can we have any driver for wifi in winmo - Shift General

when I turn on wifi in vista,I saw that vista recognize it marvell wireless sdio adapter.I wonder whether we can have driver for it in winmo.

The shift Projects is working on it AFAIK.
Haven't heard something from them for a long time but i think their next goal is to get SD card working.

well I'm not sure there still someone working on that project !!!

FloJo Premier said:
well I'm not sure there still someone working on that project !!!
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Well, let's put it laike that: as soon as a new device is announced / sold every single force is put to work on that new thing/gadget. You can easily see it by reading here and there in this Shift sub-forum and comparing what you see with, for instance, what you see on Blackstone sub-forum.
What happened is quite easy to understand: new game = high interest. Old game = low interest.
In the first months many people cooked new ROMs, and it was hard to keep the pace with it (you could really flash one ROM a day...). Now everything is quite "asleep", and you can see people thinking on "porting" Blackstone ROM on Shift. This means, to me, that nobody is seriously working anymore on this project. I'm not accusing anybody, and I do know that one of the developers is in big troubles because of his daughter. I'm just saying that we should keep in mind that our Shift is no longer a "high-interesting-gadget", but it became something like a "spare-time-hobby" even for the best cookers out there.
I'm just sorry that many people (and it doesn't mean you, of course) is still harshly asking for something that, I can bet on it, no one will ever do. As if this forum were some kind of "McDrive": push the button, place your order, wait for a couple of minutes, get your pizza+coke and... don't pay!

Hi there,
i saw the same thing, but as i am new and only got 2 devices and really love my shift, and my Diamond when i request something someone deliveres it.So i got my whole interest into the shift. As people can help here, do whings like:
Look for a device with the same Marvel chipset (dunno if its connected to MSM7200) and get a rom of that and send it to me with a pm and i'll try to port the winMo driver to one of our roms

Neutron83 said:
Hi there,
i saw the same thing, but as i am new and only got 2 devices and really love my shift, and my Diamond when i request something someone deliveres it.So i got my whole interest into the shift. As people can help here, do whings like:
Look for a device with the same Marvel chipset (dunno if its connected to MSM7200) and get a rom of that and send it to me with a pm and i'll try to port the winMo driver to one of our roms
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Me too, I'm completely satisfied with my ****f and my liberated ROM (I flashed it a century ago, may be there are some more performing...). To tell the truth I would even use y shift with a "normal" WM side, but I'm sure I would miss the possibility to surf the web in few seconds (I often "need" to google here and there... even the fastest Vista configuration needs some seconds to be on).
I was just saying what anybody can argue just by going on XDA forum home-page: Blakstone: more than 200 people viewing; Shift 14 people viewing... Doesn't that mean something to you?

Well it seems that the shift project was a good opportunity for some people to get device for free and that's all .the way it works don't give me the feelings that donate in any project makes things works on!!!
I am soory for being in thatkind of mood !!!

FloJo Premier said:
Well it seems that the shift project was a good opportunity for some people to get device for free and that's all .the way it works don't give me the feelings that donate in any project makes things works on!!!
I am soory for being in thatkind of mood !!!
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Think twice, the shift isnt that much worth, if you really count the hours they already spend by liberating etc. and pay them like a real developer with that know-how, you would probably end with a much higher bill.
In my opinion the only problem is the communication, or just beeing honest, if it wont work or nobody continues with real effort or somebody is not coming forward with a problem, just tell it.

Ehy guys,
can u get back on topic, the shift project is discussed in another thread!
As im not part of Shift Projekt i cant say anything for them, but they did good job !
Olipro thx for HardSPL
cmonex thx for porting the GPS driver.
But they go quiet so i decided to do some "extra" work, so it was mentioned!
So get back on topic and stop flaming!
Anyone got an rom from another device wich uses the same WIFI chipset ??
I googled a bit for sd8686 and windows mobile but didn't found a thing.
i cant read but seems to be interesting, if anyone can translate i would be glad.
There are 3 or 4 ppl trying to get sd8686 stack working on ARM, but under linux. that was the only link i couldnt read.
As long as we dont get a driver developer for WINCE that converts the linux stuff to wince or that link as a good source, i dont think it will be possible as i dont see another device with sd8686 and ARM processor.
ps. anyone got INFORMATIONS that are usefull wich aren't mentioned jet ??
pps. please stay ontopic


This forum NEEDS Developers & Chefs....

