TF3D/Manilla Advice - XPERIA X1 General

I'm Kinda new to the forum and have only recently tried to add new apps and stuff to my X1.
There is a lot of information here about various versions of TF3D/Manilla and if I'm honest there is a little too much and I'm a bit lost amongst it all.
I should state that I have successfully installed a version of TF3D from here:
but have since removed it due to 1 or 2 issues (worst of which was really slow performance when looking at the photo albumn and not being able to see photos taken with the camera on the pictures tab). So I thought I'd ask for some advice before re-trying.
Question 1.
Which is the best version to install from a stability/features included point of view. Also I am not confident with burning a new ROM so would prefer just a .cab instrall.
Question 2.
For the install recomended is there a way to have it as a seperate panel rather than a today screen replacement. Are there any drawbacks to installing as a panel?
Question 3.
Are there any issues when switched to lanscape mode? (there was on the version I used) if so which modification would be compatable with the one recomended.
Finally if there are any other recomendations you have, for example, further modifications to make the TF3D experience more pleasurable, should I not worry about rom flashing and are there any alternatives to TF3D which could give me the polished interface i am looking for.
Cheers all

Check this post...
I had the same question, check out the below thread for your TF3D answers:

Thanks but that leads me to one of the things i was confusedf about.
In the TF3D in Landscape mode thread it is stated that support for the app has been discontinued due to the release and porting of Manilla 2. So should I be using that? if so where can I get it?

Thanks to Sonny
Just wanted to bump this post to see if there was any other advice out there.
I did find the x-panel which look like it may have potential but just wasn't feature filled enough yet.

Try TF3D 2 Beta 3
Ah! Just had a ton of pop-ups and now have to type all of this out again..!
Okay, will try to keep it short this time.
Try Daran_Clarke's TF3D 2 (Beta 3). It's taken from the new HTC Touch Pro 2. It includes the official HTC landscape view which works very well. You can install the CAB from here...
Some advice though. The Right Softkey function gets changed when you install this so the function is to take you to the Today screen, rather than the option above it on the screen (such as Contacts or Menu etc). You can change the Button settings but whenever you restart the machine, this gets reverted back, so that it takes you to the Today screen.
Himuraken was kind enough to point me in the direction of a .dll file which corrects this problem. It's called ManilaToday.dll. There will already be a file named this in the Windows directory on your phone, which you will need to delete. You can't delete this from your PC using ActiveSync. You need to use the FileExplorer on your X1 and browse to the Windows directory. Once there, select 'Menu' then 'Show All Files'. It may take a minute or so to display anything because there are so many files there. Delete ManilaToday.dll and then use ActiveSync to copy the new one across to that same location (Windows directory). You might need to set the Right Softkey button function to Right Softkey, but then when you restart it will keep this setting. You can get the new ManilaToday.dll from here...
Now just if someone could make a Panel for this new TF3D 2! May be awkward tho, as I think there is a new Panel Manager with the new R3AA roms. The Panels designed for that don't work on R2 roms, such as the Growing Panel. So we need someone to make a Panel for this on both the new and old Panel manager! Doubt it'll happen though, and I doubt I'll have the R3AA rom for quite some time. O2 in the UK took literally about 5 months to release the R2 rom!

Thanks again to Sonny I'll probably try that next.
I had i little bit of success with the original Touch-it install now though. I istalled the version 2 of the album app which seems to work much quicker that what is packaged in the Full CAB.
I still have 1 issue tho i wonder if anyone can help?
I want to be able to see all my pictures on the Photos and Videos tab without having to use album app. Currently only images in the my pictures tab display, I'd like to see images that have been taken with the camera whether they are stored in mypicture/camera/100xperia or on the memory card /dcim/100xperia/.
Is there anyway to change this?

Nevermind I sorted it now. Everything is working nice.
Now if only the lanscape app would work properly it would be perfect. Maybe a move to the install Sonny suggested will give me everything I'm after

sonnysoul said:
Ah! Just had a ton of pop-ups and now have to type all of this out again..!
Now just if someone could make a Panel for this new TF3D 2! May be awkward tho, as I think there is a new Panel Manager with the new R3AA roms. The Panels designed for that don't work on R2 roms, such as the Growing Panel. So we need someone to make a Panel for this on both the new and old Panel manager! Doubt it'll happen though, and I doubt I'll have the R3AA rom for quite some time. O2 in the UK took literally about 5 months to release the R2 rom!
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you can find TouchFlo 3d as a separate panel here

Musse_1 said:
you can find TouchFlo 3d as a separate panel here
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That's provided you're using Beta 2 or earlier of the TF3D cab.


