Email problems on X1i PLEASE HELP - XPERIA X1 General

Hey uys,
I tried searching for this but could not find the answer so please bear with me. I just purchased an X1i and am using it on at&t. I have tried t set up my .mac and gmail email accounts. I have done this on many windows mobile phones before with no problems. It seem not that my phone connects fine to the server and will send emails with no problems. However when I try to receive emails it does not find any even though I know I have them. I had my wife try sending me a few and never received them on the phone. If I go to my computer and check for them I receive them no problem. It is as if the phone isnt pulling them from the server. I dont know a ton about this stuff so any help would be appreciated!

This link has instructions on setting up Gmail on Windows Mobile 6.
I'm afraid I can't help you with the .mac thing as I can't find much information about it.

Thanks for trying! It been frustrating not getting my emails.

it's make a big difference if you set it up to use imap or pop3


mms software for x01ht

woot! my first post and i am happy to say that i am at a cafe writing this on my x01ht from softbank.
does any one know any other mms programs that I can use besides arcsoft program. The program itself is good but when recieving mms it just doesn't decode the messege. Being in Japan mms is widely used and there is no real point if messaging if I can only use sms. SMS here is pretty much useless because of the length and pictures that people send here.
My phone is great but just missing that complete mms option. any help would be appreciated m__m at the moment I will try anything.
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Sorry the title is off
^thank you for your reply^
So I am at work in Tokyo and still no solution to the problem. I know that there is Arcsoft, It works but only half the time with short messages. But really it's used to recieve short messages across networks and that's about it.
MMS composer doesn't really do what it's suppose to do, some one in the forum said that it has problems but no one has found the solution. Getting my girlfriend to find one through Japanese sites is a task and the solution points to the same problems.
Decoding error and can't recieve multimedia, I think the program is a waste of space honestly.
But is there any other alternatives?
Can I edit the program to make it recieve the error decoded message? It would be nice to know who sent the mms so I can reply and tell them that they would have to email it to my work email.
Unfortunately, I don't know the answer to your question, but how did you get an email address for MMS from Softbank? They keep telling me that you can't get one for the X01HT. Thanks
onj said:
^thank you for your reply^
So I am at work in Tokyo and still no solution to the problem. I know that there is Arcsoft, It works but only half the time with short messages. But really it's used to recieve short messages across networks and that's about it.
MMS composer doesn't really do what it's suppose to do, some one in the forum said that it has problems but no one has found the solution. Getting my girlfriend to find one through Japanese sites is a task and the solution points to the same problems.
Decoding error and can't recieve multimedia, I think the program is a waste of space honestly.
But is there any other alternatives?
Can I edit the program to make it recieve the error decoded message? It would be nice to know who sent the mms so I can reply and tell them that they would have to email it to my work email.
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pls ignore my first comment if you have read it.
anyway, the decode issue has not been solved with MMS composer as lond as i know. i suppose it is simply a matter of time that s/b will provide software for mms. however, i don't really see a point in using mms with a device with which you can use push mail and pop3 mail for free.
spired said:
Unfortunately, I don't know the answer to your question, but how did you get an email address for MMS from Softbank? They keep telling me that you can't get one for the X01HT. Thanks
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s/b just says you cannot use mms with x01ht. if you put your sim in another s/b phone and set up mms, you will get an addrees, won't you?
i see ...
thanks qtotter for the quick and swift answer ^-^ ill wait around for something to happen i guess
What i acually did was installed the software for the mms composer, then i just emailed out to my gmail account. It works sometimes sending long emails but as for just a test I just sent a 1 character mail.
My email address is garbage like [email protected] but it does work only if the mms composer works. I also couldn't figure out how setup the portal to change my email address but i guess that will come later when i fix this mms problem.
i still don't understand about pushmail. has something to do with setting up your own server at home, is that right? if i could get pushmail to work it would be nice.
sorry if i have bad grammar mistakes im writting this on the train home
onj said:
i still don't understand about pushmail. has something to do with setting up your own server at home, is that right? if i could get pushmail to work it would be nice.
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direct push mail is something like mms. there are a couple of ways to use this function.
1) use free server (
very easy. you cannot use your existing email address with this free service.
2) have your own exchange server (unrealistic for most people)
you can do whatever you want, but it is a little too expense for personal use.
3) use emoze (
seems popular. you have to have your home pc always on.
once again thanks
Now I'm at home chilling in front of my computer while I ponder about my phone bill because I am still using my old phone. I'm in a transition at the moment with my phones. Once qtotter mentioned about the Pushmail I started to search the site for some information. Some person has a free server and I'm thinking if that is a good thing to do, to put my messages a strangers server.
