Syncing problems with WMDC - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Just wondering if anybody can help me with a syncing problem I've been having since linking my phone to Vista (and hence Windows Mobile Device Centre). When I sync my calendar it says it cannot sync one particular appointment (which I know was a recurring one). However the appointment doesn't appear in my Outlook calendar or my phone calendar. Is there any way I can remove this "phantom" appointment and hence get everything syncing again? I have tried removing the calendar from being part of the data and then adding it again, but that didn't seem to do anything (despite all my appointments being removed).
Any ideas?

try deleting your partnership
Try deleting your partnership and try making a new one.

Done that, no dice - any other suggestions?


calender calender and still more calender sync problems...

I went from xplodes to Build 20000.1.0.0.PV.HAT ROM to see if my calender would sync properly.
I am on XP, running outlook 2007 and using activesync 4.5. I have read the other posts and for some reason some calender items (and emails) ae not syncing ??????
?????this is one issue that is still irritating!
Just to check, have you asked activesync to sync the calender?
angerfist7777 said:
Just to check, have you asked activesync to sync the calender?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
yes, of course...
In another post they mentioned syncing adding each item one at a time eg add the inbox, then sync, then add files then sync, etc,, add calender then sync.
This method didn't work ????
Have you tried installing activesync on another computer? This would be a good idea if you have access to one. If you can't do that, it might be a problem with your install. I would suggest seeing if you could back everything up to an SD card, which should be possible through this:
Then reinstall your ROM and try again.

Outlook contacts won't sync after upgrade

Ever since I "upgraded" to dcd 3.2.6, I can no longer sync with Outlook contacts. The only thing that syncs is Outlook calendar. Under sync-settings the contacts box is greyed out. Even if I uninstall/reinstall active sync and establish a new relationship I still cannot transfer contacts. Also, under "Getting Started" it says I need a CD rom to transfer contacts. What CD are they referring to?
Any ideas?
How many parternships does your phone use? I can only seem to get one parternship + exchange to work on mine, if I try to sync with a second PC, it only lets me sync files and notes. Not sure if it's related, but you might try removing all partnerships from both your PC and your phone and then create a new one and see what happens.
How do I remove a partnership on my phone? I removed all partnerships on my PC via activesync. How do I do it on the phone as well?
Thanks for the reply!
Open Active Sync, Click on Menu and then Options (this is on the phone) and it will show any partnerships including your exchange settings, it will also show what items are currently set to sync with each partnership, you can either delete the whole partnership or just adjust whats getting synced, turn off contacts on all of the ones that don't need it and turn it on for the one you are working on and it should become available, if that doesn't work, delete the partnerships and try again. If it still doesn't work, then something is misconfigured on your PC, default contact program, etc, something is wrong.
I ran into a problem similar to this when trying to Sync WM6.1 with 2 PCs. WM6.1 has a security "feature" that prevents syncing with multiple PC's; it has "non-local cross pollination" disabled.
It will Sync if you change a registry setting located at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\ActiveSync\EnableNonLocalCrossPollination to "1" instead of "0". As long as you're not trying to Sync to the same Exchange server from two different PC's (or your Outlook default files have the same name), it will work fine.
More info here:
I ran into this exact problem the article describes. I have an exchange linked account at work and I use an OTA exchange link with Mail2Web, and a stand along Outlook at home. It won't let me sync Contacts, Calendar and tasks with all 3, only 2 at one time. I will test this and see how it works.

