New Exec Owner - Help Please .... - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Hey gurus
being a proud owner of new xda exec (O2 UK) 've got the following questions .....
1) Wireless Modem --- How can I use my exec's browsing on my laptop either by bluetooth or usb ? I tried with bluetooth where in which I can detect my laptop in my device and i started wireless modem (selecting bluetooth) and clicked 'start'...later from laptop's bluetooth wizard i initiated dial-up-networking and GOT STUCK! wats my user id and password and which number to dial ? i tried giving my mobile number(device mobile number) without any user id and password but with no joy...all i got is error message saying that couldn't connect ....Retry
2) Terminal Client -- All I understood from manufacturer's provided guide and forums is this just like pcAnywhere stuff -- controlling remote computres..... i 'm interested in doing the same with my laptop... I tried here but which server name should i give while configuring it in the device ? even if i give my computer name how on earth it can detect my laptop ? shud i do some config change in my laptop like making it visible externally ???
3) GPRS vs WAP -- My exec is preloaded with both as it comes with Welcome Browse & Download tariff of O2. I've got one ready-made connection under 'My ISP' and 'My Work Network' which are as follows :
Name - 'Mobile Web' of type Cellular Line(GPRS, 3G)
Access point --
My Work Netwrk
Name - 'O2 Active' of type Cellular Line (GPRS, 3G)
Access point --
As GPRS is charged based on content downloaded where as WAP is charged based on the online duration (correct me if i'm wrong pls )... what should i do if i always wants to use GPRS ? Can i delete 'My work Network' as it's access point is pointing to WAP?? Am i correct in saying this ?? If i delete this wud u see any probs in browsing and other functionalities of my device???
4) Active Sync Support Code 85010014 -- Searched a lot on this nasty bug and all i found is remedy but not the fix
lately i 'm finding myself reinstalling outlook everytime when i want to sync my outlook stuff ?? but no user reported such frequent reinstallations ?? is it something really gone crazy with my outlook ?? btw i installed outlook from the provided cd and synching my lotus notes with it by 'Outlook Connector for Domino' (downloaded from microsoft site).... its practically not feasible to reinstall everytime isn't it i'm looking either to get rid of this nasty bug or other means of synching my lotus notes into my device preferably freeware pls....
Thanks in advance...
Looking forward to your expert replies ...

OK, i can give a bit of insite on 2 points
2) For you to be able to connect to a machine remotely with TSC, it must be running Windows XP Pro, Server 2000 or server 2003. and have it enabled under controlpannel > System > Remote Tab.
As names translate to IPs through DNS, the computername should be fine, aslong as your device is on the same network segment (subnet) as the machine you are trying to connect to, otherwise IP is needed.
3 think of WAP as a highway, and GPRS and GSM as the cars. GSM is pay by time, and GPRS is pay by byte. Wap is just the type of connection, and you will need the wap connection to access O2 active (If it is anything like voda, you will only be ableto get O2 active through this, and you will neeed to use the other one for normal net browsing)

heliosfa said:
OK, i can give a bit of insite on 2 points
2) For you to be able to connect to a machine remotely with TSC, it must be running Windows XP Pro, Server 2000 or server 2003. and have it enabled under controlpannel > System > Remote Tab.
As names translate to IPs through DNS, the computername should be fine, aslong as your device is on the same network segment (subnet) as the machine you are trying to connect to, otherwise IP is needed.
3 think of WAP as a highway, and GPRS and GSM as the cars. GSM is pay by time, and GPRS is pay by byte. Wap is just the type of connection, and you will need the wap connection to access O2 active (If it is anything like voda, you will only be ableto get O2 active through this, and you will neeed to use the other one for normal net browsing)
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Thanks heliosfa....'m waiting for other replies aswell...

kasu said:
heliosfa said:
OK, i can give a bit of insite on 2 points
2) For you to be able to connect to a machine remotely with TSC, it must be running Windows XP Pro, Server 2000 or server 2003. and have it enabled under controlpannel > System > Remote Tab.
As names translate to IPs through DNS, the computername should be fine, aslong as your device is on the same network segment (subnet) as the machine you are trying to connect to, otherwise IP is needed.
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regarding the nasty bug "Synchronization Error 85010014" found info in microsoft active sync faqs ----
installed AS 4.1 and till now it seems to be working fine.... but frankly i don't trust MICROSOFT products....
lets see ....
try your luck...
