setting email send address. - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV Themes and Apps

Firstly i appolagise if this has been answered else where, i have looked and it may not be in the right place but does come under software i guess, not the easiest of things to word.
Basically i use my diamond to connect to my exchange server which hosts my personal mail, i have a forwarder which forwards all my mail to the exchange, so i can easily pick up my work mail from my person exchange.
This is where my problem begins when i reply to a email or send it uses my exchange mail box.
I have added the work mail box to my phone with a rogue pop3 for source email so i am not pulling the same email from 2 sources, and specified smtp correctly and used the right username\pass.
I hoped by doing this when i send an email or replied it would ask me which account to send from however it uses which ever account you are in at the time of creating the mail.
I don't know if anyone else has achieved this or even tried anything similar.
Any suggestions welcomed.
thanks in advance


Push email - SMS to trigger send/receive?

I've been trying to get push email on my PDA. I was trying Exchange Server and AUTD. For those of you who don't know, the way this works is that when new email is received the server sends an SMS to your mobile which causes it to initiate a server activesync.
This is not an SMS which you see - it's a service SMS that the PDA acts upon.
The SMS that was being sent to my phone was:
I wonder if there is a similar SMS content which would cause the phone to initiate a send/receive on on ordinary email account.
Does anybody know anything about how these SMS messages work?
Have u found anything, Baldboy? I got the same idea, and posted it to the number of forums, but no reply - apparently, nobody is interested, however it seems to be the cheapest and simplest way to organize blackberry-free pushmail without any modifications to the server...
Have u found anything, Baldboy? I got the same idea, and posted it to the number of forums, but no reply - apparently, nobody is interested, however it seems to be the cheapest and simplest way to organize blackberry-free pushmail without any modifications to the server...
Read MSDN. Everything is perfectly working.
Just enter email address of SMS<->email gateway for your phone when asked, setup ActiveSync to sync email with exchange server, and set device to sync "when items arrive".
Of cause this would work only with exchange server. I have exchange 2003 SP1 and WM5 device.

Anyone using the mail2web personal exchange service

Hi All,
Can anyone using the mail2web personal exchange push email service tell me what its like.
I use AOL email IMAP4, and dont want to change my email address.
So does it work??
Does it display in your in box the correct senders address that I can hit reply and it still work.
Does it take a copy from my AOL account and place that copy into the mail2web exchange account?? therefore allowing me to continue using my aol email online not the mail2web account.
Any information quirks etc would be much appreciated.
Yes. I am using it with Gmail at the moment and it works perfectly. If you use the email agregator settings then Reply button works fine. However, this feature does not work with all Email providers. If it doesn't work then you can set your AOL, etc email to forward all messages to your mail2web account. Pressing the reply button may or may not work in this case depending on how your email provider forwards messages
my views on this are complex
first mail2web is a very good service, and can be used free so its difficult to complain. The push email works very well. There are a few things you need to know:
1. Only sends emails using your account (i.e. can not send using you current email address, like can)
2. pop3/IMAP scan is only done once an hour. Better to fwd email, as the user above says, however then you don't have the benefit of SPAM scan on you host email (e.g. if yahoo). mail2web has SPAM scan but I think yahoo's is best
If you want a more professional service, 15min pickip on pop3/IMAP pull or sending out emails with you other email address mask then you need to pay $3.99 a month for
If you are completely nuts, have loads of cash, are a control freak and have a broadband connection at home, you could buy a Windows Server, Exchange 2003 and setup your own push service :twisted:

Simple email setup question (I hope)

I own a domain and I'd like to set up an account on it ([email protected]) which will be pushed to my 8125. I checked with mail2web and they said I'd need to use their business plan since I'm using my own domain. Are there any other solutions someone could give me? I like the mail2web contact syncing feature since I don't have my home Outlook contact list cleaned up well, but I'm more interested in the PUSH feature.
Thanks in advance for your help.
I just forwarded my email address to mail2web email. Not a good solution but works
or you can set it up as pop3
What do you mean by "set it up as a pop3"? Set what up as a pop3? And how does that get the mail pushed to my phone?
Pop3 mail won't push... its not direct push. You can have your phone connect and download email through a pop at certian time intervals... but its not instant like direct push... pop won't sync either
But it is a way you can get your mail on your PDA, so its better than nothing...
That was my understanding as well, General. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something there. So it still sounds like the best/only way for me to get the email pushed out to my phone is to use the mail2web service.
If anyone has any other solutions, please let me know. Thanks again for the help.
The other option is to pay for it... There are companies out there that host exchange server. As long as they have Win2003 (with some SP installed) - Push is instantly available.
I use Push email service provided by 4Smartphone ( You can also go to A.Kelly has a couple of posts on this site where he's providing free Exchange mail service...all you have to do is email him.

