Bluetooth PAN on HTC Touch HD - Networking

I want to connect my HD to the internet via a Bluetooth Accesss Point (Billionton) or via my Laptop via the Bluetooth Network (LAN access) which is coupled with the main LAN with Internet Connect Sharing.
I allready found the BT PAN network card on the HD (settings > connections> wi-fi > wireless networks > network adapter), but I do not know how to configure it (I did try several options, none was ok).
Did anyone succeeded to connect the HD to the internet via PAN? if yes, then please advice.
BTW, currently I can connect to the internet via the BT serial port (used by Activesync), but this connection is rather slow.

I have the same problem. I can't even connect activesync through bluetooth. Did you find any solution to this?
If connecting through wireless is possible to, that would be preferable as it's probably alot faster.

i give my phone to my family and when i give it from him my bluetooth dont work and when turn on and visible this nobody can see this and i cant find any body when my bluetooth search for people plz help me.
bye BT PAN server with the MS BT stack

thank you but i cant understand that post if have software whats that and if its need seting plz tell that to me in basic english .
good by


Modem on a Mac

I've just recived my p3600 and trying to get it to work with my computers at home. It works very well for most of the things but I ran in to some problems when I tried to use it as a modem with my macbook. I knew that this wouldn't be easy but I thought I might ask here if someone got it to work usb or bluetooth dosn't matter.
Best Regards
I am not very knowledgable about mac's but you should understand that the P3600 does not support Bluetooth DUN connection. You can only use it as a gateway through the Bluetooth PAN connection or via a USB cable connection.
In order to do this you must use the shared internet connection on your P3600. You can then choose to connect your mac to your P3600 via a USB cable or a Bluetooth PAN connection. Then you must select the connection your P3600 will use to connect to the internet, this is usually a GPRS/EDGE or a UMTS/HSDPA connection. The selection of both connections is done from a drop-down menu so you can't really miss it.
Good luck

pocketpc as bluetooth to wifi device
recall people asking about this
Would u pls elaborate more
Do u mean I can use this software to connect to internt as if I have wifi.
if your laptop or your desktop dont have wifi
but have bluetooth and want to use your pda with wifi as
a means to get wifi access on your pc
Thanks 4 ur fast reply
My PC have bluetooth & Wifi
My PDA Have only bluetooth (Himalaya)
By usung this software in PDA, is it possible to connect to the intrnet in area have wirelss Lan (no need to GPRS)?
Sorry 4 too much ques.
you can do that without any software at all
if you are connected to activesync with bluetooth
you have full access to the network your pc have
unless you block it
I can connect to internet through Activesync, no prob.
I was hopping to connect as if I have wifi, not through cridle
you can if your bluetooth stack support PAN
and you setup inet sharing
Thanks man
I was hoping to link to the internet through Wireless network as if i have wifi
thanks again
you say
"My PC have bluetooth & Wifi
My PDA Have only bluetooth (Himalaya)"
if your pc is connected to the internet using wifi
and your pda is connected to your pc using PAN bluetooth
and you have internet sharing
then you have internet over wifi on your pda
well internet over bluetooth->wifi
I'm sorry if my sentences were not clear
I want to connect to the Internet while no PC beside me
Only Wireless network as if i have Wifi in the mobile
Could this happen by bluetooth?
Thanks for ur care to reply very fast.
no bluetooth only pda can not connect to a wifi network without a pc with wifi being the middleman
or another pda or mobile which can act as bluetooth modem for the pda without wifi
Thanks man u have been very helpfull

Unable to share cell net w/ PC via bluetooth

I've tried most of the solutions/methods on this forum/net, but it just doesn't work!
I'm able to pair the device, start the PAN service and 'Intetnet Sharing' gets connected as well, PC gets an IP address, but I get no response when I ping or open a webpage.
On the phone end, I've tried with WM5, WM6, WM6.1 and even with WMWi iRouter. On the PC end, tried with 3 different XP/2003/Vista machines. I'm using BlueSoleil 6.2, but had no success with older or later versions either.
Internet Sharing over USB worked fine till my USB connector broke so BlueTooth/WiFi is my only option.
Can soneone help me out please?
if you want to teeth your gprs connection so your pc get internet that way
PAN is not the way to go
search for bluetooth AND modem
in the forums there are many guides how
it's setup
PAN is if you want your pda to get internet from your pc
Thanks for the reply. I tried Bluetooth DUN but it's too slow (115kbps) and keeps getting disconnected every 5 mins...
If Bluetooth PAN is for sharing PC net only, why then does it show up under 'Internet Sharing', and also shows the Cellular net option, as if it can connect the both, like it does for USB? If PAN isn't meant for sharing cell net, it shouldn't show the option, right?
I mean, it's not *impossible* right? We have a TCP/IP network established with all IPs properly assigned; only one device has net access; how hard or improbable can it be to share the net? There has to be a way! :|
Infact, even the inbuilt Help on Internet Sharing describes that cell net can be shared w/ the PC over bluetooth using 'Internet Sharing' and says nothing about connecting as a modem and the whole *99# thing. I was of the opinion that 'Internet Sharing' made that method obsolete...
- Disconnect everything
- Open internet sharing, select Bluetooth PAN, connect. IS should tell you "waiting for bluetooth connection".
- On the PC, connect to the PAN service on the phone. This must work, I've used it countless times.
If traffic doesn't go through, you probably have a proxy set on your device (happens with some network operators) that you need to disable for it to work.
^ That's exactly how I've been trying .. maybe it's because of BlueSoleil?
Which bluetooth stack are you using? I've been searching the local stores for a non-bluesoleil adapter but no luck so far
I'm using the Widcomm stack that came with my BT keyboard/mouse set. I think you can download it for free anyway...
kilrah said:
- Disconnect everything
- Open internet sharing, select Bluetooth PAN, connect. IS should tell you "waiting for bluetooth connection".
- On the PC, connect to the PAN service on the phone. This must work, I've used it countless times.
If traffic doesn't go through, you probably have a proxy set on your device (happens with some network operators) that you need to disable for it to work.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hi Kilrah, could u provide some details about how to disable proxy on the device .
I can connect but no internet traffic on my laptop .I am using vodafone live gprs on xda orbit .Thanks

