clear type in landscape mode - Wing, P4350 General

I tried out the "Molski" cab for this out of curiosity. Hey it works a treat!
Goggle (i think) No strange effects or colours.

you can just do this with a registry edit if you would want it... instead of using memory or space to install a program to give you the same effect

you're right of course but this programm is so small and it's easier to undo if necissary. Highly recommended for those who don't like the look of text in the Landscape mode.


Clear type in Lanscape to make it stay?

When I enable clear type in landscape mode by editing the registery :
Changing the value of HKLM\System\GDI\ClearTypeSettings\OffOnRotation from 1 to 0 it works BUT only for a while, then it reverts back to 0 and
I don't have clear type when I pull out the keyboard. Does anyone know how to make it stay? (it worked in the wizard without any problems)
I use nScriptm freeware from and a simple script. I made a shortcut in the startup folder to run this script w/o showing the console window.
BTW the same script sets PIE cache size to 4096MB for me - a value that is reset every boot as well.
Easy peasy...why make things harder
Download TwkCL from here...
or if you can't just searchfor it.
Place it in your Windows - Startup folder.
Select it to run it, nothing will happen but it HAS ben enabled.
Then you simply soft-reset your device.
Et Voila! You have Cleartype always enabled in landscape mode.
It wouldnt work properly anyway... MS Cleartype counts on horizontal orientation of R-G-B triplet in LCD matrix, it can not do "vertical subpixel rendering", only horizontal.
So if you forcefully enable it in landscape, it would smooth text in perpendicular direction, making it more blurry instead of actual resolution enhancement.
Actually it works perfectly...the text looks EXACTLY the same either way.
Been using it ever since I had my JAM.
It doesnt. Surely, you see the difference, but only in Portrait it actually works as intended. In Landscape you get same result youll get if you grab a screenshot from Cleartype text and rotate it - if you'll read how cleartype actually works, you'll understand that this would obliterate the main idea of it.
Even MS said that numerous times. The only advantage you get in landscape is "smoother" fonts, but that came with drawback of reduced sharpness and also more visible "color outlines" on letters (while in portrait when cleartype works as intended sharpness is not reduced and color outlines is a lot less visible).
Read this article -
It would help you to undestand the mechanics of it.
I actually found the answer to my own question. For the TyTN, you have to change HKLM\System\GDI\ClearTypeSettings\ROTATION\LandscapeMode from 1 to 0 and it'll stay. It works. No need to load any programs in the startup folder.
under gdi?
I can't find it, there's cleartypesetting and rotation, not rotation undercleartype.
Please clarify
Actually, don't you mean change the HKLM/System/GDI/ClearTypeSettings/ROTATION value from 0 to 1? ClearType will be on in landscape mode then.
@Ingvarr: you are correct but it still looks better when ClearType is enabled IMO
Sleuth255 said:
@Ingvarr: you are correct but it still looks better when ClearType is enabled IMO
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I guess its up to personal preferences... Iam very color sensitive, I guess thats why I cant bear visible color smudges at fonts edges in landscape
I've just used Magic SS to take screenshots of each and it looks the same even after a side by side zoomed in comparison down to the last pixel.
It looks the same to me. Maybe I'm losing it.
kittiyut;1034773 said:
I actually found the answer to my own question. For the TyTN, you have to change HKLM\System\GDI \ClearTypeSettings \ROTATION\LandscapeMode from 1 to 0 and it'll stay. It works. No need to load any programs in the startup folder.
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Hi, does this actually stay for you?, I had that set awhile back, and it would revert to the oem settings after a few soft resets or shutdowns.
I also like cleatype in landscape on, I do understand why its off by default, but I guess its really up to ones own prefrences, I changed the system font, and the cleartype makes the font look much better, It could possibly be that I need to up the font size.
Just a tip..if anyone decides to play with the system font, put the font in your windows directory, not the fonts folder, maybe everyne else already knew this, but I used the fonts folder at first...and it worked, but caused glitches.
Sorry to ramble off topic for a bit.
No, I do mean change the value from 1 to 0
If it is at 1, Clear Type would not be enabled in Landscape mode
If it is at 0, Clear Type WOULD be ENABLED in Lanscape mode
Sleuth255 said:
Actually, don't you mean change the HKLM/System/GDI/ClearTypeSettings/ROTATION value from 0 to 1? ClearType will be on in landscape mode then.
@Ingvarr: you are correct but it still looks better when ClearType is enabled IMO
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This doesn't work for me.
At first, I made the new key as kittiyut instructed because there was no key in defalut:
HKLM/System/GDI/ClearTypeSettings/ROTATION/LandscapeMode and set its value to 1
But this didn't work anything.
And then, I changed registries as follows and it seems OK before I soft-reset with stylus.
But after stylus reset, OffOnRotation=1 comes alive again.
I think TwkCL is the only solution for Hermes now.
athiqueahmed said:
I've just used Magic SS to take screenshots of each and it looks the same even after a side by side zoomed in comparison down to the last pixel.
It looks the same to me. Maybe I'm losing it.
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Well, thats exactly what is wrong - you see, you take screenshots, that doesnt capture actual micro-lamp layout on your LCD screen - and this is what ClearType uses to actually _enhance_ resolution. To correctly see it, you should take _photos_ of screen
Read the Wikipedia page, you'll understand it It it would work properly, landscape one would be different from portrait - in landscape LCD triplets go in "vertical" way relatively to the text, while in portrait they go in horizontal way relatively to the text.
shugoh;1035107 said:
This doesn't work for me.
At first, I made the new key as kittiyut instructed because there was no key in defalut:
HKLM/System/GDI /ClearTypeSettings /ROTATION/LandscapeMode and set its value to 1
But this didn't work anything.
And then, I changed registries as follows and it seems OK before I soft-reset with stylus.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \System\GDI \ClearTypeSettings]
"OffOnRotation"=dword :00000000
"LandscapeMode"=dword :00000000
But after stylus reset, OffOnRotation=1 comes alive again.
I think TwkCL is the only solution for Hermes now.
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the correct tweak is HKLM/System/GDI /ClearTypeSettings and setting the onoffrotatation dword from 1 to 0
I myself just realized after your post that the key people had been changin doesn't exist, and it hadn't been mentioned to create wonder people were sayin they couldn't find it, and it will revert back to 1 after a few resets anyhow, like you mentioned.
After much gnashing of teeth and fudging around with registry settings, I agree that TwkCL in startup seems to be the only way to get ClearType in landscape mode currently....
But none of these solutions does not work with AKU 3.3...
Edit: Works, works,... Need to
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \System\GDI\ROTATION] "LandscapeMode"=dword :00000000
and copy TwkCL to startup.