Thanks for the information once again, I will do my research before heading in a direction.
qtotter said:
however, i don't really see a point in using mms with a device with which you can use push mail and pop3 mail for free.
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In my case it's because I want to have an "instant email" that is different from my work email.
As far as I can tell you can only synchronize to one exchange server/account. So I want to synch my contacts, tasks, calendar with my work exchange account but have a separate "email that I receive instantly" account just for my keitai (so don't want to synchronize email with my exchange, want to synch it with a completely different account). Seems like MMS is the only way I can do this...
awh_tokyo said:
In my case it's because I want to have an "instant email" that is different from my work email.
As far as I can tell you can only synchronize to one exchange server/account. So I want to synch my contacts, tasks, calendar with my work exchange account but have a separate "email that I receive instantly" account just for my keitai (so don't want to synchronize email with my exchange, want to synch it with a completely different account). Seems like MMS is the only way I can do this...
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What is stopping you from making a new email with Gmail or your own ISP, then just use that account for Pushmail? so then you will have 2 different emails. I would think that outlook on the X01ht would have the ability to make mulituple accounts so that you can recieve email for pushmail and another just a pop3 for your company mail.
Now I see the light and figured out that there is no difference except the email name. Pushmail and MMS is somewhat the same, I am setting up my pushmail account with austin since I don't think my emails are that important unless he would like to come to Japan and meet my friends.
But I guess I will have to wait for a reply to see if he will accept my signup.
onj said:
What is stopping you from making a new email with Gmail or your own ISP, then just use that account for Pushmail? so then you will have 2 different emails. I would think that outlook on the X01ht would have the ability to make mulituple accounts so that you can recieve email for pushmail and another just a pop3 for your company mail.
Now I see the light and figured out that there is no difference except the email name. Pushmail and MMS is somewhat the same, I am setting up my pushmail account with austin since I don't think my emails are that important unless he would like to come to Japan and meet my friends.
But I guess I will have to wait for a reply to see if he will accept my signup.
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awh_tokyo wants to use two realtime-delivery email accounts at the same time. if he uses outlook email for his company echange server, he cannot use outlook email for direct push. i suppose mms is the only way as he already knows.
(not trying to be *****y, but i am glad i can breathe without checking my email for more than 30 min.)
No, I think you're missing the scenario. Push mail is great in places where it's a pain to make a phone call. For example, in the subway when you're trying to figure out where you meet up with everybody.
I don't want my work mail mixing with the really high priority stuff from friends/family that I want to be able to interrupt me.
But what's still not answered, is how can you get Softbank to provision you an email address for this thing? Or are there server settings you can use in MMS composer to get an address? Buying another phone just to get an email assigned SIM seems ridiculous.
spired said:
But what's still not answered, is how can you get Softbank to provision you an email address for this thing? Or are there server settings you can use in MMS composer to get an address? Buying another phone just to get an email assigned SIM seems ridiculous.
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You can set up the right proxy settings and User-Agent string in NetFront Browser so that it will let you on to the Vodafone Live site (or whatever it's called now). Then you just go into "email settings" and setup your new address.
That's how I did it. Suppose you could also find someone with a Softbank phone and put your SIM card in it...
- awh
register softbank mms email
zafran77 thank you for that information, I went there but I couldn't access that page. I just used my girlfriends phone to change my address but then there is no point in that since MMS Composer is useless when it comes to receiving MMS'. I don't know why I still have it on my phone, 90% of the time it doesn't work.
MMS Resender
There seems to be a new program that works in tandem with the MMS Composer, re-requesting emails that generate the "decode error" so that they (assumedly) will be decoded correctly. I found few links here
The few blogs I have read (or tried to read, they being in Japanese) sound hopeful that this is a true workaround/solution to the MMS problem.
I would love to try this out myself, but I can't get my hands on a copy of the MMS Composer (used to be attached to this page but has disappeared) for love or money. Anyone out there who might have that cab sitting around in their recycle bins, please chuck a copy over to larsuck at hotmail dot com and I will give these two programs a whirl.
I'm sure you can find the file somewhere on google.. I've tried the MMS Resender program and it's working so far.. although I do have problems receiving emails from websites such as yahoo.. not quite sure why tho.. but keitai (cellphone) mails seems to be working.. I think the MMS Resender acts as an agent and is used with the MMS Composer..
I used to use MMS only for sending SMSs to my home country using an SMS gateway.. and since this 2 programs seems to work with MMSs written in Japanese, I'll be using MMS for the normal mails from now on (used Gmail for this up til now)