WA3 beta New & Improved?....Ohh Yes indeed!!
I'm going to hold of on this until it comes out of beta.. I've spent far too long getting the U1000 tweaked and working perfectly with the right combination of settings and software.
That thread has already achieved 12 pages of replies to the launch, so I figure its going through some teething issues already.
Cheers for the update though - a lot of those new features look extremely tempting!
WA3 beta kicks ass..
I am pleased to say, so far, WA3 beta is a vast leap forward from WA2 in terms of features and functionality. I'm loving it, but there seems to be no option for using anything but the default theme at this moment (correct me if I'm wrong peeps).
I'm loving the option to have shortcuts in the TrayApps.
WA3 is brill even in beta...
I'm very pleased to report that despite the many problems reported on the Lakeridge forums about this beta on various devices, it works perfectly on my Ameo.
I love the feature set on this new version and will definately be investing in this once the official release has made it out the door.
I forgot to take a screen shot of it without soft keys enabled (giving one even more screen real estate - if that's what you like).
But here are a few pics that I did take...and Yes you can use your old favourite WA2 Themes or WA3 Themes if you have any.
Final Word: No problems encountered as yet. Brill. I highly recommend checking this out, as it is way better than WA2.
Note: Be sure to completely uninstall WA2 first and save your Themes folder to somewhere else first (you will be able to install these from wherever you drop them later through WA3 i.e. Start/Settings/Personal/Theme Manager).
Drop us a line if you get stuck.
whats the memory utilization like???
ade0282 said:
whats the memory utilization like???
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Haven't noticed a drop in memory usage. It seems snappier than before. Reports from the Lakeridge website are that the memory usage is considerably lower than WA2.
I've also got this up and running with no probs at all on my wife's Universal (T-Mobile MDA Pro) with no ill effects to speak of.
I did delve a bit deeper into memory usage over here:
Wow, that's impressive news. I might totally back up my U1000 tonight and take a leap of faith. But I'm still skeptical. Really looking forward to official release though!
Now that I think about it, I guess I should anyway - as to provide feedback on any bugs!
mackaby007 said:
Haven't noticed a drop in memory usage. It seems snappier than before. Reports from the Lakeridge website are that the memory usage is considerably lower than WA2.
I've also got this up and running with no probs at all on my wife's Universal (T-Mobile MDA Pro) with no ill effects to speak of.
I did delve a bit deeper into memory usage over here:
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Hi Mackaby007,
Beautiful pictures you have there. I have been trying this out for a while, but wonder where does your skin come from? It's FANTASTIC looking.
Also, when you press the PROCESS button in the battry pop up, do you get to see the running processes? Mine has nothing there.
Have you tried adding in more applications than one could be accomodated in just one line in the system tray? What happens if you try to have ALL launcheable applications there and run out of space? With applications like SPB pocket plus, you siimply add more tabs. But how about this one? You know what I'm thinking? If it allows all to be launched there, I might just dump my SPB pocket plus and use this to replace it as well as Magic Button.
I much prefer to keep all my applications alive when I press close button. There is really no reason to shut them down, because so doing means than when you need it again, you got to reload from scratch. Imaging reloading Opera Mobile..... It takes forever. So, the way I use me device to to keep ALL frequently used applications alive regardless of whether I press the close button with or without holding it down (I do not want to accidentially close it by holding down too long). If I really want to close it down, currently magic button let me do it be pressing and holding down on the running icon on task bar. I find that with WA3, the process of making an application stay alive when close button is pressed is far too tedious. You need to go to setting>Task>executable, and select the excecutable individually (WA3 works very slowly here unfortunately). Also, choosing to keep it alive still does not prevent me from accidentally closing it when close button is pressed too long. In this regards, I feel that Magic Button's design is far better.
Do you know of a way to suppress the task title all together? My view is that the icon of running task should just be "lighted up" to show it is the current application. Also, we know what application it is anyway by looking at what is staring at you. Why waste the precious real estate on task title?
I like the new ROTATE screen icon, and the ability to show date and time occupyping only one icon space. This is something where magic button should incorporate.
Oh, initially I though that the phone icon will let you click and directly let you use the phone but this is not so. Do yo know of a way to put a real phone task icon on the task bar, so that clicking that icon on the TB will give you access to phone application immediately? The trouble i have is that when phone application is launched, WA5 does not seem to show it on the TB (unlike magic button). I like magic button more in this regard.
Are you using QVGA when you took those screen shots? How does it look in VGA? Would the system tray buttons are far too small? Do you think that if we use VGA and WA3 we could get away from having to use another application such as SPB pocket plus?
One last thing, I could be wrong about this. But I got a distinct feeling that my response time is slower using this rather than Magic Button.
That's a long post, but I'm very interested in your view in the above.
I still cant figure out how to use WAD .. lol... argh! Im st0opit.
Anyone wanna help me out with it? lol.
EagleSteve Q&A....
eaglesteve said:
That's a long post, but I'm very interested in your view in the above.
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Hi eaglesteve.
Thanks for the compliment. I do like nice screens and preferably unclutterred. Anyway....the WA2 skin can be purchased through Nacashco Designs here:
and the background image I found trolling around on the deviant art website under; 3 Dimensional. (see attachment)
Q & A (I'll do my best)
Q1. Also, when you press the PROCESS button in the battry pop up, do you get to see the running processes? Mine has nothing there.
A.1 Yes I see all the running processes and am able to stop any one of them.
Q2. Have you tried adding in more applications than one could be accomodated in just one line in the system tray?
