Folder Structure in MediPanel - XPERIA X1 General

Hi Folks,
hope you've a hint or idea for me on the above.
After getting more and more familiar with my SE X1 I feel in general quit ecomfortable with the MediaPanel as standrd ttol for my multimedia data. But what makes me really worrying is the obviousl missing ability to structure the videos and photos on my device, to have a better overview within the MediaPanel. Especially annoying is teh fact that for example in "photos" all found Images on my device are shown. Having Mobile Navigator installed, you can imagine that I'm seing now several hundereds of images from that applicaiton and it is quite hard to find the "real ones".
In "audio" I have at list the structure by artist, album, genre, etc. but even having photos in individual folders, doesn't help in the MediaPanel.
Any idea, advice or tweak for the MediaPanel, you're aware of, that would help me on this?
Many thanks in advance

I have the same problem, in the photo's menu i see all icons and other images that i don't want to see.

Missing Folder Structure in MediaPanel
Trying to heave this question up a bit
Nobody else than sanderdw and I are having a problem with th emissing folder structure, or nobody has an idea on how to get it in?
Thanks in advance

Better yet, everyone has this "problem" and there's currently no available fix.

Explanations and solutions
Please read all this thread for an explanation and possible solution.


How to reinstall camera?

Hello everyone ,This seems a very friendly place to ask a question,so here goes.
My company supplied us with a Qtek 2020,which is nice but they decided to disable the camera as some of our guys are not allowed them on sites the visit :roll: ,fair enough,I however dont have that problem and could use this feature as it would come in really handy,I've had a quick search through the thing and I think they must have deleted some files as I can't see an obvious way to reinstall it.Any help or pointers would be really appreciated.
Many thanks for taking the time to read this
The camera is there after hardreset.The problem is that I lose all the data on the pda if I hardreset.I can make a back up but when I restore
,no camera.
Am I missing something here?
I'm sure there is a solution but I can't see it.
Any help would be great.If I am asking an obvious question
or something that has been asked a thousand times,then sorry,
I've tried searching but cant seem to get it
Go on............give me a clue.
Stupid question perhaps, but can you restore the data as in individual files? I suspect however you are backing up/restoring it's simply rolling your machine back to the EXACT same state thus hard reset has absolutely no effect.
Perhaps if you could just copy on the files you actually NEED/reinstall the apps that would work. Lot of hassle though and I'm not to sure how well your company would take it if they found out, but that's your call
thanks for the reply Xanth,I will have a look at that.
I was hoping there was a way to just install the camera files ,tried copying the camera.exe (and some others)but that didn't work.

Where is the camera template?

In my O2 XdaII mini (Magician), the camera template is stored in the Template folder in My Documents.
But with my O2 Atom Life, storing the camera template here does nothing. I can't even find the templates that come with the phone.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Ok, I found out that the camera template is in the Hidden Storage. Using the cab found in this forum (and all other forums) does nothing for Atom Life. Modification can be done as discussed in for Atom Life.
To add the camera template, you can refer to but the forum is in Thai. Anyway, the images give us clues on how to move on.
My only problem now is that, the Camera folder for Atom Life looks nothing like the one shown. It contains the 1.bmp until 5.bmp which cannot be opened.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Ok guys. For Atom Life, the templates are not in the Camera folder but in the following folder, \ImageEditor\DIALOG\FRAME of the hidden partition.
The files is in BMP format with the mask coloured as Red:255, Green:0, Blue:255.
Now, my only problem is, adding files to that folder does nothing. I tried modifying the file "Entries" in the CVS folder but nothing happens.
Any idea, anyone?
Thanks in advance.
Hi programatix,
I'm a person who wrote that articles at in Thailand and it'll be wrote in English Soon. Hope it can help you
The article is great. But it seems like the camera templates for Atom Life is different from the previous version of Atom. Any idea on how to add more templates to it?
Thanks in advance.

Advice on several items please

Hey guys and gals. Right, i'm a newbie to all this stuff. Although i have managed to change my t-mobile theme to that of the black HTC theme. I've got a t-mobile mda compact iv and i'm really keen on wanting to expand my knowledge.
I tried to download a couple of games from the t-mobile site, but couldn't quite manage to get them to work. Maybe i didn't save them to the correct place.......
Where and how do i do this.
Also can someone explain to me the 'manilla editor', 'system config', 'total commander' and the best way to get some more themes etc.
Sorry if you've all heard these requests before, but once i get to know my way round a bit more, i won't need to ask such mundane questions.
Thanking you in advance
Advice please
Hey guys and gals. Right, i'm a newbie to all this stuff. Although i have managed to change my t-mobile theme to that of the black HTC theme.
I've got a t-mobile mda compact iv and i'm really keen on wanting to expand my knowledge.
I tried to download a couple of games from the t-mobile site, but couldn't quite manage to get them to work. Maybe i didn't save them to the correct place.......
Where and how do i do this.
Also can someone explain to me the 'manilla editor', 'system config', 'total commander' and the best way to get some more themes etc. Where do i save them too etc
Sorry if you've all heard these requests before, but once i get to know my way round a bit more, i won't need to ask such mundane questions.
Thanking you in advance
Well, it's not surprising that newbies ask such "mundane" questions, as most applications really don't explain what they are, and names can be misleading
Perhaps the mods could edit certain obscure application threads so that it's not so opaque?
Anyway, manilla is the name of the touchflo 3d application - hence the manilla editor allows you to change certain functions, tabs, etc.
System config is just that, a nice pretty front end to registry tweaks for the phone.
Total commander is a decent replacement for the native file explorer, and does more too.
Most apps can be installed to internal storage - there are exceptions, especially if they tie closely into the OS (manilla, etc). As it stands though, you've only really got two choices on where to install, try internal storage first, if it doesnt work, try main memory.
Most PPC based applications are installed using a cab file - you copy this to the device, then just run it using file explorer to install. Some are windows installers that will automatically do the copy and run the cab for you.
And thats about it
Thanks very much for your reply. It's starting to make sense now
Further on to that, where is the best place to install the manilla editor, system config to

Change Titanium pictures tab to use HTC Album

I've been messing around with the registry entries for various Titanium tabs all day now, but this one has me stumped. Short of creating a whole tab from scratch, is there a way to change the 'All Photos' soft-key on the Pictures tab to use the HTC Album in stead of the Pictures & Videos app?
I've had a look round and searched a few times on the forums but I haven't found anything of use yet. There's bound to something... you just have to phrase the search the right way
would like to see this too indeed or at least change the standard folder of the viewer it now uses
change to
but pls post your question to Q&A area on next time
as Chris mentioned, Q&A please.
thank you.

i cant find my pictures i saved

I need help. on my HD2 i save pictures and they are not in my album. i have no idea where it saves to. please help,
if the camera is set to save files in your storage card, then you will find them in "\Storage Card\DCIM\100MEDIA".
you can set that folder as your "favorite" album, and while you're at it, you can move all your existing pictures and videos into the above mentioned folder so that you don't have to go about "finding" stuff again.
okay, so i do i save an album as a favorite?
Also, i did a bit of research on this and it looks like other people are having the same problem. I found a forum that was posted a few months with a person who actually figured out how to save them . Here is the link to that forum.--
It was very helpful to me. I hope its just as helpful to others.

