Asus Glide - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Is anyone working on porting this to other devices ? I found a thread in the general-general section without feedback so i think its not well known what Asus brought out with his p320 device, but it runnes on a slow 200 Mhz cpu with QVGA with smooth animations and fadings so this or Parts of it could be interesting for us and not to hard to crack (hope so) for other devices:
here you see today plugin with great animations and a kind of cube with multi homescreens (watch full videos ist getting better and better):
- musicplayer (!):
- pictureviewer:
- icatchyou for googlemaps:

would be nice, it´s a completely new concept (at least for me) and Asus really had some nice ideas. Eg the player, selecting single songs out of one album and then start to play - don´t know any other app / player that has got this feature.
Eh, you´re telling me there are playlists...I know, but this isn´t as convenient.
So, let´s get a dump, I´d say

yeah that's a very nice today screen and i also love the music player! shouldn't be too hard to port i guess

That would be great cause I have a phone that looks like that ASUS!

I really hope someone can port this too..but I rather not get my hopes up, no one has been able to port the Asus Lambo today plugin yet..only managed to skin it

yes they do a good job, but everyone here is just working on manila and mobile shell, boaring

well, those two are very nice graphically done interfaces that people like and both are highly customizable. But I've quit both..because it makes me reset me phone like twice a day due to memory loss

can anyone here with ASUS phone dump it??????

Hi there! I have Asus P320, but there is no Glide GUI in this phone. Only the today plugin is the same. My firmware is 4.10 and the latest is 4.13. There is no word about Glide in the change log.

mmhh, so u just have the today plugin and none of the applications from first Post ? i read some articles from May 2008 about glide and that it is part of the P320

Looks pretty sweet! Please genius programmers/hax0rs port this out for us!

It looks darn good! However, I think that the p320 only has the 2d stuff (like the opal and the m2d) on asus' homepage one can see that the p552w has the glide stuff and it has a whole lot stronger cpu than the p320 624MHz vs 200MHz. Just my two cents.

That's right.

Someone buy the phone already and put us out of our misery, by being a dumpster Hehe

one thing i was impressed with is the icatchu it has some pretty nice features if that could get dumped out that would be nice

Truely Amazing that those run so smooth on a 200mhz CPU... god that things battery life would be rather extensive making it an excellent mp3 player for general users and since its so finger friendly it could be for anyone really.

I hv the ROM dump..I will try to post the files from it...still not sure which dlls are also reponsible.All this is kept very secret even if one dumps the ROM

do you colect PDA´s??

Glide rom...
Was the dumped rom posted?

