Wifi Connected-ie Won't Surf -help!- Really Desperate Here! - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I have a non branded TyTn, running on Schap's 4.31 ROM.
Now, this is the problem.
My TyTn locates a WiFI ntework and connects onto it.
Then, I start IE and try to load a page. But, in the progress bar stands ''Locating'' for some time and then it says ''Cannot locate the page. Try again later.''
And any other app using internet connection won't load. Like, Airscanner AntiVirus when I try to update.
I've tried loads of sonnection settings combinations, like, selecting My ISP, My Work network for ''Apps that connect to Internet should connect using''
Could anyone give me a fair solution or at least could someone who has got his IE to work to write down his connetion settings for me to try.
I am getting desperate, since the main reason for buying a TyTN was WiFI.
Someone suggested that I select My ISP, but there's catch: when enter to edit the My ISP, under the tab 'Modem' there is not a single connection listed even when I'm hooked up on a WIFI network. Should there be something in that list? Maybe that's the issue.
And in >start>settings>connestions there is no Network cards icon at all.

depend on your network really
if you can check if gateway and dns are the same as
on your computer
and of cause if you are not getting your internet from the router
but from internet sharing your gateway could be required to be set
manualy to the computer sharing the internet

The problem is that it happens even on a wifi free spot, not only my home network.
How to setup gateway and dns on the phone?

One question: under My ISP, tab Modem, does any of you have listed the wireless modem of your device? I have absoluetly no modems listed there, maybe that's causing the problem. And when I try to add one, it offers me only Bluetooth, cell line, Cell line( GPRS, 3G), IrDA, Haynes compatible on COM1; no TIACXWLN1, which is the name for the wireless modem on TyTN.
Maybe, a different Radio ROM upgrade would help? Could it be the radio ROM?
My radio version is

I had the same problem as yours previously on my other PDAs and Smartphone.
I simply hard-reset the device or re-flash a ROM

Start> Programs> Proxy Manager
Disable your provider... Give that a go...


