Screen Problem - Touch HD General

I already posted in the sticky but didn't get any answer.
My problem is one that occurs quite often how I see but still I don't find any solution.
The problem is that the screen of my HD doesn't show up anymore when it was in standby and I left it for some minutes. It's on because I can still change the loudness and I can feel the buzz of the buttons when touching one. It takes me some luck and time to bring it completly to life again by pressing over and over the ON/OFF button. When I bought it the problem occured very rare but now it's happening all the time when it is in standby.
I never did install any roms (because until now I have no idea what it is about ), the only things I have done so far:
Installed TomTom 7.450.9028 and these two registry edits:
under HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Svc\POP3 i renamed the mailtrns.dll to mailtrns2.dll (it's a fix for the email because my GMX account didn't work with POP3 on my phone) and the other was setting the value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/GPSIntermediateDriver/Drivers/GPSOneDevice/PollIntervall, to get better GPS-Signal
Everything else is just original, like it was when I bought it some days ago.
Is there anything I can do? Or do I have to send it in?
I really like the phone and it's working perfect except to this point so I'd like to stick to it. Hope you have some advice,
THX in advance,

-db- said:
I already posted in the sticky but didn't get any answer.
My problem is one that occurs quite often how I see but still I don't find any solution.
The problem is that the screen of my HD doesn't show up anymore when it was in standby and I left it for some minutes. It's on because I can still change the loudness and I can feel the buzz of the buttons when touching one. It takes me some luck and time to bring it completly to life again by pressing over and over the ON/OFF button. When I bought it the problem occured very rare but now it's happening all the time when it is in standby.
I never did install any roms (because until now I have no idea what it is about ), the only things I have done so far:
Installed TomTom 7.450.9028 and these two registry edits:
under HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Svc\POP3 i renamed the mailtrns.dll to mailtrns2.dll (it's a fix for the email because my GMX account didn't work with POP3 on my phone) and the other was setting the value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/GPSIntermediateDriver/Drivers/GPSOneDevice/PollIntervall, to get better GPS-Signal
Everything else is just original, like it was when I bought it some days ago.
Is there anything I can do? Or do I have to send it in?
I really like the phone and it's working perfect except to this point so I'd like to stick to it. Hope you have some advice,
THX in advance,
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Have you tried going to Start > Settings > All Settings > System > Power > Advanced and making sure device isn't set to turn off after a period of time?

Thx for reply but doesn't that mean my phone will be always on? Or can I set it then manually (by pressing ON/OFF) in standby and turn on again without problems?

-db- said:
Thx for reply but doesn't that mean my phone will be always on? Or can I set it then manually (by pressing ON/OFF) in standby and turn on again without problems?
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Yes to both, it will remain on unless you manually put it into standby by pressing on/off

Ok, I try it out now. Hope it works that it comes on out of standby without problems.

Wow until now for exactly 1 hour and 33 minutes no problems. Seems to work, hope it will continue like this, if so I could kiss you

-db- said:
if so I could kiss you
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Could be difficult (grin).


Make your XDA I/II turn itself off after new SMS faster,etc.

