Yet another: Universal not connecting to the internet thread - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Ok, I've read all the comments about similar issues in this wonderful forum, but none of them seem to be similar to my issue (and I've tried plenty of fixes).
Bit of Background:
I've recently got an O2 Exec from a friend (swapped for 2 blu-rays no less) and have swapped the sim for my BT To Go sim card.
WIFI was working fine on my home hub when I first set it up on Wednesday. It's standard WEP encryption with a standard code.
I've been tinkering (and this is probably bringing up warning signs, I know) and added the SDHC card CABs (SDHC.CAB and SDHC.777 at first, but then after reading some forum topics, I uninstalled these using Remove Programs and installed psidoc_sdhc instead).
Since then the WIFI works in that it connects and shows in the top bar that it is connected, but IE doesn't work, just tells me the WIFI timed out.
Installed Hitchhiker to better manage the WIFI and that connects fine and shows status as connected.
So far I've tried:
Removing all SDHC drivers
Removing all WIFI settings and re-adding
Installing Hitchhiker
Tearing out hair.
But none of these work.
Any ideas/suggestions from the forum?

Self Diagnostics.
Right, I swallowed my fear of having to reset everything and install all my software again and then hard resetted.
Worked fine after this. psidoc CAB and this is where it all went wrong again. So it must have been this to blame.
Anyway, removed the program and it still doesn't work, even after soft reset, so it looks like it'll be a hard reset again.
Anyone got any SDHC CABs that do work and don't muck up my internet?


Mini & Wifi Issue.

I have an XDA mini and a Sandisk SD WiFi card.
When I load the drivers and insert the card it works fine.
After about 20 minutes of use i disconnect and remove the card.
My issue is that when i re insert the card a couple of hours later or the next day the card will not initialize. I have to do a soft reset to get the card going again.
Anyone have any clues or ways to resolve this?????
That is true! It happened to me! But you dont need to soft reset your jam! You only have to go to the AP Browser of your card add again your access point and press apply and it will be fine! My sandisk wifi+256 works better with 1.06 than with 1.03! The good thing is that when you turn wireless off it wont turn off your bluetooth too as it used to do with version 1.03
what do you mean by AP browser?
Just click on the wifi Antenna located on the lower right of jam's screen and then click on AP Browser
The card does not initialize.....i don't get the antenna coming up. :?
i have the same problem
if i boot w/ another sd card, it doesn't recognize the wifi card
or after i switch a number of cards, same problem
works fine after soft reset tho
I have discovered the root of the problem and it seems that when i have 2 applications loaded i need to soft reset to get the wif going again. They programs are SPB Software house's GPRS monitor and weather applications. When i remove these the card works soon as they are installed again they kill my card.
I use both those programs (SPB pocket plus 2.1) and GPRS monitor and my card works fine all the time!
I use pocket plus 2.5.
I have done a hard reset and reloaded everything and the some thing occurs. I will try it again this evening and see how i go.
try 2.1! I had many problems with 2.5
the main reason for me using 2.5 as opposed to 2.1 is that it allows the integration of the gprs monitor and the weather into it tabs.
Without it the apps simply take up too much real estate on the screen.
This may be the cure to the card not initializing on a soft reset:
Kind of the same problem but with the built-in bluetooth.
I seem to be having problems with the SanDisk wifi card too.
I loaded the drivers from Sandisk, inserted the card and it appeared to work okay at first.
Later when I inserted the card all I have now is a pop up box "unable to connect to the wireless card Netcard. Is it inserted?" The card little red light does not illuminate at all.
I have done a soft reset, reloaded the drivers, and removed spb pocket plus 2.5. I still have however the spb GPRS monitor.
Short of a hard reset i am stuck.
Could the card be dead?
I have a MDA Compact with UK T-mobile ROM etc.
I removed 2.5 and installed 2.1 and seems to work fine now.
Keeping in mind that i did a hard reset and reloaded all my software.
After a hard reset and no other software, still no joy
Phoned Sandisk technical support, and after half an hour of reloading drivers etc the conclusion was the card had died
So it is being returned for repair/replacement.
Interestingly Sandisk tech. said that the card would be discontinued shortly due to the number of pda's with built-in wifi. Also no drivers would be developed for WM2003 SE or any future software versions :evil:
The problem is when you use the phone application either incoming or outgoing, the wifi card drivers dont get initialized again so a soft reset is needed. The wifi drivers and phone appl drivers dont interact well with each other.
What i do is i kill the phone application using some taskmanger temporarily, insert the wifi card then you will see the led blinks on the wifi card (works most of the time) after which relaunch the phone application. So no reset needed.
I use my Sandisk WiFi everyday, and don't have the problem you describe (touchwood). I do all of the things you said, and have no problems. I use GPRS Monitor 2.3.0 too (constantly running).
I use driver v3.00.04. Have you tried a hard reset and progressive install of all your apps to see the cause? (yes, it is a pain)

