getting this phone, where to start... - XPERIA X1 General

i am getting this phone in a few weeks on vodafone(uk).
i have looked in a few threads but i was getting a bit lost so,
when getting this phone from new what would you do with it...
what would you change in the settings...
what programs would you remove...
what programs would you add...
any help would be great thanks.

Hi Markyc101, welcome to the forum/X1 Owners' club!
I too was a bit lost in the beginning, and didn't know where to start because of the large amount of detailed info.
Before you start doing anything really, you should read about the WinMo OS, and what a ROM is (and what it means to load a different one). Even though this is already pretty advanced, it's the most core aspect of the device and therefor I found it a logical place to begin. This info, and other basics, can be found in the Wiki (a sticky thread if I'm not mistaking).
Moving on, the further changes (as I see it) fork into two categories: appearance & functionality.
Appearance can be tweaked with SKtools (really hardcore, i.e. setting the width of scroll bars in pixels) and other tools that modify the registry. There are also some more gentle options, like skins etc.
Functionality can be added by numerous programs, it's really so diverse it's easier to start at the goal than the source. With this I mean there are too many programs to list, specify what you want to do (i.e. navigate, use phone as flashlight, play sweet video's, etc) then people can be of help.
Don't ask us what WE would add/remove, as this doesn't neccessarily apply to you. Furthermore, tip for your next forum post: the more specific, the more answers you'll get!
Good luck, post back when you know better what you want.

I think these threads will help you a little.. Im also first time using this kind of phone (Windows Mobile).. Hang out over here a little and you'll naturally know more
X1 programs, panels, tweaks, fixes [COLLECTION]
settings... Start > Settings [Probably changing Owner Info & About]
what programs would you remove... NONE I guess
what programs would you add...
^Program i used^
S2U2 (Slide to unlock 2)
S2P (slide to play)
Resco File explorer (useful)
Resco Photo viewer
hTorch (turns your camera light become a torch light)
MyMobiler (see & control your phone from PC)
PMHSoftReset (Restart your phone)
WIMP (track your phone if lost)
XperiaTweak (useful)
Beauty up taskbar with SE icons - AnX1 tsowentaskbar3v1.4 SE vB1.3
FakeCall - need to go but couldnt find a reason? Fake a call then =)
Most of them you can get it from this forum, try searching it.. Or you can go IPmart forum or

xperia newbs
markyc101 said:
i am getting this phone in a few weeks on vodafone(uk).
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Congrats! I just ordered mine today, to replace my Fuze.

thanks dancemacabre that was what i was after,
some of those programs look really good i will have to check them out.
if anybody else has any good programs i should check out please let me know.
i am not very techy but i would like some flashy new things on my phone.

I'm planning to buy this phone too This thread is quite interesting
But when I see the Official ROMs thread for Xperia X1, all I see are codes (names) of the roms :-s
But is there a releaselog with the updates? So I can check the improvements/updates with the ROMs.

Probably one of the first I would install is Advanced Config... for me way more functionality than Xperia Tweak... its a must have...
TBH the more you play with your phone and figure out what you want to do with it then do a search based on those goals the more personalised and indespensible it will become...

This is a great phone, bet u will like it replying with my x1 with wifi now..
Imo, TouchFlo3D is good n flashy but its laggy.. and i prefer the default panel as its clean n easy to see
If you really wan a taste of TouchFlo, u can go over the ROM sub-forum and look for itje 's Touch-It v4.5. There're step by step tutorial provided for the installation. Remember to back up always
N a little tips, put your mp3 for ringtones in My Documents in storage card. X1 can detect the folder and u wont need to put ur mp3 in the phone itself!
That's all! Have a nice day

exactly the thread i was looking 4!