So, after diggin' for long time in registry on Pocket PC 2002 ROMs I've found nice feature - HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\
(may vary cause this is from 2003 ROM, for now I have but was like this and works on 2002), has value WakeUpPowerOff = 180 (by default).
This value (in seconds) determines, how long device will be on after:
1. power on by "power" button (and no other activity - no taps, no any hardware buttons pressing) - it userful for example to see "what's on
today", time, etc...
2. power on by incoming event like SMS or calendar one.
And after you touch screen\ other button - then as I found starts another, "original" timer, defined in Start->Settings->System->Power.
I've set above WakeUp parameter to WakeUpPowerOff = 12 (smallest that works really at mine device) and what I got? This:
When I need to look into today's or time or missed calls etc - I just press power look at screen and devices turns iself off byself. Not great effort but - heh - longer live for power button
But this is more important: When incomes SMS (I have gate from internet inbox to sms so have a lot of smses) - devices comes on only for 12 secs - for day it increases significantly battery life. (aha - 180sec and 12sec - differs!) (etc...). So we can set auto Off timer for 1 minute and work in normal mode (when we tap or read something, smaller is not so much siutable), but with this WakeUp timer also when we don't use device we get very small time to byself on\off-ing and longer battery life.
But after appearing 2003 in my wallaby and then after bying himalaya I have changed this parameter with no effect.
Now I find solution!
We need to change one more parameter in that registry subdirectory named:
DisableGwesPowerOff=1 by defalut. Simpy set it to 0.
And now on my XDA II (and on XDA I with 2003) this hacks works.
I think this will be userful for our XDA community. Thanks for paying attention for this text.
Hey, that is a very, very cool hack! I have always been annoyed when my XDA2 is in my pocket and I receive an SMS when I can't reply. During the 2 minutes before it switches itself off I find that the screen gets pressed a lot in my pocket with sometimes disastrous results.
This hack seems to have no side-effects at all. The XDA2 stays switched on in the cradle and changing the Power-off-on-battery setting doesn't reset this auto-off timer.
I dare to suggest even that it is perfect! Thank you very much nugged.
Thank you realy love this one :idea:
Works fine with 5sec off on XDAII.
2 SiliconS: That's some kind of pleasure to share with info and to help.
2 eme: 5 sec? hmm... Ah! I think I have bigger lag cause I have setted up password protection and maybe it needs some time to initialize after on/before off... You haven't password protection on?
Anyway - it's works.
I've just had a thought: does this hack affect the alarms and appointment notifications? Does the machine turn itself off after 12 seconds and stop the alarm working? That might be a problem for some people if so. I can't test at the moment - my wife is asleep
Just tested, quietly . It does affect the alarm. I set a repeating alarm. The machine turned on, sounded the alarm once and then switched off. When I turned it on again a few seconds later it sounded a repeat.
I think this hack is excellent if you don't use your XDA2 for alarms or notifications. Otherwise it might cause problems. :?
every PocketPC turns itself automatically on at midnight, to perform some magic regarding alarms etc. It is a known problem that sometimes it turns off too soon again, before having finished its work. There are even programs to make this time-out longer. Question: does you hack also affect this time-out, or is it something completely unrelated?
2 tadzio: Mine never do this. What "reorganization"? Mine works fine, don't miss any appointments and haven't midnight magic power-ons ...
2 SiliconS: Yes, so that's maybe who need to have long alarms install additional soft and\or set up time longer, smth like 15 seconds.
As for me - yes, I use mine device lot of time so it often in mine hands and at my eyes so I don't need long alarms.
Lets explore info above (at 1st post) here more deeply maybe someone find solution for short WakeUpPowerOff time and working long alarms if needed.
Put down the pipe!!
What are you guys on, hacking the on time? I must be really confused... what about just using the power settings to turn of backlight after 10 seconds and power off if not used for 1 minute?
That's all I ever do and mine lasts easily through a weekend with a few hours of talk time and checking my e-mail at least 20 times.
2 wayandrs: That's your decision If you satisfied with that standard system - good . Anyway - it's not an order - it's just advice
Look - when you setup to run your backlight off after 10 seconds - try to work normally then .
nugged said:
2 tadzio: Mine never do this.
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Yes, it does. You just don't see it because it's only a partial power-up: the display does not get switched on.
The OS needs to clean up appointments, and set alarms for the new day. Most of the time it succeeds, but sometimes the device powers off automatically before the OS could finish, resulting in alarms not going off. This is what tools like "Wakeup Tweak" are for - they just extend the time-out until the device powers down again.
Also, zendrui (the PocketZenPhone author) had a lot of... umm... fun with this feature when users configured PocketZenPhone to automatically switch modes at midnight. Ask him, I think he knows a lot more about this than he ever wanted to know.
I miss the old 2003 future and wish SMS dose not turn IMATE-II on..
hope some body listen there and give a soltion. it was built in before some bodies complain about it.
2 eme: 5 sec? hmm... Ah! I think I have bigger lag cause I have setted up password protection and maybe it needs some time to initialize after on/before off... You haven't password protection on?
Yes, no password protection.
Btw I managed to connect over BT to Linux machine and have acces to local net and web. That 's nothing ok. But managed also to use device cca
100m+ away form my BT acces point. Just put USB dongle on extended
cable and if possible outside of your room. My is on the attic.
Think, PC makes som interference to BT rx for sure. If anybody interesting
on this can write som more..
2 eme: after setting this hack do you have some troubles with 'midnight self turning-ONs of device with turned off display and some reogranization' as tadzio has?
2 tadzio: so, device turning itself on withot turning on display? Sounds very interesting. Anyway - we can say so our devices stays on every time even turned off by the key, they only slowing down processor and turning off display and some hardware, cause they need to refresh SDRAM memory, to track and remember appointments to wake up at needed time, etc.
And, anyway, if this 'midnight ONs' are have place, if they are not turning on display - ppc works in another mode and I think this registry value is not related to them. But this - for me - is very strange information.
Please, Daniel, give detailed info/links, if you know this question good or don't bewilder other peoples, who read this topic.
nugged said:
2 eme: after setting this hack do you have some troubles with 'midnight self turning-ONs of device with turned off display and some reogranization' as tadzio has?
I do not have any appointments stored in my device.
Cant wait for Linux to run on it with graphical enviromet.
Than we can all forget this misterious M$ hacks.
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eme said:
nugged said:
2 eme: after setting this hack do you have some troubles with 'midnight self turning-ONs of device with turned off display and some reogranization' as tadzio has?
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Oh, I didn't mean to say that I have any problems. In fact, before I apply this hack I wanted to make sure that it will likely not cause any problems, that's why I asked if the author knows about any possible interaction between the midnight wakeup and his hack. I would suspect there is none, but I am not sure.
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nugged said:
Please, Daniel, give detailed info/links, if you know this question good or don't bewilder other peoples, who read this topic.
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Here is more information about this:
problem need help
Alrite i tried with a 12. It works well. As expected, but things happen when my phone rings, with a long rintone i have, it got cut off and then it went back to standby mode, making the call still ringing behind the background, after a while it was turn on again. It annoying when i cannot hear the first part of the ring. I end up not picking up importants calls... Anyway to help this desperado? ow i want to change back but its like the same...

