How to auto connect to VPN on specific wireless point - Networking

Hello all,
is there any way I could set my Touch Diamond to connect to my university VPN only when it is connected to its wifi network. As in I dont want to connect to the VPN on my home or any public access point!

need some help guys

I've been trying to figure something better out myself. It's like 150 steps to connect to the VPN. I found this:
Create a text file called something like Connections.lnk and place the following in it:
(21#ctlpnl cplmain.cpl,19)
This will get you to the connections page anyway.
Another way to get there seems to be to shortcut to \Windows\remnet.exe (just found that method.)


vpn connection (pptp) disconnects

I want to use PPTP vpn connection to my work together with Remote Desktop (Teminal Service) application.
The PPTP vpn connection is established successfully.
From my work PC I can ping the pptp ip address of my PPC.
However if I switch to an application which would generate internet traffic (such as terminal services, internet explorer) my PPTP connection drops.
On my vpn server I get the logs and see the disconnect reason as "user requested)
What is the problem ?
I guess nobody has such experience with vpn connections.
where can I find information about this problem ?
Hi, I have the same problem more or less
I have the same problem when trying to use Skype. My office also requires the use of a VPN (PPTP) when connecting via the wifi.
Skype connects, I can make calls, but the connection is dropped after 30s (the VPN is closed). Oddly enough, it I have the impression I prevent the VPN connection from dropping by using Pocket Internet Explorer at the same time (I have tried creating a website that automatically refreshes every 10s, but this didn't keep the VPN open). The Messaging client als shows odd VPN behaviour: it always closes the VPN, and opens it every time send/receive is selected.
I suspect not all programs keep the VPN open, even despite the fact that those programs are generating traffic over the connection.
Any hints or suggestions are greatly appreciated!
(sorry, I can't edit posts in Opera Mini)
MarsRover: I have changed the AlwaysOn registry setting in the registry (in the folder of my work vpn). Ii appears to have changed the Messaging behaviour (but I need further testing to be sure). Tomorrow I'll see if it changed the Skype connection.
Thanks for the suggestion, if it works it ought to be put in the FAQ.
I couldn't understand the solution. Can you explain ?
My situation is :
I am using Wifi connection to access internet. This connection is selected as my internet connection.
My pptp vpn connection is set under my Work connection.
So when I use the pptp connection I connect to Work over Internet.
But then it gets dropped if I open internet explorer.
If I set "*/*" to my intranet addresses, I have to connect to everywhere over my VPN connection. This is not good because I don't want to use VPN connection for Web browsing etc.
There must be another way ? Don't you think so ?
Btw, if I set AlwaysOn to "1" in registry , and then check it back after a connection is made, I see it is "0" again.
You do not have to redirect all traffic through the VPN you can pick and choose under settings>connections>advanced>exceptions just add the urls you need. ie so instead of */* use the specfic range ie 10.0.0.*/* or whatever range your work uses. One more issue however if the wirless ip range overlaps the internal VPN work range you may still have isssues. ie if your wireless ip address range is 10.0.0.x and your vpn range is 10.0.0.x then even if you add 10.0.0.*/* in the exceptions it may still try the wireless link rather than the vpn link for your TS etc. If you get my drift. There is a discussion on this here:
Thank you Stephen.
In fact, I am aware of how the exception list works. I can add the IP addresses which I want to reach via work vpn.
However, I still wish that there was a way to use VPN connection manually without using an exception list.
Isn't this possible ?
mrmrmrmr said:
.... This is not good because I don't want to use VPN connection for Web browsing etc....
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This is good for me because I DO WANT to use VPN for all network access.
mrmrmrmr said:
Btw, if I set AlwaysOn to "1" in registry , and then check it back after a connection is made, I see it is "0" again.
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It happens if you use settings->connections to view/change settings
i haven't a clue if this helps...
in my firm theres a cisco vpn connection... i search a long time for a programm that i can use with that vpn connection...
finally i find one... NCP Secure Client... works for me... maybe it helps you...
futureshock said:
finally i find one... NCP Secure Client... works for me... maybe it helps you...
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where can I find it ?
does it connect to cisco vpn concentrator / ASA ?
there is also AnthaVPN from AnthaSoft but it's not very reliable.
Bluefire seems to work fine with IPSec, but I need PPTP (IPSec requires NAT-T in most cases with GPRS/3G).

Always connect to internet through my home computer?