nice interface
i hope we can find a cab install for us


[POLL] The best, fastest, stablest QVGA UI

Hi there!
i wanted to start a Poll to find out what do you think is the best UI for PPC out there at the Moment! Cause i was using ThrottleLauncher...if you install it it works well, but if you use it very often it becomes slower and this is not an option for me at the moment!
If you know an UI that isnt mentioned, post it here
Here are my suggestions:
ThrottleLauncher 0.9.2
Mobile Shell 2.1
HTC Home with Plugins
WA3 & WAD2
Other (post which)
ThrottleLauncher 0.9.2 - didn't try
Mobile Shell 2.1 - feature packed and beautiful, but not very fast. No problems with stability so far
rlToday - didn't try
UltimateLauncher - interesting, but isn't visually appealing to me
MusicFlo - Diamond ripoff...
HTC Home with Plugins - too weak to be useful
iFonz - iPhone ripoff...
XIA-MultiTheme - I don't know this one
WA3 & WAD2 - sloooow as heeellll and requires way too much RAM to bu used on my 200 MHz 64MB ram herald
Winterface - lightweight and extremely fast, but too weak and ugly
PointUI Home - once loaded very fast, is very beautiful, but has several problems I hate (no czech characters, decreased contrast, ...)
My vote: Mobile Shell 2.1
Battery drainage is a major issue with most fancy looking shells.
Should you take this into consideration ?
snachez said:
Battery drainage is a major issue with most fancy looking shells.
Should you take this into consideration ?
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No i think not...cause i think the battery drain isn't on every device!
This seems to be fixed with MS2 for me, I suffered this a lot with v1 though.
hm...UltimateLaunch on the First Place at the Moment...I havn't tried this till now
Ultimate Launcher's simply awesome, fast and stable, with no noticeable payload to resources...
here's mine
click on pix for vid
thescum said:
Ultimate Launcher's simply awesome, fast and stable, with no noticeable payload to resources...
here's mine
click on pix for vid
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The vid looks cool, but the Screenshot is broken in your post
I currently use UltimateLaunch, WA3, and WAD 2! That's right WAD 2, go check it out. The new additions are amazing! Adds transitions to pages and opening apps, just a list whole of things!
TheChampJT said:
I currently use UltimateLaunch, WA3, and WAD 2! That's right WAD 2, go check it out. The new additions are amazing! Adds transitions to pages and opening apps, just a list whole of things!
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but you need a high-end phone for WAD2 it's very memory-hungry
the fastest a the most stable is PointUI without any doubts, but like my Czech college wrote, it doesn't have so much features like the others...
can you add it please into survey selection?
kosmodisk said:
the fastest a the most stable is PointUI without any doubts, but like my Czech college wrote, it doesn't have so much features like the others...
can you add it please into survey selection?
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Well...sry but i cant only 10 items are allowed
After some attempts with all guis i thing Batterystatus is the best choice for me. Its stable, fast and has many functions.
infernalshade said:
but you need a high-end phone for WAD2 it's very memory-hungry
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This is why I love my Touch !
infernalshade said:
Well...sry but i cant only 10 items are allowed
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Then sorry, it's not much of a poll, lacking as it does an app that would probably be in most people's top three.
Musicflo? XIA? Swap one of these for PointUI and you are on to something. As I would vote for PointUI - I have no affiliation to the company, I'm just an admirer of their work - I cannot currently vote, which is a pity!
iain.fraser said:
Then sorry, it's not much of a poll, lacking as it does an app that would probably be in most people's top three.
Musicflo? XIA? Swap one of these for PointUI and you are on to something. As I would vote for PointUI - I have no affiliation to the company, I'm just an admirer of their work - I cannot currently vote, which is a pity!
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Well...i've tried that, but how can i change a Item?! i din't find a option to do this!
For me now "HiNavigator"
Point UI is indeed a great interface.
It has several major drawbacks though:
-lack of plugins API (will be available 4th quarter apparently)
-lack of skin support
-lack of customization (hotkeys, icons, etc)
-battery drain on certain devices
-buggy when receiving a call, keeps the alarm from ringing in the morning (sic!)
These are major problems that made me uninstall this software, nonetheless, it's a very promising product, and the developpement team seems very competent (few releases but with many improvements). It's just a pain that it will become a commercial product soon, well.. we'll see if it's worth the money then.
I still have to try ultimate launch
Voted for MobileShell... All the other either don't work (or sometimes don't even start), are way too slow, or are just another iPhone or Diamond rip-off.
i wonder why there is no pointui in the poll...
for me it is far the best!

[APP] SPB Mobile Shell 3.0 demo video
-flexible engine (open development of widgets?)
-hardware accelaration support (will my mogul run faster?)
-facebook integrated into contacts!
-multiple home pages
-professional and lifestyle (huh?) layout
-kinetic scrolling
-fully customizable (themes supported?)
This can tide everyone over until 6.5! Way better than TouchFlo (IMO).
Looks Amazing. Hmm Should I get ready to remove Manilla 2D off my Omina?
Way better than TouchFlo (IMO).
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Not if SPB hasn't really done away with the standard Today screen. One of the reasons I didn't switch over to 2.0 was the fact that the Mobile Shell home screen did not replace the today screen. I know there's an XDA hack for that functionality, but MS 3.0 should take lesson from PointUI and replace today completely.
this looks awesome.
their standard/default themes always sucked. and somehow 3.0 looks just like 2.0 just with a little tune up..hmm...after all this announcements im a little bit disappointed.
was it announced when this would be available?
Uffff I think i would use this for sure!!! need a release date...
I am a little dissapointed. When I heard about Facebook integration, for some reason I was thinking of the ability to use chat, change status, etc... instead it is just a way to get the profile photo to the contact in your address book. Bummer.
I agree. Not much better than the current version. Should've integrated a few apps would've made it more useful. new version of mobile shell might make current skin invalid too.
So this is basically the same, but a little "upgraded." By not changing the overall idea at all, the same reasons I dont use 2 will be the same reasons I dont use 3. I was expecting so much more with the hype. PointUI kills this. Kills. When will they learn, keep it simple, make it customizable. Oh well.
It looks ok but PointUI didn't do anything for me either so I'll stick with my TF3D till either is truely better.
Glad to see they're trying something new since TouchFLO pretty much made me stop using Mobile Shell as it did what I needed, and it came with my OS, rather than having to install something on top.
friguy33 said:
So this is basically the same, but a little "upgraded." By not changing the overall idea at all, the same reasons I dont use 2 will be the same reasons I dont use 3. I was expecting so much more with the hype. PointUI kills this. Kills. When will they learn, keep it simple, make it customizable. Oh well.
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Since when is PointUI customizable? I have used it and there is not customization built into it.
Any idea on when the beta of SPB3 will be out?
Do we realy need a second topic with the same questions and wishes?
A much better video:
JukEboXAuDiO, you seriously must be joking right! Pointui Home not customizable? Is being able to replace every graphic in the app, being the only UI with scripting support to allow you to build all sorts of applets and things, and being able to customize the background through the entire app not quite enough customization for you? Or are you referring to the old version released 12 mths ago?