Deep Sleep mode?

I'm wondering if the Hermes (8525) has a deep sleep mode? Every night I plug in my 8525 to charge, and every morning I can't wake it up. I have to soft-reset with the stylus. If there is a deep sleep mode, is there a way to disable it? I like to do nightly backups and the backup software won't run if the phone won't wake up.
I have the same problem, but this is not always when I have it in standby for a long time. It's also some times when I don't turn the device off but let it go into standby itself.
I've had the same problem with not being able toi wake it up, but only when it's in standby during the day, never when it's plugged in.
joshnat said:
I'm wondering if the Hermes (8525) has a deep sleep mode? Every night I plug in my 8525 to charge, and every morning I can't wake it up. I have to soft-reset with the stylus. If there is a deep sleep mode, is there a way to disable it? I like to do nightly backups and the backup software won't run if the phone won't wake up.
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I'm finding that my phone won't wake up if it's plugged in either... I always have to soft-reset it to get it back on. Sometimes it takes as little as five minutes to freeze up. If no one has any answers we should compare what software we're running on our phones and see if there's a common problem.
same here sometimes the phone just dosent want to wake up atleast the soft reset works
this is happening to me with the latest cingular rom the one dated 9-21
I'm having the same issues. Applications:
Spb pocket plus
Spb diary 2
Wisbar Advanced 2
I've tried disabling all three and it still ahppens after a hard reset with no software loaded. (Oh, this is an 8525 with the latest cingular rom)
Guys, please use search facility - advanced options if necessary. I think I've lost count of the number of times these issues have come up. A while back I tied together just a few of the solutions folk have discovered - so to save you the hassle here's the link:
mikechannon said:
Guys, please use search facility - advanced options if necessary. I think I've lost count of the number of times these issues have come up. A while back I tied together just a few of the solutions folk have discovered - so to save you the hassle here's the link:
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maybe a better search engine will work. many times when i try to find something with the search i get a lot of topics wich have nothing to do with my search criteria.
but thanks for the info, tried it and now we'll wait if it will actualy help.
8YEight said:
maybe a better search engine will work. many times when i try to find something with the search i get a lot of topics wich have nothing to do with my search criteria.
but thanks for the info, tried it and now we'll wait if it will actualy help.
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I do appreciate to some extent what you say about searches. A lot of people (not you perhaps) tend to overlook the "WIKI" that ties together a lot of the more proven stuff.
Hope things work out for you.
Thanks for the posts. I too have searched and have tried every solution offered here. None worked.
What I have running on the phone.
pocket weather (suspect this one is the reason but ran the phone for 3 days with it removed and no change.)
Pocket Informant
Spb Finance
Eten phone dialer(suspected this one too so I hard reset left it off and still got the lockups)
Active sync.... Tried the changes listed here did not work.
So I took the high road and did a hard reset 2 days ago and installed nothing and did not sync with any computer. Over the 2 days the darn phone froze as many time as it did with all the above installed....
So that leaves me to speculate that the culprit is cingulars network upgrade. You see in addition to the freezing the phone randomly loses service and jumps back. That I believe is the problem. Cingular turns down sites and up sites for the rollout. Also I believe the phone has difficulty handing off to sites on standby on GSM. So either a 3g rollout will fix it or a solid radio rom, from the upgrade forumn none seem to be the silver bullet yet, are needed to fix the issue.
Thanks for letting me rant!
I had these same problems with my Tytn when I first bought it. These problems disappeared for me after I upgraded my ROM to my current configuration. (see below)
"the fake server trick" worked for me. It seems that I now have less problems with waking up. Thanks mikechannon for your comment. I did not made use of the WIKI, now I know it's there I can find a lot of solvements and tricks for most common problems. Thanks!
8YEight said:
"the fake server trick" worked for me. It seems that I now have less problems with waking up. Thanks mikechannon for your comment. I did not made use of the WIKI, now I know it's there I can find a lot of solvements and tricks for most common problems. Thanks!
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Yep WIKI is often overlooked - everyone should browse it.
Pleased that you have reduced the number of lock-ups
I had the same problem: my Hermes wouldn't wake up from standby in the morning.
And I have a solution that works perfectly well for me: I changed the settings so that on A/C my Hermes never goes into standby mode. It just turnes off the display backlight after three minutes, but keeps running all night. No adverse effects so far.
Oh, and it also helps to flash the latest ROM (see the Wiki)

