Multiple Direct Push Accounts - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

This one is for all the gurus here.
Austin recently granted me access to his very famous direct push email service.
I was wondering if it was possible to have multiple Direct Push Email accounts.
Active Sync seems to have room for only one Exchange server. What if I have 2 exchange servers to get email from?
Another problem is while replying back to emails from multiple accounts that all get forwarded to one email address just like how do you manage to have multiple email aliases to make it appear like the email came from the respective email address?

Hmmm... doesn't look like there is an answer to this one. I've been looking around for something relating to the problem above, but I can't seem to find anything.
Please, if anybody here knows anything about this, any help would be highly appreciated.

i dont know the answer, but would be interested in the answer to that


Simple email setup question (I hope)

I own a domain and I'd like to set up an account on it ([email protected]) which will be pushed to my 8125. I checked with mail2web and they said I'd need to use their business plan since I'm using my own domain. Are there any other solutions someone could give me? I like the mail2web contact syncing feature since I don't have my home Outlook contact list cleaned up well, but I'm more interested in the PUSH feature.
Thanks in advance for your help.
I just forwarded my email address to mail2web email. Not a good solution but works
or you can set it up as pop3
What do you mean by "set it up as a pop3"? Set what up as a pop3? And how does that get the mail pushed to my phone?
Pop3 mail won't push... its not direct push. You can have your phone connect and download email through a pop at certian time intervals... but its not instant like direct push... pop won't sync either
But it is a way you can get your mail on your PDA, so its better than nothing...
That was my understanding as well, General. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something there. So it still sounds like the best/only way for me to get the email pushed out to my phone is to use the mail2web service.
If anyone has any other solutions, please let me know. Thanks again for the help.
The other option is to pay for it... There are companies out there that host exchange server. As long as they have Win2003 (with some SP installed) - Push is instantly available.
I use Push email service provided by 4Smartphone ( You can also go to A.Kelly has a couple of posts on this site where he's providing free Exchange mail service...all you have to do is email him.

Send and Receive all accounts?

tried to google the forum, but nothing related came up. I have 5 accounts (hotmal. 2 imap, one exchange and 1 pop) on my tytn is there a way to send/recevie all at the same time in a decent number of clicks?
Now I have to open activesync to sync the exchange server and then move to messages and sync each single account and then move Windows Live, etc.
I'm sure you will get other replies but might be something here:
cool thanks for the reply

setting email send address.

Firstly i appolagise if this has been answered else where, i have looked and it may not be in the right place but does come under software i guess, not the easiest of things to word.
Basically i use my diamond to connect to my exchange server which hosts my personal mail, i have a forwarder which forwards all my mail to the exchange, so i can easily pick up my work mail from my person exchange.
This is where my problem begins when i reply to a email or send it uses my exchange mail box.
I have added the work mail box to my phone with a rogue pop3 for source email so i am not pulling the same email from 2 sources, and specified smtp correctly and used the right username\pass.
I hoped by doing this when i send an email or replied it would ask me which account to send from however it uses which ever account you are in at the time of creating the mail.
I don't know if anyone else has achieved this or even tried anything similar.
Any suggestions welcomed.
thanks in advance

Exchange email issue

Hi all,
Just thought id post this in hoping someone might of had the same problem and might be able to resolve this.
My Boss has just got a htc hero and has had his corporate email setup on the device via exchange.
Now he has problems when forwarding emails. He basically sends mail but the recepient receives his email as an attachment (.eml file)
It doesnt appear to happen on internal mail. Is there any settings to look out for on the hero itself? Plenty of others here have there work email setup fine on various devices and no one else has this problem.

Weird Email issues on TmoUS rom

I am wondering if anyone else is experiencing the issues I am and if they were able to correct it.
I have two gmail addresses, One personal and one for business.
I have Thunderbird 3.0.4 setup on my laptop using gmail's IMAP
gmail online and Thunderbird on my laptop work good together and they both match (Messages/folders) as they sync constantly under IMAP.
I get my HD2 on the 24th of March. I set up both my personal and business email addresses on my phone (Using IMAP) with settings to download all messages... I click send/receive and nothing downloads to my phone...
None of my sent or to do messages sync with gmail and show up in my folders on my phone....
When new mail comes in sometimes I get it, sometimes I don't.... When I get home and check my Laptop I find all kinds of emails that my phone never got.
If I send an email from my phone, it sends fine, receiver gets the email ok but again, there is nothing in my sent folder (even with the "save sent mail in sent folder checked in settings)
I understand the purpose of IMAP is so all email clients sync and share the same information. This isn't the case with my phone.... I've deleted my email accounts and reinstalled them paying particular attention to the settings and each time I have the same end results....
Is anyone aware of a problem with this email client on the HD2.....or could it be gmail? I dunno, I can say I've never had any problems from gmail or Thunderbird before so it's very annoying not getting my email, especially my business emails
I even emailed gmail tech support and they said its my phone.... I guess I should of expected that response.
Anyone got any suggestions???
Nobody at all???