[REQ]Smart Zone Interface from Gigabyte S1200 and

Hey guys this just came out from the barselona (sorry typo) but I just had to show everybody this new UI from Smart Zone. Its a really nice interface and is put together very well. If any body has any connect please extract it once it comes out so we can get hard at work porting it.(vga, qvga, wvga etc) happy hunting. video link here i wish there was a way to stick this but the mods will decide.
I really love that interface!!!
Can anyone get this one to my HTC Diamond? That would be great.
Looks quite nice but doesn't appear to be stable yet
Pretty cool! Hope somebody can get their hands about this baby!
mattijn1980 said:
I really love that interface!!!
Can anyone get this one to my HTC Diamond? That would be great.
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the ui isnt out yet, the device it is running off of is wvga. So there would have to be some modifications but we wont know if its possible till we can see how it was made
SaBo said:
Looks quite nice but doesn't appear to be stable yet
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yeah I noticed it froze at the end, but when they came out with tf3d it still had bugs and continues to have bugs. I would preffer to have this ui since im no to fond of the honey comb and tf3d is really primitive to other phone ui. I just so annoyed on how slow it is.
I thick the interface was made by flash.
mobile101 said:
I thick the interface was made by flash.
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you are correct sir
i hope somebody dump it
If we had a decent fullscreen flash today plugin or "player", we could have this and much more for any of our devices...
The problem is also the older device's video drivers speed and CPU, on 400mhz is still slow. And flash will always be a battery-hog.
Throttle launcher's flash compatibility is good, but it has much more stuff than its required for this.

Is WM6.5 worth upgrading to?

