me i can not really have an advantage from it (from a point of an unrooted user/developer).. or just to learn something new?
because to makes apps run faster.. for sure i am always interested in


/system dump of new Google/HTC phone running flan

Got a chance to play around with this today. Pics of the phone and system dump below.
This is NOT an, but it can be used to build one in capable hands. So don't go sucking my bandwidth please!
nicccce going, i like the pics.
If it helps I uploaded it over at
I've got unlimited bandwidth so hopefully that'll take some of the strain off yours!
Nexus One Dump?
I'm a little surprised this isn't up here yet. There is a dump floating around rumored to be Nexus One. You can find it at
Has anyone poked around at all?
It's right where it should be in the Development and Hacking > Android software development forum:
I've had a quick look through this and found some interesting files.
Most notably, something called 'GenieWidget.apk'.
When are non blurry camera's going to hit the market? Nice dump though hopefully this will get ported to the Behold II....*cough*
like @wpbcubsfan said there is already a topic about that in the right section :
New boot animation :
Do you try to push the apk in another device or do you think it 'll need some modification of some files ?
imfloflo said:
Do you try to push the apk in another device or do you think it 'll need some modification of some files ?
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They need to be resized and odexed or whatever so it can run on your G1/mytouch or whichever you have. Theres this script in the G1 section that does deodexes or something.
Ace is right. The sizes are to big for dreams and magics. is there even a way to resize the files? also, custom roms are going to become harder now that there are different sizes for phones, but im guessing cyanogen is going to make roms for the neXus
aw, i was kinda hoping that this would be in a .img format so we can load it up and play with it in the emulator
SDK Emulator
Is there anyway I can take this dump and use it in the SDK emulator?
Yes, this is the Nexus One.
The boot animation works without modification on the Droid.
Could anyone provide boot.img also
Our guys have been trying to push some of the apk's but not had any luck so far. Has anybody got any apk's from this onto any other build yet?
I tried with my phone and the emulator, but I am a newb. Most of the new apks require Android 2.1 by the way.
if you tried the same method of installing the new maps fex week ago? they modify a file to let G1 thought it was on 2.0 kernel or 1.6 don't remember (system or settings files don't remember) after that the apk works on G1 and we can find it via the market. ask MLIGN he made the change.

[Q] Still confused about Android, really don't know what to do?!?!

I'm still really confused. People are telling me to flash a different radio for android... then install Linux drivers or whatever, do I really have to install all this?!!? I thought it was just running Haret.exe and it works...
If anyone has individual guides for these would be great.... I'm really beyond confusion with this.
I basically just wanna dual boot the 2.1 Sense ROM (The best one, with good battery life etc.) and have everything working. If there is a particular guide, or several guides for this and someone could them to me in order I would be so greatful... because I really have no idea what I'm doing.
Also on a T-Mobile UK HD2, if that changes anything.
Just put a build on your SD card download an Android boot loader then run it simple as no need to change radio or anything else
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
If your really having trouble with it, then usually all I'd say is READ all of the stickies, all the info you could ever want on the subject and brings you to being in the exellent position of knowing almost everything. If not, take this link and call me in the morning
I do wish i could leave it there, but the OP of that thread has disappeared and isn't supporting the latest developments, but that tells you to download an Android build a ROM and a radio (oh, and a dual boot program). Those are the core components, If you wanna switch builds, you just change your SDcard whenever you do so desire. But you don't get much information on jacking round with the Kernel, this can provide quick upgrades to hardware (such as.... getting the lightsensor working in the future) without changing builds.
that should give you base knowledge of all things XDAndroid (a few posts down on the second link mind you). Hope this helps
JccageX2 said:
I'm still really confused. People are telling me to flash a different radio for android... then install Linux drivers or whatever, do I really have to install all this?!!? I thought it was just running Haret.exe and it works...
If anyone has individual guides for these would be great.... I'm really beyond confusion with this.
I basically just wanna dual boot the 2.1 Sense ROM (The best one, with good battery life etc.) and have everything working. If there is a particular guide, or several guides for this and someone could them to me in order I would be so greatful... because I really have no idea what I'm doing.