There must be a guide on this somewhere, but I can't find it.
I want to make it so that whenever I am connected to an access point besides my home router, it will only connect to my home computer's dynamic DNS through a secure connection and route all internet traffic through my home computer (slower, I know, but secure from prying eyes, unencrypted unknown AP or not).
I'm familiar with ssh now, and the surf from work guide, but it looks like PowerPCs are more comfortable with VPNs, and I know nothing about them.
I have an HTC Wizard and my home router is DD-WRT (with VPN support), with an Ubuntu Linux box permanently connected to it. The router also updates the dynamic DNS, which I use for SSH connections from work, etc.
Any advice? Links? Guides?
This method of connecting would also make it possible to hide from you mobile provider if you are streaming or using voip applications which i know is not allowed with most.
if anyone knows how this is possible, I would alsobe very greatful.
gareh said:
This method of connecting would also make it possible to hide from you mobile provider if you are streaming or using voip applications which i know is not allowed with most.
if anyone knows how this is possible, I would alsobe very greatful.
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I'm certain it's possible; I just don't know how best to do it. There are implementations of PuTTY for the pocketpc that allow you to forward ports, so you could probably configure the SSH Surf from Work method, but it seems to me that the phone is designed to do VPN, and my router has built-in VPN, so that seems like a better choice.
endolith said:
There must be a guide on this somewhere, but I can't find it.
I want to make it so that whenever I am connected to an access point besides my home router, it will only connect to my home computer's dynamic DNS through a secure connection and route all internet traffic through my home computer (slower, I know, but secure from prying eyes, unencrypted unknown AP or not).
I'm familiar with ssh now, and the surf from work guide, but it looks like PowerPCs are more comfortable with VPNs, and I know nothing about them.
I have an HTC Wizard and my home router is DD-WRT (with VPN support), with an Ubuntu Linux box permanently connected to it. The router also updates the dynamic DNS, which I use for SSH connections from work, etc.
Any advice? Links? Guides?
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well, just as a thought, why don't you set up a secure proxy server at your ubuntu, and connect everywhere through this proxy.
i have not much idea about vpn and other options, so this is just an idea. probably vpn would be better, but harder to configure. if proxy does not work for you, please describe why. might be useful for me someday .
rajib said:
well, just as a thought, why don't you set up a secure proxy server at your ubuntu, and connect everywhere through this proxy.
i have not much idea about vpn and other options, so this is just an idea. probably vpn would be better, but harder to configure. if proxy does not work for you, please describe why. might be useful for me someday .
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I don't know how to "set up a secure proxy server", and I don't think that would let me access my home network's files, either. Any ideas?

VPN (PPTP) with WM6.1 classic (non-touchscreen)

I would love to setup VPN - PPTP on my HTC Snap (WM6.1, non-touchscreen).
I am able to create a new VPN profile with server address, user name and password, but I just cannot get it working.
1.) what should I choose in the inputs "connects from:" and "connects to:"
at first I have chosen Internet and My Work network, didnt work.
2.) how can I establish the connection? there is no connect button or something like that.
I just want to securely browse the web, or check emails through the VPN.
Thank you for any advice.
P.S.: it is a non-touchscreen device, please, do not link the tutorials for touchscreen devices. thank you.

WM 6.5.3 and Native VPN......