SOLVED: Cing 8525 cannot send mail via OptOnline Account

OK...I got a resolution to this last night on the Cingular forum.
Quick answer is that OOL's SMTP Server is locked down. I needed to change the outgoing server to Cingular's (
Thanks to anyone who took the time to click-in on this thad.
Happy New Year, all!
Hi all, OK, this marks my first post on this board. I've been a lurker for a few months, and have settled into a Cingular 8525 as my first Pocket PC Phone.
I noticed a few days ago that I could not send mail via my OptOnline Account, unless I was using WiFi or the 8525 was tethered to my home PC via ActiveSync. I was thnking all along that it was probably due to some piece of third party software that I installed over the past few weeks (a hearty thanks to all on these forums who develop and/or market their wonderful wares, btw).
But today, for a lack of anything else to do, I hard reset and tried simply setting up that one account to try my machine out in its pure form. Lo and behold, I still get the same error, 'Messages cannot be downloaded to your mobile device. Make sure you are connected and that your e-mail account settings are correct. Then, try to download messages again.'
As a matter of fact, it seems this message itself is in error, since it happens when I try to SEND a message, not when I try to receive them. I have even received emails in this account at the same time this error message appears, but at any rate, messages in my outbox do not get sent.
As far as I can tell, all the settings are correct. I have played with them, and tried all the permutations I can think of, but this baby will not send mail via this account. My XpressMail and Hotmail accounts work fine, both sending and receiving, and I can browse the web fine via My ISP or WiFi.
I have spent a lot of time searching the web for an answer to this problem, but it seems it's been quite prevalent with WM5.0 devices for well over a year, and still does not have an answer.
So ... my first post ... which should have been a thank you all, and Happy New Year, has turned into a request for the talents of you folk who know so much more than I regarding these devices.
Can anybody please lend a hand? Thanks so much to anyone for any suggestions.
-Paul Slabowski (a.k.a. pvs)

Few questions of a new user

I need help in things which I don't seem o find a solutions for.
Ok, so here are the questions:
1. Regarding bloody Hotmail and sending emails - did anybody achieve it?
In my case after sync via Windows Live Panel, or just simply writing and sending email doesn't work. It's just crazy, I see the sent emails in the Sent folder and it's even on the PC version of ive, but mails go NOWHERE! Help!
2. Did anybody of you encountered any sending email problems from other accounts!
I have two accounts, one works good, the other does not send, although settings are correct and checked 100 times.
3. All of my accounts always show loading one message but it's not there - so when I have one new email, it loads two emails but I have only one new. When I have no new mails, it loads new message but it's not there (checked in the Outlook!)
4. One more strange thing - I uninstalled the programm which was set as a shortcut in pop menu on main screen. After uninstall this bloody shortcut cannot be removed, what to do??
Please help, these things drive me crazy.
Hope it's not too much to ask.
I'm new to WM actually, I used UIQ for years..
Please, help..
hi welcome to xda developers from my-symbian. it seems that its your first experience in wm phones. my best phones were p910i an p1i. earlier I did not not like wm phones but with x1i i am 90% satisfied. most of the problems on wm phones are due to its os which has been only tweaked over the years without any substantial upgrade.
regarding questions 1to 3 since i do not use hotmail or other account for sending mail ,i may not be able to answer them. if u ask in Q&A thread in general section u may get better response as hotmail is common to all platforms.
4. use file explorer and go to windows/startmenu
shortcut must be there delete it.
u may read this it might help-
i just send a test mail from my hotmail account on phone to other account. there was no problem, there was a delay but that may be due to fact that i have setting for checking mails every 5 min interval.
Deep thanks! You see I was UIQ user for years and now WM, I have to learn....
Thanks for the Menu - it was there!
Hotmail does not work although I was sending no problem mails from Hotmail on my PC to test!
Anyway thanks and please let me ask more sometimes!!
dhiru said:
i just send a test mail from my hotmail account on phone to other account. there was no problem, there was a delay but that may be due to fact that i have setting for checking mails every 5 min interval.
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Hah! The thing seems more complicated.
It does NOT send any email to one of my accounts, however sends no problem to other ones. That's weird!!!

