AlwaysLandscape App - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

It simply change:
HLM\System\GDI\Rotation\Angle from 0 to 270
HLM\System\GDI\Rotation\CamAppActive from 0 to 1
and rotate to landscape mode (270°)
Wizard will stay in landscape mode also if you open/close keyboard
If you run Camera app, Wizard will be setted again to portrait mode re-enabling auto rotate; if you did so, run my app again.
I found this trick here somewhere, honestly I don't remember where, so I only made an app that automate all this, so copy that on your mobile e link it in start up folder.
Note: I compiled it for .Net Compact Framework 3.5

Thanks alot! You have no idea how long I've been looking for a solution to this that actually works on a Wizard
I don't have compact framework installed, so I just wrote a mortscript to make the reg change instead. I use it to keep my device in portrait mode though, because I hate how long it takes to flip, especially in PocketCM which is when I tend to pull the keyboard out most (to write texts).


Force wizard to stay in landscape??

Hello, wondering if anyone know sof a util/trick/registry change to force the wizard not to change back to portrait when I close the keyboard and only do so if I menaully rotate
thanks much
I also was looking for something like that, i want to startup some apps automatically in landscape mode ? Is this possible as well ?
sondakika: I think beyondthetech has posted some solutions on this using mortscript.
Double launcher allows you to bind screen rotation to hardware key.

Totally prevent soft keyboard SIP in landscape mode?

a042349 at HowardForums wrote this post:
I hate that pop-up KB as well. I tried all the reg hacks and nullkb's I could find and on both my HP6515 and now on my 8125 it would always revert to the software screen KB and pop up at the most annoying times.
Well in doing some poking around I discovered a reg key that COMPLETELY elimnates the soft KB from popping up - great news. The bad news (there's always bad news) is that it completely prevents ANY of the SIP panels from coming up when you want them to, or from working in general.
So if you do this hack you are completely dependent on the 8125/9100 hardware keyboard. Now I've been running like this for over a year on two different devices and it works for me. The one thing I did was extract the "cut, copy and paste" icons out of an old "PHM Keys" I had and put them on the Start Menu so that I can now use those instead of the Ctrl-C, Ctrl-X, Ctrl-P when I need to. Works fine, but takes up three slots on my Start Menu.
You could also create a backup reg file, and one with the setting I'll give you, and then import them and reboot to turn the hack on or off. It does require a reboot so it's not an ideal solution, and I know the key by heart so i do it manually if I ever need it - which I never have:
Change that entry from a 1 to a 0 and reboot. No more KB, Block Recognizer, Transcriber - nothing but the HW keyboard.
Try it you'll like it!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
From what I know (I didn't try it yet), it totally prevents the SIP from appearing, and that would probably include portrait mode when the hardware keyboard is not available. A soft-reset may be required between changes, too.
Is there a way someone can make a program to prevent the SIP from appearing in landscape mode at all, yet make it available in portrait mode?
I use my device in both modes, so I wouldn't want to lose complete functionality of the SIP.
Any ideas?
Hi everybody!
I may have an alternative to killing SIPs altogether:
All SIP DLLs are registered under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID, each with its unique identifier. The name of the SIP (which you see in the menu is stored in the default value) SIP key has two sub keys: InProcServer which tells the system where to find the DLL and IsSIPInputMethod with it's default value set to one.
One idea is to create a fake SIP key that will point to a non existent DLL and then select that SIP in the menu. The system will try to call up the SIP but it will fail until you select a valid one.
Hope this will help
Hardware Keyboard only in Landscape
On the Universal the combination of PQZ (to assign different SIPs to landscape and portrait, should work on other devices too) and PHMs "NoDoSIP" (registers a SIP that does nothing) works perfectly. Disable all SIPs not needed at all by setting the Reg Value (search for the SIP by name in the registry) Default under IsSIPInputMethod for that method to 0. You can rename your remaining SIPs there as well.
I'm skeptical, but willing to try...
As the originator of the quoted post in this thread I'm skeptical but certainly open minded that this solution would work.
And yes my method does require a reboot to enable/disable, so it's certainly not for the occasional use of the SIP.
In the past I had tried all manner of null kb's, and UID registry string swaps and other things to prevent unwanted SIP pop-ups.
What I would like is to have it ONLY come up when I invoke it - and NEVER on it's own. I wouldn't use it much (and haven't on two HW keyboard devices over the past year) but sure it would be handy for the odd time I need to type in portrait mode.
I may give this a shot after dinner tonight and see how it goes - at the very least I can always go back to my admittedly draconian total elimination of the SIP's that I have now.
I'll post my results later tonight.
-Joel (a042349)
Works like a charm, right?
In landscape it just displays the hardware keyboard icon and the arrow to even allow to manually invoke any other SIP "on the fly".
And in portrait the selected SIP gets activated automatically.
Works flawlessly for me (on my Universal) since month.
Right man, works like a charm! Thanks for this hint!
Its the little things that make my tilt a better device to use. I tried on my tilt with dutty's pre April 29th cab and it works to eliminate the landscape keyboard in messaging, notes and contacts, however I have a beta version of opera mobile 9.5 and it seems to have mind of its own, doing the exact oposite and making both keyboards nearly unusable. Anyone else experience this?, hopefully Opera will provide users with a choice of hardware keyboard only and not having the SIP popping up. I presume that Opera had a feature to do exactly what .cab does just for that application and now the .cab is reversing it. Seems to do about the same thing in Internet Explorer.
im using opera 9.5 too.. and nothing seems any different after installing the cab... SIP still pops up.. any idea how i could solve it?
the ironic part is that ez imput kb does an automatic switch between keaboards when flipped from portrait to landscape, is there a script or a reg hack edit that does this??? cuz we can use that engine to make the sip automatically change to null kb when switched to landscape, fully eliminating pop ups and soft keyboards when using your querty
no2chem nueslidingkb
i use no2chem's nueslidingkb on my mogul. it allows you to set different SIPs on protrait and landscape as well as customizing the sliding sounds. it works very well, i have intellipad on portrait and nullKB on landpscape.
It however does not work on my Fuze, it doesn't change the SIP to the set one when switched to landscape, maybe needs an update? i hope no2chem checks it out.