Need Help - How to connect to the internet via Bluetooth PAN?

If anybody had managed to access the internet via Bluetooth PAN (via a PC ora BT accees point), then please provide explanation how to configure both: a PC with Boradcom stack and the HTC HD (which connection to use, how to use the Internet Connect Sharing on the HD, which IP addresses should be entered for the PAN network card etc.)
Your help is really needed
I am sure this was answered the other day, do a search within the Blackstone forums.
Found it :
Yes, you are right. The opther thread title was about NULL MODEM, and could have been not clear. Due to the lack of help there, I did post this new thread with a more accurate title.
The problem remains the same. I still cannot access the internet via PAN. I can use BT ActiveSync to access the Internet , but this is not the right way.
Please, anyone who had succeeded, do post the steps to achieve BT via PAN
Thats a really basic question. (your really did not find a answer on this forum?).
On ppc goto Programs/internetconnection/ and under connection choose bluetooth instead of usb. Than click connect.
On PC right click on bluetooth icon, chooce quickconnect to Network accesspoint.
Thats it. Of course you firs must pair device and set it to be"visible".
I allready did that, I chose 'Network Access', under the Quick Connect, my PPC was detected, when I click on 'Connect' I get the message "Error creating 'Network Access Point' connection with device ,my device>" on my PC. This happens when I choose Serilal Port or Dial Up Networking too.
What am I missing?
S u c c e s s
Thanks to you all foryour support.
The problem was with the BT stcak on my computer. I unistalled the Widcomm BT application and reinstalled it again. Suddenly, no more error messages. All is working ok.
Even I wanted to connect to my LAN internet connection on desktop over Bluetooth.
1. I have enabled BT on HD - Visible mode (No Bluetooth icon on Taskbar -- Why???.
2. Paired with Desktop - passkey exchange - Success.
3. Service Discovery - Two services found on THD:
a) Bluetooth PAN.
b) Bluetooth Dial-up networking.
(Please note - Object Push Service and FTP services are not there!!)
Anyway - Now if I try to Click Connect to the PAN:
"Establishing a Connection with ABX's Bluetooth PAN
Operation - Not successful. Please try it again..
I have soft reset HD and also reinstalled Bluesoleil on desktop several times.
Nothing seems to help.
As a side note
1.Even sending an object from Desktop is not possible as the Object Push Service is not visible..
2.Sending a text from a cellphone also fails - "Bluetooth Connection Failed"
I have "Obex inbox" installed if that information helps.. But the problem is there even before installing any app.
Is it that I got a stone instead of a "BlackStone" ??
Any help greatly appreciated.
Edit: Connecting Activesync over bluetooth worked. still unable over either ActiveSync-USB OR to do BT without Activesync
Any Ideas??

Internet sharing and Bluetooth

I have 2 questions:
1) How to use (to share) the internet connection (3G) established by my blackstone on my Laptop, using bluetooth? On the blackstone, the screen for internet sharing only appears when I connect the mobile to the laptop with an USB cable. At that time it's possible to chose the type of connection USB or bluetooth. My question: is there a way to get this screen (internet sharing) on the mobile without pluggin the USB cable in order to use directly the bluetooth connection?
2) In the same way I would like to use (to share) the 3G internet connection setup by my blackstone on my HTC Kaiser (WM6.0) also using bluetooth.
Is it possible? Someone could explain the procedure?
The reason to do that, is to use Skype. If I try to use Skype on my blackstone, it's refused by the Telecom Operator. When I use Skype on my laptop sharing an 3G internet connection, it's allowed... I suppose it would be allowed too if I run Skype on my Kaiser sharing the 3G connection of my blackstone...
I know that is possible to do it with WiFi. Bluetooth would be better...
Many thanks for your answers.
In the programs listing you should have a program called "internet sharing" which allows you to select USB or Bluetooth. I haven't used the bluetooth setting but it has a settings option so should be able to do what you want.
Yeah i just select Bluetooth rather than USB connection and press connect.
Pair your laptop to your phone first then press connect, then on your laptop, click the taskbar icon and click quick connect > Network Access and then select your phone.
Thank you all for your helpful answers. I succeeded to connect my blackstone to my laptop using bluetooth and sharing the 3G internet connection.
However, I didn't succeed to share the 3 G internet connection setup by my blackstone on my HTC Kaiser (see my point 2 in my previous post). I succeeded to establish a Bluetooth connection between them, but I never succeeded to share the connection. (The Kaiser runs on WM6.0).
Any idea?
Many thanks for your help.

