HELP - Keyboard issue - XPERIA X1 General

Hello XDA
I have just noticed that the "?" key (FN P) is not typing the ? but an ";". Does anyone have any ideas?

Fn P on my UK QWERTY X1 has ; on the keyboard. ? is at the bottom and doesn't need the Fn key.

Mine has the ? mark on the P key in blue. There must be a setting then for this somewhere in the OS

Austrian QUERTZ has the "?" on "Fn"+"P" and the ";" is "SHIFT"+","
Seems you have an English ROM installed but you would need a German one.

ok my keyboard is:
"?" on "Fn"+"P" the ";" is on "SHIFT"+"," the "+" is on "Fn"+"N". Any ideas

You have flashed UK rom on non UK device, that is your problem. Most of non UK X1 have localized keyboards and they will work ok only with org language rom. The only way for you is to find keyboard driver and swap it to your X1 orginal language.

Ok I just did a hard reset and it flashed itself. So I need to reload it somehow?

ell82 said:
You have flashed UK rom on non UK device, that is your problem. Most of non UK X1 have localized keyboards and they will work ok only with org language rom. The only way for you is to find keyboard driver and swap it to your X1 orginal language.
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Are you kidding me?
Does not changing CurLang value work on X1?
Go to HKLM\HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\KEYBD and there find CurLang value. You need to open the file and change the 1033 to the value of your device. I do not have the values here, but they are on XDA, please search the forums for the answer.

Where is your device from?

I assume that Austrian and German layouts are the same.
Go to the key I posted above and change it to 1031, close your reg editor and there probably is not even soft reset needed...
EDIT: If that gives the wrong layout try 3079 after that. (I do not know of this code is supported)

Under the device settings it shows GENERIC_UK... Other then that no idea, I do know the manuals came in some other language.. so not sure.

Use registry editor program, like the free Total Commander and do as I posted earlier.
Go to HKLM\HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\KEYBD and there find CurLang value. You need to open the file and change the 1033 on that to 1031. '
(Note that I am guessing that your device has the German QWERTZ layout?)

Loco5150 said:
Use registry editor program, like the free Total Commander and do as I posted earlier.
Go to HKLM\HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\KEYBD and there find CurLang value. You need to open the file and change the 1033 on that to 1031. '
(Note that I am guessing that your device has the German QWERTZ layout?)
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I just tested this and it does work. Changing CurLang to 1031 changes the layout to QWERTZ and "?" is under "P" etc... Soft reset needed after change.
People please use the SEARCH on the boards. All these type of problems most likely have been addressed in other devices.

I got total commander installed, where do I find the registry at? Currently I am seeing a directory listing.

go to \\plugins, there is registry folder...

Well we are close! now the z and the y keys are backwards. Any other numbers to try? Thanks!

Ok then your device is not with German layout?
Clownzer said:
I do know the manuals came in some other language.. so not sure.
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What country is this device from, that would help you know... Did you bought it used?

Bought it brand new from someone on Amazon, not sure what country it was from other than the booklets where not in English.

Clownzer said:
Bought it brand new from someone on Amazon, not sure what country it was from other than the booklets where not in English.
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Best thing would be that you find out what country your device is from, the booklets should give you that info...
I think that you have bought a device that had a English rom installed by the seller and he did the right localization for it. Now that you did a hard reset everything went back to the original rom setup.
This will be no problem when you find out where your device is from.
Does it have a carrier branding?

Ok it looks like the manuals are in Swedish Language... Viktig Information is written on the main manual.
Sweden address on the back of one of than manuals


wizard qwerty uk k'board layout help

i have a wizard runing qtek-wwe rom qwerty keys work ok but not the symbols they seem to have shiften 1 space left the (s has !) (the d has @) ect i would like uk layout please, is there a quick fix i have seared and forum for some reg hacks but these dont seem to work help please
mrbubble said:
i have a wizard runing qtek rom qwerty keys work ok but not the symbols they seem us i would like uk one please, is the a quick fix i have seared and founf some reg hacks but these dont seem to work help please
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Did you install a US ROM? If so you should be able to fix this by installing a WWE ROM I think.
Yes you can fix it, its a simple registry entry, in the
HCKU\ControlPanel\keybd entry
add a DWORD called LOCALE with a value of 0809

