Freezing issues? - Mogul, XV6800 General

Ok my mogul has been freezing lately and it usually is either while typing a text message or something like that i think my problem program might be Sleuth's sip change cause it seems to be switching my sips randomly now BUT the problem is i cant find it in the remove log so can i get some instructions on how id remove it?


Can I disable the autoconnect that occurs when sliding out the keyboard in messaging?

I've had a search but have had no luck solving this issue.
When I'm using Messaging, sliding out the keyboard to type either an email or text (often, not always) causes it to auto connect. Is it possible to disable this? It's beginning to annoy me as the connect process inevitably causes a slight pause while the dialogue box appears/disappears, plus I don't necessarily want to connect every time.
Solution? I've scoured the settings but can't seem to disable it. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
fatbarstewar said:
I've had a search but have had no luck solving this issue.
When I'm using Messaging, sliding out the keyboard to type either an email or text (often, not always) causes it to auto connect. Is it possible to disable this? It's beginning to annoy me as the connect process inevitably causes a slight pause while the dialogue box appears/disappears, plus I don't necessarily want to connect every time.
Solution? I've scoured the settings but can't seem to disable it. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Are you sure its the keyboard causing it to connect? I've never known that before, seems to me it must be another program somewhere causing your device to auto connect. have a look through any third party software that you have installed, or maybe you have auto check for email enabled, or possibly an unsent/ not received mms pending?
Good point, I think that's solved it - I generally leave the browser (Opera) minimised, rather than closed, which caused the auto connect.

smsengine error - no incoming texts!

Hi there,
Can anyone help me with an odd sms problem?
After installing some programs to try and back up my text messages from my xda exec, which were unsuccessful, I've since uninstalled them and now discovered I'm not recieiving any incoming text messages... only the network voicemail 901 messages ever get through, but whenever a text message comes in I get a dialogue appear saying
The file 'smsengine' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. You might need to reinstall or restore this file."
when "ok" is clicked, the dialogue closes, then when the pocket outlook is opened I get a small dialogue box saying
SendMessage failed.
Obviously I can't ever see what the message was, it just never gets displayed in Pocket Outlook (presumably due to the error above )
Any Ideas what I can do? is smsengine.exe a standard WM5 program, if so, can somebody find it on their machine, copy and email it to me, and tell me where to save it to?
Or do I need to muck about in the registry?
I can't reset my phone to factory defaults because I have some really, really really important text messages relating to my employment which was why I started this mucking about trying to back up the messages in the first place... so I'm really stuck now, and I'd really appreciate if someone could offer some advice on what the best approach would be.
I've heard of smsengine.exe afaik its not a standard wm5 file i'd say whatever programs you installed to backup are the cause of your problems.
I'd reinstall the programs and remove 1 at a time to see which is the cause
What programs did you install?
solved - thanks - any other sms backups that might work?
Thanks Deadmetal
Strangely I'd already tried uninstalling, with no luck, but tried reinstalling, then removing, and eventually the problem seems to have fixed itself using this proceedure. very odd!
The program I installed was smsOrganizer by zedsoft
Which doesnt seem to work on the Exec for some reason, even though it says its WM2005 (which I presume is WM5 - if I'm wrong with this assumption it might explain why it messed it up <grin>)
Can anyone recommend a good (free) tool to backup sms messages under WM5 that I can use?
Thanks for the help
Ah! smsorganiser! Yeah I thought the software you had been using was that. I've had several problems using it but it does look a decent piece of software if the bugs ever get ironed out!
the problem keeps on!