Has no one realised yet, that we have none of the major xda developers from the other forums?
IMHO, we've got the best device out there, but we are far from having any decent ROMs or specially tweaked home-brewed apps!
Why? Because most of the developers do not have an Athena and are probably happy with their devices.
I think we should start up a little fund/paypal account to be held by xda-developers for whichever developer takes on our plight of either cooking a special ROM just for our Athena's or other tweaked apps, or even better to get the developer an Athena (via our contributions).
It's all talk unless we do something. I've had most of the best PPC/Phone devices from HTC and I have to say this forum (whilst I love the community spirit an all) is the slowest in terms of development i.e. cooking up ROMs and tweaked apps and that's no disrespect intended to the people here who are already employed in the Industry. I'm no guru, but am willing to donate to get things moving. As far as know, ther's no official WM6 ROM for the Universal, yet there are several WM6 ROMs available for it etc...
Does anybody else share my views or am I barking up the wrong tree here?
I'm with you... happy to donate if we can get some movement into this space. I'm especially afraid that HTC will release their WM6 and we won't get any help trying to get it onto the AMEO
We need more support.
marcoma said:
I'm with you... happy to donate if we can get some movement into this space. I'm especially afraid that HTC will release their WM6 and we won't get any help trying to get it onto the AMEO
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Agree with you 100%. If we get enough feedback in this thread, we can put up a request for developers in the news thread and the relevant forums like the Universal & Hermes forums, as between those two devices, they have everything our devices have and the gurus there would know how to overcome the issues we struggle with.
We don't even have a decent dialer cab or WM6 Media player as default. A lot of these apps must be able to be stripped from a WM6 ROM for the VGA Universal, which should work in our devices.
We also need people who are skilled at converting QVGA apps to VGA. I'd do it if I knew how to.
I've got a dumped HTC Touch ROM and a WM6 ROM for both the Hermes and Universal, but I'll be damned if I knew what to do with it other than flashing it to the appropriate device.
See my point....
This explains my thought process a lot better. You know what they say...a picture sometimes tells the story much better:
hey i think its a great idea.
so am i eligible for the free ameo/advantage ???
jokes apart, the reason i guess that not many people are jumping on to ameo is that
a)it is percived to be a big device, not suitable for daily use as a phone
b)it is damn expensive
c)with htc royaly dumping people with older devices (Uni,wizard) and the relative ease with which one can cook different roms (including wm6 roms for it)
d)i think that athena has "missed the bus" had it been released a couple of months earlier then probably soneone would have CID unlocked it and you could have beta tested wm6 roms for it.
i remember that for universal the rom scene really heated up when aku 3.5 was released on newer devices but not for Uni.
also i think the reason why a large no of people got the universal was its large vga screen with a usable keybord and the then newly released wm5,
if you really look at ameo there is really nothing it brings to the table.
if you really want to kick-start ameo's rom development...
get someone to leak the wm6 rom....
and beg/steal/kill for a FREE cid unlock
i think most would pay for a guaranteed wm6 update and cid unlocker but if we get no where could be a waste especially if there is an ameo update in a few weeks. and if every ameo / athena owner paid £5.00 that would pay 4 a device i assume thay must be hundreds of people with one its a great device assuming you have a headset and you appreciate not having to squint like with the universal.
spzero said:
i think most would pay for a guaranteed wm6 update and cid unlocker but if we get no where could be a waste especially if there is an ameo update in a few weeks. and if every ameo / athena owner paid £5.00 that would pay 4 a device i assume thay must be hundreds of people with one its a great device assuming you have a headset and you appreciate not having to squint like with the universal.
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apparently lot of people prefer to squint and infact want to squint more (waiting for Omni with wvga in a similar sized screen)
did you guys try the spb dialer (the black one )...IMHO it is better than the wm6 leat it supports video call
fallenczar said:
apparently lot of people prefer to squint and infact want to squint more (waiting for Omni with wvga in a similar sized screen)
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My eyes are getting too old to squint....LOL.
The unit is an excellent unit with much more potential than we are seeing right now! I agree and would also donate to this cause to get someone who owns one, and is capable of helping us solve some issues.
IMHO, I think that maybe people are waiting for the official release of WM6 by HTC and others for this device before really tearing into it.
Just my .04 cents worth........Later
fallenczar said:
did you guys try the spb dialer (the black one )...IMHO it is better than the wm6 leat it supports video call
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Yes, the SPB black dialer is so much better than the f-ugly green one!!! Now if I could only find a black comm manager instead of that same f-ugly green one, I would be a happy boy......
mackaby007 said:
IMHO, we've got the best device out there, but we are far from having any decent ROMs or specially tweaked home-brewed apps!
Why? Because most of the developers do not have an Athena and are probably happy with their devices.
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I agree that the Athena is absolutely excellent, and that we need developers.
However, I got the same feeling when I got the TyTN. I'm guessing more beginners and advanced users will pick up a Athena, and if the user count is going up, so is the customizing...
I'm more than happy to Paypal money at someone (Can I use Paypal as a verb?), just so I can eventually see a ROM like Black - IV - Shadow running in glorious VGA Landscape on the Athena.
apphoen said:
I'm more than happy to Paypal money at someone (Can I use Paypal as a verb?), just so I can eventually see a ROM like Black - IV - Shadow running in glorious VGA Landscape on the Athena.
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Agree with you on the Black IV Shadow on the Athena. But it's great to see that most of us with an Athena are prepared to do more to get things rolling. Good feedback peeps. Will have to put the word out after the HTC ROM release/update, if it does not prove to be up to scratch, not forsaking CID & Sim unlocking.
I agree with you
I think most of us is willing to chip in some money considering if each of us have to pay GBP20 for cid unlocking (not including of postage!).
We need to have Gurus here or we will be left behind with all kind of development. But who ?..there are quite a number out there
like apphoen..."I'm more than happy to Paypal money at someone "
I'm not sure....
The hackers and crackers do it for fun and because they love their device - NOT because they are being paid for it.
I am quite happy to donate to the forum but can you imagine the pressure that would be put on a developer if we'd paid him? There is no perfect WM6 for the Universal but the guys all work for nothing doing a great job.
If people were paying you would get the inevitable - "this doesn't work, what am I paying for, fix it now!" type comments and who wants prssure like that?
I think we are just going to have to wait until one, or preferably more, clever people get their hands on an Athena and start doing it for fun.
I love my Athena - the screen is gorgeous (I am old and don't like squinting either) I'm disappointed with the keyboard compared to the Universal but other than that I love it - but can't wait for a decent WM6!
Just my 2d's worth
my point is MAYBE this device is quite expensive to some of the developer (no offence), by contributing one or more to our developer hopefully they will bring "live" into our forum..yeah i agree there should be no pressure as they do it for fun..
I will be glad paying some money to improve our machine !!!
Do you think the changes should be done over the actua WM5 version we are actually running ? or this should be done over the coming WM6 version ...... I hope some of the know gaps would be fixed on the new one ....
By the way, I understand what SIM unlock means but .... what do you mean by CID unlock ?
Thanks a lot everybody.
Best regards,
For me the first step is to have a tool to unlock a cid but unfortunately i have no idea how to do, imei check have the solution but they provide it online why ?
Because they are afraid from thief but they will more client than by mail.
I love my athena and i want more stuff so please xda guru help us to enjoy our phone

