Touch hd battery 3/4 then next minute empty?? Why - Touch HD General

Bought HTC Touch HD second hand -(nearly new) the other day and think it's great. Had one locked password screen ( HTC's have habit of doing this occasionally) and needed hard reset, but in the whole great PDA.
However, couple of times now battery charged night before and checked in morning - only two bars gone. Then an hour later gone to turn phone on and it has no battery life in at all. Not been used except for perhaps alarm. No WIfi on and no programs running. This has happened twice now. I have updated to the latest ROM as soon as I got it and problems have occured after that. Could this be the reason.
It has only happend in the mornings. Charging up fine again now, but has left me high & dry without warning. p.s I check battery life all the time but it just went from nearly full to none in an hour??? Why

ryanburger said:
Bought HTC Touch HD second hand -(nearly new) the other day and think it's great. Had one locked password screen ( HTC's have habit of doing this occasionally) and needed hard reset, but in the whole great PDA.
However, couple of times now battery charged night before and checked in morning - only two bars gone. Then an hour later gone to turn phone on and it has no battery life in at all. Not been used except for perhaps alarm. No WIfi on and no programs running. This has happened twice now. I have updated to the latest ROM as soon as I got it and problems have occured after that. Could this be the reason.
It has only happend in the mornings. Charging up fine again now, but has left me high & dry without warning. p.s I check battery life all the time but it just went from nearly full to none in an hour??? Why
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Sounds like a defective battery...


