Winmobile 6.1 Questions - Touch HD General

Hi all,
I am new here and do have a new shiny Blackstone PDA.
First-off, please excuse me, for I do not know the right English terms for the applications of Windows Mobile 6.1.
As I do use a German O2 "branded" Touch HD with my E-Plus SIM-Card, I will put the German terms in ( ) behind the assumed English terms.
While configuring my new toy, I stumbled over one thing that did not please me at first.
The "Messaging" application of Windows 6.1 seems to connect to the preset in Connection-Center to find in Start - Configurations (Einstellungen) - Connections (Verbindungen) - Connection-Center (Verbindungen).
So that, if I am on WiFi-Connection and set the PDA to auto-connect to E-Plus Network for auto-connecting applications, it will still uses GPRS/3G to synchronize my emails.
I did notice that if I switch the preset to ISP, it nicely uses the WiFi connection to update mails.
I did find out that G-Profile is able to start programs on profile-switching. So now to my questions:
1. What is the name of the "Connection-Center (Verbindungen)" program?
2. Does it parse parameters and if so what parameter to set the preset connection?
For example, WINDOWS\SYSTEM\APP.EXE /set-network ISP or WINDOWS\SYSTEM\APP.EXE /set-network E-Plus
Thanks for any answers in advance,

Hmmm nobody, who knows something about this question?


New Exec Owner - Help Please ....

Hey gurus
being a proud owner of new xda exec (O2 UK) 've got the following questions .....
1) Wireless Modem --- How can I use my exec's browsing on my laptop either by bluetooth or usb ? I tried with bluetooth where in which I can detect my laptop in my device and i started wireless modem (selecting bluetooth) and clicked 'start'...later from laptop's bluetooth wizard i initiated dial-up-networking and GOT STUCK! wats my user id and password and which number to dial ? i tried giving my mobile number(device mobile number) without any user id and password but with no joy...all i got is error message saying that couldn't connect ....Retry
2) Terminal Client -- All I understood from manufacturer's provided guide and forums is this just like pcAnywhere stuff -- controlling remote computres..... i 'm interested in doing the same with my laptop... I tried here but which server name should i give while configuring it in the device ? even if i give my computer name how on earth it can detect my laptop ? shud i do some config change in my laptop like making it visible externally ???
3) GPRS vs WAP -- My exec is preloaded with both as it comes with Welcome Browse & Download tariff of O2. I've got one ready-made connection under 'My ISP' and 'My Work Network' which are as follows :
Name - 'Mobile Web' of type Cellular Line(GPRS, 3G)
Access point --
My Work Netwrk
Name - 'O2 Active' of type Cellular Line (GPRS, 3G)
Access point --
As GPRS is charged based on content downloaded where as WAP is charged based on the online duration (correct me if i'm wrong pls )... what should i do if i always wants to use GPRS ? Can i delete 'My work Network' as it's access point is pointing to WAP?? Am i correct in saying this ?? If i delete this wud u see any probs in browsing and other functionalities of my device???
4) Active Sync Support Code 85010014 -- Searched a lot on this nasty bug and all i found is remedy but not the fix
lately i 'm finding myself reinstalling outlook everytime when i want to sync my outlook stuff ?? but no user reported such frequent reinstallations ?? is it something really gone crazy with my outlook ?? btw i installed outlook from the provided cd and synching my lotus notes with it by 'Outlook Connector for Domino' (downloaded from microsoft site).... its practically not feasible to reinstall everytime isn't it i'm looking either to get rid of this nasty bug or other means of synching my lotus notes into my device preferably freeware pls....
Thanks in advance...
Looking forward to your expert replies ...
OK, i can give a bit of insite on 2 points
2) For you to be able to connect to a machine remotely with TSC, it must be running Windows XP Pro, Server 2000 or server 2003. and have it enabled under controlpannel > System > Remote Tab.
As names translate to IPs through DNS, the computername should be fine, aslong as your device is on the same network segment (subnet) as the machine you are trying to connect to, otherwise IP is needed.
3 think of WAP as a highway, and GPRS and GSM as the cars. GSM is pay by time, and GPRS is pay by byte. Wap is just the type of connection, and you will need the wap connection to access O2 active (If it is anything like voda, you will only be ableto get O2 active through this, and you will neeed to use the other one for normal net browsing)
heliosfa said:
OK, i can give a bit of insite on 2 points
2) For you to be able to connect to a machine remotely with TSC, it must be running Windows XP Pro, Server 2000 or server 2003. and have it enabled under controlpannel > System > Remote Tab.
As names translate to IPs through DNS, the computername should be fine, aslong as your device is on the same network segment (subnet) as the machine you are trying to connect to, otherwise IP is needed.
3 think of WAP as a highway, and GPRS and GSM as the cars. GSM is pay by time, and GPRS is pay by byte. Wap is just the type of connection, and you will need the wap connection to access O2 active (If it is anything like voda, you will only be ableto get O2 active through this, and you will neeed to use the other one for normal net browsing)
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Thanks heliosfa....'m waiting for other replies aswell...
kasu said:
heliosfa said:
OK, i can give a bit of insite on 2 points
2) For you to be able to connect to a machine remotely with TSC, it must be running Windows XP Pro, Server 2000 or server 2003. and have it enabled under controlpannel > System > Remote Tab.
As names translate to IPs through DNS, the computername should be fine, aslong as your device is on the same network segment (subnet) as the machine you are trying to connect to, otherwise IP is needed.
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regarding the nasty bug "Synchronization Error 85010014" found info in microsoft active sync faqs ----
installed AS 4.1 and till now it seems to be working fine.... but frankly i don't trust MICROSOFT products....
lets see ....
try your luck...
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uninstall operator software