Shift delayed until Febuary.
Well the shift looks like has been delayed again now till Febuary. The reason why? Looks like HTC now cant decide if the shift should be shipping with the phone or not is one of the reasons. looks like they do read these forums and are really considering have it ship stock with voice capabilities out of the box.
How do I know this? well my new source just told me this. who is it? well our very own boygenius has emailed me that they are currently still deciding on this issue and its contributing to why the shift has been delayed.
The latest rom i have did still have phone settings in it so looks like they are swaying still towards it shipping with phone.
Now this kinda proves what i kept on saying that it had the phone abilities. what i was never sure of is if it will ship. we now know they are deciding on it.
That's nice to know... actually I just pre-ordered one.
but at least I'm happy cuz now every body can belive pawel was right!
I think still have to use the athena project's os for use full wm6.
I donated athena project...... mm.... actually not that much amount..
but I really want to say thank to athena project guys...
ok good news (even if delay are not so fun), I hope they understand why it is so important to have phone capabilities .. they put a SMS section on their shift support webpage ... if they remove this ability I think it will be a real problem because we all know about this ability and we'll never accept losing it. I own an HTC Touch but will be really happy to have a shift with phone + my Touch .. both are for different use (one as an calendar and real phone) and the shift allow me not to bring my touch all the time. I can choose which one I took .. I can't bring the shift to a party, to some holidays .. because there are too many risks of losing it, being stolen, etc.. so I would really enjoy both.
But what about the Origami 2.0 package? The shift had this package at CES2008... and it would be the PERFECT "official" reason for a delay. I think that with this package the shift will be THE BEST UMPC for more than a year.
Thanks for the news, I hope we will have more news in the coming days and weeks
ANOTHER delay?
Why don,t they just get the device out there with everything enabled and let the user choose how they wanna use it!?.
Who are they? Microsoft??
C'mon guys at HTC! just release it! We'll hack your ROMs anyway......
Pfeffa-rah said:
ANOTHER delay?
Why don,t they just get the device out there with everything enabled and let the user choose how they wanna use it!?.
Who are they? Microsoft??
C'mon guys at HTC! just release it! We'll hack your ROMs anyway......
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It's not only about choice .. the delay comes from many reasons ... yes there are some choices to be made.. but there are issue about the number of shift to produce.. I have heard about CPU for the WM6 part that were not enough produced by Qualcomm and that was the big reason for the delay .. so we'll see
Hi, me tells a german distributor, that HTC has a "special Chinese Year" (like the chinese Year of the dragon, religion) within that, the people works not so a lot and be more relaxed, so that all things that come from there have delivery problems..
maybe i dont now it´s true, but that tell me a distri ;-)
i´m very angry about HTC politics, first they tell some specifications and later the dont have this specifications. (HTC Touch DUAL and S730 without GPS) I tell my users one half year ago, wait please for the new modells with GPS, and then, they change her product spezifications 1 months before to "without gps"..
i´m very angry, i´m sell and support many years with htc devices, i deployed and report many problems with the devices to htc or to the distris, sells more than 3000 devices since start with Wallaby/MDA ..
maybe it´s time to change again.
but we will see, i test the shift - is it right than we stay - is not i search again - i found always a other solution
koala996 said:
..I have heard about CPU for the WM6 part that were not enough produced by Qualcomm and that was the big reason for the delay .. so we'll see
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Oh.. Well.. If that is the case I guess I should be a bit more understanding... I guess.
But it still sucks...
The Qualcomm patent problem stuff sucks too.
Sorry for the bad language, but that is how I feel.
It just does....