Help - Battery Drain excessive

*jump to ashtricks for immediate problems without reading software/ROM changes.
I know this is going to be made especially difficult with all the different software/combo's that can be loaded, but I have to post this up and see if any one else has seen this and if it might be hardware or software.
I have a HERMS 100 (8525). I first got the phone in April with WM5 (don't know which build they might have been on then) and which ever Radio was coming on them then. My battery would usually last 2 days with my avg use.
This has been the case threw upgrades until the last 2-3 months. I upgraded From one version of WM6 to VP3G's 2.X build of WM6 and I upgraded the radio to which ever version was the newest at that time (maybe 1.47 or 1.50). I Noticed a sudden drop in battery life, but the phone pretty much always made it a full day even with high use, so I didn't think much of it. I did notice about this time that sometimes the phone would alarm me and say it had 20% battery remaining, but if I rebooted the phone it would say 80 or 90% power remaining when it came back on and work fine the rest of the day.
The following has been over the last month. I upgraded to VP3G's 3.0 and again later to 3.6 and again to 3.62. I noticed the battery continued to degrade throughout this time. So I upgraded the radio to 1.54. The battery continued to go down hill at an even rate, but I noticed something else, the battery would not take very long to charge, but was dying faster and faster.
Well I started tracking and experimenting. Starting last week (no change in software or ROM's for the last 2 or 3 weeks) the battery would rarely make it through the day even when the phone was not in use any during the day (Granted I get no cell service at my desk at work, but I never have even back when the phone would last 2 days searching for signal). Most days last week it wouldn't make it 5 hours from being unplugged even when the phone wasn't in use. I decided to run the battery all the way down to where it wouldn't even turn the phone on anymore as I had heard sometimes you needed to do that after a rom upgrade. It did not help, but I noticed that the phone said the battery was fully charged within 2 hours from being completely dead.
Today was the worst, I unplugged it after being plugged in all night. Unplugged it at 6:45am. I did not use the phone, it just stayed in standby (I hadn't even taken it out of standby any today. I am at work with no service (When I say no service, I don't mean sometimes it finds something, I mean no cell service from any carrier makes it past 10 feet of the front doors entering the building and I am about 150 feet from the closest wall to the outside). I grab the phone at around 10:30am to check on a meeting notice, clicked on the phone to wake up and the battery alarm alerted and the battery said I only had 20% power remaining. In 5 minutes of doing what I was doing the battery had gone down to 10% remaining (so the phone went from lost 90% of it's power, never being used in less then 4 hours). I went back to my desk, plugged the phone back in and within an hour I noticed the amber light on the front that I relate it to telling me it's charging had turned green, I unplugged it and checked it and the battery said it was full 100%. Could the battery really charge that fast?
I know this would be easier if I could remember what radio and what version of WM5 came on this phone and loaded it back on and I am in the middle of downgrading the radio since I had ran WM6 with no battery issues separate from WM5 until I did that one upgrade with the radio. I guess I am curious if this could be a hardware (phone or battery) where it's not charging fully or if this seems to be a software issue.
I know all the factors that can be involved make this hard, but thanks for any responses you guys can give.
ok, how about this one, Is my battery screwed? I notice while I am using the phone the battery gets really hot. Today it did the same thing of all of a sudden saying I had 10% power after only using it for 5 mintues, rebooted the phone and now I am back to 70%.
There's a lot on here about this problem. Have you read the wiki?
Some solutions you might try:
- turn wifi off.
- turn off all beams
- put in the fake server trick.
- search to see if you have any software that continuously polls the battery or is seeking an exchange server
- ensure all your apps fully close rather than minimise
- invest in a new battery.
Thanks, I have gone through the wiki Continuasly since I got the phone in April, but with all the stuff out there, I could have easily missed something.
- turn wifi off - Never turn it on
- turn off all beams - Beaming disabled
- put in the fake server trick - Have to research that one
- search to see if you have any software that continuously polls the battery or is seeking an exchange server - have to check, don't have exchange server setup. I do have it checking emails every 15 minutes, but I never had any issues with that setting and the battery lasting a couple of days
- ensure all your apps fully close rather than minimise - X button set to close not minimize and I often check it to see whats running.
- invest in a new battery. - Will be doing that next. Just waiting to see what case I might get for Christmas.
Thanks again, I will research those other items.
I had a similar problem where the stock battery would only ever last for ~7-8 hours - even on standby. I got an extended life 3000mAh battery and that managed to last for about 14 hours.
I had a talk to HTC and they agreed to warranty claim it. I'm still waiting for it back... It was sent back to them on 14/11, and I'm still waiting.
Stop your device checking for emails for a few days and ses what happens. Definitely install the fake server trick. Activesync continuosly trying to do its dirty work can be a pain in the arsenal, at times.
Let us know how you get on.
wacky.banana said:
Stop your device checking for emails for a few days and ses what happens. Definitely install the fake server trick. Activesync continuosly trying to do its dirty work can be a pain in the arsenal, at times.
Let us know how you get on.
