tomtom HTC advantage - Mogul, XV6800 General

please bare with me although I'm technology entusiast I'm a little iliterate, i purchased about 2 years ago a htc x7501 that came with tomtom7 preinstaled I downloaded what I think was one free map of miami fla because it was the only place i traveled that i needed the gps now days i find my self traveling to other cities in us but i cant get any other map.
the thing is thqt when i try to purchase a map from tomtom you have to choose fron a list of pda/phone models and mine is not listed. is there any way for me to get another map for us. any help you can give me will be much appriciated.

margueta said:
please bare with me although I'm technology entusiast I'm a little iliterate, i purchased about 2 years ago a htc x7501 that came with tomtom7 preinstaled I downloaded what I think was one free map of miami fla because it was the only place i traveled that i needed the gps now days i find my self traveling to other cities in us but i cant get any other map.
the thing is thqt when i try to purchase a map from tomtom you have to choose fron a list of pda/phone models and mine is not listed. is there any way for me to get another map for us. any help you can give me will be much appriciated.
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Have you tried TomTom Home on your PC? At one time I had it TomTom Home installed and it recognized my phone and offered me the ability to purchase maps. Not sure if your device / Home will work together but it is worth a shot...

margueta said:
please bare with me although I'm technology entusiast I'm a little iliterate, i purchased about 2 years ago a htc x7501 that came with tomtom7 preinstaled I downloaded what I think was one free map of miami fla because it was the only place i traveled that i needed the gps now days i find my self traveling to other cities in us but i cant get any other map.
the thing is thqt when i try to purchase a map from tomtom you have to choose fron a list of pda/phone models and mine is not listed. is there any way for me to get another map for us. any help you can give me will be much appriciated.
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There is a special place for people like you. Much like this forum is for people like us, we have the titans.
I have a TomTom 720, I get all my TomTom questions and needs filled here:
I am sure that this may help you in your quest... If not here is a backup source of TomTom information:

anthonyandrews said:
There is a special place for people like you. Much like this forum is for people like us, we have the titans.
I have a TomTom 720, I get all my TomTom questions and needs filled here:
I am sure that this may help you in your quest... If not here is a backup source of TomTom information:
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Links to warez sites or programs is prohibited on xda.
Watch it, if you are not familiar with the rules, theres a link in my sig.


Tom Tom - Downloads

Is anyone able to supply me with the extra's such as speed camera notifications etc?
Thanks in advance
I found all the functions etc on the PIO Option
Have a look here
They offer a free download of a Speed camera database - latest release Feb 2006.
They also have a lot of other interesting stuff relating to GPS on Pocket PC, Smartphone and Palm.
pewe, i found stuff in the PIO section of my Tom Tom...its got the speed cam images and the 20/30/40 etc speed limits
Glad you found them
pewe said:
Have a look here
They offer a free download of a Speed camera database - latest release Feb 2006.
They also have a lot of other interesting stuff relating to GPS on Pocket PC, Smartphone and Palm.
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Pewe, they have switched to a subscription based service for these now. The last free one was Feb 2006.
If anyone wants it, I have up to January 2006.
Jerry-S, nice one mate...
Tis ok my friend.
I have seen so many people struggle with tomtom and WM5 / Wizard and would love to just say, "Here, have a copy of my SD." Lol
But I can't cos it's not exactly......................
.....................well, ya'know, kosha. LOL
The last free one was Feb 2006
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So I see ..... well I suppose they have to cover the work they put in to keep it up to date. It saved my bacon a couple of times so I guess out of gratitude I will maybe subscribe... :roll:
It saved my bacon a couple of times so I guess out of gratitude I will maybe subscribe... :roll:[/quote]
Well if you look at it from a hosting point of view, as soon as people get wind that you can get for free what some people have been charging for on e-bay, what are they going to do?
I am assuming that the main reason for the charge is for bandwidth charges, seeing as the rest of the site is freely accessible.
If you think about it, it's not a bad price to pay, especially as it's a hell of alot cheaper than a fine or loosing your licence / job.
Now all we need for HGV driver like me, is a really good comprehensive database of low bridges and a way to make TT avoid certain Poi's.
Jerry-S, :lol: :wink:
Jerry S,
Have you seen this its taken from this thread
Thanks Stunno, thats fantastic.
I can't believe I didn't see that one, I go on that site quite regularly.
Cheers matey.
thats where it al is!!
greetz Maichel
seems like a silly thing to say but on the subject of tomtom i'm hoping people have gotta it to work on WM5... so has anybody?
jamiehutber said:
seems like a silly thing to say but on the subject of tomtom i'm hoping people have gotta it to work on WM5... so has anybody?
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I've got it on my Wizard (o2 XDA MiniS)
Tomtom v5.210
GPS Driver v1.20
GB map v562
There is a thread on how to get tomtom to see your BT GPS unit using com 6 / 7.