Multiple Direct Push Accounts

This one is for all the gurus here.
Austin recently granted me access to his very famous direct push email service.
I was wondering if it was possible to have multiple Direct Push Email accounts.
Active Sync seems to have room for only one Exchange server. What if I have 2 exchange servers to get email from?
Another problem is while replying back to emails from multiple accounts that all get forwarded to one email address just like how do you manage to have multiple email aliases to make it appear like the email came from the respective email address?
Hmmm... doesn't look like there is an answer to this one. I've been looking around for something relating to the problem above, but I can't seem to find anything.
Please, if anybody here knows anything about this, any help would be highly appreciated.
i dont know the answer, but would be interested in the answer to that

Slow Push Mail for Hotmail

My push mail from Hotmail seems to be moving very slow lately and it is very anoying. Things like this make me miss my blackberry. I deal with alot of email a day and I need my emails to come to me quickly. I noticed when I installed the hotmail account the windows direct push icon can't be selected like when I had my email address. I dropped live because it decided to lock me out and not let me back in. Does anyone have any sugestions? I also don't want to deal with getting emails through another server.
I noticed that using Windows Live as its good times and bad times. Sometimes emails seem to come instantly and sometimes they seem delayed.
I know you said you prefer not to use a different server, but I must say, if you're willing to pay, then an Exchange server is the best.
If don't mind an email address, you can set that up for free, but it won't be HTML.
If you have your own domain you can pay for a business account for about $20/month (including taxes). This allows you to use your own domain name, plus it uses Exchange 2007 so it offers HTML email. You can also sync your contacts, tasks, and calendar.
Another option is to use the Sprint Email app. I used that for a while and it seemed pretty fast too.
Now that I have that Exchange server, I can't see myself going back to anything else.
I just wanted to add that I think an Exchange Server will give you the closest thing to a Blackberry experience on Windows Mobile. Some people even say its better than Blackberry.
I am in no way affliated with them, but if you have your own domain to use for hosting, I love Sherweb; they're only about $8/month for hosted Exchange 2007. However, you're not going to be able to use your hotmail/ email address on a hosted Exchange server, since Hotmail won't auto-forward and you can't setup a reply-to address on the Exchanger server end (workarounds are possible, but messy).
I'd rather try to setup my sprint mail. if I add another twenty bucks on my bill I will be back up to black berry prices. how would I setup my sprint mail for push? when I setup the mail it asks me for how often to check for messages. the hotmail lets me select as items come. sprint does not seem to have an automatic email retrieve option unless I am doing something wrong?
Bigjim1488 said:
I'd rather try to setup my sprint mail. if I add another twenty bucks on my bill I will be back up to black berry prices. how would I setup my sprint mail for push? when I setup the mail it asks me for how often to check for messages. the hotmail lets me select as items come. sprint does not seem to have an automatic email retrieve option unless I am doing something wrong?
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You wouldn't actually be setting up your Sprint email account, but the Sprint Email program that should be in your Start > Programs menu. It should walk you through all of the steps to push your hotmail/live account.
Now for the stupid question. I reinstalled my hotmail email using the sprint email application and I have two hotmail email icons now. Is there anyway to remove the old one with out hard reseting and doing it all over again? Also would you know how to setup another email account with the sprint email option or is it just a one time thing?
I don't even rely on Windows Live Push email anymore.
I use mail2web , check out
They offer free exchange server push so you can just forward your mail to that address.
Check them out its the best.
mfpreach said:
I don't even rely on Windows Live Push email anymore.
I use mail2web , check out
They offer free exchange server push so you can just forward your mail to that address.
Check them out its the best.
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I hear you, I just find it frustrating to have to do all of this in order to have push mail. Something that is available but it seems to be a broken system.....thanks Microsoft
Try this...I found it at our friends ppcgeeks.
Quite a few ppl from ova there use it. I've been using it about a week now and it works pretty good. Even has a home tab to let you know its connected and pushing. The longest an email has taken was 10 min and the shortest about 1 min. Its better than outlook logging on and syncing process and it is full HTML support. It also can have upto i think 5 dif emails
Another option for email is