Solution for Activesync crash/freezing Wizard after re-Sync!

Hi. This has worked for me, and solved a massive problem. Hope it helps someone else too.
Step 1:
Ensure you are trying to fix the same problem as I was by looking at the symptoms, which were:
- HTC Wizard synchronizes OK when you plug it in the first time
- It stays in sync if you leave it plugged in
- If you unplug it and then plug it back in at any time later, XDA goes s-l-o-o-o-w and then freezes and will NOT re-sync
- If you unplug it and soft reset before reconnecting then it's fine
Essentially, the Wizard was requiring a soft reset between every connection to the USB cable, or it would crash and require a reset anyway!
These issues have been discussed in about 10 threads on this board, and on pretty much every other resource for Wizards and Pocket PC devices on the net. I was, however, totally unable to find something like this which directly addressed the problem.
Step 2:
Download a program called Dr. TCP from here:
Run it to open a dialog box with loads of fields with strange techy names... no, i didn't understand it either. However, I've been searching the net for days and I found an article here:;504222574;fp;2;fpid;1277378924 which told me how to work the numbers out...
In the bottom drop-down box, select "Windows Mobile-based Device" and enter 1492 in the box next to that. That's your maximum "MTU".
Here are the settings which work for me (from the top). If i don't mention a setting, I didn't change it!
Tcp Recieve Window: 261360
Dial Up (RAS) MTU: 1492
Path MTU Discovery: Yes
Save and Exit Dr. Tcp.
Step 3:
You need to open "Network Connections"... in XP, that's Start > Connect To > Show All Connections. I'm sure you can find it yourself. Anyway there should be an icon called "Local Area Connection (x)" with "Wireless Mobile-based Device" written in grey underneath.
Right click on that and select DISABLE. This will close your USB connection to your Wizard so those MTU settings can be applied.
Now unplug your Wizard from its cable. Here, I tried right clicking on the connection and selecting "Enable", but it just errored. So you need to unplug it.
Step 4:
Reconnect and see what happens. I am now happily disconnecting and reconnecting as many times as i like and it just keeps on synchronising itself. MAMMA MIA!
If this solves your nasty "i need to reset every time I disconnect" problems then please post here to say so. If it doesn't work then post here also, I guess. If this is a solution for you then credit for this is not mine - it's just the sum total of a lot of searching across this and other forums, websites and message boards. THANKS!
not working
These steps did not work for me.
I still have to reset the device otherwise I get this message after about 5 minutes.
"Synchronization cannot be completed successfully. Reconnect your device and try again. If the problem persists, see the Microsoft ActiveSync Troubleshooter in Microsoft ActiveSync Help on your desktop computer."
It appears to be only a problem syncing as I can still explore the device.
...that's depressing. I genuinely thought that would work for other people too.
Did you read that PCWorld article I linked to? it explains how I got those numbers... they could be different for you, perhaps?
I'll keep thinking...
I did not look at the article. I'm having other issues trying to get my 2 computers synced with my mobile device Once I get those resolved I can try some different things.
On my home computer I am only synchronizing favorites and files and it doesn't appear to be a problem.[/url]
Oh right ok. I read your other post too, but I only have 1 PC for home and work so i can't help with that.
Has anyone else tried this?
I am no longer having the problem since I fixed my other sync issue (multiple computers issue). I had reinstalled activesync and did a hard reset on my device so maybe something else got cleared up. I am also having much better luck with the way my device is running. Before I was getting frequent slowdowns and lockups. I am a much happier customer and will be sticking with my cingular 8125. I just love all the features, but the activesync issues and slowness was starting to get to me. I'm so glad it is all behind me now and I can start to really enjoy the thing. Although I have yet to connect my bluetooth headset, that may have caused me issues too. Sorry I couldn't be more help testing this out.
I and a work college have had this problem on both our systems and found that it was being caused by Avantgo.