Push Mail (GRPS/UMTS)/ WM 6.1 / Exchange Problem

Hey guys,
I've searched the web and this forum but wasn't able to find an answer to my question.
I own a jade since 10 month and since 2 weeks I have a data flaterate due to my job. Since then I'm using push mail to sync my phone with our Exchange Server (push elemets if they arrive).
However, it's not working well and I'm not sure if it's a wm6.1 or jade problem.
- Sometimes my phone does not receive Emails, even if push mail is actived. I think sometimes it tells me that it is connected to the server and does not deliver emails anyway.
- The connection to the server inactive for a very long time, i. e., sometimes for hours! I only receive new mails after a reboot. This really sucks 'cause I need some mails quite quick and I don't want to sync manually all the time.
- My phone crashs, i. e., I see the green light flashing but the display is staying black or it is frozen.
- When turning on WiFi additionally, it's even worse. My jade turned off for 3x times last week at one day.
Has anyone the same problems? Is there anything I can do about it? Updates for wm 6.1, does wm 6.5 solve the problem? Or is it the jade hw?
Btw, at my company blackberry is not supported, so I need a solution working with exchange. so this is not an option. ...there doesn't seem to be many people outside using the jade like I do.
ratsche said:
Btw, at my company blackberry is not supported, so I need a solution working with exchange. so this is not an option. ...there doesn't seem to be many people outside using the jade like I do.
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This is a problem because most people use blackberry in your situation.
I also have no experiences with push-mail and so I can not help you, sorry.
One solution might be to use a web-based email client that allows your email to be viewed via the web. Some corporate and government servers allow users to get their email that way. Basically, you would login to the appropriate server and see your email just like you would at Yahoo, Google or Hotmail. It becomes a question of whether your IT department wants to support a web service like this.
BTW, I know that with Yahoo Mail, it can be "forced" to a push/pull type service. You have to google how it's done and set up some things on your computer and Yahoo.
Another possibility may be to forward your business mails automatically to such an web-based service.
I was thinking about forwarding email as well. But I like to receive mails automatically and to get a notification.
But I'm still ****ed up about the push-mail solution. Can't believe that it is not working properly. I mean I can live with it, but is sucks...
Thanks for your answers anyway!
I thinks it's very much dependant on the Exchange Server (at source) and connection band status as opposed to Jade's capability. My experience is the same. I do not rely much on direct push, but more on ActiveSync by scheduling (Menu - Schedule) more frequent, e.g. every 20 - 30 minutes or so.
it is working on mine....
My Jade running on 6.1 is synching fine with the companies exchange. No problems at all.
When the synchronissation is not working, is the internet connection ok? (can you open any webpage?)
Regards and good luck,
I have no idea about the Exchange configuration, have to ask our IT guys about it. I'm usting using the outlook-web-access adress to connect with my jade.
I just don't understand why the connection is sometimes interrupted for hours and sometimes only for a few minutes.
Has anyone experince with wm6.5? Is it better for push-mail?
I have a similar problem. I have this phone too due my job, htc brand its more like a work-phone. I can recieve hotmail and outlook emails without problems. but can't refresh and sync my contacts!!! It sucks! Because I constantly get new contacts, but exchange server doesn't work! how is it possible?
I mean, its not a phone for kids or gamers, its made for a reason, and that reason seems not to work! can sobody help me out?
XxAndrexX said:
I have a similar problem. I have this phone too due my job, htc brand its more like a work-phone. I can recieve hotmail and outlook emails without problems. but can't refresh and sync my contacts!!! It sucks! Because I constantly get new contacts, but exchange server doesn't work! how is it possible?
I mean, its not a phone for kids or gamers, its made for a reason, and that reason seems not to work! can sobody help me out?
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I have no problem synchronizing my emails and contacts either way, phone to server or server to phone. Logically if you can receive outlook email, synchronizing should not be a problem.
I can confirm that the Jade 3G (WM6.1 & 6.5) works a treat with exchange 2003. Besides, configuring the Jade for exchange push/pull is absolutely no different from any other phone running 6.1 & above.
From what you've said, it sounds more like you phone has a fault on it. I can't remember the last time my phone crashed and it's running a cooked 6.5 rom.
i've been wanting to get that to work with my UniSA (University of South Australia) email. But doesn't seem to work, if anyone can help me would be a great help.
xtremez said:
i've been wanting to get that to work with my UniSA (University of South Australia) email. But doesn't seem to work, if anyone can help me would be a great help.
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You need to be sure of the UniSA server name (usually And you need to get the certificate (filename.cer) in order synchronise.
xtremez said:
i've been wanting to get that to work with my UniSA (University of South Australia) email. But doesn't seem to work, if anyone can help me would be a great help.
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You'll have to get your IT dept to assist in setting it up. There's more to it than just configuring your actuall phone.
Similar Prob
I have a similar issue but not with Outlook\Exchange. I have setup with gmail for IMAP and pull every 5 minutes using 3g operator connection. My problem is, which I guess is where issue is similar, when my phone in sleep mode I can wait anything from 30 minutes to 2 hours for the pull process to kick in and download mail (notification alert tells me). Now, if I turn phone on within that time, bingo, sync's and pulls. So seems the process isnt working as should when in sleep mode.
Any idea's or is this the norm? Again, I been thinking about flashing to 6.5 cooked ROM just to test. I know my mate has a Palm with Windows 6.1 and he has no trouble so seems Jade build issue.
Opinions welcome!
I have exchange working well syncing contacts, mail, notes etc and it pushes as soon as I get a maiil (infact faster than my pc when i am infront of my desk) and use the JADE for my company emails. I had the stock rom and now 6.5 and both work without an issue. It sounds to me like you have some software issue or conflict in your device that is causing it to crash. I would hard reset and perhaps install a stock rom to make sure its clean. Have you got your server address as If you set up exchange its not an IMAP or POP service so you should not see that option.

