Activesync resets my PIM data - Touch HD General

I'm having a problem with my Touch HD where every so often, (usually every couple of days, but twice today already) activesync throws up an error saying that the server hs encountered a problem and has to reset the data on my device. It then wipes all my contacts, tasks, events and email and replaces them with the same information. I'm only using AS to talk to Outlook 2007 on my PC, no over-the-air-corporate-server funny business.
I've looked and can't find any details of what this might be. Any suggestions from you experts? I'm using the Laurentius26 Touching HD V4 ROM (still not updated to 5.1 yet).
I've only put this in the Blackstone forum as I've never had this with any other HTC device I've owned (original Touch, O2 XDA Mini S or Orange SPV C200).
All suggestions on solutions welcome.

I have had these issue on the original Touch as well as the HD. Any thoughts would be helpful.

me too, me too. Sometimes maybe once per 2 weeks, but the extreme case can be twice per day!

I seem to be having this as well, seems to occur usually when connected to Active sync and I am using outlook at the same time as it is sync'ing....


Disappearing features

Got myself an Exec after being a loyal symbian follower for many years.
Why oh why do some things keep disappearing :? :? :?
GPRS monitor has gone from the today page
The battery meter from the bottom bar has gone
My email accounts disappear after a soft reset.
WiFi settings keep losing my network key
'Phone pad' keyboard no longer appears
I have tried all of the install modes including the nasty o2 setup, currently running corp(0506).
If I soft reset before the o2 Cabs load, what will I loose?
am i the only one with these problems...?
I had similar issues with my first XDA Exec. I added the wireless connection and bluetooth device. The next day both would just disappear while the bluetooth was being used.
My current XDA Exec keeps corrupting files. Some of the files become unloadable, and others seem to loose the first character of the file name. This makes them not load when the device is reset.
I don't know what causes it, but I would be interested to find out if other people are having similar issues.
William. D. Wensley
Same here too
This is no help :roll: but I guess you guys must be in the minority, cos you're the first people I've seen mention these problems. Certainly my Exec remembers all its WiFi connection settings and my email accounts after soft resets. That would really be annoying. :evil:
For info about doing HardResets and selective CAB install, this thread might answer your questions.
I had similar problems on Qtek 9000.
Mail, Grps, Wifi and other settings got lost on every soft reset.
Uninstalled SPB Pocket Plus 3.0.4 and the problem is gone for now
And BAAAAAAM the problem is back again.
Once more everything is deleted :evil: :evil: :evil:
After this happends and you sync the device, do you also get a screen on the device asking for Exchange Password?
I hit 1234 and save password, then it syncs.
Using AC 4.1 on W2K all updates
Yes, I kept getting that issue on my first Exec. The ActiveSync synchronisation would stop until a non existent exchange password is entered.
Since I had my Exec replaced, I haven't had that issue.
Well it aint AC that doe's this.
Cleared my device and started over without Syncing at all.
Soft Reset, Mail and Wlan gone and forgets user/pass for gprs.
It's on it's way back A.S.A.P
Hello there,
I have exactly the same problems as you describe. Have set the software back to factory, and the same problems appear.
I also have problems with BT, since no connections can be accepted....
Oooohhh no, even more people having this problem........
Ill prob. get the same device back and have this problem for a few month until a usable rom is releashed.
I dont know, could it bee the messaging software the causes this???
The same error has been reported by people upgrading BA to WM5.
error ActiveSync 4.1
There is a well documented error with ActiveSyns 4.x if you google for the ActiveSync error No. in my case something like 810041 you will see that an error code starting with an 8 points the fault at Outlook API Whatever that is) and there are several fixes and workarounds out there. in my case I was trying to sync with my laptop while it was not connected to the exchange server BUT there are several other things to try that get rid of the imaginary server.
Hope this helps