A2. Yes, but it won't display any more than 15 icons from my experience. No point in addind any more as you cannot scroll through them (in the hope that you will see the other shortcuts you added previously). That's a good point to take up with Chris at Lakeridge, as he mat be willing to incorporate this into WA3 as it's still in beta.
Q3. Do you know of a way to suppress the task title all together? My view is that the icon of running task should just be "lighted up" to show it is the current application.
A3. Yes mine is currently set up this way too. I only want to see an icon of running apps.** I think under the 'Buttons' menu you have to go to 'Assignments' and ensure that 'Title' is NOT checked.
Q4. Do yo know of a way to put a real phone task icon on the task bar?
A4. I've added the phone app to the System tray (no need for keyboard anymore ). It's called 'Phone.lnk', but should be a visible icon when you go to choose it.
Q5. Are you using QVGA when you took those screen shots? How does it look in VGA? Would the system tray buttons are far too small? Do you think that if we use VGA and WA3 we could get away from having to use another application such as SPB pocket plus?
A5. I suppose you would call it QVGA (default mode). I tried TrueVGA and whilst it looks great, I don't like that I can hardly see anything. Got good eyesight at the mo and don't want to start straining. 2nd half of your question...Yes I think it's definitely possible, as you'd theoretically fit many more icons in the Tray applet/System Tray. Good thinking Batman! I might have to reconsider TrueVGA just for that!
Q6. But I got a distinct feeling that my response time is slower using this rather than Magic Button.
A6. I've used Magic button in the past and was very pleased with it, but stopped using it once I found that you can close apps properly through WA2. Unlike yourself, I like things properly shut down unless I'm going back to it soon, hence the nice running tasks icons.
Ok that should be about it. I hope I answered most if not all of your questions.
mackaby007 that's a great scren. So let me get this right , i buy the theme and get the backround and then i import it to wa3?
Also how do you replace / remove the default tray icons that come with t-mobile, i used the tray display program but that just removes all tray items. I just want to add the programs that i use
Would SPB diary work with this theme? as i have mine on today screen.
bashi007 said:
mackaby007 that's a great scren. So let me get this right , i buy the theme and get the backround and then i import it to wa3?
Also how do you replace / remove the default tray icons that come with t-mobile, i used the tray display program but that just removes all tray items. I just want to add the programs that i use
Would SPB diary work with this theme? as i have mine on today screen.
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Hi bashi007. Yes to the first 3 questions. I can't comment on Spb Diary as I've never used it, but I can't see why it should pose a problem.
If you have an Ameo from T-Mobile;
........regarding the system tray...there is a thread already on it...let me go see................
.....aha here it is:
Go to.....Hkey_Local_Machine\SOFTWARE\HTC\TrayApplet with a reg editor and delete all the little folders that contain the links for the existing shortcuts (free up some space). Be sure to have the system tray visible again first though, so you can see the changes you have made. If you don't see it, uninstall the Tray applet switching application and reboot.
If you own an X7500/Advantage read this thread: Once you've gotten rid of all your system appointed icons, follow on to the skinning app.
Now try WA3 system tray.
Let us know if you run into probs.
Thanks mackaby007 for your reply, i have a slight problem in that i delete the folders in the tray applet, but it still leaves the icon in the tray.
bashi007 said:
Thanks mackaby007 for your reply, i have a slight problem in that i delete the folders in the tray applet, but it still leaves the icon in the tray.
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hi bashi007 what variant of the AThena do you have? If you have the Advantage, you'll have to delete the folders in the HTC Homeplug folder instead or aswell. Then soft reset your device and they should no longer be visible in the system tray.
Thanks for the help, i have Ameo, after soft resetting all seems to work. Great!
i presume i buy the VGA theme from Nacashco Designs.
bashi007 said:
Thanks for the help, i have Ameo, after soft resetting all seems to work. Great!
i presume i buy the VGA theme from Nacashco Designs.
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Yes. Check your PM added more info for you.
WA3 Public Beta 2 is out...
Hot off the press..go get it people. Apparently even more stable than the first release!
Just about to install. Will report back later.
bashi007 said:
Thanks for the help, i have Ameo, after soft resetting all seems to work. Great!
i presume i buy the VGA theme from Nacashco Designs.
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What is this "VGA theme from Nacashco Designs" ?
olegzz said:
What is this "VGA theme from Nacashco Designs" ?
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Hi olegzz.
I can see by your joining date that you are new to this forum, so I will be patient with.
It is generally good practice to read through a thread before asking questions that may have already been asked and or answered.
In this instance no one has asked, but there are only 2 pages to this thread and one glance at the first page would have fully revealed what you asked.
to answer your question nonetheless, it is merely a skin made for Wisbar Advance 2 and is one of hundreds of interchangeable skins. Some of us just happen to like this one.
If you know about these things already I apoligise for my tone. If however you don't, then this might be of real interest to you as it completely changes the look and feel of your WM device.
The screenshots on page 1 of this thread are just 1 example of this. Best to head on over to Lakeridge software (website) to get a clearer picture.
Good luck.
mackaby007 said:
Hi olegzz.
I can see by your joining date that you are new to this forum, so I will be patient with.
It is generally good practice to read through a thread before asking questions that may have already been asked and or answered.
In this instance no one has asked, but there are only 2 pages to this thread and one glance at the first page would have fully revealed what you asked.
to answer your question nonetheless, it is merely a skin made for Wisbar Advance 2 and is one of hundreds of interchangeable skins. Some of us just happen to like this one.
If you know about these things already I apoligise for my tone. If however you don't, then this might be of real interest to you as it completely changes the look and feel of your WM device.
The screenshots on page 1 of this thread are just 1 example of this. Best to head on over to Lakeridge software (website) to get a clearer picture.
Good luck.
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My, that was way more polite than my response would have been!