Hi I recently signed up for a StrongVPN 3 Country deal to give me a stable VPN connection in China. I have set up all ok om my home PC and it works fine allowing access to sites otherwise blocked here.
Then i set up a VPN connection on my HTC Touch Diamond2 I can get the VPN to connect using either IPSec/L2TP or PPTP methods, however neither Tunnel seems to allow Internet access to either MS Explorer or Opera Mobile 10 or any other internet program.
In fact when i have established the VPN connection and then start my internet explorer or any other program which needs to access the internet then the VPN connection is dropped.
If I connect the VPN tunnel on the TD2 i can site there watching it for ages so it does not seem to be dropped after any specific time frame, only when I start an internet access program. for instance if i open my Hotmail account then the VPN connection stays until the point when i tap send and receive then it drops immediately and the hotmail account then synchronise mail via the standard wifi connection.
I also set-up my home PC to allow incoming connection and then set up another VPN connection on my TD2 to allow it to connect to my home PC. but whilst i can connect to my home PC i can not surf the internet using the VPN tunnel......I had thought that i might be able to start the StrongVPN connection on my homePC and then access it via the VPN connection from my TD2 to my HomePC but it does not seem to work that way.
My objective is to use my mobile phone to be able to surf social networking sites that are otherwise blocked by censorship.
Sorry for the long post but please could anyone with advise or experience at setting these two functions up on WM 6.5.3 please advise.
Well I think I may have found out the reason for the VPN connection to drop out....I needed to change my setting in CONNECTIONS and where before i selected my GPRS or EDGE service provider i now need to change that to "My Work Network" as this is where i set up the StrongVPN connection. now i have done this change to the settings the VPN connection does not drop out when any Internet program is started.
But I still can not access the blocked websites using StrongVPN on my WM device so I do not really know if it is using the VPN connection or not.....
im also in china and got one vpn for the same reasons as u and having exactly the same problem as u..
plz tell me if u found any solution...
ahmadnawaz said:
im also in china and got one vpn for the same reasons as u and having exactly the same problem as u..
plz tell me if u found any solution...
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StrongVPN Help desk advised me to input their DNS server settings in to the VPN account settings. I will try this when i get back to China in September. the DNS settings are found by edit the VPN account then next, next and select "Advanced" then scroll to "Servers" there you can select manaual server address and use the one that you VPN service provider recommend.
Let me know how you get on.
I have a similar problem here. I have setup the VPN in network connections but am still unable to surf blocked sites. The VPN worked fine on my PC. I have also changed the DNS setting for the VPN but no luck. But since there was no popup windows telling me whether it is connected or disconnected, how do I know the status of the VPN connection? Thanks!
to see if you are connected just tap on the top info bar then u should see your wifi connect and also your VPN connection. if you enable sound notification for connections in sounds then you will also get an audible connect and dissconnect to let u know. remember to set all your connection settings to "work connections" as i fount if not then when u open opera or other program that needs internet connection it will disconnect the VPN connection.
Thanks. I have tried that and the VPN was online. But opera was just couldn't open any page. Eighter the factbook tab in TouchFlo3D couldn't login. Any idea?
Have the same problem connecting to my home network - Remote Desktop works fine, until I open a browser on my HD2 - changing settings mentioned above didn't help...
Ok - it seems like I've managed to discontinue the connection drops to VPN.
Added wildcards to exceptions http://*.* and https://*.*
This way everything that tries to connect to internet connects via VPN. To stop that - in Work network setting select the same connection you use to connect to internet (Connections > Advanced > Select network)
scv said:
Ok - it seems like I've managed to discontinue the connection drops to VPN.
Added wildcards to exceptions http://*.* and https://*.*
This way everything that tries to connect to internet connects via VPN. To stop that - in Work network setting select the same connection you use to connect to internet (Connections > Advanced > Select network)
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I'm not sure what you mean by "added wild cards to exceptions"....what exceptions and where on your PDA did you add them?
As far as I was aware you are only able to set up a VPN connection in the "My Work Network" connections area. then to stop your VPN connection from being dropped by any application that access the Internet, you simply change your options to BOTH use "My Work Network" then the VPN connection is used for all applications.
However that said, I still cant access blocked sites using my VPN connection with StrongVPN in China. even after setting my Server DNS to that of StrongVPN it still does not work.
Anyone got any ideas why or how to access blocked content in China on their PDA??????
VPN 10 Reply
Sorry, I don't have a solution for you, but I do have the same problem.
- 2 Bunny
Quick update - I now have this working at 100% through WiFi, where I don't need it.
Any updates?
- 2 Bunny
Any updates on this one?
- 2 Bunny
Any new thoughts on this?
- 2 Bunny
Any updates on this?
- 2 Bunny
Any updates on this?
- 2 Bunny
kainppc6700 said:
Sorry, I don't have a solution for you, but I do have the same problem.
- 2 Bunny
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same here
taker2 said:
same here
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Great. Let me know if you get any updates. I'm still stumped on this one. What ROM are you using in your Diamond?
- 2 Bunny

[Q] File sharing outside network

OK, so right now I've got a folder on a windows xp machine shared across my home network via smb. I want to take this to the next level and be able to access it everywhere. I need to be able to get to it on Android and write access would be nice but not necessary. I've been googling around and all I've been able to gather is that smb is a bad idea. What would be the best way to go about making this happen?
Tyfighter said:
OK, so right now I've got a folder on a windows xp machine shared across my home network via smb. I want to take this to the next level and be able to access it everywhere. I need to be able to get to it on Android and write access would be nice but not necessary. I've been googling around and all I've been able to gather is that smb is a bad idea. What would be the best way to go about making this happen?
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Use the filezilla ftp server, setup the port you want to use and the password and configure everything accordingly. (I can help)
And then setup port forwarding on your router.
Then install "Turbo Ftp Client" from the google play store.
Set it up with the external ip address of your network and the port that you forwarded on your router.
And bam, you could access anywhere.
Google is your friend, but if you've searched and read about the stuff listed above, I will be glad to help guide you.

