Delete SimContacts from Contatc just works until next Reset - XPERIA X1 General

I either use the Xperia Tweal, Advanced Config or direct Registry manupilation ShowSim=0 but all I do, after a reset they are back again and showsim is back to 1. What the hack is changing my setting back to some "default" after a regular reset?
Cheers - Susan


How to make a cab file to modify the registry ?

I'm trying to make a cab file that deletes the [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Shell\TaskSwitch] key or that imports a blank key in the registry but my MDA won't have any of it
I'm using WinCE Cab Manager. Any pointers ?
Mine works, but you have to soft reset to see the effect.
doesn't work on mine If I run my cab it clears the list in the registry but upon soft reset the list is back ! It's like it uses some backup copy, I don't know....
yours leaves the reg settings intact even after soft reset
succes ! I replaced "" with a space in the keys value and that did it. Also needs a soft reset. In case anybody wonders: it clears the recent programs list.
strange, I tested mine on my 2.06.00 and it worked fine,
after soft reset : gray Recent Programs in menu.
must be a difference between 2.06 and 2.20

Editing Reg.

I am just starting to "Play" with the 2i, but have a question. If I play with the Reg. with an editor will a hard reset put it back to normal? Or once the reg. is changed is that it until I manually edit it back? Any help gratefully received. :lol:
In a nutshell yes the hard reset will revert it back to it's orginal state
Excellent, thank you very much :lol:

re reading the registry

is there a way to reread the registry after having changed some values without rebooting the device?
thanks for any hints
Do you mean setting it back to the previous or default settings?
no - I want to activate the changes, e.g. I changed the background image (a .bmp file, not a .tsk file) through the registry settings and want to activate it without rebooting the device.
Depends on the kind of setting. Some are immediate, like basehue, others require you to force a system change notification (eg by going into control panel) and some require reboot.
thanks for the info. So I guess that I have to reboot the device, but I'll give the system change a try

gprs prob with pie

my pie has gone mad it will always say page ur lookin can not be found and when u launch any htm file is says it couldnt be opened......thus i can download files through opera mini as it requires pie......anybody help i dont want a hard reset
Get yourself a copy of Sprite Backup, makee a decent backup with it & go for the hard-reset. Maybe it helps & you're not going lo loose a thing.
Otherwise try turning on flightmode on & off. Or delete all your gprs settings & clean them from the registry as well.
Success, M
oltp said:
Get yourself a copy of Sprite Backup, makee a decent backup with it & go for the hard-reset. Maybe it helps & you're not going lo loose a thing.
Otherwise try turning on flightmode on & off. Or delete all your gprs settings & clean them from the registry as well.
Success, M
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
i did hard reset restored with spb backup cleaned gprs settings manually i dontknow how 2 clean them from registry...........can u tell what 2 do now
Search in the registry for Rasbook & ConnMgr. There are probably settings in
there with the same name as you used for the GPRS (both internet & MMS) connections. When you located them you can delete them & search the rest of the registry for keys/values regarding the same name. When you cleaned out the registry you can setup a new connection & see if it works.
When you happen to screw up you can allways hard-reset & restore again

how to access HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE?

I am trying to access HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\GPS Settings. I have installed (regeditstg.exe) but am having diffilculties. Please could someone advise. I am trying to load the GPS onto the S200. I am trying to do the following;
1. Delete the DWORD marked Hide (if present)
2. Delete the DWORD marked Redirect (if present)
3. Add a DWORD called Group and give it a value of 2
4. Soft reset the device.
The GPS icon should then be available.
Thanks in advance.
You need a registry editor. Check
I recommend the free PHM Registry editor.
Note, that before soft resetting you must put the device in standby for 5 secs than back on to insure the changes are saved.
Thank-you for your help. I have downloaded the regester edit. I have managed to access the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\GPS Settings past as above. But cannot find the DWORDS and added the Group. I am having real difficulties adding the GPS to my S200 (Jamin), please feed this link to u/s more. I have tomtom and am not able to use it!!!!! How exasperating!
I have had my PDA b4 stolen, and now working off a new one. Couldn't get the last one working either!