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Access network share via WiFi

I had a JasJar and before it PDA2k and with both I could not mount network shares on my local home network. I write the address in file explorer in the format \\\share where the share share does not even have a password and is share to everybody and the phone can not recognize the share.
It does see other devices on the local netword for example it can browse the Internet and access my routers web based admin but not the share.
Other computers on my home network can access the share.\
I heard there are programs that help in doing this, but is there no direct or free way to do this?
Try using Resco File Explorer in which you will be able to map shared network folders and then you can access them from File Explorer directly, it even support possword protected shared items.
Im using the standard file explorer, it works fine. I start by typing \\P4 which eventually shows my shares, and then I can navigate as I want.
still can not connect to share
Nasdaq, which version of windows do do you have the share on. Are there any special settings?
It gives me "network path was not found" always then "Network resource can not be found or you do not have the permission to access the network".
The share has no password, on windows it just logs me in without any further input.
I am using the openpath in the file explorer.
May be you need to check once again about IP Addresses and Default Gateway settings, which is not allowing you to connect with your LAN.
--Universal can't connect to Windows Server 2003--
Cant map to a Windows 2003 Server share? Is it also a Domain Controller? Check the server for
start / programs / administraton tools / Domain Controller Security Policy
Then check Local Policies / Security Options :
Microsoft Network Server: Digitally sign communications (always)
change to disabled
that will stop your universal from accessing a share normal windows machines can access.,.
Access shares problem is on Windows XP
This problem is on WindowsXP share not on windows server.
Also the imate can access the Internet and even the administration of the router, so I gues it has full TCP/IP abililty.
Are there any workgroup settings that I need to do?
Sorry for not getting back earlier, my share is on an XP sp1 box.
What I would REALLY like to do is browse my Exec over wifi from my PC. :?
Anyone got any other advice on this one?
Can't access my network shares with // etc either?
I can't access shares by using the IP, I have to use the name of the machine: \\azhad instead of \\
Hi Guys,
what is this sharing stuff u r talking about?
Please excuse me for this newbee question but i want to know about what sort of sharing etc can i do with my Exec and Laptop, like exploring files on laptop from Exec or other way around?
My laptop has Windows XP sp2 and i use wireless router to share my broadband
many thnx......
Try this up
I had the same problem accessing network shares on my Universal...
I was also typing IP address in Resco Explorer and it was not working.
But I could make it work using the computer name. I have no idea why it work whil with basic ip address it couldn't, but at least I am able to browse my computer folder and play video files.
So try using "\\computername\share" to see if it's working.
I tried
I tried doing that, using the computer name. It takes more time to tell me that it can not access the server.
I think that to resolve the name of the computer it needs a wins server, is that correct?
Could it also be in your network settings if you set your network as internet or connects to work?
to Jatt
Jatt theoretically you should be able to create a network share on any computer on your network and be able to access it on your phone. This is really handy since you would not need to activesync to exchange files.
But note that for JasJar/Exec or any WM5 device you can not sync over the network just share files.
To ehabh
Thanks for trying to help me out but can u tell me how do i create a network share on my computer? please
Thanks again
Same problem
I've got the same problem. I can connect to the internet through my router but for the life of me I can't connect to the shared on my PC (XP SP2). I know it's not a problem with my EXEC because I can connect to my PC at work. I can see my PC in the device list but not connect to it.
The first time I tried to connect using Resco Explorer 05 I managed to ge the screen asking for log-on details, but never got any further as it said my passwork was incorrect. Since then I've never managed to get the log-on screen back only an error say the network resource was unavailable.
I've ran the XP network set-up wizard more times than I can count, changed my PC settings manually but still had no luck. Has no one figured out what we're doing wrong?
I didn't really understand the machine name issue as I don't have any WINS or DNS server at home... But for me it worked...
Anyway you should try to temporarily disable your personnal firewall (On the computer you're trying to access) just to see if it is not blocking network traffic for the windows sharing.
If it is the problem, then you have to configure your firwall to stop blocking this traffic...
Sorry, but it's all I know...

Messenger using port 80?

Is there such a thing?
Im using unlimited internet plan for port 80 which means i can surf over the net for html pages with no additional charge.
