Exec Keeps crashing and deleting txts - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Hi, i have this problem with my xda exec, every so often it will crash so i have to sort reset it and when it reboots most of my recent txt messages will be deleted. This problem is extremly annoying and if it continues i fear for the safety of my phone as i will throw it accross the room!
Any help appreciated

Possible reason can be some malacious software. Can you enlist them?
Also, what ROM are you using?

This happened to me too, but only on certain WM6 ROMs. It tended to be unread texts. Unfortunately, I can't remember which ROM was doing it, but I think it was DarkForce and one or two of the PDAVIET ones. However, I tend to fiddle with my phone so much, it would be difficult to say whether it was the ROM or something I'd done.
Are you using WM6?
If so, which one?
If not, what apps are you using, and also, have you tweaked any of the settings using MemMaid or something like that?

it happens to me too, and i'm still using jwrights most recent rom.

maybe you could supply more details of what softwares you have installed? sometimes the rom is not the culprit but the softwares that interfere with the way mail is being handled.... for example.. this has been a known issue before for users of wisbar advance desktop...

text message on my phone are handled by the regular internla program. it's wm6, jwright, latest version. and it's my text messages. if i get new ones, and my phone crashes.. the new ones are gone once it restarts.

just to let you know, im on original o2 rom and i get this problem.
whenever i recieve an mms message my phone spazes out completely (cant access most menus and the inbox is rapidly flicking up and down) resulting in me having to soft reset (push stylus in hole)
whenever i do this it deletes/forgets any recieved sms since the last time i opened the txt msg client. only way to stop losing msgs is by manually closing the sms client settings>system>memory>running programs>Text Messages - Stop
unfortunately you cant access this while your phones spazing out so try to make a habit of closing txt messages often
as stated original roms wm5, no custom software

i got this problem too.
i think maybe it cause by the 3 party software.
now i flashed to wm6, and becareful while choosing those software install in it. now works fine... eventhough it got incoming sms, and the phone freeze, after soft reset the sms still there...


SMS msgs getting wiped after SOFT reset

Only recently got my T-Mobile branded Vario direct from them brand new and I've noticed that after I perform a soft reset all my messages, regardless of whether they have been read or not, get wiped.
I've checked Deleted Items, Drafts, Inbox, Outbox and Sent Items folders and they are all empty! I can absolutely assure you that I did not delete any of the messages myself.
Thinking that I might of had some conflict with another piece of sofware I had installed I decided to perform a hard reset and get everything set back to T-Mobile factory defaults. After all the Extended-Rom branding stuff got installed I decided to leave the phone exactly as it was, no tweaking of any settings, no installing any extra apps, no active-syncing, no nothing - a fresh factory reset!
Then, I sent another text message to the Vario. It arrived and after I read it and confirmed that it was indeed in the Text Message Inbox folder I quit out of the message app and perform a soft reset. Guess what happened after it restarted? Yep, the text message has miraculously disappeared
Anybody else seen this happen?
Anyone care to comment? Please reply even if your text msgs DON'T get wiped as I'd like to find out whether it's normal or not.
not got a T-mobile ROM, i'm using the O2 one (and now the updated version) and have never lost text messages from a soft reset (only a hard reset)
Sry i cant help further
just started happening to me and i been using the 2.17 rom.. i noticed this yesterday it deleted like 5 msgs but i got my other ones there so i was like WTFD?
I've just had this on a Universal (Orange M5000) with the latest Orange ROMs.
Prior to this, I suddenly had days and days of delivery notifications come flooding in, although this may have been an issue with either Orange or another network provider.
hi for me its not the txt messages but all new files that is created on the sd card gets deleted an all deleted files reappears after a soft reset
m really bugged
if ne 1 knows whats the problem pls help me
Loosing SMs messages.
If you have received a SMS message and soft reset before closing POutlook then I have found that you do loose the message.
By closing, I mean really closing it - not just pucsing the X button.
Likewise if you have deleted a message or moved it then the message(s) come back.
It seems to be that POutlook doesn't commit the changes to it's database until you close the app - or switch accounts.
Charlie Grillo
That certainly seems to be the case with me, I was having trouble syncing with activesync, just dying each time I tried so in the end I hit the soft reset, I'm fairly certain that I still had outlook running at that point.
Actually, thinking about it, there were two batches of sms msgs, and I did end task on outlook after the first, so I can maybe understand that the second lot could be lost, but not the first?
Is there any way of validating the system databases?
The problem that I was having, disappearing SMS msgs, seems to have gone away and everything is still intact now even after multiple soft resets.
In case anyone else gets this strange behaviour, I can indeed confirm that POutlook.exe was indeed closed as I had also double checked the running programs list * to ensure no other processes were open that could conflict.
( * Start -> Settings -> System -> Memory ->Running Programs )
bbut also make sure tmail.exe is closed to.. get memmaid ull be suprised at all whats running.. the best thing to do is to use SmartSKey and make that close ur txt message app completelty!
poutlook.exe tmail.exe and sMSNserver.exe/pMSNserver.exe ...if these are open chances are ur sms/mms may be wiped after a soft-reset i make sure to sync my phone to pc and use jeyo outlook companion b4 a soft-reset