Linux / Android working!

it looks like dzo has successfully been able to get android running on the vogue! there are also reports of it getting VERY CLOSE to running on the titan.
i just wanted to post here in order to attract some more exposure to the right people. right now it is working on the msm7500 chipset, though im sure those reading this will be able to engineer a way to "port"(?) it to other devices.
check it out. good luck!
currently the buttons are not working, but the touchscreen is functional (despite what the OP says, he has updated, just visit the developers page/site, below)
developers page here
instructions and discussion thread here
This is awesome news!
Let me be the first in a long line to say:
1. Congratulations! This is awesome news and will keep some older phones alive and interesting for longer still!....
2. Can't wait til this is available on the (Insert phone brand here).
I have a spare Himalaya lying around, so I might try fiddle with it and see if I can get it running on this soon...
Nice work! It's nice to see that we can test out Android on existing phones.
I thought himalaya could run xandux. Never paid much attention there though, my phone isn't supported :/
encouraging proof of it running on the kaiser
come on titan fans make us proud
Hahaha - add a TyTN and a StrTrk request to the batch! hahha
There's testing needing to be done! Try it on your phone, in order for us to get the kernels right.
any idea on its functionality on the wizard??
us titan users are working on it. Ethereal cut down the initrd to a very small size. Still won't boot. Basically what this is telling us is that it's probably a RAM issue. If i could get haretconsole to connect to this stupid device (can't even ping it) i'd do a dump and work from there, rearranging and all. I'm determined to get it working, and getting very frustrated in the process.
Working good on SPrint Touch!!!
Any videos?
Psionfenix said:
us titan users are working on it. Ethereal cut down the initrd to a very small size. Still won't boot. Basically what this is telling us is that it's probably a RAM issue. If i could get haretconsole to connect to this stupid device (can't even ping it) i'd do a dump and work from there, rearranging and all. I'm determined to get it working, and getting very frustrated in the process.
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I appreciate your work but last I checked android is for devices that don't suck!!!! sorry but the device titan your working on is well ancient and crappy try porting android to high-end devices or try non-qualcomm smartphones as it would be an interesting challenge. And alot more rewarding than trying to ressurect a dead smartphone from the stone ages.
qjsmartphone said:
I appreciate your work but last I checked android is for devices that don't suck!!!! sorry but the device titan your working on is well ancient and crappy try porting android to high-end devices or try non-qualcomm smartphones as it would be an interesting challenge. And alot more rewarding than trying to ressurect a dead smartphone from the stone ages.
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Umm.. why are you trying to be so negative. Calm down buddy.
qjsmartphone said:
I appreciate your work but last I checked android is for devices that don't suck!!!! sorry but the device titan your working on is well ancient and crappy try porting android to high-end devices or try non-qualcomm smartphones as it would be an interesting challenge. And alot more rewarding than trying to ressurect a dead smartphone from the stone ages.
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it's your opinion, if anyone offer a new PDA to them, they can does anything whith it.
a big lot off people would like to tunning the latest Ferrari.... why?
OMG...I love the idea of running a different OS than WinMo. If we get it on the Kaiser then great...otherwise, I'm betting on my next phone running Android natively.
Any news/progress on this working on the Titan?