Now my question is if theres a messenger that uses that port so i dont must wifi or data plan to use it?
im not sure but you could try ebuddy, or any other html based messenger
if you have access to a vpn, ssh-server or a proxy server you can tunnel your connection through them which is supported by almost every mobile messenger client.
use open vpn, a good solution to create and use a tunnel via your pc connection, than your pc will be the server that you can connect on with your 3g+ connection.
i tried that today with success, and used msn messenger and push mail, all with my wap Sfr connection, that use the port 80.
use google for research, and send a message if you need help....i'll try even if my english is not perfect....but think i can help.
benastuce said:
use open vpn, a good solution to create and use a tunnel via your pc connection, than your pc will be the server that you can connect on with your 3g+ connection.
i tried that today with success, and used msn messenger and push mail, all with my wap Sfr connection, that use the port 80.
use google for research, and send a message if you need help....i'll try even if my english is not perfect....but think i can help.
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The same thing happens in portugal with the Carriers! only html traffic is allowed. Good thing there is this workaround!
going to do that now..
benastuce said:
use open vpn, a good solution to create and use a tunnel via your pc connection, than your pc will be the server that you can connect on with your 3g+ connection.
i tried that today with success, and used msn messenger and push mail, all with my wap Sfr connection, that use the port 80.
use google for research, and send a message if you need help....i'll try even if my english is not perfect....but think i can help.
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i dtried to look for howto's in order to understand how it works..
i didnt really got it.
i'd be glad if you explain it here shortly,
it will be available for the rest of the guys either
you can use a simple ssh server for tunneling, too. that's more simple than the configuration of a whole vpn.
First you have to have con trol over such a server (I use a vserver of mine), than have the server listen on not only the ssh port but also a http one(if you have a webserver too running in the ssh server host, you maybe can't useport 80, but luckily my provider has also port 8080 open, because it is often used for http proxies).
now download pocketputty from the internet.
in the session tab enter yout servers ip and choose ssh, but change the port to 8080.
now go to the tunnel tab (as there are many tabs, maybe you cant see it at first, but it's there).
now you enter a free port on your mobile in the source field (I use 50 for example), the destination is the ip of your ssh server, and check dynamic. now click add.
then change back to the session tab, give you settings a name in the field stored sessions and klick save.
now the settings are stored and you can start the connection by double klicken on the name of your session that is now listed unter (Default Settings) in the sessions list.
The ssh connection will open and you will to have to log you into the ssh server, with a user (the name is not important, and it needn't to be the super user ;-) ), that has a shell.
when you're logged in open your mobile icq client. now go to the proxy settings of it and choose socks as proxy server type, the proxy address is localhost and the port the one you chose in the source field in the ppcoektputty tunnel tab. (so putty is your local socks proxy server).
now you should be able to connect thorugh the ssh tunnel to icq.
if you use your mobile sionmetimes as modem for a laptop, the trick works very similiar with the normal putty and a non mobile windows ;-)
bcom said:
you can use a simple ssh server for tunneling, too. that's more simple than the configuration of a whole vpn.
First you have to have con trol over such a server (I use a vserver of mine), than have the server listen on not only the ssh port but also a http one(if you have a webserver too running in the ssh server host, you maybe can't useport 80, but luckily my provider has also port 8080 open, because it is often used for http proxies).
now download pocketputty from the internet.
in the session tab enter yout servers ip and choose ssh, but change the port to 8080.
now go to the tunnel tab (as there are many tabs, maybe you cant see it at first, but it's there).
now you enter a free port on your mobile in the source field (I use 50 for example), the destination is the ip of your ssh server, and check dynamic. now click add.
then change back to the session tab, give you settings a name in the field stored sessions and klick save.
now the settings are stored and you can start the connection by double klicken on the name of your session that is now listed unter (Default Settings) in the sessions list.
The ssh connection will open and you will to have to log you into the ssh server, with a user (the name is not important, and it needn't to be the super user ;-) ), that has a shell.
when you're logged in open your mobile icq client. now go to the proxy settings of it and choose socks as proxy server type, the proxy address is localhost and the port the one you chose in the source field in the ppcoektputty tunnel tab. (so putty is your local socks proxy server).
now you should be able to connect thorugh the ssh tunnel to icq.
if you use your mobile sionmetimes as modem for a laptop, the trick works very similiar with the normal putty and a non mobile windows ;-)
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I really got lost...