XDA2ii can't connect to WIFI at home

Before I start tese are my current system info:
XDA2ii (O2) - UK
ROM version 1.10.00 WWE
ROM date:24/12/2004
Radio ver: 1.00.00
Protocol version: 1337.39
ExtROM version: 1.10.124 WWE
OS: Windows Mobile 2003 2nd Edition
Version 4.21.1088 (build 14235.2.0.0)
I am trying to connect to my home WIFI network but I can't seem to connect. It is indeed picking up the server (name appears) in list but just stops at connection to network. It can't seem to get any connection at all. My wireless router (Linksys WRT54G) can't seem to detect it as well.
I have tried connection to WIFI at an airport and it seems to work but not at home. I have set my Linksys to Mixed mode (B and G) but still can't get it to work.
Any advice?
Thank you!!!
XDA IIi (or 2i) and 3COM WAP
Got the exact same (everything) XDA IIi model (also O2/UK). I'm also having problems with WLAN/WIFI connectivity both at work and home. Both cases it's a 3COM OfficeConnect WAP (office one not setup by me). I thought I validated that the XDA seems to be OK by being able to connect to a neighbours WAP (some BT-Voyager thing) with no apparent problems. And so was thinking that the problem is with the 3COM WAP. However, your post raises doubts on my conclusion ...
The search goes on ...
Re: XDA IIi (or 2i) and 3COM WAP
My case is even worse, it can not detect any wifi signal at any of the hotspot in my city. Go to wireless Lan Manager, under WLAN button (red status) there is alwayls a sentence: "no connection in use". Clicking to it, the device seem to search but found nothing.
Try softreset, hardreset but the problem remains.
In addition, I try to turn off the phone (turn on flight mode) then it don't allow to turn on bluetooth and wifi too.
Maybe it is due to hardware error.
Really disappoint with O2 UK
WiFi connection problems with XDA2i
I have exactly the same O2 xda2i build as Johnnyboy, and precisely the same problem with WiFi as Blackwolf and Johnnyboy. I have a netgear WiFi access point at home, and have disabled the attach restriction and removed WEP. However, although the XDA can see the network name, it cannot connect to the network (just displays connecting...) nor does it show anything on the signal bar. Needless to say, it does not display SSID, Tx rate, Channel, IP address or any information from the network.
I have bought this device specifically for wifi access, and it is somewhat disappointing. Anyone have any idea how this can be fixed? (if at all :? )
XDA Wi-Fi Successful Connection!!!
I'm new to the forum and new to XDA2i....
I too had many frustrations connecting the wi-fi...but now I've cracked it, here's how.......
On first very first use (or following a hard re-set) device users are prompted to choose “What do you want WLAN to connect to?” The option bullets are ‘Internet’ or ‘Work’….’Work’ should be selected, this will connect them to the nearest WLAN (if this network is WEP encrypted it should be switched to ‘Open’ rather than ‘shared’ as is often the case).
Next prompt asks for any WEP Encryption ‘Pass Key’ to be input, when doing so omit any ‘-‘ between character pairs. Normal start-up should then be completed. Once device is up and running…..
From ‘Start’ pull-down on the ‘Today Screen’ select…. ‘settings’>’connections tab’>’connections icon’>’advanced tab’>’Select Networks’> pull-down ‘My Work Network’ > ‘OK’ out of selections to save and exit.
Go to ‘Wireless Manager’ in programs, select WLAN icon from main screen (which should turn green to show active), then select mini ‘WLAN’ icon from lower toolbar to see the status of the connection, quality of signal etc.
That did it for me......
Finally cracked it! As I never had any problems with my Netgear MR814 wireless router, I assumed the issue was with the XDA2i. Instead, a router firmware upgrade did the trick! Should have thought of that earlier.
Cheers, S.
When i first got my XDA 2i home from the shop the first thing it tried was the wireless lan, and the same thing happend to me also..... everything fine in the router but still unable to connect the xda.
anyway after few hours of going over every single setting time and time again , it finally worked !!
i left the Wlan enabled and after a period of a few minutes it connected to my network.
So i think the XDA 2i is quite tempremental with Wlan, as i know my settings were correct.
having said that, i have had no problems with Wlan t all since then, it will now even connect to other Wlan hotspots with no problems whatsoever.
The only problem i have now is recieving a decent O2 Cellphone signal i my area
Well I have a XDA IIi and it connects fine and allways has to Citi Hotspots, TMO hotspots and my own Linksys WRT54GS. Netgear is the biggest piece of crap ever sold. If you have one I suggest you soak it in gas and burn it.
I had a problem with my XDA IIi connecting to a home Wi-Fi network with a Linksys WRT54GC router: a signal showed in the Wireless LAN Manager, including an IP address, but the WI-Fi icon at the top of the Today screen had no connection bars. After days of this I went to the Linksys settings for an unrelated reason and disabled Wireless SSID Broadcast. Inexplicably this appeared to cure the WiFi problem with the XDA IIi, and I can now connect with ease.
Ok, I might as well add my question to this thread, as it's relevant.
I have an O2 UK XDA2i, and I've also experienced similar problems connecting the wifi and managing to get it to work properly.
I'm at Uni in Birmingham, and at some of my faculties there's wifi for students and staff to use - they give the broadcast SSID UCEOpenAccess, and you use your system logon (in my case STUDENTS\F05310011 and my password (secret ).
I have these details set in the LEAP tab of my wireless lan config (in the WLAN settings) - I have an entry named UCEOpenAccess, and I have my username and password (and domain) set correctly, and the auth type set to Open System (as opposed to EAP, doesn't seem to make any difference whatever I set it to)...
... I just can't connect to any wifi network! I can't even _SEE_ the wifi network, and I know it's there, I can pick up other wifi networks and detect them using Wifi Graph and Hitchiker. I just, bizarrely, can't see the one wifi network I'm trying to connect to.
It's incredibly frustrating. I have my network adapter set to connect to Work (as I've seen advised on these forums), and my IP is assigned via DHCP (they use a weird class b subnet for their network), and the proxy to connect to the Internet is also setup correctly in my Network (This network connects to the Internet checked, This network uses a proxy to connect to the Internet, and proxy is specified in the box), and as the proxy is a SOCKS 5 authenticating proxy, all the relevant details and username+password are in place in the Advanced settings.
Still doesn't work!
Is it due to my original (and decrepit, from the looks of things) firmware and software versions? I'm running original radio, is that a problem maybe? I've scouted about quickly for updates from O2 for my XDA, but I don't want to install a Japanese update as I don't reallllly want to have to read Japanese (and I can't, etc) - I don't want to make a brick out of this brand new phone, but the resources for total xda newbs is somewhat lacking. Can someone just poke me in the right direction with a stick?
Cheers all.