Hello together,
could you please be so kind to help me. I have a XDA Mini o2. But I want to use another operator. How can I get the o2 Software / Branding / Applications without loosing Windows Mobile away? Thanks for all
kind regards
>_> um, I'm not on an O2 operator, and before I modded my old Mini, it worked quite fine with its default O2 software.
Hi, thank you for answering. Generally the main functions work without any problems. But the email client makes a peck of trouble. Thanks
The email client isn't determined by any operator settings - it's user defined (at least that's in my experience). For all other things - MMS, text messages etc, O2 should have included a few other country/operator specific settings inside the autoconfigurator.
I successfully configured mine for Hotmail (although I painfully regretted doing this soon enough, since I had planned to use the device to empty a spam trap, and it was more trouble than it was worth -.-)

How to prevent phone from using certain connections?

I have a Windows Mobile 6 Standard based phone (actually an HP one called IPAQ 514) and would like to configure its connections.
What I want is that my phone does never connect to the internet by my phone provider but only with WLAN and Bluetooh. This means I want to disable the internet by my provider completly. Is this possible?
The setting should be used for all applications on the phone and also for those I'll install in the future. Currently I removed GPRS connections, except for MMS and I removed "DFÜ" (German). Anything more to do?
How to set up Internet Explorer?
Thanks for your help in advance.
Andreas Balzer
I don't want to go online through my provider either so I simply deleted the media net profile on my phone. Not sure how your HP works, but something along those lines should work.
if you want better controll, you can leave all dial up/gprs connections in there for moment when you really need it, and just disable and enable the one you need. this is simple small utility, which do the trick - modaco no data -

[UPDATED 2009-11-24] Company proxy problem - there is a solution (start checking #2)