Update NEW Themes for I780 & i900 for "TodayLife"

Work discontinued due to Today Life Developer has stopped development on this project. Sory about the screen shots I accidentally removed them from imageshack.​
NEW i900 Omnia Theme. Monday Morning, all credit for this theme goes to the talented Bluemetalaxe you can visit his official thread here
All I have done is convert this theme and some of the graphics to fit on the Samsung i900 Omnia. Please read the the Notes and instructions below before installing.
This is a Theme for Today Life Program for Omnia i900 Only
This is only a theme for the program TodayLife. The program is not completed and is still in development. Meaning there are tabs without any function, or some functionality may be disabled from time to time for testing and developing purposes. As the program is updated I will be updating this thread with information on the newly added functionality and options. This program does not require any 3rd party shell or programs.
Credit and Thanks goes to Dazzlingdaz for creating this wonderful program.
I will not waste time answering questions to the general operation of this program or problems related to the program itself. This is not productive for me or the developer of the program Dazzlingdazz to have to answer questions in multiple threads. So if you have program specific questions or problems or suggestions of options or functionality to be added please post them in the TodayLife thread found here.
FAQ ( Please Read)
Q. It crashes because of xxxxx
A. First try copying and running the files from system memory as some devices (HTC Touch) have issues resuming from standby with program running from the storage card. If the program still fails - edit the config.XML and select YES for errorreporting - then run the program - when it crashes post the errorreport text file here and I can try and help you.
Q. Why is there nothing on the calendar or music or blah blah page?
A. Because the app isnt finished yet - as clearly stated above! - more is being added
Q. What version of WM do I need?
A. 6.x - it does not work on WM5 or below
Q. How do I install it?
A. You dont! - simply copy all files to a folder on the device and run the EXE - that's it - no install - no uninstall - nothing changed on the device - no registry entries required.
Q. What is the default unlock sequence
A. 1 single guesture - ^ (you can change this on config.xml)
Q. Can I change stuff?
A. Yes - everything! - the landscape.xml and portrait.xml contain all the positions for the icons and layouts for the skin, while config.xml contains details about non-skin related options
Q. What Compact Framework do I need?
A. You need either 2.0 or better still 3.5 - unfortunately some custom rom cookers have not fully incorporated CF into their build and this may cause you problems - not just with my app but anything that uses CF. My only suggestion here is to try an updated (or different) base rom! - it works perfect with all the WWE builds with CF installed - so I know it's the rom
Current Functionality of Highway theme:
Home tab is about 90% finished. There will be some modification in the future like: Tower when press to open comm manager or WiFi. When press signal meter it opens default comm window. When press sun it will open weather. When press clock will open alarm.
The contacts tab is currently empty but has been tested and will have a very smooth scrolling contact list.
The settings tab currently is only for program exit, future additions on this page.
The Big red power button is the Program launcher and is on all tabs. When you open the launcher just scroll and tap firmly in a straight up and down motion. To go back to the main screen gesture from right to left
Volume, still in development but to see how it works click on the speaker icon, then gesture up and down to change volume. Note Vibrate not functional yet. Gesture right to left to exit volume.
For email you may have to edit the Portrait.xml to define your email account. Mine is set to Hotmail. If you need help let me know.
Vmail indicator does not seem to be working. This is one reason for me to release this now as I need help testing on the I780. It seems to be working on other devices.