ActiveSync stopped synching

I have ActiveSync 4.5 on WinXP SP3 on a Dell Precision.
My phone is a Samsung Epix with Windows Mobile 6.1
Up until a week or so ago I was able to synch my Outlook contacts, calendar and tasks with no problems (either USB or Bluetooth).
The first problem I saw was that when I went to sync ActiveSync would just keep trying to sync over and over for hours and never stop.
I looked at the log on my phone and it seemed that there were some problems with some recurring appointments. I ended up doing a hard reset on my phone and reinstalling ActiveSync.
Right after doing that there was an error trying to sync the contacts on my phone to the PC (the pre-loaded contacts *View Data Usage, *Pay My Bill, etc..)...soooo, I deleted those.
Now I try to sync and it tells me that the phone is synchronized, but the phone has no contact or calendar or task nothing was sync'ed!
If I delete the connection and then re-do the sync ActiveSync displays that it's synching 0/1549 for the Calendar, so it sees that there are items it needs to sync....but after that it just says it's synchronized.
I uninstalled ActiveSync again and deleted the Windows CE Services nodes in the registry, and the Active Sync folder in Program Files and then re-installed...but the same thing happened. So I've reset the phone, re-installed ActiveSync...but I still can't sync. What else can I try?
Not sure exactly how but it's working right now. After doing everything I mentioned above I noticed that Outlook on my PC had hundreds of bogus contacts and tasks created. I deleted these, then I went into ActiveSync/Tools/Options and de-selected then reselected Contacts, Calendar, and Tasks and was able to sync...
heres how to fix this problem:
You get your windows mobile phone... Then you Grip it tightly.
Then you throw it at your Windows Xp computer.
LOLZ, jokes....
Okay forellzz.
To fix it, just uninstall Activesync and try reinstalling until it works.
I had the same problem

Duplicated contacts in Outlook - WM6.5

Please, did anybody else encounter this?:
I sync with Exchange via GPRS (it is Kerio MailServer). Everything works fine except contacts - most of them appear twice on my mobile...on desktop Outlook they appear only once as they should...I used to synchronize my previous HTCs (Kaiser, TyTn, TouchPro) without this problem - it appeared just now, once I moved to TouchPro2 (Rhodium) ... the problem appeared also on WM 6.1. I tried to delete my mobile device from server, deleted and recreated an account on TP2 ... no success and I am out of ideas - any hint, please?
I have got almost the same problem. When I sync my phone with Outlook 2007 everything goes well. When I flash a new ROM on my phone and sync again, all my contacts and appointments are duplicated, as well in Outlook as in my phone. I use Duplicates Remover from MapiLab to remove the duplicates. After that Outlook and my phone sync and everything is okay.

All phone contacts vanished

I'm sorry if there was any mention of this problem before, but I wasn't able to find it.
But what happened this afternoon was kinda troubling. I've just bought my HTC Hero, two days ago. I've synced it with outlook with 700 something contacts. And all was fine. There was some trouble with syncing, but all contacts were transferred to phone memory.
When out of a blue, this afternoon, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and all contacts simply vanished. Calendar was still intact, txts as well, all fine but the contacts.
When I came home, I tried to sync it again but it just synced two calendar notes. It synced as if all contacts were on the phone, but they were not. So I've managed to restore them by over-riding phone with PC.
Can anyone explain this? How do I know this won't happen again?
I'm using Windows 7 and Outlook 2007 as well as the latest edition of HTC Sync.
(maybe relevant, maybe not, I've managed to hopefully resolve the before mentioned troublesome connection when syncing by manually installing drivers for Windows 7)
Thank you. I hope I was clear.
Probaby an obvious one but if you go into Contacts=>Menu=>View have you accidentally unchecked the set contacts you want to show ?
I'm having the same problem, but running Windows XP w/ Outlook 2007 instead.
First time was using stock ROM. One day all my contacts disappeared (phone and google contacts). The phone contacts I retrieved by forcing HTC Sync to overwrite my phone's data with my PC's. The google contacts I retrieved by doing a factory reset and setting up my google account again.
Then I installed MCR 2.6, and again my contacts disappeared, but this time only the phone contacts (the google contacts remained).
Has anyone else experienced this?
The same problem, twice.
Both time I had this problem when I sent a message.
I think this should be a problem of the ROM-version, and I hope the next ROM will fix it.
I've been trying to figure this out forever.
Every once in a while my phone contacts will vanish, but the Google contacts always remain.
I've tried turning off synchronization for Google contacts and it seems that my phone contacts have stopped vanishing for now. Has anyone faced a similar situation?
Simply migrate you contacts to google. Its very easy. Quite why anyone struggles with Outlook on Android is a mystery. I was Outlook mad pre the Hero, now everything is migrated to googlemail/google calendar/google contacts.
No USB connecting nonsense for updates, all over the air, 2 way sync. Much better than outlook ever was.