Hi all,
As far as I know anybody that needs to connect to the internet through a company proxy (3G or wifi), using Win Mobile 6.1 or 6.5, is facing "big problems".
From what I found doing some searches here in xda and in the internet this seems to be due:
- to a "bug" in the proxy configuration sw that keeps to "0" (instead of "1") the "Type" field of the HTTP-{xxxxxxx} key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\ConnMgr\Providers\{EF097F4C-DC4B-4c98-8FF6-AEF805DC0E8E}. In other words is like keeping NullProxy configuration insead of HTTP... But this seems to be an "old bug", now the correct configuration is properly saved (I checked in the 6.5 rom I am using and I can confirm).
- But even if the correct configuration is there the proxy password it is ignored, at least for HTTP (source: )
For that reason, in my experience, the only programs that can access the net are Internet Explorer and Opera, that allow the user to insert account and pw of the proxy and go ahead... And this should confirm that only the configured proxy address is properly used, not the stored account and password...
But now the "surprise":
I can confirm that the following 4 roms ALLOWED ME TO SURF THE NET TRHOUGH A PROXY WITHOUT ANY PROBLEM !!!
I mean update the weather, use GoogleMaps, use MusicID, check sw updates, update GPS data... and so on !!!
The named roms (for the HD) are:
WM 6.5: (NEW !!!)
[ROM][WWE] XannyTechROM GRID LEO M2.5 ROMS (all versions)
(Note: only with the proxy password saved also in Internet Explorer...)
WM 6.1:
[ROM][WWE][24.07.09][21051.1.6.4]-=® panosha ® =-Black Pearl v 3.4 ("open" ROM, as the author says in his first post)
[ROM][ITA][14/04/2009] LP HD EVO II (5.2.21041 build 21042) Latest Manila
And now the question, as the solution must exist:
Where should we look to find the proper configuration in order to finally use it in all other roms ??
I started checking from the registry, but with no success..
I really hope to see some interest in this, as I understand it is not a "really common" problem...
THE SOLUTION ... or at least the "very beginning" of it !!
I start suspecting that when the proxy password is saved also in Internet Explorer the chances to be able to use a company proxy with password are increasing... but I still do not understand...
What follows is what I noticed:
- In the WM 6.5 XannyTech ROMs I am using before saving the IE proxy password ONLY the quick GPS update was working (weather update, google maps, ecc. were not able to connect...). This actually means that both account and password of the configured proxy where properly used... but only from the quick GPS progam...
- When I saved the IE proxy password ALL programs that are using the network properly worked... that means that all programs properly red the proxy address stored in the "network section" and the proxy password from IE...
Can somebody try with other ROMs ??
PS: And why with other ROMs this does not seem to allways happen ??
me 2, the same issue.
I have been trying but still unsuccessfull.
I hope someone can find the solution for this.
Found new rom working
I found another HD rom working properly:
[ROM][WWE] XannyTechROM GRID LEO 1.7b M2.5
So, as I said, a solution exists... but where ??
Regards, K
(PS: First post updated)
Updated post #2
PS: Actually I wrote this post mainly to keep the thread "in the first page"... sorry about that !
I'm using Kisja's WM6.1 ROM (thread) and cannot get proxy to work at my university. I can access local sites, which probably means that there is something wrong with the proxy settings.
But here comes the weird thing: I can check mail through the standard WM e-mail client, and this works great, but I cannot update Manila weather nor surf the web! I've tried both Opera and IE without success.
longice said:
I'm using Kisja's WM6.1 ROM (thread) and cannot get proxy to work at my university. I can access local sites, which probably means that there is something wrong with the proxy settings.
But here comes the weird thing: I can check mail through the standard WM e-mail client, and this works great, but I cannot update Manila weather nor surf the web! I've tried both Opera and IE without success.
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Just to be sure that I understood: are you using account and password to connect to the proxy, or only the address ?
In may case, I use account and password.
And, just to share, some other little things:
- Not all programs are working through a proxy with account and password... for example Midomi works only through a proxyless connection
- This, toghether with what alreay noticed in the previous posts, confirms that there are programs able to use WM proxy configuration and others not...
We will see...
I think that it may be based on the WM build # and what has been removed.
I know I would try dasense's daG's latest kitchen (or equivalent for your phone) without excluding any windows sys packages or certs and running the latest com5 build. 23515.5.5.0
Everything that I've tried works through my company proxy currently.
kostas66 said:
a "bug" in the proxy configuration sw that keeps to "0" (instead of "1") the "Type" field of the HTTP-{xxxxxxx} key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\ConnMgr\Providers\
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If found the responsible for this (at least from what I'm seeing : you have a company proxy set up on your USB ActiveSync connection and as soon as you do a sync the "Type" field goes from "1" to "0" thus disabling the proxy.
You'll find a key in "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Services\App\Tasks" that is something like "DisableProxy", delete this key, restart the phone and you'll be all right.
It seems to me that this is a HTC feature; on some rom it is enabled, not on others... go figure (and I don't know why such a feature exists)
thanks alot
Hello all, I found the solution.
You must:
set the proxy in the APN configuration
connect to the net via Internet Explorer
fill the username and password in Internet Explorer and SAVE it
that's all
This worked for me with the plain rom in the HTC HD2

