IMAP Pusher Service - Touch HD General

Does anyone know if this programs runs on htc touch hd?

I will runs quite well. I have been using it for about 2 weeks now with my gmail account and only bug is that it gives an error message after soft reset, but nothing major. All in all i've been satisfied with the program.

Seven works very well also:

or alternatively you could just set the native email client to check for mail every minute if you have an unlimited web package (joke)
Edit: I can confirm that the program you linked to in the first post does indeed work on the Touch HD - just tried it successfully myself!

I just downloaded this, but before I install it, I was wondering: Can this be configured for multiple accounts?

chaosdefinesorder said:
or alternatively you could just set the native email client to check for mail every minute if you have an unlimited web package
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Hmm. The most frequent option I'm given on my Touch Pro is every 5 minutes...

The programmer of the application you have referred has "disappeared" for quite some time. Webis do a full email client that supports IMAP Push without any other add-on, however it is not a solution if you want to use the inbuilt mail program.
An alternative that is I use now is Mail2web, which has a completely free option and is based on microsoft exchange, allowing you to use the "proper" email push service. Simply forward all your emails to that account.

ardsar said:
The programmer of the application you have referred has "disappeared" for quite some time. Webis do a full email client that supports IMAP Push without any other add-on, however it is not a solution if you want to use the inbuilt mail program.
An alternative that is I use now is Mail2web, which has a completely free option and is based on microsoft exchange, allowing you to use the "proper" email push service. Simply forward all your emails to that account.
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Mail2web is only free for US, UK and Germany. Others countries now have to pay a monthly fee.

brodos123 said:
Does anyone know if this programs runs on htc touch hd?
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It works great but it can fillup the memory after some time.

brodos123 said:
Does anyone know if this programs runs on htc touch hd?
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I assume this is going to have a rather negative effect on battery life?

Strange I never saw any link for a free service on the mail2web site. It seems they've discontinued it alltogether.

Try SEVEN, free too.

cxkx said:
Strange I never saw any link for a free service on the mail2web site. It seems they've discontinued it alltogether.
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For my gmail adress i use a funambol server and the WinMo funambol client.