Hello one and all.
I have been looking at this forum for about 1 week and i'm still none the wiser. This may be because I have no idea what im doing and I am a little worried about making rom changes as I have no experinace of this.
I have a 02 exec. Which i am happy with but its a bit slower than I thought it would be. The phone seams to mess around when answering.
I have booted it up as normal on the basic setting.
A few questions that I have :-
What is the best setting to boot up on basic or corperate with the code ?
What reg changes are critical to boost performance ?
Any Software that I should get for the Xda ?
VGA settings do I need to change them ? What effect does it have.
Any advise would be good. If it could be given in a format my 2 year old could understand that would be good for me.
Thank you in advance
You'll find a wealth of information on each of your questions by browsing & searching the posts already on this forum.
thanks moandal that's why I posted.
1 post says basic setup another say corporate. 1 post says hack this that and the other. another says not to.
I'm new to pocket pc.
these forums do not make it clear what is best.
example radio version 1.06 or 1.08 at least 3 posts on here saying each one is better than the other. I have no idea.
all I was asking for is some guidance as to which set up has worked best for people.
@CRJL you've one up on me mate - I did not even know this thing had two modes!!!
BTW, why is that? Someone mentioned somewhere a corporate password - how to enter this & why would I want it.
BTW CRJL, I agree with you, these little devices are very confusing, espcially because the front end software (WM5) is soooooooo labourious!
when you hard reset the thing. after all the rom stuff loads up it gives you the choice of basic set up or corporate. it selects basic automatically after 20secs.
if you tell it corporate then you have to put the code 0506 in. this the uninstalls some stuff off the exec. you loose mms and all the gprs an 3g settings for conecting to the net. (i don't know what else it does) some of the people in the forums say it makes the exec faster. I could not really notice any difference.
you loose a few applications as well.
until I learn more I'm staying in basic.
I find these forums are for more advanced users so the simple questions tend to get missed. (im talking abot my first post) still not had a reply answering my questions
CRJL said:
What is the best setting to boot up on basic or corperate with the code ?
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for this you should first make a hard reset (carefull, with hard reset you will loose all data!) by pressing both app buttons and reset at the same time.
When it starts up, after the installation countdown shows up you should make a reset to stop the automatic setup.
Now you have a machine, which is only basic setup. See how you like the things in there.
After you now enough about this, you can make same hard reset again and start the corporate setup. Then see, how you like this setup.
After this do same with basic setup.
In total you have then an idea, what you can have with the 3 different setups.
Now you can decide, which of the 3 setups you want to start with. After this, you should read the posts about Extended Rom, how to unlock it, which programs are in there etc. Then you get an idea for example how to install some software in the basic setup.
Also, you can add some programs from other Roms. For example I have an MDA Pro and I added the I-Mate Backgammon game to my setup.
Try out and see what customizations you want and need, which you do not want.
CRJL said:
What reg changes are critical to boost performance ?
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Basically, this does not really make difference. Forget about reg changes. Performance depends on running programs and setup - see above.
As far as I know, o2 installs some app in the basic setup, which makes the device slow. As I never tried o2 rom, I do not know, if this is true.
CRJL said:
Any Software that I should get for the Xda ?
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read here:
here also I recommend to try out the software and just keep the ones you like.
In total I would recommend you to create a directory on your PC where you put all the setup and cab files, which you want to have in your final setup. After trying out all, make a hard reset again and install the files from this directory. This prevents any junks to be left behind from your previous tries.
CRJL said:
VGA settings do I need to change them ? What effect does it have.
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I think, you get more problems than it helps. Some programs appear too small on the screen. And when you make a Romupdate this does not work anymore.
I recommend not to install any VGA Patches. Instead just set the text size to more small and search in this forum for some registry hacks to change system font etc. and see if you like it, when the font is more small (this is good for Opera or PIE as you can view complete page!)
Nice reply, thanks mate!
what are the ><ahem, ahem>< "app buttons"
Andy (thicky wicky Blacky wacky Adder)
thank you. I will give the 3 setups a go. I did read that if you soft reset before the counter that video calling does not work.
will give it a go and see what happens I'm sure there will be a cab file on here to sort it out.
anyone wishing to add any pearls of wisdom fee free. I'm learning more and more all the time.
app buttons: the buttons on the keyboard, which have changing functions. these functions are shown at the bottom of the screen. These buttons can be found to the right and left of the red and green call buttons on the keyboard.
about video calling: yes, this feature is installed after you switch on first your device. it is activated with one cab file. If you can find out which cab file this is, you can install it manually in the basic setup.

