Silvermoon - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Anyone had a look at the Silvermoon control libraries for .net applications?
It looks very impressive using opengl.
There's a demo app ( a very nice file explorer and titanium alike system)
as well as the controls at

Just try the demo "FileExplorer" .... Woooaaah very very nice and fluid
This could be something really really cool
[Tested on Topaz NRG Rom / Neos2007 Driver Beta 2]

the more people that hear about this and try coding using it the better!

i have been playing arround with it, it's hell complicated but i will figure it out eventually

I had a play around with this last night, looks very promising indeed!!!
I have written an app in his previous Control set 'Fluid', so I'm a little more used to the layout and structure of it, though it is still more of a 'run and see if it has made a difference to how it looks/acts' situation. Though the graphics are stupidly smooth!

Wow! The potential for this must be amazing!
People need to take a look at:
And this vid of his Beta 2:


is there a free skinnable calculator???

Subject says it all Couldn't seem to find a free one. The basics would be good but also base conversion, basic scientific mode, and unit conversion would be cool too.
I like calc98 features but it isn't skinnable (free version at least).
i use
with the right KML script it can look like anything
I'll give that a try again. When I used it some time ago it was slow. I think I have an original HP48 circa 1989 at home in my desk
These days something fast with good looks/skins would probably suit my needs a bit better.
I saw mention of an HTC calc skin or something, trying to find that.
itesla said:
I'll give that a try again. When I used it some time ago it was slow. I think I have an original HP48 circa 1989 at home in my desk
These days something fast with good looks/skins would probably suit my needs a bit better.
I saw mention of an HTC calc skin or something, trying to find that.
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The calculator build into many cooked ROMs (SPB Calc) can have skins, but has very limited functionality...
Give a try at this.....

Asus Glide

Is anyone working on porting this to other devices ? I found a thread in the general-general section without feedback so i think its not well known what Asus brought out with his p320 device, but it runnes on a slow 200 Mhz cpu with QVGA with smooth animations and fadings so this or Parts of it could be interesting for us and not to hard to crack (hope so) for other devices:
here you see today plugin with great animations and a kind of cube with multi homescreens (watch full videos ist getting better and better):
- musicplayer (!):
- pictureviewer:
- icatchyou for googlemaps:
would be nice, it´s a completely new concept (at least for me) and Asus really had some nice ideas. Eg the player, selecting single songs out of one album and then start to play - don´t know any other app / player that has got this feature.
Eh, you´re telling me there are playlists...I know, but this isn´t as convenient.
So, let´s get a dump, I´d say
yeah that's a very nice today screen and i also love the music player! shouldn't be too hard to port i guess
That would be great cause I have a phone that looks like that ASUS!
I really hope someone can port this too..but I rather not get my hopes up, no one has been able to port the Asus Lambo today plugin yet..only managed to skin it
yes they do a good job, but everyone here is just working on manila and mobile shell, boaring
well, those two are very nice graphically done interfaces that people like and both are highly customizable. But I've quit both..because it makes me reset me phone like twice a day due to memory loss
can anyone here with ASUS phone dump it??????
Hi there! I have Asus P320, but there is no Glide GUI in this phone. Only the today plugin is the same. My firmware is 4.10 and the latest is 4.13. There is no word about Glide in the change log.
mmhh, so u just have the today plugin and none of the applications from first Post ? i read some articles from May 2008 about glide and that it is part of the P320
Looks pretty sweet! Please genius programmers/hax0rs port this out for us!
It looks darn good! However, I think that the p320 only has the 2d stuff (like the opal and the m2d) on asus' homepage one can see that the p552w has the glide stuff and it has a whole lot stronger cpu than the p320 624MHz vs 200MHz. Just my two cents.
That's right.
Someone buy the phone already and put us out of our misery, by being a dumpster Hehe
one thing i was impressed with is the icatchu it has some pretty nice features if that could get dumped out that would be nice
Truely Amazing that those run so smooth on a 200mhz CPU... god that things battery life would be rather extensive making it an excellent mp3 player for general users and since its so finger friendly it could be for anyone really.
I hv the ROM dump..I will try to post the files from it...still not sure which dlls are also reponsible.All this is kept very secret even if one dumps the ROM
do you colect PDA´s??
Glide rom...
Was the dumped rom posted?
nice interface
i hope we can find a cab install for us