Problem With Keyboard !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just installed a new rom and everything work fine exept when i use the slide keyboard i try typing ( - ) and this appears ( " )
does anyone hot to fix it......?
please read! this has been answered too many times! go to the wiki and see hermes registry edits.
Goto the following registry entry
There is a key called 'Layout' and it is in Decimal.
The default value of English ROM is 20409, and Chinese ROM is 20404 (both are in hexadecimal).
The suitable value for German Hermes keyboard is 20407 (132103 in decimal).
The suitable value for Spanish Hermes keyboard is 2040a (132106 in decimal).
Probably Hermes use 20+country ID (409=WWE, 407=German, 404=Trad. Chinese, etc...) format for keyboard layout value.
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fone_fanatic said:
please read! this has been answered too many times! go to the wiki and see hermes registry edits.
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I agree...............use the heck out of the search option.
that being said.................
chipsxj said:
I changed to the number in bold and it worked for me:
Originally Posted by Marcmayer:
"Layout"=263177 [Change to 132100]
Works means all characters are displayed when the corresponding key is pressed and tab worked.
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Required a reboot.

T9 Dutch (and other) languages on Sysrius R0

I'm looking for a way to have dutch t9 on my Polaris. Currently I have only managed to instal a bunch of cab's and completely ruin my settings and need to reflash to correct the mistakes I have mad (installing a cab with language from Diamond). Could somebody who already succeeded help me with a step by step tutorial?
I don't have a step by step tutorial, but I would be interested in translating to dutch too. I saw this thread some time ago, but didn't have the time yet to try it out. Did you try that?
Try the gullum keyboards. There is an instruction, the only thing that won't work is the Touch keypad.
I changed 3 registry entries:
- HKLM\Software\Tegic\eT9\AvailableLanguages
I deleted some of them, got "0109, 010C, 0113" typed in it.
- HKLM\Software\HTC\ezsip\Librarycount
I changed it to "5", then I deleted the entries: Library5 to Library14 (Just everything from 5 up)
- HKLM\Software\HTC\ezsip\Library4
Changed the value to "8"
Go to input and change the t9 setting to the empty bar, et voila you have dutch T9
Good luck!
ps Don't know why I changed the entries, have been messing around a lot with entries to get T9 working and this is an old habit with which I got my T9 to work
Hi, use the gullum keys and the attachted t9 dictionary.
OK, thanks for your replies. I would like to grade it down into steps. Could you help me in understanding. I put the steps down here and lookinig for verification.
1. Acquire a cab with dutch dictionary. Is this rom/device/keyboard specific?
2. Change the registry to look for Dutch language on the device
3. Change the library count to be able to show dutch language here
4. What is the value change in library 4 for???
Help is much appreciated
greek keyboard still not, working (I think Russian too). right ?
anyone knows somithing different?
OK, Im still not there. Based on tweaks & tricks topic, kartus thread above and the current settings on other languages I made the following registry changes / additions. I installed the Gullum Dutch language CAB and now I have Dutch language by choosing the empty option. How do I get the empty box to show Dutch instead of being empty. Instead of just fixing it for now I would really like to do it a 100%
Originally "AvailableLanguages"="0109,010C,0107,0110,010A"
Changed into "AvailableLanguages"="0109,010C,0107,0110,010A,0113"
I added
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Tegic\eT9\Sip\Language KeyboardIDMapping]
I added
I added
I added
I added
Originally "LibraryCount"=dword:00000005
Changed into "LibraryCount"=dword:00000006
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Can anybody help me get this working
Torpedojager said:
OK, Im still not there. Based on tweaks & tricks topic, kartus thread above and the current settings on other languages I made the following registry changes / additions. I installed the Gullum Dutch language CAB and now I have Dutch language by choosing the empty option. How do I get the empty box to show Dutch instead of being empty. Instead of just fixing it for now I would really like to do it a 100%
Can anybody help me get this working
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I would like to know that too, how to get the line 'Dutch' in it. And also how to get the diamond keypad to work.
Why not wait for a dutch rom?
I know some people are working on it.
NeoS2007 said:
Why not wait for a dutch rom?
I know some people are working on it.
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that's some good news!
I Used WWE DCS rom, used the Nikki cab mentioned above with this settings and it works good in Dutch T9, I don't like dutch roms (-;
Originally "AvailableLanguages"="0109,010C,0107,0110,010A "
Changed into "AvailableLanguages"="0109,010C,0107,0110,010A,011 3"
I added
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Tegic\eT9\Sip\Language KeyboardIDMapping]
I added
I added
I added
I added
Originally "LibraryCount"=dword:00000005
Changed into "LibraryCount"=dword:00000006