disallow screen rotation

I need to write software that disallows any screen rotation on my Wizard.
How can I do it? I didn’t found any registry settings for this. The best way
that I see is hooking ChangeDisplaySettingsEx. But unfortunately, SetWindowsHookEx
doesn’t works on WM 5.0, at least it said on some topics. Please, give me any solution for this problem or example code to hook some API function.
wm5: [HKLM\System\GDI\Rotation]
00000000 portrait
0000005a righthanded landscape
0000010e lefthanded landscape
then RegistryNotifyCallback will do
tanks a lot
I will try this way.
But I afraid it will be notified after screen rotation starting.
Adjusting this registry value in regedit tool did't help.
So I suppose this value is changing after rotation is done.
You can delete the start up service of ScreanRotate.
Go to HKLM/Services/ScreanRotate and delete it.
I think before you doing this,you can export it to a reg file
It's not bad idea.
but delete this key leading to system restart for apply
I just try to stop this service.
Not luck : (
This key not present in the registry storage.
I am under WM 5.0
Maybe you talk about some early system.
Hi hoblano, I'm experiencing the same problem, did you find a solution ?
use task manager 2.7 and stop service...if you know it is service...
same way to stop kbd lights...btw,
I tried, but the result is the same as the one obtained by manually deleting the Screen Rotate voice within the services voices in the registry: avoiding the load of the service providing the icon on the task bar enabling the user to rotate the sceen one or more times by tapping on it.
I still don't understand ... at this point the most probable thing is that the service that rotate the OS screen when rotating by hand the HW screen, is invisible with respect to registry voices and to applications like Task Manager 2.7 or MemMaid. Apart from criticizing the constructor choice (why didn't they thought that someone should have been more comfortable using only one view mode ? e.g. landscape one), is there a way to obtain a list of core services and to avoid one of those to be loaded ? or, otherway, is there a way to intercept the event thrown when manually rotating the screen of the terminal ?
By the way, I'll have to do it with Java ...
thanks all

clear type in landscape mode

I tried out the "Molski" cab for this out of curiosity. Hey it works a treat!
Goggle (i think) No strange effects or colours.
you can just do this with a registry edit if you would want it... instead of using memory or space to install a program to give you the same effect
you're right of course but this programm is so small and it's easier to undo if necissary. Highly recommended for those who don't like the look of text in the Landscape mode.

HD2 in landscape permanently?