Note: almost all the graphics except background and sun were created by hand, by me, and took a lot of time and effort. So if you use them please give some credit.
The latest version of Today Life is included in the zip file. To install Download the zip file and extract it on your PC or directly to you main memory of you device like My documents. Then just click on Todaylife.exe
What can I say? I am speechless. This is a very nice theme, a refreshing change to the Diamond theme...
For future expansion, you can consider installing an ICU (in-car unit) that will call out the player (s2p, mortplayer, HTC AM, WMP, etc..)
Once this is completed, it will be an awesome theme!!
Keep up the good work.
g00ndu said:
What can I say? I am speechless. This is a very nice theme, a refreshing change to the Diamond theme...
For future expansion, you can consider installing an ICU (in-car unit) that will call out the player (s2p, mortplayer, HTC AM, WMP, etc..)
Once this is completed, it will be an awesome theme!!
Keep up the good work.
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Thanks, Very good idea, would like to have a flash or animated screen that could flip out and up above the dash. and have media player controls. May talk to Twolf.
bobsbbq said:
Thanks, Very good idea, would like to have a flash or animated screen that could flip out and up above the dash. and have media player controls. May talk to Twolf.
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Downloading now.
Thanx in advence for your hardwork
and for sharing.
Thanx Bob
New Monday Morning Theme for i900 Omnia
Updated on the first page for download. Thanks to Bluemetalaxe for this great theme. I just converted it and some graphics to fit on the Omnia. Remember this Program is still under development by Dazz and it is not fully functional yet. But enjoy and I will keep it upgraded as newer versions come out.
bobsbbq said:
Updated on the first page for download. Thanks to Bluemetalaxe for this great theme. I just converted it and some graphics to fit on the Omnia. Remember this Program is still under development by Dazz and it is not fully functional yet. But enjoy and I will keep it upgraded as newer versions come out.
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Wow..this is really good for Omnia user like me.
good work bob, i made a link to your thread and wrote some thoughts in my thread.
Small update fixed appointment lines in portrait. Moved clock, volume, and lock icon.
Excellent adaptation from a qvga to a wqvga. You kinda make me want 1 omnia....
Wow, looks very nice. Especially on the Omnia's widescreen, hopefully the developer will add more functions soon.
hey bob.. on my omnia.. i can seem to see the clock appearing on the screen, plus there is no EXIT, SMS, EMAILS, CALLS and LOCK buttons. i only can c the volume button.
also, there is no Program button at the bottom most right position..
any help to amend this prob?
thank you
thank you man great work
spin_x said:
hey bob.. on my omnia.. i can seem to see the clock appearing on the screen, plus there is no EXIT, SMS, EMAILS, CALLS and LOCK buttons. i only can c the volume button.
also, there is no Program button at the bottom most right position..
any help to amend this prob?
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First you are using omnia i900 right? With the monday morning the correct? Is it the same in landscape? And is the calender and contact page ok?
Is there a QVGA version of "Monday Morning"?
Hello, thanks for good work on the subject of omnia, but also will you convert the other or do not have plans for that?
bobsbbq said:
Updated on the first page for download. Thanks to Bluemetalaxe for this great theme. I just converted it and some graphics to fit on the Omnia. Remember this Program is still under development by Dazz and it is not fully functional yet. But enjoy and I will keep it upgraded as newer versions come out.
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Hi...bob...My omnia got new look with Monday Morning.
Thank you, bob, for your great work.
highway theme
Hello, can you post pictures from the highway theme, taht i can see how it looks?
Great theme... keep up the work
Hopefully , someone can share also monday morning in I780...