smsengine error - no incoming texts!

Hi there,
Can anyone help me with an odd sms problem?
After installing some programs to try and back up my text messages from my xda exec, which were unsuccessful, I've since uninstalled them and now discovered I'm not recieiving any incoming text messages... only the network voicemail 901 messages ever get through, but whenever a text message comes in I get a dialogue appear saying
The file 'smsengine' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. You might need to reinstall or restore this file."
when "ok" is clicked, the dialogue closes, then when the pocket outlook is opened I get a small dialogue box saying
SendMessage failed.
Obviously I can't ever see what the message was, it just never gets displayed in Pocket Outlook (presumably due to the error above )
Any Ideas what I can do? is smsengine.exe a standard WM5 program, if so, can somebody find it on their machine, copy and email it to me, and tell me where to save it to?
Or do I need to muck about in the registry?
I can't reset my phone to factory defaults because I have some really, really really important text messages relating to my employment which was why I started this mucking about trying to back up the messages in the first place... so I'm really stuck now, and I'd really appreciate if someone could offer some advice on what the best approach would be.
I've heard of smsengine.exe afaik its not a standard wm5 file i'd say whatever programs you installed to backup are the cause of your problems.
I'd reinstall the programs and remove 1 at a time to see which is the cause
What programs did you install?
solved - thanks - any other sms backups that might work?
Thanks Deadmetal
Strangely I'd already tried uninstalling, with no luck, but tried reinstalling, then removing, and eventually the problem seems to have fixed itself using this proceedure. very odd!
The program I installed was smsOrganizer by zedsoft
Which doesnt seem to work on the Exec for some reason, even though it says its WM2005 (which I presume is WM5 - if I'm wrong with this assumption it might explain why it messed it up <grin>)
Can anyone recommend a good (free) tool to backup sms messages under WM5 that I can use?
Thanks for the help
Ah! smsorganiser! Yeah I thought the software you had been using was that. I've had several problems using it but it does look a decent piece of software if the bugs ever get ironed out!
the problem keeps on!

Lost SMS messages after soft reset

Tytn on Orange (UK)
using Oranges latest rom release.
The issue is when i perform a Soft reset the device loses recent SMS messages.
sometimes its just the last recieved message, sometimes its all the messages recieved in the last hour or so.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Maybe you left "message" app. open when you reset the device? If you use some software to reset the phone, the software maybe automaticly close the opened applications before the reset for you. But the pin hole doesn't.So use some software instead of the pin hole,or close the opened app. before you reset the device.Just give the chance of saving data to the applications.
Yes, I remember this isssue a while and back and used to have exactly the same problem. I don't have it anymore since using the WM 6.1 ROM's with the threaded SMS or if I use the Palm threaded SMS app.
Thanks, I'll give those things a try, and i'll see if Orange have got round to releasing WM6 for the hermes, I'd quite like WM6, but also quite like the simplicity of orange's "it just works" releases.