I couldnt find application for ssh server which i understand how to work with..
i wouldnt mind some help...
first you need a server in the internet for that, because you need an endpoint for the ssh connection.
as i said i have a linux server under my control. if you don't have an internet server or access to one with a ssh account, which I doubt reading your post, this solution isn't maybe the best for you, because have such a server costs about 8-10 euro or dollars a month, and as I need it for other things to, this costs are ok for me.
an alternative maybe would be an vpn account by a vpn provider which costs less, but then the way to get it to work is a bit differnet.
I just thought I could set up such a server on my own computer...if possible.
I did understand i can do that, but i didnt understand how
Nevermind, I will try other solutions..
hmm, this would be possible, but your computer would have to be reachable under a fest address from the internet (which oculd be done using dyndns). Are you using windows or linux in your machine?
Usually my computer is online all the time, so it wouldnt be a problem
And using a dynamic hostname with dyndns is what I thought about at first place.
my pc is running windows
eranyanay said:
i dtried to look for howto's in order to understand how it works..
i didnt really got it.
i'd be glad if you explain it here shortly,
it will be available for the rest of the guys either
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i made exactly this its in french....hope it helps..but i can always answer if any question or translation...see you.
begin to craete a vpn server on your pc first...try to make it run using the config file...than we'll see....beleive me i didn't get any help and i'm quite a noob in network connection...but make it work...
benastuce said:
i made exactly this its in french....hope it helps..but i can always answer if any question or translation...see you.
begin to craete a vpn server on your pc first...try to make it run using the config file...than we'll see....beleive me i didn't get any help and i'm quite a noob in network connection...but make it work...
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Thank you for your help.
I used that guide and Im not sure about the last stage, when creating the client.ovpn file,
in the line 'remote' - i leave it xx.xx.xx.xx ? They didnt mention different...
And after that, How do I config the vpn connection on my mobile? I need a step by step in this stage because I dont want extra-charging....
eranyanay said:
Thank you for your help.
I used that guide and Im not sure about the last stage, when creating the client.ovpn file,
in the line 'remote' - i leave it xx.xx.xx.xx ? They didnt mention different...
And after that, How do I config the vpn connection on my mobile? I need a step by step in this stage because I dont want extra-charging....
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instead of XX.xx.xx.xx you must fill your internet IP thaht you can see here, and may be you have to change port to 443 instead of 80 in config files....that works with me,dont forget port forwarding in your router if you have one, mens you have to redirect incoming connection on port 80, and 443 to the pc that have openvpn.
but first of all you have to make your server work on the pc, some times you have to kill openvpn activites making CTRL+ALT+Del, to make open vpn GUi work and the vpn connect....see for next episode.
im kind of stuck again....
I configured the vpn program and did everything by the guide,
Now i need to add a vpn connection to my regular 3g settings?
I did that, with my IP address, and it asks for user and password
i assumed its tcp-client like in the config file,
and password one of the keys in key.txt file..
but it doesnt work.
or i didnt do it right.
eranyanay said:
im kind of stuck again....
I configured the vpn program and did everything by the guide,
Now i need to add a vpn connection to my regular 3g settings?
I did that, with my IP address, and it asks for user and password
i assumed its tcp-client like in the config file,
and password one of the keys in key.txt file..
but it doesnt work.
or i didnt do it right.
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So, when you launch open vpn on your PC, with the GUI (the incon of open vpn on the bureau), do you have the little yellow incon down right your pc screen and a message of connection must first of all secceed to make your vpn work...after for the pocket pc its really nothing.....
PS: the client config must be in the config folder of your ppc with the key....personnally i made a copy of the key in the base folder of the device cause sometimes the key is not detected in the config folder.
and important to set your connection on "my work network" not wap in the avanced connections configuration.....but tell you make a seccessful vpn connection first and for the ppc its will be a joke...
benastuce said:
So, when you launch open vpn on your PC, with the GUI (the incon of open vpn on the bureau), do you have the little yellow incon down right your pc screen and a message of connection must first of all secceed to make your vpn work...after for the pocket pc its really nothing.....
PS: the client config must be in the config folder of your ppc with the key....personnally i made a copy of the key in the base folder of the device cause sometimes the key is not detected in the config folder.
and important to set your connection on "my work network" not wap in the avanced connections configuration.....but tell you make a seccessful vpn connection first and for the ppc its will be a joke...
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and finally don't set any vpn network on your ppc just install open vpn for ppc, i gave you the soft link...thats you need to set later....dont touch anything in your connections sittings except to set your connections on "my work network when you use vpn"....CARAY....