Yeaar your right, but it still dossen't explain the missing settings and accounts.
I lost mine without even syncing the device after a Hard Reset.
mail settings
well..2 days now and no loss
but it seems there is a wm5 problem ......
I have been careful to not disconnect the AS cable when a sync is in progress , so good!
Today though, Skype has gone loopy!
The WiFi also fails to find my AP as well
Oh dear
Disappearing email accounts
I had 3 additional email accounts set up on my XDA Exec and was downloading and sending emails of through them ok via WIFI and GPRS. I was also syncing OK with my outlook on my desk top.
This morning I checked my mail through my WIFI conection (not via PC), and downloaded ok, although I seemed to loose a load of mail in one account. - Did'nt think much of it....and put it down to SPAM/VIRUS
Mid morning my old Oragne phone number was ported accross and I did a soft reset to "reinitiate" the phone etc. This works fine.
I did some Active Syncs ok as well.
I noted that all my other email accounts had gone - only Outlook remaining.
Later when I tried to Sync, I am now being asked for a MS Exchange username. I am not using exchange!
ALSO When I try and set up my old email accounts again, it says to use a different Account name as it already exisits, but plainly does'nt.
I have got rid of the 02 Bloatware and running in Corp install. Much faster and more stable - until now.
Any help on thes propbs appriciated.
Ed (Mr)
Once again my 3 email accounts disappeard last night when down loading mail via my wifi connection.
They still appear on the today page, but cannot be accesed from it, or from messaging.
I now have 6 email accounts sitting somwhere on my xda exec and cannot get to them!
I have tried the reset method using psshutxp and it has not worked.
Not impressed with WM5's speed or stability compared to Palm which ran for years with hardly a hitch. It would'nt be so bad if there was a full backup/ restore facility so that hard resets could be used to sort it out.
I have had more resets, crashes and "bugs" in 2 weeks than in 3 years with a palm.
Can anyone help in getting my accounts back and restore my faith in WM5!? Please.
bofus said:
Got myself an Exec after being a loyal symbian follower for many years.
Why oh why do some things keep disappearing :? :? :?
GPRS monitor has gone from the today page
The battery meter from the bottom bar has gone
My email accounts disappear after a soft reset.
WiFi settings keep losing my network key
'Phone pad' keyboard no longer appears
I have tried all of the install modes including the nasty o2 setup, currently running corp(0506).
If I soft reset before the o2 Cabs load, what will I loose?
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I've lost my phone pad as well. I don't appear to HAVE wi-fi on the new incarnation of this phone (not that I care, I never used it anyway), and once again, I can't get the phone to sync to my computer. I've never known a devide this unstable in all the years that I've been a certified gadget freak. It's heart-breaking, because the potential of this thing is amazing, but it JUST. DOESN'T. WORK.
bofus said:
Got myself an Exec after being a loyal symbian follower for many years.
Why oh why do some things keep disappearing :? :? :?
GPRS monitor has gone from the today page
The battery meter from the bottom bar has gone
My email accounts disappear after a soft reset.
WiFi settings keep losing my network key
'Phone pad' keyboard no longer appears
I have tried all of the install modes including the nasty o2 setup, currently running corp(0506).
If I soft reset before the o2 Cabs load, what will I loose?
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I've lost my phone pad as well. I don't appear to HAVE wi-fi on the new incarnation of this phone (not that I care, I never used it anyway), and once again, I can't get the phone to sync to my computer. I've never known a device this unstable in all the years that I've been a certified gadget freak. It's heart-breaking, because the potential of this thing is amazing, but it JUST. DOESN'T. WORK.
Thank God my problem is a little less crucial than yours... Mine is the disappearing act of the soft keys "Menu" under Phone pad and the Contacts under the Start screen... It returns after I do a soft reset.. weird huh?
My email accounts just vanished too, and thats just a few mins after upgrading to the new O2 ROM
I'm getting the Exchange login too.
Any ideas?