noob question

hello xda members,
how do i get a new windows on my mobile phone?
can somebody help me?
i'm a little confused about this here.. my friend told me i should look into this here but informiation is too much for me. we both got this trinity phone from our provider but functionality is poor ... i read somewhere it would have also gps? so how do i activate/use this?
some more details how to flash your phone.
Not that i am going to write you the whole procedure but...
1. Choose the rom with the proper language. WWE for English, FRA for French, etc.
2. There are several very good cooked roms in this forum. All will be WM6.1 with different 'borrowed' features from more advanced phones than ours, who is pretty 'old' in phone years..
3. download the rom package. It is normally ZIP or RAR. Extract them to your PC, have the phone connected (Active Sync must recognize your phone), and run the application to flash the rom. check the right boxes and it supposes to flash your rom. make sure your battery is at 50% at least, and do not stop this process until it finishes.
4. Some phones may get errors trying to flash. In that case you should make your phone start in IPL mode (push power, camera and stylus push the reset button for more than 1 second) until you get the right screen. I assume your phone is unlocked. If it is, and have hard SPL ready, see next item. If not, start doing some massive reading on the forum what needs to be done.
5. better read this link before you start: . It's the best source for answering most of the questions you may have.
6. Don't ask people what rom is the best. You will get more answers than roms... You have to try and flash few until you get the one you like.
7. The best home plug-in currently is Manila 2D . Most cookers will have it with and without it. Try one with it, as it is better to get it cooked than added later. However, it is a matter of taste and memory management, so you may want to have one without.
8. Lastly- there are lite, medium and full blown roms. Again- it depends what your needs are.
So, it's a trial and error, my friend. Get ready for some sleepless nights.
Good luck
BigE said:
... So, it's a trial and error, my friend. Get ready for some sleepless nights.
Good luck
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Nice reply BigE. Great to see more experienced xda users helping newcomers.
Halpefull thread, thanks to all of us newcomers.
why some themes have diamond in the name and are in p3600 forum...what is the diference in skin and theme?
danilo01 said:
Halpefull thread, thanks to all of us newcomers.
why some themes have diamond in the name and are in p3600 forum...what is the diference in skin and theme?
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Basically, "skin" and "theme" mean the same thing. They both refer to changing the screen display on a device.
One popular "theme" in the Trinity forum is making the screen display look like that of the HTC Diamond device. That is why the themes have the word "diamond" in their name.
Hope this helps,
i tought so
si needed for diamond skins to download manila or something?thanks
danilo01 said:
si needed for diamond skins to download manila or something?thanks
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The Choice is yours.
Flash a Manila ROM and install m2dc customiser (some roms come with it already installed), you will have easy access to many, many themes that will change the appearance of your home screen and launch screens (messages, contacts, settings, etc.) It does use more memory and slow your phone down slightly, but for some that is not a problem.
Flash a non Manila ROM: you are more limited, but you can simply change the background artwork of your screen ("wallpaper") using .tsk files. There are also tweaking programs that allow you to change font sizes & colours. There is also pay for software out there (like spb mobile shell) which allows you to install themes, and xda does have threads for them.
If your main enjoyment is playing around with themes (as opposed to relying on the phone for memory intensive applications), I recommend you read as much as possible on the manila2d skin threads, then flash a Manila rom and use m2dc customiser. Searches on xda will explain all.
Hope this helps,
Aha thanks

TF3D/Manilla Advice

I'm Kinda new to the forum and have only recently tried to add new apps and stuff to my X1.
There is a lot of information here about various versions of TF3D/Manilla and if I'm honest there is a little too much and I'm a bit lost amongst it all.
I should state that I have successfully installed a version of TF3D from here:
but have since removed it due to 1 or 2 issues (worst of which was really slow performance when looking at the photo albumn and not being able to see photos taken with the camera on the pictures tab). So I thought I'd ask for some advice before re-trying.
Question 1.
Which is the best version to install from a stability/features included point of view. Also I am not confident with burning a new ROM so would prefer just a .cab instrall.
Question 2.
For the install recomended is there a way to have it as a seperate panel rather than a today screen replacement. Are there any drawbacks to installing as a panel?
Question 3.
Are there any issues when switched to lanscape mode? (there was on the version I used) if so which modification would be compatable with the one recomended.
Finally if there are any other recomendations you have, for example, further modifications to make the TF3D experience more pleasurable, should I not worry about rom flashing and are there any alternatives to TF3D which could give me the polished interface i am looking for.
Cheers all
Check this post...
I had the same question, check out the below thread for your TF3D answers:
Thanks but that leads me to one of the things i was confusedf about.
In the TF3D in Landscape mode thread it is stated that support for the app has been discontinued due to the release and porting of Manilla 2. So should I be using that? if so where can I get it?
Thanks to Sonny
Just wanted to bump this post to see if there was any other advice out there.
I did find the x-panel which look like it may have potential but just wasn't feature filled enough yet.
Try TF3D 2 Beta 3
Ah! Just had a ton of pop-ups and now have to type all of this out again..!
Okay, will try to keep it short this time.
Try Daran_Clarke's TF3D 2 (Beta 3). It's taken from the new HTC Touch Pro 2. It includes the official HTC landscape view which works very well. You can install the CAB from here...
Some advice though. The Right Softkey function gets changed when you install this so the function is to take you to the Today screen, rather than the option above it on the screen (such as Contacts or Menu etc). You can change the Button settings but whenever you restart the machine, this gets reverted back, so that it takes you to the Today screen.
Himuraken was kind enough to point me in the direction of a .dll file which corrects this problem. It's called ManilaToday.dll. There will already be a file named this in the Windows directory on your phone, which you will need to delete. You can't delete this from your PC using ActiveSync. You need to use the FileExplorer on your X1 and browse to the Windows directory. Once there, select 'Menu' then 'Show All Files'. It may take a minute or so to display anything because there are so many files there. Delete ManilaToday.dll and then use ActiveSync to copy the new one across to that same location (Windows directory). You might need to set the Right Softkey button function to Right Softkey, but then when you restart it will keep this setting. You can get the new ManilaToday.dll from here...
Now just if someone could make a Panel for this new TF3D 2! May be awkward tho, as I think there is a new Panel Manager with the new R3AA roms. The Panels designed for that don't work on R2 roms, such as the Growing Panel. So we need someone to make a Panel for this on both the new and old Panel manager! Doubt it'll happen though, and I doubt I'll have the R3AA rom for quite some time. O2 in the UK took literally about 5 months to release the R2 rom!
Thanks again to Sonny I'll probably try that next.
I had i little bit of success with the original Touch-it install now though. I istalled the version 2 of the album app which seems to work much quicker that what is packaged in the Full CAB.
I still have 1 issue tho i wonder if anyone can help?
I want to be able to see all my pictures on the Photos and Videos tab without having to use album app. Currently only images in the my pictures tab display, I'd like to see images that have been taken with the camera whether they are stored in mypicture/camera/100xperia or on the memory card /dcim/100xperia/.
Is there anyway to change this?
Nevermind I sorted it now. Everything is working nice.
Now if only the lanscape app would work properly it would be perfect. Maybe a move to the install Sonny suggested will give me everything I'm after
sonnysoul said:
Ah! Just had a ton of pop-ups and now have to type all of this out again..!
Now just if someone could make a Panel for this new TF3D 2! May be awkward tho, as I think there is a new Panel Manager with the new R3AA roms. The Panels designed for that don't work on R2 roms, such as the Growing Panel. So we need someone to make a Panel for this on both the new and old Panel manager! Doubt it'll happen though, and I doubt I'll have the R3AA rom for quite some time. O2 in the UK took literally about 5 months to release the R2 rom!
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you can find TouchFlo 3d as a separate panel here
Musse_1 said:
you can find TouchFlo 3d as a separate panel here
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That's provided you're using Beta 2 or earlier of the TF3D cab.