TeleNav for Athena

Nice job... Telenav
Sorry, before I execute this CAB,,,, what is it? Like a TomTom GPS thing??
Telenav is a Navigation tool. Unlike TomTom, it uses maps stored online, that are up-to-date and updated frequently. They use NavTek if you wonder. Check the details here:
I use it on other devices and love it also on my Advantage.
lbarouf said:
Telenav is a Navigation tool. Unlike TomTom, it uses maps stored online, that are up-to-date and updated frequently. They use NavTek if you wonder. Check the details here:
I use it on other devices and love it also on my Advantage.
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How does it compare to Google Maps? (EDIT: Never mind, just looked at web site, and it looks awesome!)
What carrier do you have, what device do you claim to have? THansk!
Pay by the month for use? No thanks I will stay with Igo that way I will not incur any data charges plus monthly usage.
I think I'll stick to CoPilot 7
Confucious said:
I think I'll stick to CoPilot 7
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7? I have 6, and Copilot Live is at 6 for pocket pc. Yes, it;s great, even with the small screw-ups on the VGA screen.
wgary said:
How does it compare to Google Maps? (EDIT: Never mind, just looked at web site, and it looks awesome!)
What carrier do you have, what device do you claim to have? THansk!
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I run on many different providers ranging from T-Mobile, Telefonica and others. I have an HTC branded Athena (Advantage/X7500). Runs fine, as long as you create an account with them. I don't mind the premium since the maps are precise, up-to-date.
Review of TeleNav
OK, downloaded, put in my credit card (have until 8/11 to cancel) and... WOW!
Very nice feature set. Best implementation of searches for points of interest that I have seen; makes GoogleMaps look downright clunky! One of my favorites was search for lowest gas prices. Can also search for restaurants by type, just by clicking. And the results seemed very accurate. Really, really cool. And the fact that it is live means that you don't have to wait a year for updates.
Haven't tested the voice recognition yet, but a neat idea.
Nice big buttons. Hi-res maps. Attractive.
It is surprisingly responsive, even when on EDGE. Although I haven't tried an interstate at 80mph yet. This is a keeper... NEARLY.
My biggest concern is the routing seems a little "creative". I did routes to about 10 locations near and far, and I would say it is comparable to Mapquest 2001. In one case, it inexplicably routed me through a subdivision rather than the direct route. Then I remembered... Mapquest used to give me that same stupid detour! In another, a 8-9 mile trip routed out at 23 miles! Maybe it's just the area I live in, but I'm not sure I'd want to rely on it if I really needed to get somewhere in a hurry.
The only other gripe is that while the user interface is pretty, sometimes the menus are confusing. I would hit the Menu button and get a set of options that weren't at all what I expected.
Also, with MvRTrueVGA, there is a gap between the bottom of the app window and the bottom of the display where a little bit of the app below peeks through. OK, this is a hack, so I can't be too harsh about that. But wouldn't it be great...
Bottom line, this has the potential to be THE killer GPS app. It's not there yet, but I'm betting this will get better in the next while. I definitely plan to keep playing with it at least until August 11, in conjunction with GoogleMaps and/or iNav as a second opinion. I'd be interested about experiences others have had, particularly with routing.
Have you tried traffic function with it? If traffic info is really up to date and integrated to routing. $10 may be ok for up-to-date map and real time traffic.
Staroip said:
Have you tried traffic function with it? If traffic info is really up to date and integrated to routing. $10 may be ok for up-to-date map and real time traffic.
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Traffic really isn't an issue where I live. My only real beef is the routing. Otherwise, I would gladly give the $10/month... might anyway!
I've been wondering when someone would come out with something like this, but for me it's monthly fee is a deal breaker (or needing a data plan for that matter) because I almost never need/use GPS, so I don't want to pay $$ per month to use it once in a while...
Still I wish them luck and am glad to see them improving GPS.
lbarouf said:
7? I have 6, and Copilot Live is at 6 for pocket pc. Yes, it;s great, even with the small screw-ups on the VGA screen.
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CoPilot Live 7 will blow you away - it is a vast improvement over 6.
When is 7 going to be made available? Do you know yet?
Beware of this product for the time being if you are UK based - it doesn't work, the program installs fine from the link but it is not possible to activate it. They have said six weeks (ish) before rolling out PDA compatability for Europe - for the time being its Blackberry devices only - Mike
Confucious said:
CoPilot Live 7 will blow you away - it is a vast improvement over 6.
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:-S You got me curious now....
I love the fact that when I'm on the road for a long period, people (family, friends, customers) can track me and get an ETA on when I arrive, since I put my routes in CopilotLive. Maps are rough on edges, POI are not as rich as many features. I love TeleNav and consider TeleNav Track for the bidirectional functionality. Will see when they realease for the Athena. It's the really the best navigation PDA around in my eyes. By that time, I hope Alk will release Copilot Live 7. Can you send a screenshot? PM me if needed, I wonder how you got your hands on it and when it's due for.
Hey how did you guys get telenav to find the gps on the x7500? It keeps telling me that it cannot find it and to seek a clear sky position.
i didn't not notice it requried data plan before installation.
now, how can i uninstall it? TeleSav is not shown in the 'remove program' list. :-(
BTW, i still love my tomtom application.
UK friendly GPS software.
mikealder said:
Beware of this product for the time being if you are UK based - it doesn't work, the program installs fine from the link but it is not possible to activate it. They have said six weeks (ish) before rolling out PDA compatability for Europe - for the time being its Blackberry devices only - Mike
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I have tried another one, webraska. I find not as nice as Telenav, but very close. excellent coverage in UK, Whales, and France. On my last trip I used it and found it just as useful as Telenav. Check it out... Webraska. For my friends on the other other side of the pond.
Anyone happen to know if this version works on other PPCs? Telenav hasn't updated their other Windows Mobile versions in years.