Searching for HTC messaging client database file (conversation mode)

hi all!
i have the following problem with my messaging client, and thus i'm in search
of the database file which stores (caches) the conversation history in
conversation mode:
after every rom update i perform (and after restoring the messages with either
pimbackup or spb-backup) my conversation history is screwed up. i get wrong
contact pictures (only in messaging client) or no pictures at all, entrys showing
only the contact numbers, not the names (if i tap on such entry the sms contact
page pops up, but without any sms inside) and other strange things.
it's not a problem with the restored sms'es itself, in traditional mode they
are all ok. what's screwed up is only the conversation page (not for all entrys,
but for most of them).
when i recieve or send a sms from a specific contact then the entry in the
conversation mode gets fixed, as well sometimes when i edit some contact
details for a specific contact.
that's the reason why i believe that it's just the conversation database file
which is out of order after a restore, and if i would be able to force a rebuild
of this file (by simply deleting it) my problems would be gone.
i searched this forum and google, but it seems that nobody has an idea
where this file (or is it a reg entry? i doubt that!) is located.
again: i'm not searching for the database for the sms'es, i'm searching for
the database or cache file for the htc messaging client which stores the
conversation history!
can anybody please point me to the right direction?
many thx in advance!
I have the same problem....
Any solution up to now?
It's annoying
no, sorry: no solution till now!
i flashed my hd2 two days ago, and i fixed the database (for most of the contacts) by adding them one by one to the people tab. after each person i had to do a soft reset, after booting up again the sms history of the last added person was ok!
if some kind soul can tell us where the damn database is located it would be much easier...
It helped a little but still a big mess,
Hopefully good solution will be discovered soon
If you have Jeyo Mobile, you'll see that they create a folder called "conversations" under SMS..
Basically they dump a copy of the latest SMS there, and that'll be the sms on display at the start of the thread.
What I used to do is to delete the stuff in the conversations folder, delete the folder, back up.
After backing up WITHOUT the conversations folder, I'll restore.
Here's where the problem comes in...
Sometimes I restore in the conversation mode, sometimes I restore in the traditional mode. They work most times, but not all times. The conversation threads get rebuilt.
However recently (30 min ago) i just flashed a custom rom... and I realised that my method doesn't work anymore.. let me try try and I'll update again.
I just realised that with the new rom, my method still works.. but it seems to slows the entire phone down as it rebuilds the conversations... (previously I was using the official rom, and it works plenty fast)..
5 min and it's still rebuilding... maybe I should just restart my phone a few times...
moooxooom said:
I just realised that with the new rom, my method still works.. but it seems to slows the entire phone down as it rebuilds the conversations... (previously I was using the official rom, and it works plenty fast)..
5 min and it's still rebuilding... maybe I should just restart my phone a few times...
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i have had the same problem when i restored all my sms's with myphone.
i flashed to energy rom and installed htc message (its by default removed from that rom ) and my hd2 also slowed down, i have had it like that for about a day and then i realised its not going to be fixed by waiting so i removed all my messages and it was fast again
jamieeeee said:
i have had the same problem when i restored all my sms's with myphone.
i flashed to energy rom and installed htc message (its by default removed from that rom ) and my hd2 also slowed down, i have had it like that for about a day and then i realised its not going to be fixed by waiting so i removed all my messages and it was fast again
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I see.. I think it may all be due to the newer manila versions not handling massive number of SMSes... I was on 1.66 till recently, and I was doing almost 2000 smses WITHOUT any slowdowns...
I trimmed it to 1000 smses to move to custom ROMs and now it seems like a few of the newer ROMS supporting the "extra" ram can't handle even just that...
moooxooom said:
I see.. I think it may all be due to the newer manila versions not handling massive number of SMSes... I was on 1.66 till recently, and I was doing almost 2000 smses WITHOUT any slowdowns...
I trimmed it to 1000 smses to move to custom ROMs and now it seems like a few of the newer ROMS supporting the "extra" ram can't handle even just that...
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hmm now you mention it i think that is true. i am using a rom that supports the extra ram.
how is ur hd2? has it shown any signs of improvement? to be sure. you are having slowdown of your entire hd2 right? weather animations, everything that moves actually. can you try and delete a random conversation. then it should be fast again for a short period of time..
jamieeeee said:
hmm now you mention it i think that is true. i am using a rom that supports the extra ram.
how is ur hd2? has it shown any signs of improvement? to be sure. you are having slowdown of your entire hd2 right? weather animations, everything that moves actually. can you try and delete a random conversation. then it should be fast again for a short period of time..
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my HD2 showed no signs of improvement. It got really bad: I couldn't make calls: the system spent 38 seconds trying to load everything on the contact page when I tried to make calls. I was outside, in need of a phone, so I hard-reset the phone (just so that I have something that I can use). It was perfect from there (you know, as a blank phone with no info).
Loading 1000+ contacts up again didn't cause the same issue again.
Loading just 500+ smses started the whole nonsense again.
Tried with a few other ROMs with extra RAM, the same happened - think the newer ROMs with extra RAM just can't handle a large number of SMSes.
You may not notice the slow down if the smses come in incrementally, but when I loaded all the smses at the same time the phone just obviously slowed down.
moooxooom said:
If you have Jeyo Mobile, you'll see that they create a folder called "conversations" under SMS..
Basically they dump a copy of the latest SMS there, and that'll be the sms on display at the start of the thread.
What I used to do is to delete the stuff in the conversations folder, delete the folder, back up.
After backing up WITHOUT the conversations folder, I'll restore.
Here's where the problem comes in...
Sometimes I restore in the conversation mode, sometimes I restore in the traditional mode. They work most times, but not all times. The conversation threads get rebuilt.
However recently (30 min ago) i just flashed a custom rom... and I realised that my method doesn't work anymore.. let me try try and I'll update again.
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Thank you for this tip, it worked a treat. All my text messages are back in place and conversations are in tact. great Job. Thanks