Is the 'Shift Project' still running?

Hi all, I'm new to the Shift scene. After having read the whole 'Shift>Shift' subforum I can see that activity has petered off somewhat since this time last year. One page of threads used to last about half a month, now one page of threads gets us well over a month (I hope you can understand what I' trying to explain there). I plan on bringing together all the ROMs, Radios, Guides, etc into one thread that can hopefully be stickied like in the Xperia X1 forum (, because at the moment there doesnt seem to be anything like that here.
1)So out of the original members of the Shift project+others (names below):
a) Who still has their shift.
b) Who is still actively looking in to ways to improve it. I.E. at least once a week.
Looking on at post #18, it looks like the core members were:
And some good contributors:
2)Who were actually the official members of the Shift project?
3)Who else was involved in the Shift project?
4)What were the original goals and how many of the goals have been 'scored'? See below
5)Whats are the outstanding goals, i.e. full screen and SD Card in WM ?
6)With regards to 'full screen and SD Card in WM' how far did you get, and what ultimately stumped you?
7)How many Shifts did you buy with the donated money and whose got them now?
If there is anybody with a Shift purchased with the donation money who is not using it anymore, perhaps you could donate it too me so I can continue to try and unlock any more secrets this device holds.
I am now going to start reading the whole 'Shift>Shift upgrading etc.' sub forum starting at page 15 and working to today.
If anyone wants to help me correlate all the ROMs, Radios, Guides etc, any links would be helpful.
8)Does anybody know how many different ROMs and radios there are for the Shift?
Like I say im going to read up now but if someone already knows that would be helpful.
Coming back to question 4, I will give what I think were the goals. Please feel free to add or subtract goals :
a) Get SD card working in WM - Not done
b) Get WM fullscreen - Not done (Limit of MSM7200 is VGA)
c) Get the device HardSPL'd - Done
d) Create custom ROMs - Done
d) Get GPS working in WM side - Done
e) Get GPS working in Vista side - Done
f) See if HDD is upgradable - Done (it is)
g) See if RAM is upgradable - Done (it isnt upgradable)
h) Get mic working on WM - Done
i) Get wifi working in WM - not done
j) Get bluetooth working in WM - not done
The 'Shift Project' ground to a halt when newer, shinier toys came along.
I can't wait to see this project being active again. Right, there are hundreds of devices out there but Shift is still the only one which combines
windows (7/vista/xp) + wm + phone.
Honestly, I would try to answer something not too bitter. Let's put it mildly: The shift project is (has?) probably not working (ed?) anymore (way?) for the shift. They sure got the money, but never delivered. On the other side, any legitimate group trying to help was dead on arrival because of this. Every cluster of developer failed because the shift project was magicaly reapiring to promess a new development.
I would consider this "projects" as a request for a hardspl adaptation for a device. Anything else would have need some other efforts. I think we can be happy with the current possibilities, and move along with it.
Ahhh I see, well lets wait to see what Itxda and comnex have to say, maybe we can get this ol' baby fired up again!
It would just be nice to know where they got with thee SD card and fullscreen WM issue.
Dont give up , keep on trying to solve the sd card , bluetooth and the rest that is not done yet . U can do it . Just try n try again , u know u can do it , concentrate ...
thaihugo said:
Honestly, I would try to answer something not too bitter. Let's put it mildly: The shift project is (has?) probably not working (ed?) anymore (way?) for the shift. They sure got the money, but never delivered. On the other side, any legitimate group trying to help was dead on arrival because of this. Every cluster of developer failed because the shift project was magicaly reapiring to promess a new development.
I would consider this "projects" as a request for a hardspl adaptation for a device. Anything else would have need some other efforts. I think we can be happy with the current possibilities, and move along with it.
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1. money was spent on getting device, so it's not like we used it for our living or whatever
2. I don't understand some words, maybe typos? "reapiring", "promess"? please can you rephrase? thanks a lot.
2b. as for not delivering, I would disagree. we got a lot done, even if some of it was leaked by certain members before our group's release also, I can't vouch for what others said, but I never promised that BT or wifi even has a good chance for working.
3. anything else than the hardspl/radio/phone stuff is more work for sure. for example the WVGA mode enabling in ARM part works only half so far.
vinokirk said:
1)So out of the original members of the Shift project+others (names below):
a) Who still has their shift.
b) Who is still actively looking in to ways to improve it. I.E. at least once a week.
Looking on at post #18, it looks like the core members were:
And some good contributors:
2)Who were actually the official members of the Shift project?
3)Who else was involved in the Shift project?
