Broke Activesync - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I dunno what I've done, but I've broken it. Seriously. It won't work and I'm almost stuffed
Basically my HTC Hermes / SPV M3100 has developed 'a serious error' and the SatNav software won't boot. It happens from time to time. About a month ago the MS Reader software failed too thus leaving me without access to ebooks on my PDA. So I've been carrying my Psion 5mx with me for that task.
Basically, it needs a hard reset. But, before I can do that I need to backup the device, the contacts, messages and everything and do a controlled and proper reinstall.
Except Activesync won't connect to the PPC.
I've tried Ver 3.8, 4.2 and 4.5. It's a WM5 Device and therefore I understand that 4.5 is too new. I have 4.2 installed but when I plug the PDA in although it charges it does not connect
I have checked and unchecked "advanced usb connect" in the connections screen of Settings with no joy
So, er, I'd like help please I need to get the device operational for work on Monday or I'll be working off maps again. I use them as backup anyway, but even so!!!

Right. Well. I've tried a whole bunch of different cables, including the one that came with the phone. None are working. In desperation I have removed all un necessary software and used SPB Backup in a CAB install to backup all to the memory card then I'm going to do a hard reset and hope it cures it. If not I guess I'll be contacting Orange for an Insurance Swap due to a faulty unit
Which means I'll probably be without my phone for a week

Well. There you go. Obviously some sort of failure on the device. As soon as I did a hard reset and plugged it in, every thing was recognised.
The SPB restore for just my PIM, Contacts, Notes and Tasks went well and was immediately incorporated into Outlook, and suddenly everything is good.
However, I just now have the reinstallation to do today.... Ahh well.
So the moral of this story is, if ActiveSync fails, then it's probably the device that doesn't like you and SPB is worth the £15

I am using SPB Backup since I switched from HP PDA's to others without integrated backup software and I am happy ever since for the backup part.
I can't tell you what went wrong with your Hermes, definitly a software or registry problem but it was for sure not your desktop activesync sw. There must be some sort of incompatible sw running on your device, meaning: the issue might reappear if you reinstall that particular program again!
My advice: reinstall your application step by step! First install 1 program and see how it works for a while, then the next ... and so on! This is a long way to go but you will be able to pinpoint the app which 'broke your activesync'!

Thanks Junner. Whatever I had installed wrong worked fine for ages, then after about 2 months of not connecting I connected and it didn't like me anymore. If I'd worked it out sooner I would have done it yesterday, but hey ho
Thanks for your words