QWERTY keyboard to QWERTZ keyboard help!

hello guys,
the hardware keyboard on my i-mate K-JAM is QWERTZ but when i updated its ROM version it became QWERTY i.e. when i press z on my keyboard it displays y
and the other symbols too have messed up
pls help!
thanks in advance!
-Evil Eye
Maybe you got a wrong language rom from the one you had, try installing your old rom again.
If not it may be a hardware issue, maybe have a look for the keyboard mappers if there are any and remap your keyboard keys back to the way they were maybe.
Hope this helps.
i sorted it out by Resco Registry Editor
i changed the string values of locale file to 0407
all done
if anyone wants to know a step-by-step method, i would be happy to help
How can i install a german QwertZ Kezboard without de-installing mz new ROM?
Hey, i have tha same Problem. I installed a Kumara Garmin SKin for HTC Kaiser. But i dont wanna change this Rom to mz old one. - How can i change this qwerty-Keyboard back to mz old one and how can i make QWERTZ run on the Hardware-Keyboard too? And i want too ae, ue, oe, and so one in one Letter and of korse the ss in one LEtter. So, how can i make this run? Is there some adinn to install? And a seccond thing is, how can i set T9-Word-Recognitionto Germen? Thanks a lot of for your Replz!
Evil Eye said:
i sorted it out by Resco Registry Editor
i changed the string values of locale file to 0407
all done
if anyone wants to know a step-by-step method, i would be happy to help
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unfortunately all those reg strings etc. doesnt work anymore. they (htc or ms) must have introduced a new reg string since built 20xxx.
I do have the same issue.

Adding or changing xT9 dictionary?

I've got english ROM but would like to be able to use some other dictionaries (in addition or instead of...) like norwegian and/or swedish.
I've been searching this forum for "add xt9 dictionary", also under other WM6.x devices like Diamond but have come up with nothing useful.
It seems like HTC Diamond and others use "eT9" dic's and the registry keys referred to does not exist in X1
HTC= HKLM\Software\Tegic\....
X1=HKLM\Software\XT9 Input Method\...).
The only regkey that exists in my X1 under XT9 Input Method is "IMEmode=0".
- Anyone with a swedish ROM that could check their registry settings here?
- Does anyone now of a way to add or change xT9 dictionary on X1?
- Anyone with a swedish ROM who could send/PM me the "mssp2.lex" file located on root in folder "Windows"?
I have the Swedish rom, i also only have IMEmode 0 there.
OK, if you have the swedish ROM you also have the swedish dictionary. Could you pls copy and PM or e-mail me the "mssp2.lex" located in folder "Windows"?
Anybody with a swedish ROM who could send me the "mssp2.lex" file located in folder Windows\ ??
If so, pls pm me and I´ll send you my e-mail address.
I'm not sure but this site might help you?
Thx for the reply but it did not hlp me solve the problem. The thread is not applicable for Xperia. Neither of the mentioned registry keys are on the Xperia.
However it did help me in realizing that the *.lex file would not solve my problem sinse it apparently is only applicable for spellchecking (?) and is not used for the predictive text input appearing when messaging (?). the question is now back to what the thread says: how to change or add a xT9 dictionary to Xperia??
Looking through some other threads for other (HTC) devices on this forum most of them refer to a "...Tegic\eT9..." path in registry which also does not seam applicable for Xperia.
All I have in registry is HKLM\Software\XT9 Input Method\IMEmode = 0.
Which files controls xT9 ??
An up for this problem... I am unable to change the dictionary used by the hardware keyboard. Actually I have Jack ROM, but would like to use my own language dictionary... any useful idea?!?!