4)What were the original goals and how many of the goals have been 'scored'? See below
5)Whats are the outstanding goals, i.e. full screen and SD Card in WM ?
6)With regards to 'full screen and SD Card in WM' how far did you get, and what ultimately stumped you?
7)How many Shifts did you buy with the donated money and whose got them now?
If there is anybody with a Shift purchased with the donation money who is not using it anymore, perhaps you could donate it too me so I can continue to try and unlock any more secrets this device holds.
I am now going to start reading the whole 'Shift>Shift upgrading etc.' sub forum starting at page 15 and working to today.
If anyone wants to help me correlate all the ROMs, Radios, Guides etc, any links would be helpful.
8)Does anybody know how many different ROMs and radios there are for the Shift?
Like I say im going to read up now but if someone already knows that would be helpful.
Coming back to question 4, I will give what I think were the goals. Please feel free to add or subtract goals :
a) Get SD card working in WM - Not done
b) Get WM fullscreen - Not done (Limit of MSM7200 is VGA)
c) Get the device HardSPL'd - Done
d) Create custom ROMs - Done
d) Get GPS working in WM side - Done
e) Get GPS working in Vista side - Done
f) See if HDD is upgradable - Done (it is)
g) See if RAM is upgradable - Done (it isnt upgradable)
h) Get mic working on WM - Done
i) Get wifi working in WM - not done
j) Get bluetooth working in WM - not done
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I got your PM so I'm replying here now
a) I have mine. love it! as for the others, see below
b) well, not once a week currently... :S
c) PK is pawel062. but he left windows mobile scene for iphone :cries: (he never got a shift, tho)
2) you got the "official" members right other than that
3) you got that right too
4) see project thread, but a quick sumup, HardSPL, radio unlocking, phone funct. unlocking, GPS, cooked ROMs, and the low level/hw hacks (WVGA, SD... the others only if possible). I guess other than hw hacks that's been done for the most part
5) yes, those two
6) WVGA half works, I can enable it, picture no good yet. I found SD was disabled in the bootloader where I saw evidence for use of it, no further news right now
7) Shifts: I have one from the project, Olipro too, ltxda got one, which he wanted to send to PK to cook for it but he left the project. I do not know what happened to that shift, as ltxda got distracted by the death of a family member. I'll ask him what's up with that. there is no other money left in the Shift account.
7b) as for sending it to you (ltxda's device), I'd like to know what sort of experience you got, what sort of goals you'd like to try and achieve
by experience I mean: coding experience (and what languages), low level driver experience, reverse engineering experience, etc... but then, I'd like to first know what goals you have in mind as well
8) I have a few radios, ROMs, if you mean stock ones, then not terribly many.
cmonex said:
I got your PM so I'm replying here now
6) WVGA half works, I can enable it, picture no good yet. I found SD was disabled in the bootloader where I saw evidence for use of it, no further news right now
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what about BT and WiFi? I was able to check the virtual COM ports for them and tried to enable them and noticed something was blocking it. Were they too disabled at the bootloader?
Vinokirk sweet thnx for stirring up this part of the community.
Our Shift is a 1 off. Keep it, caress it, nurish it.
After the Chinese debacle (Someone having a too large ego and hoaxing about SD) nothing much happened above the surface.
My idea would be that everyone start sharing his findings for making SD , headset mike, and BT work (in respective order)
Like CMonex staed that the WM bootloader disables SD it seems. This seems new info and might spur others to action.
Shift project has delivered beyond expectation in the early days.
cmonex said:
I got your PM so I'm replying here now
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cmonex! Many many thanks for your reply; your information is very valuable to me!
Yes I was devastated reading about Itxdas story, it was truly a tragedy and my heart goes out to him.
Personally my goals (in order) are:
1) SD card
2)'Personal calling' over BT or wired headset.
3) WVGA screen in WinMo
4) Cooking everything into a ROM
But I am very much a community person. If anyone has an idea they would like to see developed, I would try my darndest to make their wish come true!
I have some basic grounding in C++, Pascal (he he he), and Java. I have a friend and brother-in-law who are AMAZING programmers in many languages, so they will be my 'goto guys'.
I have in the past re-written a couple of drivers in windows, but that was a while ago and they weren't low level drivers.
I haven't officially reverse engineered something before, but I have taken loads of things apart to fix, so in a way I have been taking say a phone apart to find out what the problem is.
I have A-levels in Maths and Electronics (they are the UKs 16-18 yr old exams), but nothing at degree level.
I do however have experience with cooking. I have made a couple of my own ROMs for my Xperia X1.