try schedhandler. I'm sure you'll be happy with it.
cu camel

Related offering free push email...any tried this yet? has just come up with a push email feature for mobiles and pdas.
i just wanted to know if anyone has tried out the service and how is it?
i don't have an outlook exchange server so i can't really set up direct push on my 8125.
I just checked and Emoze does not support the Qtek 9100 yet
try selecting the Tmo MDA.. same thing.. i'm downloading the program now to see if it works..
ok, stay away from it for now, it is in beta, but here's what happened to me..
1. it replicated my contacts about 40 times.. i had to go thru and delete duplicates... ugh..
2. Program on the PC desktop crashes randomly, it crashed 4 times in a 30 minute period..
3. kinda flaky performance.. it works as in the push email function, it notifies you, but then it took 3-4 trys on the PPC to get out of the notification/program and see the actual email in outlook..
give it time and if they perfect it a little, this will be very cool to have..
g0nk said:
ok, stay away from it for now, it is in beta, but here's what happened to me..
1. it replicated my contacts about 40 times.. i had to go thru and delete duplicates... ugh..
2. Program on the PC desktop crashes randomly, it crashed 4 times in a 30 minute period..
3. kinda flaky performance.. it works as in the push email function, it notifies you, but then it took 3-4 trys on the PPC to get out of the notification/program and see the actual email in outlook..
give it time and if they perfect it a little, this will be very cool to have..
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Cool, thanks for the input. Hopefully they'll fix the bugs soon so we can use it.
replicated my contacts also, it states that you cannot have activesync running while this program is running, which is kinda ridiculous...another thing is, it runs OFF of your computer, uses your OUTLOOK, nothing on their end, its just a piece of other words, if your computer is off, no email....useless if you ask me
Ya know, it's a shame the T-Mobile's SMS-based notification feature isn't a bit better tuned. It really works well - just takes to long to notify your phone of a new event.
For anyone who hasn't tried it. When you go to the T-Mobile website, you can put in the info for one or more of your non-T-Mobile email services. You can use POP3 or IMAP4 servers along with your SMTP server, and you specify your email login and password.
After that, you can click on the feature in your MDA that retrieves specs for your email account from T-Mobile's servers, and pocket Outlook will set up an appropriate additional account for you in the MDA. With this all set up, you can, in addition to your normal way of checking your email, check your email account via the T-Mobile website or via your MDA simply by doing a Send/Receive on the MDA in the Messaging app.
The neat part that T-Mobile hasn't quite implemented 100% is that you can have their server monitor your email account for new incoming messages, and in turn send a "silent SMS" to your MDA to let it know when new email has arrived. Then your MDA automatically kicks off a Send/Receive, fetches whatever email is waiting on the server and notifies you.
This works quite well. The ONLY problem is that that it may take way too long for you to be notified that something new is on the server. This could be due to one (or both) of two possibilities:
1) T-Mobile's back-end servers may not be monitoring and checking your email server frequently enough. If it checks for new email every minute, that's great - but if it waits 30 minutes between checks, that's about the best you can hope for when waiting for your MDA to be notified about new incoming mail.
2) Even if T-Mobile's back-end servers "know" that your email provider's servers have new mail for you once a minute, that only helps if the "daemon" (or whatever process they use) sends the "silent SMS" to you immediately. If the "silent SMS" is queued up, and the process to send them out is delayed, or possibly scheduled to happen once every 30 minutes, we have yet another way in which it takes too long for your phone to be notified that new email has arrived.
Whichever delay is causing this, it would be fantastic if T-Mobile could fix it. If they did, this would, functionally, serve the purpose of push email for many of us -- especially for those of us who have unlimited messaging as part of our plan with T-Mobile.
despite the bugs, it worked great, and i'm gonna keep an eye on their progress..
This is basically the program i've been looking for. Something that I can load on my own PC (since it's on 24/7) and have it sync my inboxes on my 8125.. it was nearly instantaneous when it worked on my system..
a note to people that want to try this though...
2. Make sure ActiveSync is set to not sync anything, and turned off.
3. Then run the program..
I wish it was more stable, and i'd use it all the time, but until then, im sticking with POP updating every 2 minutes..
I can't get it to work on my PC in my office. My company uses a proxy server and the desktop app can't connect to the internet. Any suggestions?
not really sure.. but keep an eye on this thread from their forums, the emoze team might respond with an answer..
I have trying it uses push for activesync for free.
working very well.
mail2web isn't true push, its pull...
PiTT said:
mail2web isn't true push, its pull...
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I think they started push service in their "live.web2mail" bbeta but I could be mistaken as I have not tried it. Even if it free it wont be for long as MS has pretty expensive licensing fees per user to use exchange server. I think they have 6 months where they can claim 0 users. The emoze you need your home pc on all the time. For me it would be ok cuz i always keep my pc turned on but for a lot of people i dont think they do that.
Any news on this? Is it working yet? I keep my computer on all the time and was looking at running Exchange Server from it to get Push Email, but maybe I'm better off waiting for this?
I've been using a mail3web live account for a couple of weeks and it works very well. I just had to set up mail forawrding from my own ISP. I'm pretty sure it's not push email but it works fine through active sync on the PPC as long as I remember not to kill the application. You can set it to synch with the sever as often as you like and as I'm a bit worried about getting a large bill and I'm not too wooried about getting everything instantaniously I've set mine to synch with the server every two hours. If I want to check more frequently I just hit send/receive.
Whoops - no I haven't discovered a new one! The above should read mail2web live account!
I've been using mail2web for a few days... its cool.... and push email too, but that needs a few tweaks before it works properly
jamichy said:
I've been using mail2web for a few days... its cool.... and push email too, but that needs a few tweaks before it works properly
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ok, so can you please tell us more...any link for the tweak? thanx...
hconsulting said:
jamichy said:
I've been using mail2web for a few days... its cool.... and push email too, but that needs a few tweaks before it works properly
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ok, so can you please tell us more...any link for the tweak? thanx...
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There's no tweak. mail2web just upgraded to Exchange SP2, so if you've got a ROM in your wizard that supports push (I'm using the 2.17 custom on my TMO MDA), sign up for a free mail2web account, forward your email there from other accounts, and follow the diretions to set it up on your Wizard, and you will get true push email now.
The only problem I have is that I forward my gmail to my mail2web, and once or twice/day I notice I'm not getting e-mail, sign in to my gmail account and under the forward it says gmail is having trouble forwarding to that account. I push try again, and it starts sending my email again for maybe a day. I think mail2web is either having a problem receiving so much mail (there's been a big buzz about it on xda and howard last few weeks), or else it might be a problem with their spam filters...
thanx for ur reply...that's exactly what i did and got a gmail account too and everything's ok here...all my mails are directed to my mail2web account ( actually account)
But can not succeed in push to rom is the "test only" one I think it's the one before the official 2.17....Any chance to get it work though?
Many thanx...