I've been using Jack V3.x medium for the past few weeks. The ROM has been brilliant apart from a few issues with TF3D lag (although i gather that this is a universal TF3D problem) and overall i am quite happy with it.
Jack V3.x is not based on WM6.5 however, unlike some other ROM's that have been popping up in the ROM development forum. From what i've been reading WM6.5 is only an incremental upgrade to 6.1 and so i am left wondering: Is it worthwhile to upgrade to WM6.5 now, bugs and all, or to wait for a few months before upgrading so all the bugs get wrinkled out? Also, what WM6.5 ROM would people recommend upgrading to?
Thanks in advance!
P.S. The factors that would make me want to upgrade are things like improved functionality, faster speed, clearer UI, etc.
Well I am using gtrabs ROM and so far I am really liking it. It is pretty fast, no bugs or crashes, and the interface is clean. I have kinda got a bit tired of TouchFlo3D so I wanted something different. I would say give it a go....
itje's 6.5 RC1 is what I'm on, if you disable threaded messaging it works probably better than official 6.1 roms did for me. Its faster, scrolling is much much better, looks nicer, and has titanium which i really get on with.
yes .
definitely worth it.
Interface upgrades, ram usage isn't up that much, it's a lot smoother.
using gtrab's rom right now, it's so quick when browsing windows in file explorer.
battery life has somewhat improved, strangely enough.
I have only tried one 6.5 rom, and that is Valkyrie v1, which has TF3D in case I didn't like the WM 6.5 interface. It all functions properly, so I'd recommend trying it (or other 6.5 roms) and see how it works for you.
However I'm seriously considering going back to WM6.1. While this 6.5 rom works well and I'm glad Chefs are experimenting with 6.5 (doing a great job!), it just seems slower and less refined. I'll give it a bit more of a go before giving up though!
Regarding the WM6.5 interface, I personally thing TF3D is far better - why have such a tiny area for plug ins? Daft I reckon!
Give it a go and see what you think!
DavidMc0 said:
I have only tried one 6.5 rom, and that is Valkyrie v1, which has TF3D in case I didn't like the WM 6.5 interface. It all functions properly, so I'd recommend trying it (or other 6.5 roms) and see how it works for you.
However I'm seriously considering going back to WM6.1 . While this 6.5 rom works well and I'm glad Chefs are experimenting with 6.5 (doing a great job!), it just seems slower and less refined . I'll give it a bit more of a go before giving up though!
Regarding the WM6.5 interface, I personally thing TF3D is far better - why have such a tiny area for plug ins? Daft I reckon!
Give it a go and see what you think!
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You should test my SEX1/W4X ROM
I'll eat my shorts on YouTube if you don't say "oh" when oppening /windows/ in the file explorer
Link to thread:
TITANIUM is a tOUCH! Flo killer: Faster, cleaner and smoother
TITANIUM is a Ferrari, tOUCH! Flo is a school bus: big, heavy and slooooow...
Just my 2 cents, MHO of course
Definately a YES. All I need to do now is to choose one. LOL. I am new to this as well, so a bit worried in losing my waranty if anything happens.
gtrab said:
You should test my SEX1/W4X ROM
I'll eat my shorts on YouTube if you don't say "oh" when oppening /windows/ in the file explorer
Link to thread:
TITANIUM is a tOUCH! Flo killer: Faster, cleaner and smoother
TITANIUM is a Ferrari, tOUCH! Flo is a school bus: big, heavy and slooooow...
Just my 2 cents, MHO of course
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I may give it a go, and if it crashes trying to load /windows/ I'll be looking forward to the youtube clip ;D
Touch Flo slow? Really? Seems very quick to me, at least on the latest roms. It also seems to have a much more efficient layout.
I've just put Touch-it v7.1+ (WM6.1) back on, and it's so much smoother & together than the 6.5 rom I tried!
But yes, I may give your rom a go gtrab, and see how it is. I'm sure 6.5 will have advantages, just not sure it's there yet.
What do you do in WM 6.5 for listening to music? S2P is no good (well, is good until you get a call and it mucks everything up!), WMP is no good for finger navigation.
Even if smooth though, I'm pretty sure the new TouchFlo is better than Titanium, but I will see if I can be persuaded
Comparisons are always subjective. I quite like the clean interface of Titanium and got bored of TouchFlo. I may get bored of Titanium and go to SPB Mobile Shell etc.
One thing you need to remember is that WinMo 6.5 (and the R3A ROM) are still in Beta so some may get bugs and some may not. FTR I am using gtrabs ROM and so far it is very good and I think it will be a keeper for me until the proper version comes out (i.e. no beta).
Apart from having to reload your programs there is no harm in giving it a try - if you don't like it you can go back to a 6.1....
Yes, I think you must try Gtrab's WM6.5 ROM...It plays with speed. I've tested another 4 WM6.5 ROMs, and finally i go back to Gtrab's one and said Wow! for his Rom.
DavidMc0 said:
I may give it a go, and if it crashes trying to load /windows/ I'll be looking forward to the youtube clip ;D
Touch Flo slow? Really? Seems very quick to me, at least on the latest roms. It also seems to have a much more efficient layout.
I've just put Touch-it v7.1+ (WM6.1) back on, and it's so much smoother & together than the 6.5 rom I tried!
But yes, I may give your rom a go gtrab, and see how it is. I'm sure 6.5 will have advantages, just not sure it's there yet.
What do you do in WM 6.5 for listening to music? S2P is no good (well, is good until you get a call and it mucks everything up!), WMP is no good for finger navigation.
