Cingular 8125 ROM? - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hello All:
The wiki has a link to the factory standard ROM; however, it appears that HTC (where the link goes) has removed their Cingular 8125 support page. Does anyone have an alternate link to the factory ROM? I'd like to flash my ROM but I'd like to have what I need to flash back if necessary.
-- Paul

Wanted: Factory ROMs
I'm in the same boat! I need the old ROM 1.03 to unlock the CID!

Every link I can find that supposedly takes you to the ROM is dead. I can't find one anywhere anymore.

Any news on this? I am kicking myself in the teeth for throwing out the old software CD that came with it. Anyone have the original CD and could maybe make an .iso? or just the original ROM would be great!!!

Hope this helps
i havent used it . but it should work


HTC P3300 - Original Rom backup & WM6 updgrading

*EDIT* : Nevermind. Mods please delete
All this fuss and the file is available in HTC
Even though HTC removed the link from their website, the ORIGINAL file is still in the same place!!
How about that? I was for 2 hours trying to find it and could only find crappy patches with weird roms and utilities to bypass... that DO NOT WORK in Vista 64.
Dunno why nobody posted the original file? Its just run & upgrade, no need for workarounds...
orignal rom
orignal rom is english version?
Artemis Original ROM
Hi, can anyone get me an original PTG ROM for Artemis? I cant seem to find any working link and although I read the tutorial on how to backup my ROM (the original one) I am affraid I cannot do it myself... or on my own...
I have had problems before and had to send it for repair twice, but I don't wantto send it with another ROM, they might say it was that that chrashed it, or say it voided the warranty...
Please help me....

WM5 Rogers ROM

Does anyone have, or know where I might be able to find a Rogers WM5 ROM for the TyTN? Is this even possible to find or am I SOL?
I'm looking for one also
Same here.. I would like to have one onhand just in case something goes wrong with my phone and I need to send in for repairs.
I have the WM6 Rom from HTC's official site installed right now (working perfectly by the way), and not too sure if Rogers would support a return if something went wrong.
i just got my new rogers tytn today. I was planning on making a backup and updating ROM. if this is WM5 i will post backup file once I figure out how to do this.
That would be awesome as I am sure lots of here would appreciate a backup incase of warranty triggered
Alright... so I am going to get to this tomorrow morning - but I have no clue how to backup the existing ROM. I see a lot on how to install a NEW ROM, but nothing that I can find about the backup.
Can somebody guide me in the right direction so that I don't screw this up! LOL
baxster said:
Alright... so I am going to get to this tomorrow morning - but I have no clue how to backup the existing ROM. I see a lot on how to install a NEW ROM, but nothing that I can find about the backup.
Can somebody guide me in the right direction so that I don't screw this up! LOL
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If I am not mistaken somebody has already done this.
I will just have to find out how I check which one i have.
Is there somebody that can do this to the Rogers ROM?
I believe that will do what you need in order to flash the original ROM back onto your device.
My brain is getting sore from all of the reading about all of this. Sometimes I think life would be easier if I wasn't a "geek".
I'm probably a newb to this, but I've managed to create my own rogers ROM and have it successfully work. The only thing missing my own precompiled ROM was the Rogers splash screen and the Radio which is suppose to be 1.42...
If there is somewhere I can upload the packaged Rogers ROM please let me know and I'll quickly upload it for everyone.
the files in the Rogers rom are all RAW files. how do you load it to your device?
kintaro said:
I'm probably a newb to this, but I've managed to create my own rogers ROM and have it successfully work. The only thing missing my own precompiled ROM was the Rogers splash screen and the Radio which is suppose to be 1.42...
If there is somewhere I can upload the packaged Rogers ROM please let me know and I'll quickly upload it for everyone.
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Please post a link....really interested in playing with this one.
Rogers Rom file WM5
here is the rogers original wm5 rom , you can flash your TyTn hermes with it.
it was cooked by me.
Has anyone extracted the secondary splash screen from the rogers original wm5 rom?
ziadsa said:
here is the rogers original wm5 rom , you can flash your TyTn hermes with it.
it was cooked by me.
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I'd love to restore my tytn from 6.1 to wm5 (so i can enable call name display) . The link you posted is unavailable . Can you re-upload please?
Thank u
aliencurv said:
I'd love to restore my tytn from 6.1 to wm5 (so i can enable call name display) . The link you posted is unavailable . Can you re-upload please?
Thank u
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nm . it seems to be working now ... mediafire was being wierd last night .
btw, thank u for cooking that rom
i double checked the link, all is working fine.
Enjoy it.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
ziadsa said:
here is the rogers original wm5 rom , you can flash your TyTn hermes with it.
it was cooked by me.
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ziadsa, thank you very much. I am looking at moving to a new phone, even though the TyTN has served me well, so I want to pass it on in original condition. Of course, I will be pointing the new owner to xda-developers. The next owner may want more from the phone, like I got.
Rogers splash screen
BoldFace said:
Has anyone extracted the secondary splash screen from the rogers original wm5 rom?
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I now have the original ROMs back in place and it works beautifully, but the splash screen still shows PDAviet.
Does anyone know how to correct this and get the Rogers screen back in place? I know this forum has been quiet for a long time, so if I don't get a response here, I will try with a new thread.
Thanks in advance.