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Well I turned off email checks last night and disabled the radio this morning so it wouldn't search for signal when coming to work and set the phone on my desk. I never used it this morning, just had it sitting on my desk in standby, until about 4 hours after I took it off the charger and the phone buzzed me and when I checked the phone the battery said 0% remaining and the phone cut off a few seconds later (now I am sure if I would have turned it back on the battery would say something like 70%, but I didn't do that this time). I left the phone off and plugged it into the computer to charge, the LED on the front come on amber for about 20 minutes then went to green. I turned the phone on and it says 100%. I don't see how the battery went from 0 to 100 in a matter of 20 minutes.
I did a lot of searching the last couple of days and phone issues from email to bad manufactured batteries (which I happen to have the brand someone suggested as a bad one), I also saw people pointing out do the fake server trick, yet I can't find a single time where anyone said what the trick is or how to do it. Not even in the WIKI where the trick was mentioned as a possible fix (or google for that matter, just the same words first posted in a thread here about it).
So, how do you do this server trick?
I plan to get a new battery after Christmas at any rate.
Check this thread:
I was having the same battery drain problem (less than 8 hrs on a full charge), I did the fake server and turned off auto day light saving time checking the clock settings, I now get 12 - 15 hrs on a full charge.
I'm running vp3G's 3.62.3 AT&T ROM with radio
Thanks! I was just finishing flashing a new ROM when I saw this. I did the fake server trick, but this rom doesn't have the Dya Light Savings time option where the instructions say it should be. Maybe that's all removed by this rom. TIme will tell.
Thanks again.
@ Firehawkns
hey buddy!!
I am using a JasJam for the last 2 months. i dont know if my reply is useful to you or not. As far as battery life is concerned am impressed with mine. Am using TNT's latest ROM and my radio version is I use my phone all day with couple of calls that last about 2-3 min each. But every night I get calls from my gf, to whom I talk for 3 hours straight(mostly starting from 11pm to 2 am) and every day I put my phone to charge after I finish the call. So after finishing the call I still have 50% of battery. Moreover our call starts right after I leave work at 11pm so by the time I reach home which is around 11.30pm my phone connects to wifi too. So all the time am on the call as well as an active wifi connection.
So as per my experience the battery life is cool. So try TNT ROM!!!
Interestingly enough, now I've got my phone back from the warranty claim, it's only drawing 81mA with backlight on, no wifi or BT. Before sending it back, it was drawing ~180mA with backlight on, no wifi or BT.
This will just about double the battery life that I get in theory...
Install BatteryStatus on your device and see what it tells you.
That is a cool program.
First off I really hope it isn't the phone, for one it's my third one from Cingular since the first two died within 2 weeks (back in may), second it's got one big gash down the corner where it came out of the holder and hit the road one day. I think that would be just enough reason for them to not do anything with it.
Anyway, I am going to replace the battery because I can't figure out why the phone is doing things like saying it has 20% batt remaing, then I reboot and it goes to 70%. I am hoping this is a battery issue. So far the phone has been unplugged for a tad less then one hour, has not been used and the battery meter is on 90%.
Battery Status is a kick butt program and I plan to do some searching today to see if people have benchmarked there ratings/draw. I notice mine jumps randomly. With wifi, BT, all programs all terminated, backlight on the lowest it will go and radio has one bar 3g sometimes, two bars Edge sometimes, but didn't change during watching this list below, but the MA does this every 5 second refresh:
I am currently running a barebones fresh flash WM6 rom with nothing installed except Cingulars media net/ISP settings, radio is 1.47.10. Going to try 1.50 today I think.
I turned the radio off just now and the MA went down (expected) to 84 and is jumping between that and 104. The battery has dropped to 80% since I listed 90 above. The phone has now been unplugged for right at an hour. Also it might be interesting to note that the little battery percent/bar icon on the "Battery Status" software once in a while will display -1% like it is right now, the phones battery display says 80% and when I tap the battery icon on battery status it jumps to 80%.
Anyway, I am just listing points since this thread is here, I know I need to replace the battery first before any additional insight can be brought forward.
Thanks everyone.
Hmm.. On my Schaps 4.22full, radio 1.54.00 on good reception (on Finnish network) I get around 30 mA with GSM and 3G when idling(no wifi, no bluetooth, no beam, backlight around halfway). With airplane mode on I get around 28 mA. Tried with backlight dimmest and the drain was 15mA on GSM network.
Usually I put the 3G off so the battery would last longer.
The phone takes more power when searching the network so it would be a good idea trying to switch the phone part off at your office.
Well, looks like it was indeed the battery. Over the last week the phone would randomly shut off (about 4 times a day), the battery would be at 10% within 4 hours even if the phone hadn't been used, and while using the phone you could almost watch the battery go from 90% to 30% within a 5 minute talk time, reboot the phone and it would be back at 80%.
Put in the new battery yesterday after charging over night and the phone not only didn't shut off at any point, but I had 60% power remaining by the end of the day (with some data and voice use).
The old battery was a Dynapack from China, that I had read on here is prone to defects.
Thanks for the help everyone, wish I would have gotten a new batt sooner.