ATOM Issues...

Does anyone know how to stop the ATOM from changing the view to landscape each time the camera button is selected?... been the same on all roms and the button is assigned to the camera only yet when pushed it flicks the screen sideways, then when exiting it goes back portrait - its annoying and i'd like to stop it...
Also with the *leaked* rom anyone know how to get the clock back up the top instead of the battery indicator which doesnt change no matter how charged the phone is?..
FTR... the 3second delay patch works on *Leaked* rom with MP3's as well as other formats..
XDA Atom - Issues with new rom
I've just switched from the XDA2i to the Atom and am starting to wish I didn't. I bought this phone on and it was only 2 wks old, the chap said he no longer needed it for work....probably got hacked off with it being so buggy.
I'm running the new 20060217b1wwe rom with the radio r060221n_mn1arc_rs00045 as the old rom (one which came pre loaded) constantly froze and needed soft re-setting.
The issues I'm having are as follows:
1. When phone is in standby after a few mins the green led stops flashing and it no longer accepts incoming calls and goes straight to voicemail until I press the power button, it then searches for a network and the green light flashes again.
2. When listening to the radio there is a constant buzz in the background.
3. Sound only comes out of the right headphone ( I've seen in another post that this has happened to others, a suggested 2.5mm to 3.5mm adapter was the fix. Surley the headphone which comes with it should work properly!!)
Also are there any updates which sets the phone up with UK settings and not Australian defaults
Why do O2 release phones without fully testing hacks me off.......Anyway if someone could help me out with my above problems before I launch it from the 15th floor of my office building that'll be great
Me too. I've got an Atom few days ago and using same rom and radio as yours. I find 3 problem with it:
1. Green led stops flashing
2. Battery lasted so quick, usually have to re-charge after 10 hours (with only 1 hours talk time, no bluetooth, infrared and wifi.
3. Wi-fi is buggy. After connected, it auto disconnected .
I'll try to re-flash ROM.
Does anyone can help.
I hope you have seen the new ROM (test only) on ftp? Follow the link in the Atom Upgrading section
Did you try "not for sale" version? I'm downloading...
my issues with the Atom
Hi all
I have been using the XDA IIi for the last 1 and 1/2 years, and got this present from ATOM. I dont have the same problems, but some are similar I guess.
1.After I receive an MMS, the phone stays connected to the Internet, or rather connected to GPRS/EDGE. After successful downloading, it remains connected. Any ideas why? in the IIi it disconnects after downloading, and also if my browser remains inactive for some time.
2.Synchronization is terrible. Most of the time, when i plug in to sync, there will be an error, then i unplug and plug it back, it may sync. this is terrible. Im using active sync 4.1
3. This terrible phone needs awful lot of reseting. Even to check the System info, i needed to reset the bugger.
4. This is very very slow.. and battery power drains so much. Im only using SPB pocket plus 3.1.1 the oly external software running on the Atom.
My Rom version
Radio version
R060221N_MN1ARC_ RS00045
Aprrecite if any one could advise.
SPB pocket plus is known to conflict with atom performance.
By the way why have you not updated your ROM to any of the non-official ones floating around? First was the Leaked ROM, and just 2 days ago came the Test ROM, which, in my personal opinion, is tops so far.
Thanks victoradjei for the update.
So guess ill have to remove the SPB for now.
Actually i havn't been around the forum, so have not got real updates from here. Will follow it up.
By the way, is the performance better with the new ROMs.
the not for sale rom is the best so far!!!try it!
No Sound coming from left earphone.....
Since I posted my issues above i've found that most of my issues were to do with my virgin payg sim. When I inserted my works vodaphone sim I had no connection issues at all. All other quirks seem to have disappeared too....with the exception of the headset problem. I only get sound from the right headset and also I can not use with microphone on the headset either.....I purchased the 2.5mm to 3.5mm adapter and bought some new headphones but to no avail.....Does anyone else have this problem if so how was it resolved??
My Atom green led stop flashing after few minute - always ON (offcouse it is network registered). Is it normal ? Like other HTC green led must flashing when registered to network.
active sync problems...still
I have upgraded to the official ROM realsed by O2 and most of the problems are solved, and i "love" my atom for now.
but as per my previous post, i still cannot find what the crap is about the active sync and the atom. Well, the sync problem is ther still, here is an error it is giving
The server is Buzy
Support code:85010017
is it a problem with my PC or is it the problem with active sync and the atom...
can anyone please help me?
no sync issues
i got my laptop yeserday, and there aint any problems with the sync... cheers
Re: active sync problems...still
sultan said:
I have upgraded to the official ROM realsed by O2 and most of the problems are solved, and i "love" my atom for now.
but as per my previous post, i still cannot find what the crap is about the active sync and the atom. Well, the sync problem is ther still, here is an error it is giving
The server is Buzy
Support code:85010017
is it a problem with my PC or is it the problem with active sync and the atom...
can anyone please help me?
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Er, did u upgrade from a previous ActiveSync? Remove the ActiveSync installation totally (Even the residual files), and perform a clean install of ActiveSync 4.1.
I find that the old files of ActiveSync sometimes conflict with ATOM synchronization...dunno why.
Hope this helps.