Device keeps turning on - help please!

I tried searching for the reason/solution but could not find anything.
Basically my device keeps truning on. I read somewhere that it's due to a fault in the radio rom. Does anyone have any knowledge/solution for this?
It seems very strange to me, which programs are installed in your phone?
If it's related to radio you can just try to flash the latest radio (ripped by Pof) without losing any of your data to see if this resolves your problem.
pof's Trin_Radio_1.38.00.11_Only_SSPL rip
I'll try this later and report back...
Noony said:
I'll try this later and report back...
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Do you have Exchange (Push) email? Do you have set email receiving to happen after a certain amount of time?
No, good suggestion but it's not the email settings.
I've put the newer radio rom on and so far no turning on. But it's only been a few hours so far...
Still turns on - oh well !
I have this same problem with my Imate Jam, my phone is set to check email every 15mins and I think thats when it turns itself on. But this must be a bug because it drains the battery so much faster especially it the screen gets random inputs when it is in your pocket constantly.
Another suggestion - do you use Sprite Backup Battery Monitor ?
or any other Weatherplugin which is checking every minutes the forecast ?
rdu85 said:
Another suggestion - do you use Sprite Backup Battery Monitor ?
or any other Weatherplugin which is checking every minutes the forecast ?
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I have the same turning on issue. On mine, I know it is due to the email that is getting downloaded. Mine doesn't always do it, sometimes if I've been using wifi and turned it off, the phone will connect and check mail without coming out of standby. I haven't been able to track down exactly how to fix it. I do use DeviceLock which locks the screen so that if the phone wakes up for any reason when it is in my pocket or my backpack, buttons don't get pressed by accident.
My Dopod is turning on too and it really pisses me off.
I can be sure at 12:00am it will turn on every time.
I have reduced my power off time to 2min.
Noony said:
I tried searching for the reason/solution but could not find anything.
Basically my device keeps truning on. I read somewhere that it's due to a fault in the radio rom. Does anyone have any knowledge/solution for this?
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Before doing anything like flashing a different rom,start by eliminating some things
First remove your sim card and turn off the phone if it turns on by itself then its not network related nor has anything to do with your email settings.
Second try a different simcard and set the network manually to GSM and disable GPRS.
Third remove all programs that you've added(Hard reset if you have to).
Finally and if none of the above work flash a different rom.