Implement IMAP IDLE Native function @ Pocket Outlook

I'm currently running a mail server on a dedicated box (host @ datacenter 30€/month) under linux with courrier-imap. There is a way to implement IMAP IDLE function, that is almost the same than pushing emails.
I actualy tested it without FAM (File Alteration Monitor). Fam allow you to have a realtime email like blackberry. I don't need it, the basic IMAP_ENHANCEDIDLE do a check every minutes and update if there is a mail.
I tested this feature through telnet and it worked lovely.
Now, in order to be able to use this feature over your windows mobile, you have the choice between to softwares.
The first is vgsmail (free trial)
This one will just enable the IMAP IDLE feature on your pocket outlook (seems to be the more elegant way to implement it)
The second is WIS Flexmail 2007 (search at google ) (free trial)
This one is a new client (i don't like to change my use personnaly)
The major problem of the both solutions is that you have to pay for it.
Does anyone can do a patch for pocket outlook to implement imap idle fonction on it ?
Reference thread: Here
Check out Seven.
I'm currently using it too work with my google IMAP account and I get push email. It works amaizing.
I don't know if its what your looking for but give it a shot and see.
I currently use it on my WM6 Hermes device and even though it not supported its working perfectly for me.
Knockz said:
Check out Seven.
I'm currently using it too work with my google IMAP account and I get push email. It works amaizing.
I don't know if its what your looking for but give it a shot and see.
I currently use it on my WM6 Hermes device and even though it not supported its working perfectly for me.
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Hi, thanks for your tips, btw i like to know something, is it a standalone program or a plugin for pocket outlook ?
Its an addon for pocket outlook that manages the account and the push functionality. It also does other types of accounts. It gave me push email for my work account and pop accounts.
You still read/reply and manage your emails using pocket outlook.
Fantastic, gonna test it tomorrow !
Thanks buddy !
I tested this solution, sounds like a third party server is getting email from your server :/. It won't be a problem if this project didn't looks like another commercial push (visto like).
Actualy Seven is acting like a visto, sevens server try to fetch mail ~2mn and push it on they proprietary client, who is pushing the message @ pocket outlook.
It means that my mail is going through seven mail server and Seven has all access granted to my mailbox.
I'm just looking for a soft (without thrid party server checking) enabling the IMAP IDLE fonction.
Test of vgsmail & flexmail
I tried to test them with imap idle
vgsmail has been renamed to EmansioPushMail, great, but it just crash my Hermes (Schap's 3.54 ROM). Tried an old cab called (looks like an old beta). Result is the same (just with a different program name )
flexmail is working with imap idle correctly, but it's eating up all my memory (92% busy). So my Hermes just finish to crash cause it don't get enough memory (GPRS+Flexmail+msn+Audio Player).
The both solution are non free ...
Is there a chance to get imap idle implemented on pocket outlook someday ?
A desesperate Linux's mail server admin.
maybe it's a stupid question, but just to know:
within my Pocket Outlook GMail IMAP options, I have an option to check mail every 5 minutes.
ok I know, it's not really push, but what's the difference, I doesn't really mather if you get your mails within some seconds or within 5 minutes, or does it?
There is really cool japanese freeware mail client named Qmail3 - It has IMAP4 - I do not know about IMAP IDLE but it is worth a try. Some people call that program "The Bat" for PPC because of tons of features it offers.
WM6 also supports IMAP4 and HTML mails...i don't really see much benefit for another email application...the full device integration will never be as good as with Pocket Outlook, I think.
maybe it's a stupid question, but just to know:
within my Pocket Outlook GMail IMAP options, I have an option to check mail every 5 minutes.
ok I know, it's not really push, but what's the difference, I doesn't really mather if you get your mails within some seconds or within 5 minutes, or does it?
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Actualy, the option that you are using is wasting a lot of bandwith.
Send/Receive procedure
1/ contact imap/pop server
2/ auth on it
3/ check message
This have an effective cost of bandwith (wich is limited to 10mo/month in my case)
It means that if you use this system you gonna waiste almost all bandwith just to check if there is some mails.