free GPS Software

i am getting my blackstone in about a week from telstra.
is there any GPS software that is free and doesn't need internet connection eg maps already downloaded and gps software knows where you are on maps.
i have been looking around with no luck for about 4 days and want to have everything ready when i get the device.
thanks in advance
Ask around or check online with other suppliers as some ship GarminXP with the phone as they do in Thailand its a great piece of software and the maps are awesome, and to get it supplied free was worth paying so much for the HD
I would check around to see what software is included before signing up
you could try Nav4All - free and simple to use...not pretty but will get the job done...have used when I've had a loan phone.
how about
thx all!
thx for your replies you's are really helpful unlike the modding forum for my last phone(motorola razr2 v8).

Co-pilot 8 Australiasia maps finally avaliable for purchase!

Finally! Just received reply from ALK that Australia / NZ maps are finally avaliable for purchase. Checked CoPilot Central and can see a Australiasia link now.
Edit: weird, the maps don't appear when logged into Central. it does show up if you're not logged in though.
Purchasing Copilot 8
How do you buy Copilot 8?
I contacted them and they said not sold in Au.
Maps are no good without CP
You click on that link I posted. That's the one the Copilot support person gave me when I asked the same question.
Oddly enough it seems you can't actually purchase via Central (yet)... as I said earlier the "Australiasia" map option disappears from the Copilot Store section as soon as you log in. Purchasing through the link I posted does indeed work however; I just bought and activiated my Copilot for Australia maps successfully last night
Just watch out for the key issue. I purchased the Au maps on Monday and found that the key was accepted by CoPilot but every time I closed it and re-opened I had to re-enter the key. Contacted support and they said that the key I had was the wrong one (for upgrades only) so they generated me a new one. Just be aware of that...
Do the maps cover the whole of AUS, not just the major centres?
Can you please check and see if places like Broome, Darwin and Karratha, Jabiru are in the AUS maps?
simopimo said:
Just watch out for the key issue. I purchased the Au maps on Monday and found that the key was accepted by CoPilot but every time I closed it and re-opened I had to re-enter the key. Contacted support and they said that the key I had was the wrong one (for upgrades only) so they generated me a new one. Just be aware of that...
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Damn! You're right, I have the same issue. *sigh* Time to contact them I guess...
lexx-luthor said:
Do the maps cover the whole of AUS, not just the major centres?
Can you please check and see if places like Broome, Darwin and Karratha, Jabiru are in the AUS maps?
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For the locations you listed: yes, yes, yes and yes. I tested by punching in the locations into the route planner (starting with Broome). Total trip time from Broome => Jabiru via Darwin and Karratha was ~7100km, 101hrs
aussiebum said:
You click on that link I posted. That's the one the Copilot support person gave me when I asked the same question.
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Thanks Mate.
I haven't used CP yet. The HD2 I purchased came with Garmin pre-installed with full AU maps and works perfect. I would like to read some feedback on CP though
aussiebum said:
For the locations you listed: yes, yes, yes and yes. I tested by punching in the locations into the route planner (starting with Broome). Total trip time from Broome => Jabiru via Darwin and Karratha was ~7100km, 101hrs
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thanks for that, I'll have to add to my list of software purchases
speedracer13 said:
I haven't used CP yet. The HD2 I purchased came with Garmin pre-installed with full AU maps and works perfect. I would like to read some feedback on CP though
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[OFF TOPIC] Where did you get you HD2 with Garmin pre-installed?
lexx-luthor said:
Do the maps cover the whole of AUS, not just the major centres?