Display dims but does not turn off after timeout

First of all sorry for opening a new thread.....did search but didn´t find anything.....and I usually get annoyed myself by people asking question that have already been answered....
Problem: once in a while - and in no understandable pattern - my HD does not switch to standby after the set timeout (60s for me). Soft-reset does not solve the issue, but it disappears after a while (several times turning the display on/off). Have not changed/installed anything recently. First blamed it on S2U2.....uninstalled and problem seemed to be solved, but only until today - now it´s back in all its glory....
Already compared the - what I think - relevant registry values to my Diamond suspects there.
And no, there is no video-, audio-, or navigation program running in the background, as the problem manifests itself right after a restart/soft-reset....
Any ideas?
mine does the same...I've just gotten used to it.
twisted-pixel said:
mine does the same...I've just gotten used to it.
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Hmmm....I don´t want to get used to it, because whenever the device wakes up (missed call, reminder, alert etc.) the display stays on (altough dimmed) using up battery power....
Same problem here with my Diamond.
Any news or ideas on this?
Same for me, and it's a very big problem!
I've read in some of the other posts that it may have to do with the activation of auto-screen lock that is included in the ROM, but this isn't turnd on in my case!
I use my Blackstone professionally, which means I need as much battery power as possible on one charge! At the moment this problem makes the device last for about half a day during work!
If anyone has a fix, I would appreciate hearing about it