Also on a T-Mobile UK HD2, if that changes anything.
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Here is the crash course for you...
* It is the best to learn how to get Android on your phone and test different builds yourself for your taste - so, what makes you happy keep that build I guess.
I have T-Mobile USA HD2 am using FroyoStone Series V1 build and everything works just fine. Auto Killer App puts battery in comparable position with my WinMo and therefore I am using now Android full-time for the past week or so - not a single SOD, freeze, etc. - it simply works just fine.
How to get Android on your HD2? Find compatible build for your UK HD2 version by reading stickies and doing a little bit of homework researching xda forum.
Then once you find the build:
1. Download it... it will be packed into archive most likely (rar, zip, 7z, etc)
2. Froyo builds go usually into one folder "Android" - as packed just copy folder Android into the root of your SD card on your phone.
3. Open it up through File Explorer, start/click CLRCAD.exe - you will see no action and that's fine - this makes sure your sound works fine... then, start/click haret.exe...
4. Leave it to boot - first boot is bit longer but it should boot in less than couple of minutes or something like that (depends on the build).
5. DO WATCH what the lines state - if there is anything like "failed to mount, blah blah" or any other possible failure to load something - come back and start searching for solution on these forums... You should be fine (however, I do not offer any guarantee as any of the build makers).
The rest is pretty easy - run Android, play with it and see if you like it...
Note: To change builds, it is very simple... Just delete Android Folder from SD Card root and you are ready to download and install (copy over) another "Android folder" into the root of the build you have downloaded.
Cheers mate!
Okay, so there isn't need for flashing Radio's etc. then? Literally just running the files?
I can't even download the ROM's, not downloading I'll try again later though.
Most of the rom builders recommend upgrading to the most recent radio. There seem to be fewer issues with SOD, robo voice, etc vs older radios. That said, YMMV so try it out with what you have now. If you have problems try to out newer radios or WinMO roms built to run android. Good luck.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
There is a "defenite guide to android" on the forum. I was just like you but followed those steps exactly and now.I'm running android no problem. Just make sure you read up on everything. Its not gonna be as simple as dragging and dropping but it isn't extremely hard.
Sent from my Nexus One HD2 using XDA App
im just confused on android . what is the best one to get ?. im running energy dinik rom .
and im just not that sure about it yet . dont want to bugger my phone up tryin a android.
.BetaBoy said:
There is a "defenite guide to android" on the forum. I was just like you but followed those steps exactly and now.I'm running android no problem. Just make sure you read up on everything. Its not gonna be as simple as dragging and dropping but it isn't extremely hard.
Sent from my Nexus One HD2 using XDA App
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Okay, has anyone got a link to this guide?
Also, how do I change my Radio, and can it harm my device if I do?
the definitive guide to android is here the radio thread here...this helps as well...
JccageX2 said:
I'm still really confused. People are telling me to flash a different radio for android... then install Linux drivers or whatever, do I really have to install all this?!!? I thought it was just running Haret.exe and it works...
If anyone has individual guides for these would be great.... I'm really beyond confusion with this.
I basically just wanna dual boot the 2.1 Sense ROM (The best one, with good battery life etc.) and have everything working. If there is a particular guide, or several guides for this and someone could them to me in order I would be so greatful... because I really have no idea what I'm doing.
Also on a T-Mobile UK HD2, if that changes anything.
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[INFO] Note to all ROM makers

There seems to be issues with baksmali/smali v1.2.6 when deodexing latest samsung roms (2.3.4 maybe also some 2.3.3!).
If you baksmali framework.odex and smali it back to a dex file (without changing anything) your ROM will become laggy!
Some people say its the hardware acceleration that no longer works.
The web browser becomes unusable. There have been reports that video player and camera also seems laggy.
My suggestion is NOT to deodex framework.odex! I'm sorry to say this...
I know this means no custom deodexed roms! But I do believe you will run into more problems we don't know about yet!
But you can still do mods!
Just not deodexed framework mods. You can deodex apk files in the app folder. You can also try and deodex files in the framework folder as long and you dont deodex the framework.odex file! But here you have to convert them back to odex files!