Noob guide to remove Telstra stuff without flashing

Hi all,
Thanks to all for contributing here - so much good stuff! I wanted to post this here to help others in my situation.
My wife and I got a pair of HD2's during the week. Absolutely loving them.
I was too scared of bricking two brand new phones so I set about removing all traces of Telstra and tweaking them to our satisfaction without flashing the ROMS. After a few days I'm pretty happy with the results so far:
From standard to these (at the minute, changing all the time!):
on look at /DPgJT.jpg and /9qUiN.jpg (I'm link restricted..)
I would say that you can do everything you want with these phones without having to flash the rom if you prefer not to.
For anyone looking to de-telstrify their phones, here's some easy steps (from memory). I'm put together this little guide as there's just too much information to wade through at the start. All of these recommendations are subjective, stuff I like but you might not!
1. Get ActiveSync (if pc doesn't have it) and use it to connect phone, explore to phone's storage card. Copy cabs here to run from your phone.
2. Join these forums so you can download relevant cab files, add your experiences, etc. One way to find cab files listed below is by putting cab name (as shown) in google, then clicking xda forum links in the results.
3. Start with "". Frees 3 front quicklinks.
4. Get "". Consider installing Max Manila instead – you need to pick one or the other; I like Cookie so far- seems simpler, seems less theme oriented and more tweakable. I like the 3 pages of quicklinks side by side.
5. Get "CHTEditor.v1.6.1.CAB" which lets you edit cookie. Make a quicklink button for it. Go in and play with settings to your liking. (Don't touch what you don't understand for the moment, take it slow..) Can replace 'Telstra 3G' with whatever (I've got "Dave's HD2" in the screenshot) using 'custom operator text'.
6. Also make quicklink for file explorer – you'll be using a lot.
7. Get "HD2Tweak". Create quicklink to it and then play with settings in there. You can use 10. – Device startup – animation to stop the testra vid that plays on boot. Faster bootup and one more ad gone.
8. Also create button for "hd2 soft reset" which comes with above. Any time you need to reboot after install, if the cab doesn't prompt you then can use this button. Very handy.
9. Get "Duttys Task Manager for" This makes a nice file manager tool in top right corner, good for killing programs.
10 Get "BsB Tweaks" and you have it all covered. I like this one for 'Tap time' to stop accidental taps. Also under the menu you can enable shake for screenshots and can reassign the 'phone' soft button.
At this point you have lots of quicklink buttons for adding new stuff, and lots of tools installed to some of those buttons. There is some crossover with all these tweak tools but they seem to co-exist peacefully as far as I can tell and all have something to offer that the other doesn't have.
Now it's time to clean up a bit more.
*With cookies you can drag your quicklinks around to arrange them. Just hold them until they pop up in the add/remove screen.
*Set your slider options so only the slider elements you like come up.
*Go into contacts and delete all those pricey branded services that you won't ever use unless you're drunk – you can always get your mate to ring instead.
*Personally I hate being pushed towards things and stuff like 'sensis search' just makes me angry. So I fired up File explorer and navigated to My device=>windows=>start menu=> programs and started deleting stuff I don't want to see. From here I believe it's only shortcuts so nothing is uninstalled for the moment. (Do this at own risk though). Just hold your finger on the file and a menu will pop up and you can choose delete.
Ok at this point there's very little branded stuff left on the phone (that I've found yet). Time for making it look nice. This is totally subjective and almost all the options are on xda developers. I would recommend:
10. Make folders in your storage card: sliders, clocks, wallpapers, installed. Makes it easy to organise/change these (by reinstalling the cab file)
11. Go to the site ppcmods to download the cabs for great sliders and clocks. Very nice collection.
12. Get "V6 TEST 5 HD2 GSM Only 1.66" for the colour icons at the top. Great mod.
13. "AM Slider trasparente con cornice Sense" and "- Orologio Trasparente Antonio_Sense2.5.CAB" make the slider and calendar transparent respectively.
14. For backgrounds the best I've found is to install this patch "" so you can have fullscreen (no black bands at top and bottom)
15. Followed by installing "HDWall" onto your PC – you can use this to make any pic a cab file. It gives you a nice preview as well so you can see what will be under the clocks/calendar/etc. Great program.
That's it, appearance tweaked as you like it.
You'll probably want/need some other apps that have been discussed and linked to pretty well – this was intended more to be a getting started guide to get you to a place where you like the look of the phone and there's no angrifying stuff in your face.