Battery problems

I have the T8585 HD2, recently ive been having troubles with the battery...
I was getting intermittent battery drain for no apparent reason, the back of the phone would get very hot. Searching I found that this had something to do with the SD card not being formatted properly, did this and havent had this same issue since.
Last night I charged the phone while on my PC, was approximately 80%. I wake up this morning and the phone is dead, wont turn on. So i plug it in to charge again and then it starts to do the soft reset loop thing, I just left it go for about 6 or 7 loops and then it seemed to settle. I look at the battery capacity and its 0%.
This explains why it was dead, but why the hell is the battery draining to nothing over night? I did not notice it getting hot last night and it was dead cold this morning. Battery terminals are not bent as some others have suggested as a cause for this.
I really like the HD2 but this battery thing on top of the poor capacity for the this type of phone is really starting to disappoint.
I have not messed with ROMs yet, so its running the following that i got with the phone...
ROM 1.66.707.1 (76641) WWE
Any ideas on this would be helpful!!
Same phone, same software
I have exactly same phone & software, I upgraded rom to this 1. But have had no problems with phone at all. Few soft resets at 1st, but then started deleteing messages, shutting down programs in background, no problems since. Hope you get figured out,,
I'm having the exact same problem. I've had the phone since November and, although the battery doesn't last like it used to, since about 2 days ago the phone has gone haywire!
I haven't installed any new apps or used the phone any differently than usual but, after getting readings of between 15 - 20mA in standby (with Battery Guard) I'm getting on average 490mA now in standby! Crazy! The back of the phone is getting so hot that I'm actually worried that it might do the phone damage and, like the OP, I'll go to bed with a full charge and wake up with the phone so dead that I have to pull the battery before I can start to recharge.
I've removed some of the PDF files and other things that might be causing slowdown etc due to but there is definitely a problem. Does anyone have any ideas of what kind of things I should look for that could be causing this before I contact the insurance guys for a replacement?
Thanks in advance
Im having a similar problem with my HTC raphael with WiMo 6.5 Roms didnt tried if the problem exists in 6.1.
My phone is fine today, was 100% last night, 95% this morning. Im starting to think this is a software issue not hardware due to the randomness....
richo27 said:
...... Im starting to think this is a software issue not hardware due to the randomness....
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funny you put it this way.... its actually the other way around.... nevertheless i understand what u mean (off-topic, just couldn't resist ;-) )
when the power usage jumps from 20ma to 490ma and gets very hot the battery has started to fail - don't be surprised their qualty is hit or miss. I'm on the T8585 HD2 (1.66 rom) since November and a few weeks ago the battery would get hot in standby and battery life dropped by half. I popped in a spare battery and problem instantly went away. I've since bought a 1,300 mha battery from Mugen, phone runs great again.
Hi. Had a similar thing with the battery drain, but the last few night I have put the phone on charge as normal and in the morning I have Nealy dropped the phone because of how hot the back was. Any ideas?
Happened again today, fully charged last night, 0% this morning. Very unhappy about this, this is a serious reliability issue that a $700 phone shouldn't have.
I would suggest checking your task managers processes, I had a process - Filesys.exe that was using 98% of my processor for long periods of time and absolutely eating battery life.
Yeah i have installed battlog to see if that will shed any light on the problem...
Did u try hard-resetting ur device?
no, im trying to avoid that at this stage, I want to find the source of the problem.
Had the same issue. Phone worked very well for a few months and then this battery drain + overheating issue started all of a sudden. Tried hard reset, disabled 3g and problem continued. Finally, got my phone replaced with great difficulty and problem solved!
Anyway, check the signal strength. One of the issues could be the phone trying to connect repeatedly when the signal is weak. You can also try to disable data connections to see if that causes the problem (Disable all autoupdates like email, twitter, weather and so on).

Better battery?

Hey all,
I'd like to know if there will soon be a better battery available for the HTC HD mini. I looked for it, but as 1200mAh is the default battery, I haven't found a better one... Someone has ideas?
Thanks in advance
Hi all, Monday i got my hd mini finally. It appeared that a micro sd card was not included. To bad. First thing i did was to configure the device and installed my necessary apps. Even tomtom was working well. In the meanwhile i had fully loaded the battery. Afterwards i was testing the device if everything worked well. This was the case alright. In the evening i went to sleep and i noticed the battery was 70% full. I went to sleep and turned off the device. The alarm i had preconfigured so i would wake up. Now the strange thing happened. The device woke me up as planned. But afterwards the device went off. Switching the device on only leaded to a screen with the green letters HTC for a few seconds and immediatly the device went off. I have tryed to switch on the device several times and all the times the device went off immediatly. Now i have searched the manual and maybe the battery was already empty. LOL. Impossible i thought. I put the device on the loader and the light was continuous orange. After a few seconds it blinked for a while and then it was continuous orange again. So maybe it could be a battery problem here. Impossible cause the battery was 70% when i went to sleep and the very next morning it would be empty? Anyway, now i will load the device for some hours and then try to put it on again. Lets see what will happen for ****sake.
don't be too bothered on this, it will take a couple of days to get decent usage from standard battery. Mine took 3-4 cycles now is holding about 2.5 - 3 days - first cycle was not more that one day.
as for better battey, check this out, maybe is worthy for you, i ordered one but will come to my place in three weeks time.. anyway i hope for the best as it should be a 40% improvement.. hopefully.
watch for the two XX in the header, can not post the external link, as is..