Even if smooth though, I'm pretty sure the new TouchFlo is better than Titanium, but I will see if I can be persuaded
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I use Sony's MXP panel for media
I don't like Touch Flo, I prefer the Panels and Titanium (both together)
Many "Touch Flo" cookers these a days, and just a couple of XPERIAncers as me
This is a matter of choices and tastes, very subjective, yes I agree with all of you
Only one thing is for real:
The only way to find WHICH ROM and WHAT softwere better suits your own needs is by trying...
Which car is better ?? Audi or Mercedes ??
You have to drive them both and make your personal pick
Same principle applies to ROMs
My oppinions:
1- If your personal preference is Touch-Flo, why upgrading to WM6.5 ???
You can get GREAT ouch Flo ROMs from itje, jack or smaberg
2- if you REALLY prefer Touch Flo, why buying a SONY XPERIA in the first place ??? The phone itself was not designed for Touch Flo !!!
Thanks for all of your replies.. i'll put on WM6.5 to test out now. I like your confidence gtrab, so i'll be puting on your barebone version first .
Oh, and regarding your questions in your last post: I am a fan of TF3D only because it adds a lot of usability that the default WinMo 6.1 lacks on its own. It also looks good and gives me all the information i need in an easy-to-access manner. If there was an alternative that maybe wasn't as good looking but had functionality and more importantly was fast and hopefully free then i'd be happy to move over to it (The PointUI panel was brilliant, but the lack of a large-font clock was a downer).
And as for why i bought an Xperia.. Well, mainly because i accidentally dunked my last phone in a cup of scalding hot tea . When looking around for new phones i liked what i saw in the Xperia reviews and so here i am. The phone itself is brilliant, apart from its default OS and panels. In theory they sounded great but in practice i didnt like the associated lag (on vanilla OS, at least) with it when switching from one panel to another. Still, it may be time to try them out again.
Ok, i'm off to flash a rom or two .
gtrab said:
2- if you REALLY prefer Touch Flo, why buying a SONY XPERIA in the first place ??? The phone itself was not designed for Touch Flo !!!
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Because w/ X1, we have a choice to pick panel and/or TF3D. Not the other way around since no others devices are able to run Panel stable.
OKOK, I admitted I would have a hard time to pick X1 or HD if HD fully support USA's 3G. ;p
gtrab said:
I use Sony's MXP panel for media
I don't like Touch Flo, I prefer the Panels and Titanium (both together)
Many "Touch Flo" cookers these a days, and just a couple of XPERIAncers as me
This is a matter of choices and tastes, very subjective, yes I agree with all of you
Only one thing is for real:
The only way to find WHICH ROM and WHAT softwere better suits your own needs is by trying...
Which car is better ?? Audi or Mercedes ??
You have to drive them both and make your personal pick
Same principle applies to ROMs
My oppinions:
1- If your personal preference is Touch-Flo, why upgrading to WM6.5 ???
You can get GREAT ouch Flo ROMs from itje, jack or smaberg
2- if you REALLY prefer Touch Flo, why buying a SONY XPERIA in the first place ??? The phone itself was not designed for Touch Flo !!!
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In the end, yes, you need to use what suits you.
1) Why upgrade to 6.5? Well, how would I know I preferred TF3D if I didn't try 6.5? And why not try something new? - it could be better, and I will keep trying new things, as the current TF3D will not be the best forever!
2) The Xperia runs TF3D perfectly well, and I knew this, so this did not put me off buying the Xperia. Also, hardware comes into it - the Xperia was my only real option, as nothing else (that's worth having) has WVGA screen and hardware keyboard.
While a lot of this is subjective, not all of it is. For example, the amount of useful space for an applet on TF3D compared to Titanium:
You can do much more with this space, e.g. calendar & music player.
If I had more time I'm sure I could show some of the objective advantages to TF3D, but I don't, he he! But I guess, even if one is actually better and more efficient, if you prefer the other one, then that's the one for you to use
And regarding the media panel, when I tried it, it seemed great, but when I changed back to default panel the music stopped - is this normal? I'd use it if I was able to run the music in the background while browsing the web & doing texts!
It's great we get such a choice on these phones, thanks to XDA dev!

THEME/UI - New Ageye Infinity ALPHA release out 0.2.7

Suprised no one really mentions this... It's still in early testing stages and all that but I just installed on my phone and started messing around with it. Its pretty darn cool so far. Sweet looking interface and smooth scrolling, kinda has an android-ish feel to it. Here's the thread over at with a cab for download.
Nothing special, who`s gonna use it when Schap`s Touchxperience is just around corner, and when you gonna flash phone with sense 2.5, and of course, when new Cookie`s home tab is out and you can customize your UI whatever you like.
darkic said:
Nothing special
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I suppose it's a matter of personal taste, but I beg to differ.
I don't like the look of TouchXperience one bit, or SPB Molbile Shell - that's horrendous - but yes, CHT is very good.
The great thing about Infinity is that everyone can write widgets for it quite easily. Also, it looks good and performs really well considering it's only an Alpha release!