As proof I have made this mod for stock XXKG1. I have the odexed the files back to odex using the dexopt-wrapper tool.
It is not just 1.2.6, I have built from the latest source and still has problems.
I disagree 100% fwiw with OP
I have no speed issues beyond that stupid browser, and that looks just like a baksmali bug. I don't do the "quit" attitude - I will fix it...
But anyway, there is no lag or anything here, even on 2.3.4 deodexed and underclocked.
So while there may be a browser issue, I would not suggest to people not to deodex. I can provide thousands of posts of people happy with a properly Deodexed and optimised ROM...
do we know why this happens? Is there an logic explanation
stian230 said:
do we know why this happens? Is there an logic explanation
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Most likely minor baksmali bug
designgears said:
It is not just 1.2.6, I have built from the latest source and still has problems.
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Maybe if we can debug using source we can figure out what goes wrong!
pulser_g2 said:
I disagree 100% fwiw with OP
I have no speed issues beyond that stupid browser, and that looks just like a baksmali bug. I don't do the "quit" attitude - I will fix it...
But anyway, there is no lag or anything here, even on 2.3.4 deodexed and underclocked.
So while there may be a browser issue, I would not suggest to people not to deodex. I can provide thousands of posts of people happy with a properly Deodexed and optimised ROM...
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I hope you are right... But alot people also complains about all sorts of problems with the custom roms... and we dont really know if its related to this or not...
I spent all yesterday thinking about that...
The odex file is only valid when used with the exact BOOTCLASSPATH files. dalvik enforces this by storing a checksum of each file that the odex file is dependent on, and ensuring that the checksum for each file matches when the odex file is loaded.
When you are deodexing an apk, even if you don't need to set BOOTCLASSPATH for it (because you don't get any error msg while baksmali), by default these 5 jar are already included in the classpath: core.jar, ext.jar, framework.jar, android.policy.jar and services.jar. This means that an odex file has dependencies on every "BOOTCLASSPATH" file that is loaded when it is generated.
So i was thinking about to deodexing every apk in /system/app a part Browser.apk (i.e leaving Browser.odex) and try to figure out which jar file inside /system/framework has to remain odexed.
Maybe we can still have overscroll glow mod, renounce to have the extended power menu in order to get an HW accellerated Browser!
I don't know if it make sense for you as my english need to be improved
_JKay_ said:
I hope you are right... But alot people also complains about all sorts of problems with the custom roms... and we dont really know if its related to this or not...
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You got any examples to hand?
The common issues I see are
- failing to read my install instructions
- trying to come from some other ROM without following the instructions
- trying to restore titanium backups entirely, depositing apps that are codes like half-polished turds in the phone
- pushing incorrect files into rom without knowing what they are doing
- stupid setcpu config
Am interested to see if you have found other issues, as camera and video player are confirmed by a fair number to be fine...
I swapped my phone with one running stock, and I had to tell my friend what I had done, as he was sure it was his oh, and I was underclocked to 800 max too at the time
pulser_g2 said:
You got any examples to hand?
The common issues I see are
- failing to read my install instructions
- trying to come from some other ROM without following the instructions
- trying to restore titanium backups entirely, depositing apps that are codes like half-polished turds in the phone
- pushing incorrect files into rom without knowing what they are doing
- stupid setcpu config
Am interested to see if you have found other issues, as camera and video player are confirmed by a fair number to be fine...
I swapped my phone with one running stock, and I had to tell my friend what I had done, as he was sure it was his oh, and I was underclocked to 800 max too at the time
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The frameword.odex is not compiled correctly!! That's a fact!! The laggy browser proofs it. Framework.odex the largest most important file in the android framework!! And that does not concern you? Is that not a bit naive?
_JKay_ said:
The frameword.odex is not compiled correctly!! That's a fact!! The laggy browser proofs it. Framework.odex the largest most important file in the android framework!! And that does not concern you? Is that not a bit naive?
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I believe what I see. I have asked HomerSp if he can take a look at it, when he can, as he knows a lot about the deodexing process.
But at the end of the day, while there is clearly something not working in baksmali or smali, this seems a good opportunity to fix it and pass on the fix to JF
I know what is in framework.jar, and that it covers most things...