Last thing I can think of – you need to go into mail, and in your inbox view, choose menu => tools(scroll down to see) =>options=>signatures and take out the "Sent by Telstra NExtG".
Hope this helps.
Will this work with the HTC Touch Dual 850/Neon 200?
Sorry dude, no idea.
By the way I've found 'Send-A-Card' in the messages menu - if anyone knows how to remove this, please post here. It's the last bit of Telstra-ware I can see embedded in the phone and I'd love to get rid of it!
Thanks for putting together a quick and useful guide. These are the first things anyone wants to do with a new phone (especially a Telstra one - they have so much T-junk!), and it's great not to have to wade through pages and pages of posts to find the basics!
Appreciate it.
so it works?? feeback please
I have google the .cabs?
I am from Mexico
yup, all the stuff he's said works. u can find the cabs on here as well
nice guide, thanks mate! be awesome if you can link in the cabs once you can post links!
Is there a way to get rid of MyEmail link in mailbox list ?
Hello yes it so easy, when you be on the mail screen, go to option then go to account setting, there you could delete any account that you want.
Any idea on how to get rid of the "send from my Telstra NextG handset" signature at the end of all new emails? Annoying that I have to delete it every time.
Oakeypara said:
Any idea on how to get rid of the "send from my Telstra NextG handset" signature at the end of all new emails? Annoying that I have to delete it every time.
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mail tab - inbox - menu - tools - options, click signatures at bottom of screen, , ,, , the rest is up to you!
Kitestyle said:
Hi all,
Thanks to all for contributing here - so much good stuff! I wanted to post this here to help others in my situation.
My wife and I got a pair of HD2's during the week. Absolutely loving them.
I was too scared of bricking two brand new phones so I set about removing all traces of Telstra and tweaking them to our satisfaction without flashing the ROMS. After a few days I'm pretty happy with the results so far:
From standard to these (at the minute, changing all the time!):
on look at /DPgJT.jpg and /9qUiN.jpg (I'm link restricted..)
I would say that you can do everything you want with these phones without having to flash the rom if you prefer not to.
For anyone looking to de-telstrify their phones, here's some easy steps (from memory). I'm put together this little guide as there's just too much information to wade through at the start. All of these recommendations are subjective, stuff I like but you might not!
1. Get ActiveSync (if pc doesn't have it) and use it to connect phone, explore to phone's storage card. Copy cabs here to run from your phone.
2. Join these forums so you can download relevant cab files, add your experiences, etc. One way to find cab files listed below is by putting cab name (as shown) in google, then clicking xda forum links in the results.
3. Start with "". Frees 3 front quicklinks.
4. Get "". Consider installing Max Manila instead – you need to pick one or the other; I like Cookie so far- seems simpler, seems less theme oriented and more tweakable. I like the 3 pages of quicklinks side by side.
5. Get "CHTEditor.v1.6.1.CAB" which lets you edit cookie. Make a quicklink button for it. Go in and play with settings to your liking. (Don't touch what you don't understand for the moment, take it slow..) Can replace 'Telstra 3G' with whatever (I've got "Dave's HD2" in the screenshot) using 'custom operator text'.
6. Also make quicklink for file explorer – you'll be using a lot.
7. Get "HD2Tweak". Create quicklink to it and then play with settings in there. You can use 10. – Device startup – animation to stop the testra vid that plays on boot. Faster bootup and one more ad gone.
8. Also create button for "hd2 soft reset" which comes with above. Any time you need to reboot after install, if the cab doesn't prompt you then can use this button. Very handy.
9. Get "Duttys Task Manager for" This makes a nice file manager tool in top right corner, good for killing programs.
10 Get "BsB Tweaks" and you have it all covered. I like this one for 'Tap time' to stop accidental taps. Also under the menu you can enable shake for screenshots and can reassign the 'phone' soft button.
At this point you have lots of quicklink buttons for adding new stuff, and lots of tools installed to some of those buttons. There is some crossover with all these tweak tools but they seem to co-exist peacefully as far as I can tell and all have something to offer that the other doesn't have.
Now it's time to clean up a bit more.
*With cookies you can drag your quicklinks around to arrange them. Just hold them until they pop up in the add/remove screen.
*Set your slider options so only the slider elements you like come up.