muliple issues with HD2, seem to be getting worse... please help.

hey guys,
ive always had a few bugs with this HD2 (some seem pretty common, and tolerable/fixable)... but lately ive been having so pretty frustrating problems, causing me to soft reset 10+ times a day.
ill try list these issues and describe them accurately, and if anyone has any suggestion on ways to resolve them... i would greatly appreciate the help.
- often freezes when trying to send SMS messages. i use Zenyee's sms patch, to allow my to use the WINMO client. what usually happens is, i can select to create a new SMS, type the SMS all without hassle... but as soon as i hit the send button (bottom left softkey)... i get the windows loading animation (4 coloured dots circling in center of screen), and thats where is freezes, i have given the phone hours to 'load' and complete the SMS send operation... but it jsut sits there.. loading.
- i have another common issue relating to SMS. it seems the HD2 cannot recognise when i have read an SMS. i receive a new SMS, i open, read, and sometimes delete the new SMS... but sense still displays the 'unread' icon on the slide-bar. S2U2 also is still seeing an unread SMS... but there is no unread SMS. this happens 95% of the time when i receive and SMS. i have to reset to get rid of this notification OR if i reply to this new SMS... once i have dismissed the "message sent' notification, the phone recognises the fact i have no unread SMS.
- quite often i cannot wake my phone up from being asleep, this also seems to happen only when i receive a new SMS. i get the flashing LED (at ear speaker) letting me know i have an unread SMS/call/etc, but upon hitting the hardware buttons to wake phone up... i get no response.
- there are also a few occasions where i dont receive any SMS at all, over the last few days... ive had quite a few people call me and ask if i received the SMS they have sent me. i have also tested this myself, sent myseld about half a dozen test SMS with out receiving any of them. i am still receiving some messages, but there are also quite a few that i am not getting. this issue could be caused by my network provider, thought id mention it anyway.
it seems that most of these issues are SMS related. i did have quite a few texts in my inbox and sent items box (around 1500), but i have deleted many of them and am now down to around 300, and im still having problems.
so... if anyone has any suggestions to resolve these issues... i welcome the advice. before i resort to hard reset.
cheers guys.
[email protected] said:
hey guys,
ive always had a few bugs with this HD2 (some seem pretty common, and tolerable/fixable)... but lately ive been having so pretty frustrating problems, causing me to soft reset 10+ times a day.
ill try list these issues and describe them accurately, and if anyone has any suggestion on ways to resolve them... i would greatly appreciate the help.
- often freezes when trying to send SMS messages. i use Zenyee's sms patch, to allow my to use the WINMO client. what usually happens is, i can select to create a new SMS, type the SMS all without hassle... but as soon as i hit the send button (bottom left softkey)... i get the windows loading animation (4 coloured dots circling in center of screen), and thats where is freezes, i have given the phone hours to 'load' and complete the SMS send operation... but it jsut sits there.. loading.
- i have another common issue relating to SMS. it seems the HD2 cannot recognise when i have read an SMS. i receive a new SMS, i open, read, and sometimes delete the new SMS... but sense still displays the 'unread' icon on the slide-bar. S2U2 also is still seeing an unread SMS... but there is no unread SMS. this happens 95% of the time when i receive and SMS. i have to reset to get rid of this notification OR if i reply to this new SMS... once i have dismissed the "message sent' notification, the phone recognises the fact i have no unread SMS.
- quite often i cannot wake my phone up from being asleep, this also seems to happen only when i receive a new SMS. i get the flashing LED (at ear speaker) letting me know i have an unread SMS/call/etc, but upon hitting the hardware buttons to wake phone up... i get no response.
- there are also a few occasions where i dont receive any SMS at all, over the last few days... ive had quite a few people call me and ask if i received the SMS they have sent me. i have also tested this myself, sent myseld about half a dozen test SMS with out receiving any of them. i am still receiving some messages, but there are also quite a few that i am not getting. this issue could be caused by my network provider, thought id mention it anyway.
