Learning VB.Net - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV Themes and Apps

So I have a tiny bit programming exp, a bit of C# and a bit of regular BASIC, however I'm interested in learning Visual Basic .NET for game design for PPC.
Any resources where to start, source code to look at, etc?

i'm kinda in the same situation,, thx 4 putting this thread up. * waiting impatiently for more comments!

there's more than enough samples tuts and everything layin around teh net ...
and the best starting point is always search engines ... google maybe?


Graphic Designing

Is there any one who would like to share their opinions on what graphic designing programs they would consider?
I've started in graphic designing not long ago, but seeing how I want to pick it back up again, I was hoping if anyone could suggest any programs (Free or not) that they think is well suited. In particular, the program could be beginnner, moderate, or advanced.
So... Feel free to drop an opinion on what programs you would prefer and why?
**I'm looking for programs that could specifically help me make like for example, Splash screens, icons, and etc.
Thank you for taking your time for reading this!
(One more thing, before anyone starts to chew me out, YES, I did look through wiki, I searched forums, AND I also tried searching through xda-devleopers using Google; some topics are distantly related, but not to the point i'm trying to get.)
photoshop and illustrator are all i use.
If you are looking for freeware/oss... then gimp2 and inkscape
Same as the post above, Photoshop and illustrator. Sometimes I also use XSI Softimage to model something which I use in my designs. My main tool is photoshop though.
:edit: Forgot another important one, pencil and paper!
Photoshop or GIMP and a graphic tablet
And and if you want to do some work on your ppc as well, there's pocket artist, which basically feels like a ppc version of photoshop (of course as powerful as photoshop, but still offers lot of functionality).
Once again, I really appreciate your opinions that you have given me so far and it really HELPED!
Thank you so much, but keep them coming.
Lastly, best of all to everyone!


Anyone had a look at the Silvermoon control libraries for .net applications?
It looks very impressive using opengl.
There's a demo app ( a very nice file explorer and titanium alike system)
as well as the controls at
Just try the demo "FileExplorer" .... Woooaaah very very nice and fluid
This could be something really really cool
[Tested on Topaz NRG Rom / Neos2007 Driver Beta 2]
the more people that hear about this and try coding using it the better!
i have been playing arround with it, it's hell complicated but i will figure it out eventually
I had a play around with this last night, looks very promising indeed!!!
I have written an app in his previous Control set 'Fluid', so I'm a little more used to the layout and structure of it, though it is still more of a 'run and see if it has made a difference to how it looks/acts' situation. Though the graphics are stupidly smooth!
Wow! The potential for this must be amazing!
People need to take a look at:
And this vid of his Beta 2:

[Q] Game Development

I do not know anything about game development.
I am trying to develop and android game but my problem is the graphic/display part.
I have the code for running the game already but my UI is just awful. Im just using textviews and buttons
I need a dice (3D if possible). but 2D is also ok..
Where should I begin???
Can anyone give me a really really simple code for making 2D games?
or any link out there that is very simple to follow?
take a look at the lunar lander example or snake demo on google's developer website
For 2d take a look at andengine and its examples, it is an opensource 2d open gl es framework, its very usefull, coder friendly and it will work 10 times smoother than canvas on java...

Games development and GE

Hello to everyone, i'm new of this forum ,
I wanted to ask you for a game engine and when it becomes necessary.
I was wondering if the games that have a simple logic and a 2D graphics is developed with a framwork types similar unity, etc..
For example, Pou (you can find that on the play store of google), you think it was done completely by hand or has been used a Game Engine?
Also, you know one GE that is completely free for android / ios / wp where i can, according to the license of that, market my product?
AndEngine is great but it's not necessary to use an engine: http://www.raywenderlich.com/12065
I suppose if you're project is a little bit bigger than TicTacToe or similar and you want to use scaling, rotation and so on you shouldd really use an engine!!
I don't like AndEngine, I use LibGDX and this one is really great!!

[Guide]Native game developing

If you are interested in native Android game development, you may take a look at this:
I wrote a little game for android and as I had a lot of problems with the gradle build system, the OpenGl and jni stuff I decided to share my work and experiences with you.
This little 2D game engine is designed to be very easy to use. You do not have to deal with any OpenGl or android specific stuff.
It supports all the basic functions a game needs (displaying graphics, motion, sound, the google play games services...)
Of course your can also take a look at the build system set up and so on to use it for other projects. I managed to get Android Studio to interpret native code but still using the Android.mk and Application.mk file with all of it's possibilities.
Feel fee to use this project for any kind of non profit projects. It is absolutely free!
If you have questions or any other comments/suggestions, feel free to ask them.
I am very excited what you will build up on my work
why not upload it on github for better visibility ?