*Go into contacts and delete all those pricey branded services that you won't ever use unless you're drunk – you can always get your mate to ring instead.
*Personally I hate being pushed towards things and stuff like 'sensis search' just makes me angry. So I fired up File explorer and navigated to My device=>windows=>start menu=> programs and started deleting stuff I don't want to see. From here I believe it's only shortcuts so nothing is uninstalled for the moment. (Do this at own risk though). Just hold your finger on the file and a menu will pop up and you can choose delete.
Ok at this point there's very little branded stuff left on the phone (that I've found yet). Time for making it look nice. This is totally subjective and almost all the options are on xda developers. I would recommend:
10. Make folders in your storage card: sliders, clocks, wallpapers, installed. Makes it easy to organise/change these (by reinstalling the cab file)
11. Go to the site ppcmods to download the cabs for great sliders and clocks. Very nice collection.
12. Get "V6 TEST 5 HD2 GSM Only 1.66" for the colour icons at the top. Great mod.
13. "AM Slider trasparente con cornice Sense" and "- Orologio Trasparente Antonio_Sense2.5.CAB" make the slider and calendar transparent respectively.
14. For backgrounds the best I've found is to install this patch "" so you can have fullscreen (no black bands at top and bottom)
15. Followed by installing "HDWall" onto your PC – you can use this to make any pic a cab file. It gives you a nice preview as well so you can see what will be under the clocks/calendar/etc. Great program.
That's it, appearance tweaked as you like it.
You'll probably want/need some other apps that have been discussed and linked to pretty well – this was intended more to be a getting started guide to get you to a place where you like the look of the phone and there's no angrifying stuff in your face.
Last thing I can think of – you need to go into mail, and in your inbox view, choose menu => tools(scroll down to see) =>options=>signatures and take out the "Sent by Telstra NExtG".
Hope this helps.
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hi mate,i found a mobile repair shop that remove telstra off my hd2,cost me 60 bucks it's worked great for the past 2 months no problems,running 1.66 rom i've installed a lot of stuff from xda and elswhere everything has installed ok and runs fine,i'm with optus
I sure appreciate all the helpful posts here. Thanks guys!
1.72 rom upgrade
Fantastic post
Works well with the latest Rom 1.72
Kitestyle said:
Hi all,
Thanks to all for contributing here - so much good stuff! I wanted to post this here to help others in my situation.
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Champion! Great help for setting up my Telstra HD2. Thanks a heap!
Error with CHTEditor.exe - Help
I jsut received my phone the other day and am totally new to this. I read your Noob guide written by Kitestyle.
I have a Telstra model here in Canada. I loaded your Cookiehometab1.6.1. Worked fine. And then Tried your recommendation to load the CHTEditor.exe to the SD card.
Ran it and got an error:
"An unexpected error has occured in CHTEditor.exe. Select Quit and then restart the program, or select details for more info.
Details indicates this application requires a newer version of Microsoft.NET Compact Framework than the version installed on this device.
Am totally gray to this....recommendations appreaciated!
Thank you
the only way to truely de-Telstra and free your HD2 is to
1. HSPL3 -> removes CID lock
1.1 ( might want to do a task29 to really make sure ROM is squeaky clean )
2. Flash to official HTC WWE ( not Telstra branded ) rom, or any other cooked ROM of your choosing
its easy, and works well, i'm on Telstra NextG network, now running the official HTC english Hong Kong 1.72.831.1 ROM ( not Telstra branded ), and now have the ability to run any ROM i see fit, thanks to HSPL. Best part is, if and when you have to do a hard reset ( and you will at some stage ), all the Tel$tra nasties stay away....permanently
I may have missed this, but is there some way to change the websites displayed on the apps and downloads page, the one that comes up with the orange circle with teh white arrow
telstra shut down splash screen
anyone know how to delete or change the animated telstra shut down screen right before the phone turns off? i have deleted the animated boot up splash screen and the shutdown splash is all i have to delete
5tyl15m0 said:
anyone know how to delete or change the telstra shut down screen?
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Do a quick Google search for Anisasia's End Key or If you want you can get Touch Tools causecit has a Boot Manager that you can intergrate to be the defualt end keys.
shut down splash screen (edit and repost)
anyone know how to delete or change the animated telstra shut down screen right before the phone turns off? i have deleted the animated boot up splash screen and the shutdown splash is all i have left to delete