Setting up hotmail difficult

I have tried to set up hotmail on my HD2 as per HTC website instructions
Only stage 5 doesn't appear on my phone and when I have finished I never receive mail to this account even though I know my PC account is receiving mail. What do I do?
Are you sure you're entering your hotmail address correctly? HD2 should pick up on a hotmail or live address. What domain is your address at? If it's a different address set up for a passport it may not work
i think you should try thewindows live application from the marketplace. once you have it, you can sync mail...and probably.conracts too.
having the similar problem... my account is and when i try to setup it says either pass or id is incorrect but i am 100% sure that pass is it something to do with
help please!!!
As mentioned by tshizzle - use Windows Live. It automatically sets up your hotmail account when you set that up.
It should be on your phone already, but there's a newer version on the Marketplace.
johncmolyneux said:
As mentioned by tshizzle - use Windows Live. It automatically sets up your hotmail account when you set that up.
It should be on your phone already, but there's a newer version on the Marketplace.
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it dosnt work there either...same problem for me atleast
I hate to say this, but you must be entering the information incorrectly.
After entering the information in step 4, can you take a screenshot (use BsB Tweaks if you don't know how to do this), and upload it for us to check for you.
It works for everyone else, so it must be something you're doing.
Can get my .com to sync, but not my Maybe its .uk that as a problem.
I just added a account and it worked for me. Strange problem this is.
Timax_50 said:
I have tried to set up hotmail on my HD2 as per HTC website instructions
Only stage 5 doesn't appear on my phone and when I have finished I never receive mail to this account even though I know my PC account is receiving mail. What do I do?
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Hi Timax. I think I know what your problem is. I noticed you are with Tmobile, so am I and I kept running up against the problem where it gets stuck at stage 4 of 5! Very annoying. Apparently it's because Tmobile diverts the service via their proxy server. Follow the instructions in the thread below on post #2 and it should be fixed!
johncmolyneux said:
I just added a account and it worked for me. Strange problem this is.
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what is the incoming/outgoing mail server have you used...what do you put under these boxes?
My hotmail was set up through LIVE and my inbos is just not being updated, unlike my gmail and outlook ones. I know this becuase I just checked my hotmail account on the computer and I have 3 new emails and this has not been updated on the phone. However when I press send/receive on the phone it does sownload the new emails. Anyone know a way of sorting this out, it's annoying having to do it manually everytime!
johncmolyneux you rock i had been banging my head for days trying to get my hotmail to work, and the answer was right under my nose. i just needed to update to the new windows live app. man i feel like a dumbass for not going back to basics before jumping into all the other stuff. Thanks a Million bro!!!
I have to agree that it's very hard to make hotmail account working properly, while Gmail, Yahoo! mail work fine.
I've tried so many times and everytime it behaves differently. Once it went through all the mails and get the first mail(many years ago) then stopped working. Once I setup through Windows live, it took me to the Windows Live web page then stopped at there...very frustrated...
Now, at last, it works like a charm--but I have no idea how I did it since I've done so many times, each time is a little different and I am totally confused...