[APP] SPB Mobile Shell 3.0 demo video
-flexible engine (open development of widgets?)
-hardware accelaration support (will my mogul run faster?)
-facebook integrated into contacts!
-multiple home pages
-professional and lifestyle (huh?) layout
-kinetic scrolling
-fully customizable (themes supported?)
This can tide everyone over until 6.5! Way better than TouchFlo (IMO).
Looks Amazing. Hmm Should I get ready to remove Manilla 2D off my Omina?
Way better than TouchFlo (IMO).
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Not if SPB hasn't really done away with the standard Today screen. One of the reasons I didn't switch over to 2.0 was the fact that the Mobile Shell home screen did not replace the today screen. I know there's an XDA hack for that functionality, but MS 3.0 should take lesson from PointUI and replace today completely.
this looks awesome.
their standard/default themes always sucked. and somehow 3.0 looks just like 2.0 just with a little tune up..hmm...after all this announcements im a little bit disappointed.
was it announced when this would be available?
Uffff I think i would use this for sure!!! need a release date...
I am a little dissapointed. When I heard about Facebook integration, for some reason I was thinking of the ability to use chat, change status, etc... instead it is just a way to get the profile photo to the contact in your address book. Bummer.
I agree. Not much better than the current version. Should've integrated a few apps would've made it more useful. new version of mobile shell might make current skin invalid too.
So this is basically the same, but a little "upgraded." By not changing the overall idea at all, the same reasons I dont use 2 will be the same reasons I dont use 3. I was expecting so much more with the hype. PointUI kills this. Kills. When will they learn, keep it simple, make it customizable. Oh well.
It looks ok but PointUI didn't do anything for me either so I'll stick with my TF3D till either is truely better.
Glad to see they're trying something new since TouchFLO pretty much made me stop using Mobile Shell as it did what I needed, and it came with my OS, rather than having to install something on top.
friguy33 said:
So this is basically the same, but a little "upgraded." By not changing the overall idea at all, the same reasons I dont use 2 will be the same reasons I dont use 3. I was expecting so much more with the hype. PointUI kills this. Kills. When will they learn, keep it simple, make it customizable. Oh well.
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Since when is PointUI customizable? I have used it and there is not customization built into it.
Any idea on when the beta of SPB3 will be out?
Do we realy need a second topic with the same questions and wishes?
A much better video:
JukEboXAuDiO, you seriously must be joking right! Pointui Home not customizable? Is being able to replace every graphic in the app, being the only UI with scripting support to allow you to build all sorts of applets and things, and being able to customize the background through the entire app not quite enough customization for you? Or are you referring to the old version released 12 mths ago?

[SKIN] In progress... - QVGA - "PreOneS" The Palm Pre Style for WM

I read that Palm makes a legal war against the palm pre theme, so to avoid copyright issues and waiting news to take off the skin
Preview looks good....
what are you using to skin this?
nice....will keep an eye on the progress of this skin...
JokeZony0u said:
what are you using to skin this?
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I using:
1. WAD
2. WAD desktop
3. iphone today
In this way the top bar webos style is always present!
Updated preview
It looks fantastic. Great job. Are you going to make a VGA-Version?
I don't think it would be that complicated. The PalmPre's homescreen is basically a big TaskManager. We already have "similar" apps on Windows Mobile like that on the Xperia. Just make a homescreen plugin with a large task manager like interface with the same touch gestures as the Pre. The complicated part I would imagine would be the menu.
I like your skins, but it would be best as a simple homescreen plugin. Using WAD and the likes eats up memory and the way it overlays sucks.
I'm not a programmer but there are lots of open-source projects that, if combined, could provide roughly the same effect. I think someone with some know-how could come up with it pretty quick by reusing code that is already available out there.
player911 said:
I don't think it would be that complicated. The PalmPre's homescreen is basically a big TaskManager. We already have "similar" apps on Windows Mobile like that on the Xperia. Just make a homescreen plugin with a large task manager like interface with the same touch gestures as the Pre. The complicated part I would imagine would be the menu.
I like your skins, but it would be best as a simple homescreen plugin. Using WAD and the likes eats up memory and the way it overlays sucks.
I'm not a programmer but there are lots of open-source projects that, if combined, could provide roughly the same effect. I think someone with some know-how could come up with it pretty quick by reusing code that is already available out there.
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Before starting this project I tried a lot but none of the programmers built an interface palm webos like for WM. There are iphone, android, and other but webos not so I decided to build it yourself.
I hope very much that any programmer to engage in this project and does a better job of mine!
drmad said:
Before starting this project I tried a lot but none of the programmers built an interface palm webos like for WM. There are iphone, android, and other but webos not so I decided to build it yourself.
I hope very much that any programmer to engage in this project and does a better job of mine!
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Look like PalmPre.Very beautiful and cool
really really nice hope to c a dialer =)
Update preview
Development continues! Added dialer
YAY give it! RELEASE NOW lol jk =D
but yes cool
Job well done.... This would go good with the WM6.5 theme I put together.
Looking good. Here's my little take on it. Using a modded PointUi
Slightly off-topic tip: I suggest Omnia users should use PointUi 2.0.28e if they want their phone/clock to function poperly. Any other higher version causes the clock to stick and (possibly) corrupt the green button.
hopefully vga support soon
WOW super nice. very clean. hope the release will be soon definately going to donate for this
WOW nice man, ill use this when it comes out. is this another wad theme?
s60nia said:
Looking good. Here's my little take on it. Using a modded PointUi
View attachment 215233
Slightly off-topic tip: I suggest Omnia users should use PointUi 2.0.28e if they want their phone/clock to function poperly. Any other higher version causes the clock to stick and (possibly) corrupt the green button.
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can you give a link to the theme your using?

THEME/UI - New Ageye Infinity ALPHA release out 0.2.7

Suprised no one really mentions this... It's still in early testing stages and all that but I just installed on my phone and started messing around with it. Its pretty darn cool so far. Sweet looking interface and smooth scrolling, kinda has an android-ish feel to it. Here's the thread over at with a cab for download.
Nothing special, who`s gonna use it when Schap`s Touchxperience is just around corner, and when you gonna flash phone with sense 2.5, and of course, when new Cookie`s home tab is out and you can customize your UI whatever you like.
darkic said:
Nothing special
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I suppose it's a matter of personal taste, but I beg to differ.
I don't like the look of TouchXperience one bit, or SPB Molbile Shell - that's horrendous - but yes, CHT is very good.
The great thing about Infinity is that everyone can write widgets for it quite easily. Also, it looks good and performs really well considering it's only an Alpha release!