I'll come back for next episode....see you
benastuce said:
and finally don't set any vpn network on your ppc just install open vpn for ppc, i gave you the soft link...thats you need to set later....dont touch anything in your connections sittings except to set your connections on "my work network when you use vpn"....CARAY....
I'll come back for next episode....see you
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Ok, i feel like it comes to an end...
the vpn server on my pc is working, the application openvpn.exe is running in the background and i do have that network enabled and running.
I found and installed open vpn for ppc,
its a bit annoying it cant run on a window and that its running on the background screen, meaning my touchflow (im using htc diamond) is hiding it, so i need to disable the touchflow when i need to configure the app.
(maybe solutions?)
now i need to copy the configuration files and the key file i have in the config folder of the computer to the ppc folder?
And what next?
eranyanay said:
Ok, i feel like it comes to an end...
the vpn server on my pc is working, the application openvpn.exe is running in the background and i do have that network enabled and running.
I found and installed open vpn for ppc,
its a bit annoying it cant run on a window and that its running on the background screen, meaning my touchflow (im using htc diamond) is hiding it, so i need to disable the touchflow when i need to configure the app.
(maybe solutions?)
now i need to copy the configuration files and the key file i have in the config folder of the computer to the ppc folder?
And what next?
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Click to collapse you have to copy the key.txt in the ppc config folder....with the client config.opvn(2 files), i learned somewhere yhat you have to copy the key in the main ppc directory also...i did it....see this video on this site....that can help much feed backs ...i'm here tonight...

Remote Desktop

Ok peeps i downloaded the from one of the threads in the forum. I installed it but i cannot connect to my pc. Here are the fields and what i put in them.
computer - i put my ip address
user name - i put my admin acc name not the pc name. Is that correct?
password - well yeah....
domain - i leave this one empty, cause i don't use one.
Now, when i click connect...the following appears.
connection status ok
Cannot connect. Likely
reasons are:
1. Specified computer name
or ip does not exist.
2. A network error occurred
while establishing the connection.
Does aynone know what the problem might be???
I use win xp pro sp2
I got a router.
In the field i put the ip thats shown when i visit one fo the "what is my ip" sites LOL.
I am making this reply through my remote desktop connection...
Computer IP addr. is the Actual IP address of you Desktop computer...
UserAcctount info: use the Administrator's user name and password
Domain not needed if not on a enterprise network!
Make sure on your Desktop computer under system setting.....
You allow remote connection to the computer.
If you are on your computer when you connect to it with your X1. The screen will "logout the user out" and show it is being remotely access!
Could someone point me to a remotedesktop cab that is sure to work on the Xperia?
There's a lot of them...
Here is the link to post. There is a reply I made with an attached cab..
I have beeen using this with my xperia without any problems.. I have access:
Vista 64bit sp1
Server 2000 sp2
server 2003 sp1
The above post was assuming your are accessing through your local net!!
If you are accessing through the INTERNET is a bit different!!
The Ip Address Will be the One that is display through Whatismyip!!
But you will also have to make an Entry into the "pinhole" list in your router. This pinhole entry will be pointing to your PC your are trying to access!!
So when you access your INTERNET IP address(router) it will direct this traffic toward your PC!!
scl_electronics said:
The above post was assuming your are accessing through your local net!!
If you are accessing through the INTERNET is a bit different!!
The Ip Address Will be the One that is display through Whatismyip!!
But you will also have to make an Entry into the "pinhole" list in your router. This pinhole entry will be pointing to your PC your are trying to access!!
So when you access your INTERNET IP address(router) it will direct this traffic toward your PC!!
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please elaborate...
and something else...
I don't have a tab named "remote" when i click on system. I'm using a custom xp pro and the guy who did it apparently deleted all remote functions Is there a download or something to fix that.
orelsi said:
please elaborate...
and something else...
I don't have a tab named "remote" when i click on system. I'm using a custom xp pro and the guy who did it apparently deleted all remote functions Is there a download or something to fix that.
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Well on the local network side, your ip address should be So access directly through your wifi network, You will need the Local address of the computer.
Then on the Internet side. the router/gateway acts like a smart traffic cop! It directs the traffic from your PC destine for the Internet. Also it redirect response traffic from the Internet to the specific Computer that has made a request on the Internet!!
But remote access is different. You on your X1 is Initiating contact through the Internet to a computer that is behind the Router/Gateway. So for this traffic to be directed to the right computer, a Pinhole is created. A pinhole is essentially a direct route through the router for the Internet traffic to be directed to the correct PC!!