Battery Indicator Problem

Hi all,
Developed a really annoying issue with my Omnia 7. It first happened months and months ago but it's getting worse.
My phone can be showing good battery level for example around 80% but if i soft-reset the phone then upon re-booting it tells me my battery is critically low.
This is obviously not true as it can happen within hours of being fully charged. If i go into the battery saver menu it will show something like 6% battery remaining. Then hours later it will show something like 40% battery remaining and will continue to increase.
Anyone experienced this?
Same happens to me. Around three months ago, my battery showed empty (although it was almost full), I removed the battery, put it back, still battery was showing empty. I did a few soft resets, but nothing changed. I removed again the battery, cleaned a little bit the connectors with bare finger and when I started the device, it was showing correctly the amount of battery remaining. After this incident, nothing happened for almost three months, but for a few days, this is happening on a regularly base, and I have to remove and rub my finger on the connectors, and after that it is working good. I don't think this is a software problem.
cristidotro said:
Same happens to me. Around three months ago, my battery showed empty (although it was almost full), I removed the battery, put it back, still battery was showing empty. I did a few soft resets, but nothing changed. I removed again the battery, cleaned a little bit the connectors with bare finger and when I started the device, it was showing correctly the amount of battery remaining. After this incident, nothing happened for almost three months, but for a few days, this is happening on a regularly base, and I have to remove and rub my finger on the connectors, and after that it is working good. I don't think this is a software problem.
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Hi yeh, that sounds the same as me. If i soft-reset the phone enough times it will normally start showing correctly again. However if i clean the battery contacts this has no effect for me
It's quite frustrating...
Same happens to me, i am remove battery few seconds and put it back... it worked for me
+1... same here, but after the two samsung updates (after mango)
Same here today. I disconnected my phone yesterday night with 100%. I switched it on this morning and there was 22% battery left. Can't be real
I hope it won't happen again
+1 same here...
komsija12 said:
Same happens to me, i am remove battery few seconds and put it back... it worked for me
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[Q] Nexus 4 Instant Battery Drain/Shut-Off

I have recently started having a problem with what I presume to be the battery of my Nexus 4. It seems to have started suddenly about a week ago, though was working absolutely fine before. I don't think it was due to any specific app having been installed. I have also done a factory reset on it, but that didn't solve the problem.
Basically, the battery will discharge to about 75%. The phone will then suddenly switch off; turning the phone back on, it simply shows the battery to be fully depleted and switches off. If I plug it into a power source, the phone turns back on and begins charging, from 0%, though seems to suddenly fully charge it within about half an hour.
My phone has not been rooted.
I would really appreciate any help/advice on this issue as it is incredibly frustrating having to have my phone almost permanently on charge.
I have attached two screenshots of the battery usage graph.
bab88 said:
I have recently started having a problem with what I presume to be the battery of my Nexus 4. It seems to have started suddenly about a week ago, though was working absolutely fine before. I don't think it was due to any specific app having been installed. I have also done a factory reset on it, but that didn't solve the problem.
Basically, the battery will discharge to about 75%. The phone will then suddenly switch off; turning the phone back on, it simply shows the battery to be fully depleted and switches off. If I plug it into a power source, the phone turns back on and begins charging, from 0%, though seems to suddenly fully charge it within about half an hour.
My phone has not been rooted.
I would really appreciate any help/advice on this issue as it is incredibly frustrating having to have my phone almost permanently on charge.
I have attached two screenshots of the battery usage graph.
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If you are on stock, try flashing the stock image(4.2 or 4.3 up to you) there's plenty of threads on here thatll guide you thro the process.
I've had the same issue about three times, during the first week of using my Nexus 4 (about half a year ago). I've already had my mind made up to RMA it, but waited for it's shut-off to happen once more to collect some evidence of this problem and... it never happened again. I'm pretty confident that I didn't install anything that might have helped (I only installed BetterBatteryStats to check the instant drain, but really doubt it could change anything, it's just statistics), and I've never factory wiped the phone's data yet.
I've been searching for answers around the internet back in May, but never found anything of value, so my only advice is... wait a little, and if it doesn't get better itself return it to the merchant. My previous HTC phone was restarting almost everyday from the first day I bought it, until a month later I returned it for warranty repairs and after they changed almost all internals of the phone it never crashed again (till today, since I still use it as GPS and media player when running).