But the main thing is, I have a passion for things like this, as you can see im asking a lot of questions, and posting in a few threads!! So with your guidance I'm sure I could deliver at least something! This would be a great first step into your world and I am really looking forward to getting the opportunity to do so
cmonex said:
2b. as for not delivering, I would disagree. we got a lot done, even if some of it was leaked by certain members before our group's release
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As far as I know, olipro and you weren't part of the shift project first, and they called you to the rescue. So again, I thing the shift project AFAIK, never released a think. They "rebranded" you as shift project because they didn't have a think to provide.
Also, I don't see the leaks you're talking about. Was the group about to release something? Do you mean your radio? Has it anything modified from a 1.27 radio? because otherwse, I think we are all doing the same job here, taking existing roms, modifyng files and releasing them. The trick is to find the right files, and I don't see where any work here is stealing or below somebody elses work. I don't think anybody took a rom from the shift project, modified it and claimed it as it's own.
lucid said:
Vinokirk sweet thnx for stirring up this part of the community.
Our Shift is a 1 off. Keep it, caress it, nurish it.
After the Chinese debacle (Someone having a too large ego and hoaxing about SD) nothing much happened above the surface.
My idea would be that everyone start sharing his findings for making SD , headset mike, and BT work (in respective order)
Like CMonex staed that the WM bootloader disables SD it seems. This seems new info and might spur others to action.
Shift project has delivered beyond expectation in the early days.
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1) uh yeah I'm afraid it is going to be a one-off from HTC :'( and where is Thoth?? (Athena2) gee HTC really needs to get back on track for making the best usable devices
2) wish those chinese guys had shown more. this way it does seem a hoax.
vinokirk said:
cmonex! Many many thanks for your reply; your information is very valuable to me!
Yes I was devastated reading about Itxdas story, it was truly a tragedy and my heart goes out to him.
Personally my goals (in order) are:
1) SD card
2)'Personal calling' over BT or wired headset.
3) WVGA screen in WinMo
4) Cooking everything into a ROM
But I am very much a community person. If anyone has an idea they would like to see developed, I would try my darndest to make their wish come true!
I have some basic grounding in C++, Pascal (he he he), and Java. I have a friend and brother-in-law who are AMAZING programmers in many languages, so they will be my 'goto guys'.
I have in the past re-written a couple of drivers in windows, but that was a while ago and they weren't low level drivers.
I haven't officially reverse engineered something before, but I have taken loads of things apart to fix, so in a way I have been taking say a phone apart to find out what the problem is.
I have A-levels in Maths and Electronics (they are the UKs 16-18 yr old exams), but nothing at degree level.
I do however have experience with cooking. I have made a couple of my own ROMs for my Xperia X1.
But the main thing is, I have a passion for things like this, as you can see im asking a lot of questions, and posting in a few threads!! So with your guidance I'm sure I could deliver at least something! This would be a great first step into your world and I am really looking forward to getting the opportunity to do so
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I replied to your PM again the public part of that is, I've talked to ltxda about sending the Shift to you. he'll get back to me on that soon.
saiweb said:
what about BT and WiFi? I was able to check the virtual COM ports for them and tried to enable them and noticed something was blocking it. Were they too disabled at the bootloader?
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it needs more than virtual COM ports.
thaihugo said:
As far as I know, olipro and you weren't part of the shift project first, and they called you to the rescue. So again, I thing the shift project AFAIK, never released a think. They "rebranded" you as shift project because they didn't have a think to provide.
Also, I don't see the leaks you're talking about. Was the group about to release something? Do you mean your radio? Has it anything modified from a 1.27 radio? because otherwse, I think we are all doing the same job here, taking existing roms, modifyng files and releasing them. The trick is to find the right files, and I don't see where any work here is stealing or below somebody elses work. I don't think anybody took a rom from the shift project, modified it and claimed it as it's own.
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nono, of course I didn't mean anything like claiming a rom
Any progress / news ?
Not yet, I'm waiting to hear from ltxda. As soon as I get his Shift project Shift ill be able to start cooking a new ROM. And with the hep of cmonex and others, hopefully crack someof the other issues.
vinokirk said:
Not yet, I'm waiting to hear from ltxda. As soon as I get his Shift project Shift ill be able to start cooking a new ROM. And with the hep of cmonex and others, hopefully crack someof the other issues.
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cant wait
some news???