Well on a custom XP install it is hard to tell if just the services were turned off. Or they were actually removed!! In this case it sound like one of the Remote access service like GoToMyPC would be easier. Unless you want to re-install a FULL version of XP Pro!!
All is not loss yet! Also check on MS knowledge-base support site. do a search for this exact problem. There might be a download for the remote access service!!
Good Luck,

How to configure a (free) VPN?... as it's possible with IPhone

Hi Leo users,
I would like to configure my Leo so as to use a VPN.
With my Laptop, I use a free VPN that we can find at
And it works fine for surf. at home or on publicWiFi...
My problem is that I try and try to configure it on my Leo, but it's not working.
I saw a tutorial on IPhone3 and it seems to work !!! and it works on one XP computer and another one on Vista.
We can find an explanation "How to" for Windows XP at :
We can find an explanation (in french, sorry) for IPhone3 at the end of'une_connexion_PPTP_(VPN)#Sous_un_OS_mobile .
Please, would you like to explain me how to configure?
just some precision on what I do, and what can be done...
With Leo :
I select "Comm Manager"/Menu/Connexions
then "new VPN connexion"
Name : My VPN
Host Name:
User Name : my_login
password : my_password
Domain : -nil-
the pictures for Leo:
With Iphone :
select for a new one
"PPTP" protocole
Description : My VPN
Server :
Account : my_login
password : my_password
and that's all.
pictures for IPhone :
So, I'm sure that it can be done on our Leo as it seems very simple on IPhone... but I'm not able to do it.
Please, may I have your help.
you can use a proxycab program to do it for you
civilization said:
you can use a proxycab program to do it for you
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Hi civilization,
thanks for your answer.
I'm not sure to well understand.
I think "proxycab" is to use a proxy...
if it's that, this is not exactly what I expect because a proxy doesn't encrypt data as VPN do.
I want to use a VPN because public Network (or Network of a competitor) are not safe.
It's really easy to configure a VPN connexion on a XP or Vista laptop, but hard (for me) to configure it on Leo.
Hi all VPNers
I have unfortunate and official information for anyone hoping to use PPTP VPN connections. Apparently Microsoft implementation of MPPE is not compatible with microsoft's very own mobile OS...shocking.
A supplier who was dealing with MS told me:
> The VPN product doesn't work with Windows Mobile 6. Well, it kind of
> does, but it doesn't right now, and I think we're going to remove the
> setup instructions.
> Windows Mobile 6 doesn't actually support the encryption part of the
> tunnel. What you're reading is correct: Windows Mobile doesn't
> support Microsoft's own encryption protocol. That's why you're
> getting disconnected immediately when you try to browse.
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LT2P/IPSEC work perfectly with WinMo 6+ however.
There are 2 ways around this:
1: Find a software client that works with Windows Mobile and supports PP2P MPPE (none exist that I am aware of)
2: Find a VPN supplier who will provide you with LT2P connections. Though in my experience those are quite rare and expensive
Hi jagnet,
like in your signature, I hope I might say "I reject your reality and substitute my own"...
but what you answer is incredible.
it's so easy to configure a VPN (PPTP) in a laptop (OS Windows, or Ubuntu, or Mac OS X), or a mobile like IPhone OS 3.
I can't imagine that it's not possible in our Windows Mobile 6.5 as we have an option to choose between IPSec/L2TP and PPTP !!!
see :
Arghhhh, Windows kill me.
did you find another solution, not too expensive?
have tried surfing the web on 3G network?
fredcom2 said:
Hi jagnet,
like in your signature, I hope I might say "I reject your reality and substitute my own"...
but what you answer is incredible.
it's so easy to configure a VPN (PPTP) in a laptop (OS Windows, or Ubuntu, or Mac OS X), or a mobile like IPhone OS 3.
I can't imagine that it's not possible in our Windows Mobile 6.5 as we have an option to choose between IPSec/L2TP and PPTP !!!
did you find another solution, not too expensive?
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Yes you can select PPTP in WinMo but it still won't allow any data to pass on a PPTP connection with MPPE (i.e. 99% of routers, services and providers) A major oversight at the Windows Mobile Developers Lab.
Aaaaanyhow, I found perhaps a complex but free method which works if your don't mind some of your connection being insecure.
