Change the time for Long Key Press (Power) - Advantage X7500, MDA Ameo General

I am wondering if there's a way to change the time until the poweroff.exe is run when pressing and holding the power-button. Haven't been able to find anything about this on google, only how to re-assign the utility that is executed in the end.
Anyone have any ideas? Hardcoded?

Good question. I asked 1 1/2 years ago if anyone knew how to disable that yes/no popup when you press the power button. I don't want it, I've never accidentally hit the power button for several seconds yet.
Interesting that you can change the entire shutdown program that is executed - that would solve my problem if I could find a good replacement. Do you have any good links on that?

After reading a bit more on the subject I dont think that reassigning the exec'd app applies to Athenas... You can switch the file into some other "shutdown-app" though by switching \windows\poweroffwarning.exe.
Thats what I know so far. Google XDA for "long press change power" (without quotes) and you'll find a few posts on the matter.
Still no clue if its even possible to lower the time for the long keypress... :-(

techntrek said:
Good question. I asked 1 1/2 years ago if anyone knew how to disable that yes/no popup when you press the power button. I don't want it, I've never accidentally hit the power button for several seconds yet.
Interesting that you can change the entire shutdown program that is executed - that would solve my problem if I could find a good replacement. Do you have any good links on that?
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yes i've just read your post and while i'm searching for the answer at moment i can tell you this much button assignments and time out periods are usually a function of the registry. so what you both were looking for is going to be a registry key. now whether it's a modify an existing key or create a key that it recognises is yet to be seen so either start researching the registry or keep eye's open as i'm still searching...
New: found this thread which i think is a better option then trying to modify the power buttons defualt timeout's and suggests that really if you have a diffrent power manager for shutting down etc.etc. that's better then use their binary

Hmm... Not really what I was looking for. I dont want to replace the PowerOffWarning.exe, I just want to shorten the time for it to start. I just mailed a friend of mine, works at MS. Will get back with the answer.

You might want to have a look at PowBut.
For instance here.
Haven't tried it myself though.

Thanks, will test it!


Mapping Power button

Hi peeps !
Searched all over the forum, but couldn't find the answer.
Is there a way to assign a function to the Power On/Off button other than to turn the Athena on / off ?
I typically, for instance, would like to bind the "DisplaySwitch" psShutXP shortcut to the Power Button so that when i press it, it doesn't turn the Athena off but only the screen.
Additionnaly, if one knows how to assign a sequence of actions to the Power Button (like "locking the device + switching screen on / off"), that'd be great.
Thanks guys !
Turning off only the screen is the default action for the power button...
There is an app that many on here use (I can't think of the name) which lets you reassign most of the buttons on the Athena, including the OK and Windows button, to many different functions. You can also hack the registry to reassign the camera/comm/browser buttons if the standard reassignments that Windows Mobile gives you aren't enough - but really odd things like locking + screen off may require you to also write your own small app first.
Hi there, thank you for your answer.
Actually, the Power button must do something more than just flicking the screen off, like scaling the CPU down, spinning out the microdrive, flushing a bunch of buffers, etc.
I'm asking because of a problem I posted about in the forum (here:, about my Athena being strangely slow, and its CPU being 80% used by nothing that I can see or find, when I wake it up using the Power button.
I'm trying to see if I can circumvent the problem if I can't manage to find its source and solve it, in fact.
I used AEButtons Plus, which works pretty well with ALL buttons but the Power one, and I couldn't find a reference to it in the registry either.
Thanks for your time !
Yup, that's the app I was thinking of. I don't use it so I couldn't think of the name. Sorry to hear of your slowdown problems, I've been monitoring that thread. I agree that it sounds like a hardware problem at this point.
You need It can be set to switch off the screen and lock the device. It can by mapped to any button but Power on/off though.
Thanks man, gonna look it up right away !

Button 1 on HTC HD?

Quick and silly one, just not in the mood for reading the manual.
Which is the button 1 that can be modified in the start/settings/buttons screen?
It should only be editable the press and hold of this button, but not sure which one it is. tried them all, none seems to work.
LATER EDIT: it seems it is the button you may press on the stereo handsfree in the package. But even in this case, even if i changed default behaviour from voice dial to, lets say, comm manager, it i press it and keep it pressed, it still starts the voice dial. any clue?
EDIT2: Found it, its the Green Call button, the one used to answer calls. If you keep it pressed it can call any application you define in start/settings/buttons screen.
volume down button
I tried it but it does not work
I tried it but it does not work ... I held the volume down button, nothing happend
you can also set it to perform a manual rotate too.
it does require a reghack along the lines of hklm\system\gdi\rotation iirc to enable that option in the 'button1' assignment menu.
also, if you change the 'landscape' dword from 4 to a 2, then it'll rotate 90deg rather than 270deg.
disclaimer: registry references are done off the top of my head; if the reg key isnt present then your in the wrong area i recall the definate answer is somewhere in these forums if you want definate info!

How dows one add/change a hardkey?