Activesync error 0x80070008

I use activesync with an exchange server in real time to sync my emails:
I have a major problem with this sync error (0x80070008) constantly coming up on my Cingular 8525. My device will get this error 2-3 times a day during heavy use and it is causing me a lot of heartache. It is true that you can just do a soft reset and then the activesync works again....HOWEVER, there are some times where I do a tremendous amount of work moving emails around and sending replies etc.....then I get the error and do soft reset and lose all that work. It is a major annoyance and it is causing me to rely less and less on my device for email work. I don't want that to be the case because I love this thing and I don't want this to get in the way.
I can only say one more piece of info that may or may not be a real association - This error happens often when I'm on the subway and I have no service I do a lot of work on the device....and when I get out and try to sync this error is very common. This is not the only time it happens, but, its a frequent one.
It surprises me that this is not plaguing others besides me. I hope that someone out there can give me a real fix to this nightmare.
Which ROM you are working with?
Rom version: 1.34.502.1
ROM date: 09/21/06
Radio version:
Protocol Version: 32.53.7018.01H
I dont know if its the same problem or not, but I used to get something similar when i lost service...not able to connect back up to the data network.
I just went into comm manager and turned the phone off and back soft lost data.
First Post, not a real fix, but maybe a workaround.
dkm00182 said:
I dont know if its the same problem or not, but I used to get something similar when i lost service...not able to connect back up to the data network.
I just went into comm manager and turned the phone off and back soft lost data.
First Post, not a real fix, but maybe a workaround.
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Unfortunately this isn't a data connection problem. I am able to browse the web when this error occurs but not sync. I've seen it mentioned somewhere that this is some kind of memory leak problem....I don't know.
edited error code
Sorry I had to edit the main thread subject because I wrote the error code incorrectly.
bump. PLease, someone help me with this. I cannot stand it anymore.
indicated the same problem with same activity, agressively moving emails around through your subfolders might be a significant cause, perhaps due to the sync process, and trying to keep up with you.
especially if you are loosing a connnection back to the server due to your circumstances, it is perhaps trying to queue the number of changes and trying to keep up. new technology probably is perhaps lacking a bit of thought in the process.
just my two bobs worth, and you get your bump anyway.
A quick google shows desc,ts=Palm_External2001,Case=obj(41820)
The implied advice from the last one is dont manually sync if you have an automatic sync set up
The same problem with Kaisar Rom wm6.1
I have the same problem with kaisar after upgrading to WM6.1. I have many subfolders (over 50). Any solution to the problem?
I got that error after something happened to the AS file on my pc. The Hermes tried to find the file but as it was missing it couldn't. Only solution was to delete the sync relationship and start again. Had all my contacts backed up as a precaution because you loose them all if you delete both sync folders - on pc and hermes...
Syncing too many folders causes error
I get that same error with my Touch, whenever I have too many (more than 20 or so) folders setup to synchronize. What's really annoying is that with WM 6.0 I could sync up to about 40, but with 6.1 I can do only half as many.
So far I am at a complete loss as to the cause.
maybe this guy is up to something that would help us
I started getting this error on my HTC Touch Pro when I decided to sync my appointments for the previous month instead of the previous two weeks. I was using ActiveSync through bluetooth. I didn't have any problems syncing until I made that change.
I decided to sync it through the USB cable instead and it sync'd without any errors. My guess is that the bluetooth connection was too slow to sync the larger amount of data.
kevino said:
A quick google shows desc,ts=Palm_External2001,Case=obj(41820)
The implied advice from the last one is dont manually sync if you have an automatic sync set up
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Not true..
I went from a stock rom to the evolution rom.
When i trie to sync it gives me the error.
What should mean that it is out of memory.

Broke Activesync

I dunno what I've done, but I've broken it. Seriously. It won't work and I'm almost stuffed
Basically my HTC Hermes / SPV M3100 has developed 'a serious error' and the SatNav software won't boot. It happens from time to time. About a month ago the MS Reader software failed too thus leaving me without access to ebooks on my PDA. So I've been carrying my Psion 5mx with me for that task.
Basically, it needs a hard reset. But, before I can do that I need to backup the device, the contacts, messages and everything and do a controlled and proper reinstall.
Except Activesync won't connect to the PPC.
I've tried Ver 3.8, 4.2 and 4.5. It's a WM5 Device and therefore I understand that 4.5 is too new. I have 4.2 installed but when I plug the PDA in although it charges it does not connect
I have checked and unchecked "advanced usb connect" in the connections screen of Settings with no joy
So, er, I'd like help please I need to get the device operational for work on Monday or I'll be working off maps again. I use them as backup anyway, but even so!!!
Right. Well. I've tried a whole bunch of different cables, including the one that came with the phone. None are working. In desperation I have removed all un necessary software and used SPB Backup in a CAB install to backup all to the memory card then I'm going to do a hard reset and hope it cures it. If not I guess I'll be contacting Orange for an Insurance Swap due to a faulty unit
Which means I'll probably be without my phone for a week
Well. There you go. Obviously some sort of failure on the device. As soon as I did a hard reset and plugged it in, every thing was recognised.
The SPB restore for just my PIM, Contacts, Notes and Tasks went well and was immediately incorporated into Outlook, and suddenly everything is good.
However, I just now have the reinstallation to do today.... Ahh well.
So the moral of this story is, if ActiveSync fails, then it's probably the device that doesn't like you and SPB is worth the £15
I am using SPB Backup since I switched from HP PDA's to others without integrated backup software and I am happy ever since for the backup part.
I can't tell you what went wrong with your Hermes, definitly a software or registry problem but it was for sure not your desktop activesync sw. There must be some sort of incompatible sw running on your device, meaning: the issue might reappear if you reinstall that particular program again!
My advice: reinstall your application step by step! First install 1 program and see how it works for a while, then the next ... and so on! This is a long way to go but you will be able to pinpoint the app which 'broke your activesync'!
Thanks Junner. Whatever I had installed wrong worked fine for ages, then after about 2 months of not connecting I connected and it didn't like me anymore. If I'd worked it out sooner I would have done it yesterday, but hey ho
Thanks for your words