Activesync error 0x80070008

I use activesync with an exchange server in real time to sync my emails:
I have a major problem with this sync error (0x80070008) constantly coming up on my Cingular 8525. My device will get this error 2-3 times a day during heavy use and it is causing me a lot of heartache. It is true that you can just do a soft reset and then the activesync works again....HOWEVER, there are some times where I do a tremendous amount of work moving emails around and sending replies etc.....then I get the error and do soft reset and lose all that work. It is a major annoyance and it is causing me to rely less and less on my device for email work. I don't want that to be the case because I love this thing and I don't want this to get in the way.
I can only say one more piece of info that may or may not be a real association - This error happens often when I'm on the subway and I have no service I do a lot of work on the device....and when I get out and try to sync this error is very common. This is not the only time it happens, but, its a frequent one.
It surprises me that this is not plaguing others besides me. I hope that someone out there can give me a real fix to this nightmare.
Which ROM you are working with?
Rom version: 1.34.502.1
ROM date: 09/21/06
Radio version:
Protocol Version: 32.53.7018.01H
I dont know if its the same problem or not, but I used to get something similar when i lost service...not able to connect back up to the data network.
I just went into comm manager and turned the phone off and back soft lost data.
First Post, not a real fix, but maybe a workaround.
dkm00182 said:
I dont know if its the same problem or not, but I used to get something similar when i lost service...not able to connect back up to the data network.
I just went into comm manager and turned the phone off and back soft lost data.
First Post, not a real fix, but maybe a workaround.
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Unfortunately this isn't a data connection problem. I am able to browse the web when this error occurs but not sync. I've seen it mentioned somewhere that this is some kind of memory leak problem....I don't know.
edited error code
Sorry I had to edit the main thread subject because I wrote the error code incorrectly.
bump. PLease, someone help me with this. I cannot stand it anymore.
indicated the same problem with same activity, agressively moving emails around through your subfolders might be a significant cause, perhaps due to the sync process, and trying to keep up with you.
especially if you are loosing a connnection back to the server due to your circumstances, it is perhaps trying to queue the number of changes and trying to keep up. new technology probably is perhaps lacking a bit of thought in the process.
just my two bobs worth, and you get your bump anyway.
A quick google shows desc,ts=Palm_External2001,Case=obj(41820)
The implied advice from the last one is dont manually sync if you have an automatic sync set up
The same problem with Kaisar Rom wm6.1
I have the same problem with kaisar after upgrading to WM6.1. I have many subfolders (over 50). Any solution to the problem?
I got that error after something happened to the AS file on my pc. The Hermes tried to find the file but as it was missing it couldn't. Only solution was to delete the sync relationship and start again. Had all my contacts backed up as a precaution because you loose them all if you delete both sync folders - on pc and hermes...
Syncing too many folders causes error
I get that same error with my Touch, whenever I have too many (more than 20 or so) folders setup to synchronize. What's really annoying is that with WM 6.0 I could sync up to about 40, but with 6.1 I can do only half as many.
So far I am at a complete loss as to the cause.
maybe this guy is up to something that would help us
I started getting this error on my HTC Touch Pro when I decided to sync my appointments for the previous month instead of the previous two weeks. I was using ActiveSync through bluetooth. I didn't have any problems syncing until I made that change.
I decided to sync it through the USB cable instead and it sync'd without any errors. My guess is that the bluetooth connection was too slow to sync the larger amount of data.
kevino said:
A quick google shows desc,ts=Palm_External2001,Case=obj(41820)
The implied advice from the last one is dont manually sync if you have an automatic sync set up
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Not true..
I went from a stock rom to the evolution rom.
When i trie to sync it gives me the error.
What should mean that it is out of memory.

Tytn Problems :-(

I switched on my Vario 2 this morning and first thing I noticed is that I had no service, then no calendar and tasks on my home screen, then was unable to sync with ActiveSync and can't launch Calendar, Contacts and Phone.
I've tried everything with ActiveSync, but it just keeps saying it can't connect to my device.
No entirely sure whats going on, I hope someone out there knows whats going on.
If I can't fix it, is it possible to upgrade the ROM without using ActiveSync?
I believe you can do it from a memory card although I hven't tried it myself. If you have a look at the wiki I think there are instructions there.
Have you tried a hard reset?
Cheers, the hard reset sorted it.
Many Thanks,