1: You'll need a spare server (I have too many at home )
2: Set that server up to act as a proxy
3: Set that server to connect to your VPN Provider
4: Setup your phone to use your Server as a Proxy
5: All data will then pass onto your proxy which will pass on to the VPN.
Another much more secure, though complex method is:
1: You'll need a spare server
2: Set that server up to act as a L2TP SERVER
3: Set that server to connect as a CLIENT to your VPN Provider
4: Setup your phone to connect to YOUR server with the L2TP connection (which works in WinMo and is more secure than PPTP anyway)
5: Your phone will then send all that to your server which will securely pass all data to your VPN provider.
Et voilĂ , your phone will pass all data through your VPN. Not secure but it works. If you need a more detailed walk-through let me know
You could also try any of the L2TP VPN providers but they're rare and usually more expensive.
What do mean by "a spare server"? how can i do that?
Hi jagnet,
thanks for your solutions.
the first one seems to be "unsecure" as datas are not encrypted between the phone and the spare server (and be sniffed).
the second seems good... but though complex.
In fact, I don't know how to create a spare server at home, I don't know the material that can and should be use... and yes I'm a noob and I need help;-)
arghh, why its not as easy as for a windows netbook... or for an Iphone
Hello all,
I also tried PPTP VPN connections via my HTC HD2 with WM 6.5.
The connection works fine:
- I can see on the W2K3 server, in the event log, that a new VPN client connected well (and I can also see the IP that has been attributed to the client)
- I can see in the active connection lists on the HTC HD2 the VPN connected
BUT, as soon as I try to transfer data, using VNC or Opera (for example), the VPN connection is closed!
What's wrong with this VPN implementation in WM6.5?
I'm really frustrated... Do you think it's linked to the unsupported PPTP MPPE?
Thanks for your advice.
Hello Mrhankry,
I am looking for a PPTP VPN connection at HD2.
I try here:
Settings / Connections / Connections / Manage existing connections
It doesnt have VPN Tab on this wm6.5....
It did have on wm6.1....
Can you explain where do you do this connection???
ROM version: 1.66.405.2
OS version: 5.2.21869
Manila version: 2.5.19211619.0
Joao Claudio
mrhankey_ch said:
Hello all,
I also tried PPTP VPN connections via my HTC HD2 with WM 6.5.
The connection works fine:
- I can see on the W2K3 server, in the event log, that a new VPN client connected well (and I can also see the IP that has been attributed to the client)
- I can see in the active connection lists on the HTC HD2 the VPN connected
BUT, as soon as I try to transfer data, using VNC or Opera (for example), the VPN connection is closed!
What's wrong with this VPN implementation in WM6.5?
I'm really frustrated... Do you think it's linked to the unsupported PPTP MPPE?
Thanks for your advice.
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It's so strange that I can use VPN over wifi, but it does not work over UMTS. Anyone has it work?
namth56 said:
It's so strange that I can use VPN over wifi, but it does not work over UMTS. Anyone has it work?
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Normally unless you have a Business account from TMO you cannot use VPN , because you are NAT'd and behind their proxy server, now it seems in some places it will work, due to different configs at that data endpoint, but, for reliable VPN on TMO you need their Business internet/VPN package ..
watcher64 said:
Normally unless you have a Business account from TMO you cannot use VPN , because you are NAT'd and behind their proxy server, now it seems in some places it will work, due to different configs at that data endpoint, but, for reliable VPN on TMO you need their Business internet/VPN package ..
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Hi watcher64,
I dont think it's a carrier problem, because when I use my PC with dial-up connection on my phone, the VPN client on my PC works.
I have tried some provider and got the same problem.

HOWTO get Eduroam working

Some univeristies use a WLan called EduROAM.
But somehow HTC HD2 cant connect to it.Seems like a personal certificate is the problem.
Has anyone got this working on HD2 ?
It works on Nokia phones running Windows mobile 6.5
you need to download one of the latest version of securew2 client from your uni website or the developer's website. follow instruction to set up the connection given by your uni IT department.
I'm using eduroam connection now in UCL.
Thanks for your answer.
I downloaded securew2
But I still cant get it to work.
Do you have to provide this information on your campus ?
SSID: eduroam
authentication: WPA2
kryptering: AES
authentication: MSCHAP v2
For me WPA1 works better, also AES is wrong. Then you select "Secure W2" in the drop down box not peap. SecureW2 needs to be configured as well. Your university should provide you with that info. You usually don't need the radius part with the cert! That's just to protect you from connecting to the wrong network (and thus giving them your password).