backing up the oem rom on a ppc6800

i'm very new here so please go easy with short hand, thx
I joined today and have been searching all day on this site and many others to see if there is a way to completely back up my oem rom so if i want i could reinstall it. and have been unsuccessfull in understanding if it can be done and how hard or easy it is. please any info will help.
Depending who your provider is, there are several stock roms already available. One of the few that I know of that is not available is US Cellular, and it's being worked on. As far as the other major providers, stocks are available and can for the most part be downloaded from HTC's website. Check there first, and if one is available, you are better off downloading it and using it to flash back if you want to go back.
thx for the reply, i did find a post for my rom its an alltel with 1.40 radio but the link took me to htc site. no rom down load that i could find there. the post was on this site it said he finaly got them updated but i couldnt figure out where on htc site. any info will help. my plan is to find it first and download to safe keep. then the fun will be on... i hope
For some reason HTC took down Altel's rom, however in the programing forum someone just posted a rapidshare version of Altel's rom, it should be near the end of one of the top 15 posts, scan thru them and you should be able to find it.
Here is the link to the post.
Need help finding Verizon XV6800 ROM
I am looking for the Verizon XV6800 original ROM. I checked the HTC website but it is not posted there. I need the Verizon OEM WM6 ROM image for backup my phone before loading the cooked rom. Thanks a bunch.
thanks that will do

Backup of Original ROM

Hi all,
is it possible to save the original ROM before trying to install a new one? I need this because my provider doesn't support me with an original ROM of my MDA 3 compact (T-Mobile). Or can anyone support me with the original ROM? Do youi need further information for this (used versions or so)?
btw i was searching the forum for this and found a lot, but it seems to be quite hard and not working always. So is there no tool that backups everything, just like a total dump?
kind reg,
did you lookup the ftp? I think I saw it there ones
unfortunately i am not sure if they are identical to the roms i have installed. is there a way to find it out?
kind regards,
can you upload original ROM hier?

HD2 - Offical Original O2 Rom

I am looking at flashing my HD2 to the latest official rom 1.66
However I idealy would like to get hold of a copy of the orginal O2 rom so I have that to restore to in the event of any problems.
Any ideas where I could get this as I cannot find one anywhere.
as far as im aware there isnt one
If you look at the fourth sticky down at the top of this forum it's in there. I can't post links yet, because I'm classed as a useless noob, probably because I use the search function so don't post much.
h ttp://
I have an O2 and have the image from above on an SD card, should I need to revert. Hope this helps.
Cheers mate,
I hadn't found that one via the search for some reason but hey!
That will be a great help, as I hadn't wanted to flash a non-O2 rom if I could not get it back to the O2 one if necessary later on.
Cheers again.
