Where is the camera template? - iPAQ rw6828, XDA Atom General

In my O2 XdaII mini (Magician), the camera template is stored in the Template folder in My Documents.
But with my O2 Atom Life, storing the camera template here does nothing. I can't even find the templates that come with the phone.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Ok, I found out that the camera template is in the Hidden Storage. Using the cab found in this forum (and all other forums) does nothing for Atom Life. Modification can be done as discussed in http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=1227613#post1227613 for Atom Life.
To add the camera template, you can refer to http://www.pdamobiz.com/show_news.asp?NewsID=78386&PN=1 but the forum is in Thai. Anyway, the images give us clues on how to move on.
My only problem now is that, the Camera folder for Atom Life looks nothing like the one shown. It contains the 1.bmp until 5.bmp which cannot be opened.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Ok guys. For Atom Life, the templates are not in the Camera folder but in the following folder, \ImageEditor\DIALOG\FRAME of the hidden partition.
The files is in BMP format with the mask coloured as Red:255, Green:0, Blue:255.
Now, my only problem is, adding files to that folder does nothing. I tried modifying the file "Entries" in the CVS folder but nothing happens.
Any idea, anyone?
Thanks in advance.

Hi programatix,
I'm a person who wrote that articles at pdamobiz.com in Thailand and it'll be wrote in English Soon. Hope it can help you

The article is great. But it seems like the camera templates for Atom Life is different from the previous version of Atom. Any idea on how to add more templates to it?
Thanks in advance.


XDAIIi and Camera using!

i have the XDAIIi and i have this issue.
When i start the camera, each time i start to take pictures it creates a new Folder for the pictures , and its becoming a bit to annoying to sit down an open each folder to find the picture i want .
My question is...is there any kind of proggy or something to put all pic's in the same directory ???
I did see a hack or program that would put all the pictures in a single folder after you take then but it did still leave the "date" folder and you would then need to delete them
any idea where i can find it??
i have the same problem, its really annoying.. can anyone help please
Same for me with my Qtek 2020i (in the past I posted a topic about this).
I hope there's a trick or hack to store all the photos in one folder
i found some Regirty entries on the phone for the camera but i dont know if changing them will help !!
i will try and let you know ! If anyone else tried this plz let us know!


Am running a T-Mobile Compact 2 with WM5 and Spb Pocket Plus installed.
I would like to have a desktop icon that links direct with bluetooth on the device. I have been advised to find a bluetooth.exe file and create a shortcut. I have looked and cannot find the file or anything that looks like it. Does anyone have any idea where I should look and what the file will look like.
Yes I have toggled file explorer to show all files and yes I have searched dilligently through the whole damn list looking for a bluetooth icon. I have also used windows explorer, when synced, but with no success.
I believe you're posting in the wrong forum.
zerimar said:
I believe you're posting in the wrong forum.
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yep.... wrong forum!!!
Please forgive my ignorance, would you tell me which forum I should post my query on?
I must be honest I assumed that a forum about my device would be the right place to post.
actually since there is no dedicated Charmer forum, the majority post in the Magician forum
there is a program to add a bluetooth icon to the system tray, clicking it takes you straight to bluetooth settings but i cant bloody find it again! sure its on modaco somewhere!!! will have another look when ive got time for you
Thanks for your post. I know Modaco. I'll start searching. If I find the program i'll put a link here.
I've used this Forum a few times now and responses have been minimal so it's a real pleasure to get some help. I also didn't know my device is a Charmer not a Magician, thanks again. (My girlfriend thinks it's apt).
Here are three different ways of adding a bluetooth / wireless toggle to your today screen.
The first is a link to a registry hack
The second is a CAB file smartphones
and the third is a CAB file for PPC's (it worked on my Charmer / T-Mobile compact 2)
Hope these work for people.

Saving files/attachments - directory tree view

When saving attachments from outlook you get a very annoying save as scrren which you specify where to install the files to.
Unfortunately this only allows you to choose storage card or main memory and then choose the first level folder.
What if you need to save to a lower level folder?
I did some searches on this forum but couldnt find anything but I can almost be certain this has been discussed. I remember there was a little utility that changed this save as screen to a proper tree level view save as screen....
does anyone have this?
Any help anyone???
Thanks in advance
My apologies, I had incorrectly placed it in this forum and accidently duplicated the thread...
looks like it has been answered in the other thread:

Need Help Editing Camera.exe.

I managed to take appart my camera exe (camera 3 for the Wizard) with reasource hacker. I finaly figured out why nobody can change the UI of this less than picture perfect app.
I would very much like to handle this project by making or editing the existing graphics for it. however, when I tried to update the immages, the app became corrupted. It lost the OEM-2005 cert. and would not load.
I know A LOT of wizard users and cooker would be happy to have an updated looking camera on our wizards.
I just need some directions on how to fix this signing problem, or how to get the certs out of the original and into the new one.
If any of you hackers know how to do this, could you please help. I know most users on this forum already have a much better looking camera starting with 4 and up; but us wizard users still have to look at the ugliest bitmaps ever crated!
Thank you in advance
Ok So this has been answered. I tried it. It worked. I can now edt the button graphics for the camera buttons!!!
since I only have a wizard... what is the latest camera? does anyone have graphics that came with it?? maybe screenshots?
I have been looking for graphics on line and can not seem to find a full set.
Prophet users have a bad camera too! 4.11 works, but destroys the battery...
At some point I heard of "unsigner" and MSSigner, one you run before the res-hack, and then the other you run after the res-hack to restore the signature...
Sorry I can't be of more help!
l3v5y said:
Prophet users have a bad camera too! 4.11 works, but destroys the battery...
At some point I heard of "unsigner" and MSSigner, one you run before the res-hack, and then the other you run after the res-hack to restore the signature...
Sorry I can't be of more help!
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Yep that's the process. Unsign, edit, re-sign.
You can find unsigner here, and the Multiple File Signer here.
Hope it helps.
I really hope this works! and hopefully the wizard owners can get an updated cam.

Folder Structure in MediPanel

Hi Folks,
hope you've a hint or idea for me on the above.
After getting more and more familiar with my SE X1 I feel in general quit ecomfortable with the MediaPanel as standrd ttol for my multimedia data. But what makes me really worrying is the obviousl missing ability to structure the videos and photos on my device, to have a better overview within the MediaPanel. Especially annoying is teh fact that for example in "photos" all found Images on my device are shown. Having Mobile Navigator installed, you can imagine that I'm seing now several hundereds of images from that applicaiton and it is quite hard to find the "real ones".
In "audio" I have at list the structure by artist, album, genre, etc. but even having photos in individual folders, doesn't help in the MediaPanel.
Any idea, advice or tweak for the MediaPanel, you're aware of, that would help me on this?
Many thanks in advance
I have the same problem, in the photo's menu i see all icons and other images that i don't want to see.
Missing Folder Structure in MediaPanel
Trying to heave this question up a bit
Nobody else than sanderdw and I are having a problem with th emissing folder structure, or nobody has an idea on how to get it in?
Thanks in advance
Better yet, everyone has this "problem" and there's currently no available fix.
Explanations and solutions
Please read all this thread for an explanation and possible solution.