It would work fine and sync every time for days until we installed Avantgo.
After these we both had the symptoms you describe in the first post until we did a hard reset and re installed everything except Avantgo, it was then fine again. As a test I then reinstalled it and it started not syncing again, my college who has not reinstalled it has had no further problems.
I have now been running for 3 weeks with no problems and no Avantgo.
If you have it installed it may be worth trying it without for a wile and see if it helps.
Didn't work for me. Still no connection when plugging in for the 2nd time. MTU value changes back to blank when opening the Dr.TCP again, the other values are ok though. But thanks anyway for the hints!
Didn't work for me neither...
just to check (i know this sounds daft) but you did DEFINITELY press the SAVE button in Dr TCP before you pressed the EXIT button? can't imagine why it wouldn't store the data.
aaaaaaaaanyway i guess it's not the ubersolution i thought it was
Now I thought I had this working 100% using this hack (It was on a clean install of WM5 however so this may have been why it worked). Anyhow, it stopped working again after I installed PocketWeather ... now locks up whenever I connect....
I wonder if it is 3rd part s/w causing some of the problems with AS? Is it down to the scheduled update in PocketWeather or simply hooks into the ConnectionManager / ActiveSync from apps looking to see if a network connection exists....
I think some more investigation is required ... or perhaps I will flood MS with 1000's of emails telling them how flakey their software is *(Though I think they already know that)*
Any updated? I'm having this same problem, except my device won't connect at all! Even after a reset. It connected once and that was it.
Hi Silentz,
sure, I saved the settings. I'll try the ActiveSync clean install-method and report the results. 'Hope that MS will put out an update or better version soon! Rumours out there?
tried and failed...
tried the above TCP solution- Not working for me either...
Found best solution. Go try the latest imate rom. You can then plug out/in the cable as many times as you want & it'll just work fine.
Bebbo said:
Now I thought I had this working 100% using this hack (It was on a clean install of WM5 however so this may have been why it worked). Anyhow, it stopped working again after I installed PocketWeather ... now locks up whenever I connect....
I wonder if it is 3rd part s/w causing some of the problems with AS? Is it down to the scheduled update in PocketWeather or simply hooks into the ConnectionManager / ActiveSync from apps looking to see if a network connection exists....
I think some more investigation is required ... or perhaps I will flood MS with 1000's of emails telling them how flakey their software is *(Though I think they already know that)*
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It seems to be as soon as you access the internet through the passthru connection on Activesync. So installing AvantGo/PocketWeather might explain this to a certain degree as they may be accessing the internet.
Incidentally, how could Microsoft have stuffed up so badly with Activesync? It's a tiny program but works so badly - Couldn't a third party come up with a different version of Activesync or something? I'd pay for it if it worked better than this crock!
Just for info, the latest iMate ROM (With Push Email) does indeed seem to fix this issue. Obviously it was with the WM5 side rather than anything that could be fixed on the PC side.
My Active-sink probelms disappeared since upgrade to the latest iMate ROM. Has been working like a charm with all apps and utilities installed, Tweaks2k2, Spb Pocket Plus, Pocket Informant, Worldmate Pro, etc...
told you it works
I am running the 2.08 (Qtek test) rom and have this issue since last friday. before that never had it!!
What I changed on thursday was: enable exchange server sync and use it. because push-email si no solution for me I just disabled it and dropped the association.
Then (on friday) the trouble started.
I tried DrTCP...and ended up with a broken netlogon (secure client) service on the pc. The IS solution for that was a new image . . thank you very much.
I am back on track with the pc now, but AS still slows down my device.
Are any of you having this trouble using or have used:
-Push email
What is the amount of free program memory on your device? Mine is around 6MB (probably caused by Blackberry install which I cant remove). . . .

