[DEV:LPM] Location Profiler Mobile (13/Jan/2009) - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Last Update January 15, 2009
I have been working on a nice add-in for windows mobile,
this application will find your location (based on cell id) and change the profile based on these locations.
currently the software is capable of changing the WiFi status (on/off/unchanged) and also Bluetooth (on/off/unchanged).
changes to this document will be marked in blue
Added Spy Photos of the new Version, it will take a while but it worths the wait
- Add Vibration Control.
- Add Ringing Volume Control.
- Make as invisible process.
- Unknown location Profile.
- Switch to Flight mode profile option.
- Display Personal Note profile option.
- smartWatchM Support, Displays location and vibrates when location changes
- Suggestion : Mortscript or application execution on certain location.
LPM V0.1.1:
- Hide Button.
- Display Cell ID Instead of unknown.
- Added Programs Shortcut.
LPM V0.1:
- Initial Release
- Cell ID Based
- Switch Profiles Automatically.
- Wireless (on/off/unchanged) support
- Bluetooth (on/off/unchanged) support.
- Leave Unchanged option.
- XML Configuration and profiles storage.
- Polling rate of 30000ms (30 Seconds).
- Windows Mobile OS (Tested on WM6.1 Xperia).
- dot Net framework 3.5.
i have published the source code on Codeplex on this link
if you are interested in working with me to improve this application, let me know
How to use :
1 - Start the application.
2 - Click and hold on the Empty box then select add.
3 - Type the location name, select BT & WIFI settings (unchecking the box = Don't change status when reaching this place).
4 - Click menu, start recording. then move around the place to capture all cell IDs.
5 - Click save
6 - Repeat for your locations.
7 - Enjoy.
Please Post your mobile device after testing the software. state if the test is successfull or not and if you found any bugs.
Compatibility List :
- Sony Ericsson X1
Warning : Use at your own risk, neither me or XDA-Developers are responsible if anything goes wrong.
the file(s) attached here follows the License found on codeplex

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته​is it only for changing the profile or it can do more
thanks !! for your time to make it happen any how.

awesome, I was designing this kind of application myself..
But this looks nice, I will look at the source and see if my style matches yours. If so I think I'd like to help develop.

This could duplicate (and more) the functionality of Wifilocations (also on xda-developers), but more than just turning on/off the wifi and bluetooth!

johnchan78 said:
This could duplicate (and more) the functionality of Wifilocations (also on xda-developers), but more than just turning on/off the wifi and bluetooth!
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i don't think so, anyway i'm planing to implement alot of new features.
let me know if you have any specific request.

I've been wondering when WM would get to have something like this. About 3yrs ago, I played with a similar program on my Nokia S60 phone. It worked pretty good. When I went to the conference room I could have the phone memorize that location and it would put my phone to silent. And so on. Thanks for your interest and work on this. I look forward to testing it out!

noellenchris said:
I've been wondering when WM would get to have something like this. About 3yrs ago, I played with a similar program on my Nokia S60 phone. It worked pretty good. When I went to the conference room I could have the phone memorize that location and it would put my phone to silent. And so on. Thanks for your interest and work on this. I look forward to testing it out!
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thanks for your support, please let me know if you are facing any problems.
i will be including some more stuff in it soon

I use Wifilocations, but I find it somewhat unreliable with the cell-readout (but perhaps it's me). Anyway, I will give your application a try. I will mainly use it for turning on/off Wifi anyway.
I have a few questions though:
What is the polling frequency?
Is there a special -hide autostart option?
What is going to be different from Wifilocations?
Thx for your work!
Best, danckel

danckel said:
I use Wifilocations, but I find it somewhat unreliable with the cell-readout (but perhaps it's me). Anyway, I will give your application a try. I will mainly use it for turning on/off Wifi anyway.
I have a few questions though:
What is the polling frequency?
Is there a special -hide autostart option?
What is going to be different from Wifilocations?
Thx for your work!
Best, danckel
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in the future, this application will have alot of features,
it will have a default profile (Unknown Location Profile) which will allow you to set your default setting when you are not in a known area.
also it will have options to prevent from stopping bluetooth and/or wifi if a call is on going (to prevent a BT Headset from disconnection or to prevent Wifi incase of VOIP call).
some more features will be there and whatever you have in mind can be implemented.
the polling time will soon be an option to set i think now it is set to 30 seconds (i'm not sure about the timer settings), the software automatically polls the cell id when a major event happens (add new location or edit one for example).
but i'm concerned about one thing, is it consuming battery?!
i didn't notice anychange in battery life or performance of the device. can you please confirm this?
thanks all for your support.

Didn't test it yet, but I'll suggest you add:
launch an app (sequence)
send predefined sms
connect to A2DP receiver
go to flight mode (cinema, hospital, plane)
turn off GSM part (bad or no coverage)
antitheft actions / lock the phone (when it leaves a specified location)
-> maybe this can be done with just running another app
How accurate is this ?