I do genuinely have interest in seeing the issues you raised, as perhaps there is disparity between methods of deodexing??? I am interested to see if I can reproduce any here too, as that would highlight a wider issue.
pulser_g2 said:
I believe what I see. I have asked HomerSp if he can take a look at it, when he can, as he knows a lot about the deodexing process.
But at the end of the day, while there is clearly something not working in baksmali or smali, this seems a good opportunity to fix it and pass on the fix to JF
I know what is in framework.jar, and that it covers most things...
I do genuinely have interest in seeing the issues you raised, as perhaps there is disparity between methods of deodexing??? I am interested to see if I can reproduce any here too, as that would highlight a wider issue.
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Well.... I will not use deodexed custom roms so I won't find any issues!!! But some people probably will or already has...
I'd rather spend my time on fixing this and create odexed mods until its fixed!
As soon as I see that the framework.odex can be compiled without breaking the browser... I might try some custom roms again..
That's weird. I'm using Lite'ning 1,5 ROM (which is deodexed) since i bought this phone and everything runs very smooth (including browser, video playback, gaming, launcher and so on). Before i had HTC Desire Z with CM7 on it and it was freezing slow if compared to my current setup. It's just flying.
AllWin said:
That's weird. I'm using Lite'ning 1,5 ROM (which is deodexed) since i bought this phone and everything runs very smooth (including browser, video playback, gaming, launcher and so on). Before i had HTC Desire Z with CM7 on it and it was freezing slow if compared to my current setup. It's just flying.
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I know that version (2.2) does not include the original stock browser but a patched version.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
_JKay_ said:
I know that version (2.2) does not include the original stock browser but a patched version.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
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You're basing all your points on 1 main problem, the browser.
That's hardly the way to go. Rather, they will work to solving the problem regarding the browser, then we can continue to have proper custom roms. Besides, KG1 is a leaked rom. Deodexing didn't affect KF2, it might not cause problems for later leaked or "official" roms.
Rather than directing others to your odexed mods, the way for things to move on is to see the problem being fixed. There's a reason why custom roms are almost always deodexed. Don't rock the boat if you don't like the status quo.
kenkiller said:
You're basing all your points on 1 main problem, the browser.
That's hardly the way to go. Rather, they will work to solving the problem regarding the browser, then we can continue to have proper custom roms. Besides, KG1 is a leaked rom. Deodexing didn't affect KF2, it might not cause problems for later leaked or "official" roms.
Rather than directing others to your odexed mods, the way for things to move on is to see the problem being fixed. There's a reason why custom roms are almost always deodexed. Don't rock the boat if you don't like the status quo.
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That's actually exactly what I am saying!! Don't spend time on fixing the browser! Spend time on fixing the baksmali/smali tools!!
But until that's fixed I believe you can't really rely on the deodexed roms because framework.odex does not compile correctly!!
Some people said that you can't do mods that are odexed!! Thats the reason for the example! You actually don't need to deodex the framework!! But I admit.. it's easier not to odex files...
BTW guys, following the OP IDEA i got my own custom rom working with the odexed stock Browser (i.e. HW accellerated).
Basically all the apps have been deodexed apart Browser, and i left the framework jar files odexed!
Basically i got the same features/mod as before, the only think i have to renounce is the overscroll glow effect (i don't like it at all, i prefer the stock Samsung bounce effect) and the extended power menu (we can easily replace it by using quickboot).
That's it
thanks _JKay_ for the IDEA!
But I do think the problems wont fix itself in the future. The SGS facing the same problems with XXJVQ!!
LeoMar75 said:
BTW guys, following the OP IDEA i got my own custom rom working with the odexed stock Browser (i.e. HW accellerated).
Basically all the apps have been deodexed apart Browser, and i left the framework jar files odexed!
Basically i got the same features/mod as before, the only think i have to renounce is the overscroll glow effect (i don't like it at all, i prefer the stock Samsung bounce effect) and the extended power menu (we can easily replace it by using quickboot).
That's it
thanks _JKay_ for the IDEA!
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No problem! Actually my mod gives you the extended power menu
_JKay_ said:
But I do think the problems wont fix itself in the future. The SGS facing the same problems with XXJVQ!!