Connecting, connecting, connecting.......

Activesync just keeps trying to connect and is never successful. I have re-installed Activesync on my pc but it didn't help. Also, my work pc doesn't connect either. Definately a problem with my 8125. All has been well for a couple months and I have added no new software before the problem started. This problem also happened about two weeks after I got the phone and the only resolution was a hard reset. What a pain reinstalling all the software and settings I have now, it's customized just the way I like it. Anyone know how to re-install Activesync on JUST the phone or have any other ideas?
Try the latest activesync 4.2 beta and disable any firewalls if possible on the pc. On the device start activesync application and go to menu\options - delete pc that you are syncing with and try again.
Deleted profiles on both pcs installed beta on one. Still no connecting. Tried clicking SYNC on phone, pauses for a second then nada. No connection.
Have you deleted profiles on the device? and disable firewalls, and if you have a network adapter enable it because latest activesync treats the connection with device as a network - there are many posts on this issue do a search and read through some - seem to be many different factors involved.
First- Thanks for the replies Mark
I removed the PC profiles from my 8125. Also reinstalled Activesync 4.2 on my work pc. Nothing. Although this time I got an error message- Cannot find the file "" (or one of its components) Make sure the path and filename are correct and that all libraries are available". Like I would know what that means. Anyways, no firewall enabled. Besides, this should not be happening, all of a sudden, on 2 separate pcs. That kinda rules out a pc problem. It has to be in the phone. That, and the fact that a hard reset fixed it last time. I'm thinking something corrupted in Activesync on the phone???
And searching on this forum is useless. I type in "connecting Activesync" and every post with either word shows up. 614 in just Wizard forums alone. Is there a way to search so that ONLY posts with both words show up? That way I can modify my wording until I find something useful. Search for any terms or use query as entered is ticked. On other forums you can just use quotation marks but not this one. It makes searching very difficult. ROB
Oh, and yes my network adapters are still enabled as always.
Yes best to search with the word AND cuts out all the other stuff i.e. activesync AND connection would do it. Yep sounds like it may be the device.
found couple of posts that seem to be relevant
Happy reading, the last post is about connecting activesync via bluetooth so maybe thats an option.
Thanks Mark. I think I may try the bluetooth connection when I get home tonight. Or I may just throw in the towel and do a hard reset. that worked last time. Plus, I can install the latest ROM upgrade. Shame theres no way to uninstall and reinstall Activesync on the phone. Seems that should do the trick (maybe). Just tried my friends 8125 on my work pc- syncs just fine. So much for all the pc fixes everyone seems to be trying.
I had the same problem with AS refusing to connect via usb or BT.
In the end i went & purchased (although the demo version would have done) Sprite backup. installed on the PC. Browsed to the install dir to find the cab file. copied to my wizard (wifi, or sd card reader etc).
Insatlled & backed up to SD card
Hard reset
stop here if you're happy, if not
AS to sync calender & contacts to pc
hard reset
update ROM
AS contacts, cal, docs etc back to wizard
install SW & settings
Yep. Had to hard reset. All is working again. Crappy Activesync. What's up with this P.O.S. ? Trying to setup bluetooth now and the pc finds the phone but AS won't connect. The phone finds the pc (HomeCenter) but it shows no services available. I'm assuming that there should be some listed (maybe Activesync?) Guess I'll have to do some searching for bluetooth problems with AS now. Did I mention that AS is a P.O.S??? But you all knew that already. :lol:
Dont forget to open a port in you BT settings (on the pc) and tell AS (also on the pc) to accept connections on that port.
Then your wizard should be able to see the AS service on the pc (you initiate the sync from the phone, not the pc)
I have had this problem since day one, and continue to have it despite several (more than 15) hard resets, multiple ROMs, multiple pertnerships etc. I plug in my PPC USB, and it just says "connecting" forever. Every time, after plugging in my USB, I have to shut off my PPC, and turn it back on. Then my laptop finds and connects with my PPC, and syncs all my data like it should. If I do this more than 3 times, my laptop crashes and reboots. If anyone has figured out how to fix this, let me know.