it seems that most of these issues are SMS related. i did have quite a few texts in my inbox and sent items box (around 1500), but i have deleted many of them and am now down to around 300, and im still having problems.
so... if anyone has any suggestions to resolve these issues... i welcome the advice. before i resort to hard reset.
cheers guys.
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sorry i do not experience this problem at all and i believe this is uncommon. there is a new sms function update hotfix posted by HTC couple of days back. this updates the messenging client to 2016. try it.
did you try uninstalling your sms cab that you are using and trying that for a few days to see if you still get the freezes? If you are stock you should try the previous posters suggestion and update your ROM and try it without the sms cab and see how it goes.
thanks for the tips guys, ill have a look at the hotfixes. with the telstra ROM i have, i can use the HTC SMS client without the major lag issues - but i still prefer the WINMO client for the folder support and other functions that are absent in the HTC client.
ill check out your suggestions, and let you know how it goes.
cheers again for taking the time to read and reply.
after looking at the htc site, i have noticed that the new SMS hotfix only applies to ROM versions less than 1.66.
that suggests my current ROM may already have these fixes applied.
cheers for the help though.
[email protected] said:
after looking at the htc site, i have noticed that the new SMS hotfix only applies to ROM versions less than 1.66.
that suggests my current ROM may already have these fixes applied.
cheers for the help though.
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i'm running 1.66 ROM and is still able to install. I still think there is no harm downloading and try installing the hotfix. if it says unable to install, so be it. =)
fair call, im downloading it now. will certainly let you know how it goes.
thanks mate.
I installed HTC's SMS hotfix, and it seems they have increased the folder support in their SMS client. previously... from what i can remember, they had only a few SMS folders visible in their client, i think it was 'inbox', 'sent' and 'drafts'. now they have increased this and added 'outbox' and 'deleted items'.
anyway, this newer version of the HTC SMS client is much more usable than previous incarnations of this client.
and having removed zenyees SMS patch... i have had no repeat offences of any of the above listed issues. it has only been 12 hours-ish... but it is looking good so far.
the only problem i have now with the HTC SMS client is the integration with S2U2 (SMS slide to view defaults to conversation mode in the HTC client - i would prefer traditional mode). and also there is a text selection issue in the new message screen. i use the swype SIP and i frequently need to fix up my incorrect word inputs, in the WINMO client, this was easy (double tap the word, the select the correct word from the word suggestion list), however... in the HTC SMS client... double tapping does not select text, sometimes if i tap 4 times i can select the word and promt swype's word suggestion list to appear... but not always).
but these issues with HTC's SMS client are far more tolerable than the problems i was experiencing with the WINMO client.
thanks for all your help guys.
i will keep you posted on further developments.
Glad that the hotfix helps in one way or another. On the other hand, now we all knows this hotfix doesn't actually limit to ROM 1.66 and below.
it does seem to increase to functionality of the HTC SMS client. but between 1 ROM upgrade and almost never using the HTC client... i cannot be 100% sure that these new 'features' are infact new. i know the 1.6X telstra ROM had a pretty weak HTC SMS client, and they did improve it alot for the 1.7X ROM - lessened the lag, and a few other fixes. after i upgraded to the 1.7X ROM, i still used the SMS patch to have the WINMO client as my default... so i never payed to much attention to that version of the HTC SMS client.
as i posted above, i have now noticed the improved folder support in the HTC SMS client... but i cant be 100% sure that this is a result of the 1.7X ROM upgrade... of the SMS hotfix. though i do think it was the hotfix, and the hotfix certainly did install without issue.
so if anyone else is using the latest telstra stock ROM.... what is the HTC SMS client like? enhanced folder support? less lag?
cheers again.