Imap Idle procedure
1/ contact/auth once
2/ enter idle mode
3/ server send a notification to the client entered in idle mode
This solution permit to don't waste bandwith and provide a real push solution (you have to install File Alteration Monitor on your mail server in order to get it) withouth FAM it works also but you can get a delay (less than 1mn).
This solution is the best cause you are not dependant of a third party who's all access on your mailbox (specialy for work purposes)
We don't want to set up any microsoft server or exchange servers (linux ftw).
KarhU said:
There is really cool japanese freeware mail client named Qmail3 - It has IMAP4 - I do not know about IMAP IDLE but it is worth a try. Some people call that program "The Bat" for PPC because of tons of features it offers.
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I gave a try on it, it doesn't implement imap idle feature, thanks anyway
maybe it's a stupid question, but just to know:
within my Pocket Outlook GMail IMAP options, I have an option to check mail every 5 minutes.
ok I know, it's not really push, but what's the difference, I doesn't really mather if you get your mails within some seconds or within 5 minutes, or does it?
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Depends on how often you get incoming mail.
If you only get one message per hour, but want to know within a few minutes of its arrival and set a 5-minute check interval, you're performing a LOT of extra full IMAP resyncs that are unnecessary, which will eat your battery.
There are also a number of other IMAP extensions usually implemented along with IDLE (known as the Lemonade Profile) that significantly reduce data transfers (and battery abuse), the basic IMAP support in Pocket Outlook does not implement these.
Entropy512 said:
Depends on how often you get incoming mail.
If you only get one message per hour, but want to know within a few minutes of its arrival and set a 5-minute check interval, you're performing a LOT of extra full IMAP resyncs that are unnecessary, which will eat your battery.
There are also a number of other IMAP extensions usually implemented along with IDLE (known as the Lemonade Profile) that significantly reduce data transfers (and battery abuse), the basic IMAP support in Pocket Outlook does not implement these.
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ok, thx for the clarification!
if the IDLE and lemonade would work in Pocket Outlook, would we be able to get push email in combination with the new GMail IMAP support? would be nice and cheap I guess
If you have unlimited text messages, use PushEffect - uses a text message to signal outlook to check email. Works great for me -
Tranman79 said:
If you have unlimited text messages, use PushEffect - uses a text message to signal outlook to check email. Works great for me -
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Unfortunately, i don't have any free sms service :/
WM6 also supports IMAP4 and HTML mails...i don't really see much benefit for another email application...the full device integration will never be as good as with Pocket Outlook, I think.
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It doesn't support IMAP IDLE - see my related articles
KarhU said:
There is really cool japanese freeware mail client named Qmail3 - It has IMAP4 - I do not know about IMAP IDLE but it is worth a try. Some people call that program "The Bat" for PPC because of tons of features it offers.
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no IDLE support either - again, make sure you ALL follow my articles - see Bible
Menneisyys said:
no IDLE support either - again, make sure you ALL follow my articles - see Bible
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Hi, very interesting article !
Thanks for the link.
I'm actualy in contact with the developper off vgsmail, cause it's really unstable with windows mobile 6 (random freeze works partialy)
I'll back to you when i'll get more information.
Kayser said:
I'm actualy in contact with the developper off vgsmail, cause it's really unstable with windows mobile 6 (random freeze works partialy)
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Anything new on this? said:
Anything new on this?
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vgsmail is now Emansio:
and in my testing it still (version 20070916143800) seems unreliable and buggy on my Kaiser (WM6). Great idea, I wish the darn task manager icon could be removed, and I wish it worked properly. Price is high in USD with the current exchange rates, but I might be able to stomach the basic license if it worked....


