Change Titanium pictures tab to use HTC Album - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I've been messing around with the registry entries for various Titanium tabs all day now, but this one has me stumped. Short of creating a whole tab from scratch, is there a way to change the 'All Photos' soft-key on the Pictures tab to use the HTC Album in stead of the Pictures & Videos app?
I've had a look round and searched a few times on the forums but I haven't found anything of use yet. There's bound to something... you just have to phrase the search the right way

would like to see this too indeed or at least change the standard folder of the viewer it now uses

change to
but pls post your question to Q&A area on next time

as Chris mentioned, Q&A please.
thank you.


Try to get this as a sticky---Best apps for different uses

This forum has a lot of information and a lot of input and applications and downloads. I recently started coming here a few weeks ago and little by little have gotten through quite a few threads and downloaded some amazing stuff. However, it's been difficult at best and quite slow and tedious and I know there is still lots of stuff I'm missing.
What I was thinking is how it would be great if we had one unified post that summarized and organized some of the most popular applications that are available here. Something like:
Best Music Players
--HTC Audio manager
--Mort Player
Best Browser
--Opera Mini
Best locking program
and so on, with the download links next to them. This would make referencing certain applications easy to find and download for all from various threads. With a few people in charge to moderate the thread, updates could easily be done as people post as they arrive or to alert others and then subsequently deleted.
I'm not sure if this has been brought up or attempted before, but I wanted to throw it out there. Please feel free to close or lock this thread if necesssary mods.
I would also add that some polls could be set up initially to identify some of these key applications to set up a "standard" list of applications that most users here should at least be familiar with and/or have on their devices.
Thanks and hope this idea helps out others if it's put forth.
Slither's HTC CUBE Clone ( flash version )
Slither's HTC Cube ( C++ version )
Throttle Launcher
will add more later
Best Music Player:
Pocket Melody
Best Browser:
NetFront Browser 3.5
Best contact App :
-- PocketCM 0.19b !!
I can't find the pocket melody thread... can some one gimme a link...
Sorry, but before this thread becomes very crowded and yet another "must have" list that gets lost in the realms of the web: Wouldn't it be better to do this in the XDA-Wiki?
Here's a good starting point.
A sticky hint might be a good idea, though, you've got to scroll the Wiki main page for a while to find it...
Mort said:
Sorry, but before this thread becomes very crowded and yet another "must have" list that gets lost in the realms of the web: Wouldn't it be better to do this in the XDA-Wiki?
Here's a good starting point.
A sticky hint might be a good idea, though, you've got to scroll the Wiki main page for a while to find it...
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Thank you. That's exactly the type of format I'm looking for. I didn't want everyone to just come and start posting their favorite programs but instead to have ONE post that combined them all. I just don't know enough of them and haven't been around long enough to even begin to compile it.
That wiki page looks great. I just hope someone that has a little time and the desire to do this could pull it off. I just don't have either nor the knowledge to put out something that would be helpful. Thanks for the reply.
best tweaker
schaps config tool
Nice looking interface - Wisbar Advance Desktop
Best theme bars and text color changer:
RC Mod v.2.1 by o3blig
We should have official polls on what are the best apps for each category.
That way, the best of the best will show themselves and those who are not yet enlightened, WILL be.
It will also clear up arguments and let popularity decide.
Please move this thread somewhere else
rhov23 said:
Please move this thread somewhere else
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Agreed. Should be in general.

Folder Structure in MediPanel

Hi Folks,
hope you've a hint or idea for me on the above.
After getting more and more familiar with my SE X1 I feel in general quit ecomfortable with the MediaPanel as standrd ttol for my multimedia data. But what makes me really worrying is the obviousl missing ability to structure the videos and photos on my device, to have a better overview within the MediaPanel. Especially annoying is teh fact that for example in "photos" all found Images on my device are shown. Having Mobile Navigator installed, you can imagine that I'm seing now several hundereds of images from that applicaiton and it is quite hard to find the "real ones".
In "audio" I have at list the structure by artist, album, genre, etc. but even having photos in individual folders, doesn't help in the MediaPanel.
Any idea, advice or tweak for the MediaPanel, you're aware of, that would help me on this?
Many thanks in advance
I have the same problem, in the photo's menu i see all icons and other images that i don't want to see.
Missing Folder Structure in MediaPanel
Trying to heave this question up a bit
Nobody else than sanderdw and I are having a problem with th emissing folder structure, or nobody has an idea on how to get it in?
Thanks in advance
Better yet, everyone has this "problem" and there's currently no available fix.
Explanations and solutions
Please read all this thread for an explanation and possible solution.

Calendar Tab in Manila 2D

I'm running a Manila 2D interface on my Trinity, and am having problems with the
Home Tab: I can't get the calendar to show at least one appointment.
I've been searching the forums for 2 days now, without success. I know that using a SPB shell that looks like Manila would solve my problem, but that's not what I want.
What's bugging me most is the fact that it used to work, but at some point in the past the calendar stopped showing my appointments.
Please, could someone give me a hint what I have to do, or what registry entry I have to tweak....?
Thanks for the quick reply, I appreciate the help.
But I couldn't find anything that gives a solution to my
problem, just similar questions that weren't answered.
I can't believe that so few people are only having a
problem with this short calendar style. I know that there
are apps like ThumbCal, but I need the calendar info on the
today screen.
I am totally willing to mess with the registry or the xml file,
but I need someone who points me in the right direction.
Kindly Post your Question in the Manilla Thread itself, or in the Q&A Forum

Removing home screen titles in titanium

Please excuse me for not knowing the proper terminology for my question, but I'll try to make things understandable.
I'm using shadowline's titanium only ROM (most recent build). I'm trying to figure out how to remove "pictures" and "music" titles / links from the home screen, but apparently I'm not smart enough to figure this little task out.
I did search for topics that address this question, but without knowing the associated terminology, searching can be quite cumbersome.
Can somebody point me in the right direction please?
Thank you!
I don't use Titanium, but they are called "Panels" and there should be a program around here for adding and removing panels.
Its best to ask in your ROM thread.
In the standard WM6.1 ROM that shipped on my D2, I can go across to Settings tab, then select Customise Tabs. I can then choose which tabs I want to display.

Custom programs in bottom curtain

I have searched this entire site for a couple of days now and have yet to find what I'm looking for so I appologize if there is another thread out there like this one. I'd like to thank you guys first of all for all of the tweaks and hacks. I have had my hd2 for just over two weeks now and I was about to give it back but after I added all these hacks and tweaks and saw just what this phone was capable of, I'm definitely gonna hold onto it a while. During all of my searching I've learned a bit more about hacking the registry.The hd2 comes with a certain number of icons in the bottom curtain that slide back and forth. Well I don't use twitter, but love facebook. I have been trying to get facebook in the options to add it to the slider menu in the bottom curtain. Some of the registry files are located in hklm\software\htc\manila. I would appreciate any advice on how to edit the registry to achieve this. thanks in advance.
I apologizefor the goof up. I found what I was looking for. I've been trying to delete this thread, but don't see any way to do so
southcarolinacowboy said:
I apologizefor the goof up. I found what I was looking for. I've been trying to delete this thread, but don't see any way to do so
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Click to collapse
Nah, dont delete it, others are asking themselves the same question.
You could post your solution though, that's what this place is for