My new HD2

Well, I finally got my HD2, and have been getting to grips with it for about 2 days now. Pretty steep learning curve but go it connected to home wifi, and I'm just considering which apps to put on it? I apologise in advance if I ask a question that's already been answered, and only ask that someone point me in the right direction? Happy posting!
For a beginner!!
Perfect free tested apps for HD2
Co0kie's Home Tab 1.8.5 and its editor (a must have app finally for customizing the home tab)
Midomi (song recognizer)
Datacontroller (controls data internet connection)
Skyfire (IE with flash support)
coreplayer (best player)
Nimbuzz (IM collected)
Dragonball (cooooool game, luxor style)
Openwebradio (free international internet radio but needs TCPMP)
Mp3 trimmer (cuts mp3s to use as ringtones)
Omniano the band v 1.1.2 (best free music instruments collected)
IGO8 (best GPS navigator)
Getytv (download youtube videos)
Omarket (free app market)
TCPMP (player)
uconvert (best converter)
Duttys task manager for Leo (brings back the top right corner task manager)
SPB TV (awesome international internet tv)
Mp3 tag editor
Scilor's groovemobile v13 (retrieves songs from a database to listen to and be added to playlists for later playing)
Scilor's groovedownloaderwm (downloader for songs)
SciLor's LeoCameraAnyKey (allows capturing of photos thru the volume keys)
BSB tweaks (cool tweaks for the HD2)
JWMD icon changer (change app icons and themes)
Experiment 13 (cool game with nice graphics)
Just search for them on the site or try googling!!
Welcome to the world of HD2, Enjoy!!!
In case u don't know how to install....
The files' extension is .cab
Transfer the app thru bluetooth or by usb cable then search for the file then install it, i recommend installing the apps on the storage card except for BSB tweaks, datacontroller and skyfire better to be on device.
Try to save all the source files (the .cab ones) in a separate folder on the storage card for later reference .
My 2 cents.
First off coreplayer isn't free but it is worth the cash. Also look up wifi remote access premium. Again not free but it's only £5 on ms marketplace and it is probably the best application i have. It allows you to transfer files, edit the registry and remotely control your phone, amungst other things, over wifi.
Secondly, once you have got to grips with your new gadget, look at installing a new rom. It's probably the best thing i have done to mine since i've had it. New roms third party roms include a lot of the free apps and usually increase the performance of your Leo. I prefer the energy standard series but there are tons of other options.
The brilliance of owning a windows mobile or even an android based device is that they are extremely customisable if you have the willing and patience to learn how to do it. You are right, the learning curve can be steep, but it is totally worth it if you put the effort in.
As a side note, there are some apps (coreplayer is an example) that use activesync (or windows mobile device center) and an .exe file on your PC to install the program on to the phone but to be honest once you get your head around everything it's not too hard to figure out what you need to do to install any program.
Hi I'm a new member to this forum and just placed an order for a t9193, pretty excited waiting for the phone to come in. I wanted to ask what is a recommended rom if I wanted to dual boot winmo and android. I'm kind of new to the smartphone market so any advice would be greatly appreciated.
HolyGamerBatman said:
Hi I'm a new member to this forum and just placed an order for a t9193, pretty excited waiting for the phone to come in. I wanted to ask what is a recommended rom if I wanted to dual boot winmo and android. I'm kind of new to the smartphone market so any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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Best place to ask that question is in the android boards. There is a sticky thread that should cover all your questions.
from personal experience I thought "omarket" was a great place to start as most apps mentioned can be download from there . You might have to register/download the app through the website then after installation use the app to download other apps from your hd2. The website Is
Sorry for the delay in getting back. MANY THANKS Sevo!
M3PH said:
My 2 cents.
First off coreplayer isn't free but it is worth the cash. Also look up wifi remote access premium. Again not free but it's only £5 on ms marketplace and it is probably the best application i have. It allows you to transfer files, edit the registry and remotely control your phone, amungst other things, over wifi.
Secondly, once you have got to grips with your new gadget, look at installing a new rom. It's probably the best thing i have done to mine since i've had it. New roms third party roms include a lot of the free apps and usually increase the performance of your Leo. I prefer the energy standard series but there are tons of other options.
The brilliance of owning a windows mobile or even an android based device is that they are extremely customisable if you have the willing and patience to learn how to do it. You are right, the learning curve can be steep, but it is totally worth it if you put the effort in.
As a side note, there are some apps (coreplayer is an example) that use activesync (or windows mobile device center) and an .exe file on your PC to install the program on to the phone but to be honest once you get your head around everything it's not too hard to figure out what you need to do to install any program.
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Thanks M3PH. I'm enjoying the customisation options at the moment, and won't tackle the rom upgrade until I'm confident enough. By the way, thanks for the two cents.
Moschino02 said:
from personal experience I thought "omarket" was a great place to start as most apps mentioned can be download from there . You might have to register/download the app through the website then after installation use the app to download other apps from your hd2. The website Is