Exec Keeps crashing and deleting txts

Hi, i have this problem with my xda exec, every so often it will crash so i have to sort reset it and when it reboots most of my recent txt messages will be deleted. This problem is extremly annoying and if it continues i fear for the safety of my phone as i will throw it accross the room!
Any help appreciated
Possible reason can be some malacious software. Can you enlist them?
Also, what ROM are you using?
This happened to me too, but only on certain WM6 ROMs. It tended to be unread texts. Unfortunately, I can't remember which ROM was doing it, but I think it was DarkForce and one or two of the PDAVIET ones. However, I tend to fiddle with my phone so much, it would be difficult to say whether it was the ROM or something I'd done.
Are you using WM6?
If so, which one?
If not, what apps are you using, and also, have you tweaked any of the settings using MemMaid or something like that?
it happens to me too, and i'm still using jwrights most recent rom.
maybe you could supply more details of what softwares you have installed? sometimes the rom is not the culprit but the softwares that interfere with the way mail is being handled.... for example.. this has been a known issue before for users of wisbar advance desktop...
text message on my phone are handled by the regular internla program. it's wm6, jwright, latest version. and it's my text messages. if i get new ones, and my phone crashes.. the new ones are gone once it restarts.
just to let you know, im on original o2 rom and i get this problem.
whenever i recieve an mms message my phone spazes out completely (cant access most menus and the inbox is rapidly flicking up and down) resulting in me having to soft reset (push stylus in hole)
whenever i do this it deletes/forgets any recieved sms since the last time i opened the txt msg client. only way to stop losing msgs is by manually closing the sms client settings>system>memory>running programs>Text Messages - Stop
unfortunately you cant access this while your phones spazing out so try to make a habit of closing txt messages often
as stated original roms wm5, no custom software
i got this problem too.
i think maybe it cause by the 3 party software.
now i flashed to wm6, and becareful while choosing those software install in it. now works fine... eventhough it got incoming sms, and the phone freeze, after soft reset the sms still there...

SMS Phone Keypad Doesn't Work

When I reply to a text message, I can use the phone keypad and T9. If I then receive another message and try to reply, the phone keypad only types numbers, even if it is set to type letters. I've installed the HTC SMS fix and it has not helped. I prefer to use the phone keypad so I can type with one hand. Any suggestions?
I noticed this crazy behaviour as well, I did find it quite funny . Give it a soft reset and see if that help. I've only had the problem a couple of times, didn't really do anything to fix it except Soft reset.
+1 (I gather this means me too)
Same here.
Anyone has a solution except softreset?
Me too..
And I also have a problem when selecting suggested words. When I press the word I want, the phone just delete the word from the text, and I have to write the word again!
Me too
i'm having the same problem too and found a simple solution.
soft reset not necessary.
just exit couple of times from the message and try to end the process from the task manager.
after that works fine.
SMS phone keypad fault
i'm another, tried the above and still does not work

HD2 Messaging selects last message when typing?

Hi all,
I have searched through the (hundreds!) of messaging threads but noone seems to report this issue. When I am replying to a message in the HTC message app, seemingly randomly the message loses focus, and an earlier message is highlighted. What I type is not lost, but is not shown until I tap back on my reply.
I've tried the sensitivity tweaks, tried typing slower and more accurately, but still happens.
Really annoying, is this at all common?
I have seen same issue and not been able to find a fix. was thinking it could be a faulty touchscreen
yeah i have some issues with this im guessing software problem sometime, i carry on typing and its still there click the screen and its fine again, i just thought it was a software fault so never asked anything.
I believe this is also related to the messaging app issue, as it tends to follow the same trend.
The annoying thing is I know why it's happening. When you tap on the text from the sense tab, it loads messaging app, then loads all of the messages, and then selects the message you tapped on from the tab. If there are a few previous messages from the same person, tap on an earlier message and you'll see what I mean.
If there was a way to change it to only open the messaging app and choose the same contact, not that same sms, then it would be fixed. I ended up just binding one of my hardware keys to messaging client, and I use that instead of the messages tab.
Thanks for the replies!
That makes sense. And whilst its loading the messages it types pretty slowly, particularly the space bar is not detected, and thats really irritating!
Will raise it as an issue with HTC, and see what happens.
A work-around is to click send on a blank message, and cancel. All messages are then loaded instantly, type away!
You'd think, now that we are 10 years on from greyscreen Nokias, with all this lovely hardware and software to play with, that simple text message would be no problem.
Instead, we have this problem (which I get as well), and a very glitchy messaging program which every fifth text seems to lag to infinity. For me, it's the weakest part of the HD2 and I hate sending texts sometimes. I hope they build in a solid messenger soon.
Mine has been doing this for ages, its worse with more messages. I wish they would hurry up and fix this. grrr
Hmmm... Yes, mine does this too - but I thought it started after applying a hotfix from the HTC site. I am on ROM 1.48.405.2 and I assume that the fix would have been
I applied the fix as I was finding that sometimes when I tapped in the typing area to reply, I got no response at all. The fix certainly sorted out that issue, it appears but my text now suffers from the above issue. - There is no 'uninstall' for this hotfix.
So - I've just seen this post
it seems that the hotfix and subsequent new ROM including the hotfix proves that it is an update related issue.
I'm running a ROM based on 2.10, it certainly isn't fixed in this version!