Good Job ,, Well Done ,,
mmm ,, also I suggest to search for another products to collect more ideas to rich your software ,,
You can test this software I'm really using it ,,
it has many ideas that you can include in your software ,,
also ,, this software not depending on net framework ,, and it has an independent wm service working in backgroud to monitor the cells and change the profile this thing make it too light and stable,,
it also has a today pluggin ,, so today pluggin it important ,,
so ,, give your self a time to try it to get more ideas for your software ,,

like,,, making it shareware

nono ,, please don't make it shareware ,, take all features from GSM Locator except this one ,,

lastnikita said:
Didn't test it yet, but I'll suggest you add:
launch an app (sequence)
send predefined sms
connect to A2DP receiver
go to flight mode (cinema, hospital, plane)
turn off GSM part (bad or no coverage)
antitheft actions / lock the phone (when it leaves a specified location)
-> maybe this can be done with just running another app
How accurate is this ?
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Sure, Sure, these are all nice features
i started immediately on some of what you said
regarding the accuracy, this cannot be measured in any unit!
the GSM mobile cell looks like a hexagon, when you are outside the city this hexagon is set to be larger (covers more land) while it is smaller inside the city, mostly, inside the city (or locations with high mobile traffic) will have more accuracy but not that much precised! for example it will not distinguish a room in your home, but it will be able to recognize your home (but maybe not your neighbour if both are covered with the same cell tower).
CodeMaster said:
Good Job ,, Well Done ,,
mmm ,, also I suggest to search for another products to collect more ideas to rich your software ,,
You can test this software I'm really using it ,,
it has many ideas that you can include in your software ,,
also ,, this software not depending on net framework ,, and it has an independent wm service working in backgroud to monitor the cells and change the profile this thing make it too light and stable,,
it also has a today pluggin ,, so today pluggin it important ,,
so ,, give your self a time to try it to get more ideas for your software ,,
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needing dot NET framework is not a minus! it's a framework, it makes my life (as a systems developer) easier.
developing a today plugin is tricky, it requres an unmanaged code (cannot be done via managed code at all), so if anyone is interesed in helping me in this part i would be pleased
lastnikita said:
like,,, making it shareware
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No way, i'm not planing to establish a company and sell this product. i'm having fun developing it in my spare time
some people might have a performance concern, i did my best to avoid any practice that might affect performance. but even though, please report any performance issues if you face some
enjoy it

CodeMaster said:
Good Job ,, Well Done ,,
mmm ,, also I suggest to search for another products to collect more ideas to rich your software ,,
You can test this software I'm really using it ,,
it has many ideas that you can include in your software ,,
also ,, this software not depending on net framework ,, and it has an independent wm service working in backgroud to monitor the cells and change the profile this thing make it too light and stable,,
it also has a today pluggin ,, so today pluggin it important ,,
so ,, give your self a time to try it to get more ideas for your software ,,
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Guy, you were plugging your app (with handango link no less) three times on the other thread and now you are bumping it in here on the other app's thread, again? You must seriously work for them. Please, cut it off.

I tried your program, however, it could never get a fix on my location... it was always "unknown".
Im using a Xperia X1 GSM version...

johnchan78 said:
I tried your program, however, it could never get a fix on my location... it was always "unknown".
Im using a Xperia X1 GSM version...
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please check the first post, i added how to use.
let me know if it didn't work and if you are facing any more problems.

anaadoul said:
the polling time will soon be an option to set i think now it is set to 30 seconds (i'm not sure about the timer settings), the software automatically polls the cell id when a major event happens (add new location or edit one for example).
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Polling time of 30sec is fine, but I could not verify it. A very helpful trigger event is "turning on the device again". Could you include an active polling on this event?
It would also be nice if the application showed the actual cell id rather than reporting "Unknown" on the main screen. This enables me to check whether the polling actually works.
Wifilocations also has a trigger event when you leave rather than enter a cell. This could also be very handy.
Battery drain is of course a major concern, because the application has to run continuously. I haven't had time to check the battery drain yet.
Finally, is there a program switch that enables starting the program in the background?
PS: Thanks also for sharing the source code.

send predefined sms
-this option would be very useful for people who always travel because it can send an sms to a pre defined number especially if it will also send the cellid. it can be used as a tracking device.

this is what i did:
- launched LPM
- Options > Add New Location
- added location name: Office> ticked Ringing Volume > adjusted to lowest point > Start Recording > Saved
- quit the app
- relaunched the app, now the Current Location shows "Office", Ringer: 0%
- when someone calls, the ringer volume is still max