HELP - it won't sync

OK, When I got my shift (months ago) I liberated it. No problems. I put Vista SP1 on it. No Problems. It synched fine and everything was great. I was about as happy as I was going to get while I await the great guys at the Shift Project to make things better.
On my last trip home I decided it was time to Hard SPL the Shift. I had watch the threads and made sure I knew all the bugs that may happened. SO - I Hard SPLed (once again, big thanks to comex and co). All good. SP1 still worked. I re-liberated the shift. All good. This was about two weeks ago.
Now I have a problem. The shift has never re-synched since Hard SPL. I connect it using USB Tools (all good), there is a partnership and the Shift is recognised and the synch starts, but it never stops. the longest I have left it (in vain hope) is 2 hours.
I have no clue about the problem. The shift is currently:
Vista set to High Performance
Vista plugged in (I only ever synch plugged in)
All Vista updates are up to date and working
Snap Vue is liberated (no additional ROMs)
Only "major" change to Snap Vue is the use of the HTC Home Plug In (I like it)
Tried with Wireless on and off
Tried with modem on and off
tried with different synch setting (ie no emails, only calendar, etc)
To make matters worse, I am back in PNG for another three months, so have no 3G connectivity to re-liberate the shift if I have to hard reset. The only other option, that i have not tried yet, is to utilise one of the ROMs currently on offer in the Shift Upgrade forum. I would prefer to know the problem before doing this as I would like to wait until I was in 3G connectivity again (just in case it all goes to clag)
Since I am a computer programming/regestry numpty I can not say if anything is different or what is wrong.
So, Community Please Help
nbos04 said:
OK, When I got my shift (months ago) I liberated it. No problems. I put Vista SP1 on it. No Problems. It synched fine and everything was great. I was about as happy as I was going to get while I await the great guys at the Shift Project to make things better.
On my last trip home I decided it was time to Hard SPL the Shift. I had watch the threads and made sure I knew all the bugs that may happened. SO - I Hard SPLed (once again, big thanks to comex and co). All good. SP1 still worked. I re-liberated the shift. All good. This was about two weeks ago.
Now I have a problem. The shift has never re-synched since Hard SPL. I connect it using USB Tools (all good), there is a partnership and the Shift is recognised and the synch starts, but it never stops. the longest I have left it (in vain hope) is 2 hours.
I have no clue about the problem. The shift is currently:
Vista set to High Performance
Vista plugged in (I only ever synch plugged in)
All Vista updates are up to date and working
Snap Vue is liberated (no additional ROMs)
Only "major" change to Snap Vue is the use of the HTC Home Plug In (I like it)
Tried with Wireless on and off
Tried with modem on and off
tried with different synch setting (ie no emails, only calendar, etc)
To make matters worse, I am back in PNG for another three months, so have no 3G connectivity to re-liberate the shift if I have to hard reset. The only other option, that i have not tried yet, is to utilise one of the ROMs currently on offer in the Shift Upgrade forum. I would prefer to know the problem before doing this as I would like to wait until I was in 3G connectivity again (just in case it all goes to clag)
Since I am a computer programming/regestry numpty I can not say if anything is different or what is wrong.
So, Community Please Help
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I still have Sync problems. I can sync only when I turn off modem. I was using thaihugo's ROM and now I added some more stuff and re-cooked and using it. I have no problem in Synching while modem is turned off. As soon as synch need is done, I turn on Modem.