Hi, I did a lot of searching for this but I can't come up with any solution (which is odd as it strikes me to be a problem).
I bought voice commander yesterday as I'm on the road for my company a lot and all that works perfectly. So then I tried assigning it to a hardkey (is that the right word?) on my Touch HD (uk).
Apparently some incompetent interaction designer must have thought that it was a brilliant idea to only have one hardkey and bind that hard to making calls as well. Result? Me accidentally dialling 6 people out of the 7 times that I tried using it. I can only imagine what a horror it must be when I'm driving.
So here is the question; how do I add hardkeys to the buttons menu in the settings so I can assign stuff to those buttons? Any button really, preferably the 'hang up' button. Currently there is only 'button 1' but there must be a way of tapping into those other buttons.
I'm not shy of reg editing (it has to be a key or something in the registry) or anything like that but I can't seem to find a regeditor.
I'd try the HTC helpdesk but they don't know anything really beyond the standard questions (at least not the last 3 times I tried).
Zeus2.0 said:
Hi, I did a lot of searching for this but I can't come up with any solution (which is odd as it strikes me to be a problem).
I bought voice commander yesterday as I'm on the road for my company a lot and all that works perfectly. So then I tried assigning it to a hardkey (is that the right word?) on my Touch HD (uk).
Apparently some incompetent interaction designer must have thought that it was a brilliant idea to only have one hardkey and bind that hard to making calls as well. Result? Me accidentally dialling 6 people out of the 7 times that I tried using it. I can only imagine what a horror it must be when I'm driving.
So here is the question; how do I add hardkeys to the buttons menu in the settings so I can assign stuff to those buttons? Any button really, preferably the 'hang up' button. Currently there is only 'button 1' but there must be a way of tapping into those other buttons.
I'm not shy of reg editing (it has to be a key or something in the registry) or anything like that but I can't seem to find a regeditor.
I'd try the HTC helpdesk but they don't know anything really beyond the standard questions (at least not the last 3 times I tried).
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Have you tried AEBPlus?
That requires me to run the program in the memory constantly doesn't it (and it's not freeware iirc)?
Zeus2.0 said:
That requires me to run the program in the memory constantly doesn't it (and it's not freeware iirc)?
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Yes, it does takes some resources, but it gives a lot more functionality and improves the phone greatly.
For example,
You could ingle press to forward/repeat songs or change channel in FM radio, and long press to change volume.
You could single press the green button to either do nothing or start your VOIP phone if you have one, and double press to run the regular phone. (this prevents accidental dialing the last number)
Double press the back key to close active application
Hmmm, it's a last option solution for me. It's more a matter of principle. When I buy a phone like this, I expect to be able to have access to all buttons, not just one. It's a bit stupid that I need to run an extra app to actually use my phone properly. I mean; didn't anyone at htc think that just having one button is stupid and then assigning it to the dial button is just braindead thinking?
Right, gave that program a go but it doesn't seem to be working for me.
Zeus2.0 said:
Right, gave that program a go but it doesn't seem to be working for me.
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That's because you're not familiar with how to use it yet, I think.
This is how yo use that software:
Say, you want to reassign the up volume button. First you might note that the initial defaultsetting is "do not touch button".
press and HOLD the up volume entry until
the screen for altering the setting appear.
Once that happens, the rest should be intuitively enough.
Remember later to save and exit. No need to soft reset.

remap the BACK button ???

Hi all!
Suddenly today I've noticed something...I never use the BACK hardware key on my diamond. The reason is that this button doesn't seem to make anything different than the HOME button. (of course, I may be wrong! If so, please someone point that difference.) So, the obvious idea came to me: why don't we try to remap this button.
I know that there are apps that do just that (AEBPlus for example) but if you tried these programs you know they use up to 20% of RAM (I'm talking about AEBPlus again). So this is not the best option.
Rather than these 3rd party software, I was thinking to remap the button before the RAM is cocked by means of hard-coding. Sadly for me I do not possess this kind of knowledge so I ask kindly if someone could do this for the community (if it can be done).
I thought that this button could have a similar function as the ALT-TAB but to tell you the truth anything would be better than the original function.
Waiting for your replays...
Or maybe more easier with a registry hack. I am also interested in remapping the back button!
great minds think alike, but not always on the same schedule.
i was just looking into remapping my buttons with something other than AEBplus. i have an HD2, so the built-iin button remapper only gives me control over a long press of the send button; i'm looking into remapping the back button into a short-press "alt+tab" solution and a long-press to open my task manager.
then i searched and found this:
it's basically noting how you can use shortcut files, renamed and placed in your Windows folder, that remap your buttons. just create a shortcut file and rename it with "long" or "short" button depress followed by an underscore and the documented name of the button, with the standard shortcut ".lnk" filetype, e.g. Long_Send.lnk or Short_Home.lnk. then go into the link properties and set the target to what app you want the button action to open. once built, move the shortcut file to the Windows folder and soft reset the device. et voila.
the only problem is the Back button, specifically. all the other buttons have a single, remappable function when depressed. unfortunately, the Back button is programmed to be "situationally aware" and can perform one of 3 functions based on the situation it's used in. there's an MSDN blog entry here that explains not only the uniqueness of the back button, but how it functions:
anyways, gonna look into it some more this morning to see how i can remap the sucker with as little resources as possible, if it can be done at all, or how to do it if someone else already has, and in the case of the latter, i'll report back and bump the thread that has the answers.
edit: no urls for me yet. fill in your own address bars. :jerkit:
edit 2: AND a 5 minute freeze between posts/edits. at this point, why even bother with registration captchas? or even new registrations at all? sounds like current members and admins would rather turn people off/away than risk a spammer gettin thru. :madjerkit:

[Q] Powerbutton lock (endkey to power)

I've searched for many hours to find the solution. But I couldn't found it.
I want to change my lock button from End key to power Button. Ik know I could use Slide To Unlock, but I prefer the HTC lock more.
Can someone tell me how to change this? So from End key to Power button just like S2U2?
thank you!
maybe you should search before opening a new thread. There is another thread with the exact same subject right below yours....
i allready read the tread before creating this. But what i'm asking for is, is there a way to 'replace' the end key for the power button (eg egistry edit or something).