HD wakes up at midnight

Is there a way to stop the HD waking up at midnight?
stiscooby said:
Is there a way to stop the HD waking up at midnight?
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Same question .. ^^
It's a normal thing or not ? Don't know if the HD does that before installing/uninstalling TFDetacher ..
well mine doesn't do this so it has to be a recent software you installed.
I have seen several people mention it on here before but not so sure anyone had a solution?
Only thing I have installed on mine is G-Alarm?
it's g-alarm thing and i dont see why it is a big deal to a lot of ppl. it's only like for one mins and then it goes back off.. WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL PPL. i dont get it anyway sorry i am not helping but had to take this off my mind
its not our place here in the xda developers community to judge or criticize others needs or preferences, because we know not the circumstances by which they live their lives. our place is simply to lend a hand when we can so we an grow individually and as a community. getting something off ones chest is best accomplished with a baseball bat and a tree...
stiscooby said:
Is there a way to stop the HD waking up at midnight?
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I gave it hot cocoa that didn't work... still woke up at midnight so I tried sleeping pills... same thing again dead on midnight it wakes up - the hot bath however definitely did the job; problem is that it hasn't woken up since
Sorry I couldn't resist!
SomethingWicked said:
its not our place here in the xda developers community to judge or criticize others needs or preferences, because we know not the circumstances by which they live their lives. our place is simply to lend a hand when we can so we an grow individually and as a community. getting something off ones chest is best accomplished with a baseball bat and a tree...
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again it's only for one min. dont you think you're throwing it a little out of proportion.. anyway i am used to bashing my head against a wall but i couldnt do it this time because of all the blood!!. this has been discussed before at least two times to the best of my recollection with no positive results so i am guessing you're going to have to take it with you inside the mattress
Of course it's not a big deal, it's just a " strange" things ..
It's maybe a feeling but i found that my battery drain faster after midnight
So, sometimes i do a soft reset at 00:01
I'll have to do some tests
This is the reason...
stiscooby said:
Only thing I have installed on mine is G-Alarm?
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It's so that the notification queue can be rebuilt for the next day. It happens anyway in Windows Mobile but G-Alarm offers to extend the amount of time allowed for rebuilding as there's a known bug with the default setting that sometimes doesn't allow enough time for it to finish (15 seconds default and G-Alarm offers to alter it to 2 minutes iirc).
Its biiig problem with that midnight wake
inspireme87 said:
again it's only for one min. dont you think you're throwing it a little out of proportion.. anyway i am used to bashing my head against a wall but i couldnt do it this time because of all the blood!!. this has been discussed before at least two times to the best of my recollection with no positive results so i am guessing you're going to have to take it with you inside the mattress
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well it actually is BIG problem for me as it is not just for one minute.... somehow when it wakes at midnight it stays on and does not want go sleep again, overriding the settings which i set for keeping backlight for 1 min., and obviously as a result i get drained battery in the morning which is so frustrating as i do not have time to charge it for me that is A BIIIG PROBLEM...
is it the only solution to take off g-alarm?? kind of like it and got so used that really do not want to part with it
Thanks for the few who mentioned it seems to be G-Alarm.
inspireme87 - think you need to chill out my friend........... No, its not a BIG problem for me, I thougt I was just asking a simple question/query
On a few occasions I notice it's got "stuck" and not gone back to sleep as mentioned above so I have to press the power button to make it sleep.
stiscooby said:
Thanks for the few who mentioned it seems to be G-Alarm.
inspireme87 - think you need to chill out my friend........... No, its not a BIG problem for me, I thougt I was just asking a simple question/query
On a few occasions I notice it's got "stuck" and not gone back to sleep as mentioned above so I have to press the power button to make it sleep.
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well it's kind of a hard to press power button when you are actually asleep . i do not want to let the phone to dictate my sleep time if you know what i mean.
2. Windows alarm bug
Windows Mobile has on some devices a strange behaviour: Although an alarm is successfully added to the WM notification queue (it's like a scheduler) it doesn't go off.
Searching the web gave me following information:
At midnight WM rebuilds the notification queue, therefore it wakes up for about 15 seconds. If the notification queue is too big or the device too slow WM goes to sleep again before it could finish building the queue for the next day.
If you force WM too stay awake for a longer time, it should successfully build the queue on at least more devices.
If you start G-Alarm and it complains about the Windows alarm bug, you've got the default WM settings (15 seconds WakeUpTime). If you press "Yes" G-Alarm changes it to 120 seconds which should be enough.
Here are the registry values G-Alarm changes:
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marasp said:
well it's kind of a hard to press power button when you are actually asleep . i do not want to let the phone to dictate my sleep time if you know what i mean.
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I fully agree.
I was talking about things from my point of view/issues I have experienced. The times I have noticed it failing to go to sleep, I have still been awake so noticed the light still on in the room so luckily didn't find my battery was flat in the morning.
I will remove G-Alarm to make sure it's the problem and see what happens.
marasp said:
well it actually is BIG problem for me as it is not just for one minute.... somehow when it wakes at midnight it stays on and does not want go sleep again, overriding the settings which i set for keeping backlight for 1 min., and obviously as a result i get drained battery in the morning which is so frustrating as i do not have time to charge it for me that is A BIIIG PROBLEM...
is it the only solution to take off g-alarm?? kind of like it and got so used that really do not want to part with it
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I had the same problem... and I noticed that during the day a windows error occured, maybe from GAlarm? the problem is that several times I found my battery to 2 or 3% in the morning...
Thanks for the advice for Galarm (I didnt understood why the device was not shutting down by itself at midnight)
t0k0m0k0 said:
I had the same problem... and I noticed that during the day a windows error occured, maybe from GAlarm? the problem is that several times I found my battery to 2 or 3% in the morning...
Thanks for the advice for Galarm (I didnt understood why the device was not shutting down by itself at midnight)
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i did found solution, though u need registry editor in order to make it work... change the value of the string in HKCU\Software\ageye\G-Alarm\MidnightWakeUp from True to False. from now on you will not be bothered by waking of your toy and alarm will be working as normal... at least my does.
marasp said:
i did found solution, though u need registry editor in order to make it work... change the value of the string in HKCU\Software\ageye\G-Alarm\MidnightWakeUp from True to False. from now on you will not be bothered by waking of your toy and alarm will be working as normal... at least my does.
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Thanks for the tip I will give it a try
Mind you most mornings now I am finding G-Alarm seems to hang/crash my phone? The first alarm goes off as expected, i press the snooze button then sometimes it will go off again and then hang.
The G-Alarm screen remains on phone, with the screen lit, and nothing responds, not even holding in the power button. I have to remove the battery.
So might just scrap it as it seems a bit "buggy".
I have same trouble and there is no G-Alarm app on my HD so I think I have problems with another app...