CellTracker Alternative

I don't know where else to post this....I found this while looking for an alternative to the SPV Developers CellTracker app. It's an app called NiceTrack...the screenshots tell the rest of the story:
Background info: http://www.ascendingangels.com/nicecuppa.com/nicetrack.asp?story=1
Screenshots: http://www.ascendingangels.com/nicecuppa.com/nicetrack.asp?story=2
Download: http://www.ascendingangels.com/nicecuppa.com/nicetrack.asp?story=3 (Version 1.2)
The source code for that app can also be downloaded from the Background Info link.
The SPV Developers CellTracker app (Beta version only, hasn't been updated since December) for PocketPCs is located at the way bottom of the page:
NiceTrack updates the tower changes in real-time whereas CellTracker does not. NiceTrack also shows the dbm signal strength on a cool chart and it also includes a logging function that allows you to rename the cells your phone has connected to while the app is active.
Signal strength chart: http://www.ascendingangels.com/nicecuppa.com/images/nicetrack/main-page.gif
Here are a couple hints based on my experience so far:
1) In order to fully save the renamed/logged cell sites, you must first tap Save next to where you renamed the cell site. Then you must also tap Options/Menu --> Save (extreme lower left) to save all changes since the app was launched.
2) Use Menu --> Exit to completely close the app.
I have tested this for use on my MDA II w/Windows Mobile 2003. I don't know if the app is compatible with WM5 PPCs or regular Windows Mobile smartphones.
Thanks for posting.
This software has been discussed before, and it is great:
However, I believe people are having difficulty converting it to WM5 (when I last checked). But great stuff either way.
Hi there,
Sharpstuff (NiceTrack author) here..
I've just bought a T-Mobile MDA Vario and have managed to get it working on that ( WM2005 )
The problem was that in the older phones the GSM modem was on COM2 and on my Vario it's now COM9. I've made the Com port configurable now, but it's still not 100%.
You can download it from my site www.nicecuppa.net
Let me know how y'all get on.
Good stuff sharpstuff Wish I had a gps!
sharpstuff said:
Hi there,
Sharpstuff (NiceTrack author) here..
I've just bought a T-Mobile MDA Vario and have managed to get it working on that ( WM2005 )
The problem was that in the older phones the GSM modem was on COM2 and on my Vario it's now COM9. I've made the Com port configurable now, but it's still not 100%.
You can download it from my site www.nicecuppa.net
Let me know how y'all get on.
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Sharpstuff, you have an excellent app here. I had to search for a bit to find it but in the end, I'm quite glad to have it . I also like the pun you have for your site...it's quite distinctive since even as a German-American, I know when someone says "cuppa", they normally mean the cup of tea .
Keep up the good work and thanks for taking the time to develop such a great and invaluable app .
oooh.. *bookmark*
Do you have a regular Donate button somewhere? I see the shop, but I'd rather just get X amount straight to you, and not have to be awoken by some crazy delivery guy at 8am for a mug
Thanks for the kind thought...
But, I enjoy doing this stuff, so just click my google ads and I'm happy!
Got this to work on my 8125, almost... Clicking on 'add' under events causes it to crash with the following error:
....bummer - so close!
You need to select an event type eg. "Flash backlight" then click "add"..
Needs some validation there.. Plus, the events side of things isn't very useful at the moment, I need to implement some more event types.
I installed it on my qtek9100 but it doesn't find a GSM-modem at all.
Also a Qtek9100, EN - found it on COM9 just fine
What would be really neat would be an event "Show Picture". That way it would be easy to make a make-shift map tracking thing. Simply grab a picture of the map off the internet, plunge a big dot on the map where you got the cell, save as image, and have that image displayed when entering that cell %) GIF files on the storage card, shouldn't take up too much space
Alternatively a full-fledged mapping thing could be developed, but that's a lot more work *nod*
@sharpstuff hey I installed it on my XDA EXEC, but when it scans for com and reaches com9 it just freezes...any ideas?
Hi there,
I'm having some problems with the detection code, and general functionality on WM5.
I am looking into it and will post a new version up ASAP, sorry for the problems..
stop being sorry and add that donate button *keeps clicking google ads once a day but hopes google won't start ignoring his IP address for excessive clicking...*
N!co said:
I installed it on my qtek9100 but it doesn't find a GSM-modem at all.
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After a soft reset its working fine on COM9. Nice app.!
sharpstuff said:
Hi there,
I'm having some problems with the detection code, and general functionality on WM5.
I am looking into it and will post a new version up ASAP, sorry for the problems..
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So is Release 1.3b a partial fix for WM5 users? I installed it on my MDA II and it detects my modem on COM2 without any problems. Both 1.2 and 1.3 seem to work on WM2003 PPCs.
Yep, it's an intermediate release. Basically, it reminds the user on startup to set the Com port in settings
I'm working on v1.4 at present, this has more error checking on the GSM code, and multi-threaded com port detection so the whole app doesn't hang
For what it's worth - it seems to randomly lock up on me - requires an 'end task'. Sometimes when this happens, and I try to fire it back up again, I just get an empty message box dialog; no title, just the close button.
ZeBoxx said:
For what it's worth - it seems to randomly lock up on me - requires an 'end task'. Sometimes when this happens, and I try to fire it back up again, I just get an empty message box dialog; no title, just the close button.
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I get that messagebox at random even after I closed the app and its not in the list of running programs. Strange...