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I agree with you, but at least, since a lot of people complain about the stock browser, we can stay happy with it!
I reckon we need new tool for deodexing, smali backsmali are dated now...

Moto XPRT Gingerbread Modding HERE!

Hello everybody, It´s been like a week since I last posted, a lot of things went wrong in my house and I somehow lost all my computers
anyway, back in business again, Last night I had to install the stock Sprint GB sbf, to my surprise it worked Really, Really good.
I´ve had a Defy+ and a Milestone 2, And I remembered having lots of issues with modding aka. no signal, wifi issues (like the cm7 and 9 ones) data issues, system lags, poor battery life, kernel errors on development, Overclocking settings not being saved, recovery mess-ups, and a lot of depicable stuff, most of all kernel-related.
Anyway, last night I flashed the stock rom over cm7 and noticed a real speed, functionality and battery boost, so I thought of just theming, de-bloating and optimizing the stock Sprint ROM.
Please follow me here:
We will never be able to flash custom kernels (not w/o the help of a reaaaaal good DEV)
CM9 &10, though they are eye-candy, are based actually on Gingerbread kernel, so no new features can be added besides the ones you can get withg new apps.
CM7, though stable, lacks the performance and functionality of the stock rom.
Finally, the stock rom as I said, (and I´ve tested TONS of ROMS in different motorola devices) is the one with the best responsivenness, snappiness and battery life, plus It's almost clean (eg. bloatware is easily removed.)
How will it be done?, you may ask.
Well Our first step, will be deodexing the stock GB SBF.
After deodexing we will be optimizing the build.prop on our phone, to trick apps into installing on our phones, and to make some quick optimizations.
Once we have deodexed our rom, we will be able to run,autorun and theme /system/apps.
Apps like Gnow, the statusbar and other tweaks can be easily (RELLY EASY) ported to deodexed ROMS
So this is the challenge guys, Let´s build our own stockcustom ROM.
So far I´m re-flashing stock sprint GB to continue testing only the essential apps, so we can build from there.
And just for a tease; here is my latest build.prop, with some tweaks and tricks taken from other roms and my personal experience, just make sure you have root access, fire up a file explorer and replace your build.prop
Please Refer to next post for links on how to maybe help me with deodexing the full rom.
And please, developers, dont take this as a shady move towards your development, I just think that the best way to make something is to start from scratch..... there are too many source files, modded files and crap files on cm7,9&10 specially when not officially supported (Because everybody messes with the files and re-distributes them, so a lot of clutter and unneeded files, references and code are injected on some releases....)
So my friends, we have a common goal, By now I have succesfully overclocked/undervolted the phone to 1350/233 mhz (not on recovery!!)
I´ve deodexed system/framework/
and Im stuck trying to deodex system/apps/
Xprt Owners of the world, please come on over here, we can do this...
I´m an architect/artist so I really want this to have a sleek look, but not copying a specific stock look, if you know what I mean....
From now on refer to the "wished features post" for features you´d like
And now my final statement:
Though it IS possible to compile JB or ICS from source to our phones, my experience with this somehow outdated android motorolas, is that you will not get significant performance boosts or super cool functions with new software. The only way to get this functionality is by upgrading the kernel which I again declare IS NOT POSSIBLE on our phone. CM9 and 10 my look like JB and ICS, but run straight off a GB kernel.
Yes you will get a lot of new stuff like menus and graphics, but the functionality will be the same, plus all the eye candy will trade off your new features with lags and possible errors.
Software is built in time with devices, and it doesn´t matter how much you say "but the hardware is capable of more!!", incremental software updates "ignore" some HW features, so they have to be forced or modified to run, which adds more procesess/tasks to the kernel and this will suck your speed and battery.
Let´s build something pretty...............:laugh:
Hello everybody, and welcome to the world of modding.
From today, we will be coordinating an army of people to work towards a common goal: Having the best ROM for our phones, and surviving the day.