SPB Mobile Shell 3.0 - Modifications/Hacks (dedicated thread)

I feel this thread to be redundant. This thread basically do the same thing but with bigger success and some active modders:
As we don't need two of the same threads and I feel I don't have enough time to mod and give in to this myself and not many modders have stepped in. I'm sorry. Consider this thread a good idea but the goal is now in the hands of Zepiii. To hack the hell out of MS 3.0
Good luck Zepiii
don't think anyone has missed the amazing pre release of this sweet ap!
I'm a mod freak and there are somethings i would like to change in this prog.
like the programs "tab" only has 3 rows. i want to make this 4. anyone with a bit of experience possibly from the 2.xx series know where to do it?
the configs are simple ZIP files. Just open the DAT file as a ZIP file or rename it to ZIP.
in order to edit the file you need to put in the password which is:
Maybe we could custom tailor it and post the modded DAT files collected here. Most of the 2.xx series of mods/skins are portable with a little or no modification except renaming of some picture files (same password in 2.xx). the possibilities are endless
Please remove or correct my post if I'm violating/doubleposting something here.
DAT Files content:
qa_layouts.dat - This contains only XML files. 61 to be precise lots of interesting stuff! (tried to change the Iconspacing in programs to 24. didn't get my 4 icons row though )
vp_menu_btn.dat - Built in Icons
va_misc_now.dat - Built in system icons
vpw_bkg_now - portrait
vlw_bkg_now.dat - mostly contact icons landscape
va_weather_64.dat - weather Icons largest with XML file
vp_bkg_now.dat - Menu frame
vl_bkg_now.dat - same but in landscape
va_profile.dat - media player and profile widget icons
adding more pages to lifestyle screen
more buttons in collected start menu
change default sms client (bottom)
Memorysaving (no reghack)
interesting links in similar spirit:
SPB 3.0 today wallpaper
SPB 2.1 skins for inspiration
Great idea. I would also love to see this!!!
Is possible to customise the theme colors that available in mobile shell 3? The existing preferences are to dark(I want a white color scheme). Can we do it by editing a dat file(which?) or a registry hack?
dancer_69 said:
Is possible to customise the theme colors that available in mobile shell 3? The existing preferences are to dark(I want a white color scheme). Can we do it by editing a dat file(which?) or a registry hack?
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Hi Dancer_69,
I don't know yet. I just played around with it last night before bed. I'm just a NB in this who poked around with this great ap after not being pleased with everything and curious on what could be achived so i dont have alla the answers this is a team effort. hopfully someone with the experience or knowhow checks this. In the meantime we have to do it by trial and error. and map it all as we go along
good to know
I have discovered that Topaz enhanced menus works great with SPB MS 3.0 activated (and Manila installed but not activated in the today screen) so so far its a necessary evil to have Manila installed until we know possible witch file or reg settings are needed.
i'll be waiting one this, happy moddings
adding more pages to lifestyle screen
this could be good for some. Found this over at forum posted by turborepu quote:
"add more pages to lifestyle screen.. bg image pan works fine still
hklm/software/spb software house 2/spb mobile shell/widgets/homescreen
change "pagecount" to desired number.. i put 4. soft reset.."
supposedly its tested on 10 pages. the result is that when paned the wallpaper moves less then with three. If wallpaper size changed it will "smartfit" it to be the "correct" size.
haven't tried this myself yet three is plenty for me ATM
to improve finger friendly
please in new mobile shell v3
-imake an Sms menu , v2 uses windows Sms.
-alarm menu finger friendly
- apointments menu .....
V2 uses Windows Sms, alarm, apointmente
not very good needs the stylus...
Please make m.shellv3 completely finger friend with sms like iphone and alarm ....
Many thanks
and change applications
open sms with vito Sms ? it´s possible
change attachements ...
manyt hanks
When are you going to stop posting that little list of yours masrterk? Every thread/subforum on xda-developers and spb seems has one of your posts with the exact same thing.
masrterk said:
and change applications
open sms with vito Sms ? it´s possible
change attachements ...
manyt hanks
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Hi masrterk,
I personally don't agree. i like to taylor make my GUI and of course the tastes differ. For instants.. i would like to have it pretty barebone and point to the prefered app of choice like resco contactmannager or glarm witch are the best! IMHO annyway
BUT if one could integreate them somehow that would be great if you had that choice.
right now its really easy just to link to those apps from the lifestyle screen.
masrterk said:
and change applications
open sms with vito Sms ? it´s possible
change attachements ...
manyt hanks
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You could use this from the legendary vijay555
Remove calendar from professional layout?
Hi guys
i am trying to figure out how to do something that we were able to do in 2.1, but has been left unoptional in 3.0. I would like to get rid of the calendar on the pro screen. All I want to see is my upcoming appointments (if I have any). I don't want the screen cluttered with a pesky grid-style calendar. I am such a nooB at this it is silly, but here I am, messing around with .dat files......
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
It would be nice to create a backup/restore tool for the settings/today items/widgets/etc...
When updating the rom this would be VERY useful!
is the pre release official? where's the download?
looks good from the youtube demos
Anyone figure out the password for the DAT files yet? Seems they changed it from the 2.x releases
Great idea. I just took a peek inside today, thanks for the breakdown of what some of the .dats do.
I have a feeling we'll start seeing some custom widgets in no time.
and yes, the release is now official.
619619 said:
It would be nice to create a backup/restore tool for the settings/today items/widgets/etc...
When updating the rom this would be VERY useful!
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There is already one in the SPB Shell settings, click the right softkey in settings and there it is, to the left of the exit button.
I tried it myself today, completely uninstalled mobile shell before I installed the official version, loaded the backup and everything was restored in the new version, included widgets and all
themirthfulswami said:
Anyone figure out the password for the DAT files yet? Seems they changed it from the 2.x releases
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I am getting in fine using b0fm18zq
That said, I am still trying to figure out what I am doing........
wyldthng said:
Hi guys
i am trying to figure out how to do something that we were able to do in 2.1, but has been left unoptional in 3.0. I would like to get rid of the calendar on the pro screen. All I want to see is my upcoming appointments (if I have any). I don't want the screen cluttered with a pesky grid-style calendar. I am such a nooB at this it is silly, but here I am, messing around with .dat files......
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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I don't see the grid calendar on my pro screen anymore. On the pro settings page, choose "calendar", then change # of appointments to "as many as possible". After doing this, mine now shows the next two appointments.