Scheduled switch on / off of Bluetooth

This may be a generic piece of software but I'll post it here becuase the TyTn is the device I want to use it on...
Is there a piece of software available that will switch on and off bluetooth at a specified time?
If not, would somebody with some programming knowledge be able to write this?
The idea behind it is that - say you travel to and from work at a specific time - say 8am -> 8:30am and 5:30 -> 6pm - you would'nt have to keep switching bluetooth on and off in order to connect your mobile to a headset...
Auto switching..
Have you tried PocketZenPhone?
it may be what you are looking for..
Charlie Grillo
Phonealarm has an option to schedule profile changes at specific times and within each profile, one of the settings available is to switch bluetooth on/off. You can also specify to run a program of your choice upon profile change as well.
TyTn is PocketPC bassed not SmartPhone bassed so it dosn't have profiles as such...so don't think that'll do it...
Phonealarm is a program which gives your profile functionality on a PPC device.
My phone is a Vario II (aka HTC Tytn).
Nicky said:
Phonealarm is a program which gives your profile functionality on a PPC device.
My phone is a Vario II (aka HTC Tytn).
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I'd better have a look at it then!!!
Yeh, it is worth a look, it is a great program
I really missed having profiles when I switched from standard phones to PPC devices which is why I bought it.
If you click on the link on my first post it will take you to the developers home page.
I'm using SKScheMa from the SKTools folk.
It works fine to schedule all sorts of stuff on/off, including soft reseting in the middle of the night, running clean up utilities at 6am etc..
It's also got some neat (if quite complicated) scripting capability but there are one or two pre-canned scripts that you can assign to buttons like 'Toggle BT' ...
Works for me...
davejeff said:
I'm using SKScheMa from the SKTools folk.
It works fine to schedule all sorts of stuff on/off, including soft reseting in the middle of the night, running clean up utilities at 6am etc..
It's also got some neat (if quite complicated) scripting capability but there are one or two pre-canned scripts that you can assign to buttons like 'Toggle BT' ...
Works for me...
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is it possible to use this to get ActiveSync via bluetooth to start automatically when I come in range of the bluetooth on the PC? I do all my synching with BT, but it is a pain in the butt to have to manually start the process every time
yeah - I know what you mean... so as far as I know, it's possible to create a script to switch BT on, then start an App (such as Activesync)... you can even script it to emulate stylus 'clicks' etc.. now the only trick may be having to start the script (for activesync) depending on a connection being available ... but there is some capability called WATCH which is supposed to watch for certain events etc...
So, have I done it myself ? no...
Is it possible ? it certainly looks like it..
Hi lsainsbury,
I would also give PocketZenPhone (mentioned above) a try. From experience I have personally found it better than Phonealarm for switching profiles etc...
From what I remember PhoneAlarm has other features which I was not interested in. PZP has many features for customizing notifications etc...
I am sure others will disagree but this is my opinion.
Guess you have nothing to loose by trying it, right?
Tried both, pocketzenphone is the best IMO....its only missing ONE thing which is automatic profile changing via cell id.
(as you can see by my new topic) Phonealarm seems to have problems with the TyTN from my experience anyway!