Does the Blackstone support imap idle or another kind of pushmail solution?
Yeah, there is support for Direct Push through an exchange server, or for Imap4/Idle through 3rd party solutions like Fleximail or this promising free one
While Imap has the advantage of WLAN compatiblity, I still have to check the effect on battery life
perfect! I'm thinking of changing my email-domain to Domainfactory, which offers free Push-mail
I wanted to make sure that both (Domainfactory and Touch HD) will work together.
Would be nice to hear your report of battery life.
can you use push-mail with gmail like on the g1 ?
I am using the free Direct Push for years. Only disadvantage over Imap is that one cannot send email with your choosen email address, you have to use theirs. But lately I am using Imap only, because it works better with different mobile operating systems
Yes, with the free PocketOutlook plugin mentioned in my post.
L0ser said:
can you use push-mail with gmail like on the g1 ?
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Would really be interesting if there is a solution to use push-mail with gmail...
Well, you could forward your gmail to a free push provider, and sync gmail that way. But I think Imap is a easier solution, and not bound to Microsoft or RIM.
anyone got web2mail to push email to their HTC?
Hi chaps,
I wondered if any of you have got this to work? I've followed all the instructions setting up a free push email account with web2mail and setup activesync to receive messages as they arrive, but I still dont get the email until I manually sync.
The only thing I think maybe breaking it, is the fact that I have setup nodata on my htc as my carrier charges loads for using data (I have wifi switched on and connected instead)
Any ideas chaps?
Imap Idle with gmail support, scheduling, etc... Look for email scheduler, it is posted here at xda, and avail here. I am curious how it works on the Blackstone.

IDEA: Easy way to have a native GMAIL app on Windows Mobile...