disallow screen rotation

I need to write software that disallows any screen rotation on my Wizard.
How can I do it? I didn’t found any registry settings for this. The best way
that I see is hooking ChangeDisplaySettingsEx. But unfortunately, SetWindowsHookEx
doesn’t works on WM 5.0, at least it said on some topics. Please, give me any solution for this problem or example code to hook some API function.
wm5: [HKLM\System\GDI\Rotation]
00000000 portrait
0000005a righthanded landscape
0000010e lefthanded landscape
then RegistryNotifyCallback will do
tanks a lot
I will try this way.
But I afraid it will be notified after screen rotation starting.
Adjusting this registry value in regedit tool did't help.
So I suppose this value is changing after rotation is done.
You can delete the start up service of ScreanRotate.
Go to HKLM/Services/ScreanRotate and delete it.
I think before you doing this,you can export it to a reg file
It's not bad idea.
but delete this key leading to system restart for apply
I just try to stop this service.
Not luck : (
This key not present in the registry storage.
I am under WM 5.0
Maybe you talk about some early system.
Hi hoblano, I'm experiencing the same problem, did you find a solution ?
use task manager 2.7 and stop service...if you know it is service...
same way to stop kbd lights...btw,
I tried, but the result is the same as the one obtained by manually deleting the Screen Rotate voice within the services voices in the registry: avoiding the load of the service providing the icon on the task bar enabling the user to rotate the sceen one or more times by tapping on it.
I still don't understand ... at this point the most probable thing is that the service that rotate the OS screen when rotating by hand the HW screen, is invisible with respect to registry voices and to applications like Task Manager 2.7 or MemMaid. Apart from criticizing the constructor choice (why didn't they thought that someone should have been more comfortable using only one view mode ? e.g. landscape one), is there a way to obtain a list of core services and to avoid one of those to be loaded ? or, otherway, is there a way to intercept the event thrown when manually rotating the screen of the terminal ?
By the way, I'll have to do it with Java ...
thanks all