VOIP SIP cab Internet Telephony on WM6

A very Special Thanks to tucahara, Schap, Jaap de Wolf, Dridder
Note : For HTC devices only, please read 2nd post -below-for non HTC devices.
- 3G, WLan, GPRS Capable
- GPS Works
- Recent Drivers
- Updated Registry
- All Major Codec compatible[ a-law, u-law, GSM ask provider to enable ]
- Integrated with Phone and address Book
- VOIP and Carrier sellectable on today screen
- SIP Tool [ Start Menu WM6.5 or Start Menu-Programes Wm6.1 ]
- Dial Plan Tool [ Start Menu WM6.5 or Start Menu-Programes Wm6.1 ]
- NAT Enabled
- Echo Canceller
- For WM6.1 and WM6.5
- Tested and working on my HD, HD2, Omnia II, Glofiish M700, Touch Pro2[Rhodium], BlueAngel[PDA2K], Xperia X2
- No sound from earpiece ( Please install cab from previous thread but that is only for HTC devices )
These cabs are tested, working with different providers-devices and are not for noobs, if you have come across this before, you will find out, these cabs are the best among them.
Outdated Cabs HERE
For non HTC devices, do the following
- Install one of the cabs post 3 matching your OS.
- Fill all required information in setup voip.
- When you try to save you will get a error
- Close it and Run your GPS program.
- Your GPS with get a lock in few minutes as normal.
- Once you find out your GPS program can see satellites, close it.
- Copy and paste dnsapi.dll into your windows folder
- Restart your device and you will have your gps and voip/sip working
- Make sure to fill information in setupvoip again
New improved cabs
New improved cabs with changed dll. Note : Only for HTC devices. For other non HTC devices, please refer post 2 along with these cabs for optimum results.
Reserved for future2
Reserved for future3
Reserved for future4
Calls hang up immediately after being answered
Voip calls hang up immediately after being answered. No matter which direction.
(Using Omnia 2, WM 6.5)
Any ideas?
nickdo said:
Voip calls hang up immediately after being answered. No matter which direction.
(Using Omnia 2, WM 6.5)
Any ideas?
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Samsung WM6.5 drivers not compatible with dlls. Please look at outdated cabs link above and go to last page for omnia solution. It works fine on my omnia with Wm6.1. I have tried on WM6.5 on Omnia with same results as yours.
So the only possible solution for Omnia 2 is to downgrade to WM 6.1?
nickdo said:
So the only possible solution for Omnia 2 is to downgrade to WM 6.1?
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you are right
Hi dhillonbros,
thanks for your new cabs. But now I am even not able to setup my SIP configurartion with Windows Mobile 6.1 on my Omnia II (as you know it is exactly the same ROM you have).
When trying to save the settings I always get the error message you can see in my attachments. What is going wrong here?
At least storing the settings worked for me with the latest outdated cab for WM 6.1. Do you think you can provide a fix?
That is not right. I have an Omnia 2 i8000 windows mobile 6.5 and I am able to use voip on my phone.It works great )!
1. Don't forget to follow the instructions from .txt file
2. I instaled portgo m
3. AutoAudioRoute V2.0
4. Copy paste dll in windows folder.
My PDA is i8000NXXJJ1
jukefox said:
Hi dhillonbros,
thanks for your new cabs. But now I am even not able to setup my SIP configurartion with Windows Mobile 6.1 on my Omnia II (as you know it is exactly the same ROM you have).
When trying to save the settings I always get the error message you can see in my attachments. What is going wrong here?
At least storing the settings worked for me with the latest outdated cab for WM 6.1. Do you think you can provide a fix?
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Add this file in your windows folder. Thanks
Attached: dnsapi.dll
bbuhas said:
that is not right. I have an omnia 2 i8000 windows mobile 6.5 and i am able to use voip on my works great )!
1. Don't forget to follow the instructions from .txt file
2. I instaled portgo m
3. Autoaudioroute v2.0
4. Copy paste dll in windows folder.
My pda is i8000nxxjj1
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this is not the integrated solution sir. Thanks for time.
dhillonbros said:
Add this file in your windows folder. Thanks
Attached: dnsapi.dll
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OK. Thanks a lot. Settings could have been applied now. But the error after submitting a call is still the same that I had before with the previous cab version.
See the message from the attached screenshot. I tried calling numbers like +491231234 as well as 00491231234 and 01231234 but the error is always the same.
What to do now?
jukefox said:
OK. Thanks a lot. Settings could have been applied now. But the error after submitting a call is still the same that I had before with the previous cab version.