The tools you absolutely need:
Be a self-troubleshooter
Advanced Google skills
Some Weed
First of all I will just oversee the topic: ODEXED vs DEODEXED
In simple words, Odexed systems have XX.apk and XX.odex, which store certain app properties (like icons, colors, fonts, menus) so that they wont be messed up with, thus making the system more stable, Deodexed systems, have only APK´s with their icons, colors and behaviors packed on, thus making theming, modding and using alternative system apps easier.
If you would LOVE to read about the subject, please refer to this:
Well, now that you are totally aware of the odex-deodex situation, you might ask yourself..
-how the phuck do I deodex my system??????
Well, deodexing implies merging the .odex properties onto the apk.
Hey!!!! but how???
you need brains, patience, Java SDK7, Android sdk, and music. this instructions are for deodexing.. good luck....
To save your time, you need Android SDK and JSDK properly installed, you need xUltimate (Try and find the version that works on you), and you need the patience and willingness of Sidharta.
Ive tried already 5 versions of xUltimate to find out errors on different files!!!!!! will tell you some other basics on the xultimate deal.
There are other ways to deodex, help me google that.
We will be based on the stock 1FF-p3_kronos_cdma_kronos-user-2.3.5-4.5.1-110-KNS-46-49-test-keys-signed-Sprint-US SBF....
I would love to develop something good to both sprint and boost, but I have a Sprint handset, so I cannot assure our development will work on boost handsets, so please just sprint handset owners only for now.
For xultimate errors and troubleshooting, please refer to!
Ive been up all last night deodexing my system apps, and found out that most google related apps cannot be deodexed...
maybe that's why you need to install gapps in cm7 or other custom roms...
anyway people, let's get fully deodexed.
Make sure you have both Android SDK and Java SDK 7 PROPERLY installed oin your pc before trying this.
Cheers, luck and please reply
One last thing, I dont know if it is related somehow, but try to flash your stock rom without a SIM card inserted
Quick update: I Think I´ve got it figured out....
You need full Android SDK, and Java development kit, Android sdk tools alone wont do it, and java alone wont do it, you need developer runtimes and libraries for some programs like xultimate to run right.....
And you need not to activate, use or anything your phone before trying to deodex, I guess just starting up and entering simple things as the time, or having a sim card installed, or your google account can write data on the phone and mess up with the deodexing process.....
xultimate has already deodexed full framework and has passed from the yesterday´s troublesome google quick search box...(first thing to fail last night) so let´s hope it goes well.. it is indeed a loong process...
and just another error, but now I think I have it figured out, you need smali-baksmali assembler/disassembler for some specific .jar packed files... I´ve just installed it, and hopefully will post a fully deodexed stock rom today or tomorrow, for you to test and for us to start theming.
remember if you want to try... you need jdk not just java, you need full android sdk bundle, and you need smali/baksmali on your jdk installation for it to work properly...
This completely sucks, I´ve been trying to troubleshoot the errors xultimate is throwing at me on specific files, that lead me to download A LOT of java JRE and JDK versions, and both in x64 and x32 flavors, which apparently caused a major mixup on my PC´s guts....
Now I´m freaking trying to clean up my dev enviroment, trying to re-set the appropiate paths and classes, but hell with it...
Anyone succeeded??? please let me know if you´ve tried and if you get into any error can you please upload a screenshot???
Sounds like hell. I haven't tried, because I just don't have enough time in the day to do something like this. Plus, the xprt is my only phone, so I can't afford to experiment on it much.
Sent from my XT720 using xda premium
tzuba12 said:
Sounds like hell. I haven't tried, because I just don't have enough time in the day to do something like this. Plus, the xprt is my only phone, so I can't afford to experiment on it much.
Sent from my XT720 using xda premium
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are you trying to deodex the stock rom?
rongsang said:
are you trying to deodex the stock rom?
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yes sir, but in the mean time I managed to patch it with the battery mod, power menu and ICS style notifications
If I can deodex it I think I can improve it a little bit more in terms of performance and looks and functionality , but my powerful pc is a zombie right now, this is no task an old notebook can handle
I have deodexed it a long time back but sadly I can't upload it now. You can run kitchen from cygwin and it will deodexed your rom completely.
Sent from my MB612 using xda app-developers app
Ive used the kitchen and xUltimate with no good results mate!...