WiFi Question

I currently don't have a data plan, however I wanted to take advantage of the 801.11b feature on my home network etc. Everytime I connect through WiFi, it tries to go through Cingular GPRS. Is there a way to get online through my network and not Cingular?
I too don't have a data package and also suffered constant unwanted GPRS connections. Since installing the new ROMs, which I assume don't come with the GPRS settings, WiFi works fine.
do I have to install the new ROM for WiFi to work? Where can I get this new ROM?
First, go to Settings, Connections, Advanced, Select networks, and change the first option to "My work network" and this will force it to go through Wifi.
When I had this problem, it still wouldn't work. For some reason, some routers need you to give them DNS info. Call your ISP and ask them what the IP address for their DNS server is. Put this in your router's DNS settings and it will work.
There is nothing wrong with the wifi in the Cingular ROM. A new ROM will not help you.
So this is close to the 'problem' I'm having. My MDA (t-mobile vario) latches on to a wifi network in the area, and I can't figure out how to change it to the network I want it to connect to (other than physically moving to a location that the other networks aren't available).
I always figured it would be listed in settings->wireless LAN. That seems to be display only (the entries are greyed out). Shouldn't there be a listing of detected networks? Shouldn't there be a way to enter a non-broadcasted SSID?
Well, pfft. I didn't search hard enough.
Settings->Connections->Network Cards
I understand what you are all saying but my experience with the I-mate Rom locked up my Router, the new Qtek rom worked first time. I didn't need to search for any settings.
Same here,
First connection no problem but if I want to connect a second time I need to Reset my AP.
Any suggestions.
Qtec 9100: WWE
AP: D-link DWL-900AP+
Sorry can't help, mine works OK. Try Qtek Rom

WiFi connects but fails on "Locate"