WI-FI network adapter disappered

I installed AnthaVPN but it was causing my wifi to stuck every second time, so I uninstalled and now my wifi doesn't work at all. actually my wifi adapter seems not to be present anymore and the self diagnostic gives fail on wlan module test. I have seen that in the registry anthavpn is still present in many places and also in network adapter I can still se AnthaVPN wireless adapter.
Please help me to get my wifi back.
Next time, do a google search for your app BEFORE you install it. - people trying to get rid of AnthaVPN.
About the only thing you can do now is a hard reset, since Antha seems to have successfully hijacked your wifi stack. Hard resetting should bring the device back to factory condition, which means NO AnthaVPN reg entries.
The alternative is reinstalling Antha so that your wifi stack will work again. <_<
I confirm unfortunately!
Only way to get rid of Antha VPN has been hard reset. Really a bad experience with that piece of software!

Wifi not working

Creating a new topic, because the other one is tagged as solved, but it doesnt solve my problem however.
So my wifi is not working, it's connecting to any wifi hotspot but not sending data thru that, which ends in failing loading any pages on IE, cannot download any apps from market and so on...
Anyway this is what I tried so far:
1. Flashed to stock rogers (also tried different Tango roms)
2. Did hard reset procedure via hardware keys (Format all Yes)
3. Did hard reset procedure via About menu
4. Did hard reset procedure via Samsung Diagnosis code sequence
5. Logged to my wifi network, everything looks fine at this point.
6. Opened IE and entered
"We're having trouble connecting to this webpage" (sometimes no error message but white page with scrolling bars appearing on touch)
7. Tried to access my wifi router via IP address ( - the same results like above
8. Tried to ping my Samsung Fous IP ( from my PC with success
9. Disabled wifi network security on home wifi router, the Focus still not working
Additionaly tried a method that fix issues with wifi after using latest wp7 tools, but it didnt help at all.
When using my providers APN there is no problem with opening pages on IE etc., but it's not Wifi.... Internet is also working if I have USB cable plugged in, but again it's not wifi.
Cannot use warranty, the phone is from the USA and I'm in Europe... without any warranty service.
What else I can do, maybe there are some diagnosis codes that can actually help with real diagnosis on what happened with wifi on my phone?
Hello again (from the other thread). For completeness, add the following:
- current OS version
- did/not use WindowBreak
- when did the problem start (if you can identify an event and OS version/revision) - or you noticed
There might be a test for wireless in the "diagnosis codes"... Good luck!
After you use the diagnosis fix, it might take some time, mine didn't work immediately but after some time, it detected my home network. But it seems you are able to connect but internet does not work, this is certainly issue with router/DNS settings in your phone, because I have faced these problems in iPhone, it might wrongly mapped to unreachable ip, but never faced this issue in Windows Phone, you might try changing the default gateway/dns settings, you should also reset your modem/router, and try basic setup before WPA/WPA2 setup
EnderPsp said:
Hello again (from the other thread). For completeness, add the following:
- current OS version
- did/not use WindowBreak
- when did the problem start (if you can identify an event and OS version/revision) - or you noticed
There might be a test for wireless in the "diagnosis codes"... Good luck!
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Hi there
Currently using 7.10.8773.98, (MAGLDR 2.0) but tried different versions, even vanilla pre-mango ones, they didnt work well with wifi on my phone either. I checked it at friends home wifi, which is totaly different network and routers.
I never used WindowBreak, never had to because my phone was already unlocked long time ago with ChevronWP7 application.
Noticed the problem about 2 weeks ago, but I didnt use wifi too much, so it could started much earlier. Last installed application was WP7 Tools 0.8 alpha, and all I did back then was using some built-in tweaks (3G?) if there is any, cant remember to be honest but for sure I wasnt editing registry or anything like that, I just play some games from time to time, cant event tell why I installed it, maybe because I noticed there is a new version. I cant tell because I never paid attention to it especially with rare wifi usage at a time.
I have isolated the problem I guess, and it's not the phone's fault. Something wrong with the main access point (Mikrotik) at my place. This is weird because everything is working just not on Samsung Focus. I digged thru many options and couldnt find anything that blocked or stuff like that. Well took it to totaly different place and another wifi network, and guess what - it's connecting to wifi with data flow...
Anyway consider this topic as solved.