I had an epiphany today, I want to share this idea, perhaps someone here has the knowledge to pull it off, unfortunately, I am not a C programmer:
Gmail already has built in RSS feeds. Every Gmail account hass RSS feeds for every label at (This also works for Apps at ).
The only requirement is that the feed reader support authentication.
Now lets bring pRSSreader into the equation (
Supports SSL, Yes!
Supports Authntication, YES!
Source Code Available! GPL!
So to start: A competent developer begin with the pRSSreader code, change the UI a bit so that it will revolve around inputing gmail accounts and it will be able to read our mail)
The next step is to add a simple SMTP component that will send outgoing mail through the GMAIL smtp.
What do the smart people here think?
I'm not critisizing your idea by any means, but why not using the mobile JAVA app done by google?
It works flawlessly with JBED or JEODEK for WM. The functionality is also great. Of course, it's not native WM app, but it's still worth a while.
fbifbi said:
I'm not critisizing your idea by any means, but why not using the mobile JAVA app done by google?
It works flawlessly with JBED or JEODEK for WM. The functionality is also great. Of course, it's not native WM app, but it's still worth a while.
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URL for this mate?
fbifbi said:
I'm not critisizing your idea by any means, but why not using the mobile JAVA app done by google?
It works flawlessly with JBED or JEODEK for WM. The functionality is also great. Of course, it's not native WM app, but it's still worth a while.
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The JAVA app is great... except that the text font (including menu and everything) is too tiny and small on my Diamond. Otherwise it's great app...
Wiggz said:
URL for this mate?
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Go to on your phone, and then download it. It should automatically recognize that you have a windows mobile phone and offer you the JAVA version to download.
fbifbi said:
Of course, it's not native WM app, but it's still worth a while.
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^^ that was the point of ethanpil's suggestion.
@ethanpil, I think it's a good idea, the only hole I see is that it's mostly for people who actually use the labels now, yes?
wait....maybe i'm not understanding u guys properly...u dont wanna use the mail program that it came with?? i have a diamond and i synced it to my outlook which has when i'm on WIFI it vibrates when i get a gMail.....
so what is it that Java program do that this one doesn't??
Why not use Emoze? That has true push and works great with Gmail. Gmail also has a Exchange server for your calender and contacts.
sinara said:
The JAVA app is great... except that the text font (including menu and everything) is too tiny and small on my Diamond. Otherwise it's great app...
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sinara, look for VGA hacked JBED (here on XDA) - it solves problems with small fonts on our devices.
sinara said:
The JAVA app is great... except that the text font (including menu and everything) is too tiny and small on my Diamond. Otherwise it's great app...
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You can fix the font sizes with simple regedits.
Why do ppl want this?? Outlook can link to IMAP from google natively. Which All wm6 phones why does anyone care about an external app that windows can do by default. I'm not discounting it or anything I'm just really confused on this issue
xcom923 said:
Why do ppl want this?? Outlook can link to IMAP from google natively. Which All wm6 phones why does anyone care about an external app that windows can do by default. I'm not discounting it or anything I'm just really confused on this issue
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I am with you here, gmail with imap is the way to go. If your device automagically finds gmail settings, just misspell gmail when entering your email addy, then fix it after you have unchecked to automatically find settings.
I believe the reason for doing this is to get away from the built-in (WM) applications which for the most part suck. Not to mention that the emails are stored in a database and not in individual files (as in Qmail). Even if it was stored in a database, the database should be easily manipulated to allow for quick backup and recovery operations (SQLite?). Not to mention that such an application can implement great features like imap-idle and connecting over 1x/gprs to save battery life (and privates).
Just my two cents.
The reason is as many have guessed above:
1) The Java version sucks for WM users: its not native, and a few times alerady if I exited hastily by hitting the X instead of through the menus then my DB was corrupted and I had to reinstall the app
2) Something native will be able to take advantage of all of the features of WM and run in the background better.
3) The native apps also suck.
4) Push IMAP and activesync take horrendous battery power
Anyway, I have been using NewsBreak to read my gmail by RSS and it works great, updates once per hour, and runs real fast in background and I get notification of new emails and I only downlod the labels I need... Its just a pain to then login to gmail app to reply...
I have a small application (in VB.NET) that I am working on but in this moment it is "work in progress". I am able to connect to GMail over SSL in POP3, SMTP and IMAP.
In this moment I am trying out POP3 but I have some problems when downloading larger attachments from GMail (out-of-memory exceptions) which I have to sort out.
I guess I could make a native application for GMail - however the first beta version would not support attachments (at least larger attachmnets - let's say more than 200KB - until I have sorted out the problem mentioned above).
In order to produce a first version, I still would need some days but if there's interest, I could give it a shot.
Add spellchecking to your applications.
this would def worth a shot since it's a bunch of shareware ideas taken into an all in one freeware app to add to our collection of greatly developed freeware. i'd rather use a custom made freeware app that will always add features rather than waste memory with certain shareware programs just to have all the bells and whistles scattered across the cluttered memory
boog321 said:
I am with you here, gmail with imap is the way to go. If your device automagically finds gmail settings, just misspell gmail when entering your email addy, then fix it after you have unchecked to automatically find settings.
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I've been doing that since my 8525.. I can't believe that anyone would rather 'fight' with a 3rd party app.. I can see the argument for push, but if you really need up to date inbox, just get a scheduler to set your 'active' hours so you get faster updates when you need it. Typically I get emails at the same time though.

push email

anyone knows of reliable,CONFIRMED, PUSH email service that works on the pro?
Alltel Based Phone
All I can offer is that Alltel offers on their phone.
It stopped working recently, but when it was working, my yahoo mail came through with no problems. Also outlook can be set to a higher frequency if you don't want to send/receive so often.
ericizzy1 said:
anyone knows of reliable,CONFIRMED, PUSH email service that works on the pro?
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1. Any exchange server.
2. Seven ( together with gmail.
Those are the two I have used.
ericizzy1 said:
anyone knows of reliable,CONFIRMED, PUSH email service that works on the pro?
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Good Mobile Messaging Works great... better than BlackBerry!
It requires a Good Messaging Server.
Google's Sync service has supported Google calendar and contacts sync for a while. Recently, they added support for pushed email. A few days ago, I switched from using IMAP to using ActiveSync for GMail. Except for some times when it's very slow to pick up on new email, it works pretty well.
nispen said:
1. Any exchange server.
2. Seven ( together with gmail.
Those are the two I have used.
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i agree with nispen - i've been using seven beta with gmail for over a year. it's worked almost flawlessly.
i see that Seven does not work in Brazil, where I am. The other service that someone recommended is SMS based. Does anybody know a REAL PUSH service like maybe seven (I did not test it, but understand it does what it is supposed to do) that work here?
when i first got my palm, there was a popup about some microsoft push service for the device... i ended up flashing to 6.5.1 and that feature isnt there anymore though.
try emoze