OpenCellClient - a Windows Mobile opencellid client

Hello all!
I started a new project named OpenCellClient. This application is a scanner for the open service http://www.opencellid.org. This project wants to create a complete database of CellID worldwide, with their locations.
This is very useful for a lot of things, working like a "second GPS", for devices without build in GPS receiver.
More than this, RemoteTracker (version 0.3.0-0 and above) can use this database when the GPS receiver could not find the signal, or if the device does not have this radio inside.
Thinking about the great help this project gives to us, I decide to contribute creating a client for Windows Mobile.
How it works? Start the application and go walk, drive or whatever you want do to outside. You GPS will be turned on and the software will scan for cell towers. Each tower found is stored with their coordinate. You don't need to stay connected to internet spending money transfering data to the opencellid website. You can send the collected data later, in your home, work or any wifi spot. After that, you can make searchs using opencellid web site. And we can't forget: this location will be used by RemoteTracker too.
If you want to give a try, please go to http://opencellclient.sourceforge.net and download the cab file.
- .NET CF 3.5;
- SQLServerCE 3.5.
Keep OpenCellClient up to date!
There is an integration with AppToDate. This application verify if configured softwares are up to date or not. If not, you are alerted, and invited to download the new version! Very cool and useful.
You can download AppToDate here.
After install AppToDate, please download and run OpenCellClient to configure AppToDate.
Try this and don't forget a new version never more!
--> It is a work in progress. In future versions I will make a lot more.
Support this project
You can support this project making a donation clicking here or clicking the banners in the project website.
looks great thanks for the contribution! i'm getting ready to download it now.
I drive a lot and i'll be more than happy to contribute for France ID's
Very good
Please don't forget this is my first version and may have bugs. If you find one (or more, of course), let me know!
Alas, I am not on GSM, but it is fantastic to see you continue to put out fantastic open-source code and tools. Keep up the great work... RT will be built into my ROM always!
Very nice! Will try it on my way to work.
Question: Will it continue to scan when I 'close' the applciation, i.e. put it in the background and use the phone for other tasks, like - äh - doing a phone call or, surfing the web, etc?
Another application using GPS in longer intervals to conserve the battery found out that the initial fixes after the GPS was powered up again (after 3 secs of no GPS usage, the GPS powers down) can be off a bit. I need to check what they did.
Ok, I found a small problem: Although WiFi is enabled and a cell is found, the 'Sent to OpenCellID' menu entry is grayed out.
Question: Does the API actually give you the Cells 'in view' or only the cells the device is connected to? Because the first would only give you the cells of your provider and not those of competitors.
Although, I understand this would be out of your control, as it happens behind the scenes.
How can I send the collected date to the website? This part is always grayed out and not selectable? Still a bug?
xd1936 said:
Alas, I am not on GSM, but it is fantastic to see you continue to put out fantastic open-source code and tools. Keep up the great work... RT will be built into my ROM always!
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Thank you very much
When I exit the app, WiFi gets disabled.
I do have the impression the app stops logging when send to the background, or when the device goes to sleep.
Furthermore my device reacts very sluggish when the app is running in the background.
I hope this feedback helps.
krheinwald said:
Ok, I found a small problem: Although WiFi is enabled and a cell is found, the 'Sent to OpenCellID' menu entry is grayed out.
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This option would be grayed ONLY if your device is not a GSM device. I will release a new version without this rule. I think the test I did is not the same for all devices.
krheinwald said:
Question: Does the API actually give you the Cells 'in view' or only the cells the device is connected to? Because the first would only give you the cells of your provider and not those of competitors.
Although, I understand this would be out of your control, as it happens behind the scenes.
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The API I used only show me the tower I'm connected. I didn't search for triangulation, but it would be a good idea.
Lycox said:
How can I send the collected date to the website? This part is always grayed out and not selectable? Still a bug?
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This option would be grayed ONLY if your device is not a GSM device. I will release a new version without this rule. I think the test I did is not the same for all devices.
krheinwald said:
When I exit the app, WiFi gets disabled.
I do have the impression the app stops logging when send to the background, or when the device goes to sleep.
Furthermore my device reacts very sluggish when the app is running in the background.
I hope this feedback helps.
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Hi Klaus!
There is a debug option you can turn on. With this option the program create a txt file with debug information you could send to me.
Thank you for your tests
I have tested OpenCellClient and have found the following issues:
1. When I am closing the program with the x-Button (top right corner), OpenCellClient is still visible in the process list and use 1,74M of RAM (visible with TaskManager). When closing with the Exit-Button (down right corner) everything is fine. The process/application is not visible in the Taskmanager.
2. When closing the application the WiFi will be disabled also (already found by other users). The debug-Log does not say anything about WiFi.
3. When enabling WiFi (registry key: wifi) the application crashs after starting the scan process. I know that wifi is not yet enabled, but I have tried it .
I have also 2 wishes:
1. I can change the width of the columns, but after restarting the application I have to change the width again. It is possible to save the width of the columns ?
2. All new CellIds should be visible at the beginning of the list, not at the end.
I have a little remark on the way it works.
Currently, when i click start, it opens the table with cell IDs, starts finding etc. Then i click Send and it brings me back to the welcome screen with the progress bar, ok. But after that i'm unable to go back to the table without stopping and restarting
I'd rather have some kind of tabs so i could swap between screens at will, if possible
Otherwise it worked fine, i sent around 50 different IDs today, no problems so far.
kuzco1 said:
I have tested OpenCellClient and have found the following issues:
1. When I am closing the program with the x-Button (top right corner), OpenCellClient is still visible in the process list and use 1,74M of RAM (visible with TaskManager). When closing with the Exit-Button (down right corner) everything is fine. The process/application is not visible in the Taskmanager.
2. When closing the application the WiFi will be disabled also (already found by other users). The debug-Log does not say anything about WiFi.
3. When enabling WiFi (registry key: wifi) the application crashs after starting the scan process. I know that wifi is not yet enabled, but I have tried it .
I have also 2 wishes:
1. I can change the width of the columns, but after restarting the application I have to change the width again. It is possible to save the width of the columns ?
2. All new CellIds should be visible at the beginning of the list, not at the end.
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Thank you kuzco! Everything will be verifyed
Are you using version 1.0 or 1.1?
TrYde said:
I have a little remark on the way it works.
Currently, when i click start, it opens the table with cell IDs, starts finding etc. Then i click Send and it brings me back to the welcome screen with the progress bar, ok. But after that i'm unable to go back to the table without stopping and restarting
I'd rather have some kind of tabs so i could swap between screens at will, if possible
Otherwise it worked fine, i sent around 50 different IDs today, no problems so far.
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Yeah, I know the interface is not good enough But you can see the table using the option Actions/View data.
Thank you for testing!!!
joubertvasc said:
Thank you kuzco! Everything will be verifyed
Are you using version 1.0 or 1.1?
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I was running V1.0, but I have tested now V1.1. The problems still exists.