I've just got a T-Mobile Vario. It connects fine on GPRS and PIE navigates to web pages.
I then try to connect to a free WiFi hotspot (I have no home wifi network to test on).
It *connects* fine. However, when I try to navigate to a web page it hangs on the "Locate" message, then times out.
I have searched the forum and read similar problems but with home networks not public hotspots- for example:
I tried the solutions suggested there but with no luck. Has anyone had similar problems?
I *really* need to get WiFi working (by the end of the weekend hopefully) as thats what I got the device for in the first place.
I am a WiFi virgin so any pointers will help.
ipl 1.06
spl 1.06
gsm 1.12.10
protocol version
Cingular 8125 WiFi fails
I have the same results. My router assigns my device an IP address with WiFi on, but I get the message "...the connection was lost." whenever I try to surf internet. If anyone understands how to set it up, we'd appreciate instruction that works (I'd like a Cingular user if possible) but I would also like to learn what the settings mean. Anyone have a link to network setup information? I have a WiFi network in my home which works for my wife's laptop and my old PDA. This 8125 is bugging me.
working now...
OK, as soon as I posted and went back to the PDA the WiFi connection now works - gremlins again... I didn't change anything or even soft reset - it just connected. I wonder if it was because the GPRS connection ended... I'll try turning off my automatic e-mail checking and post again. BTW, I am using the suggestion of the first Network being "work - no proxy" and the second being "MediaNet - proxy"
Your problem doesn't seem the same as mine.
I have no home network.
My vario, on a public hotspot, always "connects" but always fails on "locate".
you need to make sure the connection is not using a proxy server.
go into settings
then manage existing connections
untick the checkbox on the proxy settings tab that says this connection uses a proxy (or words to that effect)
now you should be able to connect to the network as long as their is no security in place to stop you.
good luck
I have no "manage existing connections"
under settings->connections.
I go into connections which gives <tasks> and <Advanced> tabs
Under Advanced> I have <select networks>
This screen "Network Management" has two drop downs
1 states "Programs that automatically connect to the internet should connect using"
"T-Mobile Internet" is selected
If I edit and look at proxy settings it has:
"This network connects to the internet" ticked
the proxy server box is empty
If I edit the modem tab it has Cellular Line (GPRS) selected
Dropdown 2 has
Programs that automatically connect to a private network should connect using:
the dropdown is filled with "My Work Network"
By default the "connects to the internet" box is empty. I have filled this in previously with no luck.
Modem is empty as are all the other entries.
I have swapped the order of the dropdowns, I have made both "My Work network" and both "T-Mobile Internet" with no luck.
I have tried the suggestions on the thread I referenced above - again with no luck.
To repeat I can get the "connection" up. When I select the network it states connection is "good" yet when I try to surf to a page it craps out on the "Locate" message.
Is it failing to find a DNS server on the wifi link?
I'm just guessing as I know v little about WiFi as I have never used it before
TIA for any further contributions
I just wanted to say I have this same problem and have not been able to solve it yet. I can't tell whether to use GPRS while using Internet, or whether I should have the connection set to "Work" or "Internet" or what.
I have tried with 3 unprotected wireless networks already and have gotten the same results with each. I suspect it may be due to DNS. Hopefully it is not the phone itself.
Hi mat,
Well it can't be that you *must* use GPRS whilst surfing - thats what WIFI is for!
I suspect (no real evidence)T-Mobile have somehow crippled the OS to make it difficult to work out how to get free hotspot access working properly. Looking at their site they say CS do not "support" WIFI access problems - how convenient!!!!!
Although I am a WIFI virgin/idiot, I am not a *total* idiot and would have been able to get it working if it was completely straightforward.
To add ammunition to this opinion, I do not have a T-Zone account (I should have but it hasn't been set up correctly). Anyway I tried to connect though a t-zone and it worked straightaway presenting me with the login page. I could also download data - the terms and conditions.
However, obviously I couldn't surf to totally check it out as I couldn't login.
I wish someone would provide a definitive solution as it is really irritating me now!!!!!
Why would it be hanging on "locate"? I imagine it must be because it cannot look up the IP address through the free WIFI link. I made the same suggestion as you did earlier something to do with the DNS setup.
Thats as far as I can get!!!!!

8525 problems???

I have been reading this forum and many others all day about the wifi problems people are having but none are like mine so I would like to ask this question, I turn on wifi and it will not find my network or any network around. I have tried to manually put in the ssid and ip address and still it will not connect that way either. I have checked and double checked all my router setting (currently set to open with no wep or anything) I am begining to wonder if the wifi is broken? My second problem I have found it when I change the connection setting to my isp I cannot connect to the internet. Maybe a bad setting, I am not really sure. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
is your router set to broadcast the ssid? if not then that is the problem. if this option is not enabled then no one can see your router.
as far as connecting via a cell connection, make sure you are using an operator cab. I am sure if you do a simple search you will be able to find a cab that will load all of the proper setting for a cellular internet connection.
who is your provider?
Yes, my router does bradcast the ssid and I have four computers and printers that find it without anyproblems. When i turn on wi-fi the phone doesn't even search for a network the icon shows up but I don't get the arrow that go back on forth to show that it is searching or connecting.
I am also having a problem with my 8525. I do get connected but i cant browse the net. Can someone tell me how to setup a connection from scratch to connect to wifi. Thanks
puremc said:
I am also having a problem with my 8525. I do get connected but i cant browse the net. Can someone tell me how to setup a connection from scratch to connect to wifi. Thanks
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Search around on the Hermes forum. IE doesn't know to use the WiFi connection when it's available. There's a registry key setting that needs to be changed in order for IE to make use of the WiFi connection rather than going out over your data connection with your carrier.