HELP - it won't sync

OK, When I got my shift (months ago) I liberated it. No problems. I put Vista SP1 on it. No Problems. It synched fine and everything was great. I was about as happy as I was going to get while I await the great guys at the Shift Project to make things better.
On my last trip home I decided it was time to Hard SPL the Shift. I had watch the threads and made sure I knew all the bugs that may happened. SO - I Hard SPLed (once again, big thanks to comex and co). All good. SP1 still worked. I re-liberated the shift. All good. This was about two weeks ago.
Now I have a problem. The shift has never re-synched since Hard SPL. I connect it using USB Tools (all good), there is a partnership and the Shift is recognised and the synch starts, but it never stops. the longest I have left it (in vain hope) is 2 hours.
I have no clue about the problem. The shift is currently:
Vista set to High Performance
Vista plugged in (I only ever synch plugged in)
All Vista updates are up to date and working
Snap Vue is liberated (no additional ROMs)
Only "major" change to Snap Vue is the use of the HTC Home Plug In (I like it)
Tried with Wireless on and off
Tried with modem on and off
tried with different synch setting (ie no emails, only calendar, etc)
To make matters worse, I am back in PNG for another three months, so have no 3G connectivity to re-liberate the shift if I have to hard reset. The only other option, that i have not tried yet, is to utilise one of the ROMs currently on offer in the Shift Upgrade forum. I would prefer to know the problem before doing this as I would like to wait until I was in 3G connectivity again (just in case it all goes to clag)
Since I am a computer programming/regestry numpty I can not say if anything is different or what is wrong.
So, Community Please Help
nbos04 said:
OK, When I got my shift (months ago) I liberated it. No problems. I put Vista SP1 on it. No Problems. It synched fine and everything was great. I was about as happy as I was going to get while I await the great guys at the Shift Project to make things better.
On my last trip home I decided it was time to Hard SPL the Shift. I had watch the threads and made sure I knew all the bugs that may happened. SO - I Hard SPLed (once again, big thanks to comex and co). All good. SP1 still worked. I re-liberated the shift. All good. This was about two weeks ago.
Now I have a problem. The shift has never re-synched since Hard SPL. I connect it using USB Tools (all good), there is a partnership and the Shift is recognised and the synch starts, but it never stops. the longest I have left it (in vain hope) is 2 hours.
I have no clue about the problem. The shift is currently:
Vista set to High Performance
Vista plugged in (I only ever synch plugged in)
All Vista updates are up to date and working
Snap Vue is liberated (no additional ROMs)
Only "major" change to Snap Vue is the use of the HTC Home Plug In (I like it)
Tried with Wireless on and off
Tried with modem on and off
tried with different synch setting (ie no emails, only calendar, etc)
To make matters worse, I am back in PNG for another three months, so have no 3G connectivity to re-liberate the shift if I have to hard reset. The only other option, that i have not tried yet, is to utilise one of the ROMs currently on offer in the Shift Upgrade forum. I would prefer to know the problem before doing this as I would like to wait until I was in 3G connectivity again (just in case it all goes to clag)
Since I am a computer programming/regestry numpty I can not say if anything is different or what is wrong.
So, Community Please Help
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I still have Sync problems. I can sync only when I turn off modem. I was using thaihugo's ROM and now I added some more stuff and re-cooked and using it. I have no problem in Synching while modem is turned off. As soon as synch need is done, I turn on Modem.

data connection

is it normal for the TP not to connect automatically to my 3G network whenever I open programs such as Opera or Google Maps ?
it worked fine with my previous Touch Diamond.
now i need to go to Comm Manager and manually activate Data Connection
very awkward
Am I alone with this problem ?
Eventhough my data connection is on, i cannot send/receive mail, open sites etc etc.
I need to open connections and to "manage" (= go through the settings without changing anything) existing connections before it works again for a short period.
strange, bug ?
I can tell you mine connects (dials-up) automatically, works like a charm
The problem I am having is after a soft reset I need to recreate the connection (write in APN again), as it simply won't connect
do not worry about the poor feeback around here; Palm Treo Pro has a strange user pool, not in to flashing, modding, or pretty much anything, just application and accessories (I am the only one to notice that? Is that beacuse the users came from Palm OS platform and are not used to reap the benefits of this?)
nawww...I'd say b/c it is targeted for business users. I may not be a typical business user but the older I get, I am. I can say that I like to get a phone that works for me, not the other way around. The treo is just that. Not too much modding these days...but that's just me.
about the data connection, that is not normal. Have you tried a hard reset? Sounds like something is wrong.
thx Mike !
forgot that one, I used the Treo straight out of the box without a prior hard reset when I brought it home to Morocco from the US.
a hard reset seems to do the job !
but I have not yet re-installed my software like SPB Mobile Shell, Slovo Ed Dictionary, Opera mobile beta and treo BT update.
lets see how it goes one by one !
jsp_m said:
I can tell you mine connects (dials-up) automatically, works like a charm
The problem I am having is after a soft reset I need to recreate the connection (write in APN again), as it simply won't connect...
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This is exactly the problem that I am having too. Have you found a way to sort it out?