Breaking news ! First windows 7 original rom is out !

It seems that the very first windows 7 rom is out has appears here on xda and DA_g is already working on seems that the first device to get the updates it will obviusly be the HD2...
Anyway I don't know what think, I'm not very impressed from windows phone 7, expecialy I don't want to lost manila..
here is the thread :
cool news!!
maybe our s200 chiefs get it running on our devices ;-)
We should make some kind of fund to interest some people to port it to acer since there aren't that much developers for the neotouch?
Or is Arto or brainmaster interested?
it's not so easy the moment just do the dumpo is preatty difficoult...don't expect anythin in the mid-term...
I am interested in cooking WM7 for NeoTouch, so i will stay in touch and follow the development of ROM.
Now i am on vacation and be back in 2 Weeks.
I will stay tuned too on this but I dont expect to much the possibility of cooking that...
as for me until microsoft don't bring multitasking and third party app support I'm not very interested to that...if I wanna an embedded device I would have bought a nokia or something else...
by the way I have seen the multitasking of the palm pixi...and I have to say that it's very nice ! would be awsome to bring that interface on windows mobile.
You can seen in this video .arto what do you think ?
Getting wp7 on the acer s200 or any other qsd8xxxx platform device wont be as straight foward as it was getting 6.5 to our current devices, da-g has said it the devices will brick, jtag will be needed, and lots of other things will go wrong, wp7 wont be as easy as porting 6.5 to an arm7 device, this will require a lot of skill and luck and most of all time, i can bet my neck that we wont see a half working rom for atleast a year, hell maybe more, lets just be patient and hope that da_g can find a way to flash this new generation of rom's on to the current qsd8xxx platform devices.
I see, anyway as for me, until mocrosoft won't bring multitasking support and third party apps I'm not very interested in it ...
light_n_roses said:
by the way I have seen the multitasking of the palm pixi...and I have to say that it's very nice ! would be awsome to bring that interface on windows mobile.
You can seen in this video .arto what do you think ?
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:O very very nice, this is what i call multitasking .i really want to have this on my acer neotouch
Hoping that microsoft will release WP7 soon......
Another 'let's donate to con-men' thread... Forget it, if you need an iPhone go buy it and be happy... I don't get why those people've bought a 'classic' WM smartphone if they want a thing similar to iPhone/ Android (which is in fact, a substitute/clone of an iPhone)
