Which media software is better to watch movie in X1?? - XPERIA X1 General

anyone can post out the media software to watch x1?? i want it performance smooth n doesnt hv delay..thx

Million plus first reply for this topic:
Built-in media player is the best, since it is the only one (well, together with WM player) with full HW support.
Next best would be core player, with partial HW support. But generally you can't play any one CD AVI fluently.
Yes, you must recode the movie into mp4. Simple tool for that is described in this sticky thread:

Just use coreplayer and you dont have to convert

what abt flv movies? i cant seem to get tcpmp nor core player to play flv movies.. anything else is fine..

core player plays some flv movies

which version? i got the 1.30 version and it kept giving me errors..

depends on FLV codec version


Codecs for windows media player?

Is it possible to download codecs from the internet for your pocket pc just like your home pc, as some video files i have copied onto my xda ii will not play, if so what is the best site to get these from?
Thankyou, as always!
Whats file types are you using.
Pocket TV plays MPEG's very nicely.
Also try MVP for other types including XviD's.
You will have to Google for them as I don't have the adresses
I use this DivX player (Mpeg4), don't know if it works with WM player.
Is that the codec Bob?
Yes, it is.
I compressed .avi file using DivX ;-) MPEG4 Fast/Low-Motion with Hero Video Convert and was able to play it on my MDA
but having the codec will not make mediaplayer play anything but
ms's own formats plus mp3
to play anything else mediawise you need 3th party players
If you need to play divx you should try BetaPlayer at http://beta.topcat.hu/ , it's amazing how fast the decoding is, I can see no differences with a divx played on a PC (feeding it with a 320x240 movie of course)..
Yes BetaPlayer is pretty good : very stable with good decoding capabilities definitely the way to go to read Mpeg4 on your PPC

DivX playback?

anyone know if WMP that we get on WM5 plays back DivX or XviD files natively?
if not is there a codec set compiled available online?
No you have to use a 3rd party player like TCPMP.
Actually WMP supports codecs, so you need to find appropriate Pocket-PC compiled codec for DivX and configure WMP to use it.
Another thing is change your DivX header to MS-MPEG4 and try to play that. This is not applicable to Xvid movies
Checkout this FAQ: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/player/windowsmobile/faq.aspx
It would probably be easier and better playback to use TCPMP anyway.
TCPMP is very, very good!
If you install TCPMP, will it replace WM player ?? what will happen ??
absolutely not.
it's only another app.

How to play .AVI files on X1?

i remember just dragging n dropping avi movies on my Blackberry bold ..i can just play the movie and enjoy it.
but on X1..the Windows media player says 'cannot play the file'
isnt it supposed to be more friendly with such formats?
NO..i am not willing to pay for a software just to play a world famous .avi format.
simple answer is NO you can not play avi's out of box. you have a couple options....either re-encode the video to another format or dl a different player. I like coreplayer and i know alot of other people like it as well. some people just get the divx player but you have to know what was used to encode the video as avi is only the container file and not the encoder.
most of my videos are DivX encoded...
so is it possible to install DivX codec on X1 and then play those files?
really sad but..i thot i can just drag n drop the movies on my mSD and watch
yeah using coreplayer or TCPMP
not sure if the codecs works with windows mobile media player though
but those 2 players does the job
Okay thanks a lot for the quick response guys.
i got hold of Coreplayer....just wanted to try.
it works..i just dragged n dropped some TV shows and movies ..and they work fine
i have yet to see such an awesome clarity on a mobile phone.
this is even better than bold because i can see the movies in widescreen and the contrast is superb

[Q] Browser/Divx

I know that the tab is divx certified but, i would like to know if it is possible to play divx in the browser? On sites like stagevu, loombo and vidxden.
Thanks in advance.
Erraticx said:
I know that the tab is divx certified but, i would like to know if it is possible to play divx in the browser? On sites like stagevu, loombo and vidxden.
Thanks in advance.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
its not - theres no android plugin
Erraticx said:
I know that the tab is divx certified but, i would like to know if it is possible to play divx in the browser? On sites like stagevu, loombo and vidxden.
Thanks in advance.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
i am not able to play divx videos from web.... its showing the plugin symbol
That all said, my Tab is loving XviD dvd rips
I mainly want the Tab for Xvid DVD rips. Do you know if the Tab plays avi's that our encoded with an AC3 soundtrack rather than MP3. a lot of dvd rips have Ac3 rather than MP3 and I heard that the galaxy cannot support multichannel soundtracks.
It has played all files I have tried until now. avis' in a lot of formats, divx. h.264 all new series. It even does mkv files in 720p with no problems or lag at all
ac3 is supported. But the stock player has decoding problems. Try vPlayer alpha - its the best atm.
so with vplayer alpha does it play 720p mkv files with AC3 (a52 codec) soundtrack, dont want to convert everything to AAC 2 channel or MP3.
Any word on firmware upgrades to fix stock video player???
None yet... but youre right, the stock player is very good otherwise! I love the browser and media library. And of course the ar control.
so can someone confirm does it play perfectly with another video player instead of the stock one.
As I said really interested in playback of 720p mkv with AC3 (5.1 sound)
Gonna try it when they are for sale next week, take my sd card and see if it works
Yep works fine in vplayer. But remember, no files larger than 4gb on internal storage.
Also, the 1080p playback advertised for the galaxy tab refers to divx and xvid I believe, so high profile move are square in third party player laps. Lets hope they make fixes too!

Video formats?

Going to finally get around to putting some videos on my tab. I just wondered what format was best? Do you guys use the stock video player? Probably will mostly be anime stuff and am planning on just converting with Sony Vegas.
Any help would be great!
the best format for the tab seems to be mp4, but I play 720p mkv files fine too, including over wireless. The stock video player won't cut it so you should get a better player. There's plenty on the android market, mx player and mobo player are free, dice player is not. I use mx and it works fine.
I haven't yet found a format that BSPlayer won't play fantastically Plus it's free, so there's no reason not to IMHO...just remember it'll ask you to install a plugin first time round - install whichever one it asks you too, that'll improve performance as it will use hardware decoding
Change your video format to mp4 with a xivd or dvix code, you will find it so cool in this tab. This format support 1080p video.
This tab is weak with h.264 code.
Thanks to all you guys got it working great with Bsplayer!