My 614c can't activesync and battery issues

I've read many forums on the internet, but didn't find a solution in this case:
My 614c cannot sync with PC activesync on any computer in any way. When I put the cable, all PC with different Windows with/without firewall etc. says "USB device is not recognized" (I have other PDA wich syncs with no problems). Led is orange, PDA is charging, phone works as usual. At least I've synced with bluetooth, but it doesn't help when I need to upgrade firmware. So the question: is it the iPAQ hardware problem and the only way is to get to service (warranty has expired)?
Next issue:
I've managed to upgrade to latest original OS via SD card, but I didn't found solution, how to upgrade Radio without activesync (now I have 0.77 version). Does anybody know?
Last issue:
Battery drains too fast. Overnight just in stand-by (with GSM, not 3G) it goes down 20%. In normal use, the phone will last a day. Is there any solution how to check if it's the battery problem or the phone? As activesync doesn't work, could it be some electrical shortcut that drains battery just for nothing?
Thanks for your opinions and answers.
falko said:
I've read many forums on the internet, but didn't find a solution in this case:
My 614c cannot sync with PC activesync on any computer in any way. When I put the cable, all PC with different Windows with/without firewall etc. says "USB device is not recognized" (I have other PDA wich syncs with no problems). Led is orange, PDA is charging, phone works as usual. At least I've synced with bluetooth, but it doesn't help when I need to upgrade firmware. So the question: is it the iPAQ hardware problem and the only way is to get to service (warranty has expired)?
Next issue:
I've managed to upgrade to latest original OS via SD card, but I didn't found solution, how to upgrade Radio without activesync (now I have 0.77 version). Does anybody know?
Last issue:
Battery drains too fast. Overnight just in stand-by (with GSM, not 3G) it goes down 20%. In normal use, the phone will last a day. Is there any solution how to check if it's the battery problem or the phone? As activesync doesn't work, could it be some electrical shortcut that drains battery just for nothing?
Thanks for your opinions and answers.
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Guess you need to check how your device's settings for USB are. (see System | USB-to-PC and check or uncheck the option) ...
For the batterydrain, if you have indeed the latest OS installed, you can easily check what app is still running when you disconnect the phone in the HTC Taskmanager.
The radio is now fw 0.89 and some guys managed to update it through SD. Read about it in this thread.
Did you tried to uninstall the device's drivers (from the PC)? Did you tried a hard reset?
USB-to-PC tried in all variations - USB Device is not recogized.
From all PC's software was installed-uninstalled. I did PDA hard-reset few times, even upgraded to Manilla 6.1 ROM, but still impossible to sync.
I use FdcSoft Task Manager, so I know how to shut down apps, but there are many other processes that I don't know what each means and does it have connections with battery drain.
I copied to SD card few files from extracted Radio, and waited for a long time in Modem bootloader, but it really doesn't work.
Strange. Go to device manager while you are "connected" with the cable and and try to uninstall the device and delete the driver.
Known issue
My 614C had exactly the same issue (battery empty within a day, and no USB connection possible). Fortunately this happened within the guarantee period, and I got a new one from HP.
I read somewhere that another user had the same issue after using a car charger, which I used as well. Maybe that creates the initial problem, if the charger doesn't output 5V but more.
Did you flashed your (radio) firmware ?
Good luck repairing your HP,
one more thing about battery
take battery out then pull out the minisd and insurt it back
now check battery life
sometime minisd is not plased well then you get such...
good luck
btw - if you can try working one day with on nimisd card to check...
charlieMOGUL, somehow I think your version is right, it's not the PC or miniSD, or old radio firmware problem. I bought this phone from ebay so who knows who was it's previous user. Maybe he even didn't activesync, because he didn't need it.
The interesting part is how much would it cost to repair this HP and could it be possible to do it by non-HP experienced technician, we have friends, you know..
And I still haven't found radio firmware flash solution via SD card.
I used to have battery draining fast problem as well. That's because one of the Spb applications that came bundled with the device was causing the processor to run continually even during sleep.
Try installing this freeware application to check if the device really sleeps when suspended:
With Spb program caused this issue?
yes it's hard to believe but it's true. I think it was SPB pocket plus or mobile shell but both the older version. After I installed the latest version it really sleeps.
I know exactly its spb because one by one, for each of the services i stopped it, then restarted. I did this for every services that's running. I restarted or soft reset the device literally a dozen times. Then I found out the device really got suspended when the spb application was stopped running. I removed the application at once then everything went fine. I updated the program, reinstalled the application and all is a OK...
I was at my wits end for days trying to figure out why..
Of course for others it may not be spb but some other software that isn't compatible with the other softwares that's concurrently running.
Thanks for the info.
You can try to do it yourself - I heard that it has something to do with the USB connector. Buy the parts on repair hp pda dot com (or a similar site) and, well, good luck!
I had quite some good experiences with the HP support, you can ask them for a quote.