Can you please check and see if places like Broome, Darwin and Karratha, Jabiru are in the AUS maps?
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Hi Lexx, Yes I checked for Broome and there was a listing of all the hotels that I know about in Broome. Seemed to know a bit about the place.
simopimo said:
Hi Lexx, Yes I checked for Broome and there was a listing of all the hotels that I know about in Broome. Seemed to know a bit about the place.
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thanks Simopimo
aussiebum said:
Finally! Just received reply from ALK that Australia / NZ maps are finally avaliable for purchase. Checked CoPilot Central and can see a Australiasia link now.
Edit: weird, the maps don't appear when logged into Central. it does show up if you're not logged in though.
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Great work AussieBum! I wasn't going to register mine until they'd officially released the maps. I'm usually a TomTom guy but I really quite like the way CoPilot looks/works on the HD2.
$100 for the upgrade version?
It's great that you're grabbing the Australian maps. If it was $30 (as i think they were offering for the UK) I might consider it, but $100 seems a bit steep... especially when my copy of CoPilot 7 (from my old TyTN II) works just fine.
Might try version 8 when I head to the UK next.
Updating the maps would be good though... was kinda annoying to have to use google maps to search for the Merthyr Bowls Club last weekend. Having the HD2's car kit system go for CoPilot 7 rather than 8 (as it does by default) would be good too.
Don't know if any of you are grinning like I am when you see a specialist GPS unit advertised that has a smaller screen than our phone
Still waiting for the Wm version software update which was supposed to come out at the same time as the new maps. Still waiting for the other lives services to come on-line such as live traffic updates

Noob Question. Best "Offline" Navigator?

I'm looking for an offline navigator for the US (and Central America, if one exists). I don't have data access most of the time, so I need to store maps on my phone. All opinions will be appreciated.
Copilot's pretty good. They do North America, but I don't think they do Central America.
I used that for nearly a year on Winmo, since it came as a trial on the HD2, but have switched to Navigator since using Android (obviously no good to you as it uses data).
johncmolyneux said:
Copilot's pretty good. They do North America, but I don't think they do Central America.
I used that for nearly a year on Winmo, since it came as a trial on the HD2, but have switched to Navigator since using Android (obviously no good to you as it uses data).
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Yes, I too used Copilot on my WinMo phone. Liked it, but was hoping to find something a bit more US-centric (newer maps).
I had read that Google was going to release an offline version of their software. It seems, IMHO, that Navigator is superior to Copilot. Have you seen anything about a new version?
Thanks for your response.
rebecker said:
I'm looking for an offline navigator for the US (and Central America, if one exists). I don't have data access most of the time, so I need to store maps on my phone. All opinions will be appreciated.
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The new Google Maps 5 is supposed to support off-line use
rebecker said:
I had read that Google was going to release an offline version of their software. It seems, IMHO, that Navigator is superior to Copilot. Have you seen anything about a new version?
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The next version of Google maps will still need a data connection to download the map data initially, but will not require one after that. I have to say, Google have been working pretty hard recently to give us some good updates, but the maps app is the one I'm looking forward to the most!
rebecker said:
Yes, I too used Copilot on my WinMo phone. Liked it, but was hoping to find something a bit more US-centric (newer maps).
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Just got an email from CoPilot that they have updated their maps as X-Mas gift. No idea how thoroughly they have been updated, but you might want to check it out. I have CoPilot installed as backup app for when abroad or without signal, and I like it.