Set Landscape Wallpaper..

I've tried to use the "Forum Search" tool but can't seem to find the right key words to find a solution to my problem, my question is..
Q: How can you set the picture for the landscape view w/o having to download a theme, like I set my wallpaper for portrait and then little while down the road I slide my phone out and its a picture I had in the past, is there any way to specifically set the landscape wallpaper separately?
Thanks to the people reading/answering..
Mr Nur said:
I've tried to use the "Forum Search" tool but can't seem to find the right key words to find a solution to my problem, my question is..
Q: How can you set the picture for the landscape view w/o having to download a theme, like I set my wallpaper for portrait and then little while down the road I slide my phone out and its a picture I had in the past, is there any way to specifically set the landscape wallpaper separately?
Thanks to the people reading/answering..
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On my phone,(Sprint Mogul) I converted the pic I wanted to use for permanent landscape background from .jpg to .gif and named it "tdywater_320_240" then put it in the Windows directory overwriting the existing file, then soft reset. If you want to permanently set for Portrait name the gif "tdywater_240_320" and repeat the previous steps. Hope this helps.

AlwaysLandscape App

It simply change:
HLM\System\GDI\Rotation\Angle from 0 to 270
HLM\System\GDI\Rotation\CamAppActive from 0 to 1
and rotate to landscape mode (270°)
Wizard will stay in landscape mode also if you open/close keyboard
If you run Camera app, Wizard will be setted again to portrait mode re-enabling auto rotate; if you did so, run my app again.
I found this trick here somewhere, honestly I don't remember where, so I only made an app that automate all this, so copy that on your mobile e link it in start up folder.
Note: I compiled it for .Net Compact Framework 3.5
Thanks alot! You have no idea how long I've been looking for a solution to this that actually works on a Wizard
I don't have compact framework installed, so I just wrote a mortscript to make the reg change instead. I use it to keep my device in portrait mode though, because I hate how long it takes to flip, especially in PocketCM which is when I tend to pull the keyboard out most (to write texts).

WM 6.5 Start menu Screwed UP!?

Hey guys!
I don't know what happened there my landscape start menu was working fine. It suddenly did not scale when I opened my keyboard on my TP2. I didn't fiddle or play with any settings.
I tried This hack but did not like its performance and wanted to have the original format.
If anybody knows WHY this happens or HOW to fix it I would be very grateful
Thank you!
It's not really a bug or any problem, as far as WM's concerned. What happened is you installed a program which replaced the files in \Windows which dictate the Start Menu's properties. When you uninstalled your start menu hack, the cab removed the modified files and restored the original ones. I made a .cab which modifies the Start Menu to be 3 wide in portrait and 5 in landscape, which keeps the icons roughly the same size in both orientations. If you want to give it a shot, download it here. It should in theory work on any WVGA device, but different setups might mean it won't work. If you learn how to edit CPR files and extract .cab files, you can even change the parameters yourself, and make one that's x wide in portrait and y in landscape.
Worked perfectly, thanks

