Keep the phone mic active when the headset is plugged - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV Themes and Apps

Hello everyone,
i have a little problem so i'll try to explain although my english is not so good...
I suppose everyone here notice that, when the headset is plugged, sounds are redirected in the earphone and are captured by the headset mic.
What i want to do is to disable this headset mic, that is to say, keep the phone mic active.
Does anyone have a little idea about this ? Thanks

No answer ?


Wired headset microphone problem

For some reason connecting any wired headset, even the original one does not enable the microphone on the headset. The mic on the phone is still active, so I put the phone in my pocket and no one can hear me..Can't seem to find any posts or info on the topic. Anybody have any ideas?
Im a bit late but I have a similar problem: Wehn I pick up the phone by pressing the button on the headset the micro is not on. However when I dis- and reconnect the headset it suddenly does work. I use Farias final crossbow rom. What can be done to fix this problem?

wizard no sound

Hi guys,
can somebody please help me with the following problem?
Out of nothing my T-Mobile MDA Vario stopped giving sound with out the headset connected. without any reason and the out of nothing it stops giving sound without the headset connected. this all happends after i installed tornado (a2dp) to get sound to my bluetooth headset. anyone knows whats gone wrong, i search the forums here but couldnt get no clear answers
I had a similar problem. No sound from the speakers at all, but through the headset it was fine. As if the speaker itself was dead. But it wasn't caused by any Bluetooth fault.
Effectively, the phone hadn't realised that the headset had been unplugged. To solve it I was told to rapidly pummel the headset jack with the headset plug. Somehow, after some time, the phone is jogged back into a working state.
then whats the point havina bluetooth headset if u have to carry ur handsfree to get ur fone ringing again normally aint there any better solutions to this

No Ring Tone when Using A2DP - Bug?

when i put my headset the ring is only in the headset it s very bad because i must to have the headset in my ear if i want heard the ring.
i have test with 1.13.097fr and 1.30.234fr on my qtek9000 .
if i put in device bluetooth only free hands its ok if i put stereo to the ring is on the ear .
nobody have this problem with a headset a2dp no ring on the phone only in the ear.
thanks for your reply and sorry for my english
i am a little frenchy
i have news about the bug of the ring in earset
after my problem i see on the forum that they have some many person with the same problem but nobody help us and me to.Then i have make test
and i hope it can know some idea at the developers or other person to resolve this bug:
when the stereo headset is detected there is two profile headset and stereo
if i put the two profile the ring is on the headset if i put only stereo is the same but if i put only headset the ring is good (on the phone).
if a person know how make for the phone desactivate automaticaly the profile stereo when the phonecall come or with a software?
thanks for your reply and sorry for my english

Ameo keeps ringing with plugged headset

Hi folks,
can anybody confirm this behavior ?
When I plug in my headset, my ameo still plays the ringtone from ist speakers on an incoming call (yes, the ringtone is also on the headset).
Is there an option i missed ?
Thanks for your help, best regards.
I find this extremly handy, when im driving I dont have the earphone in my ear all the time. It also does it with a bluetooth headset. im sorry I don't have the answer.
first off, i love al bundy
ok now that thats over.... what headset do you have, is it bluetooth or wired headset

Phone voice is disabled

Hi there,
My O2mini phone voice is disabled. Person on the phone can hear me, but I can hear anyvoice. Absolutely quite.
I don't know why.
Anyone help me please.
Does it work with wired headset?
Does it work with BT headset?
Does the phone generate other audio through the speaker?
If yes to the above, then you may need a warranty exchange.
It work with headset. Is the speakers die?
i put the earphones in the audiojack and while i slowly pulled it out i tried to rotate it in all directions and pressing it outwards and POP, sound was there again !
mine still not working