I always get smali errors or heap size errors despite I was using even a 4gb heap size, and tried using different versions of smali baksmali....
I am beggining to think I´ve been cursed by the digital gods.
BTW, if you´re able to upload it, I´ll be very thankful dude! I think Im going nowhere right now

[Q] Can anyone post a fixed Mokee rom for the Redmi 4G?

I have installed Mokee on my 4G. But I have some security concerns with it. Google throws up a security warning when you reboot it complaining about an app that is trying to be installed. Numerous antivirus applications have problems with some of the apps.
Does anyone have a clean version of this rom that has the crap removed? I tried and failed. I'm sure a lot of us would appreciate it. Thanks!
tripper22 said:
I have installed Mokee on my 4G. But I have some security concerns with it. Google throws up a security warning when you reboot it complaining about an app that is trying to be installed. Numerous antivirus applications have problems with some of the apps.
Does anyone have a clean version of this rom that has the crap removed? I tried and failed. I'm sure a lot of us would appreciate it. Thanks!
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As development for this device appears to be mostly at a standstill, you are more likely to be successful if you do it yourself. I lack the time/patience for this (might change during the summer) so unless someone else jumps in, you're on your own. In the mean time, there is nothing wrong with MIUI 5 at the moment.
Appl_Usr said:
As development for this device appears to be mostly at a standstill, you are more likely to be successful if you do it yourself. I lack the time/patience for this (might change during the summer) so unless someone else jumps in, you're on your own. In the mean time, there is nothing wrong with MIUI 5 at the moment.
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If you cant do it or don't want to do it. Why do you even bother replying?? I already tried and I couldn't figure out how to do it. That's why I asked the question in the first place. I know people have done it. I was hoping someone would be nice enough to upload it.
So disable all those Chinese apps then it won't pop up the warning again..I'm using Mokee rom Now
sks93 said:
So disable all those Chinese apps then it won't pop up the warning again..I'm using Mokee rom Now
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I have done that with Titanium. When I reboot I get the Google security warning when an app installs itself. Antivirus programs Avira and others throw up warnings under a full scan for different things.
tripper22 said:
If you cant do it or don't want to do it. Why do you even bother replying?? I already tried and I couldn't figure out how to do it. That's why I asked the question in the first place. I know people have done it. I was hoping someone would be nice enough to upload it.
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Excuse me? If I had a computer with Linux that I could work on I would, but I don't at this time. See the issue? This thread is rather redundant as you could have just as easily asked that question in a topic where it is discussed.
As a side note, I am able to delete all the Chinese apps, don't even need to use Titanium Backup. Just take the app from the app drawer and drag it to the trash. It worked for me, chances are good it will work for you.
You may find this interesting:
By the way, CM11 and Mokee are so similar it's ridiculous. Mokee is basically CyanogenMod with all the icons and names changed to 'Mokee'.
Appl_Usr said:
Excuse me? If I had a computer with Linux that I could work on I would, but I don't at this time. See the issue? This thread is rather redundant as you could have just as easily asked that question in a topic where it is discussed.
As a side note, I am able to delete all the Chinese apps, don't even need to use Titanium Backup. Just take the app from the app drawer and drag it to the trash. It worked for me, chances are good it will work for you.
You may find this interesting:
By the way, CM11 and Mokee are so similar it's ridiculous. Mokee is basically CyanogenMod with all the icons and names changed to 'Mokee'.
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Those apps get re-installed after a reboot. Every time.
Then why hasn't that happen to me?
Appl_Usr said:
Then why hasn't that happen to me?
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How would I know? I just did a fresh clean install. It was the first thing I did after it booted. I uninstalled the apps like you did from the app drawer. Next reboot they are re-installed. Others have the same problem so I don't know how it can be different on your phone.
Uninstalling apps with Titanium/Link2SD/other apps won't work due to the non standard location of the apks.
With Root Explorer (or similar) go to /system/third-app and delete apks of these chinese apps. They won't reinstall again. I did that when installed Mokee, months ago, and they never reappeared.
Remember to uninstall also System Server (probably ad/analytics/spy, not needed)
r ex
i used built in root explorer to delete those chinese apps except fm . no problems now.