Excuse the silly question but is there a way to put the HD2 in landscape mode permanently? I'm using BsB tweaks but I really hate it when Opera rotates back to portrait and jumps back to the top of the web page every so often. Surely there must be a permanent landscape mode like there was in all previous WM versions?
phone call screen
the worst thingie is when it is landscape mode and u receive or make call..the phone call answearing screen is in portrait mode...and never rotates to landscape.have tried bsb tweaks = no change! must get phone on portrait and then get to landscape to have phone screen on landscape mode. it changes to landscape mode but not automaticly.
so is there any way to make thios to work?
any solutions?...or still noone interested about this issue?
You can disable the phone canvas and use the WM default one or install your own, like PhoneEx.
I would also like to have this option in my HD2. it would be perfect for the time spent in car...
Use a ROM with a Sense version that works in landscape and disable the HTC dialer.
Change the reg. key
HKLM\System\GDI\Rotation\HideOrientationUI" from "1" to "0"
Then you see in Settings > Screen a radio-buttion for
choosing the format.
But no garanty for nothing with reg.-keys.
....or use Gyrator which will rotate the phone canvas and anything else.
eshd said:
Change the reg. key
HKLM\System\GDI\Rotation\HideOrientationUI" from "1" to "0"
Then you see in Settings > Screen a radio-buttion for
choosing the format.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yeah that seems to be the missing one. Unfortunately it is rotated back by just any screen that doesn't support landscape like the quicklist (=long press power button) and even WM's today screen
wacky.banana said:
....or use Gyrator which will rotate the phone canvas and anything else.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Gyrator works fine but that's not what I want. I don't like autorotation and WM should be able to stay in the orientation you tell it to. The problem with autorotation is when viewing a web page while lying down on my side, it flips the HD2 to portrait while I would like it to stay in landscape.
I told you what to do. Try it.
Attached is the .cab to disable HTC's phone canvas. Now you need a ROM with a Sense version that supports landscape (1922, maybe also 2012) and, if you want, you can install another dialer software, like Iconsoft PhoneEx.
Additionally, you can install an application to rotate the screen manually, like this one:
That's how I use my HD2 all the time, so I know it works and gets you full landscape, without ever rotating back.
It 'll probably come to installing a custom rom. Haven't done that on this phone yet and I think it's a bad thing that doing that would be necessary. Even more because I know that every unwilling application could just rotate it back. It should be possible to apply the same tweaks the custom landscape rom cooks use on the standard rom, shouldn't it?
No, there is no way to have the landscape enabled Sense version without a custom ROM.
freyberry said:
No, there is no way to have the landscape enabled Sense version without a custom ROM.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Which custom ROM will make HD2 in permanent landscape (i.e. untill you tell again it to be in portrait) for all and each application which autorotates (some even without physically rotating HD2 like Phone ...)? This does matter a lot for me to get Redfly Mobile Companion working smoothly with HD2. I have applied some background tweaks like HDWall and it made screen in hi-res like it is RealWVGA for HD2 much better to view and get more information on screen, but I am really bugged by this auto-rotate featute of HD2. I have enabled rotation, assigned a button even than it flips to portrait mode whenever I connect Redfly so basically on Redfly's 800x480 landscape screen, I get a 480x800 screen scaled/stretced to 800x480! How weird it is! And when I play video on HTC Album or WMP in full screen it gets to full screen in portrait mode and weirdest it looks! I want this auto-rotation fancy to be stopped and for ever unde user control so once HD2 is put in landscape mode (left/right handed) evrey application follows the set landscape orientation come what may. No more auto-rotate, not even with phone put inro landscape or portrait. So three things required,
(1) Rotation disabled on phone's physical orientation. Let phone be in protrait or landsape mode physically but ONCE disabled screen will not rotate with phone.
(2) Other application which change to portrait mode automatically whatever the phone's physically orientation is (like by default portrait Phone, long preess power button, YouTube etc..) will stop this behaviour and will be forced to phone's assigned or set screen mode. So if phone is set in landscape, no matter what application or phone's physicall orientation be, all such unconrtolled applications will come under full control and will be forced to follow set orientation mode, i.e. landscape if it is set.
(3) Setting of mode in LS or Portrait and left.right hand. Once selected phone stays in that untill it is changed again bypassing all HTC SENSE/MANILA/G-SENSOR and all that stuff.
Anyone please help.
PS. HDWalls v 1.29b from HD Walls v 1.27b enabled landscape on Manila v 2012 and WM 6.5 and have options to creat custom backgrounds, so this does anable landscape in Manila once required Manila patch (V 1.22 or v 1.3) is applied, so it gets Manila in landscape but above auto-rotation still remains, it is not able to put device in permanent landscape mode for all and each application.