SPB Mobile Shell released

It seems this has now been officially released. The build is 6411. I tried but I can't find any differences between this and the leaked build.....but then again it was working fine for me with no issues.
Has anyone else seen any improvements?
You can get the trial from here:
I found the different is... when I install this new version on my x1. The 3D accelerator option disappear.
i just bought it but cant install it yet. unless you guys can tell me how to install the exe from a mac
methodz said:
i just bought it but cant install it yet. unless you guys can tell me how to install the exe from a mac
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Well, for starters....they let you download a CAB file from their site ;-)
funny i ordered it but didnt have the option to download a cab file. is the link you gave to the official trial version?
i downloaded the cab from your link and installed it. its da SHIZNIT!!!
hwangmax said:
I found the different is... when I install this new version on my x1. The 3D accelerator option disappear.
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I think it's gone completely....that either means it is no longer hardware accelerated or it's autodetect as not ALL devices will support it.
in my opinion, MobileShell 3 is a flop... too many defect.
sidvizioso said:
in my opinion, MobileShell 3 is a flop... too many defect.
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Not too many bugs or defect, to less functions!!!
oh sure....too many missing functions!
i'm not english
the only differences i have found is that the x button now works without it freezing the handset and that its a bit quicker and smoother. but have not found anything else which is a shame as i was expecting more from the offical release compared to the beta (what now seems like a near final release with one or 2 bugs to iron out).
I will try the new version and hope it will fix my Facebook via Wifi and X Button freeze bug. But like I understood Ganondolf the x button works fine what is absolutely an improvement.
Can't access Facebook...Oh boy : (
Anyone heard of panel version of Mobile Shell 3?
thelucius said:
Anyone heard of panel version of Mobile Shell 3?
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mine fires up when i hit the today screen panel. kind of convenient for me.
ok so my first imptrssion: its awesome! has the look of cupcake (sorta) cool widgets and super slick interface.. glad the panel button wrks again
did have a few probles with the shell, seemed rather slugish if u wanted to switch back to today or exit the shell and restart it, seemed to take a while. also... anyone else notice if u added any widget regaurding the camera it did nothing.. wouldnt open at all im using R3a camera tho.... couldnt change icons at all... which is rather annoying considering the features pocket plus 4 gives u for adding/changing icons and their names..... i uninstalled due to the speed of the shell and the inconvience of the icons and widgets ..... i hope they make sum tweaks .... such a beautiful shelll. and very finger friendly
ok. P.S. and... does anyone know if you can add today plugins like widgets? this would be awesome too add google search as a widget... couldn't figure out how... thus why i reverted back to just plain old pocket plus...
just a few tweaks and it'd be perfect!!!!
yea...tried it for about a day, and i think i am going to uninstall it now. It amazed me at first, but i think the old combination of pocket plus and today plugin already does the job for me anyway...
the facebook integration here feels pretty useless too....
i have a small problem with this one.
Since i have installed spb3 , when i make a call, it automatically opens tomtom.
It is very annoying.
Anybody got the same problem?
And how did you fix it?
It seems that I can't add any programs of my own choice in the predetermined categories of the launcher (Internet, Tools, etc.) or add my own category. Or am I missing something? This is what made Mobile Sheel 2.x interesting and customizable. If this option really is gone I think it's a weird choice.
bartveld said:
It seems that I can't add any programs of my own choice in the predetermined categories of the launcher (Internet, Tools, etc.) or add my own category. Or am I missing something? This is what made Mobile Sheel 2.x interesting and customizable. If this option really is gone I think it's a weird choice.
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All these changes can still be made. Adding/Deleting from the default menus needs a registry key added per folder. Subfolders can only be created in the registry at the moment. I don't really use this much but I imagine (so I don't know for sure!) that the GUI will have this functionality added in future releases.
the GUI will have this functionality added in future releases.
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But the old version had this option as a regular function (the menu button in tab Advanced)! It seems weird that in a new version one is forced to revert to editing the registry.
Spb Mobile Shell 3
Works fine on my X1, apart from multimeadia. None of the camera links launch the camera application. Anyone else found this problem