WiFI how to make it

Please don't kill me but I want to know
HOW to make use WiFi instead of network on browsers and mail, once I connect?
once you connect you to a wifi network it should be just like using wifi on your computer.
a more specific question or example may allow someone to help you more.
The phone uses Wifi where possible by default. However as my push mail is running over the Vodafone Internet APN I have found some occasions where my browsing session wasn't using Wifi.
So I created my own homepage which tells me the IP address I'm on and works out if it's my wifi router or the Vodafone Internet. It also has all my bookmarks, which is a better than the built in solution from Opera.
If you aren't using the GPRS all day, try NoData which can block all GPRS usage.
artesea said:
The phone uses Wifi where possible by default. However as my push mail is running over the Vodafone Internet APN I have found some occasions where my browsing session wasn't using Wifi.
So I created my own homepage which tells me the IP address I'm on and works out if it's my wifi router or the Vodafone Internet. It also has all my bookmarks, which is a better than the built in solution from Opera.
If you aren't using the GPRS all day, try NoData which can block all GPRS usage.
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Aha, the old friend from MySymbian
Well I'll try that NoData but good to hear X1 wants to use it by default (when connected). I don't use any push messages.
It's a Vodafone ROM thing. if you flash to another ROM it will work fine.
WiFi problem
No man, I have a Vodafone UK Xperia. problem with Wifi initially, then I've ROM it to the generic UK version...now it connects to Wifi but I cannot browse anything with it. The pages don't load and status keeps saying 'loading...' but nothing happens and after a min or so, a message saying that I have to check my internet connection...not connected!
OoLoLo said:
No man, I have a Vodafone UK Xperia. problem with Wifi initially, then I've ROM it to the generic UK version...now it connects to Wifi but I cannot browse anything with it. The pages don't load and status keeps saying 'loading...' but nothing happens and after a min or so, a message saying that I have to check my internet connection...not connected!
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Then you have your Wifi settings incorrect.
How come u say my Wifi settings are incorrect? How can I correct it? In wat way? my laptop etc connects to the Wifi fine...and the phone as well...but it just that the phone doesnt seem to load anything from internet when I'm connected.
First Check if you used the correct Key for your wifi if thats fine then ....
I've never had this problem with the xperia but I have had with other windows mobile phones it was probable because of older versions of windows mobile, if wifi is connected fine go to Settings -> Connections Tab -> Connections -> Advanced Tab -> Select Networks, then select My Network for both drop downs.
OoLoLo said:
How come u say my Wifi settings are incorrect? How can I correct it? In wat way? my laptop etc connects to the Wifi fine...and the phone as well...but it just that the phone doesnt seem to load anything from internet when I'm connected.
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Because you are unable to surf the internet, which points to either the settings entered incorrectly (normally when using WEP) or your router needs a firmware upgrade.
Ok here's a complete answer to my question
HOW to make X1 to connect to WiFi ONLY:
Install NoData (thanks for tip!!!)
Turn this on to NOT transfer any network data.
All the browsers I tried (Opera Mini 4.2, Opera Mobile 9.5)
automatically connect by WiFi, so it's great.
Email NOT. But it's enough to
go to email account settings and in advanced server settings instead of your providers network
choose "The Internet".
Violaa, the email account also connects through WiFi.
Hope that helps somebody
Where do i get no data please
There's one topic here called no data cab file!!
Just find it and it's there!
i got problems with my fritzbox 7270, too.
but i solved it.
just set the 802 adaptor manual to your wifi settings.
free ip adress in your segment, gateway, nameserver.
i think its a dhcp problem, with my 7270.