New audio switch program for skype and others.

This program is an evolution of the first I made. It will route the audio to the earpiece when an certain program is running.
I put the program here because I have test it in wizard, if people test this in others phones and it works, please post here and maybe move this this thread to an more "generic" forum.
the program MUST be under "\($program files)\audioswitch" folder, you must unzip the contents to this folder.
the configuration file (command.txt) is under this format:
the first line is the delay(in miliseconds) in witch the program will "look" if a program in the list is in the top level window, faster phone, smaller delays, I recommend 1000 ms.
the next 20 lines are the programs you want the audio to be routed to the earpiece(max 20 lines for now).
Again the program is under the "do it on your own risk" and "I am not responsible for anything" licence. And,of course, it is free!! Do not sell it!
It is manly intended for little expert users, as it is still in "beta" fase, hehehe.
How it works:
the program runs in an eternal loop and look for the title of the current window that is displayed for the user in a time interval.
When the program mach the title window with one of the names user configured it it will switch the audio, when the program is not running anymore, the audio will swich back.
Do not launch two or more instances of the program at the same time, could really mess things up. -- se the forum (thanks tucahara)
To stop the program, u must use a process manager.
it would be good if someone could make a cab to install it. -- done see the forum (thanks tucahara)
this is still a beta, I intend to make ajustments as people give feedback.
hope u like.
-----first update---
now, an file called "audioswitch_error.txt" in the root directory will hold the error messages.
------------ List - Working ------------
wizard - I tested
P3301 or P3300 - I tested
att tilt - I tested
touch 3452 and 3450
touch dual
touch cruise
touch HD
Sony Ericsson Xperia X1
BenQ E72
Titan --> see the forum
------------ List - NOT working ------------
T-Mobile Diamond
HTC Touch by Sprint
Samsung SGH-i780
check the new thread at:
new aproach to do the switch and now open source, even with an class that others can improve and put in other apps...
Some people complain about me not openning the source of the app, I have just made this way because there was proprietary code inside and I had no time to rewrite it without the proprietary code.
I have made the best I could, and now I had some time and rewrite the app in open source, to those who only complain about it, get the code and make it better instead of complaining!
Thanks for all that encourage me to continue the work and helped the development.
will retire this project for while...
thanks u all.
Audioswitch for Skype
On HTC Touch by Sprint (CDMA, also known as Vogue), audioswitch does switch the audio in the Skype 2.5 windows mobile PPC from external speaker to handset. Unfortunately, the microphone is then also disabled. I hope you'll be able to tweak your audioswitch to resolve this.
Thank you so much for developing this wonderful applet. I'm sure you will have the gratitude of many frustrated Skype windows mobile users.
What really happens is that when the sound output is switched in some phones, the microphone gain changes too. This happens because the phone thinks it is a "normal call".
Most of the times the mic gain increases, but in your phone it must be decreasing. Try to figure out in registry where the mic gain controls are recorded and chage all of then to the same value. I had this issue with my P3301 and solved this way, but there is quite a time now and I do not remenber where are the reg keys to change, but I have found the information here in the forum.
I will try to figure out for other "hack" to solve this issue... thanks for reply.
doesn't work at T-Mobile Compact IV (aka Diamond)
Sound went to loudspeaker....
PS: fring last version working fine with sound at mine phone (without any additional programms). Sound is going to correct destination automatically
I just tried the latest version of Fring, which automatically switches audio to earpiece when call is connected.
The same issue occurs with the new Fring as I described above with your audioswitch program: I can hear audio through earpiece, but microphone doesn't work (or is inaudible).
I couldn't find a tweak or registry hack to correct this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
MarceloFB said:
This program is an evolution of the first I made. It will route the audio to the earpiece when an certain program is running.
I put the program here because I have test it in wizard, if people test this in others phones and it works, please post here and maybe move this this thread to an more "generic" forum.
the program MUST be under "\($program files)\audioswitch" folder, you must unzip the contents to this folder.
the configuration file (command.txt) is under this format:
the first line is the delay(in miliseconds) in witch the program will "look" if a program in the list is in the top level window, faster phone, smaller delays, I recommend 1000 ms.
the next 20 lines are the programs you want the audio to be routed to the earpiece(max 20 lines for now).
Again the program is under the "do it on your own risk" and "I am not responsible for anything" licence. And,of course, it is free!! Do not sell it!
It is manly intended for little expert users, as it is still in "beta" fase, hehehe.
How it works:
the program runs in an eternal loop and look for the title of the current window that is displayed for the user in a time interval.
When the program mach the title window with one of the names user configured it it will switch the audio, when the program is not running anymore, the audio will swich back.
it would be good if someone could make a cab to install it.
this is still a beta, I intend to make ajustments as people give feedback.
If someone like this program and wants to make an donation...
hope u like.
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I have an idea. Rather than regularly polling to see what the current windows is, why not use a windows hook to monitor windows messages. When you see a message indicating a window has come to the foreground test it against your list of windows and enable/disable audio switch as necessary. Use SetWindowsHookEx and hook for WH_CBT messages. If you are unfamiliar with using SetWindowsHookEx I could supply you with the hooking code and all you would need to do is insert the code to check the window names, enable the audio switch, and disable the audio switch. Or you could send me the enable/disable routines.
Another tip, I noticed that skype places an icon in the notification area during a call. If there is someway of detecting the notification icon that could be another great way to trigger the switch.
Great program though. Works beautifully.
If this program works on the new BenQ E72 I'm getting in a couple of days I'll certainly donate!
it does not work on hermes (tytn).
by the way "troca2" does work on hermes! - maybe you guys want to work together?
baal_zebub said:
it does not work on hermes (tytn).
by the way "troca2" does work on hermes! - maybe you guys want to work together?
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hehhehe, I made troca2, I will see if the switch code is the same or if I have made some mistake...
are u sure you have put the program in the correct directory?? I will make some modifications to have an error feedback. So u can see if something is wrong...
JKingDev said:
I have an idea. Rather than regularly polling to see what the current windows is, why not use a windows hook to monitor windows messages. When you see a message indicating a window has come to the foreground test it against your list of windows and enable/disable audio switch as necessary. Use SetWindowsHookEx and hook for WH_CBT messages. If you are unfamiliar with using SetWindowsHookEx I could supply you with the hooking code and all you would need to do is insert the code to check the window names, enable the audio switch, and disable the audio switch. Or you could send me the enable/disable routines.