TF3D Performance

Hi all,
I have been searching high and low on XDA and using Google to try and find some answers to this but I have not had any luck. I've looked through the wiki and other threads. I'm sure that if I had looked when I first got my HD I would've found answers but now I can't. Did they ever exist? Anyway, my question....
My friend has a Diamond and his TF3D interface speed is amazing compared to mine. I have the stock rom and my TF3D version is 1.3.35350.1_1630.38.
The reason I ask now and didn't follow any developments when I first got my HD (around a year ago) is that I just installed SPB MS2. Now I am trying TF3D again but it is so slooooooow?
Another thing, my friend can just swipe his finger across the tab bar at the bottom and the different tabs load. Mine, I have to tap each button to see the relevant tab and even then, I wait sometimes half a second, sometimes a second or two. Edit: Sorry, wasn't pressing hard enough however, it is still slow at loading?
If it is suggested that I flash the ROM, I've never done this and so when doing so, do you lose all the installed programs and such? If yes, I have SPB Backup and so would doing a backup, flash ROM, run backup put me back to how my phone was pre-rom flash?
Thanks for any help offered.
Try searching this forum for a tweak software such as Tweak HD. If you install this and configure it with the adviced settings (ADV) your HD will be a lot faster.
You can also try and install the new VGA Driverpack from the project you can find in the ROM development section.
ThaDoc said:
Try searching this forum for a tweak software such as Tweak HD. If you install this and configure it with the adviced settings (ADV) your HD will be a lot faster.
You can also try and install the new VGA Driverpack from the project you can find in the ROM development section.
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Thanks for the reply. I've installed HDTweak (did see this before) but was hoping for some registry tweaks instead. Would rather know what does what instead of installing an application that is supposed to perform certain changes/improvements.
See what happens after installing HDTweak.
Oh, I did also install the new Driverpack but found that games played slower. Maybe this has something to do with the screen having to draw more frames and so stressing the CPU more to do the same thing as if the driverpack wasn't installed? I'll post this question in that thread just to keep this one specific to TF3D!
wayneywoo said:
Hi all,
I have been searching high and low on XDA and using Google to try and find some answers to this but I have not had any luck. I've looked through the wiki and other threads. I'm sure that if I had looked when I first got my HD I would've found answers but now I can't. Did they ever exist? Anyway, my question....
My friend has a Diamond and his TF3D interface speed is amazing compared to mine. I have the stock rom and my TF3D version is 1.3.35350.1_1630.38.
The reason I ask now and didn't follow any developments when I first got my HD (around a year ago) is that I just installed SPB MS2. Now I am trying TF3D again but it is so slooooooow?
Another thing, my friend can just swipe his finger across the tab bar at the bottom and the different tabs load. Mine, I have to tap each button to see the relevant tab and even then, I wait sometimes half a second, sometimes a second or two. Edit: Sorry, wasn't pressing hard enough however, it is still slow at loading?
If it is suggested that I flash the ROM, I've never done this and so when doing so, do you lose all the installed programs and such? If yes, I have SPB Backup and so would doing a backup, flash ROM, run backup put me back to how my phone was pre-rom flash?
Thanks for any help offered.
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Are you sure? i had a diamond and the tf3d was crap even with the stock rom, i can use the swipe gesture on my HD to move from page to page aswell, and pages load pretty much instantly with mine, sounds like your device hasnt been optimed enough, just like a pc after extended use, it will become slow and unresponsive if you dont keep the file system and registy optimised
wayneywoo said:
Thanks for the reply. I've installed HDTweak (did see this before) but was hoping for some registry tweaks instead. Would rather know what does what instead of installing an application that is supposed to perform certain changes/improvements.
See what happens after installing HDTweak.
Oh, I did also install the new Driverpack but found that games played slower. Maybe this has something to do with the screen having to draw more frames and so stressing the CPU more to do the same thing as if the driverpack wasn't installed? I'll post this question in that thread just to keep this one specific to TF3D!
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Be sure to go through all HDTweak settings. Change values to ADV under the performance section.
i agree you have to....
optimize your device to its fullest capacity..i have stock rom ... on hd and have used hd tweak, plus few other applications found here, like driverpack 3 , gfxboost.. and few registry tweaks .etc...i am very impressed with touch ( sensitivity ) , speed of opening of most applications (yes ,some does have slight lag ) but overall, programs eg..file exployer,programs..settings instantaneous ...
( i also set sensitivity,finger pressure in hdtweak to very high )
i further hardly swipe manila ..."home " tab and it slides ,right through to last tab ( settings tab ) on manila ( vice versa)
my advice is also optimize ,( trail and error ) and seach, seach ..xda threads..
good luck