See the message from the attached screenshot. I tried calling numbers like +491231234 as well as 00491231234 and 01231234 but the error is always the same.
What to do now?
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There is nothing wrong with these cabs by looking on your images. either there is a problem with your local network or its your internet provider who doesnt supports or block voip packets. you only need one codec out of three, your phone wil self configure with provided codec. Can you untick SIP ALG service in both modem and router you may be using. If its not that then change your provider to based). Let me know your results
dhillonbros said:
There is nothing wrong with these cabs by looking on your images. either there is a problem with your local network or its your internet provider who doesnt supports or block voip packets. you only need one codec out of three, your phone wil self configure with provided codec. Can you untick SIP ALG service in both modem and router you may be using. If its not that then change your provider to based). Let me know your results
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My phone works great with other not integrated solutions like PortSIP or AGEphone Mobile, so my network is fine. And there should not be a problem with the codecs as well as PortSIP (I don't of the codecs AGEphone uses) uses G711U, G711A and GSM as well (I know of them because theses codecs are configurable over the GUI).
I use AVM FRITZ!Box 7390 as modem / router with its own SIP registrar. That means my Omnia II is configured to use my FRITZ!Box as a SIP server whereas my FIRTZ!Box is connected to my VoIP service provider (the popular German internet provider 1&1) and redirects the VoIP packets to them. It is totally transparent to the SIP client therefore no STUN / ALG (I never heard about ALG before) is used between the SIP client and my FRITZ!Box.
I am not willing to create an account at because I definitely want to use the phone numbers I got from my ISP but I may provide you credentials for testing purposes to use a phone number from my ISP if you like.
PortSIP runs with the codec G711U as well as G711A with my provider 1&1. GSM does not work.
Moreover I tested a different VoIP configuration on my Omnia II against as an alternative to my routers SIP registrar with the same result.
I still assume a problem with the cabs. I really want to invite you to try to reproduce my problem by connecting against either by creating an own totally free account with registration to a SIP provider of your choice (I may help you with the configuration at pbxes) or by running against my own account at with a number of my ISP.
Please let me know whether you are interested then I will PM you the settings you need for temporary usage. Of course I will donate for your help.
jukefox said:
PortSIP runs with the codec G711U as well as G711A with my provider 1&1. GSM does not work.
Moreover I tested a different VoIP configuration on my Omnia II against as an alternative to my routers SIP registrar with the same result.
I still assume a problem with the cabs. I really want to invite you to try to reproduce my problem by connecting against either by creating an own totally free account with registration to a SIP provider of your choice (I may help you with the configuration at pbxes) or by running against my own account at with a number of my ISP.
Please let me know whether you are interested then I will PM you the settings you need for temporary usage. Of course I will donate for your help.
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Thanks for testing it out. On my omnia ii it is working with no problem with great voice clarity. I have changed few setting and tweaked for a-law. My provider is I still believe there must be some setting which needs enabling in your modem/router. can you bypass your routing by using differnt modem/router without server. Thanks
dhillonbros said:
Thanks for testing it out. On my omnia ii it is working with no problem with great voice clarity. I have changed few setting and tweaked for a-law. My provider is I still believe there must be some setting which needs enabling in your modem/router. can you bypass your routing by using differnt modem/router without server. Thanks
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Hello again,
I already bypassed my router by configuring my account, didn't I? Anyway I now switched my router with integrated telephony services support by an older FRITZ!Box 3130 without telephony services to exclude any conflicts with reserved ports or somewhat else. And you know it: Same result.
Last but not least I tried a connection over 3G by activating that option within the configuration. But I failed already with selecting the service. The search action did not succeed.
I'm running out of ideas. What now? Shall I setup an account for you? I really wanna see whether you are able to reproduce my problem or not.
Thanks a lot.