Another tip, I noticed that skype places an icon in the notification area during a call. If there is someway of detecting the notification icon that could be another great way to trigger the switch.
Great program though. Works beautifully.
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It is a good idea to use hook, I have not think of it!
I use a proprietary code included in a lib at the company I work for to make the "switch" but it is not different of what u find here in the forum.
Maybe we can make an effort to re-make it with hooks...
so this program must run all the time? after every softreset you have to start it?
is it not easier with mortscript (for example) to make an shortcut that opens skype as well as the audioswitch program? and closes the audioswithc program when you close skype?
I am using it right now and it seems to work perfect:
i used this script after installing mortscript (http://www.sto-helit.de/):
run( "\Windows\SkypeSoundSwitch.exe" )
runwait( "\Program Files\Skype\Skype.exe" )
close( "troca2" )
(see that in my case i downloaded your original program and renamed it to skypesoundswitch.exe and put it in the windows map)
I renamed it so i could remember what the purpose the file had.. changed nothing but the name!
Thanks for the program by the way! it always worked perfect!!
so to sum up the way i have it now (most files included) on my xperia x1:
1) installed skype
2) installed mortscript
3) add skypesoundswitch to \windows\....
3) add skype.mscr to \.... (root)
4) overwrite skype.lnk with the new skype.lnk in \windows\start menu\programs\..
in the way whenever i open skype(.lnk), it opens skype.mscr, this opens skypesoundswitch.exe and than skype.exe... when you close skype.exe it closes skypesoundswitch.exe...
it seems to work perfect.. but hey maybe i am doing something totally wrong here.. than just shout!
by the way, the .mscr and the .lnk files are offcourse edit-able .. so you can put the files everywhere you like..
madhijs said:
so this program must run all the time? after every softreset you have to start it?
is it not easier with mortscript (for example) to make an shortcut that opens skype as well as the audioswitch program? and closes the audioswithc program when you close skype?
I am using it right now and it seems to work perfect:
i used this script after installing mortscript (http://www.sto-helit.de/):
run( "\Windows\SkypeSoundSwitch.exe" )
runwait( "\Program Files\Skype\Skype.exe" )
close( "troca2" )
(see that in my case i downloaded your original program and renamed it to skypesoundswitch.exe and put it in the windows map)
I renamed it so i could remember what the purpose the file had.. changed nothing but the name!
Thanks for the program by the way! it always worked perfect!!
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That works great too. The advantage of this new program is that it will only reroute the audio when skype is in the foreground. You could minimize skype and leave it running, and audioswitch will automatically restore your sound. Get a call and open up skype and your sound goes back to the earpiece.
I will create the code to do it with a windows hook when I get a chance MarceloFB. Please pm me your email address. All you will have to do is insert the code to read the config file, check the window names, and when necessary enable or disable the switch. Or please show me where to find details on how to code this myself. Thanks!
Hat off to both of you and really glad that we will have a much improved solution.
JKingDev said:
That works great too. The advantage of this new program is that it will only reroute the audio when skype is in the foreground. You could minimize skype and leave it running, and audioswitch will automatically restore your sound. Get a call and open up skype and your sound goes back to the earpiece.
I will create the code to do it with a windows hook when I get a chance MarceloFB. Please pm me your email address. All you have to do is insert the code to read the config file, check the window names, and when necessary enable or disable the switch.
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okay! I only used skype to make calls and than get offline so this way did the trick for me! but i have to admit it would be much better when i can keep skype online!
this new program does the trick indeed! it changes the output back when i minimize skype!
But still my question above, you have to start this program on every startup isn't it? what does it do with the battery?
madhijs said:
okay! I only used skype to make calls and than get offline so this way did the trick for me! but i have to admit it would be much better when i can keep skype online!
this new program does the trick indeed! it changes the output back when i minimize skype!
But still my question above, you have to start this program on every startup isn't it? what does it do with the battery?
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Yes it must be run at startup but placing a link in your startup folder will make everything transparent to the user. I don't think there will be an effect at startup. In it's current form it must check every second (or whatever you set the timeout to), but its only a little bit of code. I am not really sure if that will really have an effect. The more often it checks the faster it will switch when you open skype, but also the more processor use. Check less often and it uses less processor, but there might be a delay in switching the audio. I proposed doing it by hooks though because this would use even less processor. The app will only check when a new window takes focus, rather than just periodically checking. This way it only checks when it needs to and will always switch instantly.
I am glad u liked the program.
I will try to answer most of the questions...
1- JKingDev:
I have though in your idea of using hooks, but if I use a hook, the program will have a loop anyway to check for the messages(hidden loop ;-) ), and it would have to have an "fake window" or something to process the messages. This way we have only one loop, in a very simple command line program with high optimization, so we have to think what is really the best way of doing it... I will pm u as soon I have any time to "program" again. hehe
2- people that uses mortscript with the old "troca2"
I will try to make a way to make this program work the same way as troca2, maybe with an "argc argv", wait the next update.
3- the battery life??
if u notice any battery life decreasing with the usage of the program, configure a bigger delay, maybe 5000ms, it is a matter of adjust the "timming" for each processor. Post your results here so others can find the optimum value for the delay in their phones.
4- have to start the program every reset?
yes, just put it in the startup folder.
maybe someone can make an cab that put the program in the right place and a link in the startup, it would be cool! I dont have an easy program to deal with cabs, and the vs projects for cabs.... I really cant make that thing work!!
well it is only the batterylife i was worried about. but i'll try running the phone this weekend with the program running and doing some skype.. lets see how it turns out!
For folks who have issues of mic on using this program, there is a quick solution for this problem. You can try sjphone. It provides a internal mic volume control. However, the major setback is that it's only working in wm5.
my 2 cents
weekendli said:
For folks who have issues of mic on using this program, there is a quick solution for this problem. You can try sjphone. It provides a internal mic volume control. However, the major setback is that it's only working in wm5.
my 2 cents
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will check this, but people reported that worked in xperia... and it is running in my P3301... anyway, will check and post an wm6 build if it is the case... check the error file and see if it tells anything.
Other thing, this program uses low level api`s, so your windows MUST be fully unlocked for it to work in wm6.