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I started at omarket Moschino, but came to the conclusion that xda was the place to be. These dudes are the cats pyjamas when it comes to apps, mods, themes etc. I downloaded the omarket app, and have a look there once in a while but here is where it's really at!
HolyGamerBatman said:
Hi I'm a new member to this forum and just placed an order for a t9193, pretty excited waiting for the phone to come in. I wanted to ask what is a recommended rom if I wanted to dual boot winmo and android. I'm kind of new to the smartphone market so any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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Welcome. I can't give you any advice on roms, but I can tell you that you're in the right place to find out. I've had mine for just over a week now and I couldn't be happier with it, despite reading a lot of negative reviews prior to getting it. Check your posts and I'm SURE you'll find the answer you're looking for.
Hulmeman said:
I started at omarket Moschino, but came to the conclusion that xda was the place to be. These dudes are the cats pyjamas when it comes to apps, mods, themes etc. I downloaded the omarket app, and have a look there once in a while but here is where it's really at!
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Damn Straight
The only thing I would recommend from omarket is the htcaddicts cleanram utility.... but I think you can get that on xda.......
Seeing as nobodys mentioned Cookies Home Tab yet I thought Id throw that in the mix......... Have a look at the CHT thread
Once you've got your apps sorted you can spend the rest of your life trying out all the different sense modifications / themes that are out there......
oh yea how can we forgot CHT??
re my earlier post, i meant to say omarket is a great place to start in terms of downloading your first app that was it ...but xda is the dogs bollocks you dont have to look elsewhere
Hulmeman said:
Well, I finally got my HD2, and have been getting to grips with it for about 2 days now. Pretty steep learning curve but go it connected to home wifi, and I'm just considering which apps to put on it? I apologise in advance if I ask a question that's already been answered, and only ask that someone point me in the right direction? Happy posting!
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Calm down and try app one by one.
And also follow any instructions CAREFULLY.
Don't forget to read any warnings.
Hello everyone,
I got my new T8585 last Saturday. Had a hard time sync contacts from Outlook 2010 (64-bit), finally found that it is not possible and had to install outlook 2007 and then do the all importing exporting and sync. Finally was able to get that done yesterday and have all my contacts moved to HD2.
Still not sure how to feed in the aniversary/bday reminders as i was always using Nokia before this device.
Have not customized anything yet, just able to configure the WiFi and 3G and copy contacts.
Also my vendor said that if I change ROM, my 1 yr warranty would be void. So not thinking about modifying ROM (1.48.720.2 an Radio
I have noticed that the battery is really poor with this devide, specially if I keep the WiFi on. Are there any tweaks to modify the battery life?
Any suggestions to make most of this device will be great.
Thanks for all the help and advice.
richteralan said:
Calm down and try app one by one.
And also follow any instructions CAREFULLY.
Don't forget to read any warnings.
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Thanks richteralan. I've got about 7 apps on my device now, and read the reviews instructions/feedback carefully before deciding which ones to install. Many thanks for the advice tho. Much appreciated.
conantroutman said:
Damn Straight
The only thing I would recommend from omarket is the htcaddicts cleanram utility.... but I think you can get that on xda.......
Seeing as nobodys mentioned Cookies Home Tab yet I thought Id throw that in the mix......... Have a look at the CHT thread
Once you've got your apps sorted you can spend the rest of your life trying out all the different sense modifications / themes that are out there......
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Yet more thanks conantroutman! CHT was one of the apps that had the biggest influence on my decision to get this bit of kit. I've now got it installed, along with NET3.5 and CHT editor. (salute)
xprav said:
Hello everyone,
I got my new T8585 last Saturday. Had a hard time sync contacts from Outlook 2010 (64-bit), finally found that it is not possible and had to install outlook 2007 and then do the all importing exporting and sync. Finally was able to get that done yesterday and have all my contacts moved to HD2.
Still not sure how to feed in the aniversary/bday reminders as i was always using Nokia before this device.
Have not customized anything yet, just able to configure the WiFi and 3G and copy contacts.
Also my vendor said that if I change ROM, my 1 yr warranty would be void. So not thinking about modifying ROM (1.48.720.2 an Radio
I have noticed that the battery is really poor with this devide, specially if I keep the WiFi on. Are there any tweaks to modify the battery life?
Any suggestions to make most of this device will be great.
Thanks for all the help and advice.
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Welcome xprav. You've come to the RIGHT place to get the answers to all those questions! I had mine about a week, and am enjoying it immensely! I plan to mod the rom eventually, but I'm in no hurry just yet. There are plenty of tweeks and mods to try before you do that. I'd start with Cookies home tab & editor? Install NET3.5 to get it up and running first tho, and check in regularly for advice/guidance?
how do i install net 3.5 and where can i get the CHT editor from? will be great help, thanks
i would also like to know that why CHT Editor is so important, looking for the same on google too