Above information about WPA2 is from my campus informationsite.
After I made some settings on "Eduroam connection" i cant change them.
As soon as push eduroam it tries to connect.
The only way to change them is to install a new rom, so that the phone is
like it was from the first time.
quart666 said:
Some univeristies use a WLan called EduROAM.
But somehow HTC HD2 cant connect to it.Seems like a personal certificate is the problem.
Has anyone got this working on HD2 ?
It works on Nokia phones running Windows mobile 6.5
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I took my mobile to my University's IT Department and they set it up for me and it works great, I get all of my student emails directly to my mobile. Hope this helps.
bahardman said:
I took my mobile to my University's IT Department and they set it up for me and it works great, I get all of my student emails directly to my mobile. Hope this helps.
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ROM version ?
In my case,
I download SecureW2 personal client 2.04 ce, install it on my phone via active sync.
Settings>Menu>All settings>Connection>Wifi>Wireless networks>Menu>Add new
and start configuring the settings. Different network will have different settings.
I don't think ROM version matters in this case. It should work with your device, if you got the right SecureW2 client and settings set up on your phone.
Btw, IT department or university's website should provide sufficient information for you to set up the connection.
Good luck.
The IT people cant get it to work......
They say that they cant get it to work on HD2.
Thats why I turned to you guys.
Still no luck, secureW2 keeps asking for user/pass, and yes I know its the right user/pass. A friend at work tried his username and it doesnt workl either.
If I connect to Eduroam on my pc it works, so nothing wrong with user/pass
quart666 said:
The IT people cant get it to work......
They say that they cant get it to wrok on HD2.
Thats why I turned to you guys.
Still no luck, secureW2 keeps asking for user/pass
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You might need to get another version of secureW2 client.
I tried a secureW2 client provided by my uni and i faced the same problem as you. It kept on prompting me for username and password. I changed to another client (SecureW2_Personal_Client_204_CE), downloaded from SecureW2 forum, and it worked great!
During the installation of the client, registration is needed, i could register and install it couple of times on my phone without any problem. However, yesterday when i tried to reinstall the client after upgrading my ROM, the installation failed at the registration part. Maybe because they stop providing the free version?
I managed to get it installed on my phone again via activesync though.
Cant find that version.
I downloaded version SecureW2_Enterprise_Mobile_313_GA_TRIAL.exe
I still cant get it to work
Chalmers University of Technology uses Thawte premium server certificate for authentication.
What you need to do is this, go to Thawtes website and download their certificates:
(Apparently I cannot post links, but just google for "thawte root certificate" the file is at www dot thawte dot com slash roots)
The certificate you need is located in the folder Thawte Roots\Thawte SSLWeb Server Roots\thawte Premium Server CA\Thawte Premium Server CA.cer
Download that to your HTC HD2 and install it by just clicking it in the file browser on your phone.
Then you can just follow the instructions you found at their webpage.
Hope this helps.
how to connect to EDUroam
Firstly, this refers to connecting an HTC android phone (specifically the HTC Desire, but what I get from the web is that they are all much the same, these HTC android interfaces).
The problem starts when an innocent user looks for a WiFi network and finds eduroam. It then asks for not particularly relevant password information and cannot connect because the configuration of the default network setup is wrong. If you try to get the phone to forget that network it appears to do so that when you reconnect it still assumes that the connection was correctly set up. In order to get it to forget their network properly you have to enter the wrong password several times so that the phone thinks you have illegally trying to access the network. It then completely forgets.
The network discovery procedure will again come up with EDUroam, and the configuration should follow the instructions on the following website from Oxford University: <search for android eduroam oxford in Google>
In fact the names given on the HTC desire setup are slightly different. The important thing is that the EAP type should be PEAP, and the secondary type should be MSCHAPv2.
You then enter the username which will be effectively your registered e-mail address at your own institution, and then use as a password the thing eduroam calls "network access token" (16 lower case alphabetic character password generated for you if you buy your institution on request.
You then connect up and miraculously you have the connection you wish!
You should check that the connection is mobile roaming capability on your phone and checking that you really do have Internet and e-mail access as you wish through the WiFi connection directly.
I have been looking for the SecureW2 Personal Client 2.0.4 for Windows CE package (original filename: ""). I have been unable to find it and the sources given in this thread no longer exist or are no longer available.
If anyone has the file, please provide it.