[App] EpDetect (epileptic seizures detector)

EpDetect is an accelerometer based mobile phone application that uses advanced signal processing to detect epileptic seizures.
To get more informations and downloads go to official site http://www.epdetect.com
This is official development thread (see development page on http://mobile.dlugosz.net.pl/Products/EpDetect/tabid/60/Default.aspx)
this is really impressive. I had a friend who had seisures.
Nice work.
This is amazing... it was the time for this type of app.
Please go further with this type of stuff..
First tests with first aid personsal (friends) today
Hi dally,
after some tests with persons who now the moving part is on an epi moment we had have ony 3 alarms of 10. So i think is something with the advanced settings.
The next point is when we go the settings then bluetooth will be activated (see screenshot). But the phone has an internal gps receiver. Is this something what is missing in the moment? Or it is about the beta? The setting is com4 or com7. I am not shure what the internal port is on a TP2.
The desk is very clear and esay to use. What is with the worldwide logo in the main screen or something else, i think this will be good not only black in not activated status. Some public will be good for the app ;-).
You have created a very good program. I hope you can help me with the settings in advanced mode, because the acceleration settings (alarm = movement * threshold).
Hi dally,
no action since september last year. You are allways online and in development of this tool? I have asked more then once for support, also on the commercial main site. But no one gives me an answer....
This is (was?) an international project and UK side is silent since over year. I also don't know whats going on. But if you have problems with current version you can ask me, maybe i could help.
OK dally, i will do that. I have to re-install epdetect and ask my collegs that we do our tests again, so as written in one of my posts above.
I have asked because this app has so many possibillities to help people that i will push this app in my range...
In my free time i working for hospital and help needed persons security (cam's and other things). My day job i am writing software for the industrial automation control. Many, many work but it is worth. Because that i am very busy with rcolonel's webcam application. Some guys have seen this app on my phone while i was busy with my work there. And now everyone will have it. Small fast and it is working. The other tool webcamXP is to big and to slow for me. Your app.. i know so many people who need this..
Thank you for your response...
For those interested: Android version is available. See this post.

